all hallows newsletter 25-01-2013

Friday 25th January 2013 Parents as Partners Outside Coats PLEASE make sure your child wears an outdoor coat (dark colour/no logo) and college jumper. A few years ago a child had hypothermia - it does happen to young people too. As the weather gets colder, we ask the support of parents in ensuring that College policy is carried out regarding suitable coats, scarves and jumpers. Coats must be dark, neutral colours and worn over a blazer. Smaller jackets or "hoodies‟ are not allowed. Scarves must be functional and not a "fashion style‟ scarf. Students should not wear scarves and coats in the main College buildings during the day. Jumpers must be V-necked black in Years 9-11, and V-necked grey in Years 7-8. Cardigans or other style jumpers are not allowed. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. Safe Footwear As the weather takes a turn for the worse, here is a reminder of our uniform policy with regards to footwear. Footwear should be black shoes, not trainers. Female students should not wear any heels greater than one inch. The ballet style shoes some of our female students are wearing are not suitable for all-day wear and are certainly not robust enough for the weather we experience at this time of year. We welcome the support of our parents in ensuring our students are dressed correctly. Advance Notices A neurobiological discussion of ASD - 12th February 2013, 5.30 - 6.30, delivered by Dr Andrew Curran Please click here to read more information on Dr Andrew Curran If you would like to attend either event, please email Julie Moorhouse at [email protected] stating which event you would like to attend. At All Hallows in our Romero Centre Conference Room. THESE INFORMATION EVENINGS ARE OPEN TO ALL PARENTS ATTENDING ALL HALLOWS PARTNER SCHOOLS - OR ATTENDING OTHER PRIMARY SCHOOLS IF THE CHILD IS TRANSFERING TO PARTNER SCHOOLS Parents Consultation Evenings Yr 8 Pathways Evening - 7th March, 7-9:30pm Yr 12 Parents Evening - 14th March, 5-7:30pm Yr 10 Parents’ Evening - 25 April, 5-7:30pm Attendance matters at All Hallows This week the college attendance has been 93.4% Year 7 - 95.7% going down Year 8 - 94.8% going down Year 9 - 93.7% going up Year 10 - 91.6% going up Year 11 - 91.1% going down The importance of full attendance is known to students and we ask parents to keep us regularly updated if their child is absent. Since September our college attendance percentage now stands at 94.2% Prayer: Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27 Lord, remember not only the men and women of goodwill, but also those of ill will. Do not remember all the sufferings they have inflicted upon us; remember the fruits we bear, thanks to this suffering – our comradeship, our loyalty, our humanity, courage, generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of all this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness. (A prayer found on a scrap of paper beside the body of a young girl who died at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp.) Sports The Year 7 girls team has come 4th overall in the Macclesfield and District Indoor Athletics Competition. The teammates Suzie Musgrave, Emma Tapp, Holly Malins, Tasha Harper, Brooke Hadfield, Lucy O'Donovan, Georgia Hall, Cara Jackson Outstanding Performers - Suzie Musgrave, Lucy O'Donovan Specialism Success The BITE Faculty underwent a full faculty review with school improvement partner Jane Brooke on 9 January 2013. The Faculty was judged to be 'outstanding at all levels'. She highlighted the following as some of the key features of outstanding practice within The Faculty: There is excellent behaviour and attitude of students Excellent assessment procedures have been developed so that students can see at a glance their grades and understand through teacher feedback how to improve their work The ethical values of the college underpin social enterprise planning KS3 students are very enthusiastic about the levels of enjoyment and the preparation for adult life in BITE. They see IT as supporting the learning in Business Education. Under the faculty leadership, the enterprise opportunities are continually expanding creatively and students clearly greatly value being able to ‘look beyond the school’ Reindeer Run A massive £1858.30 has been raised for the East Cheshire Hospice through this year's Reindeer Run. This is a great achievement mainly by our Year 7 and 8's but thanks must also go to the rest of the college who bought antlers on the last day in All Hallows has Talent, and of course to staff who bought antlers too! Parent as Partners: OfSTED Parent View We would be delighted if parents would follow the link on our website to complete OfSTED Parent View. There are 12 questions to answer. Previ- ous data was removed when we became an academy, and we currently only have 19 respondents - we are aiming to exceed the previous record of 68 responses. Many thanks in advance.

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All Hallows Newsletter


Page 1: All Hallows Newsletter 25-01-2013

Friday 25th January 2013

Parents as Partners Outside Coats

PLEASE make sure your child wears an outdoor coat (dark colour/no logo) and college jumper. A few years ago a child had hypothermia - it does happen to young people too. As the weather gets colder, we ask the support of parents in ensuring that College policy is carried out regarding suitable coats, scarves and jumpers. Coats must be dark, neutral colours and worn over a blazer. Smaller jackets or "hoodies‟ are not allowed. Scarves must be functional and not a "fashion style‟ scarf. Students should not wear scarves and coats in the main College buildings during the day. Jumpers must be V-necked black in Years 9-11, and V-necked grey in Years 7-8. Cardigans or other style jumpers are not allowed. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters.

Safe Footwear As the weather takes a turn for the worse, here is a reminder of our uniform policy with regards to footwear. Footwear should be black shoes, not trainers. Female students should not wear any heels greater than one inch. The ballet style shoes some of our female students are wearing are not suitable for all-day wear and are certainly not robust enough for the weather we experience at this time of year. We welcome the support of our parents in ensuring our students are dressed correctly.

Advance Notices

A neurobiological discussion of ASD - 12th February 2013, 5.30 -

6.30, delivered by Dr Andrew Curran

Please click here to read more information on Dr Andrew Curran

If you would like to attend either event, please email Julie Moorhouse at [email protected] stating which event you would like to attend.

At All Hallows in our Romero Centre Conference Room.


Parents Consultation Evenings

Yr 8 Pathways Evening - 7th March, 7-9:30pm

Yr 12 Parents Evening - 14th March, 5-7:30pm

Yr 10 Parents’ Evening - 25 April, 5-7:30pm

Attendance matters at All Hallows

This week the college attendance has been


Year 7 - 95.7% going down

Year 8 - 94.8% going down

Year 9 - 93.7% going up

Year 10 - 91.6% going up

Year 11 - 91.1% going down

The importance of full attendance is known to students and we ask parents to keep us

regularly updated if their child is absent. Since September our college attendance percentage

now stands at 94.2%

Prayer: Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27 Lord, remember not only the men and women of goodwill, but also those of ill will. Do not remember all the sufferings they have inflicted upon us; remember the fruits we bear, thanks to this suffering – our comradeship, our loyalty, our humanity, courage, generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of all this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness. (A prayer found on a scrap of paper beside the body of a young girl who died at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp.)


The Year 7 girls team has come 4th overall in the Macclesfield and District Indoor Athletics Competition.

The teammates Suzie Musgrave, Emma Tapp, Holly Malins, Tasha Harper, Brooke Hadfield, Lucy O'Donovan, Georgia Hall, Cara Jackson

Outstanding Performers - Suzie Musgrave, Lucy O'Donovan

Specialism Success The BITE Faculty underwent a full faculty review with school improvement partner Jane Brooke on 9 January 2013. The Faculty was judged to be 'outstanding at all levels'. She highlighted the following as some of the key features of outstanding practice within The Faculty:

There is excellent behaviour and attitude

of students

Excellent assessment procedures have

been developed so that students can see at a glance their grades and understand through teacher feedback how to improve their work

The ethical values of the college

underpin social enterprise planning

KS3 students are very enthusiastic about

the levels of enjoyment and the preparation for adult life in BITE.

They see IT as supporting the learning in

Business Education.

Under the faculty leadership, the

enterprise opportunities are continually expanding creatively and students clearly greatly value being able to ‘look beyond the school’

Reindeer Run A massive £1858.30 has been raised for the East Cheshire Hospice through this year's Reindeer Run. This is a great achievement mainly by our Year 7 and 8's but thanks must also go to the rest of the college who bought antlers on the last day in All Hallows has Talent, and of course to staff who bought antlers too!

Parent as Partners: OfSTED Parent View We would be delighted if parents would follow the link on our website to complete OfSTED Parent View. There are 12 questions to answer. Previ-ous data was removed when we became an academy, and we currently only have 19 respondents - we are aiming to exceed the previous record of 68 responses. Many thanks in advance.

Page 2: All Hallows Newsletter 25-01-2013


These are the procedures we have in place for extreme weather conditions. The Principal takes advice from the Business Manager and then makes the decision as to whether or not a closure if necessary. Every effort will be made to make a decision as

early as possible.

A decision to CLOSE will be announced on:

All Hallows Website

Local Radio Silk Fm (106.9)

And as soon as it is practical by:

Text message


If no announcement is made, then the College is OPEN.

Please do not attempt to telephone the College as this will block the telephone lines which will be used for emergencies.

If the College remains open, your child will need to make every attempt to get to their usual bus stop on time. If the bus fails to

turn up, your child should return home after 30 minutes waiting time.

In the event of heavy snowfall during the College day, any decision to close early will be announced using the means above. Students are not allowed to use mobile ‘phones whilst in College, and we request that you do not rely on individual messages that come to you from any source other than the official announcements. If the College closes during the normal College

day, parents will also be informed by text-message.

If it is necessary to close the College for more than one day, parents will be informed, again, through the College website, our Twitter and Silk Fm.

Obviously the College will remain open unless the weather conditions present an obvious danger to safety.

Please ensure that your child’s attendance record supports our expectations of high achievement and success. Any absences taken without an official closure are recorded as ‘unauthorised.’

Please Click here for the Gritting Plan


Reminder INSET Days: Tuesday 7 May 2013 following May Day is an INSET day. Please note that Friday 24 May and Wednesday 24 July are also INSET days and that students finish for Whitsun Half term on

Thursday 23 May and for Summer on Tuesday 23 July.





Epiphany Monday 7 January 2013 Friday 15 February 2013

Easter Tuesday 26 February


Thursday 28 March 2013

Whitsun Monday 15 April 2013 Thursday 23 May 2013

Trinity Monday 3 June 2013 Tuesday 23 July 2013