all autobahns lead to rome by martin keerns

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  • 8/11/2019 All Autobahns Lead to Rome by Martin Keerns


    All Autobahns Lead to Rome for Chris Spivey, Dogman, and Lisa. By Martin P Keerns. 2014

    I was thinking about a recent comment I left for Dogman where we were talking about the multi-

    faceted nature of what were up against. Ive shared some of my own thoughts with Mr Dogman,

    and we seem to agree on many critical aspects historically, (in truth this is probably my specialist

    subject). - That got me thinking. Why dont I do an article for you guys, on this matter because I

    know I can blow socks off! - I, using only the documented historical facts, can nail down in a nutshell,

    both who is involved and also how it is all done. And I dont really need to incorporate anything

    other than law, history, and geography, into my argument in order to do so. I can easily go back

    quite a few thousand years in our history, and can not only pinpoint many of the true utterly pivotal

    points within it, I can do so both accurately and in detail. I know much that they would never teach

    us. So what Ill do is this, Ill knock together a brief synopsis for your perusal. - Youre busy, I know,

    but Im going to be keeping busy too. - I took 7/8 months off there, as Idjust spent 5 solid years,

    without a real break, just putting together those four bits of work youve all got, (but only my wee

    angel Lisa is ever looking at). But now that Im restedfocused and re-charged, and Im now ready to

    get seriously back into my work again. - Ill do a decent article giving a load of salient points from my

    big work for you guys now, as it could be useful reference material for those trying to see the bigger

    game. Ill also highlight stuff no-ones dedicating time too, that they clearly should be. (I always do).

    In 10 years time you will realise my book one nailed the sex, drugs, n rock and roll era. Others have

    seen only one of the numerous separate parts, I have just knitted all these wee chunks of the bigger

    picture together to help make better sense of it all. My logical and pragmatic approach is as

    demanding, if not more so, than yours is Chris, or your Dogs! Youll see we actually have similar

    humour too, if you do check my work out. - No mad theories, or untouchable/unprovable bogey-

    men stuff from me, no agenda other than doing the right thing. Part two of my original work then

    links Prussia where the concept of The State and also a State Educationboth came from, plus

    Psychiatry and Psychology too, (did you also know the PhD is Prussian too, and so was Wilhelm

    Wundt I believe, the nasty man who modernised psychiatry ) - He deemed Man an animal, with no

    soul. I then went on to link serial killing with the paedo/satanist/mind control/psychiatry angle, (thefirst 4 books are all mainly based on subjects from the 1960s on). I show ALL of these things are just

    one thing. (Dave McGowans Programmed to Kill helps nail this). Then there is the ties to the

    media and to our education system too, (John Taylor Gattos stuff on educations true nature and

    purpose is unequalled, plus you lot are smart enough to get him - he will tend to bombard you with

    tonnes of hard historical facts and big words in videos or talks, not for the simple types, trust me).

    Read those education chapters to truly get one, the test from 125 years ago on its own needs spare

    socks on to be read. Part 3 links ALL of this to population control, the Fabians, eugenics (piloted in

    Prussia), and much more, I show how this all links to sex, drugs, n rock and roll, and to the Frankfurt

    School agenda (another German ideology, hmm, Im seeing a pattern here, remember this fact for

    in a few pages time.) (Its also all been about family busting and birth control, and thats what the

    sexual revolution was really mainly about) I then cover vaccines as good as anyone ever has. (Thegraph chapter is top notch), I combined ALL of the best ones available (O.N.S. usually), and on many

    diseases. My three fucking chapters on fluoride, are unique, and for the first time show it from ALL

    of the angles. - Not just in water, or in all toothpaste, its also in loads of psychiatric drugs too, (for

    instance you know a valium isnt strong, but those rohypnol date rape mother fuckers are, well did

    you know rohypnol is just fluoridated valium!) And then theres my info on just how much fluoride is

    in our fucking food! That will definitely blow your fucking socks off. No-one, I can see, has looked at

    it before in the detail that I have. My Chapters on AIDS and Cancer (3pts) are also in my own humble

    opinion all real quality as well. Youll all be a lot smarter for reading them, trust me. Part 4 will also

    be the best explanation and breakdown of the financial crises (causes and consequences), youll see

    for quite a while too. All the best data available is in just one book. Years from now, you will have to

    agree with me. Facts is facts. And I do actually know my onions. Its social control in book one - mindcontrol in book two - population control in book three - and finally financial control in book four.

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    Theyre all actually only telling one large interlinked story, but it was given to the reader in a rather

    easily digestible manner. Im tired of pussyfooting around, youreall too busy, so I need to knock you

    out with something thats dynamite, now, just to try and catch your attention span for a wee tick.

    Im gonna do this article for you guys just to give you a good solid reference point for you and others

    to work from, just in case, for some reason I dont get to lay it all out in fine detail myself in my next

    section of 3/4 books. - I just had to rest my pea brain for a wee while there, after those first 4 books.

    (It was intense), but now Im ready to get busy putting stuff together again. My batteries re-charged.

    This article will only be a very short version (comparatively) of what will be a few thousand page

    story. Dogman and you can decide if my wee synopsis is any good, you decide if its worth posting,

    well see soon enough if Im good enough to actually blow some fucking sock off, or not! Shall we? -

    Im glad, Im actually in the fucking mood again buddy. You keep up your own great work. All of you.

    Im probably gonna re-dedicate myself full time into my researching and sticking something together

    again thing quite soon. Im just glad I got to know you guysfirst, Ive been working as a lone wolf for

    a long time, Imglad to get to know another few people who are as concerned as me on this island. I

    surfaced in Jan when I finished book 4, and I luckily found your site in Mar. (It gave me hope, the firstUK site worth a fuck). Youre the only people Ive evergot talking to, and whove been asked in the

    UK to post my pdfs as reference material. I honestly think I can help both you and your site, and

    myself with my work. I dont want any money or recognition, I just want to help like-minded people.

    Heres my tuppence worthfor if you ever held a gun to my head and forced me to say who has ran

    the show for the last 1500 odd years - just to kick off with. (I can easily go back much further, but

    thats for the completed section of 3 or 4 books that Ill re-surface with sometime reasonably soon, I

    hope. (Maybe in 1yr/18 months). This wee bit of work is just an appetiser in order to hopefully get

    you guys, and whoever you happen to share it with, in the mood. - The truth, Ive found, is thankfully

    quite often a lot simpler than many believe it to be. Its the sheer depth, history, and the scale of it

    all thats often the only really complicated thing about it. TPTB have convinced many its too deepand convoluted for them to grasp, in truth its easy enough for children to be able to understand.

    The real main tools of overall control are simple, control of the law, the religion(s) and of commerce.

    Becoming any of the many middle-men in any of these 3 trades i.e. lawyer, priest, judge, banker,

    politician etc. gave them complete control over any size of populace, it always has done, and it

    always will do. Priesthoods have always performed these tasks, and throughout all of our recorded

    history, did you know that? - Their temples have always held the treasure too. - Now an extract from

    Word Controlled Humans A Brief History by someone called Harland, just so you can better

    understand how the various parts of the overall control element are actually structured, how they all

    fit together, how they can assist and complement one another, and also, whos actually in charge.


    In warm climates people easily obtained abundant natural food and needed little protection from

    the elements. These factors made for denser populations, and the denser population caused people

    to think less about their relation to the natural world and more about their relationships to people

    as a group. They were less sensitive to their solitary thoughts, to their dreams or inherited

    memories, and had less womb-like experiences that brought innate-knowledge-of the- total-

    universe, derived from individual introspection, into comparison with verbal-knowledge, acquired

    from the group. Each did not feel the critical, moment by moment, direct link between himself or

    herself and the universe as a whole.

    When those few who paid attention to their inherited memories, or had what they considered to besignificant dreams, told others about such big dreams, they discovered that few had similar

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    experiences. The universe-to-individual experience was crowded out by more blatant interpersonal

    relationships. Everyone was impressed by colourful personalities. So the few who placed high value

    on their solitary experiences talked of their inherited memories or dream experiences as

    communications coming from a personality from the "spirit" of the whole universe. Doubtless the

    dreamers were influenced by the constant focus on personal relations to such an extent that the

    unique experiences actually did seem to come from somewhere outside themselves.

    Those who had these unique experiences found that uniqueness, itself, gave the dreamers prestige

    in the eyes of others. Some of the unscrupulous added extra drama to their dreams in order to

    create a prestige-building awe of their privileged contact with a "spirit" others could not see. It

    worked. Because living was easy, words describing a dramatic relationship to "spirits" of the universe

    became more important in establishing prestige than demonstrated ability in relation to the

    universe of objective reality. Good hunters, and others of much experience and ability, lost their

    places as leaders to those claiming to have special communion with spirits knowing more than

    ordinary humans.

    The new type of leaders, who began to lead groups by words that created awe, I will call "priests."

    These priests first transformed prestige into control by public spectacles where a word-stimulated

    group obeyed the purported commands of the priest's private dream-spirit and did such things as

    dropping someone, who they said had offended the awe-inspiring- spirit, down a fire-spewing

    volcano. If no volcano was handy, they made a spectacle of "offering the offender to the spirit" by

    dramatically burning him or her on a conspicuous rock structure, while a frightened but fascinated

    crowd looked on in awe. The "spirit" whossupposed "will" the priest told to the people to incite

    such action is commonly called a "god."

    "God" is a difficult word to use because it has several meanings.

    As some people use it, it means the comprehensive creative intelligence of the universe. Others use

    it to mean a stone idol or something completely imaginary. Recognizing that the one word can mean

    many different things, I will try to make clear how I am using it each time as I go along. To avoid

    making implications not backed by clear statements, I will not selectively capitalize the word in

    accordance with some practices, except when quoting the writing of others.

    Now to continue. Some, who were sceptical about the nature or existence of a super-powerful being

    that others called god, became envious of the ease with which the priests controlled great groups of

    credulous people; so they invented gods of their own. They, themselves, then became priests, or

    spokesmen, for their gods.

    Soon there were many different groups of word controlled people, manipulated as groups by priests,

    who claimed to be speaking for different gods. Some made stone or metal images of these gods,some identified them with the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the sea all sorts of things.

    Some stayed with the original idea that their god was an invisible spirit that spoke to them in private

    or in dreams.

    While all this was going on something highly significant was happening to the priests doing the

    controlling and also to the groups being controlled.

    Each priest directed all his efforts toward controlling a group of people with words. Both the size of

    the group and the extent of his control over it was the measure of his power. He felt the group to be

    an instrument he could use; it was much more deadly than a single spear or sword; it was a

    multitude of word-controlled spears.

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    It is my firm opinion presently that these three work in a tight-knit and symbiotic relationship today

    that has become mutually and almost exclusively beneficial to all of the parties concerned, it has

    also grown into a power block to be seriously reckoned with because kings need priests, who need

    lawyers, who need judges, who need policemen etc. - This power group grows like an evil malignant

    fungus to eventually build what becomes benignly termed (by them) as the establishment.

    Kings make the laws, then a priesthood was required to enforce them, and this simple relationship

    has been one of the cornerstones, if not the cornerstone of civilisation from its very inception.

    A King cant control us all physically, he would need half the population to control the other half,

    (Tory and Labour?) instead he uses a priesthood who not only shore up his claim to divinity, but who

    also co-ordinate and have a controlling interest in virtually all the goings on within the Kingdom that

    are essential to its continued existence. They provide the smoke and mirrorsto keep the general

    populous dumb uneducated and easy to manipulate because if they didnt they would soon ask

    Why are you getting more than me? Or why are you receiving better treatment than me?This, it

    turns out is the Oligarchs real power, Why? - Well it was because they eventually worked out that

    they could, if they chose, impart enough hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo onto the herd to

    sometimes even convince the dumb malleable masses to get rid of the King! Thats their power.

    Unfortunately for the Kings over the years as the strength of the crown of the lands started slipping,

    the priesthoods or oligarchies started to gain more power within kingdoms, this further enriched

    them, which in turn only made them more powerful still. This development from autocracy to

    oligarchy should be of much interest to any curious person wishing to educate themselves. To

    understand it, is to understand the world and all that is in it, and on that note you could even argue

    that by doing so one would be transformed into the man Kipling speaks of in the poem I have just

    paraphrased, the man he challenges all of us to be (including you ladies) when he wrote If.

    Scant attention is paid to this subject by historians and general academia, this I initially found odd,

    then I realised that it is because knowledge is power, why after all would a gang of organisedcriminals want the people they dupe to know how their scam works?

    When people band together to form communities they will eventually begin to formulate laws, these

    laws cover basic issues that all agree anyone within the community should not be breaking, - if the

    people are ever to have a chance of living together. Examples would be that you cant hurt other

    people in the land or you cant steal from anyone within the land. These are both examples of the

    Common Law; they are things that are after all common rules for everyone. These rules or laws are

    designed to protect the individual; they confer inalienable rights upon people who without them

    would otherwise be nothing that more developed than wild animals or beasts. Without these laws in

    place chaos would ensue because it would be law of the jungle instead of a common peace. - We

    seem to have went back to a system of law of the jungle in the modern age, the biggest cat always

    wins (biggest today refers more to the bank balance of this individual, as opposed to their physical

    strength, but thats the thing, a big enough bank balance can also purchase all the physical strength

    it requires too). I aim to prove to you that this only came about as a consequence of allowing

    ourselves to be governed by laws which are designed for dealing with property, not people. In my

    view we are property first and people second today. The reason I am giving you this version of

    history is because it is imperative that you fully grasp how this came about, where the idea

    developed, and why has it been successful.

    I feel that I must touch upon this subject because the methods and ideology employed by these two

    groups in the past (the kings and priests), have also you will discover, been used many times by the

    exact same groups during our recent history and continue to be the most important pieces in the

    puzzle if you ever wish to see the events and policies of the present in a clear and focused manner.

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    It is my firm personal belief that if you were to examine this relationship between these three

    entities, from an historical viewpoint, you will quickly gleam that their never ending power struggle

    has been the core element in our history, in fact it is our history.

    It would take far too much paper to explain the complete history of this trinity, I will be writing other

    books after this, and then it will be the main subject, because it is both a fascinating to explore, and

    more importantly, crucial for your education. I will merely give you a brief overview of this epoch in

    history constructed from solid facts and utilising many trusted sources, ultimately (for the sake of

    brevity) it will unfortunately have to be so brief (comparatively) that it shouldnt be too hard for any

    critic to pick some holes in what I say. All I can say at this juncture is, I will cover these matters in

    much more depth in my longer work, so any critics to this short version of history will only line

    themselves up to be knocked down later by picking on this part of what I say, the reason I say this is

    because I will have the time to personally dissect their arguments, which gives me time to formulate

    only the best quality rebuttals. Trust me, if you give me a head start, on issues I know inside out, in

    nearly any argument, I guarantee you I will wipe the floor with you, thats all I will say on this matter.

    The reason I feel it is imperative for me to cover the history of crowns, priesthoods, commerce and

    law is because if you do study them then you will quickly start to see our history in a totally new

    light, as Ive said, I will touch upon earlier periods in my next project, but for now I would like to

    concentrate on a certain epoch of history from around 700 AD on, the reason I am doing so is

    because it is my firmly held belief that an amalgamation occurred around about this period in time

    which has been the main driving force behind both our civilisation, and also our tyranny, ever since

    that time. As I said to Dogstein (lol) - I often see people sidetracking the threads by only seeing one

    small group solely being behind the curtain so to speak. Their naivety is often funny, but their

    error is actually a most serious one. Whether all of you realise this as readers of the site is also a

    rather serious matter, and Ill now explain why. - This isnt just one super devious mafia runningamok; this is in point of fact, a worldwide, multi-generational conglomerate of inter-linked mafias,

    putting old rivalries aside, who are instead forming one giant worldwide corporation out of them all.

    - Nearly ALL of this planets competing entities, from countries, trade blocks, corporations, political

    parties, armies, intelligence services, governments, politicians, judges, and a large group of whole

    economies, are all just the make it happen departments for a small clique of rather potty inbred,

    interwoven families and dynasties whove been pulling the strings for a long, long, time. The names

    change, but the overall ideology remains the same. Most of the wars of the last few thousand years

    were just one of these groups of mafias fighting for some prevalence, or creating a dialectic, (their

    aims were always similar in the long-term, they just used different routes to get there, thats all).

    Whichever flavour of bullshit we buy into, especially new flavours, makes this one particular flavourof bullshit, flavour of the month, year, decade, generation, century, or millennium. - One ideology

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    can seem to be dominant periodically. But please take a big step back; this has always been a long

    term venture involving many a multi-generational conglomerate of inter-linked mafias, forming this

    one giant worldwide corporation. They switch from communist to fascist in a heartbeat because

    both are totalitarian (with a token dash of) socialism. Both were curled from the same assholes.


    As dogman says the more you learn, the more you learn about how much you dont know, I concur.

    You need to study history relentlessly too, not just current affairs, because past is truly prologue. -

    And there is nothing new under the sun. History has been constantly and forever repeating itself.

    First, we will need to stress the critical part that commercial law plays in all of this; - it was the first

    of the triadto go international after all. - And more importantly with reference to whos the

    daddywe also need to be clear on who has always been in control of these lawsof commerce

    both in days gone by, and during our near and recent past. (I personally think theyre still in control).

    The Babylonian Brotherhood and Commercial Maritime Laws

    With reference to such reputable modern textbooks as "Historical Jurisprudence" by Guy Carlton,

    Lee; of Johns Hopkins University in 1922; Babylon's Religious Priesthood is commonly recognized as

    the source of the modern so called "Laws of Commerce". These "Laws of Commerce" are shown to

    be a specific body of Codes which authorize the Administration of Compelling Force in Efforts to

    uphold Contracts, mostly for Payments of Debts. The ancient Babylonian Priests were involved

    because Contracts were deemed to be a form of "Oath" entered into by the contracting parties; &

    the approval of the ancient gods of idolatry were invoked so as to more effectively legitimize the

    entire process in the minds & the consciences of the contracting parties & all public witnesses.

    These Babylonian Religious Codes recognized the ability to buy & sell contracts between merchants

    in "Commerce". They bought & sold "slaves & the souls of men". Under this system of Babylonian

    Codes, contracted-debtor-people were Forcibly Compelled to perform the contract regardless ofconscionability, or who was the contract-creditor. This Babylonian Religious Commercial Code

    embodied a sub-codification which is modernly recognizable as "Master-Servant Relationships",

    which are also the source of modern Employer-Employee Codes. It is under the Babylonian Religious

    Code that "Temporary Slavery" is facilitated. People were not recognized as people and thereunder

    were items in Commerce. The Slave could be arrested for not showing up for work on time.

    Textbooks say that "The slave is not regarded or spoken of as a man, but as a thing, and is reckoned

    in the same way as cattle". ...

    "Of ... these Rome was ... possessed from the earliest period..."("Historical Jurisprudence" - Lee).

    Hammurabis code contains much of the Commercial Slave-Trading Mercantile Codifications of

    "Master-Servant Relationships" which originated in Babylon, and is also known as Maritime laws.

    It is imperative that you grasp this subject, the information given to you earlier concerning the law

    only makes sense when you realise this master-slave relationship, it is how we are controlled today.

    Remember the capitalisation of your name on all official documents that has been pointed out to

    you? This is where it all starts to become relevant. Slavery is not (officially) allowed in our modern

    system, so this is how it is done, you are reduced in status to a piece of property, then the law

    doesnt give a toss about you, you are merely property. Ordinarily human beings are only under the

    jurisdiction of the common law, this governs acts of violence or theft within a community and

    applies to everyone. When dealing with matters of equity or contracts these laws are negated,

    whatever you have signed on the dotted line to do, is enforceable simply because you freely signed

    on the dotted line, you werent made to do it, and that my friend is what makes it all 100% legal.These laws only apply to companies and corporations hence the all capital letter name on all your

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    bills or on a court summons. It is the corporation that you represent that is being taken to court, not

    you, you merely show up to represent this entity. I know this is a complicated subject, but it is one

    you MUST understand, this is because if you do then you will discover that there are ways of getting

    out of many of these one-sided contracts. Not only that, you will begin to see for the first time

    exactly how our world is ran. We are slaves with no real rights (apart from the ones the corporation

    owner decides to give you). This is why we are described with such terms as the herd, sheep, theflock, goyim, or the profane, this is also why a priest or pharaoh is administering to his flock. We are

    not seen as people, we are seen as beasts or mere property, we are steaks who serve themselves on

    the table. - Extracts now are taken from an article titled:

    Modern "Commercial Law" is based on Ancient Babylonian Codes

    A Historical Research Article Linking the "Slave-Trading Codes" of Ancient Babylon to the Modern

    Laws of "Commerce", "Equity", and Civil/Municipal Jurisdictions. By Charles Bruce, Stewart.

    ...We find similarly enlightening source material in a profoundly insightful work from a gentleman

    named Guy Carlton, Lee; of Johns Hopkins University in his work: "Historical Jurisprudence", 1922;

    Pages 12, 17, 18, 38-40, 188-189:

    The law of Babylonia has had an immense effect upon that of nearly all the countries of Europe . . .

    The literature of Babylon has perished; but the element of culture which has endured was greater

    than the literature. That element is law, an organized intelligible system of rights and duties

    enforced by the State. . . The great work of the nation was the production of a system of law,

    necessary to the extended commercial activity of the city . . . The complex Babylonian civilization,

    which produced a commercial law in advance of any other ancient system . . . was . . . the product of

    . . . its relations to the other countries of the world.

    The exercise of judicial functions, at least in matters of commercial law, seems to have been in the

    hands of the hierarchy. The reasons for this may have been in part those which, in the mediaevalperiod of European history, threw the control of legal procedure largely into the hands of the

    ecclesiastics (priests). In Babylon, the custom of documentary evidence in almost all transactions . . .

    and the wide extent to which written contracts were employed, made the notarial and judicial

    functions of the priests very extensive. But the part taken in business transactions by the priesthood

    was appropriate for another reason, which perhaps had more influence in the time of the early law,

    before the purely commercial side had been developed. This was the part which was connected with

    contractual oaths, which at first were numerous. The contracting parties were obliged in their

    contracts to swear by the principal god of the country, and by the reigning prince, that they would

    abide by the conditions of the contract . . ."

    The Babylonian Law developed to the fullest extent the idea of a Contract. Almost any possiblebusiness transaction was reduced to the form of a contract and was executed with the same

    formalities - i.e., with witnesses, notary, and signature. Thus the points as to deeds, sales,

    mortgages, loans, and banking are in no respect different in form from the matter of hiring, rent and

    leases, partnership, testaments, and domestic relations, including adoption. Transactions so very

    different could be reduced to the same principle, or brought under the one head, only by a highly

    abstract conception of contract itself. From forms of contract . . . we pass to the relations of master

    and servant, leases, and future delivery of goods.

    Sub-section A. Master and Servant. . . a man might well make a contract with another whom he

    hired for a year, or whom he contracted to serve for a year. . . example . . . In connection with this

    contract, it should be noted that Ubarru was regarded as a free agent, hiring himself out. But since

    he enters into a relation to his master in which he is temporarily in the condition of a slave, he has a

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    representative, or guardian . . .

    . . . In the case of a slave the name of the slave's father is never given. The slave is not regarded or

    spoken of as a man, but as a thing, and is reckoned in the same way as cattle. The actual point of this

    contract is the transfer of the right to a man's services. Such a transaction is but a part of the whole

    Babylonian system, whereby every credit or right was passed from one to another by means ofcontracts. . .

    The law was very strict as to the beginning and termination of these contracts. . . If the servant did

    not appear, he could be arrested and brought to his master, as he was his master's man. ...This

    species of . . . slavery was of great importance and very customary in old Babylon.

    And again, just to remind you who controlled commercial law before making the UK the worlds

    commercial capital of the planet in the 17/18th

    century I repeat the following quote just to clarify

    two things for you. - 1. The groundwork for this colossal financial endeavour actually began much

    earlier than is realised, and 2. To also make it abundantly clear to you just who it was that was

    behind these schemes. -Babylon('s) . . . commercial customs . . . became . . . the commercial law of

    the whole known world. Of . . . these Rome was . . . possessed from the earliest period . . . "

    Modern Applications of Ancient Babylonian Slave-Trading Codes:

    This entire body of Roman "Civil-Law" is Designed to Centralize the "Decision-Making Authority" of

    the Entire Community in-to the Hands of a "Single Arbitrator". This is How All "Contracts" were En-

    Forced in the "Court of Equity". It was early incorporated into what was known as English "Law

    Merchant", which many fine scholars have confused as being a true part of the English "Common-

    Law". Such happened only after the corrupting influence of the "Norman Conquest".

    Contracts are only enforceable in Courts of so-called "Equity". "Equity" jurisdiction was allowed to

    enter into American Jurisprudence by way of Article 3 Section 2-1 of the so-called "U.S.Constitution".

    This article explains in a nutshell how Babylonian law spread to Rome, from there it passed through

    Europe before arriving in Britain and from there it spread to every country that was once part of the

    Empire (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Commonwealth).

    I will be covering this matter in great detail as it is crucial for your wellbeing that you understand this

    issue, as it may well be the most important subject in this whole work, if not in the entire world. If

    you find it difficult to grasp and you find that you have to read this more than once, do it as it will be

    time well spent, trust me.

    This spreading of some power, to other people than the king or priests, had also created a newpower group. - One that has kept its hands wrapped around the throat of humanity ever since. -


    (Greek , Oligarkha) is a form of government wherepower effectively rests with a smallelite segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family, military influence or religious

    hegemony.The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for "few" ( olgos) and "rule" (arkh). Such states are often controlled by politically powerful families whose children are heavily

    conditioned and mentored to be heirs of the power of the oligarchy.[citation needed]

    Oligarchies have

    beentyrannical throughout history, being completely reliant on publicservitude to exist. Although

    Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is

    plutocracy,oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group.

    Some city-states from Ancient Greece were oligarchies.
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    Oligarchy vs. Monarchy

    Earlysocieties may have become oligarchies as an outgrowth of an alliance between rivaltribal

    chieftains or as the result of acaste system. Oligarchies can often become instruments of

    transformation, by insisting thatmonarchs ordictators share power, thereby opening the door to

    power-sharing by other elements of society (while oligarchy means "the rule of the few," monarchy

    means "the rule of the one"). One example of power-sharing from one person to a larger group of

    persons occurred whenEnglishnobles banded together in1215 to force a reluctantKingJohn of

    England to sign theMagna Carta*, a tacit recognition both of King John's waning political power and

    of the existence of an incipient oligarchy (the nobility). As English society continued to grow and

    develop, Magna Carta was repeatedly revised (1216,1217,and1225), guaranteeing greater rights to

    greater numbers of people, thus setting the stage forEnglishconstitutional monarchy.In an

    aristocracy, a small group of wealthy or socially prominent citizens control the government.

    Members of this high social class claim to be, or are considered by others to be superior to the other

    people because of family ties, social rank, wealth, or religious affiliation. The word "aristocracy"

    comes from the Greek term meaning rule by the best. Many aristocrats have inherited titles of

    nobility such as duke or baron. (*Most of you know King John had already gavethe UK to the pope

    in 1213 - which nullified theMagna Carta from the vatiscams viewpoint. Martin).

    Heroic kingship depended partly on divinely given prerogative, and partly on the possession of

    supereminent strength, courage, and wisdom. Gradually, as the impression of the monarchs

    sacredness became weakened and feeble members occurred in the series of hereditary kings, the

    royal power decayed, and at last gave way to the dominion of aristocracies. If language so precise

    can be used of the revolution, we might say that the office of the king was usurped by that council of

    chiefs which Homer repeatedly alludes to and depicts. At all events from an epoch of kingly rule we

    come everywhere in Europe to an era of oligarchies; and even where the name of the monarchical

    functions does not absolutely disappear, the authority of the king is reduced to a mere shadow. He

    becomes a mere hereditary general, as in Lacedaemon, a mere functionary, as the King Archon at

    Athens, or a mere formal hierophant, like the Rex Sacrificulus at Rome. In Greece, Italy, and AsiaMinor, the dominant orders seem to have universally consisted of a number of families united by an

    assumed relationship in blood, and, though they all appear at first to have laid claim to a quasisacred

    character, their strength does not seem to have resided in their pretended sanctity. Unless they

    were prematurely overthrown by the popular party, they all ultimately approached very closely to

    what we should now understand by a political aristocracy.

    The changes which society underwent in the communities of the further Asia occurred of course at

    periods long anterior in point of time to these revolutions of the Italian and Hellenic worlds; but

    their relative place in civilisation appears to have been the same, and they seem to have been

    exceedingly similar in general character. There is some evidence that the races which were

    subsequently united under the Persian monarchy, and those which peopled the peninsula of India,had all their heroic age and their era of aristocracies; but a military and a religious oligarchy appear

    to have grown up separately, nor was the authority of the king generally superseded. Contrary, too,

    to the course of events in the West, the religious element in the East tended to get the better of the

    military and political. Military and civil aristocracies disappear, annihilated or crushed into

    insignificance between the kings and the sacerdotal order; and the ultimate result at which we arrive

    is, a monarch enjoying great power, but circumscribed by the privileges of a caste of priests. With

    these differences, however, that in the East aristocracies became religious, in the West civil or

    political, the proposition that a historical era of aristocracies succeeded a historical era of heroic

    kings may be considered as true, if not of all mankind, at all events of all branches of the Indo-

    European family of nations.
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    The important point for the jurist is that these aristocracies were universally the depositaries and

    administrators of law. They seem to have succeeded to the prerogatives of the king, with the

    important difference, however, that they do not appear to have pretended to direct inspiration for

    each sentence. The connection of ideas which caused the judgments of the patriarchal chieftain to

    be attributed to superhuman dictation still shows itself here and there in the claim of a divine origin

    for the entire body of rules, or for certain parts of it, but the progress of thought no longer permitsthe solution of particular disputes to be explained by supposing an extra-human interposition. What

    the juristical oligarchy now claims is to monopolise the knowledge of the laws, to have the exclusive

    possession of the principles by which quarrels are decided. We have in fact arrived at the epoch of

    Customary Law. Customs or Observances now exist as a substantive aggregate, and are assumed to

    be precisely known to the aristocratic order or caste. Our authorities leave us no doubt that the trust

    lodged with the oligarchy was sometimes abused, but it certainly ought not to be regarded as a mere

    usurpation or engine of tyranny. Before the invention of writing, and during the infancy of the art, an

    aristocracy invested with judicial privileges formed the only expedient by which accurate

    preservation of the customs of the race or tribe could be at all approximated to. Their genuineness

    was, so far as possible, insured by confiding them to the recollection of a limited portion of the


    The epoch of Customary Law, and of its custody by a privileged order, is a very remarkable one. The

    condition of the jurisprudence which it implies has left traces which may still be detected in legal and

    popular phraseology. The law, thus known exclusively to a privileged minority, whether a caste, an

    aristocracy, a priestly tribe, or a sacerdotal college is true unwritten law. Except this, there is no such

    thing as unwritten law in the world. English case-law is sometimes spoken of as unwritten, and there

    are some English theorists who assure us that if a code of English jurisprudence were prepared we

    should be turning unwritten law into writtena conversion, as they insist, if not of doubtful policy, at

    all events of the greatest seriousness.

    Now, it is quite true that there was once a period at which the English common law might

    reasonably have been termed unwritten. The elder English judges did really pretend to knowledge ofrules, principles, and distinctions which were not entirely revealed to the bar and to the lay-public.

    Whether all the law which they claimed to monopolise was really unwritten, is exceedingly

    questionable; but at all events, on the assumption that there was once a large mass of civil and

    criminal rules known exclusively to the judges, it presently ceased to be unwritten law. As soon as

    the Courts at Westminster Hall began to base their judgments on cases recorded, whether in the

    year books or elsewhere, the law which they administered became written law. At the present

    moment a rule of English law has first to be disentangled from the recorded facts of adjudged

    printed precedents, then thrown into a form of words varying with the taste, precision, and

    knowledge of the particular judge, and then applied to the circumstances of the case for

    adjudication. But at no stage of this process has it any characteristic which distinguishes it from

    Society written law. It is written case-law, and only different from code-law because it is written in adifferent way.

    From the period of Customary Law we come to another sharply defined epoch in the history of

    jurisprudence. We arrive at the era of Codes, those ancient codes of which the Twelve Tables of

    Rome were the most famous specimen. In Greece, in Italy, on the Hellenised seaboard of Western

    Asia, these codes all made their appearance at periods much the same everywhere, not, I mean, at

    periods identical in point of time, but similar in point of the relative progress of each community.

    Everywhere, in the countries I have named, laws engraven on tablets and published to the people

    take the place of usages deposited with the recollection of a privileged oligarchy. It must not for a

    moment be supposed that the refined considerations now urged in favour of what is called

    codification had any part or place in the change I have described. The ancient codes were doubtlessoriginally suggested by the discovery and diffusion of the art of writing. It is true that the

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    aristocracies seem to have abused their monopoly of legal knowledge; and at all events their

    exclusive possession of the law was a formidable impediment to the success of those popular

    movements which began to be universal in the western world.

    Extracts above concerning oligarchy versus monarchy were taken from Ancient law and its

    connection to the history of early society. from Pages 55-63.

    As you can see the oligarchy whether priestly or royalty always took control of the law, just as they

    do today, if you write the law, and we all obey it, then you are a king without having to lift a finger.

    You will also have read that the priesthoods or temples were always in charge of the banks and

    money, between these two groups we have the small group of people who actually control a

    kingdom. The great mystery is revealed, it isnt the Jews, the Masons, or the Bilderbergers, it is the

    priests and the kings dividing the ownership of the land and all who inhabit it between themselves.

    They only need to control the law to control commerce, and you only need to control commerce to

    own the people, but just in case, they also run the religious priesthoods who tell you that whatever

    the king demands (the oligarchy behind him in actual fact) is a reasonable demand and that we must

    accept it, because the priests have spoken to God and he says its actually quite a good idea, in fact,

    he wishes he had thought of it. That my friend is the big secret, it is no more elaborate than that. Allthese other names are just thrown into the mix to confuse us or distract us away from the simplicity

    of the system that ensnares us. The Jews has been the favourite one, but the Masons, Illuminati,

    Bilderbergers, CFR, the Trilaterals, The Pilgrims, The Round Table, and all the rest of these stupid

    distractions were exactly that, mere distractions, it is the kings and priests who run the show, always

    has been, and if we dont get wise to it, they always will do too.

    Now let us return to Rome, just around about the time that its Empire was supposedly crumbling.

    Long, long, before the Roman Empire officially flung in the towel around 500 AD, did you know that

    the currency was debased to the point of having virtually no silver content anymore. Just bear that

    in mind. - Some say it caused the collapse. As if it was brought down by the bankers. Sound familiar?

    If you know all about the eventual collapse of Rome, you will also know about guys like the Ostro-

    Goths, those naughty and perma-maligned Vandals, and especially the Lombards. - All Germanic

    tribes I think. Did you know the following wee caveats about those powerful German families?

    The Germans saw themselves to be literally the direct heirs of the mighty Roman Empire. Kaiser you

    may know, is just Kraut for Caesar. - The Holy Roman Empireitself was practically always German.

    568Lombard invasion ofItaly under KingAlboin.

    712 KingLiutprand of theLombardsoccupiesRavenna but loses it to theByzantines

    Liutprand, King of the Lombards - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia:

    Liutprand was theKing of theLombards from 712 to 744 and is chiefly remembered for hisDonation

    of Sutri,in 728, and his long reign, which brought him into a series of conflicts, mostly successful,

    with most of Italy. He is often regarded as the most successful Lombard monarch.

    Donation of Sutri

    Having just overwhelmed theByzantine forces, though it was left to his heirs to make the final

    vestige of theExarchate of Ravenna Lombard at last, Liutprand advanced towardsRome along the

    Via Cassia;he was met at the ancient city ofSutri byPope Gregory II (728). There the two reached an

    agreement, by which Sutri and some hill towns inLatium (seeVetralla)were given to thePapacy,"as

    a gift to the blessedApostlesPeter andPaul"according to theLiber Pontificalis.They were the first,_King_of_the_Lombards,_King_of_the_Lombards
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    extension of Papal territory beyond the confines of theDuchy of Rome.This was the beginning of

    thePapal States.

    Donation of Pepin - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia:

    The "Donation of Pepin", the first in 754, and second in 756, provided a legal basis for the formal

    organizing of thePapal States,which inaugurated papaltemporal rule over civil authorities. The

    Donations were bestowed byPepin the Short only three years after he became the first civil ruler

    appointed by a Pope, about the year 751. (hmm).

    In 753, theLombards under their kingAistulf had conquered theExarchate of Ravenna,the main

    seat ofByzantine government in Italy, whose Patriarch held territorial power as the representative

    of the Eastern Roman Emperor, independent of the Pope of Rome. Pepin wanted to become King, so

    asked Abbot of Saint Denis to go to the Pope for support. The Pope granted him kingship, and then

    asked Pepin for help to defeat the Lombards. The Lombard Duke ofSpoleto and the Lombard kings

    posed a threat to Roman territory, and Aistulf demanded tribute fromPope Zachary,an able

    diplomat. Eventual successor,Pope Stephen II,went to meet Pepin the Short (who had been

    crowned atSoissons with Zachary's blessing) at Quiercy-sur-Loire in 753, marking the first time aPope had crossed the Alps. The Pope was first met by Pepin's eleven-year-old son,Charles who

    conveyed him to his father in Ponthion. At Quiercy the Frankish nobles finally gave their consent to a

    campaign in Lombardy. Roman Catholic tradition asserts that it was then and there that Pepin

    executed in writing a promise to convey to the Papacy certain territories that were going to be

    wrested from the Lombards. No actual document has been preserved, but later 8th century sources

    quote from it.[citation needed]

    On July 28, 754 Pope Stephen anointed Pepin, as well as his two sons Charles andCarloman,atSaint-

    Denis in a memorable ceremony that was recalled incoronation rites of French kings until the end of

    theancient regime in theFrench Revolution of 1789-1799.

    In return, in 756, Pepin and his Frankish army forced the last Lombard king to surrender his

    conquests, and Pepin officially conferred upon the pope the territories belonging to Ravenna,

    Liutprand King of the Lombards was threatening Rome itself, but then out of the blue he instead

    kindly donated to the pope all the lands that from then on became the Papal States. Hmm.

    Some theorised, myself included, that in return for giving the papacy this protected land he was in

    turn secretly granted the right to both coin and lend money. (Which officially the Vatican had to be

    against). This desire to control money, yet also have to be seen (especially to the poor it taxed

    through the collection plates) to be a church against usury, was the biggest thorn in the sides of the

    Italian/Vatican families. - If only another religion could have been utilised by these Vatican families

    they could have had their cake, and ate it. (Cough, the jews.) - Even better, would be a form of theirown religion (so theyd still have seniority) - yet a new version of it, one that was cool with usury and

    debt. Until that was created for us in the 1500s theyd rely mainly on Germans to be the front-men!

    Venice in time became a hub for this money trade. (Florence and the Medicis, had a go for a time

    too). The Lombards were also invited further afield. (E.g. Lombard St. in London for centuries easily

    rivalled Wall St.) - The descendants of the Lombards had found and settled on the safest country to

    set up shop in, in all of Europe, an isolated island off the rest of mainland Europes coast. - The Pope

    gave the okay (and blessing) for this invasion, and off they went. - You guys all knew it as 1066.

    It was the legal and commercial systems brought by the Normans that you should look at in detail.

    When they came a conquering they forced civil law, onto England first, and then later onto Scotland.(The Inns of Court and Temple(r) Bar were also set-up around this same time). Then, they also began
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    foisting upon us the slow implementation of Admiralty Law, via the ports first, from the 13th


    and then eventually through the courts system itself, with Commerce, Equity, and Admiralty law.

    The true invasion of the UK was with Roman civil and merchant law, and that was truly our undoing,

    (backed by a religion that always said obey this hierarchy), (whether this was a protestant or

    catholic one was irrelevant), it was the obeying of which particular kind of law that was important.

    People waffle on about this group, or that group, and totally they totally miss the point, ITS NOT

    SECRET SOCIETIES - THE BIG SECRET, IS FUCKING SOCIETY! (The probable title of the second section

    of my work, so no stealing) - In many cases the actual big secretis nothing more than this, (sorry to

    disappoint). Its actually more about the control of large numbers of us through the law, commerce,

    and religion, (and the shared ideologies and weird perversions of these groups) than anything else.

    We had a period of history from the early middle ages where there was an alternative power block

    in Europe, vying for serious power, who also offered to pay for the use of Romes System. - The

    French. - From the early middle-ages France had rivalled and competed with both Germany and the

    later the UK for those lucrative deals with Rome. - France had then shown itself to be a most poor

    and unreliable senior partner when they fucked themselves in the beginning of the 14th

    century withthe stupid Templar affair - Where a French King had ordered a weak pope to seize all the Templar

    (Vatican families) wealth, for the French kings benefit. - I think they (the French) were never really

    forgiven or trusted for this by those Italian families ever again. Hence the German/UK backing since.

    As Ive said before about this matter in an earlier article: There had been a longstanding vendetta of

    the papacy (or to be more precise the power behind it) to get rid of the Imperialist/Stuart (French)

    rulers. This was because they, like the Ghibellines, and many of the Holy Roman Emperors, were

    imperialists, in essence what this meant was that they wanted the pope to answer to a king or

    emperor. - While the Guelph kings and Queens (one of whom by sheer coincidence presently shits

    on our throne today) agreed to nominally still answer to the pope and his coterie of assorted mafias.

    This battle over primacy was the TRUE cause for many of the wars of this period of history, (before

    it, and beyond too). Rulers and dynasties (Protestant or Catholic) who said Youre the daddy got to

    keep their thrones and land, while those who said Fuck off, Im the daddy (Protestant or Catholic)

    have ALWAYS lost their thrones, land, fortunes, and as a matter of rule, usually their lives too. - And

    thats still the case today folks. Nothing changed, the fact is, the OWO is still the NWO, they just use

    proxies these days. Protestantism and Catholicism are two kindsa shit, coming from the same arse.

    The UK has long been the financial arm, and the USA the military arm, of Romes newest incarnation.

    Three city states within cities, each ran by Italian, German, British, and French families, (Theres

    plenty American and Jewish families on board now too, and some other Tokens) who have ruled

    over all of the known world for well over 1500 years now. Ive read, or heard, thats what the Audibadge actually represented, - the original four power groups in: Italy, Germany, Britain, and France. -

    While with the five circles in the Olympic flag, (America being included now). - (Something its (re)-

    creator Hitler had apparently objected to himself, saying that they had no history. He gave in though

    and included them in his Olympics (distraction) flag design anyway). - Notice how important these

    type of distraction eventswere to guys like Adolf, right from the start, what do you think the

    World Cup, Euros, Champions league, Ryder Cup, and Wimbledon, etc. are really for? - Same as X-

    factor, Towie, Eastenders, and plenty more. All are the exact same thing, mere distractions. I digress.

    Readers of your site should spend some serious time researching the trading conglomerate that was

    raking it in during the middle-ages, based in Lubeck and in Hannover (where the family shitting on

    our throne originally come from, hmm) called the Hanseatic-League. Germany again too, double

    hmm. (A mini version of the international Fondi/trading colossus that Britain was soon to become).
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    This trading conglomerate encompassed 90 cities at its peak, and Ive read that it was actually

    integrated with the other trading behemoth of that time: Venice. - German dosh, joined with Italian.

    Remember what I already told you too: The Vatican had a long standing problem - they had

    preached no usury, but at the same time they were desperate to control money just as much as they

    controlled every other aspect of our lives. They had got into the field with the Templers, but caused

    so much jealousy and envy with their obvious and tremendous wealth that a French king had tried to

    rob them! The Vatican was having a lot of trouble with the paupers over the blatant riches of

    bishops all round Europe at this time too. (This was one of the main reasons for the reformation

    supposedly). How could the Vatican disguise its obvious avarice, maintain control, and still look likethe caring charitable house of space-monkey-jebus? This was a serious dilemma for them. (Luckily

    in the 18th

    century up popped that wee jewish family, in Germany, to shield the Vaticansbanking

    scam. - Just before they took over the UK hmm) As dogman himself pointed out on Aug 31, 2014:

    The Rothschildsare the Guardians of the Vatican Treasury, which at first glance would appear

    strange. (Not if you realise how in fact theyre blame magnets for German and Italian Super-Fondi. A

    fondi is just all the main families pooling their combined assets in one fund: AS THE VENETIANS DID!

    The Treaty of Paris of 1763 designated King George III of the UK (a German) Arch-Treasurer and

    Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. (so the UK king was head banker for the pope too, hmm)

    And according to the Encyclopaedia Judaica the Rothschildsbear the title Guardians of theVatican Treasury.The Vatican Treasury, of course, holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial

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    wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war; as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis

    ecclesiae implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace.

    According to H. Russell Robinsons illustrated Armour of Imperial Rome, Caesarean soldiers

    protected themselves in battle with shields painted red.

    As Ive said to you guys before in a private correspondence:

    Not one A.M. site, book, or blogger has EVER asked themselves if the pile of pish about one family of

    jews (Rothschild) taking over the running of the entire Earths finances near the end of the 18th

    century is just that - a total pile of pish. Not one person in the A.M. has EVER questioned this maxim

    of itsdajudaism! Honestly, are you trying to tell me that this one old man and his boys could just

    sweep in with a few bob and just take over the mafia territory of ALL the Euroroyals and Vatican, and

    that this nicking of ownership of their chattel property would be cool? - Nah, the Jesuits wouldnt do

    nothing about that, or the Bourbons, the Roman Curia, the Hapsburgs, the Guelphs, the Venetians,

    Or the Orsini, Breakspear, Aldobrandini, Farnese, Somaglia, etc. - Cmon tae fuck, seriously people,

    just think about that one point alone. If any of these mafias had just killed 6 twats - end of problem.

    These European mafias were seemingly all whipped (without a drop of blood being spilled

    incidentally), by just one solitary enterprising family of jews? - Bullshit is definitely being called there

    my fine fellows. - Logic alone absolutely demands it be. - And then theres the next crucial point -

    2. If itsdajews, then why did they deed their most holy and most fought over bit of territory (the

    temple mount) to the Vatican? (Originally back in 1992/3 I believe, but it was also revamped

    recently, and back in 2006 too I seem to remember - google Barry Chamishs articles on it).

    3. Think about it, if your gang was quite small (numerically) as theirs is, would you EVER be so

    stupid as to put your people in ALL of the top positions as they have apparently done over the last

    century or so? If I was them Id keep using proxys and stooges to do my bidding asthey had

    apparently been doing for centuries already. (All these goy would remain being so easy to bribe andcontrol seeing as they apparently own all the money presses and media too remember).

    Why would they purposefully shove the blatant hegemony down the goys throat? - they could

    rule from the shadows perpetually, and no-one would ever fucking know, - In no way does a super

    malicious, devious bunch of uber-schemers fuck up so monumentally, in my own humble view.

    Once again (to me anyway) this seems, (if it were real), like unnecessarily risky positioning. All of

    these high profile jobs are currently being filled with these selfish cunts on purpose, in my opinion.

    Same with banking - (Whos gonna get blamed for the inevitable mega-crash that WILL happen in

    our lifetime?) Pretty short sighted and myopic at times these uber-cunning predators dont you feel?

    Bankers are swan-diving (some assisted, probably the most mouthy) of roofs, because they KNOW

    whats coming, and more importantly, how we will react towards them when financegeddon arrives.

    Would you want to be jewish on that day? - Fuck dat. Not the forethought and guile of a supposed

    master race methinks. Why would they not know this when a numpty like me sees its suicide?

    4. Most of the A.M. keeps regurgitating shit along the lines of World media owned by jews - Just

    because you run a paper or TV channel doesnt mean that you own the fucking thing! Look at the

    actual ownership - its the Euroroyal/Vatican conglomerate behind all of thesefirms - as always.

    And as I also said to you guys earlier, this time concerning the so called English civil war:

    Remember that before the Civil War The Vatican had sponsored the failed Spanish Armadainvasion of us in 1588.

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    The Vatican had also sponsored the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in earlier centuries often called

    the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason - quote from the Wikipedia article on the matter.

    It is my firm belief that it was the Vatican who were ultimately behind try 3 too, - only this time

    theyre using their new stooges - jewish people with (their) money. Initial proof for me would be the

    fact they wanted the Stuart/French claim to be quashed so much so, the last Stuart ruler (even

    though Catholic) had to be removed also, to be replaced in the glorious revolution with a toe the

    Vatican line Guelph type whose descendant, as I said, still shits on our shit-encrusted throne today. A

    glorious coincidence? (And, a Jesuit priest starts a naughty social club credited with fomenting the

    revolution that finished this bloodline off in France 150 years later - (Another sheer coincidence?)

    Now this tactic had been used before. (Most notably with concerns to this article where it has been

    mentioned in an earlier article on the site about the jews being banned from the UK for 500 years)

    The problem I have here is why were they banned? It seems obvious; their usury. The issue I have is

    this, during that first period they lived here the jews werent allowed to own property and all their

    wealth ALWAYS belonged to the crown! Yes, they lent money and collected taxes, the fuckers even

    introduced the Shetar which was the basis for the mortgage (the latin phrase meant death grip/hold

    which might hurt the image of this rite of passage in todays world to be a healthy member ofsociety(robot), if these idiotic people realised just what the term actually means!). But the money

    made wasnt theirs! "The Shetars Effect on English Law" -- A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of the

    Land, found in "The Georgetown Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200." It is clearly stated in the

    Law Review that

    The Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings.

    The Kings had a stooge who was hated so much, we didnt let them back in to the country for 500

    years! We branded them the greedy jew, but they got fuck all but this reputation, for their evil work!

    Dont get me wrong, jewish culture knew this system better than all of Europe, this was after all only

    the same Babylonian master/slave system theyd laboured under for most of their modern history,

    but it wasnt theres to begin with.Some of them just understood exactly how the game is rigged.

    I wonder if the Rothschildsare just front men for all Vatican and Royals cash? - Id also like to know

    where the unfathomable fortunes of both the Hanseatic League, and Venice went to (Both

    disappeared just before guys like Rothschild or Fugger rose to such prominence as well hmm. - All

    Im saying guys and geezerettes is theres much more to this than initially seems apparent, try

    finding detailed stuff on the Vatican, or British Royals, or the Black Nobilities, finances or accounts,

    and then compare that to what information you can readily get on jewish financial matters, - I rest

    my case.

    I think many of you need to look at the stooge/frontman angle because I know theres more to itthan most of you will ever know. - For example did you ever hear of those German Fuggersbefore?

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia - The Fugger family (German pronunciation: *f]) is aGerman family that was a historically prominent group of European bankers, members of the

    fifteenth and sixteenth-century mercantile patriciate of Augsburg, international mercantile bankers,

    and venture capitalists like the Welser and the Hchstetter families.

    This banking family replaced the de' Medici family, who influenced all of Europe during the


    The Fuggers took over many of the Medicis' assets and their political power and influence.

    And later on in the same wiki article...

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    With the help of their brother Markus in Rome Ulrich and his brother George handled remittances

    to the papal court of monies for the sale ofindulgences and the procuring of church benefices. From

    1508 to 1515 they leased the Roman mint.

    As you can see, a German Dynasty, appearing seemingly from nowhere, that gets rich quick handling

    the Vaticans and the Italian familiescash, didnt start or end with the Rothschilds. - Incidentally

    these guys (and their cash) just kinda disappeared from history, even though the Wikipedia also says

    Jakob Fugger died in 1525. He is considered to be one of the richest persons of all time[6]

    (6) ^"Jakob Fugger II (14591525)".The Wall Street Journal.

    Germany has played a more senior role in Europes real power-plays over the last 1000 odd years

    than even the A.M. gives them for credit for. - Old Jordan Maxwell (dog bless the crazy coot, for he

    initially introduced me to many fascinating concepts Id never looked at correctly back 15 years

    ago, like true law, commerce, royalty, symbolism, and astro-theology. I just ignored all the CRAZY

    things hes said). He stated that basically (after 50 odd years of research on this material) at the

    heart of it all for the last 2000 years, he saw Teutonic-Zionism/Vatican/Euroroyals. - I tend to concur.

    For years Id followed the copious amounts of evidence seemingly implicating a group who truly

    revered both the eight point star and the Octagon. At the VERY top - it seemed to be ubiquitous:

    insignia, logos, medals, architecture, it was everywhere, and I have 100s of pictorial instances of


    Then I came across this next guys work and bang!

    A really big piece of the overall puzzle just solved itself for me! Or Cort solved a puzzle he never

    knew existed to be more precise.

    Before I stun you with Corts findings, to set the mood, heres a short excerpt from my own work onthe subject of what Id dubbed The True Mark of Power first:

    The True Mark of Power

    On Queen Elizabeths shoulder, what appears to be two tassels is in fact a figurative Egyptian flail.

    (the whip for the flock) - Old pharaohs, new pharaohs. meet the new boss...same as the old boss
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    These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They

    view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from

    the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the

    oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium - Jeffrey Steinberg (The LargestEmpire In the History of the World)

    Above quote and pictures taken from Michel Tsarions article on Queen Elizabeths coronation.

    The Star to the left was reckoned by Mr Tupper Saussy to be the identification mark of this top

    echelon of the control structure, the centre badge is obviously the same, but if you look to the

    diagram on the right you will observe that if you take the same star and turn it on its side slightly,

    then connect the ends up to get a shape which might be more recognisable a sight, with regard to

    Knights in particular, although many of you will never have realised it was still an eight point star,

    just as a Knights Cross is, in fact you will soon see it is also only used for the important people or

    institutions; uses like in the Vatican, on the Union Jack, on the floor of the British and Northern

    Note the 8 point star

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    Ireland parliament buildings, Australias coat of arms, and most predominantly, in every single

    country who has an Honours system where they have Knights, all of them wear this mark.

    It appears that since back in Babylonian times that his mark has been used to denote power,

    authority and control.

    My theory is, that it is used by the higher ups as the ultimate identifying sign of power.

    All of the locations that are used play an integral part in my tale so it is no coincidence this mark is

    there, (you will come to realise that in most instances there is no such thing as coincidence). Notice

    the Vatican above, with the same exact same mark as its arch-rival theUK has on its flag, hmm.

    Notice how this badge is only given out to Knights, Kings and the like, (we may get to wear it on a

    police badge or a firemans badge but the authority lies with others), it is more of a mark saying that:

    We Are In Control, We Run the Show!- The rest of this article will utterly blow those socks off

    proving just why that is...

    Now some of that sock blowing proof (to finally satisfy this obviously twisted fetish of mine) of this

    Vatican/German partnership, thats quite literally etched in stone, Ill use the brilliant work of the

    (undeservedly) relatively unknown genius Cort Lindahl to show you, in the clearest possible way,

    The popes crib

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    how hidden in plain sight and indeed physical, this deep and strong bond actually was/is. (It also

    blows absolutely everything you thought you knew about both the history and the quality of ancient

    map-making and surveying over distance right out of the fucking water incidentally, which was nice).

    As Ive just said the Vatican/Italians (and the Germans acting as their sword) liked their cosy

    relationship to be out in the open, (at least in one way). - How well do you know your way around

    google maps? And do you know what the wind-rose markers in St Peters square are all about?

    Dont worry, you soon will. And this isnt any wild speculative stuff, if you can draw a straight line on

    google earth EVERYTHING Im about to lay out for you can be proven 100% by yourself to yourself.

    Its that simple. - Here below is an overhead of St Peters square with its famous obelisk from above.

    Can you see the purplish lines created by the union jack shaped markings on the ground? - These

    will provide all the proof youll ever need to back up my wacky claims. The circle in the middle of this

    top picture is just being enlarged for your benefit in the one thats on the page thats below this one.

    Check out this circle (thats pointed to

    above), here exactly smack bang in the

    geographic centre of St Peters Square,

    in detail, when its magnified for you in

    the next photo on the following page.

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  • 8/11/2019 All Autobahns Lead to Rome by Martin Keerns


    The compass formed by these wind-rose markers points a real arrow on the globe to nearly EVERY

    important juncture in their successful union together. AND ITS ALL DONE SO PERFECTLY, AND WITH


    100%. -These alignments are so good that the lines created on the earth by them fit perfectly in

    between the actual shapes on the earth, and also (amazingly) on the real architecture today, and yet

    these perfect alignments were all created over many hundreds, and in some other examples, overthousands of miles! - Itslike the original surveyors had used laser precision, over totally huge

    distances, and all yet it was all done hundreds, and in other examples, even thousands of years ago!

    The implications of this are not only easily provable, they also both staggering, and they are many.

    And its not anomalies, flukes, or coincidences. - This is like me building huge gardens or buildings a

    1000 years ago that line up in the manner demonstrated below. - They were built by engineering

    and surveying geniuses who had surveyed with such precision, its obvious they were built to face

    and align with each other, on purpose, by people who knew exactly what they were doing, and who

    were true masters of their art. - Corts work will be famous, of that Im 100% sure. Im just very

    happy using his great work (and hopefully in the process advertising it) to back up my own personal

    theory in such a convincing manner with these solid and clear proofs that were all provided by him.

    Lets prove the alignment Im referring to actually exists with absolutely conclusive proof using the

    most blatant alignment. - The one that we can see in the picture below shooting off to the East.

    If these 4 pentagons were all buildings, on the earth, 500 miles apart, but

    which lined up on google earth perfectly like these ones do below, youd know

    100% that it was a purposeful alignment done by design. - Especially if all the

    pentagon shaped buildings had only ever been bought, or were owned, by one

    super famous family. The link would be totally undeniable wouldnt you agree?

    To suggest that this alignment was anything

    other than purposely designed with thesebuildings being spread over 2000 miles like in this

    example, would be ludicrous. - Especially if all of

    the (identical) buildings had been laid out in such

    a manner that the azimuth (line) being created

    between them 100% perfectly aligns with the

    actual shape of all the other connected buildings

    in the rest of the array! It would be undeniable.

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    Heres that view going off to the east, from a popes-eye view, from his places roof.

    Heres what Corts own truly fascinating blog articles have had to say on the matter:

    The Geomancy of St. Peters Square and the Vatican

    Its practically impossible to deny that this whole area has beendesigned, from above, to point east first of all. - Off along the ground

    from St Peters basilica on the left, through St Peters Sq. (and

    through the obelisk at its centre) before heading off like an arrow

    through the keyhole shaped plaza) Then down that main road.

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    St. Peters Square at Vatican City may be the most obvious geomantic sighting device (ever)

    documented. The layout of the plaza of St. Peters can work like a giant compass rose built on the

    surface of the earth. The Egyptian obelisk in the centre of the plaza represents the gnomon point of

    the Axis Mundi of the Catholic faith. Many debate the location of the bones of St. Peter. Many say

    they are within St. Peters Basilica while others maintain that they are located beneath the obelisk at

    the centre of St. Peters Square. The tradition of the Axis Mundi dictates that the bones of thatTemplums creator should be buried beneath it. This dynamic supports the theory of his remains

    lying beneath the obelisk in order to transmit his philosophy throughout the Catholic world. The

    function of St. Peters square is much the same as the Axis Mundi created by John Bidwell discussed

    earlier (see Chico video on the Grail Quest Radio Page or Survivalcell channel on

    The obelisk of St. Peters serves as a kind of datum or point from which measurements can be

    taken. The obelisk is surrounded by sixteen windrose markers that also denote compass directions

    or azimuths to places that are historically and philosophically important to those who practice the

    Catholic faith. Each windrose marker has a Latin designation for the region the marker points to.

    Tramontana or across the mountains or Scirroco Levante for wind of the Levant are two

    examples. The face of each marker also has a direction such as N NNE or S inscribed. Each of

    the sixteen major compass designations is represented in 22.5 degree increments. The compass

    rose of St. Peters is not oriented to true north but is very close. The plazas windrose markers are

    oriented approx. 1.39 degrees west of true north. This would make the easterly windrose marker

    point to 88.61 deg. TN (true north). It does not seem necessary that the target be exactly on this

    heading. If the azimuth to the target crosses the windrose marker from the centre point of the

    obelisk this may be all that is needed to attain its status as the intended target.

    The history of the Vatican states that these markers are to denote the directions from which the

    winds come. If one uses the obelisk at the centre of the square and the compass bearing with

    regard to true north that the windrose marker indicates some s