alumni news winter 2002

8/6/2019 Alumni News Winter 2002 1/20  Page 1 Winter 200 What’s Inside?  John Davis Heard in the Halls ............... 3 Campus Ministry ................. 6 Black History Month ........... 7 Forensic Team Wins............ 8 Student Spotlight .............. 10 Corvette Winner ................ 11 Trade Center Memorial .... 12 Upcoming Events.............. 13 Alumni Notes & Quotes ..15 Board of Trustees: Active: Edward Barno James Breuer ‘68 William Bush Richard Cavallaro ‘65 Michele D’Orazio Donald DeKay, Jr. ‘72 J. David Dickinson ‘55 Debbie DiFino Ernest Etoll ‘53 Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ‘47 Br. Kevin Hargadon, FSC, President Kevin Harrigan ‘65 David Honold, MD ‘61 Br. Thomas Lackey, FSC Nadine Maher, Parent’s Club President John Marshall ‘67 Vice-Chairman Br. James Martino, FSC Eugene Moretti, Faculty Representative Edward Moses ‘61 John D. Murphy, Jr. ‘77 Anthony Oliva Eileen Oliva W. Dennis Owen, AFSC ‘44 Peter Penizotto ‘77 Alumni President Joseph Scuderi ’53, Chairman Doreen Simmons, Secretary John Sindoni, AFSC ‘63 Br. William Spellman, FSC Charles Vita ‘88 Robert Waters ‘66 Rev. J. Robert Yeazel ‘59 Honorary Board Members Francis A. Bersani, MD ‘44 Richard Bilbo, MD ‘45 Philip J. Britt ‘42 Robert Congel ‘54 Robert Gang, Jr. ‘35 John Lynch ‘30 Edward W. Mullin, MD ‘40 Daniel J. Murphy ‘65 John D. Murphy ‘48 Msgr. Daniel O’Brien ‘31 John Redmond ‘39 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Dr. Carl E. Baum ‘58 M any Christian Brothers Academy graduates go on to rewarding careers in their selected fields of interest. Even more grads choose to remain in the Syracuse area to pursue their career paths. One CBA graduate, Dr. Carl E. Baum, class of 1958, took the path less traveled and ventured to the West Coast for college and a career in science at the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico. Valedictorian of his Willow Street graduating class, Dr. Baum received his Regents Diploma from legendary principal Br. Victor Hickey and headed West to the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Over the next 10 years he earned his B.S. with honors, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer- ing. In 1962 he won the Honeywell Award for the best undergraduate engineer. Military service called him, and in 1962 he was commissioned in the United States Air Force and was stationed at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque. Since 1971 he has worked as a Senior Scientist at the AFRL. The past 30 years have seen Dr. Baum publish four books on electromagnetics and his book chapters and papers have won various awards. He is a constant speaker and presenter at workshops at numerous locations around the globe and is a regular advisor to many U.S. government agencies on high-power electromagnetics. His vita numbers 24 pages listing all of his suc- cesses and accolades since graduating as a “Bro th er s Boy.” CBA President Br. Kevin Hargadon was pleased to welcome Dr. Baum to the school for the first time last fall while he was in town lecturing at Syracuse University. After a tour of the campus and a special visit to the newly- renovated science labs, Dr. Baum presented a very generous gift to Br. Kevin to assist with the Centennial Campaign. Although Br.Victor was unable to return to campus, he took full credit for Dr. Baum’s success and was positive it was a CBA education that made him so successful! Whether it was Br. C. James‘ Latin class or Br. B. James‘ Physics class, Dr. Baum has lived out his CBA education to its fullest.  Dr. Carl E. Bau John D. Davis ‘97 By Brenda Bigelow W hen John Davis ’97 applied to th Peace Corps last spring, he was hoping to be placed in Nepal. As he pursued his degree in religion at Cornell he became so interested in Buddhism that he learned the Nepali language. But the Peace Corps had other p lans for John, who also earned a degree in computer science from Cornell last May.

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Wi n t er 2 00

What’s Inside?

 John Davis

Heard in the Halls ............... 3

Campus Ministry ................. 6

Black History Month ........... 7

Forensic Team Wins............ 8

Student Spotlight .............. 10

Corvette Winner ................ 11

Trade Center Memorial .... 12

Upcoming Events.............. 13

Alumni Notes & Quotes .. 15

Board of Trustees:

Active:Edward BarnoJames Breuer ‘68William BushRichard Cavallaro ‘65Michele D’OrazioDonald DeKay, Jr. ‘72J. David Dickinson ‘55Debbie DiFinoErnest Etoll ‘53Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ‘47Br. Kevin Hargadon, FSC,

PresidentKevin Harrigan ‘65David Honold, MD ‘61Br. Thomas Lackey, FSCNadine Maher,

Parent’s Club PresidentJohn Marshall ‘67

Vice-ChairmanBr. James Martino, FSCEugene Moretti, Faculty

RepresentativeEdward Moses ‘61John D. Murphy, Jr. ‘77Anthony OlivaEileen OlivaW. Dennis Owen, AFSC ‘44Peter Penizotto ‘77

Alumni PresidentJoseph Scuderi ’53, Chairman

Doreen Simmons, SecretaryJohn Sindoni, AFSC ‘63Br. William Spellman, FSCCharles Vita ‘88Robert Waters ‘66Rev. J. Robert Yeazel ‘59

Honorary Board MembersFrancis A. Bersani, MD ‘44Richard Bilbo, MD ‘45Philip J. Britt ‘42Robert Congel ‘54Robert Gang, Jr. ‘35John Lynch ‘30Edward W. Mullin, MD ‘40Daniel J. Murphy ‘65

John D. Murphy ‘48Msgr. Daniel O’Brien ‘31John Redmond ‘39


Many Christian Brothe rs Academy

graduates go on to rewarding careers

in the ir selected fields of interest.

Even more grads choose to remain in the

Syracuse area to p ursue th eir career paths.

One CBA graduate, Dr. Carl E. Baum, class of 

1958, took the path less traveled and ventured

to the West Coast for college and a career in

science at the Air Force Research Laboratory in

New Mexico.

Valedictorian of his Willow Streetgraduating class, Dr. Baum received his Regents

Diploma from legendary principal Br. Victor

Hickey and headed West to the California

Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Over the

next 10 years he earned his B.S. with honors,

M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in elec trical engineer-

ing. In 1962 he won the Honeywell Award for

the best undergraduate engineer.

Military service called h im, and in

1962 he w as commissioned in the United

States Air Force and was stationed at the Air

Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland AFB,

Albuquerque. Since 1971 he has worked as a

Senior Scient ist at the AFRL. The past 30 years

have seen Dr. Baum publish four books on

electromagnetics and his book chapters and

papers have won various awards. He is a

constant speaker and p resenter at workshops

at numerous locations around the globe and is

a regular advisor to many U.S. government

agencies on high-power electromagnetics. His

vita numbers 24 pages listing all of his suc-

cesses and accolades since graduating as a

“Brothers Boy.”

CBA President Br. Kevin Hargadon waspleased to welcome Dr. Baum to the school for

the first time last fall while he was in town

lectur ing at Syracuse University. After a tour of 

the campus and a special visit to the newly-

renovated science labs, Dr. Baum presented a

very generous gift to Br. Kevin to assist with

the Centennial Campaign.

Although Br. Victor was unable to

return to campus, he took full credit for Dr.

Baum’s success and was positive it was a CBA

education that

made him so


Whether it was

Br. C. James‘

Latin class or Br.

B. James‘ Physics

class, Dr. Baum

has lived out his

CBA education

to its fullest.

 Dr. Carl E. Bau

John D. Davis ‘97By Brenda Bigelow

When John Davis ’97 app lied to th

Peace Corps last spring, he was

hop ing to be p laced in Nepal. As

he p ursued his degree in religion at Cornell

he became so interested in Buddhism that

he learned the Nepali language. But the

Peace Corps had other p lans for John, whoalso earned a degree in computer science

from Cornell last May.

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The Ministry of Education on the island of Antigua in the eastern Caribbean

requested a Peace Corps voluntee r to assist in training teachers and th e staff of the

Ministry in computer literacy. John began a two-year stay on the island in late July.

He trains teachers in Information Technology and assist schools in the maintenance

and repair of hardware. One of the main goals he has set is training primary school

teachers so that technology can be introduced at a basic level in primary schools. He

is training thirty-one p rimary teachers at this point. He is also teaching a technology

class at Antigua State College.

Recen tly John wrote a remarkably compreh ensive overview of the technol-ogy needs of Antigua that could amply serve as a grant-writing model. Many pages in

length, it is brimming with fresh ideas and creative solutions to island education


 John Davis ‘97 joins m embers of his Techn ology group du ring a class break.




The 13th annual LaSallian

Dinner and Auction will be held atChristian Brothers Academy on Apr il

6, 2002 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Over

300 items have been collected for

the silent auction where bidding wil

take place from 6 to 9 p.m. Dinner

and a b rief awards ceremony will

begin at 8:00 p.m. Guests will be

treated to en trees of filet, pork 

tende rloin, or vegetarian p asta pie,

prepared b y Julie’s Place, Home of 

Karen’s Catering. The live auct ion,

featuring trips, electronic equ ipment

furniture, and the ever-pop ular

puppy begins at 9:00 p.m.

A seven-night Royal Carib-

bean cruise aboard the luxury liner

Explorer of the Seas will be raffled

the evening of the Auction. Dick 

Allen will be the auctioneer and Dr.

Santo DiFino, a CBA parent, will

serve as the emcee.

Carmen Lovecchio will

rece ive the LaSallian Educator o f theYear Award and the Alumni

Association’s Purp le and Gold

awards will be presented at the

Dinner and Auct ion. The 2002 Purple

and Gold recipients are Edward

Pfohl ’48 and CBA daughter, wife

and mother, Denise Owen Harrigan.

The deadline for reserva-

tions is March 22, 2002. For addi-

tional information please call the

Development Office at 315-446-1322

extension 1140.

In November, CBA juniors got a chance to experience the enthusiasm and

generosity of this alumnus by participating in the Peace Corps’World Wise SchoolsProgram, which is designed to link a volunteer with some American Students to

broaden th eir cultural horizons. CBA students asked questions of John by e-mail andhe answered them candidly. But even more fruitful were his letters describing thebeauty of nature and CBA students’ essays describing their own experiences w ith the

beauty of nature. Below is an excerp t from an early letter John sent :“Antigua possesses several offshore islan ds in cluding one called Long

 Island w ith a stun nin g beach called Jum by Bay. Jum by Bay is the nesting site of 

the critically endan gered ha wksbill sea tu rtles and scientists from the University of 

Georgia m onitor th e beach to research the turtles an d educate Antiguan s about 

them . Last Friday nigh t, the two un dergradu ate researchers took the Peace Corps

trainees on a tu rtle wa tch. We cam ped out on the beach, staying up a ll night 

hoping to spot a m om m a tu rtle crawl out of the sea an d bu ild a nest. And sure

enou gh, we got lucky an d on e did! The researchers spotted her tracks com ing ou t 

of the ocean an d we could hear her in the bush stom ping around lookin g for an

appropriate spot. We hu ng ba ck, waitin g quietly an d patien tly, for her to settle

down an d dig a pit and start laying. When they do start layin g, they go into a

birthin g trance, focusin g all their energy on pu shing their eggs out, so hu m an s can

approach at that tim e withou t scaring her and tu rn on flashlights and ru b her 

skin an d watch. It was absolutely am az ing. They breathe the sam e wa y on lan d 

as they do in the sea, so she raised her head a nd took a deep breath a nd then

du cked down a nd pushed w ith all her mi ght. Tears stream ed down her face as she

worked an d she ended u p laying 166 eggs! Wh en she finished, she covered u p the

nest furiou sly to protect her babies and we got ou t of her wa y as she began

spraying sand and dirt everywhere and then we watched her waddle right back 

into the ocean a nd in to the dark blu e. When th e sun rose in the morn ing, I 

realized just how beau tiful an d pristine the beach we were sleeping on really

wa s...crystal clear wa ter, soft w hite san d, swayin g palm s...”

John’s father, Leslie Davis, Ph.D. teacher computer science at CBA, and his

mother, Barbara Davis, Ph.D. is principal of Syracuse Hebrew Day School.

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Faculty member, Bob Caraher, and

his band Prim e Tim e, were awarded the

People’s Choice Award for Best cover

and dance band at the recent SAMMY

Awards held at the Landmark Theatre.

Marley delDuchetto ’03 of Syracuse

was n amed Miss Teen New York for 2002.

Although th e title comes w ith a full

scholarship to Life University near

Atlanta and the Connecticut School of 

Broadcasting, Marley hopes to attend

Yale University.

Junior Ann McMahon was named to

the All-CNY Girls Soccer Team for the2001 season. Seniors Cos Pagano and

David Bush were selected for the All-

CNY Boys Soccer Team. Football All-CNY

selections were Tim Lee ’02 on defense

and Maurice Lobdell ‘02 and Brandon

McInerney ‘03 on offense.

Maura Welch, a seventh grader, was a

member of the New York State Labor-

Religion Coalition delegation that

recently spent time in Mexico. Maura

details her experiences with the children

of Mexico in a book of reflectionsentitled “Border Witn ess.”

Godwin Okwuokei Iwelumo, the

CBA Girl’s Soccer coach for 10 years,

became an American citizen on Decem-

ber 12th. Godwin, a native of Nigeria, has

been active in the Syracuse soccer

community for over 20 years.

Freshman Ben Smith is the young

man behind the scenes at the CBA

website. Ben designed the new website

last summer and continues to updateand upgrade the site. To look at Ben’s

work, just click on

Sarah Chittick ‘03 was selected to

participate in the National Youth Leader-

ship Forum on Defense, Intelligence and

Diplomacy in Washington D.C. Sarah

 joined 350 ou tstanding high school

students from across the country at the

February forum. Tom Maher ’03 and

Chris Abt ’03 also attended the FebruaryLeadership Forum.

Alyssa Pizzolanti ‘03 and Ashley

Walker ’03 made their writing debut in

the January 24 th issue of The Catholic

Sun . Alyssa and Ashley chose th e CBA

peer ministry group as the topic for the

article “Students as salt of the earth.”

Alyssa and Ashley are member s of Mrs.

Vicki Mannion’s journalism class.

Adam Bezigian ’02 has been named

a finalist in the National HispanicRecognition program sponsored by the

National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

Pamela Barret t and Marcello DiStasio

have been selected as candidates for the

2002 Presiden tial Scho lars Program. The

Presidential Scholar Program was

established in 1964, by Executive Order

of the President , to recognize and honor

the most distinguished graduating high

school seniors in the Nation. In addition,

Pamela and Marcello have been named

finalists in the 2002 National MeritScholarship Award Competition.

Marcello was also the rec ipient of the

Wayne Valley Scholarship awarded by

the National Football Foundation and the

College Hall of Fame.

Jennifer R. Williams ’02 has been

named a finalist in the 2002 Achievement

Scholarship Awards competition spon-

sored by the National Merit Scholarship

Corporation. Jenn ifer has met all the

requirements to qualify as a finalist in

the competition offered to outstanding

Black American students.

Maurice Lobdell ’02 and Eric Becker

’02 recent ly signed Letter s of Intent to

play collegiate football in the fall.

Maurice, a wide receiver, was named to

the first t eam All-League, first team All-

CNY, and first team All Upstate for his

outstanding performance on the CBA

squad. Maurice, the co-winner of the

2001 Walt Ludovico Award will attend

the University of Rhode Island. Eric wi

be part of the Bucknell University team

in the fall. He was the team captain for

the 2001 season and during his junior

year was selected first team All-League.

Eric received the Orrie Scarminach

Award given to CBA’s most valuable


David Greenky ’03 has been select

to participate in an upcoming session o

Panim el Panim : High School in

Washington. Pan im el Pan im brings

high school students from across the

United States to D.C. to acquaint them

with a variety of public policy issues.

Hugh Dunn ’02 was awarded the

2002 Scholastic Art and Writing Award

Silver Key for Excellence in Visual Arts

for h is drawing, “Pumpkins.” The Award

is made possible through the support o

Scholastic, Inc. and The Verizon Foundation. Hugh’s drawing also was selected

be displayed at Syracuse’s Everson

Museum from March 22 to Apr il 22.

 Maurice Lobdell and Eric Becker sign

their Letter of In tent to play football at tUniversity of Rhode Island and BuckneUn iversity.

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Kelly Thompson ’02 and Amy Goodall-Ayres ’02 rep resented CBA at Syracuse

University’s Sonia Kovalevsky Festival. The festival provides high school girls with a

chance to learn more about mathematics and its real world application by working

on a challenging problem with the help of a woman professional. This is the second

year both young women have represented CBA at the Festival.

Congratulations to Jon Giannuzzi ’02, the first student to receive MS Word, MOUS

(Microsoft Office User Specialist) cert ification this year.

Alana Kulba ’03 participated in a women-in-engineering event held at the

Lockheed Martin facility in the town of Salina. The first-ever event was designed to

interest young women in the engineering profession.

“Pumpkins” by senior Hugh Dunn was awarded the Silver Key for Excellence.

 Meghan deMello’02 signs a Letter of Intent to playsoccer at Notre Dam e in the fallof 2002. Present at the signingwere Meghan’s parents, Pat and Stephen an d  Athletic Director, Bu ddyWleklinski ’75.



The CBA Parents Club and th eOffice of Campus Ministry joined

forces to host a Mother-Son Com-

munion Breakfast at Christmas in the

CBA Dining Center. The morning

began with a mass celebrated by Rev

J. Rober t Yeazel ’59. Father Yeazel’s

homily focused on the most impor-

tant things his mother taught h im.

The guest speaker for the breakfast

was Assembly member Joan

Christensen who spoke of the

special relationship between a

mothe r and son. Over 250 peoplewere treated to a breakfast catered

by CBA paren t, Tim Barr, and the

Glen Loch Restaurant . Special

thanks are extended to the event co-

chairs, Kelly Scalzo and Mary Pat




Spring sports atCBA begin March 11 th

even if old man winter

isn’t quite done. The

modified teams have a

slight repr ieve from the

cold since the ir starting

date is April 2nd. More

than a dozen teams will take the

field this year as the Athletic Depart-

ment offers someth ing for everyone.

Modified teams, available for 7th and

8th graders, are t rack, baseball,

softball, and lacrosse. On the JuniorVarsity level, there will be baseball,

softball, and lacrosse. For students

wishing to p lay at the

varsity level they have

their pick of baseball,

softball, golf, lacrosse,

track, and tenn is. If you

have a few minutes at the

end of your day, stop by

the school and support th e

CBA teams.

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The Junior VarsityCheerleaders

brought home a first place trophyin the 2002Valentin e Cheer Classic held at Oswego StateUniversity. TheVarsitycheerleadingsquad placed second. Holdin g the Junior Varsitytrophy is MiaPietrafesa.Kneeling (L-R): LaurenGiordan o, ClarePulvirenti, JuliannaCam astra, and   Ilyana Rahman.Stan din g (L-R): Amber Ricks,

 Advanced Placement Biology students gather in the lobby of the Institute for HumPerforman ce at Upstate Medica l University. The studen ts in Mrs. Susan Doty’s clastoured the new facility and discovered the vast array of research possibilities that ex

Seniors Joseph Anderson and Ken

Preaster compile data into

 frequen cy charts du ring Sr.

 Maryann Argus’ statistics course.The data will be transferred in to

an Excel Spreadsheet an d 

students will learn to create

customized graphs and charts.


 If y ou ha ve



Sk is , poles ,

or boots ,

that a re

too sm all an d jus t 

occupy ing s pace in y our 


the CBA Phy s ical

 Edu cation Depa rtm ent 

can offer them a

w ond erful home.

Please call the

 Dev elopm en t Office a t 


 Extens ion 114 0

Kristen Lamberson, Elizabeth Fisher, Coach Patricia Getz, Heidi Getz, and ToriColozzi.

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Campus Ministry Corner

CBA Studen ts Celebrate theHolidays

Christian Brothers Academystudents epitomized the spirit of 

Christmas w ith their generosity. CBAstudents, faculty, staff, parents, andfriends p urchased gifts for th echildren at Saint Lucy’s School inSyracuse. With the Director of Maintenance, Todd LeFebvre, dressedas Santa, and the Lasallian YouthGroup members and Peer Ministers

dressed as reindeer, the gifts weredelivered to 90 w ide-eyed elemen -tary school children.

During the month of Decem-ber, money was collected for theneedy in Afghanistan. Students andfaculty contr ibuted generously andthe funds were sent to CatholicRelief Services. CBA’s contributionsprovided food and blankets to thedisplaced and needy Afghanis.

The entire school “adopted”needy families for the holidays.Working in conjunction w ith the

 Members of the Peer Ministry Team present Christopher Curry of Catholic Charities withChristmas gifts for needy Syracu se fam ilies. Left to Right: Dan ielle Kennedy, Caitlin Gucker-Kanter, Dolly Donn elly, an d Molly Scullin.

Catholic Charities’Christmas pro-gram, food, clothing, householditems, and presents were collected.The Peer Ministry students organized

the gifts and with assistance fromSonny Pelligra ’55, of Pelligra Trans-port, CBA made Christmas a ver yspecial event for 14 families.

The Awards Dinner w ill takeplace on Apr il 19, 2002. Adult t icketare $45 each and student tickets are$25. Tickets and congratulatory ads

may be purchased b y callingMarijane Finlay, Lasallian YouthCoordinator, at 446-5960 extension1128.

CBA Prepares for Lent

CBA students began theLenten season w ith a prayerservice on Ash Wednesday. Ththeme of the service as well athe student’s journey throughLent is “Measure in Love.” Mas

will be offered everyday durinLent at 7:00 a.m. in the schoolchap el. In addition, everyWedn esday, there will be aCommunion Service followingdaily Mass. On Fridays, studenmay pray the rosary with Mr.Josep h Assaf, Chairman of theCBA religion faculty. The 7 th

grade will be participating in retreat at Christ the KingRetreat House and the juniorgirls will be holding an over-night retreat in late March. An“Easter Prep aration Station”was set up in the Faculty roomby Campus Ministry. Literaturrelating to Lent and Easter waavailable for all faculty andstaff.

Studen ts will be encouragedto contr ibute to the “Free the Chil-dren Mission Collection” during thelunch periods. The money will be

used to help build a school for thepoor. Amnesty International hostedLock-In for students in early Marchand the registration fee became parof the Lenten Mission Collection.

CBA Students Receive Award

In recognition of theirconsistent dedication to volunteer

service, the students of ChristianBrothers Academy have received the2002 Good Samaritan Youth Award.The CBA students volunteer everyweek at the Center. The SamaritanCenter is home for an interfaithprogram that feeds the hungry inSyracuse. Congratulations to allmembers of th e Lasallian YouthGroup who h ave incorporated theLasallian mission of service to othersinto their everyday lives.

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Christian Brothers Academy students celebrated the contributions of 

Black Americans during a school-wide assembly. Lavar Lobdell wel-comed students to the assembly and Lawrence Denson offered a

prayer for those in attendance. Sophomore, Melanie George, sang the Black National Anthem, “Lift Ever y Voice and Sing.” Quanita Williams and KamariaHayden recited original poetry and Jennie Huling sang several selections.Hazel Johnson , a sophomore, and Anika Paris, a senior, served as emcees forthe assembly.

The guest speaker was Reverend Colette Matthew s, pastor of the

United Baptist Church. Rev. Matthews, a native of Syracuse, has been a con-tributing member of the Syracuse community for several years. A graduate oSyracuse University and Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Rev. Matthews ha

been act ive with PEACE, Inc., The Salvation Army, The Urban League of Rochester, and Le Moyne College. Rev. Matthews was the 2001 recipient of theNew York State Senates’ Woman of Distinction Award given by Senator Nancy

Larraine Hoffman. Reverend Matthew s encouraged the students to becomeinvolved and to shine their light throughout the world.

 Members of the Multi-Cultural Club surround the Black History Month Assembly guspeaker, Rev. Colette Matthews. Front row (L-R): Lawrence Denson, Rev. MatthewKamaria Hayd en, an d Anika Paris. Back row (L-R): Jenn ifer William s, Melanie GeorQuanita Williams, Hazel Johnson, Jennie Huling, and Lavar Lobdell

Maura Welch


Congratulations are in orderfor Maura Welch a 7 th grader at

Christian Brothers Academy. Maura

was awarded the New York State

Council of Catholic Charities Direc-

tors’Vincenza De Fazio Award. The

award honor s individuals who show

quiet leadership on the state or

national level on issues of concer n to

Catholic Charities and the Diocese.

Maura is being honored for her work 

on behalf of exploited children

throughout the world. The award

was established in memory of Vincenza De Fazio, a Catholic

Charities lawyer who was killed in


Maura received her award at

the annual Human Services reception

held at the New York State Catholic

Conference office in Albany on

March 11th. Maura is the daughter of 

Paul and Sharon Welch of Syracuse.

Scholars Honored

Christian Brothers Academy

held its annual Honors Night on

March 14,2002 at Temp le Adath

Yeshurun. Studen ts who earned first,

second, and third honors were

recognized for their achievements.

To obtain first honors a student must

have a 93 grade point average for the

semester with no grade below an 85.

For second honors requirements are

a 90 average with no grade below an80. Third honors require the student

to have a semester average of 87 with

no grade lower than a 75.

New members of the

LaSallian Chap ter of the National

Honor Society were also inducted

during the Honors Night ceremony.

Congratulations to all students and

their families for a job very well


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The CBA Forensic Team displays their trophies after the SUNY Potsdam Tournament.Participants are front row (L-R): Lauren Logan, Claire Bollinger, Elizabeth Buckel,an d Mary Kate Han n an . Back row (L-R): Joe Gualtieri, Pamela Barrett, John Papini,Kevin Beale, Anthon y Marone, Kelly Bayne, Tom Brower, Kasey Kearney, An thony Brigan di, Paul Kearn ey, and Ken Kirkman .

The Christian Brothers Academy Forensic Team has t rav-

eled through much of upstatNew York debating th eir way toseveral first p lace t rophies. The team

coached by Sylvia and Mike Kearne’71, was awarded first place at MounMercy in Buffalo, Sauquoit Valley,

SUNY Potsdam, Webster-Thomas inRochester, Emma Willard in Troy, andthe Bethleh em, NY tournament. Atthe Rochester School of the ArtsTournament th e team p laced secondand was awarded fourth p lace at theCBA Albany and Rochester McQuaidTournaments. In addition, the teamhas also competed in seven Student

Congress events where trophies arenot awarded.

The Christian Brothers AcademyForensic Society is comp rised of students in grades 9 through 12 whcompete in 11 different categories a

an average of 14 tournaments a yearThe team belongs to three competitive leagues: The National Forensic

Yale’s ”Mixed Company” Performs

League , The national Catholic Forensic League, and the New York State Forensic League.Seniors Pamela Barrett, Kevin Beale, and Anth ony Marrone have received Superior Distinction Awards by the

National Forensic League. The NFL has also designated Ms. Barrett as an Academic All-American.Sylvia and Mike Kearney are grateful to the many parents who have served as judges, drivers, and chaperones andcredit them with much of the team’s success. The Kearneys are particularly proud of the fact that most of the team i

multi-talented dividing their time among several different sports, music, scouting, forensics, and employment.

“Mixed Company,” Yale’s a cappella choir treated the students, faculty, and staff at Christian Brothers Academy to a

concert on March 12th. The seventeen-member under-

graduate group performed a fresh mix of Yale anth ems,

folk songs, Broadway and jazz standards, pop songs,

spirituals, and even a “Mixed Company” original nowand then. The group, which tours extensively, has

provided entertainment on the sandy beaches of Puerto

Rico to the elegant Philadelphia Academy of Music, and

from tailgate parties to black tie events. “Mixed Com-

pany” has produced over a half-dozen albums to date

and members have even app eared on VH1.

Brian Kim, a 2000 graduate of CBA, and valedicto-

rian or his class is a sophomore at Yale. Brian, a two-year

member of “Mixed Company” is studying p re-med.

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 Jun iors Alana Kulba and Kellyn Nicolli were prepared to discussthe role of Campu s Min istry an d the Peer Ministry Team du ringthe Fall Open House.

Christian Brothers Academy op ened its door s tothe public, in October, for its Open Housefor prospective students. Classrooms were

decorated, handouts were prepared, and tour guidesescorted over 500 people th rough the halls of CBA.More than 164 families attended the event whosetheme was “CBA: The Key To Success.” Grade schoolchildren arr ived with their CBA key distributed b yCBA faculty and staff during elementary school

visitation days. The holders of the winning keys weretreated to CBA t-shirts, CBA mugs filled with candy,and post-it notes. The key theme was seen throughoutthe building on posters and in classroom displays.

The Junior High Student Senate prepared a display for the Open House. (L-R) Nora Hoefer, Mia Pietrafesa, Katie Caliva, Katie Callahan , an d Matt Oliver eagerlyawait their first visitors.

Sr . Suzanne Dunn had her Spanishclassroom decorated for the Fall Open  Hou se. The them e of “CBA: The Key ToSuccess” can be seen on the table in the foreground.

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Lights, Camera.....Action

CBA’s De La Salle Hall was transformed into a theatre set for the annualfall production . Unlike oth er years, the p roducer of “You Can’t Take ItWith You,” was CBA senior, Sara Caliva. Previously, a faculty member

would act as producer and the students provided the acting and artistic talent.

After several years as a cast member of the fall drama and the spring musical,Sara wanted to try her hand at producing and directing. Sara comp leted adirecting and acting course at Syracuse University this past summer, and felt thefall drama would allow her to use what she had learned.

While reviewing a list of plays that were available she came across “YouCan’t Take It With You” and immediately knew it was the right choice. Years ago,the play had been made into a movie featuring Jimmy Stewart, one of her

favorite actor s. She had seen the movie and knew that the p lay would be a hit.

From play selection to final curtain, Sara was involved in every aspect of the production. She ran auditions, selected the cast, developed the program, andwith the help of Mom and Dad even built the sets. Sara had two assistantproducers, Seniors Meghan Barno and Hugh Dunn, she said “I couldn’t livewithout.”

Sara has been quite active in the Syracuse theatre scene for several years. She has been a cast member in “TheSound of Music”, “Romeo and Juliet”, and her favorite “Diary of Anne Frank” wh ere she played Anne’s older sisterMargot. Sara loves to act and hopes to pursue a career in theatre with an emp hasis on direct ing. She is particularlyinterested in atten ding Emerson in Boston because of their theatre department. Emerson also offers a major in adver

tising – her second love. In spite of her busy acting schedule, Sara remains active in CBA’s Student Senate, serving asJunior Class President last year, and consistently makes the honor roll.

 Ms. Mary Flynn’s 7 th grade

 Religion students were asked 

“What does CBA mean to you?”

One student responded that 

CBA meant “Commitment,

 Beneficence, and Achievement”

an d was made up of the various

activities depicted in this poster.

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Christian Brothers Academy’s 11 th annual Classic Corvette raffle was held on January 19 th at Carousel Mall.Carmen Lovecchio, LaSallian Educator of the Year, drew the winning tickets under the watchful eye of 

Dewitt Police Captain Bruce Wahl. Brother Kevin Hargadon , FSC, President, announced that Jeff Grube of Clark Mills was the w inner o f the 1960 Roman red Corvette convertible.

Rosann Greiner, Principal, announced that Jim Sheridan of Marcellus was the winner of the $1,000 secondpr ize. Mark DeSalvo, Vice-Principal, announced that Corey McNeil of Skaneateles won the third prize of $500.

Hundreds of volunteers covering more than 1500 h ours of mall ticket time slots made the 11th annualraffle the second most successful to date. A special thank you to Donna and Dan Hartne tt, Michelle and Frank Caliva, and Mary and Andy Hartnett ’76.


President Br. Kevin Ha rgadon , FSC turns over the keys to Jeff Grube of Clark Mills. Grube wa s the winner of the 1960 Red Corvette in CBA’s 11 th Ann ua l Corvette Raffle

The CBA website, designed by9th grader Ben Smith, is now up

and running. If you have notvisited the site yet, you will bepleasantly surprised. Everything

you need to know about CBA can

be found at From

sports schedules, to course offer-

ings everything is included. There is

information on the Campus Ministry

program, Alumni and Developmentevents, financial assistance and

tuition, and student and fund-raisingactivities. The school calendar is

included and for your conveniencethe “CBA News” is now online. Stop


www.cbasyracuse.orgby anytime and feel free to send us

your comments at

[email protected].

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Patrick Morelli ‘62 to Create Trade Center Memorial

Mr. Josep h DiVincenzo, President of the Essex CountyBoard of Chosen Freeholders, announced that the County of Essex has finalized plans to create a memorial to th e heroes

and casualties of the World Trade Center tragedies of Septem-ber 11, 2001. After reviewing numerous proposals, Patrick 

Morelli ’62 was selected to construct the monument. Ac-cording to DiVencenzo, Morelli’s work had the emotionaldepth and artistic quality we wanted and his resume re-flected the experience and exp ertise needed to create amonument of th is level of human and h istorical significance.”

The monument will consist of life-size, bronze figuresof an Amer ican bald eagle, a small girl, a teenage boy, and amonumental, bronze “Book of Remembrance” on which willbe inscribed the names of those to be memorialized. The sitefor the monument is the vista at Eagle Rock Reservation inWest Orange, New Jersey, that overlooks the skyline of Manhattan – a point from which hundreds of people viewedthe tragic aftermath of the terrorist acts on th e Twin Towers.

Mr. Morelli also created the ten-foot , bronze “Behold”monument overlooking the tomb of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. at the King National Historic Site in Atlanta, Georgia.Additional information on Morelli’s work can be obtained

Patrick Morelli’s design chosen to commemorateSeptember 11, 2001 .

 L to R: Stephanie Pelligra,

Kellyn Nicolli, Sara Sian o,

and Michelle Kratz

an xiously their turn at the

recent Oswego State

Tournament. The varsity

squad placed second at the


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Upcoming Events

April 6 LaSallian Dinner and Auction 6:00 p.m. CBA

May 5 Father-Daughter Communion Breakfast 9:30 a.m. CBA

May 8 Career Day at CBA 8:30 a.m. CBA

May 31 1952 Jubilarian Dinner 5:00 p.m. CBA

May/June 1982 Class Reunion TBA

1962 Class Reunion TBA

June 1 Baccalaureate Mass 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception


June 2 101st Graduation 11:00 a.m. Temple Adath Yeshurun

June 24 Schools Out Scramble 1:00 p.m. Tuscarora Golf Club

Alumni Golf Tournament

Sept. 28 2nd Annual LaSallian 6:00 p.m. Justin’s Grillhouse

Athletic Hall of Fame

  A basketball camp counselor demonstrates the proper positi

  for sidelin e throw-ins. More than 200 children attended

week long basketball camp a t CBA un der the direction of facu

mem ber, Gary Barnaba.

Gary Barn aba h osted the an nual Skills an d Drills Cam p at CBA

du ring the schools mid-win ter break. All participants received 

the camp’s anti-drug t-shirt, complete with the CBA website





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 Members of the CBA

Writers Guild made

cards for patients

spending their holidays

in the Veterans

  Hospital. Members who

delivered the cards are from left to right:

 Jennie Huling, Caitlin

Gucker-Kan ter, Colleen

 McAllister, and Todd 

 Benware, Guild 

  Moderator. Accepting

the cards are second 

 from right, Kathy

Stepien, VA Volun teer 


The 17 th Annual Alumni Basketball Game was held on December 29th in the CBA gym . The Purple and Gold team s

waged a fierce battle that ended in a “tie.” Kneeling in fron t is Chris Fletcher ’84. Stan din g (L-R): Mark Pitonzo ’76

 Larry Stirpe ’73, John Niland ’74, Joel Bialek ’92, Carl Hum mell ’86, Ed Leone ’74, Joe Leone ’68, Buddy Wleklinski

’75, An dy Johnson ’87, an d ace announ cer Tom Niland ’65.

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In MemoriamClass Reunions2002

The Alumni Notes & Quotes

section includes news received

by the CBA Development/ 

Alumni Office. Due to space

restrictions, we are unable to

publish each and every note

that we receive. If you are not

included in this issue, don’t

worry; you will be in the next

newsletter. In addition to

publishing information submit-

ted directly by alumni, we

sometimes include material

gathered from newspaper

clippings. If you prefer not to

have information published,

please let us know. We encour-

age alumni to send photo-

graphs, along with their class

notes. We will publish as many

as we can, subject to space


When a loved one dies, it is difficult to find the words to ease the pain of the loss. At t

difficu lt time, m an y fam ilies choose to have contributions directed to Christian Broth

 Academy. We than k those who thin k of others an d help us to contin ue our mission

educating the young men and women of the Syracuse community.


Daniel Carmichael ‘21P. Henry Needham ‘26James E. Gilkey ‘43Bernard F. (Bernie) Ryan ‘49Vincent J. Donnelly ‘50Carl Mickelson ‘52Stanley Florczyk ‘59John B. Nichols ‘75Chuck Adams ‘81Pablo Lorenzo ‘82

Michael Wilkinson ‘83


Angelo D. Angeloro (grandfather of Nicole ’01)Irene Banazek (grandmother of Michael ’98, Mark ’01 and Bridget ’04 Erwin)Vivian L. Buerkle (mother of Dr. Roy ’61)Theresa A. Clark (sister of staff member Joan Franz)Bernard DeJoseph (brother of Brian ’67)Eugene DiCosta (father of Cary ’56)Mary A. Falcone (sister of Joseph ’64)Nicholas Fortunato (former Board of Trustee member)John F. Gang (b rother of Bob ’35)Rita Ganley (grandmother of Sean ’00, Kara ’01, and Griffin ’05 Chase)

Mary Gensler (mother of James ’72, grandmothe r of Ryan ‘05)C. Frank Harrigan (father of Christopher ’90, Jeffrey ’94, Molly ’97, and

brother of Kevin ’65)Mary S. Hartne tt (aunt of Andrew ’76)Anna Jackowski (mother of James ’64)David Kearney (former student)Eleanor Kribs (grandmother of Rober t ’00, Joseph ’03, and David ’05)Joseph Kroll (father of Frank ’63 and grandfather of Aaron ’95)Robert C. Larrabee (grandfather of Ashley Orlow ske ’07)John J. Lamanche (husband of former faculty member Jennifer)Jack Lombardi, Sr. (brother of former parent Tarky)Barbara Madden (wife of Edward ’44)Louis Magnarelli (grandfather of Tom ’03)Mary McAuliffe (grandmother of Kevin ’00, Michael ’01, Brian ’01,

and Kathleen ’03 Murphy)Louise McLenithan (friend)Delores Mosley (grandmother of RJ ’04, and Meredith ’07)Mary Myatt (mother of John ’86)Elizabeth Ragan (aunt of John ’60)Joseph M. Rodr iquez (father of Joe ’54 and grandfather o f Jon ’07)Jane F. Romie (aunt of Ryan Fletcher ’07)Dr. Charles Ryan (father of Dr. Charles ’74)Michael St. Leger (father of Michael ’79)William Schreyack (grandfather of Kristen Fekete ’07)Marshall Walker (father of Jamie ’00 and Mitchell ’04)

If you are a member of the

Class of  1997, 1992, 1987, 1982,

1977, 1972, 1967, 1962, 1957, or1952 your reunions are approach-

ing very quickly. Volunteers are

needed to plan the weekend

activities and to contact fellow

classmates. The Development/ 

Alumni Office will work closely with

the class representative to plan a

fun-filled return to your high school

days at CBA. If you are interested,

please call Kim McAuliff in the

Development Office.

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 Br. Kevin Hargadon, CBA President, accepts a Centennial Campaign donation fro Mr. Ben Sand er of Ticor Insuran ce Compan y. Mr. John Sindon i AFSC ’63, Board Trustee member, Mrs. Rosan n Greiner, Principal, an d Mr. Joseph Scuderi ’53, Chairmaof the Board attended the presentation. Mr. Sander’s daughter, Rachel, graduated 2000.

 Dick Jones an d Jack Glisson , both CBA parents, present Presiden t, Br. Kevin HargadoFSC with checks from the Mobil Foun dation . The dona tions will be used for hardwaan d software upgrades throughout the school.


Amy C. Greene to Gregg Quadrini ‘85

Kim Cafolla to Jeff Bachste in ‘86

Dawn Stockton to Pete Guinto ‘86

Maria F. Giamar tino ’91

to James S. Stanton

Leah Anne Murray to Paul Goggi ‘91

Megan Phelan ’91 to Michael Iudice ‘89

Jenn ifer Brown to Todd Shanning ‘91

Laurie Beth Bellucci ’96

to Jason Frank Nolan

Golden Anniversary

Frank and Antoinette D’Eredita (grand-

parents of Ross ’00 and Jess ’04)

The Christian Brothers

Academy News

is a publication of the

Development Office at

Christian Brothers Academy.

It is printed three times

per year and

mailed to nearly

6,000 alumni, parents

and friends of CBA.

We welcome articles for

possible publication and

invite parents and alumni toshare achievements with the

CBA community.

We look forward to

hearing from you.

Br. Kevin Hargadon, FSC


Mrs. Rosann Greiner


Mrs. Kim McAuliff 

  Development/Alumni Director 

Mrs. Jane Klucsik 

 Director Special Events

 Newsletter Editor 

 Mailing Address:

Christian Brothers Academy

Development/Alumni Office

6245 Randall Road

Syracuse, New York 13214

315-446-5960 ext 1140

Fax 315-446-5766



[email protected]

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The Alum ni Notes & Quotessection in cludes new s received bythe CBA Developm ent/ Alum niOffice. Due to space restriction s, we

are unable to publish each and every note that we receive. If youare not in cluded in this issue, don’t worry;you w ill be in the next newsletter. In addition to publish-ing in form ation subm itted d irectlyby alum ni, we som etimes includem aterial gathered from newspaper clippin gs. If you prefer not to haveinform ation published, please let usknow. We encou rage alum ni tosend photographs, along with their class notes. We will publish as m an y

as we can , subject to space lim ita-tions.



Ken Osterhout of Syracuse has been

re-elected to a four-year term as a

Councilman for the Town of Geddes.

Congratulations, Ken.


Dr. Edward McLaughlin continues to

teach as an Assistant Professor at George

Washington University School o f Medi-

cine and Health. Dr. McLaughlin is a

retired Captain in the U.S. Navy.


Captain Joe Naselli has finally settled

down after traveling the globe for the

last 15 years on his 40-foot ocean sailing

vessel. After a seven-year stop in Guate-

mala, he and his wife Suzanne returned

to Jup iter, Flor ida. Being settled lasted a

very short time, however, and last May,

he and his wife purchased a new motor

home and began to tour the United


1952 – 50 Year Reunion

As the class of ’52 prepares for their

50 th reunion, the Office has heard from

many class members. Coordinating the

class reunion efforts is Edmund

Fitzgerald. If you would like to help, give

Ed a call. Rev. Canice Connors is now

Provincial of the Franciscans and resides

in Rensselaer. Gerald Doyle is employed

with Tiffany and Company and Jim Rowe

is living in Mentor, Ohio and works as an

application engineer with The Estabrook 

Corporation. Joe Cooney is enjoying

retirement from the University of 

Massachusetts while Don Lauria is

enjoying the warm weather of Chapel

Hill, North Carolina. Ed Fitzgerald and hiswife Pat will be celebrating their 40 th

wedding anniversary in beautiful Hawaii

this July. Dan Dombroski is working as a

general surgeon in Syracuse and tells us

that his four sons are also CBA

graduates.Tony Panto has retired from

Price Waterhouse-Coopers and is now

self-employed as a tax consultant. Frank 

Lostumbo has retired as President of the

National Council of International Health

and re sides in Potomac, Maryland.

Francis “Dean” Bett inger retired as a

Colonel in the U.S. Army after servingthirty years. Since retiring in 1984, Dean

has worked in the Defense industr y and

with wife Denise resides in Brightwood,

Virginia. Peter DelGiorno is living in

Rochester and has retired after many

years as a global studies teacher at

Penfield High School. Peter and w ife

Marian spend winter s in sunny Deerfield

Beach Florida. Peter is anxiously await-

ing h is “first” fiftieth reun ion.


Don O’Connor is the Director of 

Sales and Design Training for Wood-

Mode, Inc. in Kreamer, Pennsylvania.

Don was a contributor to the Millennial

Edition of “Grove’s Dictionary of Music

and Musicians.”


Tom Bellucc i recently retired from

Nationw ide Insurance following 31 yea

of service. Prior to retirement , Tom wa

underwriting and product director for

operation in the states of Maryland,

Delaware, and the District of Columbia.

Tom now resides in Gainesville, Florida

1967 – 35 Year Reunion

Peter Hwang is the marketing

director for a startup company named

Inovys. The company makes automatic

test equipment for logic chips. Peter an

his wife Nancy Rayburn have threedaughters and spent last summer

cruising through Alaska. Dr. Daniel

Sullivan has relocated from Chicago to

Kalamazoo, Michican following a

company merger and consolidation. D

travels globally providing environmenta

support for pharmaceutical plants for

Pharmacia Corporation. When Dan is

not traveling or lecturing at various

colleges his hobbies include “paying bil

straightening up the pile next to “My

Chair”, running errands, and significant

losing on investments while simulta-neously prospering in the diameter of 

the waist.”


Congratulations to Dr. Hank Bersan

on his appo intment as Spec ial Educatio

Departmen t Chairman at Western

Oregon University. Dr. Bersani also has

pub lished his fourth textbook, “Speakin

Up and Spelling It Out: Personal Essays

on Alternative and Augmen tative Com-



Timothy Hennigan is an Assistant

District Attorney for Onondaga County.

Tim has been with the D.A.’s office sinc

1985. He, his wife Anne, and th ree

children make their home in Camillus.

Steve Zdep cont inues to en joy a succes

ful dental practice and is preparing to

graduate his third child from CBA this


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Peter Bahouth, an environmental

consultant and former executive director

of both Greenpeace and the Turner

Foundation is “up a t ree” these days.Peter has built several tree houses in h is

Atlanta backyard that are , by anyone ’

standards, quite elaborate. His three-

house complex spans more than 100 feet

and resembles something out of the

Swiss Family Robinson. The project, built

with mostly salvaged materials, was

designed not to h arm the t rees involved.

Bob Halligan, a Nashville, Tennessee

resident, return ed to Syracuse in Febru-

ary to entertain at the SAMMY awards at

the Landmark Theatre . Bob is the leader

of a Christian Rock group called CeiliRain. Denny Hennigan spends much of 

his time as a referee with the Big East.

Denny has worked as head referee at the

Rose Bowl and the Sun Bowl as well as

games at Nebraska, Florida State, Notre

Dame, Penn State, Miami and the age old

rivalry of Harvard against Yale. In his

spare time he p ractices law at

MacKenzie Hughes, LLP.

1972 – 30 Year ReunionRobert Morris was the goalie for the

Gray Wolves Hockey Team from Syracuse

during the 2001 Maryland Senior

Olympics. The Gray Wolves captured the

gold medal during the games.


Congratulations to Joseph Bauer

who w as named Teacher of the Year for

the Archd iocese of Newark. Joe is

Chairman of the Religion Departmen t atRosella Catholic High School in New

Jersey. Andrew Piraino of Liverpool was

re-elected as Salina Town Judge for h is

third te rm. Andrew lives in Liverpool

with his wife Anne Marie and daughter

Maria. Anthony Basile has been pro-

moted to the rank of Colonel and is the

Vice-Commander of the 174th Fighter

Wing stat ioned at Syracuse’s Hancock 

Airbase . Anthony is flying F-16 combat

air patrols over New York City.


Frank Corbishley and w ife Debbie

welcomed their fourth child, a son,

Joshua last December. Frank and his

family reside in Coral Gables, Floridawhere he is the chaplain at the Univer-

sity of Miami. John Romano, a Release

Manager for Vignette Corp oration ,

spends much of his spare time coaching

youth baseball and basketball. He, his

wife Patty, and their two children reside

in Aust in, Texas. Stephen Swanson and

family live in West Hurley, New York 

where Stephen is Manager of Tech

Support for IBM. After 12 years working

in Campus Ministry in Rochester, Rev.

Paul English has returned to Hispanic

ministry. Father Paul is now in Houston ,Texas at the Communidad Catolica De

Santa Ana.

1977 – 25 Year Reunion

Robert Romeo is chairman of the

Onondaga County Democratic Party. In a

recent mayoral election Romeo presided

over a four-way Democratic primary and

succeeded in bringing his party to



Matthew Szkotak , a Senior Accoun t

Executive w ith Travelers Insurance, is

still playing rugby after all the se years.

Matt, wife Leslie, and son Joshua, live in

Aldan, Pennsylvania. Lawrence Salamino,

a Syracuse dentist, is currently serving as

President of the Lyncourt School Board.

Lawrence and wife Tracey have two

daughters, Angela and Alicia. After leaving

CBA, Junji Yasuda graduated from the

University of Southern Californ ia andreturned to h is homeland of Japan. He is

currently Manager of International Sales

for Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation that

sells synthe tic pap er to the U.S. Junji, his

wife Miyuki, and daughter Satomi live in

Chiba, Japan .


Don McPeak , President of Bell-

wether Systems, Inc. in Hendersonville,

Tennessee, has had his first novel

published. Don and wife, Vanessa, havethree ch ildren. Congratulations to Paul

Wlodarczyk who rece ived h is Executiv

MBA from the William B. Simons Schoo

at the University of Rochester.


Dan Bronk has relocated to Fairpor

to w ork as an attorney for Segar and

Sciort ino. Dan, wife Step hanie, and thei

four daughters, love Fairport, but Dan

misses he lping out w ith the CBA hocketeam. Mark Kogler, wrote to thank Mr.

Homeyer and the late Dr. Uva for their

inspiration, unwavering supp ort, and th

super ior education he received at CBA.

As a result, Mark completed both a BS

and MS in engineering. Mark is a

professional engineer in the state of Ne

York working full-time for Niagara

Mohawk in Electr ic Asset Management.

Last year, Mark also formed Kogler

Engineering and Construction, a part-

time endeavor specializing in

geotechnical, structural, environmental,and general civil engineering.

1982 – 20 Year Reunion

Michael Young is President of his

own payroll services company Young

and Associates. Michael, wife Mary, and

their two daughters make their home in

Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Contact James Burns, Class Presiden

if you are interested in a 20- year re-

union. He is in Syracuse with J.W. Burnand Company.


Jonathan O’Brien is now a Senior

Project Engineer with Loitherstein

Environmental Engineering, Inc. in

Holliston, Massachuset ts. Jonathan and

wife Suzanne have three children, Burke

Bryce, and Meg.

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Steve Borsh is the Plant Manager for

Bakery Exp ress, Mid-Atlantic. Steve, wife

Amy, 2-year-old Samuel and 1-year-old

Josephine reside in Catonsville, Mary-land.


Congratulations to Dr. Chandra Ivey

on her graduation from the University of 

Cincinnati Medical Center.

1992 – 10 Year Reunion

Sarah Vanderloo Chmelicek is now a

resident of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She

received her Bachelors from th e Univer-sity of Southern Mississippi in Health

Care Administration and is the currently

Chairper son of the Hattiesburg Catholic

Social Services.


Alison Clare Wangerman, a graduate

of Emory Law, passed the Texas Bar Exam

this past July. Alison is employed by the

Austin firm of Strasburger and Price Law.

Her husband is currently stationed inSaudi Arabia w ith the U.S. Army.


Frank Giufre, a graduate assistant

coach at the University of Miami, had

front row seats for last year’s Rose Bowl.

When the Miami Hurricanes took on the

Nebraska Cornhuskers, Frank was front

and cen ter as a defensive line coach w ith

Coach Greg Mark. Frank is pursuing a

graduate degree at Miami and hopes thatsomeday he will be a collegiate head

coach. Joel Bialek has relocated to the

Syracuse area with his wife Marcella and

son Noah. Joel is an indepen dent video

and multimedia consultant.


Laurie Beth Bellucci became Mrs.

Jason F. Nolan this past June. Laurie

graduated in June from Marist College

with a Masters Degree in Counseling andCommunity Psychology. Laurie is

currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program to

become, Dr. Nolan, Psychologist. Taylor

DiVico is enjoying the weather in

beautiful Huntington Beach, Californ ia.

Taylor completed her Masters Degree

from Syracuse University, relocated to

the west coast, and is employed by the

Los Angeles Unified School District as a

fourth grade teacher.

1997 – 5 Year ReunionJohn Sickinger is enrolled as a first

year student at the Syracuse University

School of Law. Marie Holbrook passed

the CPA exam and is working for KPMG

in Boston as an assistant accountant. She

is engaged to Geoff Zimmerman and

plans to be marr ied this June at the

Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida

where she met he r fiancé. Emily

Wangerman graduated from Rochester

Institute of Technology and is now

employed by Intel in Santa Clara, Califor-nia. App le Computer in Cupertino,

California now employs Luke Bellandi, a

cum laude graduate of Rensselaer.


Lea Engst is captain of the swim

team at M.I.T. and continuing the M.I.T.

tradition begun by her grandfather. Lea

is majoring in ch emical engineering

while at M.I.T.


Leanor Cimino spent her fall semes

ter as a legislative intern for Senator

Hillary Clinton. Her semester in D.C.

reinforced her desire to study law andwork in the government. Michael

Palladino, a junior at St. Lawrence, is a

member of the American Reads Program

Mike spends his time helping children

improve their reading skills.


Syracuse University has named Jare

Park a Founder’s Scholar. Jarett is

enrolled in the L.C. Smith College of 

Engineering and Computer Science.Jarett also was named to the All-Big East

third team and was honored as Big East

Rookie of the Year. Soccer America

Magazine selected Jarett as National

Freshman of the Year.Derek Kennedy, a

freshman at Duke University, was

awarded the National Achievement

Scholarship. Derek is majoring in pre-


CBA Alumni are en-

couraged to return to

CBA, at any time, to visit 

with former teachers,

chat with old friends, and 

tour the new facilities.

 However, given recent 

 New York legislation and 

the times in which we

live, it is necessary for  all 

visitors to sign in with

 Mrs. Franz in the Main


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Alumni InformationThe Alumni Association would like to stay in touch with you, but w e need your help. If you are planning to move, please include

CBA on your change of address list, fill out and return the information update form be low o r contact the CBA Development/ 

Alumni Relations Office. Please provide us with news about yourself for the next alumni newsletter. Individual and group photo

are always welcome.

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 Emplo yer/O ccupation_______________________________________________________________________________________

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Children ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

  News _____________________________________________________________________________________________________





❏ Photo enclosed. ❏  Please return photo.

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