alleviating bullying with physical activity

Coaching Pedagogy Presentation Tom Shepherd u3045331 Alleviating Bullying via Physical Activity

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University assignment of how physical activity can help Bullying.


Page 1: Alleviating Bullying with Physical Activity

Coaching Pedagogy

Presentation Tom Shepherd


Alleviating Bullying via Physical Activity

Page 2: Alleviating Bullying with Physical Activity

Bullying:Background• Bullying is described as aggressive behavior normally characterized by

repetition and imbalance of power (P.K. Smith, P Brain 2000) • is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The

behaviour can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power (E Bennet 2006)

• Bullying is when a person is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons.

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Types of Bullying

• Physical• Verbal • Emotional • Sexual • Racial

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Cyber Bullying• Cyber bullying" is when a child, preteen

or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

• Trend was noticed when “i-generation” started, strongly associated with social media programs such as Myspace, Facebook, Msn

Where it occurs? -Social Media Websites-Cell Phones-Emails-Home phone calls

“cyber bullying can occur 24hrs in comparison to school hour bullying, there is no escaping it for some victims”

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Effects of Bullying• Psychological: Stress, Severe anxiety- Mood swings- Irritability- Panic attacks- Loss of self-esteem- Depression- Suicidal thoughts

• In some circumstances, prolonged victimization of bullying can lead to extreme mental effects and fatal events such as Columbine and other American School Shootings.

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Dealing with Bullies

• School Based Plans - Whole School student

contracts outlining positive behaviours towards others with consequences if breached. Zero tolerance is critical

- Guests Speakers/Assemblies- Courses of Anti-bullying

techniques taught to the teachers.

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P.E.A.C.E• KidsMatter Primary is

underpinned by decades of solid research about mental health and wellbeing and the benefits of social and emotional learning in schools

• Program put in by Australian Government to try and reduce incidents of bullying and Violence.

P: Preparation E: Education A: ActionC: CopingE: Evaluate

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Ways of dealing with Bullying: The Bully

• Why they Bully? - Need of power/Social

dominance - Rewarded with attention

and popularity amongst other peers

- Satisfaction from physical hurting others.

How to change a Bully?-Research shows that “bullies” can meet their needs in more positive ways. Creating opportunities for Bully to be powerful in positive ways.

- Provide the bully with an opportunity to “captain/lead” in a sport game

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Changing the Bully• “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not

weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly” Ralph Walder Emerson

• Recent studies have shown altering the environment in which a “bully” can receive their needs. Sport activities can achieve this by using the need of power of the bully, to lead or captain in a game, they can learn how to use the need of power in a “team” orientated environment and still feel

the satisfaction of being powerful.

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Changing the Bully Cont’d• Behavioural Changes

from Playing Sport- Teamwork skills- Decision making- Communication

Through sport, a bully can effectively change his/her bullying ways to more positive leadership skills. With the dramatic change in the bully, the development of these critical life skills can help them become successful in their career latter in life.

Karate is a prime example of a sport that can help diffuse bullying.

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Ways of dealing with bullying: The victim

• Why they are Bullied? - Kids are generally bullied

due to the fact that they are different in some kind of way. (Physically, Ethnicity, Religion, illnesses)

- How to deal with it? - Counselling, approaching

adults such as teachers, parents or other adult figures in their life.

How Physical activity can help?Physical activity can generally help people who are suffer from depression, anxiety and stress of all ages.

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Dealing with bullying: The victim Cont’d

• How Physical activity can help alleviate bullying?

- Mood enhancement - Releases endorphins - Activation of muscles, helps

trigger release of endorphins in brain

- Alters brain focus off feeling isolation, depression and fear

Victims of bullying can engage in regular physical activity, to help ease the pain. Studies have proven that pre teens and teenagers suffering from bullying can help enhance moods, self esteem and thoughts.

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What us as teachers/coaches can do

• Teacher/coaches based Plans- Create Positive Environment!!!- Reinforce Positive behaviours- Be a Positive Role model • Try to have adult figure around at times when bullying is most likely. • Teach other kids to be a positive bystander/witness• Educate about the risks of social media and cyberbullying • Lastly a ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING!

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• Websites - Carruthes, C. (2006). Psychological effects of Exercise. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from - Boggle, J. (n.d.). Forms of bullying. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from

- Slee, P. (2010). The PEACE pack. Retrieved 3 April 2013, from

• Journals • - Wier, K. (2011). The exercise effect. American Pyschological Association, 42(11), 48. •  • Duggan, T. (septem 2011). Do Sports help Improve Leadership. Sports and Recreation, 12(6),

35-37 •  • Forgione, M. (september 22, 2010). Why Kids benefit from playing sport. Los Angeles Times