altiris help desk user guide v2.2

Altiris Help Desk User Guide

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Altiris Help Desk

User Guide

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User Guide

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Revision History Version Author Date Status of Document / Reason for Change

1.0 A. Genice Milliner 08/16/2007 Document created.

1.1 A. Genice Milliner 09/06/2007 Updated document with information received from

Neeta and Gabe regarding outstanding questions.

Removed “Escalation of Issues” section per Gabe’s


1.2 A. Genice Milliner 09/07/2007 Moved “Submitting Incidents via the Intranet” to

Module 2 and renumber the remaining modules


1.3 A. Genice Milliner 09/10/07 Added Module 10: Creating and Sending Bulletins

and, per Neeta, removed “Categories” section from

Module 14: Administrative Tasks.

1.4 A. Genice Milliner 09/13/07 Added login prompt screen shot and info on pages 7

and 11.

1.5 A. Genice Milliner 9/24/07 Added “No PHI” note on page 8. Updated

“Submitting Incidents via the Intranet” section with

new screen shots and instructions with updated


1.6 A. Genice Milliner 10/05/07 Updated formatting of Note boxes and added text of

appropriate URL for Altiris Helpdesk site. Corrected

formatting throughout document.

1.7 A. Genice Milliner 10/11/07 Added note regarding User/Urgent incidents and

Bulletins on page 7 per Kevin Sexton. Also updated

login screen shots on pages 7 and 14. Updated URL

for Altiris Helpdesk site.

2.0 A. Genice Milliner 10/15/07 Added final URLs for placement of PDF file of user


2.1 A. Genice Milliner 01/25/08 Added EDI specific information.

2.2 A. Genice Milliner 06/25/08 Added outage field and process information to

Module 4.

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Table of Contents

Module I: Introduction .....................................................................................................................5

Overview ......................................................................................................................................5

Objectives ....................................................................................................................................5

How to Use This Manual .............................................................................................................6

Module 2: Using the Winuser Console ............................................................................................7

Opening the Winuser Console .....................................................................................................7

Creating a New Incident ..............................................................................................................8

Updating Incidents .....................................................................................................................10

Logging Off ...............................................................................................................................13

Module 3: Logging In/Logging Off ...............................................................................................14

Log In .........................................................................................................................................14

Log Off.......................................................................................................................................15

Module 4: Creating Incidents .........................................................................................................17

Creating New Help Desk Incidents ............................................................................................17

Create Quick Incidents ...............................................................................................................17

Up to Four Classification Levels of Categories .........................................................................30

Two Grouping Levels ................................................................................................................30

Column Layouts Individually Customizable .............................................................................31

Formatting the Table ..................................................................................................................32

Sorting by Columns ...................................................................................................................37

Module 5: Working With Incidents ...............................................................................................39

Researching and Modifying Existing Incidents .........................................................................39

Closing Incidents .......................................................................................................................42

Reopen Incidents ........................................................................................................................46

Module 6: Utilizing Attachments ...................................................................................................51

Module 7: E-Mail Contents of an Incident ....................................................................................56

Module 8: Searching Incidents ......................................................................................................60

Module 9: Parent-Child Incidents ..................................................................................................65

Creating a Parent Incident ..........................................................................................................65

Creating and Linking a Child Incident .......................................................................................66

Module 10: Creating and Sending Bulletins ..................................................................................70

Module 11: Audit Log ...................................................................................................................72

Module 12: Security .......................................................................................................................75

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Multi-User Handling ..................................................................................................................75

Idle Time Auto Sign-Off ............................................................................................................76

Module 14: Administrative Tasks ..................................................................................................77


View Contacts ........................................................................................................................77

Find Contacts .........................................................................................................................80

New Contact...........................................................................................................................81

Delete Contact ........................................................................................................................83

Assets .........................................................................................................................................88

Asset Home ............................................................................................................................88

Find Assets .............................................................................................................................90

New Asset ..............................................................................................................................92

Delete Assets ..........................................................................................................................94

Workers ......................................................................................................................................96

List Workers...........................................................................................................................97

Add New Worker .................................................................................................................100

List Queues ..........................................................................................................................104

Add New Queue ...................................................................................................................106

Appendix A. Categories List ........................................................................................................109

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Module I: Introduction


This user guide will describe how to use the Altiris Help Desk console. There are two views of

the software which will be discussed in this manual, the Worker View and the User View

(Intranet view). The manual will also cover multiple functions of the software, explaining each

function in detail providing step-by-step instructions with screen captures to illustrate the steps.


The objectives of this user guide include the following:

Logging In/Logging Off

Creating Incidents

o Column Layouts Individually Customizable

o Sorting by Columns

o Up to Four (4) Classification Levels of Categories

o Two Grouping Levels

o Creating New Help Desk Incidents

o Create Quick Incidents

Working with Incidents

o Researching and Modifying Existing Incidents

o Closing Incidents

o Reopen Incidents

o Escalation of Incidents

Utilizing Attachments

E-Mail Contents of Request

Searching Incidents

Assign Multiple Associates an Incident

Audit Log

o Tracking Nine (9) Milestones

Submitting Incidents via the Intranet


o Multi-User Handling

o Idle Time Auto Sign-Off

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o Ad-Hoc Reporting

o Contacts List

How to Use This Manual

This user guide can be printed and used as a hard copy reference or accessed online from any one

of the these three (3) locations:

If the user guide is accessed online, you may use your standard Word controls (CTRL+click or

simply click the link, depending on how you have your hyperlink options set in Word) to activate

the links in the Table of Contents and move to specific sections in the manual.

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Module 2: Using the Winuser Console Associates throughout the company can submit incidents to the Help Desk by using the Intranet

interface for Altiris Helpdesk. This interface is also known as the Winuser Console. To access

the Winuser Console follow the steps listed below.

Opening the Winuser Console

1. Open your Internet browser and navigate to

2. A login prompt will be displayed.

3. Enter your user ID and password.

4. Click .

5. The Winuser Console is displayed.

Note: Which view is displayed (Worker view or Winuser) is dependent upon your

security/access. The system will automatically direct you to the appropriate view.

Note: Multi User/Urgent incidents and Bulletins are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

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Creating a New Incident

1. Click to begin a new incident.

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2. Select your State from the drop-down.

3. Enter a descriptive Title for the incident.

4. Select the appropriate Category from the drop-downs. The number of drop-downs displayed

will be dependent upon what is selected in each drop-down.

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5. The Priority defaults to “Medium” and can not be changed.

6. Any associated Assets will be displayed by default.

7. The Attachments field is display only. Attachments can not be added.

8. Enter any necessary Comments to clarify or further explain the issue.

Note: Do NOT include PHI in the Comments field.

9. The Group defaults to the “NGS Help Desk” and can not be edited.

10. Click to submit your incident or to cancel it.

Updating Incidents

1. To update an existing incident, select the appropriate incident from the Winuser Console


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2. Double click the incident you want to edit.

3. Click to add a comment to the incident.

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Note: Do NOT include PHI in the Comments field.

4. Click to save your comment and return to the Winuser Console home page. Click

to abandon your changes and return to the Winuser Console home page.

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When users submit their own tickets via the Intranet, the Priority is always

“Medium”. If they have an emergency issue, the policy is that they must call to

submit it in order for the Help Desk to know about it quickly and respond


Logging Off

To exit the Winuser Console you need to logoff the system.

1. From the Winuser Console home page as displayed below, click to log off.

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Module 3: Logging In/Logging Off This chapter of the manual explains how to log into and off of the Altiris Help Desk system.

Log In

1. To log into the Altiris Help Desk system navigate to

2. A login prompt will be displayed.

3. Enter your user ID and password.

4. Click .

5. The Altiris Helpdesk application will open and the Worker Report screen will be displayed.

Note: Which view is displayed (Worker view or Winuser) is dependent upon your

security/access. The system will automatically direct you to the appropriate view.

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6. This is considered your “Home” view. From this screen you can navigate to anywhere else in

the system you need to go.

7. Anytime you click in the upper-right corner of the screen you will be returned to this


Log Off

1. From any screen in the system click to log off the Altiris Helpdesk system.

Note: If the New Incident screen is open with an unfinished incident started you will need

to either finished the incident or cancel it before you can exit the system.

2. When you logoff, a screen is displayed to notify you that you have exited the system and

provide you with an opportunity to re-enter it.

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3. To re-enter the Altiris Helpdesk system click the link provided.

4. To completely exit the system, close Internet Explorer.

Note: The system will time out after 15 minutes of idle time.

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Module 4: Creating Incidents There are two main ways to create incidents within the Altiris Helpdesk system. This chapter

will cover both of these options.

Creating New Help Desk Incidents

To create a new Helpdesk incident follow the steps listed below:

1. From the main Altiris Helpdesk screen click the New Incident link in the left column under

Common Tasks to display the New Incident screen.

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2. Select the caller’s State from the drop-down list. You can click and select the state from

the list or type the first letter of the state then scroll to the appropriate state.

3. The first time you create a new incident you will need to use the Find feature to enter the

Requested By information.


If the Requestor is a Provider, then

o State selection is NOT mandatory. o Selected Group must be one of the four EDI groups. o Contract selection IS mandatory.

If the Requestor is an Associate, then

o State selection IS mandatory. o Contract selection is NOT mandatory.

Nothing will prevent the user from selecting an EDI group when the Requestor is an


As you enter new incidents, this field will begin to hold information and you can select from

the drop-down if the individual is listed. Otherwise, use the find feature. Click in the blank

text field next to the Find button then enter the last name of the individual you want to search

for. Once the name is entered click . The Req. By drop-down list will be populated

with the appropriate choices.

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4. Click the appropriate name from the list to select it.

5. The system will automatically fill in Requested By, Type and Asset Information. The Type

field displays a description based on what is selected in the Requested By field. It will

display either “Provider” or “Associate” depending upon the selection made in the Req. By


6. The Asset field is not currently being used.

7. Enter a Title that describes what the incident pertains to such as “OUTAGE: Clearcase” or

something descriptive.

8. The Comments field is available for a more lengthy description of the problem and any

notations that you feel are necessary.

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9. The Comment visible to guests checkbox is automatically selected. Leave it checked as this

makes the comment visible to Intranet users.

10. Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down. Depending on what is selected here

another drop-down may be displayed next to this one.

11. Select the appropriate item from this list. Depending on what is selected here, another drop-

down may be displayed.

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12. Select the appropriate item from this list. Depending on what is selected a fourth drop-down

may be displayed below the first. Select the appropriate item.

13. Select the appropriate Priority from the drop-down. The default is “Medium”. The choices

consist of: Emergency, High, Medium, Low or Planned.


When users submit their own tickets via the Intranet, the priority is always

“Medium”. If they have an emergency issue, the policy is that they must call to

submit it in order for the Help Desk to know about it quickly and respond


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14. Select the Urgency from the drop-down. The default is “Medium”. You can choose from:

High, Medium or Low.

15. Select the appropriate Impact from the drop-down. You can select from: High, Medium or

Low. The default is “Medium”.

16. Select the Assigned to Group from the drop-down list.

17. From the Assignee drop-down select the appropriate person to assign the incident to. If you

do not know the individual you can select the group such as Desktop Support.

18. Select the appropriate Type of incident from the drop-down. This field defaults to “Incident”;

for outages select “Outage”.

19. The Status field defaults to “Open”.

20. The Close code field is used when an incident has been resolved.

21. Tickets from Wellpoint or other external entities can be entered into the External ID field.

22. Enter the duration of the outage in the Outage Duration fields in Days, Hrs (Hours) and

Mins (Minutes).

23. Select the affected states from the States Affected drop-down. If all states are affected select

“All States”. If multiple states are affected but not all states are affected, select “Multiple

States” then enter the appropriate states in the Location field.

24. Select “Yes” or “No” from the NGS Control drop-down to indicate whether or not the

outage is under NGS’ control.

25. If a vendor requested the outage for maintenance or other purposes enter the vendor name in

the Vendor field.

26. Select “Scheduled” or “Unscheduled” from the Outage Type field.

27. Select the Outage Scope: “Partial” or “Complete”.

28. If contracts are impacted by this outage, select the appropriate contract or “All” from the

Contracts Impacted drop-down list, if applicable.

29. Select the appropriate data center that is impacted from the Data Centers Impacted drop-

down list, if applicable.

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30. If the incident is being changed or reassigned select the appropriate Notify Rule at the

bottom of the screen.

31. The total elapsed time that the incident has been opened as you create the incident is shown

at the top of the screen in Time spent. If you worked on the incident for a time prior to

opening it in the system, you can edit the time by simply highlighting the area and entering

the new number.

32. When you have finished entering information and need to save the incident there are two

ways to do this. If you want to save this incident and open another incident click . If you

want to save the incident and view a report of the information you’ve entered click . This

displays the View Incident screen.

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When creating a new incident, you are using an Altiris license. The number of

licenses NGS has available is limited. Because of this, it is vitally important that you

remember to logoff and close your web browser when you are finished creating a

new incident. The ONLY way to release the license for another user is to close your

web browser.

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Create Quick Incidents

There are some incidents that occur frequently such as resetting passwords. For these types of

incidents, a Quick Incident has been designed to make it easier and quicker to enter the

information into the system. To create a Quick Incident follow the steps listed below:

1. From the main Altiris Helpdesk screen click the Quick Incident link in the left column under

Commands. A fly-out menu is displayed. If you have used Quick Incidents before, the ones

you’ve used will be displayed on the fly-out menu. Otherwise, you’ll be given a choice of

three items: List Quick Incidents, New Quick Incident and Delete Quick Incidents.

2. Select List Quick Incidents from the fly-out to display the List Quick Incidents screen and

select the Quick Incident you want to use.

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3. Click to run the Quick Incident you have chosen.

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4. Select the appropriate State from the drop-down. This is the state the individual making the

request is located in.

5. Enter the name of the individual making the request in the Requested By field.

6. When the Requested By field is entered the Asset information will automatically be entered

if that information is in the system. Otherwise, enter the information or click to choose an


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7. Select the Find asset radio button.

8. Enter the user’s name in the Name field and click to perform the search.

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9. Select the appropriate asset from the drop-down list under .

10. Click to return to the New Incident screen and insert the asset into the Asset field.

11. The Title field is already filled in based on the Quick Incident you chose.

12. Enter specific, detailed information in the Comments field. For example, for a password

reset, explain which system the password is being reset for.

13. The Comments visible to guests checkbox is selected. Leave this checkbox selected.

14. The first one or two Category drop-down lists is selected based on the Quick Incident you

chose. You may have other drop-downs in the Category that will need to be selected.

15. If needed, you can change the Priority, Urgency and Impact fields which all default to


16. The Assigned to Group field defaults to the appropriate setting based on the Quick Incident

you selected. Do not change this setting.

17. The Assignee can be updated to the appropriate individual actually working the incident.

18. The Type field defaults to the appropriate content based on the Quick Incident chosen.

19. The Status will default to the appropriate content based on the Quick Incident chosen. This

normally is going to be “Closed”.

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20. The Closed Code will default to the appropriate code based on the Quick Incident chosen.

Normally this will be “Completed Successfully”.

21. Enter an External ID for tickets from Wellpoint or other external entities.

22. The Schedule field will default to “Not Scheduled” as appropriate.

23. The Start and Due fields will default to the current (system) date.

24. Select the appropriate Contract from the drop-down list.

25. Select any appropriate Notify Rules.

26. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the incident.

Up to Four Classification Levels of Categories

There can be up to four (4) classification levels of Categories. Depending on the selections

made, not all Categories will be used each time an incident is created. When the first Category is

selected a second drop-down list may appear providing more choices. The choice selected in this

second list may provide a third drop-down list to select from. Based on the choice made in this

list, a fourth drop-down may be offered. For a complete list of the Categories see Appendix A.

Categories List at the end of this manual.

Two Grouping Levels

The system uses two (2) grouping levels when selecting Group and Assignee. The list of

available Groups includes the following:

Client Server Development

Desktop Support


Mainframe Tech Support

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NGS Help Desk


Server Engineering


Column Layouts Individually Customizable

Columns on the page can be moved about and ordered in the way that best fits your style. To

move, or rearrange, the columns click and drag the column you want to move. The order you set

will remain even after you have closed the application. When you re-enter the application, the

view will display in the manner you had arranged it previously.

1. To rearrange the columns on the Worker Report screen, click and drag the column heading of

the column you want to move. A thick gray line will appear down the screen from the

column heading.

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2. Drag the column heading to a new location and release it. The system will now display the

column in that position.

Formatting the Table

The table listing the incidents in the Worker View can also be edited. If there are columns

(fields) that aren’t displayed but you would like to see, they can easily be added.

1. Click to display the Format Table screen.

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2. Click to the right of Field: to select the proper item from that drop-down list.

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3. Select the appropriate field from the list. In this example, “workitem_state_lookup_value”

have been selected because we want to add the field for the requestor’s state to the table.

4. Once this item is selected the Name field is blank.

5. Enter the appropriate title, “State”, in the Name field.

6. Change the Width field to “2”.

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7. Click to add the field to the table.

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8. The and can be used to sort the fields as desired.

9. Click to remove fields from the table.

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10. Click to restore the default settings.

11. Click to save your changes and return to the view you entered the Format Table

screen from.

12. Click to discard your changes and return to the view you entered the Format

Table screen from.

Sorting by Columns

Information displayed on the screen can easily be sorted by columns. The columns can be sorted

in ascending or descending order.

1. Click the column heading of the column you want to sort by to sort the table in ascending

order by that column.

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2. An ascending ( ) or descending ( ) icon will appear next to the column heading you have

sorted by. This indicates the column sorted by as well as the sort order.

Column sorted in

ascending order.

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Module 5: Working With Incidents Once an incident has been entered into the system, there are often times that the incident will

need to be researched and/or updated/modified with new information. Any part of the incident,

items such as comments, assignee, etc., can be updated/modified as necessary.

Researching and Modifying Existing Incidents

Once an incident has been opened, the assignee (the individual the incident is assigned to) can

perform research as necessary. As information is gleaned, simply open the incident in edit mode

and add to the comments to update the information.

1. From the Worker Report select the appropriate incident.

2. Click to open the incident in edit mode.

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3. Enter updated comments in the Comment field.

4. If you need to change anything on the incident (i.e., who the incident is assigned to), do so


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5. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


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Closing Incidents

Once everything is complete on an incident it should be closed. To close an incident follow the

steps listed below:

1. From the Worker Report select the appropriate incident.

Updated Comment has been added.

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2. Click to open the incident in edit mode.

3. Enter a Comment explaining how the incident was resolved.

4. Change the Status to “Closed”.

5. Select the appropriate Closed code from the drop-down list.

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6. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


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Reopen Incidents

Incidents can be reopened at any time necessary. To reopen an incident follow the steps listed


1. From the Worker Report select the appropriate incident.

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2. Click to open the incident in edit mode.

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3. Enter a Comment explaining why the incident is being reopened.

4. If the Assigned to Group and/or the Assignee need to be changed, make those changes now.

5. Change the Status to “Open”.

6. Change the Close Code to “None”.

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7. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated

incident. The History will show where the incident was closed then reopened.

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Incident History – Incident

was closed then reopened.

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Module 6: Utilizing Attachments There may be times when creating an incident you will need to include an attachment to illustrate

a point. This section discusses adding attachments to incidents.

1. Begin a new incident by opening the New Incident screen.

2. Enter the incident information as you normally would.

3. Once you’ve completed the information in the incident click to add an attachment. This

will display the New Incident – Add attachments screen.

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4. Enter the path for the file you want to attach in the Upload file field or click to

navigate to the file.

5. If

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the attachment is on a public network drive accessible by all or accessible from a web page,

you enter a URL in the Attach URL field.

6. Enter a Description explaining what the attachment is.

7. Click the Attach link to attach the file.

8. Select the attachment in the Attachments field and click the Remove link to remove the


9. When you are finished adding and/or removing attachments click . The New

Incident screen will be displayed and you can see the attachment on the screen.

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10. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


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Module 7: E-Mail Contents of an Incident When an incident is created, notify rules are used to send e-mails to specific individuals. By

default, the “Acknowledge Contact” and “Inform Assignee” notify rules are selected. These rules

can not be deselected. However, other rules can be selected in addition to these two (2) rules.

1. Begin a new incident by opening the New Incident screen.

2. Enter the incident information as you normally would.

3. Select the appropriate rule(s) under the Notify rules section in the lower left portion of the


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4. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


5. The individual who requested (submitted) the incident will receive an e-mail similar to the

one below:

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6. The individual assigned the incident will receive an e-mail similar to the one below:

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Module 8: Searching Incidents If there is a specific incident that you need to view and/or edit but you aren’t certain of the

incident number, a search function is available.

1. From the Worker Report click the Find Incidents link under Common Tasks.

2. The Find Incidents screen will be displayed with three (3) tabs, Simple, Advanced and


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3. A link in the top-left corner of the Simple tab allows you to switch between Fewer choices

and More choices. It is recommended that you select More choices to display a screen similar

to the view above.

4. Enter as many or as few criteria into the search fields as you would like. The more criteria

you enter, the more restrictive your search becomes. When you have entered your criteria,

click . Click to clear your choices and reset the search fields.

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5. The results of the search are listed at the bottom of the page. To begin with, only the statistics

are shown. To see the actual incident(s), click .

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6. Click the incident you want to view or edit then click the appropriate icon to open it. Click

to view the incident. Click to edit the incident.

7. Your searches can be saved as queries by clicking the Save query link or at the middle

right of the screen. Then follow the prompts to name your query and save it in the proper


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Module 9: Parent-Child Incidents Some incidents require multiple areas or associates to work on them. In these instances, parent

and child incidents are required. The parent incident must be created first then the child incident

is created and linked to the parent incident. Multiple child incidents can be created and linked to

one parent incident. When each child incident is worked and closed it will not affect the parent

incident’s status. However, when a parent incident is closed, or changed in any manner, all child

incidents linked to the parent will inherit the parent’s status.

Creating a Parent Incident

1. Begin a new incident by opening the New Incident screen. Complete the information in the

incident for the parent incident.

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2. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


3. When you view the incident (after creating the child incident) a link to the child incident will

be available near the bottom of the screen.

Creating and Linking a Child Incident

Note: Child incidents always inherit the status of their parent incident. If a parent incident

is closed, the child incident will also be closed.

1. Begin a new incident by opening the New Incident screen.

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2. Click at the top of the New Incident screen to link this child incident to the previous

parent incident.

3. Select the Link to a recently viewed incident radio button and make certain the previously

created incident is listed in the drop-down box.

4. Click to link the incident and return to the New Incident screen. You can now

complete the child incident. The Linked to information will be displayed in the lower-left

corner of the screen.

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5. Complete the information in the New Incident screen.

6. Click the appropriate save button ( or ) at the top of the screen to save the updated


7. When you view the incident a link to the parent incident will be available near the bottom of

the screen.

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Module 10: Creating and Sending Bulletins In some circumstances it may be necessary to notify all users of an incident that has been logged.

For instance, if a copier is broken or air conditioning goes out. These types of issues can be

logged as incidents and included as bulletins at the same time. Bulletins are a way to notify large

numbers of people of the problem(s) all at once. To create a bulletin, follow the steps listed


1. Create a new incident as described in Module 4: Creating Incidents.

2. On the New Incident screen click to move to the Make a Bulletin screen.

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3. Select the Make this incident a bulletin checkbox.

4. Enter a Bulletin title which describes the bulletin.

5. Type in a Bulletin description explaining what the bulletin is notifying people of. Mention

the fact that an incident has been logged.

6. To Display bulletin for the following incident status: select the appropriate checkbox(es).

7. Select “Visible to guests” checkbox to make the incident visible to Intranet users.

8. Select the “Guests can link” checkbox so Intranet users can see and use an active link to the


9. Click to save your changes and return to the incident screen. Click to

cancel the operation and return to the incident screen.

10. Save the incident per the instructions in Module 4: Creating Incidents.

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Module 11: Audit Log To view an incident’s history you can use the Audit Log. The Audit Log shows all transactions

that have occurred on a specific incident. Specific milestones also appear and can be tracked on

the Audit Log.

1. From the Worker Report select the appropriate incident and click .

2. The View Incident screen will be displayed.

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3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to display the History section. All changes made to the

incident will be displayed in this section, including the nine (9) milestones. The nine (9)

milestones include the following statuses:

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Return to Close



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Module 12: Security There are many security features incorporated behind the scenes in Altiris Helpdesk. Some of the

features that may be encountered by users are described in this section of the manual.

Multi-User Handling

Altiris Helpdesk is a multi-user system in that it allows many users to access the system and

create new incidents simultaneously. However, if multiple users try to edit the same record at the

same time, Altiris will only permit one user to save changes to the incident and will display a

warning message to the other user(s).

1. When two (2) or more users try to edit the same incident at the same time, only the first user

to save will be successful. The other users will receive a message notifying them that the

incident has been updated.

2. Users receiving this message must cancel their operation and begin again. Click to cancel.

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Idle Time Auto Sign-Off

The Altiris Helpdesk system will automatically release a license after fifteen (15) minutes of

inactivity. It is important to remember that NGS is limited in the number of licenses available for

the Altiris Helpdesk system. Please remember to sign off the system if you are not using it.


When creating a new incident, you are using an Altiris license. The number of

licenses NGS has available is limited. Because of this, it is vitally important that you

remember to logoff and close your web browser when you are finished creating a

new incident. The ONLY way to release the license for another user is to close your

web browser.

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Module 14: Administrative Tasks There are various administrative tasks that can be performed in the Altiris Helpdesk application.

You can work with Contact, Worker and Asset information.


From the Contacts menu there are selections which allow you to view contacts, find contacts,

add new contacts and delete contacts. This section will cover all of these options.

View Contacts

1. Under the Commands menu select Contacts. Then select Contact Home from the pop-out

menu. This displays the Contact Home screen which lists the most recent contacts you have

worked with.

2. Click a specific contact then click to view contact information.

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3. To view incidents related to this individual, click in the lower right-hand corner of the


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4. To view assets associated with this individual, select the asset and click under Assets.

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Find Contacts

1. Under the Commands menu select Contacts. Then select Find Contacts from the pop-out

menu. This displays the Find Contacts screen.

Note: The Find Contacts screen can also be reached by clicking the Find one or more

contacts link at the bottom of the Contact Home screen.

2. Enter search criteria into the appropriate fields and click to search for a contact.

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New Contact

1. Under the Commands menu select Contacts. Then select New Contact from the pop-out

menu. This displays the New Contact screen.

Note: The New Contact screen can also be reached by clicking the Create a contact link at

the bottom of the Contact Home screen.

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2. Enter the contact’s full name in the Name field.

3. The contact’s e-mail address is entered in the E-mail field.

4. The Other E-mail field is for a secondary e-mail address if one is available.

5. Enter the contact’s network ID in the NT ID field.

6. The Job Title field holds the contact’s official job title.

7. The contact’s Employee ID is entered in the next field.

8. Enter the contact’s work phone number in the Phone field.

9. If the contact has a work cell phone that number can be entered in the Cell phone field.

10. Enter the contact’s work pager number in the Pager field if they have a work pager.

11. The Password is encrypted so it will not be displayed.

12. Complete the Company information by entering the contact’s physical Location (i.e., city).

13. Enter the Company name the contact works for (i.e., NGS).

14. The department the contact works in can be entered in the Department field.

15. Select an Organization from the drop-down. If the contact’s organization isn’t listed in the

drop-down, type the organization in the blank field below the drop-down.

16. Enter any necessary Comments.

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17. Click to save your changes and view the contact information on the View Contact

screen. Click to abandon the changes and return to the Contact Home screen.

Delete Contact

1. Under the Commands menu select Contacts. Then select Delete Contact from the pop-out

menu. This displays the Delete Contacts screen.

Note: The Delete Contacts screen can also be reached by clicking the Delete contacts link

at the bottom of the Contact Home screen.

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2. Enter search criteria and click . This will display a list of search results.

3. Select the appropriate contact by clicking on it. This will place a checkmark in the checkbox

to the left of the contact information.

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4. Click to move to the Delete Contacts screen.

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5. Click the checkbox at the bottom of the screen to select it. This will run all necessary

automation and notify rules for incidents that are modified by this transaction.

6. Click to move back to the previous screen. Click to delete the contact

and return to the Contact Home screen. Click to abandon the changes and return

to the Contact Home screen.

Another quick way to delete contacts is to do the following:

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1. From the Contact Home screen, select the contact you want to delete in the list.

2. Click above the list of contacts. This will display the Delete Contact screen with the

selected contact’s information.

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3. Click to delete the contact and return to the Contact Home screen. Click

to abandon the changes and return to the Contact Home screen.


From the Assets menu there are selections which allow you to view assets, find assets, add new

assets and delete assets. This section will cover all of these options.

Asset Home

1. Under the Commands menu select Assets. Then select Asset Home from the pop-out menu.

This displays the Asset Home screen which lists the most recent assets you have worked with.

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2. Click a specific asset then click to view asset information.

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Find Assets

1. Under the Commands menu select Assets. Then select Find Assets from the pop-out menu.

This displays the Find Assets screen.

Note: The Find Assets screen can also be reached by clicking the Find one or more assets

link at the bottom of the Assets Home screen.

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2. Enter search criteria into the appropriate fields and click to search for an asset.

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New Asset

1. Under the Commands menu select Assets. Then select New Asset from the pop-out menu.

This displays the New Asset screen.

Note: The New Asset screen can also be reached by clicking the Create an asset link at the

bottom of the Asset Home screen.

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2. Enter a Name for the asset.

3. Select a Type from the drop-down.

4. Enter an External ID for the asset for tickets from Wellpoint or other external entities.

5. Enter the Location of the asset.

6. Enter the Company the asset is located in.

7. Enter the Department the asset is located in.

8. Enter an Asset tag for the asset.

9. Enter the asset’s appropriate IP address.

10. Enter an OS for the asset, if appropriate.

11. Select an Organization from the drop-down. If the appropriate Organization isn’t listed,

type it in the blank field provided below the drop-down.

12. Add any necessary comments in the Comment field.

13. Click to save your changes and display the View Asset screen for the asset you

just added. Click to abandon the changes and return to the Asset Home screen.

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Delete Assets

1. From the Asset Home screen, select the appropriate asset in the list.

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2. Click to display the Delete Asset screen for the selected asset.

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3. Click to delete the asset and return to the Asset Home screen. Click to

abandon the changes and return to the Asset Home screen.

Note: The Delete Assets selection on the Commands>Assets menu and the Delete Assets

link can also be used to delete assets from the system. However, using is the

quickest way to delete assets.


From the Workers menu there are selections which allow you to list the workers, add a new

worker, list the queues and add a new queue. This section will cover all of these options.

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List Workers

1. Under the Commands menu select Workers. Then select List Workers from the pop-out

menu. This displays the List Workers screen which lists all of the workers in the system.

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2. Click a worker’s name to select the worker then click to view the View Worker screen

with information for that specific worker.

3. From the List Workers screen, click to display the Edit Worker screen with the worker’s

information displayed for editing.

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4. Make the necessary edits then click to save the changes and return to the View

Worker screen. Click to abandon your changes and return to the View Worker


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Add New Worker

1. Under the Commands menu select Workers. Then select New Worker from the pop-out


Note: The New Worker screen can also be reached by clicking at the top-left of the List

Workers screen.

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2. The New Worker screen will be displayed.

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3. Under Worker Information, enter the individual’s full name in the Worker name field.

4. Select a queue for the individual from the Retrieve queue drop-down.

5. Under Contact Information, enter the individual’s full name in the Name field.

6. Enter the individual’s Anthem/Wellpoint e-mail address in the E-mail field.

7. The NT ID field holds the individual’s network ID.

8. The Job Title is entered for the individual.

9. Enter the individual’s Employee ID if it is known.

10. Enter the individual’s work Phone number.

11. If the individual has a work Cell phone, enter the number.

12. If the individual has a work Pager, enter the number.

13. Leave the Password field blank. We will not use this field as we use Windows’

authentication service.

14. Leave the Verify field blank. We will not use this field as we use Windows’ authentication


15. If this individual is a VIP click the checkbox to select it.

16. Under Company, enter the Location where the individual works.

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17. Enter the Company name the individual works for (i.e., National Government Services).

18. Enter the Department the individual works in.

19. Select an Organization from the drop-down list. If the appropriate Organization is not

listed, enter it in the blank text box below the drop-down.

20. Enter any appropriate Comment.

21. Click to save your changes and display the View Worker screen with the new

worker you just added displayed.. Click to abandon the changes and return to the

List Workers screen.

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List Queues

1. Under the Commands menu select Workers. Then select List Queues from the pop-out menu.

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2. Click a specific queue to select it then click to view the queue.

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Add New Queue

1. Under the Commands menu select Workers. Then select New Queue from the pop-out menu.

Note: The New Queue screen can also be reached by clicking at the top-left of the List

Queues screen.

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2. Enter the Queue Name.

3. Enter a contact E-mail address.

4. If there is a Pager e-mail, enter the address in this field.

5. Enter a contact Phone number for the queue.

6. If there is a work Cell phone, enter the number.

7. If there is a work Pager, enter the number.

8. enter the Location where the individual works.

9. Enter the Company name for the queue (i.e., National Government Services).

10. Enter the Department for the queue.

11. Select an Organization from the drop-down list. If the appropriate Organization is not

listed, enter it in the blank text box below the drop-down.

12. Enter any appropriate Comment.

13. Click to save your changes and display the View Queue screen with the new

worker you just added displayed.. Click to abandon the changes and return to the

List Queues screen.

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Appendix A. Categories List

Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Not Specified

Accounts Password Reset AnthemRoot

Accounts Password Reset AR FISS

Accounts Password Reset ASF Domain

Accounts Password Reset Blackberry

Accounts Password Reset CMS CentreVu Supervisor

Accounts Password Reset DSDRS

Accounts Password Reset EMS Domain

Accounts Password Reset EMS SYSG

Accounts Password Reset Forecast

Accounts Password Reset HDD Encryption

Accounts Password Reset ICQ

Accounts Password Reset Kenexa

Accounts Password Reset Lotus Notes

Accounts Password Reset MARTI

Accounts Password Reset MCS

Accounts Password Reset MCS Production

Accounts Password Reset MCS Training

Accounts Password Reset MCS Quality

Accounts Password Reset NGD

Accounts Password Reset NGD Production

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Accounts Password Reset NGD Training

Accounts Password Reset NGD MBP

Accounts Password Reset NGD DAC

Accounts Password Reset NGD UAT

Accounts Password Reset NGD Domain

Accounts Password Reset NGS Domain

Accounts Password Reset NGS Menu

Accounts Password Reset Other

Accounts Password Reset PIMR

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset PIMS

Accounts Password Reset RACF

Accounts Password Reset SMART

Accounts Password Reset STARS

Accounts Password Reset UNIX

Accounts Password Reset US Domain

Accounts Password Reset Voice Mail

Accounts Unlock ASF Domain

Accounts Unlock EMS Domain

Accounts Unlock EMS SYSG

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Accounts Unlock NGD Domain

Accounts Unlock NGS Domain

Accounts Unlock Other

Accounts Unlock RACF

Accounts Unlock US Domain

Accounts Unlock Voice Mail

Desktop Support Backup Restore File

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop BIOS

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Cables

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop CD Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop CMOS

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop DVD Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop External 10-Key

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Floppy Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Hard Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Keyboard

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Memory

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Modem

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Mouse

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop NIC

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Other

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Speakers

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Upgrade

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop USB

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Video

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Fuser

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Installation

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Other

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Paper Jam

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Paper Tray

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Print Quality

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Repair

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Toner

Desktop Support Hardware Desktop Printer Upgrade

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Battery

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop BIOS

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Cables

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop CD Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop CMOS

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Docking Station

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop DVD Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop External 10-Key

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Floppy Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Hard Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Keyboard

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Memory

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Modem

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Mouse

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop NIC

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Other

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Screen

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Speakers

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Upgrade

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop USB

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Video

Desktop Support Hardware Laptop Wireless Card

Desktop Support Hardware Loaner Laptop Request

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Blurry

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Cables

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Colors

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Degauss

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Flickering

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Installation

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Other

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Power

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Repair

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Monitor Size

Desktop Support Hardware Network Jack Connect

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Desktop Support Hardware Network Jack Disconnect

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Fuser

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Installation

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Mainframe

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Network Connection

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Other

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Paper Jam

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Paper Tray

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Print Quality

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Repair

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Toner

Desktop Support Hardware Network Printer Upgrade

Desktop Support Hardware Peripheral External Drive

Desktop Support Hardware Peripheral Keyboard

Desktop Support Hardware Peripheral Mouse

Desktop Support Hardware Peripheral Other

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Blurry

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Cables

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Colors

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Degauss

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Flickering

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Installation

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Light Bulb

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Other

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Power

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Repair

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Replacement

Desktop Support Hardware Projector Size

Desktop Support Software Configure Application

Desktop Support Software Configure OS

Desktop Support Software Install

Desktop Support Software Static IP Assign

Desktop Support Software Static IP Delete

Desktop Support Software Static IP Report

Desktop Support Software Uninstall

Facilities A / V Equipment Equipment not working / needs service

Facilities A / V Equipment Set up equipment

Facilities Carpet Carpet is ripped or frayed needs repaired

Facilities Carpet Stained

Facilities Ceiling Tiles Ceiling tile falling out

Facilities Ceiling Tiles Stained

Facilities Ceiling Tiles Wet Tiles/Water Leaks

Facilities Clocks Reset time / needs batteries replaced

Facilities Doors Door is squeaky needs oiled

Facilities Doors Door not closing

Facilities Doors Glass is broke or cracked

Facilities Doors Not locking or latching

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Facilities Electrical Brown outs

Facilities Electrical Power out in building

Facilities Electrical Power out in the unit or room

Facilities Elevator Elevator is not working

Facilities Elevator Light out in elevator

Facilities Ergonomic Study Request for a new study

Facilities Exterminating Ants

Facilities Exterminating Flying Insects

Facilities Exterminating Mice

Facilities Exterminating Spiders

Facilities Heating/Cooling Drafty/Stuffy

Facilities Heating/Cooling System Down/Not Working

Facilities Heating/Cooling Too Cold

Facilities Heating/Cooling Too Hot

Facilities Heating/Cooling Unit Making Noise

Facilities Janitorial Area needs immediate cleaning

Facilities Janitorial Area not cleaned overnight

Facilities Kitchenettes Cleaning

Facilities Kitchenettes Clogged Sink

Facilities Kitchenettes Garbage Disposal Broken

Facilities Kitchenettes Supplies Needed

Facilities Landscaping Dead or dying plant

Facilities Landscaping Tree branches or bushes need trimmed

Facilities Lights Out Building Entrance Light Out

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Facilities Lights Out Desk Light Out

Facilities Lights Out Emergency Lighting Not Working

Facilities Lights Out Overhead Light

Facilities Parking Lots Holes or repairs needed in asphalt

Facilities Parking Lots Lights Out

Facilities Restrooms Broken Device

Facilities Restrooms Cleaning

Facilities Restrooms Sink Stopped Up or Leaking from Below

Facilities Restrooms Supplies Needed

Facilities Restrooms Toilet Overflowing

Facilities Restrooms Toilet Stopped Up

Facilities Security Broken Door Lock

Facilities Security Door/Desk Key Request

Facilities Security Emergency door alarm sounding

Facilities Security Name plate request

Facilities Security Parking Lot

Facilities Security Security Emergency

Facilities Security Security supplies

Facilities Shred paper Request paper bins

Facilities Snow Removal Parking Lot

Facilities Snow Removal Sidewalks and walkways

Facilities Vending Food or drink item is sticking in the machine

Facilities Vending Machine is inoperative

Facilities Vending Machine not giving product but taking money

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Facilities Walls Hang up pictures, art work, banners, etc.

Facilities Water Coolers No Water

Facilities Water Coolers Water is warm

Facilities Water Coolers Water Taste

Facilities Workstations Additions to Workstation

Facilities Workstations Adjustments

Facilities Workstations Chair

Facilities Workstations Keyboard Trays

Facilities Workstations Losing Power at Workstation

Facilities Workstations Repairs

Mainframe Hardware CPU

Mainframe Hardware Environmental

Mainframe Hardware Other

Mainframe Hardware Printer

Mainframe Software CA - Disk

Mainframe Software CA - Teleview

Mainframe Software CICS

Mainframe Software Connect:Direct (NDM/PC)

Mainframe Software DFSMS/dfp

Mainframe Software File-Aid/MVS

Mainframe Software Mainframe Operating System

Mainframe Software Other

Mainframe Software PKZip/MVS

Mainframe Software SAVRS

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Mainframe Software TRMS

Network Firewall

Network No Response

Network Other

Network Slow

Outlook Archive

Outlook Attachments

Outlook Calendar

Outlook Configuration

Outlook Distribution List

Outlook Font Size


Global Address List


Outlook Inbox Size Limit Increase

Outlook Inbox Size Limit Reached

Outlook Name Change


Out of Office


Outlook Personal Contact List

Outlook Printing

Outlook Read Receipts


Recover Deleted


Outlook Shared Calendars

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Outlook Shared Mailbox

Outlook SPAM

Outlook Tasks

Outlook Templates

PIMS Account Access

PIMS Account Create

PIMS Account Delete

PIMS Account Reset

PIMS Content Addresses

PIMS Content PDP

PIMS Content Phone number

PIMS Content TNT Codes

PIMS Content Zip Codes

PIMS Defect

PIMS Enhancement

PIMS Hardware Client Configuration

PIMS Hardware Network Router

PIMS Hardware Network Circuit

PIMS Hardware Network Firewall

PIMS Hardware Network Transaction Gateway

PIMS Hardware Network Security Scan

PIMS Hardware Server Web

PIMS Hardware Server Application

PIMS Hardware Server Database

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

PIMS Hardware Server Jacada

PIMS Integration Layer Configuration

PIMS Integration Layer Corrupt Files

PIMS Integration Layer Locked Mainframe ID/Password

PIMS Integration Layer New Contract

PIMS Integration Layer Other

PIMS Integration Layer Site closing

PIMS Integration Layer Transition

PIMS Mainframe Contractor Network

PIMS Mainframe Corrupted Files

PIMS Mainframe Corrupted Mainframe Account

PIMS Mainframe Holiday Closure

PIMS Mainframe Late-Running Batch Jobs

PIMS Mainframe Looping/Hung Service/Transaction

PIMS Mainframe Lost Connection with CWF

PIMS Mainframe Mainframe Down

PIMS Mainframe Mainframe IPL

PIMS Mainframe Mainframe Logon Problem

PIMS Mainframe Mainframe Screen Issue

PIMS Mainframe Other

PIMS Mainframe Quarterly Release

PIMS Mainframe Scheduled Mainframe Outage

PIMS Mainframe Slow Mainframe Response

PIMS Mainframe Sporadic Mainframe Problem

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

PIMS Mainframe Unknown

PIMS Mainframe User ID Locked

Server Citris Printing

Server Citrix Connectivity

Server Dialup Access


Drive or File Access


Server File Restore

Server No Response

Server Slow

Server VPN Access

Telecom Cellular Address Book

Telecom Cellular Battery

Telecom Cellular Blackberry

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Other

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Synchronization

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Software

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Not receiving emails

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Address Book

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Setup/Config

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Accessories

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Password

Telecom Cellular Blackberry Internet

Telecom Cellular Cell Phone

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Telecom Cellular Cell Phone Acessories

Telecom Cellular Cell Phone Other

Telecom Cellular Cell Phone Plan Review

Telecom Cellular Cell Phone Replacement

Telecom Cellular Cellular Card

Telecom Cellular Voice Mail

Telecom Cellular Voice Mail Other

Telecom Cellular Voice Mail Password

Telecom CMS Customer Report

Telecom CMS Password

Telecom Contact Center Announcements

Telecom Contact Center Call Routing

Telecom Contact Center Holiday / Hour Changes / Emergency Closings

Telecom Contact Center Other

Telecom Contact Center Splits/Skills

Telecom IVR Circuit Issues

Telecom IVR Circuit Issues Toll Free Number

Telecom IVR Circuit Issues Other

Telecom Microcall Report

Telecom Telephone Analog Phone/Line

Telecom Telephone Button Features

Telecom Telephone CallMaster

Telecom Telephone Digital Phone/Line

Telecom Telephone EC500

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Telecom Telephone Equipment

Telecom Telephone Equipment Other

Telecom Telephone Equipment Headset

Telecom Telephone Equipment Cables

Telecom Telephone Extension Routing

Telecom Telephone Fax

Telecom Telephone Modem Line

Telecom Telephone Moves

Telecom Telephone Moves Job Transfer

Telecom Telephone Other

Telecom Telephone Pickup Group

Telecom Telephone Wall Outlet

Telecom Voice Mail Features

Telecom Voice Mail Greetings

Telecom Voice Mail Messages

Telecom Voice Mail Other

Telecom Voice Mail Out-Calling

Telecom Voice Mail Passwords

Telecom Voice Mail Retrieval

Client Server Development Web Intranet Content

Client Server Development Web Internet Content

Client Server Development Web Extranet

Client Server Development Web Acronyms In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Web In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web ASD (Associate Skills Database) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Budget System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Budget/Forecast In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web CCH Intranet In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web CCN Tracking In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Complaints Tracking System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Contact Log In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Deltek Reports In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Document Display System (DDS) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Docushare In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Help Desk On-line In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Mail Tracking System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web MCS Reconcilliation Report In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web MICS In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web OCR Operator Report In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web

PETS or some call it PTS. (URL:

http://shbweb01/Pets_Prod/activity.asp) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web PMI (Program Management Intranet) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Quality Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Risk Assessment Survey In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web TrustSolutionIntranet In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web UGSIntranet In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Web In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Internet PS and R In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Provider Reports On-line In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web TS In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Provider Profiles In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Provider Voluntary Refund Tracking In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web Other In-House Developed

Client Server Development Web DataPhinder Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web Decipher Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web Deltek Time Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web Deltek Costpoint Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web EFI Digital StoreFront Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web Team applications (PTS, CPT, ITS, DSAU, SSD, CS) Third Party Application

Client Server Development Web VPC Policy Center Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application IKON PowerPress Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application Image EMC++ Environment Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application MARTI legacy EMS Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application MCSDT/Custom View NJ and NY Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application RightFax Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application S.M.A.R.T. Legacy EMS Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application Smeadlink Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application STAR Dbase Database Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application STARS Third Party Application

Client Server Development Desktop Application UA (Universal Access) Third Party Application

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application ACSACCES.EXE In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ACSACES2.EXE In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application AdjFileDel.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application AdjOver.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ADR Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ADR Macro App In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ADRBCR In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ADS System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application aFacSimile.ebm In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Aged Data Macro In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Aged.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Aged Claim Database - NJ In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Aged Claim Database - NY In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Ambulance/IDTF System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application aMRpage3.ebm In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ANSI 276 Creator In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application apls_Himr.ebm In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Appeals Tracking System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Archived Hearing Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ARS In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application AttachPage.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application AttachSelect.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application AutoDev.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application BarCoder.exe In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application Batch Control System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Bene Complaint System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Beneficiary Outreach database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Bess Reporting Application In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application BIE.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Bohemia Requests In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Bohemia_Load In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Bohemia_Load.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application BulkCollector.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application BulkCollectorSNF.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Call Back System or Green Phone Icon In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CarWrk.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CarWrkBackup.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CarWrkBackupNY.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CasePrep.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CCNRequest.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CCNRequestWritten.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CDR application In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CESChiroClaims.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CheckImage.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CheckImg.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Checklist.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CSD Daily Checklist Job In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ClaimCollector.exe In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application ClaimStandard In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ClaimWorkLoad In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Claims Tracking In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ClmTrkUpd1p.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ClmTrkUpd1pNY.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CloseCCNs.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Coaching Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Comment.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ComplaintScreening In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ControlCalc.exe (Amount In Controversy) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Corr_CCN_Delete.exe (CCN Delete) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CQASauto.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Create Prod SSR In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Credit Balance DB In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application CrossWriteFiles In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Extra_Toolbar.exe (CC version) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Extra_Toolbar.exe (PPR version) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Prod.exe (MCSDT Prod Desktop Icon) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Prod.exe (MCSDT Prod Icon) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Tables.mdb In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Custom_View_Tables2000.mdb In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DailyZZSummary.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DCNBarCode In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DCR Database In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application DEOL_Move_Loc.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DEOLHearings.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DevCoDel.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DevMsgCO.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Diag.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DOS_After_DOD_Check.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DSU Binder Reports In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DSU Utilization Reports In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application EDSNETUpdate.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Empire_Forms2000.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Empire Forms System NJ In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Empire_Forms2000.exe/Parts In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Employ_Stnd In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application EMSALL.exe (NJ) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application EMSALLNY.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application EMSjp.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Express Plus In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application FMD (Finance Medigap Database) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Format_60_Day_Call.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application GME Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HBCRB040p.exe, HBCRB040pNY.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HBCRB041pNY.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Hearing Database Archive (97 format) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Hearings_2000 In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application HelpDesk Checker In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Hi Screen Macro In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HIC.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Himr.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HLA In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HostIDSearch.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HostIDSearchA.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Image.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Infoman.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Inserts.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LetterCC.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LgCasePrep.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LOL Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LOL_Database_NY In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Loc22.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LVAM.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application LVAMOIF.exe (NY) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MacroFileRead.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MARTI In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MARTI HIGLAS Conv In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MCS_Crosswalk In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MEDATEST In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Medicare Provider Payment Systems In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Medicode.exe (DX Search) In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application MedPard.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MR Adj Amt In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MR CERT correspondence System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application MSNImport.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application NJ Record Rentention DB In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Non2Covrd.ebm In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application NonInv_All In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application NoPayMSNs.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application NY Record Rentention DB In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Opps project In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Overpayment Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Part A Database Archive In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Phone Archive Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Phone Database Archive (97 format) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PIP Excel Macro In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application POS_be.exe, POS.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Post Pay In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Post Pay Macro/App In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application POTC In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PPR In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PPRFreq.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PrcGuid.mdb, PrcGdl.exe (MedRevPricing) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PrintLog.exe (Print 408) In-House Developed

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Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application prjD922.exe (D922) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application prjInactivate In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application prjTracs In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PRO.mdb In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Pro_Dbase_Macro.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PROBE In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Provider Prepay Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ProvRem.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PS_R download In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PTS Part A In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PTS Part B In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PTSsystem.exe, PTSsystem2000.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application QA Operators Report In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application QIC In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application QIC Archive Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application QIC NJ In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application QIC NY In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Recons Database Archive (97 format) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Recons_2000 In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Recover Overpayments EGHP (SMC1085) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Recover Overpayments Insurers (SMCLab) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Reference.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application RenumClms.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Reviews_2000 In-House Developed

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National Government Services Altiris Help Desk

User Guide

National Government Services, Inc. Client Server Development Page 134 of 136


Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application Roster Bill In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application RMS In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SADBUS Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SafeSearch.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SanctionedLette.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application ScreenCompare.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application

Sectional_QC_FE.mdb, Sectional_QC_Staff_FE.mdb,

Sectional_QC_be.mdb In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Sendr.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SHACK In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SMC Log In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SMC_Load In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SMC_Load.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SNFDenial_Test.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SNFList.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SplitLine.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application SRView.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Surging Provider Application In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Susp.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Tacs Ltr Icon or TACS Letter Database In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application TAPCheckList.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application TEA32 In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Time-Off Request In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Time-off request Archive In-House Developed

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National Government Services Altiris Help Desk

User Guide

National Government Services, Inc. Client Server Development Page 135 of 136


Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development Desktop Application TimeOff.exe, TOS_be.mdb (Time Off System/DB) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application United Health Care Part A Cases In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application United Health Care Part BA Cases In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application V1 Banking In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application V185.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application V4 Screen In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Various .ebm macros In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Vscreen Macro In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Part B Database Archive In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PartsMacro.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application PCFCheck.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Time_On_Hold.exe In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Other In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Appeals Log In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Appeals Search Engine for DMERC In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Appeals Search Engine for MED B In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Compliance Tracking System In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Credit Balance In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application Customer Service Workload In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DCNQ (Document Control Number Query) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application DCNQ (Document Control Number Query) for MCS In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application FTS (Fraud Tracking System) In-House Developed

Client Server Development Desktop Application HDS (Help Desk Software) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX HelpDesk In-House Developed

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National Government Services Altiris Help Desk

User Guide

National Government Services, Inc. Client Server Development Page 136 of 136


Category Sub-Category One Sub-Category Two Sub-Category Three

Client Server Development CITRIX M.A.R.T.I. Queries In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX MARRS (Medicare Appeals Review/Reporting System) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX MedLedger (a.k.a. ML Master) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX MIDAS (Mail Imaging Distribution Audit System) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX NGS Menu In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX PAS (Provider Assessment System) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX PAS (Provider Assessment System) AE In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Provider Address Book (a.k.a. Reimbursement Provider) In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Provider Address Book (a.k.a. Reimbursement Provider) AE In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX QC/QA Audit In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Security Central In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Subscriber In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX TimeKeeper - external In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Vendor Screening In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX PEICS In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX Other In-House Developed

Client Server Development CITRIX M.A.R.T.I. Third Party Application

Client Server Development CITRIX S.M.A.R.T. Third Party Application

Client Server Development CITRIX Deltek Costpoint Third Party Application

Client Server Development CITRIX Deltek Cobra Third Party Application

Client Server Development IVR IVR (Interactive Voice Response) IVR

Client Server Development IVR IVR (Interactive Voice Response) (Custom Report Writer) IVR