all guaranteed peace conference unanimous for league ... › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · er jobs...

ALL MERCHAXT>ISE ADVER- TISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. 1AXV.UI No. 26,369 r3T«^S^iBi3 First to Last. the Truth: News ¦ Editorials- Advertisements WEATHER Cloudy to-day, probably rain; ci>arin« to-morrow and not mnch change in temperature. Fresh soath to southwest winds. [CopyrlRht, 1919, Nozv Vork Triliune Iizcl SIXDAV, JAM AR Y 26, 1019.SIX PARTS.SIXTY-SIX PAGES FIVE CEXTS £»*& Ity Peace Conference Unanimous for League Project; World, Declares Wilson Hire All Idle Men, Plea of SeC v Wilson Forcsccs Era of Unexam- pled Prosperity if Wage Stamlard Is Maintained Mitchell Has Plan of Demobilization He Would Let Farmhands Leave Army First, Then the Factorv Workers Developments in the uncmployment situation yesterday were as fol¬ lows: Business men everywhere were urged by Secretary of Labor Wil¬ son to hire all the men they can. Secretary Wilson predicted an era of unexampled prosperity, but decla wages must be kept high rnpt work found for den* en in order to tide over the transitiqn period. Front thi offices of the United Council of National De¬ fence Grosvenor 13. Clarkson si- multaneously sent out a telegram ate Councils of Defence, arging immediate acceleration of public works in prder to supply the discharged soldiers. B ioklyn Chamber of Com- ( rum John Mitchell advo- ii lustrial instead of a military demobilization as a solu¬ tion of the crisis that has erisen. I-'arm workers. he maintained, should be released first, then men formerly emp loved in factories engaged in the preparation of and after them men whose er jobs were dehnitely as- isured to them. Hhat the order issued by Secretary Baker, whereby men may remain in the service until jobs are as- them wiU not materially yrate the present situation is contention of George W. Kirchwey, director of the State Federal Kinployment Bureau. The Advisory Board of the New Vork State Employment Service took a similar view, and yesterday afternoon passed a resolution of protest to Secretary Baker against thte present method of demobiliza- tion, Big Trade Boom Will Follow Reconstruction, Says Secretary Wilson ampled prosperity for this Country for ten years will follow the *afe passage of the period of recon- struction end demobilization, Secretary of Labor Wiiliam B. Wilson said yes¬ terday in a gpeech at a luncheon ai bawyers' Club. To tide over that 18 men must bejr;in opera¬ tion; at once and keep them KoiiiK wi a scale equal to or greater than; war, he said. ¦- gave waroing, however, that any to redace wages materially, a period of indiiHtrial un- and prevent prosperity. "The scute problem now facing the coun-; :-r>." he said, " the demobilization of the jirrriy and navy and the war work¬ ers, and the establishment of the coun- rialiy on a normal post-war! would bir easy if every an fcit he ought to geti on aa large a pi ior to ¦-. Mary buBineuH men, however, >'. it would not he wi»e to rush the thing to do IS to wait until price; for material and P*gea go down. 1 ,,. .-. ,,,,,. phase '.' tn* tituation which thev should con- "¦. .¦¦ It WiU Ot be rr.oie than from nonthi (n my opinion, from gning of the armistice until we are getting into the post-war iwing. Now Have Kaw Materialx question of raw material is a \,rm,».u\y; on* for the bu 'fifco to eor.sidtr in connection with the re*umption und ittoraase. of production.. .wa oj the materials formerly ob- ,"'"'-'. "OM other eoani r.ex nOW may <>.¦¦ obtained here. The quewtion of Weign trade iit more important, but j-(. already have ber-,, taken tO care w 't. Comwarclal attaches, sent by M government to various countries, w ippliad tbe neeessary knowledgo tfiw trrJ'! ¦¦ to b- had Cradfts .attable to the country daalt with have 9r<mU4 for through tiie Federal ¦Morve aet, authorlztng branch ». i.muA Htatai hM rtstthod such SU \ "'"? Vn'f- ,f "»i»tal»«d, trana- Pmation for foreign trade is assured. *'.*'. UndoubUdlsr Wil1 »». "' ?y** '" demand. Ail linen of !ndustry ContAnued tm page Un 27th Home About Feb.22 77th Will Sail Mareh 5, TffASHINGTON, Jan. 25.. ** The 27th Division (New York National Guard), may bc expected to arive at New York about February 22, according to information reaching the War Department to-day. A cablegram from the embark- ation authorities in France said arangenients were being made to put the 27th on board transports about February 15. The 77th (New York National Army), is expected to sail from France about Mareh 5. The following organizations have been assigned to early con¬ voy: 16th, 116th and 32d Field Battalions, Signal Corps; 10th Army Artillery Park, less 3d Bat¬ talion; 854th Company, Trans¬ portation Corps. _ Jobs Pledged To Soldiers of 77th Division Every Man in Command Is Assured a Place After Return to New York By Wilbur Forrest New York Tribune Spi ial Cable Service (Copyris-ht, 1919, New York Tribune inc.) HEADQUARTERS METROPOLITAN DIVISION, CHATEAU VILLAIN, Jan. !:.">.- -Tho graves of all the soldiers who died fighting zvith the 77th Divi¬ sion in France will bu _re-markerl with concrote hznzdpieces decorated with miniatures of the Statue ot' Liberty, according to plans announced hen- t.i- day. In addition, the Division Associa¬ tion, formed by the leading officers, undertakes to furnish every member of the command zvith a good position in civil life before the division is dis- banded. Officers of « number of thc smaller divisional units already have pledged themselves to employ every man under their command. For others blanks zvere distributed from divisional head- rjuarters for the listing of tho qualifi- eations of the nien for future em¬ ployment. Old Jobs Are IMedged To the amazement of General Alex¬ ander and his staff, only about 20 per cent of these bliuiks have been re¬ turned, and a partial investigation shows that a majority of the troops have agreements with former employ¬ ers to return to their old placns when they are discharged, or have been promilsed positions by their immedi- ate officers. Divisional officers declared to-day rhat when the big tnansports carrying the 77th poke their noses into Now York Harbor every man will know cx- aclly what reversion to civil life holds for him. In a few days an officer, yet to be ap¬ pointed, will leave for Nezv York to get in touch with various wealthy per- sons who have previously shown in- terest in thc division, and with them will atrange in detail an employment system wjiich will be all complete by the tirne the division reeches home. (iraves Are Cheeked ( p Perhaps no system of checking up' has been more complete with any di- vision than the 77lh*s in locating and: rnarking the graves of its dead, from the Yesle to the Argonne and the Meuse. Working under the direction of the divisional adjutant, who now hoids the records, the chaplains of the various regiments often braved heavy fire to rrnark the graves and sketch rough rnaps showing their exaet loca¬ tions. Many times ihe landmarks of these graves have been obliterated by shell lire, but zvith thi- records now in the1 handq of the adjutant there can be few, if any mistakes. i " Among the graves easiest lo locate to-day ere the half acre of neatly lined! ¦i,iM- wooden crosses on a little hill! in the Argonne Forest, where the men of Whittlesey's famous "Lost. Bat- talion" fought their last fight. They refuse to call it the "Lost Battalion" here in the Metropolitan Division now.; It was the "Beleaguered Battalion,"} they will perhaps proudly tell you, buti it was never lost. A complete investigation of every; detail of the storv of the "Beleaguered Battalion" ban just been flnisbed, and! the feat. oT Whittlesey's men will go down in the book of division history now being written by Major Adler, a former New York newspaper man, a;z the most gloriouH In tho dlvlslon's glorlOUS record. How one man held on though weak- eriad by seven wounds; how the others, Continued on page ten Shoots Wife, Sergeant, and Kills Himself Patriotic Newark Luniber- man Crazed When He Sees Nephew in Uniform Vainly Tried to Enlist Friends Believe Bertram Rip- ley, Former Princeton Athlete, Was.1 Demented NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 25..Seized ' with an attack of dementia, Bertram R. Ripley, a retired lumbcr brokor and member of one of the city's oldest families, walked, into the library of his home this morning and shot and seriously wounded his wife. Mrs. Marion Ripley and Sergeant Maitland Petrie, his nephew. Ripiey then turned the revolver on himself and sent a bullct through his right temple. Mrs.1 Ripley and Sergeant Petrie were re- moved to thc Presbytcrian Hospital. They are in a critical condition. Rip¬ ley died at 12:30 p. m., remaining un- conscious since the shooting. Investigation of the tragedy by Dr. Charles II. Randall, tho family physi- cian, revealed that Ripley had been suffering from mental distress because he had not entered military serviee, and the sight of Sergeant Petrie's ma¬ rine uniform is believed to have prcyed on the man's mind. Ripley had breakfasted with his wife, mother-in-law, Mrs. Marion Do- remus, Sergeant Petrie and the three children about 8 o'clock. Mr. and .Mrs. Ripley had been to the theatre last night, and they discussed the play aad talked pleasantly While in the break¬ fast room, according to the nurse, Aijna Deeney, Jle Shonts Sergeant At 8:30 Mrs. Ripley went into the library and began reading a news- paper. Sergeant Petrie followed her in and was sitting in a chair reading a letter from his mother, Mrs. Charles Ripley, of Point l'leasant. Ripley went to an upper room and a few minutes later came down stairs, meet- ing the nurse on the steps. "Where is my wife?" Ripley asked. The nurse said she told him Mrs. Ripley was in the library. "His eyes had a strange glassy look; 1 never saw Continued on fxif/e four Th British Stop Building Warships During Parley T ONDON, Jan. 25..Nothing is -*.' likely to be definiely settled as to Great Britain's naval pro¬ gramme until after tlie close of the peace conference, it was lejtrned by Reuter's. In the mean time, orders have been given to suspend work on the construction of war vessels, including' light cruisers, still in the yards. The British and American dcle- gations in Paris are working to hastcn the proceedings of the peace conference ond obtain early decisions which .would enable thc peace terms to be presented to Germany, according- to the Paris correspondent of "The Daily Mail." St. Enda's College aC^ ln Duhlin Seizecl Bv British Troops Famous Gaelic School Was F o u 11 tl ed I>y Padriac PearseJ Executed as Lead¬ er of thc Sinn Fein Kevolt DUBL1N, Jan. 3.3. Thc military au¬ thorities have seized St. Enda's Col¬ lege, in Dublin County, founded by Padraic Pcarse, who was executed in connection with the Eastcr rcbcllion in 1916. The meeting of the Irish Unionist [Alliance yesterday resulted in a split of that body and thc secession of its president, Viscount Midleton, and about sixty members. The cause of th dissension was u resolution pro¬ posed by Lord Midleton wbich in ef- feet would exclude representatives of Ulster from thc deliberations of the alliance on any Home Rule scheme involving the separation of Ulster from the rest of Ireland. Tha alli- ance ia an organization of Unionists in Southern treland. After the withdrawal of Lord Midle¬ ton and his followers they formed a new organization to bc called thc Unionist Anti-Partition League. Padraic Pcarse, "Provisional Presi¬ dent of Ireland," was executed in Dub lin on .May ."., 1916. At thc time of thc Eastcr rebellion he was in charge of St. Enda's which hc had founded after leaving the editorship of "The Gaelic .Tournal." Tho school was! founded principally for the propagation of Gaelic language und literature. Ai fund for thc endowment of St. Enda's is being raised in the United States. e DoorUnob Has llalehei President Says He Is A 4Crusader' Mankind Is No Longer PawD and Wishes Must Be Kespected, He Avers Society Must Be "Eye of Nations" Insists Only Emancipation From the Old System Will Beget Real Peace PARIS, Jan. 25..When the second session of the full peace conference met this afternoon it was addressed by President Wilson on thc subject of a league of nations. The President de- c'ared thc conference had solemn ob-, ligations to make a permanent settle- ment. Thc present conference, the Presi¬ dent added, couid not complete its work until some further machinery of settlement should bc set up. "We are not here alone," he said, "as representatives of governments, but as representatives of peoples, and in the settlements we make we need to satisfy, not the opinions of govern¬ ments, but thc opinion of mankind." President Wilson continued that a league of nations must be a vital thing, and not casual or occasional. It must have continuity. "it, should bo tie cye of nations, an eye which never slumbers,' 'he de¬ clared. On his travels, lhe President said, people everywhere ha'd greeted the league as the first thing in their in- tere it. "Sclect classes of men no longer di¬ rect the affairs of the world," said the President, "but the fortunes of the world are now in the hands of the nlain people." The wish of thc people must be lieard, he said. The war had .swept away those old foundations by which small coteries had "used mankind as pawns in a game." Nothing but eman¬ cipation from the old system, he con- tended, would accomplish real peace. rhe President saw American soldiers in the street, soldiers who had come not alone for war.. but as "crusaders'in a great cause." And he added: "And I, like. them, must be a crusader, zvhat- ever it costs to accomplish that end." Offieial World League Plan and Reports On Great Issues Before Peaee Parlev pARIS, Jan. 25...4 series of resolutions dealing with thc creation of a league of nations; inquiries into responsibility for the war, on repara- non, international legislation and international control of ports: water-\ ways and railroads was brought before to-day's session of the peace con- ference. Thc conference unanimously adopted the following resolutions: ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS "That it is essential to the maintenance of the world settlement which the associated nations are now met to establish that a league of nations be created to promote international obligations and provide safeguards against war. This league should be created as an integral part of the general treaty of peace, and should be open to every civihzed nation which can be relied on to promote its objects. "The members of the. league should periodically meet in interna¬ tional conference, and should have a permanent organization and secretanes to carry on the business of the league in the intervals between the conferences. "The conference therefore appoints a committee representative of the associated governments to work out the details of the constitu¬ tion and the functions of the league and the draft of resolutions in regard to breaches of the laws of war for presentation to the peace conference." The following additional resolutions were submitted to the conference: ON RESPONSIBILITY "That a commission composed of two representatives apiece from the tive great powers and live representatives to be elected by the other powers be appointed to inquire and report upon the following: "First: The responsibility of the authors of the war; "Second: The facts as to breaches of the laws and customs of war committed by the forces of the German Empire and their allies on land, on sea and in the air during the present war; m "Third: The degree of responsibility for these offences at- Taching to particular members of the enemy's forces, including members of the general staffs and other individuals, however highly placed; "Fourth: The constitution and procedure of a tribunal ap- propriate to the trial of these offences; "Fifth: Any other matters cognate or ancillary to the above which may arise in the course of the inquiry, and which the com¬ mission iinds it useful and relevant to take into consideration."' ON REPARATION "That a commission be appointed which shall comprise not more than three representatives apiece from each of the five great powers and not more than two representatives apiece from Belgium, Greece, Polarid, Rumania and Serbia, to examine and report: "First, on the amount of reparation which the enemy countries ought to pay; second, on what they are capable of paying, and, third, on the method, the form and time within which payment should be made." * ON INTERNATIONAL LEGISLATION "That a commission composed of two representatives apiece from the five great powers and five representatives to be elected by the other powers represented at the peace conference be appointed to in¬ quire into the conditions of employment from the international aspect und to consider thc international means necessary to secure common aetion on matters affecting conditions of employment and to recommend the form of a permanent agency to continue such inquiry and consideration, in cooperation with and under the direction of the league of nations." ON INTERNATIONAL CONTROL "That a commission composed of two representatives apiece from the live great powers and five representatives to be appointed to inquire and report upon the international regime for ports, waten- ways and railways." Allies \Poliey May Give Rein To Terror, Says Wickersham Bolsheviki Left Free to Pursue Murders Tactic, While Hands of Victims Are Tied; Danger of Alliance With Germany Seen bv Tribune Man By George W. Wiekersham New York Tribune Special Cable Service it'opyilglit, 1919, Nczv York Tribune Inc.) PARIS, Jan. 24 (delayed)..The de¬ cision of what may be called the execu¬ tive committee of the peace. conference concerning Russia is the most impor- tant event that has occurred since President Wilsons' arrival in France. While Premier Clemenceau has united with the President and tlze other pre- miers in approving what has been called "the proposal of President Wil¬ son," the almost undivided sentiment of the French press, as well lzs certain English newspapers, condemns the rec¬ ognition of Bolshevism implied in thc invitation, to every organzzed group that is now exercisinsr or attempting to exercise political authority or military control anywhere in Siberia or within the boundaries of Furopean Russia as they stood before tlze war just con¬ cluded, exeept in Finland," to send rep¬ resentatives to Princes' Island to meet those of tlze associated pozvers, with the view to ascertaining the wishes of the.Russian people and brihging about some understanding whereby Russia may work out her own purposes and "happy cooperative relations be estab¬ lished between her people and the other peoples of the world." Why Princess Island should have been selected for the rendezvous ia a subject of much speculation. There aro ou it a few deserted palaces and several slzabby hotels. It is accessible only by boat from Constantinople, by which alll supplies also must be tz'aizs- ported. ( Plais Called Wilson's The plan is characterixed in the ^jtux* as that of President Wilson, Actually the credit belongs to Premier Lloyd Ceorge, for it was he who first suggested-the bringing of the Russian groups and leaders into a conference with the associated powers1. The only change made in the programme con- sists in the substitution of Princess Island for Paris as the meeting place. The official communique is understood to have been drafted by Mr. Wilson. Its language supports that assumption. Xot content with tlze statement of the actual grounds for extending the invitation, the communique elaborates protestations of friendship for the Russian people and tlze recognition of their right to "direct their own af- fairs without dictation or direction of any kind from outside." It goes fur¬ ther. It contains this extraordinary pronouncement: "The associated pozvers recognize the revolution without reservation, and will in no way and uz no circumstances aid or give countenance to any at¬ tempt at counter revolution. It is not their wish or purpose to favor or assist any one of the organized groups now contending for the leadership and guidance of Russia as against the others." Bolshevism Is Dignified ¦Thus Bolshevism is elevated to the same place as the governments of Omsk, Archangel and other districts which" have been striving to establish foci of social order wherein some pro¬ tect ion should be afforded to life, liberty and property as against tho anarchy. confiscatlon, torture and mur¬ der which charactcrizes Bolshecism. Tht! "1^mP8'"_ in restrained but Continued on next page Open to All Responsible Governments Committee of 15 Author- ized to Draft a Plan for Society of IVations President and House American Members Similar Organization to Determine War Blame and Assess Penaltiea PARIS, Jan. 25. The peace confer¬ ence at its second open session to-dRy unanimously adopted tlze league of na¬ tions project and afterward made pub¬ lic the draft of the preliminary reso- lutions looking to the creation of the league. The preliminary draft for a league of nations says the league should have a permanent organization to carry on the business between meetings of in¬ ternational conferences of all the mem¬ bers. It says that the conference should appoint a committee representative of all the governments to work out the details of the constitution and func- tions of the league. Commission of Fifteen Authorized The draft calls for the appointment of a? commission composcd of two rep¬ resentatives of the five great powers and five representatives of the other powers to inquire and report on the re¬ sponsibility of the authors of the war. This commission shall also inquire into breaches of the laws and customs of war committed by Germany and her al¬ lies and land and sea and in thc air during the war, as well as thc degree of responsibility for these offences at- taching to particular membe'rs of the enemy forces, "including momberj of the general staffs and others, however highly placed." President Wilson and Colonel Housff are the American members of the con- ferce commission on the league of na¬ tions. Wilson to Withhold Views 1'az id Lloyd George, British Premier, at. to-day's session was expected to dis- cuss the British plan for a league of nations, the outlines of which were published in the United States for the first time to-day, which would have ful- tilled predictiors that President Wilson would leave to one of the European statesmen the opening of the subject, withholding the exposition of his own views for the iuture. The French, British, American and Italian associations advocating a leagun of nations have decided to elaborate their plan for joint meetings. Th# first session will be held Sunday, and will be presided over by I>eon Bour- geois, the former French Premier. Wilson Inspired Warning The warning issued yesterday by the Supreme Council that territorial claims must come before the confei-ence un- nzarked by attempts at possession by force is very widely discussed here. It seems to be generally acknowl- edged that President Wilson was the author of the warning and that he has a deep feeling in the matter be¬ cause in at least one instance where small obdies of American troops were under other command they were used to push forward into a territory where thc native population would not" have tolerated the forces of any European power, but hailed the coming of the Americans with joy. ln some of these cases. after the welcome had died down, the population awoke to find that the American troop? had departed and that their towns were in the possession of troops of an¬ other nationality. Takes Summary Action The President, it is known, took sum¬ mary action to prevent the use of American forces for such purposes. He new has secured an agreement in the peace conference to warn all na¬ tions against such steps. Some rapid and substantial tztrides toward the real objects of the peace conference are expected as a resuit of tp-day's session. With the league of nations question before them, the dele¬ gates are expected to work continu- ously at the task. possibly ten hours a day. President Wilson, it is said, has told the delegates he would be wllling to work ten hours a day until tangible results are ready for announcement ta the world. W'hile much of the ensuing discussion will be in secret according to the rule of'jzroceeaure now in force. there is reason to believe that more aassions may be public thao had beea

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Page 1: ALL GUARANTEED Peace Conference Unanimous for League ... › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · er jobs were dehnitely as-isured to them. Hhat the order issued by Secretary Baker, whereby



Vol. 1AXV.UI No. 26,369


First to Last. the Truth: News ¦ Editorials- Advertisements

WEATHERCloudy to-day, probably rain; ci>arin«

to-morrow and not mnch changein temperature. Fresh soath

to southwest winds.

[CopyrlRht, 1919,Nozv Vork Triliune Iizcl SIXDAV, JAM ARY 26, 1019.SIX PARTS.SIXTY-SIX PAGES FIVE CEXTS £»*&Ity

Peace Conference Unanimous for League Project;World, Declares Wilson

Hire All IdleMen, Plea ofSeCv Wilson

Forcsccs Era of Unexam-pled Prosperity if WageStamlard Is Maintained

Mitchell Has Planof Demobilization

He Would Let FarmhandsLeave Army First, Thenthe Factorv Workers

Developments in the uncmploymentsituation yesterday were as fol¬lows:

Business men everywhere were

urged by Secretary of Labor Wil¬son to hire all the men they can.

Secretary Wilson predicted an era

of unexampled prosperity, butdecla wages must be kepthigh rnpt work found forden* en in order to tideover the transitiqn period.

Front thi offices of the UnitedCouncil of National De¬

fence Grosvenor 13. Clarkson si-multaneously sent out a telegram

ate Councils of Defence,arging immediate acceleration ofpublic works in prder to supply

the discharged soldiers.B ioklyn Chamber of Com-

( rum John Mitchell advo-ii lustrial instead of a

military demobilization as a solu¬tion of the crisis that has erisen.I-'arm workers. he maintained,should be released first, then men

formerly emp loved in factoriesengaged in the preparation of

and after them men whoseer jobs were dehnitely as-

isured to them.Hhat the order issued by Secretary

Baker, whereby men may remainin the service until jobs are as-

them wiU not materiallyyrate the present situation iscontention of George W.

Kirchwey, director of the StateFederal Kinployment Bureau.The Advisory Board of the New

Vork State Employment Servicetook a similar view, and yesterdayafternoon passed a resolution ofprotest to Secretary Baker againstthte present method of demobiliza-tion,

Big Trade Boom WillFollow Reconstruction,Says Secretary Wilson

ampled prosperity for thisCountry for ten years will follow the*afe passage of the period of recon-

struction end demobilization, Secretaryof Labor Wiiliam B. Wilson said yes¬terday in a gpeech at a luncheon ai

bawyers' Club. To tide over that18 men must bejr;in opera¬tion; at once and keep them KoiiiK

wi a scale equal to or greater than;war, he said.

¦- gave waroing, however, that anyto redace wages materially,

a period of indiiHtrial un-and prevent prosperity. "The

scute problem now facing the coun-;:-r>." he said, " the demobilization ofthe jirrriy and navy and the war work¬ers, and the establishment of the coun-

rialiy on a normal post-war!would bir easy if every

an fcit he ought to getion aa large a pi ior to¦-. Mary buBineuH men, however,>'. it would not he wi»e to rush

the thing to doIS to wait until price; for material andP*gea go down. 1 ,,. .-. ,,,,,. phase'.' tn* tituation which thev should con-

"¦. .¦¦ It WiU Ot be rr.oie than fromnonthi (n my opinion, from

gning of the armistice until weare getting into the post-war iwing.

Now Have Kaw Materialx

question of raw material isa \,rm,».u\y; on* for the bu

'fifco to eor.sidtr in connection with there*umption und ittoraase. of production...wa oj the materials w« formerly ob-,"'"'-'. "OM other eoani r.ex nOW may<>.¦¦ obtained here. The quewtion ofWeign trade iit more important, butj-(. already have ber-,, taken tO carew 't. Comwarclal attaches, sent byM government to various countries,w ippliad tbe neeessary knowledgotfiw trrJ'! ¦¦ to b- had Cradfts.attable to the country daalt with have9r<mU4 for through tiie Federal¦Morve aet, authorlztng branch». i.muA Htatai hM rtstthod suchSU \ "'"? Vn'f- ,f "»i»tal»«d, trana-Pmation for foreign trade is assured.*'.*'. UndoubUdlsr Wil1 »». .» "'?y** '" demand. Ail linen of !ndustry

ContAnued tm page Un

27th Home About Feb.2277th Will Sail Mareh 5,

TffASHINGTON, Jan. 25..** The 27th Division (New

York National Guard), may bcexpected to arive at New Yorkabout February 22, according toinformation reaching the WarDepartment to-day.A cablegram from the embark-

ation authorities in France saidarangenients were being made toput the 27th on board transportsabout February 15. The 77th(New York National Army), isexpected to sail from Franceabout Mareh 5.

The following organizationshave been assigned to early con¬

voy: 16th, 116th and 32d FieldBattalions, Signal Corps; 10thArmy Artillery Park, less 3d Bat¬talion; 854th Company, Trans¬portation Corps._

Jobs PledgedTo Soldiers of77th Division

Every Man in Command IsAssured a Place AfterReturn to New York

By Wilbur ForrestNew York TribuneSpi ial Cable Service

(Copyris-ht, 1919, New York Tribune inc.)

HEADQUARTERS METROPOLITANDIVISION, CHATEAU VILLAIN, Jan.!:.">.- -Tho graves of all the soldierswho died fighting zvith the 77th Divi¬sion in France will bu _re-markerl withconcrote hznzdpieces decorated withminiatures of the Statue ot' Liberty,according to plans announced hen- t.i-day.

In addition, the Division Associa¬tion, formed by the leading officers,undertakes to furnish every member ofthe command zvith a good position incivil life before the division is dis-banded.

Officers of « number of thc smallerdivisional units already have pledgedthemselves to employ every man undertheir command. For others blankszvere distributed from divisional head-rjuarters for the listing of tho qualifi-eations of the nien for future em¬

ployment.Old Jobs Are IMedged

To the amazement of General Alex¬ander and his staff, only about 20 percent of these bliuiks have been re¬

turned, and a partial investigationshows that a majority of the troopshave agreements with former employ¬ers to return to their old placns whenthey are discharged, or have beenpromilsed positions by their immedi-ate officers.

Divisional officers declared to-dayrhat when the big tnansports carryingthe 77th poke their noses into NowYork Harbor every man will know cx-

aclly what reversion to civil life holdsfor him.

In a few days an officer, yet to be ap¬pointed, will leave for Nezv York toget in touch with various wealthy per-sons who have previously shown in-terest in thc division, and with themwill atrange in detail an employmentsystem wjiich will be all complete bythe tirne the division reeches home.

(iraves Are Cheeked ( p

Perhaps no system of checking up'has been more complete with any di-vision than the 77lh*s in locating and:rnarking the graves of its dead, fromthe Yesle to the Argonne and theMeuse. Working under the directionof the divisional adjutant, who nowhoids the records, the chaplains of thevarious regiments often braved heavyfire to rrnark the graves and sketchrough rnaps showing their exaet loca¬tions.Many times ihe landmarks of these

graves have been obliterated by shelllire, but zvith thi- records now in the1handq of the adjutant there can befew, if any mistakes. i


Among the graves easiest lo locateto-day ere the half acre of neatly lined!¦i,iM- wooden crosses on a little hill!in the Argonne Forest, where the menof Whittlesey's famous "Lost. Bat-talion" fought their last fight. Theyrefuse to call it the "Lost Battalion"here in the Metropolitan Division now.;It was the "Beleaguered Battalion,"}they will perhaps proudly tell you, butiit was never lost.A complete investigation of every;

detail of the storv of the "BeleagueredBattalion" ban just been flnisbed, and!the feat. oT Whittlesey's men will godown in the book of division historynow being written by Major Adler, a

former New York newspaper man, a;zthe most gloriouH In tho dlvlslon'sglorlOUS record.How one man held on though weak-

eriad by seven wounds; how the others,Continued on page ten

Shoots Wife,Sergeant, andKills Himself

Patriotic Newark Luniber-man Crazed When HeSees Nephew in Uniform

Vainly Tried to Enlist

Friends Believe Bertram Rip-ley, Former PrincetonAthlete, Was.1 Demented

NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 25..Seized 'with an attack of dementia, BertramR. Ripley, a retired lumbcr brokor andmember of one of the city's oldestfamilies, walked, into the library ofhis home this morning and shot and

seriously wounded his wife. Mrs.Marion Ripley and Sergeant MaitlandPetrie, his nephew. Ripiey then turnedthe revolver on himself and sent a

bullct through his right temple. Mrs.1Ripley and Sergeant Petrie were re-moved to thc Presbytcrian Hospital.They are in a critical condition. Rip¬ley died at 12:30 p. m., remaining un-conscious since the shooting.

Investigation of the tragedy by Dr.Charles II. Randall, tho family physi-cian, revealed that Ripley had beensuffering from mental distress becausehe had not entered military serviee,and the sight of Sergeant Petrie's ma¬rine uniform is believed to haveprcyed on the man's mind.

Ripley had breakfasted with hiswife, mother-in-law, Mrs. Marion Do-remus, Sergeant Petrie and the threechildren about 8 o'clock. Mr. and .Mrs.Ripley had been to the theatre lastnight, and they discussed the play aadtalked pleasantly While in the break¬fast room, according to the nurse,Aijna Deeney,

Jle Shonts SergeantAt 8:30 Mrs. Ripley went into the

library and began reading a news-paper. Sergeant Petrie followed herin and was sitting in a chair readinga letter from his mother, Mrs. CharlesRipley, of Point l'leasant. Ripleywent to an upper room and a fewminutes later came down stairs, meet-ing the nurse on the steps."Where is my wife?" Ripley asked.The nurse said she told him Mrs.

Ripley was in the library. "His eyeshad a strange glassy look; 1 never saw

Continued on fxif/e four


British Stop BuildingWarships During ParleyT ONDON, Jan. 25..Nothing is-*.' likely to be definiely settledas to Great Britain's naval pro¬gramme until after tlie close ofthe peace conference, it was

lejtrned by Reuter's. In the mean

time, orders have been given tosuspend work on the constructionof war vessels, including' lightcruisers, still in the yards.

The British and American dcle-gations in Paris are working tohastcn the proceedings of thepeace conference ond obtain earlydecisions which .would enable thcpeace terms to be presented toGermany, according- to the Pariscorrespondent of "The DailyMail."

St. Enda's CollegeaC^

ln Duhlin SeizeclBv British Troops

Famous Gaelic School WasF o u 11 tl ed I>y PadriacPearseJ Executed as Lead¬er of thc Sinn Fein Kevolt

DUBL1N, Jan. 3.3. Thc military au¬thorities have seized St. Enda's Col¬lege, in Dublin County, founded byPadraic Pcarse, who was executed inconnection with the Eastcr rcbcllionin 1916.The meeting of the Irish Unionist

[Alliance yesterday resulted in a splitof that body and thc secession of itspresident, Viscount Midleton, andabout sixty members. The cause ofth dissension was u resolution pro¬posed by Lord Midleton wbich in ef-feet would exclude representatives ofUlster from thc deliberations of thealliance on any Home Rule schemeinvolving the separation of Ulsterfrom the rest of Ireland. Tha alli-ance ia an organization of Unionistsin Southern treland.After the withdrawal of Lord Midle¬

ton and his followers they formed anew organization to bc called thcUnionist Anti-Partition League.

Padraic Pcarse, "Provisional Presi¬dent of Ireland," was executed in Dublin on .May ."., 1916. At thc time ofthc Eastcr rebellion he was in chargeof St. Enda's which hc had foundedafter leaving the editorship of "TheGaelic .Tournal." Tho school was!founded principally for the propagationof Gaelic language und literature. Aifund for thc endowment of St. Enda'sis being raised in the United States.

e DoorUnob Has llalehei

PresidentSays He IsA 4Crusader'

Mankind Is No LongerPawD and Wishes MustBe Kespected, He Avers

Society Must Be"Eye of Nations"

Insists Only EmancipationFrom the Old SystemWill Beget Real Peace

PARIS, Jan. 25..When the secondsession of the full peace conferencemet this afternoon it was addressed byPresident Wilson on thc subject of aleague of nations. The President de-c'ared thc conference had solemn ob-,ligations to make a permanent settle-ment.Thc present conference, the Presi¬

dent added, couid not complete itswork until some further machinery ofsettlement should bc set up."We are not here alone," he said,

"as representatives of governments,but as representatives of peoples, andin the settlements we make we needto satisfy, not the opinions of govern¬ments, but thc opinion of mankind."

President Wilson continued that a

league of nations must be a vitalthing, and not casual or occasional. Itmust have continuity.

"it, should bo tie cye of nations, an

eye which never slumbers,' 'he de¬clared.On his travels, lhe President said,

people everywhere ha'd greeted theleague as the first thing in their in-tere it."Sclect classes of men no longer di¬

rect the affairs of the world," said thePresident, "but the fortunes of theworld are now in the hands of the nlainpeople."The wish of thc people must be

lieard, he said. The war had .sweptaway those old foundations by whichsmall coteries had "used mankind aspawns in a game." Nothing but eman¬cipation from the old system, he con-tended, would accomplish real peace.

rhe President saw American soldiersin the street, soldiers who had comenot alone for war.. but as "crusaders'ina great cause." And he added: "And I,like. them, must be a crusader, zvhat-ever it costs to accomplish that end."

Offieial World League Plan and ReportsOn Great Issues Before Peaee Parlev

pARIS, Jan. 25...4 series of resolutions dealing with thc creation of aleague of nations; inquiries into responsibility for the war, on repara-non, international legislation and international control of ports: water-\ways and railroads was brought before to-day's session of the peace con-ference.

Thc conference unanimously adopted the following resolutions:ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS

"That it is essential to the maintenance of the world settlementwhich the associated nations are now met to establish that a leagueof nations be created to promote international obligations and providesafeguards against war. This league should be created as an integralpart of the general treaty of peace, and should be open to everycivihzed nation which can be relied on to promote its objects."The members of the. league should periodically meet in interna¬tional conference, and should have a permanent organization andsecretanes to carry on the business of the league in the intervalsbetween the conferences.

"The conference therefore appoints a committee representativeof the associated governments to work out the details of the constitu¬tion and the functions of the league and the draft of resolutions inregard to breaches of the laws of war for presentation to the peaceconference."

The following additional resolutions were submitted to theconference:ON RESPONSIBILITY

"That a commission composed of two representatives apiece fromthe tive great powers and live representatives to be elected by theother powers be appointed to inquire and report upon the following:"First: The responsibility of the authors of the war;"Second: The facts as to breaches of the laws and customsof war committed by the forces of the German Empire and theirallies on land, on sea and in the air during the present war;m "Third: The degree of responsibility for these offences at-Taching to particular members of the enemy's forces, includingmembers of the general staffs and other individuals, howeverhighly placed;

"Fourth: The constitution and procedure of a tribunal ap-propriate to the trial of these offences;"Fifth: Any other matters cognate or ancillary to the above

which may arise in the course of the inquiry, and which the com¬mission iinds it useful and relevant to take into consideration."'

ON REPARATION"That a commission be appointed which shall comprise not more

than three representatives apiece from each of the five great powersand not more than two representatives apiece from Belgium, Greece,Polarid, Rumania and Serbia, to examine and report:"First, on the amount of reparation which the enemy countries

ought to pay; second, on what they are capable of paying, and, third,on the method, the form and time within which payment shouldbe made." *

ON INTERNATIONAL LEGISLATION"That a commission composed of two representatives apiece from

the five great powers and five representatives to be elected by theother powers represented at the peace conference be appointed to in¬quire into the conditions of employment from the internationalaspect und to consider thc international means necessary to securecommon aetion on matters affecting conditions of employment andto recommend the form of a permanent agency to continue suchinquiry and consideration, in cooperation with and under the directionof the league of nations."

ON INTERNATIONAL CONTROL"That a commission composed of two representatives apiece from

the live great powers and five representatives to be appointed toinquire and report upon the international regime for ports, waten-ways and railways."

Allies \Poliey May Give ReinTo Terror, Says Wickersham

Bolsheviki Left Free to Pursue Murders Tactic,While Hands of Victims Are Tied; Danger ofAlliance With Germany Seen bv Tribune Man

By George W. WiekershamNew York Tribune

Special Cable Serviceit'opyilglit, 1919, Nczv York Tribune Inc.)

PARIS, Jan. 24 (delayed)..The de¬cision of what may be called the execu¬

tive committee of the peace. conferenceconcerning Russia is the most impor-tant event that has occurred sincePresident Wilsons' arrival in France.While Premier Clemenceau has united

with the President and tlze other pre-miers in approving what has beencalled "the proposal of President Wil¬son," the almost undivided sentimentof the French press, as well lzs certainEnglish newspapers, condemns the rec¬

ognition of Bolshevism implied in thcinvitation, to every organzzed groupthat is now exercisinsr or attempting toexercise political authority or militarycontrol anywhere in Siberia or withinthe boundaries of Furopean Russia as

they stood before tlze war just con¬

cluded, exeept in Finland," to send rep¬resentatives to Princes' Island to meetthose of tlze associated pozvers, withthe view to ascertaining the wishes ofthe.Russian people and brihging aboutsome understanding whereby Russiamay work out her own purposes and"happy cooperative relations be estab¬lished between her people and theother peoples of the world."Why Princess Island should have

been selected for the rendezvous ia a

subject of much speculation. Therearo ou it a few deserted palaces andseveral slzabby hotels. It is accessibleonly by boat from Constantinople, bywhich alll supplies also must be tz'aizs-

ported. (Plais Called Wilson's

The plan is characterixed in the^jtux* as that of President Wilson,

Actually the credit belongs to PremierLloyd Ceorge, for it was he who firstsuggested-the bringing of the Russiangroups and leaders into a conferencewith the associated powers1. The onlychange made in the programme con-

sists in the substitution of PrincessIsland for Paris as the meeting place.The official communique is understoodto have been drafted by Mr. Wilson. Itslanguage supports that assumption.Xot content with tlze statement of

the actual grounds for extending theinvitation, the communique elaboratesprotestations of friendship for theRussian people and tlze recognition oftheir right to "direct their own af-fairs without dictation or direction ofany kind from outside." It goes fur¬ther. It contains this extraordinarypronouncement:"The associated pozvers recognize

the revolution without reservation, andwill in no way and uz no circumstancesaid or give countenance to any at¬tempt at counter revolution. It isnot their wish or purpose to favor orassist any one of the organized groupsnow contending for the leadership andguidance of Russia as against theothers."

Bolshevism Is Dignified¦Thus Bolshevism is elevated to the

same place as the governments ofOmsk, Archangel and other districtswhich" have been striving to establishfoci of social order wherein some pro¬tect ion should be afforded to life,liberty and property as against thoanarchy. confiscatlon, torture and mur¬der which charactcrizes Bolshecism.Tht! "1^mP8'"_ in restrained but

Continued on next page

Open to AllResponsibleGovernmentsCommittee of 15 Author-

ized to Draft a Planfor Society of IVations

President and HouseAmerican Members

Similar Organization to

Determine War Blameand Assess Penaltiea

PARIS, Jan. 25. The peace confer¬ence at its second open session to-dRyunanimously adopted tlze league of na¬tions project and afterward made pub¬lic the draft of the preliminary reso-lutions looking to the creation of theleague.The preliminary draft for a league

of nations says the league should havea permanent organization to carry onthe business between meetings of in¬ternational conferences of all the mem¬bers.

It says that the conference shouldappoint a committee representative ofall the governments to work out thedetails of the constitution and func-tions of the league.Commission of Fifteen AuthorizedThe draft calls for the appointment

of a? commission composcd of two rep¬resentatives of the five great powersand five representatives of the otherpowers to inquire and report on the re¬

sponsibility of the authors of the war.This commission shall also inquire intobreaches of the laws and customs ofwar committed by Germany and her al¬lies and land and sea and in thc airduring the war, as well as thc degreeof responsibility for these offences at-taching to particular membe'rs of theenemy forces, "including momberj ofthe general staffs and others, howeverhighly placed."

President Wilson and Colonel Housffare the American members of the con-

ferce commission on the league of na¬


Wilson to Withhold Views1'az id Lloyd George, British Premier,

at. to-day's session was expected to dis-cuss the British plan for a league ofnations, the outlines of which were

published in the United States for thefirst time to-day, which would have ful-tilled predictiors that President Wilsonwould leave to one of the Europeanstatesmen the opening of the subject,withholding the exposition of his own

views for the iuture.The French, British, American and

Italian associations advocating a leagunof nations have decided to elaboratetheir plan for joint meetings. Th#first session will be held Sunday, andwill be presided over by I>eon Bour-geois, the former French Premier.

Wilson Inspired WarningThe warning issued yesterday by the

Supreme Council that territorial claimsmust come before the confei-ence un-

nzarked by attempts at possession byforce is very widely discussed here.

It seems to be generally acknowl-edged that President Wilson was theauthor of the warning and that hehas a deep feeling in the matter be¬cause in at least one instance wheresmall obdies of American troops wereunder other command they were usedto push forward into a territory wherethc native population would not" havetolerated the forces of any Europeanpower, but hailed the coming of theAmericans with joy.

ln some of these cases. after thewelcome had died down, the populationawoke to find that the American troop?had departed and that their townswere in the possession of troops of an¬

other nationality.Takes Summary Action

The President, it is known, took sum¬mary action to prevent the use ofAmerican forces for such purposes.He new has secured an agreement inthe peace conference to warn all na¬tions against such steps.Some rapid and substantial tztrides

toward the real objects of the peaceconference are expected as a resuit oftp-day's session. With the league ofnations question before them, the dele¬gates are expected to work continu-ously at the task. possibly ten hours aday.

President Wilson, it is said, has toldthe delegates he would be wllling towork ten hours a day until tangibleresults are ready for announcement tathe world. W'hile much of the ensuingdiscussion will be in secret accordingto the rule of'jzroceeaure now in force.there is reason to believe that moreaassions may be public thao had beea