alleged stolen emails from mayor dawn zimmer

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In February 2011, alleged stolen emails are exchanged between Perry Klaussen, owner of the Hoboken411 blog and Lane Bajardi.This is a public document part of a 2015 trial exhibit in the dismissed defamation case Bajardi v Pincus.


  • EXHIBIT D vg

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    From: Hoboken41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:03 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 1 of 6): Audit emails Attach: IMG-0001 .pdf

    Perry [email protected]

    From: HC Sidemouth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27,2011 11:41 AM To: hoboken411@gmail,com Subject: Audit emails These are part 1 of Audit emails. These date until December 16

    file:l/C:\Documents and Settings\raslys\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content .... 1211712014

  • From: Hoboken41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 2 of 6): Audit Delay Attach: IMG.pdf



    From: HC Sidemouth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:43 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Audit Delay

    Because of internal issues at City Hall, the executed contract for matrix to perform the audit was delayed. Here are the emails showing that.

  • From: Hoboken41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,2011 10:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 3 of 6): Summary Pages (Corrected) Attach: Grants & Audit.docx

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    From: HC Sidemouth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27,2011 11:46 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Summary Pages (Corrected)

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    From: Hoboken41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 4 of 6): Audit info Part 2 Attach: IMG-0001 .pdf

    Perry [email protected]

    From: HC Sidemouth [maiito:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:51 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Audit info Part 2 After another incomplete OPRA, the city gave me this to possibly pacify me. That's not happening. This one shows that they have an audit & do not like the results. They are trying to change the outcome. This is not fair to us citizens of Hobolen. We expected a Fair & Honest audit. What they are trying to do is deceitful, dishonest, & self serving. It is cheating the citizens of Hoboken from appropriate level of service. Why have they changed auditors midway through. Why is the audit already 3 +months behind, & now they gave the firm until March 18th? People need to be made aware.

    file:llC:\Documents and Settings\raskys\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content .... 1211 712014

  • Prom: Hobokcen41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:05 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 5 of 6): Part of the "Ethics" paclcage Attach: 1MG.pdf



    From: HC Sidemouth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:59 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Part of the "Ethics" package

    This "Ethics Order" is to prevent employees from gathering en masse in the City Council Chambers. In other words, they are trying to stifle the unions ability to gather and protest unfair labor ordinances among other things. Since when does being an employee of the City of Hoboken trump a person being a US citizen with the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

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    Prom: Hoboken41 1 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:08 PM To: [email protected] Subject: (HFD 6 of 6 ) : original Audit Attach: State Opra April 20 2010.doc; Antonucci to State.pdf

    FYI - my contact told me to not publish anything on this as of yet -saying that they wanted to do something with the Mayor first ... but I ' l l call him this week and get more clarification.


    Perry [email protected]

    From: HC Sidernouth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 12:33 PM To: [email protected] Subject: original Audit

    Just to give you some background. When Tripodi came here, she had 2 auditors perform audits, 1 for PD & 1 for FD. The FD auditor was pulled away to go to Camden. When he was completed there he did not come baclc here. Why? Well I opra'd state documents (emails) and I am attaching them to this email. Off the record, I was told by a state worker that he was told not to come back. Fast Forward to 2010 when it comes time for the city to get another audit. Why didn't they ask the state? It would have cost Hoboken Taxpayers $0. They decided to pay a firm $70,000 so they could have the audit their way. Isn't that self serving, & didnt Zimmer accuse the cops of that when they paid for their audit? What is the difference?

    Attached is a cut & paste from their email response to my OPRA. I didn't want my name out there thats why I cut & pasted. Also, the date was April 20, 2010, after the City decided it want to send out a RFQ for auditing services.

    A second attachment is from your best friend Antonucci to the state.

    Have fun & thanks

    file:llC:\Documents and Settings\raskys\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content .... 12/17/2014

  • EXHIBIT D 48 A

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    Arch Liston

    From: Travis Miller [trniller@rnatrixcg net] Sent: Wednesday, February 16,201 1 314 AM To: Arch Liston Cc: Dawn Zimmer Subject: Report I spoke with the Chief late Monday - I will malcc thc final edits today and have the final report to you tonight.

    Perhaps we can talk Thursday afternoon by phone, or sometimc on Friday?

    Travis Miller Vice President Matrix Consulting Group 26 Cutler Road Andover, MA 01810 978-662-5335 (office) 81 7-939-1 704 (cell) 978-824-2366 [fax,

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    Arch Liston

    From: Dawn Z~mmer [dzimmer@hobokennj org] Sent: Wednesday, February 16,201 1 8 47 AM To: 'Trav~s M~iler'; 'Arch L~ston' Cc : 'Joanne Buonarota' Subject: RE: Report Trav~s,

    Let's talk today before you work on finalizing the report. I am copying my assistant Joanne so that she can try to schedule a conference call as early as possible. Thank you.

    Mayor Zimmer

    From: Travis Miller [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, Februaly 16, 201 1 5:14 AM To: Arch Liston Cc: Dawn Zimmer Subject: Report

    I spolce with the Chief late Monday - I will make the final edits today and have the final report to you tonight.

    Perhaps we can talk Thursday afternoonby phone, or somctime on Friday?

    Travis Miller Vice President Matrix Consulting Group 26 Cutler Road Andover, MA 01810 978-662-5335 (ofice)

  • Arch Liston

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    From: Travis Miller [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 16,2011 12:57 PM To: Dawn Zimrner Cc: Arch Liston; Joanne Buonarota Subject: Re: Report I'm getting in the car to drive f rom Bingha~nton down to Lawrence T w p - should be highway (good cell) most o f the way - can we shoot for 2? If not what time would work better? Sent f rom my iPhone

    On Feb 16,201 1, at 8:47 AM, Dawn Zimmer wrote: Travis, Let's talk today before you work on finalizing the report. I am copying my assistant Joanne so that she can try to schedule a conferencecall as eally as possible.

    Thank you

    Mayor Zimmer

    From: Travis Miller [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 5:14 To: Arch Liston Cc: Dawn Zimmer Subject: Report

    I spoke w i th the Chief late Monday - I w i l l make the final edits today and have the f inal report to you tonight.

    Perhaps we can talk Thursday afternoon by phone, or sometime on Friday?

    Travis Miller Vice President Matrix Consulting Group 26 Cutler Road Andover, MA 01810 978-662-5335 (office) 817-939-1704 (cell) 978-824-2366 (fax) www,

  • Arch Liston

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    From: Dawn Zimmer [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 16,201 1 2:35 PM To: [email protected]; 'Mark Tabakin' Cc: [email protected] Subject: Update on Matrix Richard Brody, principal of Matrix, just agreed to put someone else on this project and return a report to us within 30 days.

    He assured me that he will be personally involved

    Arch - let's meet to discuss objectives for the study based on what has already been received so that I can send a confirmingemail to Mr. Brody today or tomorrow with all of our follow up questions.



    Dawn Zimmer Mayor, City of Hoboken Office: 201-420-2013 Website: htto:l/www.hobokenni.orq Twitter: htto://w.twitter.comlcitvofnoboken Facebook: ht t~: / i~. facebook.corn/hoboken EmailtText updates: htto:/llocal.nixle.comicitv-of-hobokenl

    Please considerthe environment before printing this e-mail.

  • Arch Liston

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    From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, Februay 17, 2011 9.14 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Hoboken Fire Folks I am forwarding you this email I received and am assuming since it is addressedonly to me that vou have not received this one like the urevious one from the same individual that was sent to all , - -. . -~ members of the council and the administration. l wanted you to be apprised that this author is indicating that he has forwarded something to the media.

    Also after hearing last night at the council meeting that there has been further documentation ( 2nd draft) provided to the city regarding the fire department from Matrix I have to say that I am disapp0inted.A~ the fire chief I would assume that I would have had the opportunity to review it for accuracy andlor comment.

    Couple that with a previous document in my possession from Matrix outlininga timeline which indicates in several places that I would be provided a copy of the draft for input. I am confused as to why I have been left out of the deliberative process with regard to the work product from Matrix. Being excluded from that deliberation process is very disconcerting to me I respectfully ask to be provided a copy of that draft.


    Chief Blohm

    1 From: [email protected] To: rblbhm@hobok& Sent: 2/16/2011 8:32:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Hoboken Fire

    1 Chief 1 This has been fowarded to the Star Ledger, Jersey Journal and Hoboken 411. Good luck It has also come to my attention that emails between the City o f Hoboken administration and Matrix, the company conducting the audit o f the fire department, have been obtained. These emails outline an extended conversation in which it has become evident that the Mayor's administration has gone t o lengthy and subversive mean t o edit Matrix's audit. Afinal draft was completed and reviewed. During this review, it seems the audit was not considered favorable t o the Mayor's agenda and was then only considered a 'FIRST D M . ' A new audit was created for the administration and it seems that the audit was still not considered favorable to the Mayor's agenda and is now considered a'SECOND DRAFT.' Matrix is now in the process of creating a third draft and in an email from Mayor Dawn Zimmer, she instructs Matrix t o not consider their audit complete until they speakwith Ex-Fire Chief Richard Tremitiedi. Mr. Tremitiedi is an outside entity hired to skew the results even further and has not been a part o f the fire service for 15 years.

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    These emails were obtained through an OPRA request by the fire unions. It is also interesting that once the OPRA request was filed, the City's administration choose to no longer communicate with Matrix by emall. This i s evident in the large lapse between the last email response and now.

    These facts paint aclear picture in which the administration of the City of Hoboken have gone through extensive and subversive acts to change an audit which is being paid for by the citizens of Hoboken. They have blatantly kept this process, which is of a public entity and thusly should be conducted publicly, hidden from the public in an attempt to change its outcome. 1 feel that this is a great injustice and is GROSSLYUNETHICAL. It is also interesting to me that Mayor Dawn Zimmer has lust recently unveiled an ethics campaign while blatantly disregardingthem herself.

    Piease feel free to contact the Fire Officers Local of Hoboken for a copy of these emails.

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    Arch Liston From: Juan Melli [email protected]] Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 10:45AM To: [email protected] Cc: 'Dawn Zimmer' Subject: FW: Fire Audit Fire Audit qucstions.

    From: Cla~re Moses [ma~lto:cla~rem@patch com] Sent: Friday, February 18, 201 1 10:44 AM To: Juan Mell~ Subject: Fire Aud~t

    Hi Juan,

    I have some questions about thc firc audit, could you aslc Arch (or fmd a time for me to talk to Arch today)?

    I'd like to lcnow the timing of the audit, so how long has Matrix been around and what's the hold up of gctting thc fmal document?

    Why is this audit being done by a private firm, while the police audit was done by the state. I know the state started doing the audit, and was wonderingwhy they left. Could you find out why? I believe the auditor was narnedDon Huber. Does the administration have a draft of the audit? If so, did they send it to the council mcmbers who askcd for it on Wednesday? (I remember Russo and Cunningham asking for it).

    Is the City doing anything to speed up the process to get the audit in hands?

    I'm out for the morning, but will be chccking my email. If I haven't heard from you, 1'11 givc you a call carly afternoon. Claire

    Claire Moses Editor, Hoboken Patch clairem@, (201) 560 3073 http://hobolten,outch.con~ w+w.twitter,com/HobokenPalch

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    Arch Liston

    From: Joanne Buonarota [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 23,201 1 12:43 PM To: 'Dawn 2immer';'Daniel Bryan'; 'Arch Liston' Subject: PHONE MESSAGE


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    Arch Liston

    From: Dawn Zimmer[[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 23,2011 12:45 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: Hoboken FirelResponse from Mayor Zimmer

    Chief Blohm,

    I am forwarding the ernail again that I sent last Friday. Please review it and respond ss soon as possible.

    With regard to your email below, I want to advise you that I will be taking the exact same approach with the Fire Dept. audit as we took with the Police audit. This will ensure complete fairness between the two departments and the objectivity of the audit.

    Ps we did with the Police, once a final audit has been received, you will be given time to review it and provide both your verbal and written feedback and recommendations. It will not be publicly released until you have had time to review it and provide feedback. I believe we gave Chief Falco 5 days, and will certainly work with you to ensure that schedule permitting you have time to provide feedback, both verbally and written. Together these documents will be posted on the City's web site and a communication will be provided to the Council and the public.

    No drafts of the Police audit were released, and we are going to follow the same process for the Fire audit.

    Decisions with regard to staffing levels and the FEW grant will be made based on the resultsof the Matrix audit and your recommendations, as well as input from Director Alicea and Business Administrator Liston.

    Please confirm receipt of this urgent email. I n addition, I need to talk to you today or tomorrow about Hoboken's 91 1 system. I am trying to set up a meeting with Chief Falco, and we would like to conference you into the meeting.

    Best regards,

    Mayor Zimmer

    Copy of email previously sent regarding F E W Mayor Zimmer Sent: Fliday, February 18, 2011 2:21 FM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: Urgent update regarding FEMAIcoordinatlng on next steps

    Chief Blohm,

    I just had a very good conversation with Tina Godfrey from the FEMA grants Dept. (Tom Wolfe directed me to her).

    She advised me that yo.. w'll lx recoiv ng a errer from Eli~abeth narmon the Assisranr Direcror of FEMA rogara ng oJr grant. I w I advise ,s that wo nave 30 days w m an ch ro prcscnl a remedialion

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    plan to FEMA for our grant.

    Please keep a close look out for this letter and drop off a copy of it as soon as you receive it so that we can respond within the 30-day timeframe.

    In the meantime, I want to let you know that Matrix is working on a final drafl of the audit and will be providing us with a revised drafl within the next 30 days. The draft we received was incomplete. Based on the results of the audit, your input, and a financial analysis, I hope that together we can put together a remediation plan that meets with approval from FEMA and most importantlyensures the protection of all Hoboken residents and Fire Dept. personnel.

    In advance of receiving the FEMA letter, let's continue with our internal review process. We need to put togethera report on all reimbursement records from FEMA related to the grant. Were you involved directly in working with the Finance Dept. on this matter? If so, who did you work with from the Finance Dept? We need to gather ail copies of documentationrelated to the reimbursements of the grant and track exactly where the money was spent.

    Also, we need to make sure that we are clear on the grant requirements. You advised me that Tom Wolfe said that we need to maintain 111 firefighters. However, Tina Godfrey stated that we need to hire a certain number of firefightersabove what the current staffing levels were at that time that we received the grant.

    Please provide me with any letter or other documentation from FEMA that you may have that clarifies exactly what the grant level should be. This cannot be based on a verbal conversation with Mr. Wolfe, we must have something in writing that clarifies the exact number of firefighters that we are responsible for maintaining or hiring.

    Also, please work with Personnel to put togethera report of all retirementssince the grant was received. The report should include the rank, base salary plus benefits, and most importantly date of retirement.

    Please confirm that you received this and confirm that you can provide this information by the end of next Tuesday.

    Best regards.

    Mayor Zimmer

    From: RICHIEFD@aoi com[mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 201 1 9:14 AM To: dz~mmer@hobokennj org Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Hoboken F ~ r e

    Folns I am forwara~ng yo^ rnis errail I recc ved and am assum ng slnce t s acdresseo only to me lnat yo, nade nor rece vec l h ~ s one ke the orev OLS one from rhc same .nc J o,al that fias sen1 to a I members of rne coLnc and the administration. I wanted you to be apprised that this author is indicating that he has forwarded something to the media.

    A so after hear ng asr n gnl ar lne coLnc meet ng I'ial lnere nas oeeri f~rtner ooc-mental~on , 2nd araftl urov oed lo lne c iv reoaram r'le ocuanmen! from V a ~ r ~ x hale ro sav tna! I am a saooolnrea As tho fire dh'ief I would assum; that I woiid have had the opportunity to review it for accuracy andlor'domment.

    Couple that with a previous document in my possession from Matrix outlining a timeline which indicates in several places that I would be provided a copy of the drafl for input. I am confused as to why I have been iefl out of the deliberative process with regard to the work product from Matrix. Being excluded from that deliberation process is very disconcerting to me I respectfully ask to be provided a copy of that draft.


  • Chief Blohm

    , , . , ~ ~ ~~

    From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 2116/20118:32:09 P.M. Eastem Standard Time Subj: Hoboken Fire


    This has been fowarded to the Star Ledger, Jersey Journal and Hoboken 411. Good luck It has also come t o my attention that emails between the City of Hoboken administration and Matrix, the company conducting the audit of the fire department, have been obtained. These emails outline an extended conversation in which it has become evident that the Mayor's administration has gone to lengthy and subversive mean t o edit Matrix's audit. A final draft was completed and reviewed. During this review, it seems the audit was not considered favorable to the Mayor's agenda and was then only considered a'FIRST DRAFT.' A new audit was created for the administration and it seems that the audit was still not considered favorable to the Mayor's agenda and is now considered a SECOND DRAFT.' Matrix is now in the process of creating athirddroft and in an email from Mayor Dawn Zimmer, she instructs Matrix to not consider their audit complete until they speak with Ex- Fire Chief Richard Tremitiedi. Mr. Tremitiedi is an outside entity hired to skew the results even further and has not been a part of the fire service for 15 years.

    These emails were obtained through an OPRA request by the fire unions. It is also interesting that once the OWiA request was filed, the City's administration choose t o no longer communicate with Matrix by email. This is evident in the large lapse between the last email response and now.

    These facts paint a clear picture in which the administration of the City of Hobolten have gone through extensive and subversive acts to change an audit which is being paid for by the citizens of Hoboken. They have blatantly kept this process, which is of a public entity and thusly should be conducted publicly, hidden from the public in an attempt to change its outcome. I feel that this is a great injustice and is GROSSLYUNETHICAL. It is also interesting t o me that Mayor Dawn Zimmer has lust recently unveiled an ethics campaiqn while blatantlydisreqardinq them herself.

    Please feel free t o contact the Fire Officers Local of Hoboken for a copy of these emails,

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    Arch Liston From: Dawn Zimmer [[email protected] Sent: Wednesday, February 23,201 1 1252 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Resending emaillcoordinating on completion of Hoboken's Fire audit Mr. Brady, Here is the email that I hied to send last week. I will follow up to speak with you directly. Most importantly, we need to know who is going to be worlcing to complete Hobolcen's Fire audit as soon as possible.

    Best regards

    Mayor Zimmer

    Cell: 201.424.1598

    Mr. Brady, Thanlc you for spealcing with me this week regardingHoboken1s Fire audit by Matrix. As we discussed, it is crucial that Hoboken receive a final audit as soon as possible. Due to the inaccurate and incomplete issues with the first draft, I want to thanlcyou for agreeing to appoint a new project manager for our audit. I also want to thank you for personally committing to ensuring that this project is completed within the next 30 days, no later than Friday, March 18".

    Please let us know who will be the new project manager, as we would lilce to meet with this person as soon as possible, and have themmeet with our Fire Chief and former Fire Chief as well.

    As I discussed, we are extremely concerned about making a determinationabout staffing levels since we must respond to a grant issue with FEMA. (They have advised us that we will lose the grant if we do not provide a remediation plan within the next 30 days). Therefore the completion of the Matrix audit on time is extremely important.

    The following provides our follow up questions on the draft that we were provided. Again, I want to emphasize that we are loolcing for straightforward guidance, based on data such as calls for service, population, and the geography of our city, to determine optimuin staffing levels that will protect our residents and WFP employees in the most cost-effective structurepossiblc. Thank you again, and I will call you to follow up

    Best regards.

    Mayor Zimmer

    Follow up questions:

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    1. The audit evaluates staffing levels based on "the current "minimum staffing Plan." Whose plan is this? It appears to be the HFD's existingplan, not one developed by the auditor. There is no analysis given as to whether it's appropriate. Where is the auditor's minimum staffing plan? The audit neither evaluates the HFD's existing plan nor proposes its own. It just accepts the HFD's plan and uses it as its basis for evaluation, which pretty much defeats the whole purpose of the audit. The police audit based proper staffmg on "calls for service." Is this appropriatefor fire as well? What should the minimum staffmg plan be based on, and what is the City's current plan actually based on?

    2. The "minimum staffmg plan" matches up with the table of organization- not actual current staffing which is significantly less. The audit should evaluate current ACTUAL staffing to conclude whether it is necessary or sufficient to meet Hoboken's needs. Has the reductionin staffing materially reduced the efficiency of service? If not, what is the justificationto returning to a larger more top-heavy staffmg level?

    3. Is the actual current ratio of senior officers to firefighters correct or is the department top-heavy or bottom heavy? This analysis should be based on actual current staffig, not the table of org.

    4. Driving response times are quick because Hoboken is compact, not because we have more personnel. This statistic says little about whether our staffing levels are necessary or sufficient.

    5. There is a dedicated Captain for training. He develops the training curriculum, oversees training and sometimes conducts training (though many trainings are conducted by company officers, not the training Captain. How many trainings does he conduct himself? The curriculum is not updated based on experience because post-incident critiques are rarely done and the curriculum is not updated based'on them. Given these facts, is the "training captain" as currently deployed a full time job? If not, what responsibilities should be added to expand the role of this position?

    6. Calls for service dropped 35% from 2009 to 2010,41% from 2007. The drop occurred broadly in all types of calls. The audit makes no attempt to explain this or factor it into its analysis. Why did the drop occur? Is it a one time drop or are we likely to returnto the old levels. If the drop is the result of better screening of non-essential calls, is this apolicy we should continue or not and what are the public safety and staffing implicationsof this decision?

    7. Despite having far fewer calls, response times slowed in 2010. Why?

    8. The audit criticizes the absence of performance benchmarlcs and suggests some, but does not evaluate whether the HFD meets the suggested benchmarks. Why not?

    9. The audit suggests that higher staffing levels are more cost effective than overtime in "some instances." In what instances? Since the report notes that Hoboken's use of overtime is quite limited, what is the significance of this conclusion? Doesn't the proven ability to provide service without resorting to overtime indicate that the existing staffing is at least sufficient and may be able to be reduced?

    10. The report notes (page 14) that rather than use overtime, the HPD does not maintainits own "minimum staffing levels" and closes an engine company for several days. Has this had a negative effect on public safety? If not what is the significanceofthis in terms evaluating the correct "minimum staffing levels?"

    11. During a meeting with the Business Administrator and myself, Travis Miller told us that one of his

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    recornmendations would be to close a fire station on Jefferson Street and 2nd. I reiterated my position that 1 want straightforwardguidance. If this is not advisable I understand, but I would like to lcnow why this was recommendedverbally and thennot included in the final report.

    Thank you again.

    Best regards.

    Mayor Zimtner

    Cell: 201.424.1598

    Dawn Zimmer Mayor, City of Hoboken Office: 201-420-2013 Weoste hrro t j ~ l i v nohckenn orq Tvctrer: n:!p v.w~.lui t ler c3m'c !voYcbc.ten Facebook: htt~:llwww.facebook.comlhoboken EmailfText updates: htt~:// Cf Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

  • EXHIBIT D 49

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    F r o m : Hobolten411 Sent: Sunday, February 27,201 1 10:08 P M To: [email protected] Subject: RE: A couple things ... about Muni Garage, HFD, and H U M C - etc

    OK- I forwarded nine emails.. let me know what you think ... enjoy the Oscars. Thanks,


    ~ . . - " ' .-..,....m...----...,..-.--.-. ~ "- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, February 27,2011 8:22 PM To: Perry Klaussen Subject: Re: A couple things ... about Muni Garage, HFD, and HUMC - etc Go ahead and send. Dr inking wine at an Oscar Party right now. Needed to take the weeltend o f f f rom this stuff.

    Sent f r o m my Ver izon Wireless B lackBeny

    - .- . . , . . ~ . - , . , .. .~ ~, ~. . ~~ .... . . , ~ .... ~ .. . ... . . . ~ . ... , F r o m : "Hoboken41 1 " Date: Sun, 2 7 Feb 201 1 19:44:11 -0500 To: Subject: A couple things ... about Muni Garage, HFD, and HUMC - etc Hey - before I bother you with emails - I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in receiving information about the following:

    1. I've received quite a bit of data about the Fire Department Audit-the unwillingness from City Hall t o cooperate - denied OPRA requests - and the fact that the city isn't too happy with the results of the audit - and keep trying t o tweak the numbers to benefit them. Also - they are supposedly out of compliance with the SAFER grants - and may lose money - and possibly have to pay back upwards of a million dollars in grants already received ... (six emails and attachments total)

    2. 1 have a "Certificate of Need" for the purchase of the Bayonne Medical Center-apparently raises some interesting questions ... As well as a "Top 10Questions" that should be asked about HUMC before it's sold ... from that guy George ... (two emails total)

    3. Lastly -Several city employees are quite upset about how Zimmer's new policies are infringing on lSt Amendment rights, and they also are apparently following employees around -snooping on Facebook pages, etc. Also some new info that the Muni Garage may turn into new office space for City Hall? (one email)

    f i le:i iC:\Documents and Settings\raslys\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Filesicontent .... 1211 712014

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    Let me know one way o r another i f you'd want to checkany o f this out ... Cheers,

    Perry Klaussen Founder/ Publisher (201)777-0411 (email is preferred, though)

    file:llC:\Documents and Settings\raskys\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content. ... 1211712014