all about the italian culture, customs, and traditions

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  • 7/25/2019 All about the Italian Culture, Customs, and Traditions


    All about the Italian Culture, Customs, and Traditions

    I love places that have an incredible history.

    I love the Italian way of life.

    I love the food.

    I love the people.

    I love the attitudes of Italians.

    Elton John

    Italy is a country with the most delicious food and wine, lush greens festooned with vineyards,

    enthusiastic gondoliers on the canals of Venice, big families gathering for lavish meals, and acountry with the world's most spectacular monuments. It is a large country that has an incredibly

    long and deep-rooted history, which has given rise to the diversity in the culture of the country.

    The culture, customs, and traditions vary from region to region. For example, the traditions of

    Italians from Sicily, Veneto, and Campania vary greatly from each other. Let us, in this Buzzle

    article, celebrate the Italian culture, right from its art and architecture to being today's fashion




    The Colosseum

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    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Italy has given birth to a number of architectural styles, including classical Roman, Renaissance,

    Baroque, and Neoclassical styles. The architectural style of Italy began with ancient styles of the

    Etruscans and Greeks, which further progressed into classical Roman during the Renaissance, and

    then evolved into the Baroque era.

    The architecture of ancient Rome adopted the elements of Greek architecture around the 2nd

    century BCE, thereby giving birth to an altogether different architectural style. The use of vaults and

    arches in their architecture, combined with their sound knowledge of building materials, enabled the

    Romans to create some of the greatest masterpieces of the Italian architecture. The Colosseum,

    along with the aqueducts of Rome, the Baths of Diocletian, and the Baths of Caracalla are excellent

    examples of this.

    The Milan Cathedral

    St. Peter's Basilica

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    The concept of basilica was invented in Italy during the Early Christian age, with the Old St. Peter's

    Church being the first notable Christian basilica. Byzantine architecture widely spread in Italy with

    the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE. The Byzantines kept the Roman architecture style

    intact with a slight Eastern twist. Their monuments had a slightly flatter dome, and used more

    gilded mosaics and icons instead of statues. The Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice is a spectacular

    example of the Byzantine architecture in Italy. The Romanesque movement that occurred from 800

    CE to the 1100 CE, produced Italy's best masterpieces. The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Basilica

    of Sant'Ambrogio were built during this period.

    The Renaissance in the 15th century is considered the golden period of Italian architecture.

    Architects like Filippo Brunelleschi, Leon Battista Alberti, Donato Bramante, and Andrea Palladio

    made great contributions to the Italian architecture. St. Peter's Basilica is considered to be the

    greatest achievement of this period. Other significant monuments built during this period include

    the Florence Cathedral, Basilica of San Lorenzo, Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Medici Riccardi Palace,

    and Villa Rotonda.

    Italy proudly boasts of 95,000 monumental churches, 40,000 forts and castles, 30,000 historical

    residences with 4,000 gardens, 36,000 archives and libraries, 20,000 historical cities and towns,

    5,600 museums and archaeological sites, and 1,500 convents.


    Jesus Christ Fresco in Rome

    Adoration of the Shepherds

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    Italy is a sheer paradise for art lovers. Italian art has influenced several major artistic movements

    and has given birth to the most notable painters and sculptors. Italy is home to some of the most

    famous art galleries, museums, and exhibitions. Major art capitals in the country include Rome,

    Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples, and Turin. Art in Italy was mainly transformed during Roman times.

    The Roman art brought three major features in Italian art: the art of portraits, landscape painting,

    and history presentation. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman art tradition continued to

    exist. The Italian Renaissance is said to be the golden period of art in Italy, which spanned from the

    14th to the 17th century. Painters like Paolo Uccello, Fra Angelico, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca,

    Andrea Mantegna, Filippo Lippi, Giorgione, Tintoretto, Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci,

    Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, and Titian produced some of their most notable

    work during this period.

    Michelangelo's David

    The Fountain of Neptune

    Sculptors like Lorenzo Ghiberti, Luca Della Robbia, Donatello, Filippo Brunelleschi, and Andrea delVerrocchio also gave Italy some great masterpieces. The cities that are most renowned for their art

    include Rome, Florence, Assisi, Venice, Siena, Pisa, and Naples. Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the

    Capitoline Museums in Rome, the Brera Art Gallery in Milan, and the archaeological sites such as

    Pompei and Herculaneum, are nothing but a treat for art lovers. Italy has a rich combination of

    masterpieces to offer from different areas, from the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the present day.

    Florence, Venice, and Rome are home to innumerable art galleries, museums, and exhibitions. The

    museums in Italy attract a lot of tourists. They showcase some of the greatest works of art and

    culture. The Sforza castle in Milan and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence are two of the most famous

    museums in Italy.

    Music and Dance
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    A Street Band Performing Jazz in Rome

    A Saxophone Player during the Venice Carnival, Italy

    Music has played a significant role in the culture of Italy. Piano and violin were invented in Italy, and

    so were the classical music forms such as symphony, concerto, and sonata. Music in Italy is heavily

    influenced by its history. The traditional music in Italy differs from region to region. Italy's folk

    music styles include monophonic, polyphonic, and responsorial songs. The folk songs include

    ballads, lyrical songs, and seasonal songs depending on upcoming festivals, children's songs, as wellas lullabies.

    Opera, one of the most renowned music forms, was also invented in Italy in the early 17th century.

    Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi, and Puccini are some of the most famous operas of Italy, and are

    still performed all over the world. The La Scala opera house in Milan is one of the best opera houses

    in the world. Jazz is another music genre that has a strong foothold in Italythe most famous centers

    being Milan, Rome, and Sicily. Music in the northern half of the country has Celtic influences, while

    that in the southern half has Greek and Arabic influences. Sardinia is very well-known for its

    distinctive style of chanting done through a triple clarinet instrument, which is played using circular


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    Traditional Italian Dancers Performing Tarantella

    Folk Dancers During a Street Party in Bologna, Italy

    Famous folk dances performed in northern Italy include monferrina, girometta, giga, ruggero,galletta, veneziana, and bergamasca. The ones performed in central Italy are saltarello romagna,

    saltarello ciociara, lu sardarellu, laccio d'amore, trescone, and tresconeto, whereas the ones

    performed in Southern Italy are tarantella napoletana, tarantella calabrese, ndrezzata, pizzica, la

    pecorara, and la vala. Various weapon dances like Spandonari di San Giorgio, lachera, and

    Spandonari di San Vicenzo are also performed in Italy. The couple dances in Italy are collectively

    referred to as saltarello. The flag dances and the monferrina of Italy are also very popular.


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    Traditional Italian Clothing

    Italians are very well-known for their dressing style. The dress code in Italy is usually formal and

    elegant, unlike in North European and North American countries. Italians are known to dress

    appropriately, according to the occasion. Bathing costumes and revealing tops and shirts are

    considered unfit for shops, streets, or restaurants, and are usually limited to pools and beaches.

    Moreover, jeans is also considered inappropriate for churches or restaurants.

    Women in Traditional Clothing

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    Man in Traditional Clothing

    The long history of Italy and the country's various traditions have produced cultural and folk

    diversity. Therefore, the traditional Italian clothing differs from region to region. The clothing in

    Northern Italy is mainly inspired from the peasant dresses in the Middle Ages. In the Veneto region,

    the clothing for women includes embroidered skirts and bodices over lightweight blouses. They are

    worn with elaborate hats, which have flowers and fruits on them. They usually wear white shirts

    with longitudinal wrinkles, and tight bodices that are short, sleeveless, and buttoned. An apron is

    tied in the front, and handkerchiefs or hats are used as headgear. Footwear is generally made out of

    wool, and recalled hooves or scarpete. Men's clothes are simpler as compared to the women, and

    have embroider and metal buttons and pins on them. Their clothing is characterized by a white shirt,

    vest open or buttoned, knee breeches, and sometimes a hat. Most traditional clothing is made from a

    waterproof type of wool called orbace. South Italy is represented by costumes that are filled with

    vibrant colors, and have aprons and light shawls.


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    A Prada Boutique in Milan

    Italian fashion is mainly dominated by Milan, Rome,

    and Florence, which are among the top 30 fashion

    capitals of the world. In 2009, Milan was declared asthe world fashion capital surpassing New York, Paris,

    Rome and London. Many of the major Italian fashion

    brands, such as Valentino, Versace, Prada, Armani,

    Trussardi, Moschino, Etro, Zegna, and Dolce &

    Gabbana are currently located in the city. Other major brands like Gucci, Roberto Cavalli, Patrizia

    Pepe, Enrico Coveri, and Emilio Pucci presently have their headquarters in Florence. Other major

    players such as Prada and Chanel have large offices and stores stiuated in Florence and its outskirts.



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    Italian food has its roots in Etruscan, ancient Greek, and ancient Roman cuisines. It is popular all

    over the world, and has its influence on various cuisines. In Italy, wine, cheese, and pasta form an

    integral part of the meal. Pasta, is loved and preferred, in the various shapes and lengths that it is

    available in. This includes penne, spaghetti, linguine, fusilli, and lasagna.



    Fish, potatoes, sausages, rice, and pork form the main ingredients in the northern part of the

    country, whereas southern cooking is mainly dominated by tomatoes. Capers, olives, garlic,

    eggplant, and ricotta cheese are other main ingredients of southern cooking. The Central Italian

    cuisine uses ingredients like tomatoes, pecorino cheese, fish, and all kinds of meat. The meals

    usually consist two courses: a side dish and coffee. Typically, fresh or dried fruit or a little cheese is

    served as dessert.

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    Pope Benedict after the Christmas Mass, 2012

    Roman Catholicism is the largest religion in Italy. Vatican City serves as the center of Roman

    Catholicism all over the world, and is the home of the Pope. The Roman Catholic Church plays a role

    in the nation's political affairs due to the Holy See's location in the Vatican City. Some of the

    religious Italian traditions, such as creating a nativity scene outside a church, have become

    worldwide traditions. The regular religious practices include weekly church services, observance of

    religious holidays, and obeying the religious doctrine, as instructed by the Pope. Italian celebrations

    too, place a lot of emphasis on the saints and Virgin Mary. Almost 98% of Italians are Roman

    Catholic. Minorities of Protestant, Waldensian, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christian churches also

    reside in Italy. The second largest religion followed in Italy is Islam, with 1.4% Muslim population.

    Italy's population also includes 75,000 Hindus, 50,000 Buddhists, and 30,000 Jews.

    Baptism and Weddings

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    Italian Wedded Couple

    Religion plays ireland cyclinga very important role when a child is born into an Italian family. The

    baby is baptized in a traditional Roman Catholic ceremony, where the parents choose a godmother

    and godfather for the baby, who are obligated to raise the baby in case the birth parents fail to doso, due to some reason.

    In a traditional Italian courtship, the groom needs the permission of the bride's family before

    marrying her. Italians too, wear a diamond ring as a symbol of engagement and marriage. The

    wedding is usually held at a morning mass, which is followed by a day-long feast and a reception.

    The reception features a traditional Italian meal which includes various drinks, appetizers, three or

    four courses, side dishes, cheese and fruit, and a variety of desserts.

    Interesting Wedding Traditions

    During the reception, in a tradition called la borsa, the bride carries a small satin bag, in which

    friends and family place cash, in exchange of a dance with her.

    The newlyweds' first dance is tarantella, a traditional Italian dance. The guests at the wedding form

    a circle and dance around the couple. It is called the dance of a spider, and involves light movements

    with passionate hand gestures.

    The groom cuts his tie at the end of the wedding ceremony, which the groomsmen then sell off,

    usually to pay for the band.

    Another interesting and one of the oldest traditions is to gift candy-coated Jordan almonds wrapped

    in tulle to the guests, which represent the bittersweet nature of marriage.
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    The bride usually wears a green dress on the night before her wedding, as this is supposed to bring

    the couple abundance and good luck.


    Flower Festival in Diano Marina, Italy

    Italy is a land of festivals, and each festival has a deep-rooted tradition. It hosts various colorfulreligious rituals, historical pageants, medieval-style tournaments, film festivals, contemporary art

    events, bizarre traditional spectacles, and much more. Most festivals symbolize historical events,

    and involve processions of hundreds and thousands of people dressed up in costumes. Venice and

    Florence remain the topmost destinations, when it comes to attracting visitors during festivals.

    The outstanding opening of the Venice Carnival, along with the two-week festival is something that

    is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Italy. The Festa della Madonna della Salute, also known as la

    Salute, is celebrated to pay respect to La Salute, a church, which is one of the city's most popular

    landmark. The Scoppio del Carro, celebrated in Florence on the Easter Sunday morning, has been in

    existence for over 500 years now, and is an excellent combination of fireworks, bizarre spectacle,and a religious tradition.

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    Battle of Oranges

    Participants in Masks during the Venice Carnival

    The Festa della Madonna Bruna, celebrated in Matera, is another popular festival, and is an unusual

    combination of religion and destruction. The festival showcases the loudest and most brightest

    fireworks in Europe. Also notable are the various flower art festivals that are held in early summer,

    especially the Almond Blossom Festival at Agrigento in Sicily, where magnificent art works are

    created using only the flower petals and seeds. Other popular festivals include Calcio Storico,

    Orange Battle at Carnevale di Ivrea, Palio, Game of the Bridge, Sagra di' Pinolo, Festino di Santa

    Rosalia, Corsa Dei Seri, L'Ardia di San Constantino, Festival Del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, and

    Fiesta di San Marco.

    Family Life

    Italians are very family-oriented. In the

    olden days, the families used to be large, where the couple often had more than six children.

    However, things have drastically changed in the last 30 years with the country's transition from an

    agricultural system into an industrial system. The Italian families are relatively smaller in size, and

    are made up of only one or two children. People, nowadays, marry later and less frequently, and

    have fewer children. Usually, families in the South will have more children than the ones in the


    However, even though the families are smaller now, the members spend a lot of time together, and

    make sure that they gather for at least one meal every day to talk about the day's events. Also, themembers share a very strong bond, even if they live far from their families, and always join their

    families on every small and big festival. Children in the families tend to stay with their families

    longer than those in the Western countries. And even after they are married, they often choose to

    live closer to the parents of one of the parties. Sometimes, they even choose to live in the same

    building or house. Older members in the family are highly respected. They usually have the most

    power, and often make all the decisions in the family.


    Italian is the official language of Italy, and 93% of the Italian population are native Italian speakers.However, there are a number of dialects like Sardinian, Friulian, Neapolitan, Sicilian, Ligurian,

    Piedmontese, Venetian and Calabrian, spoken throughout the country. Natives also speak Bavarian,

    Catalan, Cimbrian, Corsican, Croatian, French, Greek, Slovenian, and Walser. A minor population of

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    the country also speaks German and Albanian. Additionally, Milanese is widely spoken in Milan. In

    all, there are 34 languages that are spoken in Italy.

    Italian is a romance language, which means that, like Spanish, French, and Portuguese, it has been

    derived from Latin. Due to the regional diversity, one can find various dialects in which Italian is

    spoken. However, if you visit Italy, you will be surprised to see that in spite of the variety in the

    accents and dialects, you can easily understand bike tours irelandeveryone's Italian, and they can

    understand yours, since an Italian will rarely speak in his dialect with a foreigner.


    An Italian Football Player

    Football, like in many European countries, is popular in Italy too. The Italian national team is one of

    the best in the world, and has won the World Cup in 1934, 1938, 1982, and 2006. Other sports that

    are enjoyed in the country include rugby, volleyball, basketball, boxing, and cycling.


    When introduced to someone in a formal manner, 'molto lieto', meaning 'pleased to meet you' is

    commonly used. Friends greet each other using 'buongiorno' or a simple 'hello'. It is conventional to

    say 'good day' or 'good evening', when entering a shop or a lift, or any brief meeting for that matter.

    Titles are used to address someone who is elderly. If the title is unknown, they are generally

    addressed as signore (for men) and signorina (for women). Being very warm people, they generally

    treat each other with various terms of endearment. Italians generally kiss on the cheek when

    meeting a family member or a friend. The ladies usually offer their cheek first. The kiss is usually a

    light brushing of the cheeks, first on the right one and then on the left.


    Italians are very warm and loving people. They love to relax, celebrate, and spend time with their
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    family and friends. And that always means chit-chatting, talking, and laughing around the table,

    either at home or at a restaurant. Italians, as mentioned earlier, love their family, and love their

    food. They never miss a chance to have the best of both worlds. But they also love talking just as

    much as they love eating. Conversation is considered an art form in Italy. One can always see

    Italians of all ages engaged in discussions on a variety of topics, while walking down the streets.

    An Italian Street

    A Colorful Street in Venice

    There is one place that always remains the central meeting point in the Italian culture - the piazza

    (square). From the biggest of cities to the most rural areas, you will always find people sitting,

    walking, and strolling near the piazza, irrespective of whether it is big or small. They also act as the

    main focal points for festivals, celebrations, and political events. The only time that these piazzas

    and streets are deserted are the lunch and dinner timings, when the Italians are busy enjoying their

    lavish meals at home. For a real Italian, lunch is a 1- to 2-hour affair, the reason most of the stores

    as well as banks shut down during these hours.

    A Typical Italian Restaurant

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    An Italian Scooter Parked in the Patio

    Italians believe in enjoying life to the fullest. Anything that is meant to be enjoyed is savored and

    relished. An old couple walking hand in hand around the block, women gathering around and talking

    endlessly around the piazza, young boys playing soccer in the streets, and their mothers yelling at

    them from the window planter to come eat, and Italian scooters parked in patios, are usual scenes in


    Such is the rich culture and heritage of the Italians. There are innumerable reasons to fall in love

    with this beautiful country, its customs, and the various traditions. Viva Italiano!