alma 1-4

ALMA 1-4

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Alma 1-4. Personal Radiation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Alma 1-4

ALMA 1-4

Page 2: Alma 1-4

“There is a responsibility that no man can evade. That is the responsibility of personal influence… Every man (& woman) has an atmosphere or a radiation that is affecting every person in the world. You cannot escape it… It is simply the constant radiation of what a man (or woman) really is. Every man (& woman) by his mere living is radiating positive or negative qualities. Life is a state of radiation. To exist is to be the radiation of our feelings, natures, doubts, schemes, or to be the recipient of those things from somebody else. You cannot escape it. Man (& women) cannot escape for one moment the radiation of his (or her) character. You will select the qualities that you will permit to be radiated… President David O. McKay, CR, Oct. 1969, 87

Personal Radiation

Page 3: Alma 1-4

Do those who persecute the Church hurt it?

Alma 1:1-3

“Every time they persecute…this people, they elevate us,… and strengthen the hands and arms of this people. And every time they undertake to lessen our number, they increase it…Righteousness and power with God increase in this people in proportion as the Devil struggles to destroy it” (Brigham Young, Discourses, 351).

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Alma 1

Alma 1:4. Do you see Satan’s Pre Earth petition in Nehor’s message?Alma 1:5-6. Look for the different responses of Church members.  

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Alma 1:1-6

“During Alma’s first year in the judgment seat, a large and strong man by the name of Nehor was brought before him to be judged. According to the scriptures, Nehor was going about among the people causing much dissension….

Popular Messages are Often Not Right

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Alma 1:1-6

“Nehor’s words appealed to the people, but his doctrine, while popular to many, was incorrect. As we face the many decisions in life, the easy and popular messages of the world will not usually be the right ones to choose, and it will take much courage to choose the right” (L. Tom Perry, in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 88–89; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 66-67).

Popular Messages are Often Not Right

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Alma 1:8-9

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Alma 1:15-16

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1. As a member of the colony that lived in the land of Nephi, he resisted the wicked leadership of King Noah.

2. He became “the king’s captain” during the reign of Limhi and played a significant part in preserving the colony and helping them escape to Zarahemla.

3. He met the high standards set forth to become a teacher in the Church. When confronted by Nehor’s false teachings, he admonished him with the “words of God.”

4. He was so respected by the people that they named both a valley and a city in his honor (Alma 2:20; 6:7).

“Gideon - an instrument in the hands of God”

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Alma 1:27-32

An interesting socioeconomic occurrence…Think about the principle of radiating as you read…

Gross National Happiness (video)

Page 11: Alma 1-4

True or False? My outward

appearance says something about

who I am?

Page 12: Alma 1-4

“ ‘Do not underestimate the important symbolic and actual effect of appearance. Persons who are well groomed and modestly dressed invite the companionship of the Spirit of our Father in Heaven and are able to exercise a wholesome influence upon those around them.’ ...“Just as the Church’s temples portray light and an inner beauty through their outward appearance, so we must be thoughtful and careful about how we dress and what we put on our personal temples.”

Elder David A. Bednar,

“Ye Are the Temple of

God,” Ensign, Sept. 2001,


Page 13: Alma 1-4

Alma 3

vs.4,16 How do people mark themselves?

Page 14: Alma 1-4

I was holding a church book in my hands; it was a biography on one of the prophets. And while I was waiting in line, I felt very tense. I could feel stares in every direction; they felt like lasers. I stood there stiff trying to ignore it but I couldn't. I could physically feel the stares from everyone. Finally, the guy next to me tapped my on the arm and said, "You know ... it's pretty ironic you look the way you do holding that book."

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Alma 3

  What messages do you radiate by the way

you dress and mark your body? What other factors of dress and appearance

might show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ?

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Alma 3

 “I do not believe that you can stand for

truth and right while wearing anything that is unbecoming one who holds the priesthood of God. To me, it is impossible to maintain the Spirit of the Lord while listening to music or watching movies or videos that celebrate evil thoughts and use vulgar language” (Elder Ballard, Conference Report, Oct. 1997, 51–53; or Ensign, Nov. 1997, 38–39).

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“Young women, you do not need to drape rings up and down your ears. One modest pair of earrings is sufficient… A young man…does not need tattoos or earrings on or in his body. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve are all united in counseling against these things” (Gordon B. Hinckley, New Era, January 2001, 11).

Alma 3

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“Some of you young men seem to delight in dressing in a slouchy manner. I know that it is a sensitive subject, but I believe it is unbecoming to young men who have been ordained to the holy priesthood of God.” (President Hinckley, October 2006)

Alma 3

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“Your body is God’s sacred creation. Respect it as a gift from God, and do not defile it in any way. Through your dress and appearance, you can show the Lord that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ” (For the Strength of Youth: Fulfilling Our Duty to God [booklet, 2001], 14).

Alma 3

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Alma 3:27

What does the word “listeth” mean?

The angle of list is the degree to which a vessel leans to either port or starboard.A listing vessel is stable and at equilibrium, but the distribution of weight aboard causes it to heel to one side or the other.List refers to a ship leaning to one side under stable conditions, often caused by uneven loading or flooding. If a listing ship goes beyond the point where a righting moment will keep it afloat, it will capsize and potentially sink.

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Alma 3:27

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Alma 3:27

 “The future of this world has

long been declared; the final outcome between good and evil is already known. There is absolutely no question as to who wins because the victory has already been posted on the scoreboard. The only really strange thing in all of this is that we are still down here on the field trying to decide which team’s jersey we want to wear!”

Jeffrey R. Holland

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Which way do you ‘lean’? What messages are you radiating?

Personal Radiation

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ALMA 1-4