alternate and renewable source of energy


Upload: avanish-kumar

Post on 20-Jan-2015




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  • 1. It is defined as ability or capacity to do workWe use energy to do work and make all movements. Energy lights our cities,powers our vehicles, and runs machinery in factories. It warms and cools ourhomes, cooks our food, plays our music, and gives us pictures on television.

2. 1. Renewable energy-Energy that comes from naturally sources such as Sun , wind etc. which is inexhaustible or naturally replenished2. Non renewable energy-Energy sources that cant be reproduced ,generated or replenished. Once depleted there is no more for future use. 3. Wood Generally used in rural area Coal- widely used as energy source Petroleum-used in auto mobiles Oil and Natural gas-used in lpg cylinderMost of them are non renewable. 4. Non sustainable Environmental impact Extraction of coal, oil and gas is dangerous andincreasingly expensive. 5. Energy conservation refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption. Energy conservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, in conjunction with decreased energy consumption or reduced consumption from conventional energy sources. Energy conservation act was passed in 2001 in India. Bureau of energy efficiency (BEE)-Govt. body regulating energy efficiency. BEE ratings for electrical appliances to indicate energy efficiency and conservation. Trivial things like switching off the electrical appliances alsohelp in conserving energy. 6. Nuclear energy Solar energy Wind energy Hydropower Tidal energy Geo thermal Bio-mass Biofuel Bagasse 7. Source-International Energy Agency(IEA) 8. Source-CENTRAL STATISTICS OFFICE INDIA 9. Source-CENTRAL STATISTICS OFFICE INDIA 10. Produced by fission or fusion of atoms. Fission- When the nucleus splits nuclear energy is release in the formof heat. Fusion- Energy is also release when atoms combine at high speed. Power is generated in nuclear reactor by fission. 11. Source - 12. Lower carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) released into theatmosphere in power generation. Low operating costs (relatively). Large power-generating capacity able to meet industrial and city needs. 13. Non renewable energy. Expensive to mine, refine and transport. High construction costs due to complex radiation containment systems andprocedures. Waste (including greenhouse gasses) are generated during extraction and generation. Radiation risk are high. Waste lasts 200 500 thousand years. Risk of terrorism. 14. o Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solarradiation.o Solar energy is the energy force that sustains life on the earth for all plants,animals, and people. The earth receives this radiant energy from the sunin the form of electromagnetic waves, which the sun continually emits into space.o This solar energy can be tapped directly as concentrating solar power(CSP)(solar thermal energy)and photovoltaic(PV) cells. 15. o Solar Cell: The PV cell is the component responsible for converting light toelectricity. Some materials (e.g., silicon is the most common) produce aphotovoltaic effect, where sunlight frees electrons striking the silicon material.The freed electrons cannot return to the positively charged sites (holes) withouflowing through an external circuit, thus generating current.o Solar cells are designed to absorb as much light as possible and areinterconnected in series and parallel electrical connections to producedesired voltages and currents.o PV is best suited for remote site applications that have small to moderate powerequirements, or small power consuming applications even where the grid is inexistence. 16. Concentrating solar power Photovoltaic cells 17. Solar cells are long lasting sources of energy which can beused almost anywhere. Solar cells are totally silent and non-polluting. Solar cells provide cost effective solutions to energy issues inplaces where there is no mains electricity. As they have no moving parts, they require little or nomaintenance at all, and have a long lifetime. Solar cells can easily be installed on roofs, which means nonew space is needed and each user can quietly generate theirown energy. 18. The initial cost is quite high. Most types of solar cells require large areas of land toachieve average efficiency. Air pollution and weather can also have a large effect on theefficiency of the cells. The silicon used in cells is also very expensive. 19. 20. 21. SMALL(