alien creatures on earth

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Post on 08-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Alien Creatures on Earth


    ALIEN CREATURES ON EARTH? A Roswell Incident

    In stories, alien creatures have visited the Earth for thousands of ears! The

    ancient "ree#s and Ro$ans told tales of %ods who visited the Earth fro$ the

    heavens and who &ossessed e'ce&tional &owers! Althou%h science has &roven that

    these tales are $thical, &eo&le have re&orted and continue to re&ort seein%unidenti(ed )in% o*+ects U-Os. and e'traterrestrial creatures who co$e to the

    Earth fro$ the outer s&ace!

    Little evidence e'ists of $ost U-Os si%htin%s e'ce&t for the testi$on of the

    witnesses, and without &hsical evidence, these &eo&le cannot &rove that their

    e'&eriences are true! However, a few stories are $ore convincin%! One such event

    ha&&ened on /ul 0, 1234, near Roswell, New 5e'ico, USA!

    On /ul 0, 1234, 6r! Holden, a &rofessor at Te'as Tech Universit, and so$e of 

    his students were searchin% for archaeolo%ical sites when the found a crash site!

    He re&orted the site and *odies of alien creatures! 5a+or Easle, who was stationedat the Roswell Ar$ -ield in 1234, arrived at the crash site with other $ilitar

    &ersonnel! He i$$ediatel cordoned o7 the area around the craft while it was

    chec#ed for radiation! Once he #new that there was no dan%er, &hoto%ra&hers too#

    close8u& &ictures, and the $ilitar *e%an recover o&eration! Easle and other

    $ilitar &ersonnel 9uestioned 6r! Holden and his students a*out what the had

    seen and then too# the$ to the air *ase for further interro%ation! Easle instructed

    the$ that *ecause the event could threaten national securit, the $ust not re&eat

    the (ndin%s!

    5ilitar witnesses at the site stated that the craft was a*out seven $eters

    wide and heel8sha&ed with scallo&ed ed%es at the *ac# and rounded nose! Thei$&act had torn the front, so so$e of the interior could *e seen a&&ro'i$atel 1 to

    1!0 $eters tall with ver lar%e heads and lon%, thin ar$s, de(nitel not a hu$an!

     The facial features were hu$an8li#e, *ut the ees were $uch lar%er than a hu$an:s

    and the s#ulls were covered with fu;;, not hair! Those at the crash #new the *odies

    were not hu$an and later told the other o

  • 8/19/2019 Alien Creatures on Earth


    En%lish Teachin% -oru$, @ol! 4,

    Nu$*er 3 Oct86ec 1222.! & !4