ali mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz Dashas Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh Dasha balance at birth Ve-Ju-Sa-Ve-Ju Venus MAHADASHA, AGE -10-10 Ve-Ve Age: -10 Ve-Su Age: -7 Ve-Mo Age: -6 Ve-Ma Age: -4 Ve-Ra Age: -3 Ve-Ju Age: 0 Mer 12-03-81 Ket 28-07-81 Ven 23-09-81 Sun 04-03-82 Mon 22-04-82 Mar 12-07-82 Rah 07-09-82 Ve-Sa Age: 2 Sat 31-01-83 Mer 02-08-83 Ket 13-01-84 Ven 20-03-84 Sun 29-09-84 Mon 26-11-84 Mar 02-03-85 Rah 09-05-85 Jup 29-10-85 Ve-Me Age: 5 Mer 02-04-86 Ket 26-08-86 Ven 26-10-86 Sun 16-04-87 Mon 07-06-87 Mar 01-09-87 Rah 31-10-87 Jup 04-04-88 Sat 20-08-88 Ve-Ke Age: 8 Ket 30-01-89 Ven 24-02-89 Sun 06-05-89 Mon 28-05-89 Mar 02-07-89 Rah 27-07-89 Jup 29-09-89 Sat 25-11-89 Mer 31-01-90 Sun MAHADASHA, AGE 9-15 Su-Su Age: 9 Sun 02-04-90 Mon 07-04-90 Mar 16-04-90 Rah 23-04-90 Jup 09-05-90 Sat 24-05-90 Mer 10-06-90 Ket 25-06-90 Ven 02-07-90 Su-Mo Age: 9 Mon 20-07-90 Mar 04-08-90 Rah 15-08-90 Jup 11-09-90 Sat 06-10-90 Mer 04-11-90 Ket 30-11-90 Ven 10-12-90 Sun 10-01-91 Su-Ma Age: 10 Mar 19-01-91 Rah 26-01-91 Jup 14-02-91 Sat 03-03-91 Mer 24-03-91 Ket 11-04-91 Ven 18-04-91 Sun 10-05-91 Mon 16-05-91 Su-Ra Age: 10 Rah 27-05-91 Jup 15-07-91 Sat 28-08-91 Mer 19-10-91 Ket 04-12-91 Ven 24-12-91 Sun 16-02-92 Mon 04-03-92 Mar 31-03-92 Su-Ju Age: 11 Jup 19-04-92 Sat 28-05-92 Mer 14-07-92 Ket 24-08-92 Ven 10-09-92 Sun 29-10-92 Mon 12-11-92 Mar 07-12-92 Rah 24-12-92 Su-Sa Age: 12 Sat 06-02-93 Mer 01-04-93 Ket 21-05-93 Ven 10-06-93 Sun 07-08-93 Mon 24-08-93 Mar 22-09-93 Rah 12-10-93 Jup 03-12-93 Su-Me Age: 13 Mer 18-01-94 Ket 03-03-94 Ven 22-03-94 Sun 12-05-94 Mon 28-05-94 Mar 23-06-94 Rah 11-07-94 Jup 26-08-94 Sat 07-10-94 Su-Ke Age: 13 Ket 25-11-94 Ven 02-12-94 Sun 24-12-94 Mon 30-12-94 Mar 10-01-95 Rah 17-01-95 Jup 05-02-95 Sat 22-02-95 Mer 15-03-95 Su-Ve Age: 14 Ven 02-04-95 Sun 02-06-95 Mon 20-06-95 Mar 20-07-95 Rah 11-08-95 Jup 04-10-95 Sat 22-11-95 Mer 19-01-96 Ket 11-03-96 Moon MAHADASHA, AGE 15-25 Mo-Mo Age: 15 Mon 01-04-96 Mar 26-04-96 Rah 14-05-96 Jup 29-06-96 Sat 08-08-96 Mer 26-09-96 Ket 08-11-96 Ven 25-11-96 Sun 15-01-97 Mo-Ma Age: 16 Mar 30-01-97 Rah 12-02-97 Jup 16-03-97 Sat 13-04-97 Mer 17-05-97 Ket 16-06-97 Ven 29-06-97 Sun 03-08-97 Mon 14-08-97 Mo-Ra Age: 16 Rah 31-08-97 Jup 22-11-97 Sat 03-02-98 Mer 30-04-98 Ket 17-07-98 Ven 18-08-98 Sun 17-11-98 Mon 15-12-98 Mar 29-01-99 Mo-Ju Age: 18 Jup 02-03-99 Sat 06-05-99 Mer 22-07-99 Ket 29-09-99 Ven 28-10-99 Sun 17-01-00 Mon 10-02-00 Mar 22-03-00 Rah 19-04-00 Mo-Sa Age: 19 Sat 01-07-00 Mer 01-10-00 Ket 22-12-00 Ven 25-01-01 Sun 01-05-01 Mon 30-05-01 Mar 17-07-01 Rah 20-08-01 Jup 14-11-01 Mo-Me Age: 21 Mer 31-01-02 Ket 14-04-02 Ven 14-05-02 Sun 08-08-02 Mon 03-09-02 Mar 16-10-02 Rah 15-11-02 Jup 01-02-03 Sat 11-04-03 Mo-Ke Age: 22 Ket 02-07-03 Ven 14-07-03 Sun 19-08-03 Mon 30-08-03 Mar 16-09-03 Rah 29-09-03 Jup 31-10-03 Sat 28-11-03 Mer 01-01-04 Mo-Ve Age: 23 Ven 31-01-04 Sun 12-05-04 Mon 11-06-04 Mar 01-08-04 Rah 05-09-04 Jup 06-12-04 Sat 25-02-05 Mer 01-06-05 Ket 26-08-05 Mo-Su Age: 24 Sun 01-10-05 Mon 10-10-05 Mar 25-10-05 Rah 05-11-05 Jup 02-12-05 Sat 27-12-05 Mer 24-01-06 Ket 19-02-06 Ven 02-03-06 Mars MAHADASHA, AGE 25-32 Ma-Ma Age: 25 Mar 01-04-06 Rah 10-04-06 Jup 03-05-06 Sat 22-05-06 Mer 15-06-06 Ket 06-07-06 Ven 15-07-06 Sun 09-08-06 Mon 16-08-06 Ma-Ra Age: 25 Rah 29-08-06 Jup 25-10-06 Sat 15-12-06 Mer 14-02-07 Ket 09-04-07 Ven 02-05-07 Sun 05-07-07 Mon 24-07-07 Mar 25-08-07 Ma-Ju Age: 26 Jup 16-09-07 Sat 01-11-07 Mer 25-12-07 Ket 11-02-08 Ven 02-03-08 Sun 28-04-08 Mon 15-05-08 Mar 12-06-08 Rah 02-07-08 Ma-Sa Age: 27 Sat 22-08-08 Mer 25-10-08 Ket 21-12-08 Ven 14-01-09 Sun 22-03-09 Mon 12-04-09 Mar 15-05-09 Rah 08-06-09 Jup 08-08-09 Ma-Me Age: 28 Mer 01-10-09 Ket 21-11-09 Ven 12-12-09 Sun 11-02-10 Mon 01-03-10 Mar 31-03-10 Rah 21-04-10 Jup 14-06-10 Sat 02-08-10 Ma-Ke Age: 29 Ket 28-09-10 Ven 07-10-10 Sun 01-11-10 Mon 08-11-10 Mar 20-11-10 Rah 29-11-10 Jup 21-12-10 Sat 10-01-11 Mer 03-02-11 Ma-Ve Age: 30 Ven 24-02-11 Sun 06-05-11 Mon 27-05-11 Mar 02-07-11 Rah 27-07-11 Jup 29-09-11 Sat 25-11-11 Mer 31-01-12 Ket 31-03-12 Ma-Su Age: 31 Sun 25-04-12 Mon 02-05-12 Mar 12-05-12 Rah 20-05-12 Jup 08-06-12 Sat 25-06-12 Mer 15-07-12 Ket 02-08-12 Ven 10-08-12 Ma-Mo Age: 31 Mon 31-08-12 Mar 18-09-12 Rah 30-09-12 Jup 01-11-12 Sat 30-11-12 Mer 02-01-13 Ket 02-02-13 Ven 14-02-13 Sun 21-03-13 Rahu MAHADASHA, AGE 32-50 Ra-Ra Age: 32 Rah 01-04-13 Jup 27-08-13 Sat 06-01-14 Mer 11-06-14 Ket 28-10-14 Ven 25-12-14 Sun 07-06-15 Mon 27-07-15 Mar 17-10-15 Ra-Ju Age: 34 Jup 13-12-15 Sat 08-04-16 Mer 25-08-16 Ket 27-12-16 Ven 16-02-17 Sun 12-07-17 Mon 25-08-17 Mar 06-11-17 Rah 27-12-17 Ra-Sa Age: 37 Sat 08-05-18 Mer 20-10-18 Ket 16-03-19 Ven 16-05-19 Sun 05-11-19 Mon 27-12-19 Mar 23-03-20 Rah 23-05-20 Jup 26-10-20 Ra-Me Age: 40 Mer 14-03-21 Ket 24-07-21 Ven 16-09-21 Sun 18-02-22 Mon 06-04-22 Mar 22-06-22 Rah 16-08-22 Jup 03-01-23 Sat 07-05-23 Ra-Ke Age: 42 Ket 01-10-23 Ven 24-10-23 Sun 26-12-23 Mon 15-01-24 Mar 16-02-24 Rah 09-03-24 Jup 05-05-24 Sat 26-06-24 Mer 25-08-24 Ra-Ve Age: 43 Ven 19-10-24 Sun 19-04-25 Mon 13-06-25 Mar 12-09-25 Rah 15-11-25 Jup 29-04-26 Sat 22-09-26 Mer 14-03-27 Ket 16-08-27 Ra-Su Age: 46 Sun 19-10-27 Mon 05-11-27 Mar 02-12-27 Rah 21-12-27 Jup 09-02-28 Sat 24-03-28 Mer 15-05-28 Ket 30-06-28 Ven 19-07-28 Ra-Mo Age: 47 Mon 12-09-28 Mar 28-10-28 Rah 29-11-28 Jup 19-02-29 Sat 03-05-29 Mer 29-07-29 Ket 14-10-29 Ven 15-11-29 Sun 15-02-30 Ra-Ma Age: 49 Mar 14-03-30 Rah 05-04-30 Jup 02-06-30 Sat 23-07-30 Mer 22-09-30 Ket 15-11-30 Ven 07-12-30 Sun 09-02-31 Mon 01-03-31 Jupiter MAHADASHA, AGE 50-66 Ju-Ju Age: 50 Jup 01-04-31 Sat 14-07-31 Mer 15-11-31 Ket 04-03-32 Ven 19-04-32 Sun 26-08-32 Mon 04-10-32 Mar 08-12-32 Rah 23-01-33 Ju-Sa Age: 52 Sat 20-05-33 Mer 13-10-33 Ket 21-02-34 Ven 16-04-34 Sun 17-09-34 Mon 03-11-34 Mar 19-01-35 Rah 14-03-35 Jup 31-07-35 Ju-Me Age: 54 Mer 01-12-35 Ket 27-03-36 Ven 15-05-36 Sun 30-09-36 Mon 10-11-36 Mar 18-01-37 Rah 07-03-37 Jup 09-07-37 Sat 28-10-37 Ju-Ke Age: 57 Ket 08-03-38 Ven 28-03-38 Sun 24-05-38 Mon 10-06-38 Mar 08-07-38 Rah 28-07-38 Jup 17-09-38 Sat 01-11-38 Mer 25-12-38 Ju-Ve Age: 58 Ven 12-02-39 Sun 24-07-39 Mon 11-09-39 Mar 01-12-39 Rah 27-01-40 Jup 21-06-40 Sat 29-10-40 Mer 01-04-41 Ket 17-08-41 Ju-Su Age: 60 Sun 13-10-41 Mon 27-10-41 Mar 21-11-41 Rah 08-12-41 Jup 21-01-42 Sat 01-03-42 Mer 16-04-42 Ket 27-05-42 Ven 13-06-42 Ju-Mo Age: 61 Mon 01-08-42 Mar 10-09-42 Rah 09-10-42 Jup 21-12-42 Sat 24-02-43 Mer 12-05-43 Ket 20-07-43 Ven 17-08-43 Sun 07-11-43 Ju-Ma Age: 62 Mar 01-12-43 Rah 21-12-43 Jup 10-02-44 Sat 26-03-44 Mer 19-05-44 Ket 07-07-44 Ven 27-07-44 Sun 21-09-44 Mon 08-10-44 Ju-Ra Age: 63 Rah 06-11-44 Jup 17-03-45 Sat 12-07-45 Mer 28-11-45 Ket 01-04-46 Ven 22-05-46 Sun 15-10-46 Mon 28-11-46 Mar 09-02-47 Saturn MAHADASHA, AGE 66-85 Sa-Sa Age: 66 Sat 01-04-47 Mer 22-09-47 Ket 25-02-48 Ven 29-04-48 Sun 29-10-48 Mon 23-12-48 Mar 25-03-49 Rah 28-05-49 Jup 09-11-49 Sa-Me Age: 69 Mer 04-04-50 Ket 21-08-50 Ven 18-10-50 Sun 31-03-51 Mon 19-05-51 Mar 09-08-51 Rah 05-10-51 Jup 01-03-52 Sat 10-07-52 Sa-Ke Age: 71 Ket 12-12-52 Ven 05-01-53 Sun 13-03-53 Mon 03-04-53 Mar 06-05-53 Rah 30-05-53 Jup 30-07-53 Sat 22-09-53 Mer 25-11-53 Sa-Ve Age: 73 Ven 21-01-54 Sun 02-08-54 Mon 29-09-54 Mar 03-01-55 Rah 12-03-55 Jup 01-09-55 Sat 02-02-56 Mer 03-08-56 Ket 14-01-57 Sa-Su Age: 76 Sun 23-03-57 Mon 09-04-57 Mar 08-05-57 Rah 28-05-57 Jup 19-07-57 Sat 03-09-57 Mer 28-10-57 Ket 17-12-57 Ven 06-01-58 Sa-Mo Age: 77 Mon 05-03-58 Mar 22-04-58 Rah 26-05-58 Jup 20-08-58 Sat 05-11-58 Mer 05-02-59 Ket 28-04-59 Ven 01-06-59 Sun 05-09-59 Sa-Ma Age: 78 Mar 04-10-59 Rah 28-10-59 Jup 27-12-59 Sat 19-02-60 Mer 23-04-60 Ket 20-06-60 Ven 13-07-60 Sun 19-09-60 Mon 09-10-60 Sa-Ra Age: 79 Rah 12-11-60 Jup 17-04-61 Sat 03-09-61 Mer 14-02-62 Ket 12-07-62 Ven 11-09-62 Sun 03-03-63 Mon 24-04-63 Mar 20-07-63 Sa-Ju Age: 82 Jup 19-09-63 Sat 20-01-64 Mer 15-06-64 Ket 24-10-64 Ven 17-12-64 Sun 20-05-65 Mon 05-07-65 Mar 20-09-65 Rah 13-11-65 Mercury MAHADASHA, AGE 85-102 Me-Me Age: 85 Mer 01-04-66 Ket 04-08-66 Ven 24-09-66 Sun 17-02-67 Mon 02-04-67 Mar 15-06-67 Rah 05-08-67 Jup 15-12-67 Sat 10-04-68 Me-Ke Age: 87 Ket 28-08-68 Ven 18-09-68 Sun 17-11-68 Mon 05-12-68 Mar 04-01-69 Rah 26-01-69 Jup 21-03-69 Sat 08-05-69 Mer 04-07-69 Me-Ve Age: 88 Ven 25-08-69 Sun 13-02-70 Mon 06-04-70 Mar 01-07-70 Rah 31-08-70 Jup 02-02-71 Sat 20-06-71 Mer 01-12-71 Ket 25-04-72 Me-Su Age: 91 Sun 25-06-72 Mon 10-07-72 Mar 05-08-72 Rah 23-08-72 Jup 09-10-72 Sat 19-11-72 Mer 07-01-73 Ket 20-02-73 Ven 10-03-73 Me-Mo Age: 92 Mon 01-05-73 Mar 13-06-73 Rah 13-07-73 Jup 29-09-73 Sat 07-12-73 Mer 27-02-74 Ket 11-05-74 Ven 10-06-74 Sun 05-09-74 Me-Ma Age: 93 Mar 01-10-74 Rah 22-10-74 Jup 15-12-74 Sat 01-02-75 Mer 31-03-75 Ket 21-05-75 Ven 11-06-75 Sun 10-08-75 Mon 29-08-75 Me-Ra Age: 94 Rah 28-09-75 Jup 14-02-76 Sat 18-06-76 Mer 12-11-76 Ket 24-03-77 Ven 17-05-77 Sun 20-10-77 Mon 05-12-77 Mar 21-02-78 Me-Ju Age: 97 Jup 16-04-78 Sat 04-08-78 Mer 14-12-78 Ket 10-04-79 Ven 28-05-79 Sun 13-10-79 Mon 24-11-79 Mar 31-01-80 Rah 20-03-80 Me-Sa Age: 99 Sat 22-07-80 Mer 25-12-80 Ket 13-05-81 Ven 09-07-81 Sun 20-12-81 Mon 07-02-82 Mar 30-04-82 Rah 27-06-82 Jup 21-11-82 Ketu MAHADASHA, AGE 102-109 Ke-Ke Age: 102 Ket 01-04-83 Ven 10-04-83 Sun 05-05-83 Mon 12-05-83 Mar 25-05-83 Rah 02-06-83 Jup 25-06-83 Sat 14-07-83 Mer 07-08-83 Ke-Ve Age: 102 Ven 28-08-83 Sun 07-11-83 Mon 29-11-83 Mar 03-01-84 Rah 28-01-84 Jup 01-04-84 Sat 28-05-84 Mer 03-08-84 Ket 02-10-84 Ke-Su Age: 103 Sun 27-10-84 Mon 03-11-84 Mar 13-11-84 Rah 21-11-84 Jup 10-12-84 Sat 27-12-84 Mer 16-01-85 Ket 03-02-85 Ven 11-02-85 Ke-Mo Age: 104 Mon 04-03-85 Mar 22-03-85 Rah 03-04-85 Jup 05-05-85 Sat 03-06-85 Mer 06-07-85 Ket 06-08-85 Ven 18-08-85 Sun 23-09-85 Ke-Ma Age: 104 Mar 03-10-85 Rah 12-10-85 Jup 03-11-85 Sat 23-11-85 Mer 17-12-85 Ket 07-01-86 Ven 16-01-86 Sun 09-02-86 Mon 17-02-86 Ke-Ra Age: 105 Rah 01-03-86 Jup 28-04-86 Sat 18-06-86 Mer 18-08-86 Ket 11-10-86 Ven 02-11-86 Sun 05-01-87 Mon 25-01-87 Mar 26-02-87 Ke-Ju Age: 106 Jup 20-03-87 Sat 04-05-87 Mer 27-06-87 Ket 15-08-87 Ven 03-09-87 Sun 30-10-87 Mon 16-11-87 Mar 15-12-87 Rah 04-01-88 Ke-Sa Age: 107 Sat 24-02-88 Mer 28-04-88 Ket 24-06-88 Ven 18-07-88 Sun 23-09-88 Mon 14-10-88 Mar 16-11-88 Rah 10-12-88 Jup 09-02-89 Ke-Me Age: 108 Mer 04-04-89 Ket 25-05-89 Ven 15-06-89 Sun 14-08-89 Mon 01-09-89 Mar 02-10-89 Rah 23-10-89 Jup 16-12-89 Sat 02-02-90 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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Page 1: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz Dashas

Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh

Dasha balance at birth Ve-Ju-Sa-Ve-JuVenus MAHADASHA, AGE -10-10

Ve-Ve Age: -10 Ve-Su Age: -7 Ve-Mo Age: -6 Ve-Ma Age: -4 Ve-Ra Age: -3 Ve-Ju Age: 0

Mer 12-03-81Ket 28-07-81Ven 23-09-81Sun 04-03-82Mon 22-04-82Mar 12-07-82Rah 07-09-82

Ve-Sa Age: 2Sat 31-01-83Mer 02-08-83Ket 13-01-84Ven 20-03-84Sun 29-09-84Mon 26-11-84Mar 02-03-85Rah 09-05-85Jup 29-10-85

Ve-Me Age: 5Mer 02-04-86Ket 26-08-86Ven 26-10-86Sun 16-04-87Mon 07-06-87Mar 01-09-87Rah 31-10-87Jup 04-04-88Sat 20-08-88

Ve-Ke Age: 8Ket 30-01-89Ven 24-02-89Sun 06-05-89Mon 28-05-89Mar 02-07-89Rah 27-07-89Jup 29-09-89Sat 25-11-89Mer 31-01-90


Su-Su Age: 9Sun 02-04-90Mon 07-04-90Mar 16-04-90Rah 23-04-90Jup 09-05-90Sat 24-05-90Mer 10-06-90Ket 25-06-90Ven 02-07-90

Su-Mo Age: 9Mon 20-07-90Mar 04-08-90Rah 15-08-90Jup 11-09-90Sat 06-10-90Mer 04-11-90Ket 30-11-90Ven 10-12-90Sun 10-01-91

Su-Ma Age: 10Mar 19-01-91Rah 26-01-91Jup 14-02-91Sat 03-03-91Mer 24-03-91Ket 11-04-91Ven 18-04-91Sun 10-05-91Mon 16-05-91

Su-Ra Age: 10Rah 27-05-91Jup 15-07-91Sat 28-08-91Mer 19-10-91Ket 04-12-91Ven 24-12-91Sun 16-02-92Mon 04-03-92Mar 31-03-92

Su-Ju Age: 11Jup 19-04-92Sat 28-05-92Mer 14-07-92Ket 24-08-92Ven 10-09-92Sun 29-10-92Mon 12-11-92Mar 07-12-92Rah 24-12-92

Su-Sa Age: 12Sat 06-02-93Mer 01-04-93Ket 21-05-93Ven 10-06-93Sun 07-08-93Mon 24-08-93Mar 22-09-93Rah 12-10-93Jup 03-12-93

Su-Me Age: 13Mer 18-01-94Ket 03-03-94Ven 22-03-94Sun 12-05-94Mon 28-05-94Mar 23-06-94Rah 11-07-94Jup 26-08-94Sat 07-10-94

Su-Ke Age: 13Ket 25-11-94Ven 02-12-94Sun 24-12-94Mon 30-12-94Mar 10-01-95Rah 17-01-95Jup 05-02-95Sat 22-02-95Mer 15-03-95

Su-Ve Age: 14Ven 02-04-95Sun 02-06-95Mon 20-06-95Mar 20-07-95Rah 11-08-95Jup 04-10-95Sat 22-11-95Mer 19-01-96Ket 11-03-96


Mo-Mo Age: 15Mon 01-04-96Mar 26-04-96Rah 14-05-96Jup 29-06-96Sat 08-08-96Mer 26-09-96Ket 08-11-96Ven 25-11-96Sun 15-01-97

Mo-Ma Age: 16Mar 30-01-97Rah 12-02-97Jup 16-03-97Sat 13-04-97Mer 17-05-97Ket 16-06-97Ven 29-06-97Sun 03-08-97Mon 14-08-97

Mo-Ra Age: 16Rah 31-08-97Jup 22-11-97Sat 03-02-98Mer 30-04-98Ket 17-07-98Ven 18-08-98Sun 17-11-98Mon 15-12-98Mar 29-01-99

Mo-Ju Age: 18Jup 02-03-99Sat 06-05-99Mer 22-07-99Ket 29-09-99Ven 28-10-99Sun 17-01-00Mon 10-02-00Mar 22-03-00Rah 19-04-00

Mo-Sa Age: 19Sat 01-07-00Mer 01-10-00Ket 22-12-00Ven 25-01-01Sun 01-05-01Mon 30-05-01Mar 17-07-01Rah 20-08-01Jup 14-11-01

Mo-Me Age: 21Mer 31-01-02Ket 14-04-02Ven 14-05-02Sun 08-08-02Mon 03-09-02Mar 16-10-02Rah 15-11-02Jup 01-02-03Sat 11-04-03

Mo-Ke Age: 22Ket 02-07-03Ven 14-07-03Sun 19-08-03Mon 30-08-03Mar 16-09-03Rah 29-09-03Jup 31-10-03Sat 28-11-03Mer 01-01-04

Mo-Ve Age: 23Ven 31-01-04Sun 12-05-04Mon 11-06-04Mar 01-08-04Rah 05-09-04Jup 06-12-04Sat 25-02-05Mer 01-06-05Ket 26-08-05

Mo-Su Age: 24Sun 01-10-05Mon 10-10-05Mar 25-10-05Rah 05-11-05Jup 02-12-05Sat 27-12-05Mer 24-01-06Ket 19-02-06Ven 02-03-06


Ma-Ma Age: 25Mar 01-04-06Rah 10-04-06Jup 03-05-06Sat 22-05-06Mer 15-06-06Ket 06-07-06Ven 15-07-06Sun 09-08-06Mon 16-08-06

Ma-Ra Age: 25Rah 29-08-06Jup 25-10-06Sat 15-12-06Mer 14-02-07Ket 09-04-07Ven 02-05-07Sun 05-07-07Mon 24-07-07Mar 25-08-07

Ma-Ju Age: 26Jup 16-09-07Sat 01-11-07Mer 25-12-07Ket 11-02-08Ven 02-03-08Sun 28-04-08Mon 15-05-08Mar 12-06-08Rah 02-07-08

Ma-Sa Age: 27Sat 22-08-08Mer 25-10-08Ket 21-12-08Ven 14-01-09Sun 22-03-09Mon 12-04-09Mar 15-05-09Rah 08-06-09Jup 08-08-09

Ma-Me Age: 28Mer 01-10-09Ket 21-11-09Ven 12-12-09Sun 11-02-10Mon 01-03-10Mar 31-03-10Rah 21-04-10Jup 14-06-10Sat 02-08-10

Ma-Ke Age: 29Ket 28-09-10Ven 07-10-10Sun 01-11-10Mon 08-11-10Mar 20-11-10Rah 29-11-10Jup 21-12-10Sat 10-01-11Mer 03-02-11

Ma-Ve Age: 30Ven 24-02-11Sun 06-05-11Mon 27-05-11Mar 02-07-11Rah 27-07-11Jup 29-09-11Sat 25-11-11Mer 31-01-12Ket 31-03-12

Ma-Su Age: 31Sun 25-04-12Mon 02-05-12Mar 12-05-12Rah 20-05-12Jup 08-06-12Sat 25-06-12Mer 15-07-12Ket 02-08-12Ven 10-08-12

Ma-Mo Age: 31Mon 31-08-12Mar 18-09-12Rah 30-09-12Jup 01-11-12Sat 30-11-12Mer 02-01-13Ket 02-02-13Ven 14-02-13Sun 21-03-13


Ra-Ra Age: 32Rah 01-04-13Jup 27-08-13Sat 06-01-14Mer 11-06-14Ket 28-10-14Ven 25-12-14Sun 07-06-15Mon 27-07-15Mar 17-10-15

Ra-Ju Age: 34Jup 13-12-15Sat 08-04-16Mer 25-08-16Ket 27-12-16Ven 16-02-17Sun 12-07-17Mon 25-08-17Mar 06-11-17Rah 27-12-17

Ra-Sa Age: 37Sat 08-05-18Mer 20-10-18Ket 16-03-19Ven 16-05-19Sun 05-11-19Mon 27-12-19Mar 23-03-20Rah 23-05-20Jup 26-10-20

Ra-Me Age: 40Mer 14-03-21Ket 24-07-21Ven 16-09-21Sun 18-02-22Mon 06-04-22Mar 22-06-22Rah 16-08-22Jup 03-01-23Sat 07-05-23

Ra-Ke Age: 42Ket 01-10-23Ven 24-10-23Sun 26-12-23Mon 15-01-24Mar 16-02-24Rah 09-03-24Jup 05-05-24Sat 26-06-24Mer 25-08-24

Ra-Ve Age: 43Ven 19-10-24Sun 19-04-25Mon 13-06-25Mar 12-09-25Rah 15-11-25Jup 29-04-26Sat 22-09-26Mer 14-03-27Ket 16-08-27

Ra-Su Age: 46Sun 19-10-27Mon 05-11-27Mar 02-12-27Rah 21-12-27Jup 09-02-28Sat 24-03-28Mer 15-05-28Ket 30-06-28Ven 19-07-28

Ra-Mo Age: 47Mon 12-09-28Mar 28-10-28Rah 29-11-28Jup 19-02-29Sat 03-05-29Mer 29-07-29Ket 14-10-29Ven 15-11-29Sun 15-02-30

Ra-Ma Age: 49Mar 14-03-30Rah 05-04-30Jup 02-06-30Sat 23-07-30Mer 22-09-30Ket 15-11-30Ven 07-12-30Sun 09-02-31Mon 01-03-31

Jupiter MAHADASHA, AGE 50-66

Ju-Ju Age: 50Jup 01-04-31Sat 14-07-31Mer 15-11-31Ket 04-03-32Ven 19-04-32Sun 26-08-32Mon 04-10-32Mar 08-12-32Rah 23-01-33

Ju-Sa Age: 52Sat 20-05-33Mer 13-10-33Ket 21-02-34Ven 16-04-34Sun 17-09-34Mon 03-11-34Mar 19-01-35Rah 14-03-35Jup 31-07-35

Ju-Me Age: 54Mer 01-12-35Ket 27-03-36Ven 15-05-36Sun 30-09-36Mon 10-11-36Mar 18-01-37Rah 07-03-37Jup 09-07-37Sat 28-10-37

Ju-Ke Age: 57Ket 08-03-38Ven 28-03-38Sun 24-05-38Mon 10-06-38Mar 08-07-38Rah 28-07-38Jup 17-09-38Sat 01-11-38Mer 25-12-38

Ju-Ve Age: 58Ven 12-02-39Sun 24-07-39Mon 11-09-39Mar 01-12-39Rah 27-01-40Jup 21-06-40Sat 29-10-40Mer 01-04-41Ket 17-08-41

Ju-Su Age: 60Sun 13-10-41Mon 27-10-41Mar 21-11-41Rah 08-12-41Jup 21-01-42Sat 01-03-42Mer 16-04-42Ket 27-05-42Ven 13-06-42

Ju-Mo Age: 61Mon 01-08-42Mar 10-09-42Rah 09-10-42Jup 21-12-42Sat 24-02-43Mer 12-05-43Ket 20-07-43Ven 17-08-43Sun 07-11-43

Ju-Ma Age: 62Mar 01-12-43Rah 21-12-43Jup 10-02-44Sat 26-03-44Mer 19-05-44Ket 07-07-44Ven 27-07-44Sun 21-09-44Mon 08-10-44

Ju-Ra Age: 63Rah 06-11-44Jup 17-03-45Sat 12-07-45Mer 28-11-45Ket 01-04-46Ven 22-05-46Sun 15-10-46Mon 28-11-46Mar 09-02-47

Saturn MAHADASHA, AGE 66-85

Sa-Sa Age: 66Sat 01-04-47Mer 22-09-47Ket 25-02-48Ven 29-04-48Sun 29-10-48Mon 23-12-48Mar 25-03-49Rah 28-05-49Jup 09-11-49

Sa-Me Age: 69Mer 04-04-50Ket 21-08-50Ven 18-10-50Sun 31-03-51Mon 19-05-51Mar 09-08-51Rah 05-10-51Jup 01-03-52Sat 10-07-52

Sa-Ke Age: 71Ket 12-12-52Ven 05-01-53Sun 13-03-53Mon 03-04-53Mar 06-05-53Rah 30-05-53Jup 30-07-53Sat 22-09-53Mer 25-11-53

Sa-Ve Age: 73Ven 21-01-54Sun 02-08-54Mon 29-09-54Mar 03-01-55Rah 12-03-55Jup 01-09-55Sat 02-02-56Mer 03-08-56Ket 14-01-57

Sa-Su Age: 76Sun 23-03-57Mon 09-04-57Mar 08-05-57Rah 28-05-57Jup 19-07-57Sat 03-09-57Mer 28-10-57Ket 17-12-57Ven 06-01-58

Sa-Mo Age: 77Mon 05-03-58Mar 22-04-58Rah 26-05-58Jup 20-08-58Sat 05-11-58Mer 05-02-59Ket 28-04-59Ven 01-06-59Sun 05-09-59

Sa-Ma Age: 78Mar 04-10-59Rah 28-10-59Jup 27-12-59Sat 19-02-60Mer 23-04-60Ket 20-06-60Ven 13-07-60Sun 19-09-60Mon 09-10-60

Sa-Ra Age: 79Rah 12-11-60Jup 17-04-61Sat 03-09-61Mer 14-02-62Ket 12-07-62Ven 11-09-62Sun 03-03-63Mon 24-04-63Mar 20-07-63

Sa-Ju Age: 82Jup 19-09-63Sat 20-01-64Mer 15-06-64Ket 24-10-64Ven 17-12-64Sun 20-05-65Mon 05-07-65Mar 20-09-65Rah 13-11-65

Mercury MAHADASHA, AGE 85-102

Me-Me Age: 85Mer 01-04-66Ket 04-08-66Ven 24-09-66Sun 17-02-67Mon 02-04-67Mar 15-06-67Rah 05-08-67Jup 15-12-67Sat 10-04-68

Me-Ke Age: 87Ket 28-08-68Ven 18-09-68Sun 17-11-68Mon 05-12-68Mar 04-01-69Rah 26-01-69Jup 21-03-69Sat 08-05-69Mer 04-07-69

Me-Ve Age: 88Ven 25-08-69Sun 13-02-70Mon 06-04-70Mar 01-07-70Rah 31-08-70Jup 02-02-71Sat 20-06-71Mer 01-12-71Ket 25-04-72

Me-Su Age: 91Sun 25-06-72Mon 10-07-72Mar 05-08-72Rah 23-08-72Jup 09-10-72Sat 19-11-72Mer 07-01-73Ket 20-02-73Ven 10-03-73

Me-Mo Age: 92Mon 01-05-73Mar 13-06-73Rah 13-07-73Jup 29-09-73Sat 07-12-73Mer 27-02-74Ket 11-05-74Ven 10-06-74Sun 05-09-74

Me-Ma Age: 93Mar 01-10-74Rah 22-10-74Jup 15-12-74Sat 01-02-75Mer 31-03-75Ket 21-05-75Ven 11-06-75Sun 10-08-75Mon 29-08-75

Me-Ra Age: 94Rah 28-09-75Jup 14-02-76Sat 18-06-76Mer 12-11-76Ket 24-03-77Ven 17-05-77Sun 20-10-77Mon 05-12-77Mar 21-02-78

Me-Ju Age: 97Jup 16-04-78Sat 04-08-78Mer 14-12-78Ket 10-04-79Ven 28-05-79Sun 13-10-79Mon 24-11-79Mar 31-01-80Rah 20-03-80

Me-Sa Age: 99Sat 22-07-80Mer 25-12-80Ket 13-05-81Ven 09-07-81Sun 20-12-81Mon 07-02-82Mar 30-04-82Rah 27-06-82Jup 21-11-82

Ketu MAHADASHA, AGE 102-109

Ke-Ke Age: 102Ket 01-04-83Ven 10-04-83Sun 05-05-83Mon 12-05-83Mar 25-05-83Rah 02-06-83Jup 25-06-83Sat 14-07-83Mer 07-08-83

Ke-Ve Age: 102Ven 28-08-83Sun 07-11-83Mon 29-11-83Mar 03-01-84Rah 28-01-84Jup 01-04-84Sat 28-05-84Mer 03-08-84Ket 02-10-84

Ke-Su Age: 103Sun 27-10-84Mon 03-11-84Mar 13-11-84Rah 21-11-84Jup 10-12-84Sat 27-12-84Mer 16-01-85Ket 03-02-85Ven 11-02-85

Ke-Mo Age: 104Mon 04-03-85Mar 22-03-85Rah 03-04-85Jup 05-05-85Sat 03-06-85Mer 06-07-85Ket 06-08-85Ven 18-08-85Sun 23-09-85

Ke-Ma Age: 104Mar 03-10-85Rah 12-10-85Jup 03-11-85Sat 23-11-85Mer 17-12-85Ket 07-01-86Ven 16-01-86Sun 09-02-86Mon 17-02-86

Ke-Ra Age: 105Rah 01-03-86Jup 28-04-86Sat 18-06-86Mer 18-08-86Ket 11-10-86Ven 02-11-86Sun 05-01-87Mon 25-01-87Mar 26-02-87

Ke-Ju Age: 106Jup 20-03-87Sat 04-05-87Mer 27-06-87Ket 15-08-87Ven 03-09-87Sun 30-10-87Mon 16-11-87Mar 15-12-87Rah 04-01-88

Ke-Sa Age: 107Sat 24-02-88Mer 28-04-88Ket 24-06-88Ven 18-07-88Sun 23-09-88Mon 14-10-88Mar 16-11-88Rah 10-12-88Jup 09-02-89

Ke-Me Age: 108Mer 04-04-89Ket 25-05-89Ven 15-06-89Sun 14-08-89Mon 01-09-89Mar 02-10-89Rah 23-10-89Jup 16-12-89Sat 02-02-90

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Page 2: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz 1. Birth chart I

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Birth ChartAsSuMoMaMeJuVeSaRaKe





Birth Chart












VimshottariMo-Ve Sat 31-01-2004Mo-Su Sat 01-10-2005Ma-Ma Sat 01-04-2006Ma-Ra Tue 29-08-2006Ma-Ju Sun 16-09-2007Ma-Sa Fri 22-08-2008Ma-Me Thu 01-10-2009Ma-Ke Tue 28-09-2010Ma-Ve Thu 24-02-2011Ma-Su Wed 25-04-2012Ma-Mo Fri 31-08-2012Ra-Ra Mon 01-04-2013Ra-Ju Sun 13-12-2015Ra-Sa Tue 08-05-2018Ra-Me Sun 14-03-2021

Birth Chart1st h. 31 441.282nd h. 36 478.52


h. 2

6 3



h h.





h. 2

8 4



6th h. 22 545.17 7th h. 20 440.73 8th h. 28 450.02


h. 2

7 3



th h

. 30





31 5



12th h. 19 395.77


As 29:29 Pun

4Ra 18:16 Asl


6Ju 14:42 Has

Sa 15:20 Has


Ve 06:50 Anu

Me 26:05 Jye


Su 03:15 Mul

Ma 26:47 USh 10

Ke 18:16 Shr



1 Mo 20:28










12Ke As


Mo Ma Ra Me


Ju Sa

Thu 18 Dec 1980 19:40:00 Ishtakal : 31:3:25Sunrise : 18 Dec 80 07:14:38Sunset : 18 Dec 80 17:42:18Ayanamsha : -23:35:15 Lahiri

Timezone: -5 Daylightsaving : 0Place of birth : Longitude: 67E03'00 Latitude: 24N52'00

Karachi Sindh Pakistan

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Page 3: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz 7. Sudarshan Chakra

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Sudarshan Chakra





























































Thu 18 Dec 1980 19:40:00 Ishtakal : 31:3:25Sunrise : 18 Dec 80 07:14:38Sunset : 18 Dec 80 17:42:18Ayanamsha : -23:35:15 Lahiri

Timezone: -5 Daylightsaving : 0Place of birth : Longitude: 67E03'00 Latitude: 24N52'00

Karachi Sindh Pakistan

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Ali Mumtaz 3. Vargas I

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Sa Me



Ra Ke













Ve Ra


Ju Sa









23Sa As



Mo Ve
















Mo Ve



Me Sa









78Me As















78Su As


Ma JuSa Ve


Me Ke

Birth Chart










Ju Sa

Ve Me

Su Ma











12Ke As


Mo Ma Ra Me


Ju Sa









1011Ke Me



Ra VeJu

Sa Mo


Thu 18 Dec 1980 19:40:00 Ishtakal : 31:3:25Sunrise : 18 Dec 80 07:14:38Sunset : 18 Dec 80 17:42:18Ayanamsha : -23:35:15 Lahiri

Timezone: -5 Daylightsaving : 0Place of birth : Longitude: 67E03'00 Latitude: 24N52'00

Karachi Sindh Pakistan

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Page 5: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz 18. Interpreting Grahas

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Birth Chart







ShastiamshaBhrashta (M)Kulaghna (M)Saumya (B)Kulaghna (M)Mrithyu (M)Seetala (B)Gulika(M)Maheshwara(B)Maheshwara(B)




Birth Chart


SVdispMa(2) Ju(2) Ju(2) Ju(2) Ve(2) Ma(2) Sa(2) Ma(2) Me(2) Ju(2) Ju(2) Su(2)

SVelemFire(5) Movable(3) Dual(2) Fire(3) Dual(3) Movable(3) Fire(3) Movable(3) Air(2) Fixed(4) Water(3) Fire(1) Earth(3) Water(2) Dual(2) Water(3) Earth(3) Dual(2) Earth(3) Dual(3) Water(2) Water(3) Fixed(3) Fire(2) Fixed(3) Fire(2) Earth(2)

Birth Chart





MB VB.15815141013161213







Birth Chart






Birth Chart










Ju Sa

Ve Me

Su Ma



Birth Chart







Birth Chart






Thu 18 Dec 1980 19:40:00 Ishtakal : 31:3:25Sunrise : 18 Dec 80 07:14:38Sunset : 18 Dec 80 17:42:18Ayanamsha : -23:35:15 Lahiri

Timezone: -5 Daylightsaving : 0Place of birth : Longitude: 67E03'00 Latitude: 24N52'00

Karachi Sindh Pakistan

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Page 6: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz 34. Dashas - Nakshatra based

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ShatabdikaJu-Ma-Ju-Ju Tue 22-10-2002Ju-Ma-Ju-Ma Fri 20-12-2002Ju-Ma-Ju-Sa Sun 16-02-2003Ju-Ma-Ju-Su Thu 15-05-2003Ju-Ma-Ju-Mo Thu 29-05-2003Ju-Ma-Ju-Ve Fri 13-06-2003Ju-Ma-Ju-Me Sat 12-07-2003Ju-Sa-Sa-Sa Sun 10-08-2003Ju-Sa-Sa-Su Tue 24-02-2004Ju-Sa-Sa-Mo Sat 27-03-2004Ju-Sa-Sa-Ve Thu 29-04-2004Ju-Sa-Sa-Me Sun 04-07-2004Ju-Sa-Sa-Ju Wed 08-09-2004Ju-Sa-Sa-Ma Mon 17-01-2005Ju-Sa-Su-Su Sun 29-05-2005

ChaturshitisamaMa-Ju-Su-Ve Fri 15-11-2002Ma-Ju-Su-Sa Thu 28-11-2002Ma-Ju-Mo-Mo Wed 11-12-2002Ma-Ju-Mo-Ma Tue 24-12-2002Ma-Ju-Mo-Me Mon 06-01-2003Ma-Ju-Mo-Ju Sat 18-01-2003Ma-Ju-Mo-Ve Fri 31-01-2003Ma-Ju-Mo-Sa Thu 13-02-2003Ma-Ju-Mo-Su Wed 26-02-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Ma Mon 10-03-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Me Sun 23-03-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Ju Sat 05-04-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Ve Fri 18-04-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Sa Thu 01-05-2003Ma-Ju-Ma-Su Tue 13-05-2003

DwisaptatisamaJu-Me-Mo-Ma Sun 17-11-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Me Sun 24-11-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Ju Sat 30-11-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Ve Sat 07-12-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Sa Fri 13-12-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Ra Fri 20-12-2002Ju-Me-Mo-Su Thu 26-12-2002Ju-Me-Ma-Ma Wed 01-01-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Me Wed 08-01-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Ju Tue 14-01-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Ve Tue 21-01-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Sa Mon 27-01-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Ra Sun 02-02-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Su Sun 09-02-2003Ju-Me-Ma-Mo Sat 15-02-2003

ShodashottariMe-Ke-Sa-Me Wed 20-11-2002Me-Ke-Sa-Ve Wed 04-12-2002Me-Ke-Sa-Su Thu 19-12-2002Me-Ke-Sa-Ma Sat 28-12-2002Me-Ke-Sa-Ju Tue 07-01-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Mo Sat 18-01-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Me Mon 03-02-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Ve Fri 21-02-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Su Tue 11-03-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Ma Sat 22-03-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Ju Thu 03-04-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Sa Thu 17-04-2003Me-Mo-Mo-Ke Thu 01-05-2003Me-Mo-Me-Me Fri 16-05-2003Me-Mo-Me-Ve Wed 04-06-2003

DwadashottariMe-Sa-Me-Su Mon 18-11-2002Me-Sa-Me-Ju Sat 23-11-2002Me-Sa-Me-Ke Sun 01-12-2002Me-Sa-Ra-Ra Tue 10-12-2002Me-Sa-Ra-Ma Wed 25-12-2002Me-Sa-Ra-Sa Fri 10-01-2003Me-Sa-Ra-Mo Tue 28-01-2003Me-Sa-Ra-Su Mon 17-02-2003Me-Sa-Ra-Ju Mon 24-02-2003Me-Sa-Ra-Ke Wed 05-03-2003Me-Sa-Ra-Me Sat 15-03-2003Me-Sa-Ma-Ma Fri 28-03-2003Me-Sa-Ma-Sa Wed 16-04-2003Me-Sa-Ma-Mo Tue 06-05-2003Me-Sa-Ma-Su Thu 29-05-2003

PanchottariJu-Ve-Me-Sa Wed 20-11-2002Ju-Ve-Me-Ma Sat 07-12-2002Ju-Ve-Me-Ve Wed 25-12-2002Ju-Ve-Me-Mo Mon 13-01-2003Ju-Ve-Me-Ju Sun 02-02-2003Ju-Ve-Me-Su Sun 23-02-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Sa Sun 09-03-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Ma Thu 27-03-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Ve Tue 15-04-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Mo Mon 05-05-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Ju Tue 27-05-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Su Thu 19-06-2003Ju-Ve-Sa-Me Fri 04-07-2003Ju-Ve-Ma-Ma Mon 21-07-2003Ju-Ve-Ma-Ve Sun 10-08-2003

Birth Chart










Ju Sa

Ve Me

Su Ma



VimshottariMo-Me-Ra-Ra Fri 15-11-2002Mo-Me-Ra-Ju Wed 27-11-2002Mo-Me-Ra-Sa Sat 07-12-2002Mo-Me-Ra-Me Fri 20-12-2002Mo-Me-Ra-Ke Tue 31-12-2002Mo-Me-Ra-Ve Sat 04-01-2003Mo-Me-Ra-Su Fri 17-01-2003Mo-Me-Ra-Mo Tue 21-01-2003Mo-Me-Ra-Ma Tue 28-01-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Ju Sat 01-02-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Sa Mon 10-02-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Me Fri 21-02-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Ke Mon 03-03-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Ve Fri 07-03-2003Mo-Me-Ju-Su Wed 19-03-2003

AshtottariVe-Ra-Sa-Mo Wed 13-11-2002Ve-Ra-Sa-Ma Sun 24-11-2002Ve-Ra-Sa-Me Sat 30-11-2002Ve-Ra-Ju-Ju Thu 12-12-2002Ve-Ra-Ju-Ra Wed 08-01-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Ve Fri 24-01-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Su Sat 22-02-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Mo Mon 03-03-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Ma Mon 24-03-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Me Fri 04-04-2003Ve-Ra-Ju-Sa Sun 27-04-2003Su-Su-Su-Su Sun 11-05-2003Su-Su-Su-Mo Sun 11-05-2003Su-Su-Su-Ma Mon 12-05-2003Su-Su-Su-Me Tue 13-05-2003

Thu 18 Dec 1980 19:40:00 Ishtakal : 31:3:25Sunrise : 18 Dec 80 07:14:38Sunset : 18 Dec 80 17:42:18Ayanamsha : -23:35:15 Lahiri

Timezone: -5 Daylightsaving : 0Place of birth : Longitude: 67E03'00 Latitude: 24N52'00

Karachi Sindh Pakistan

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Page 7: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz

~ Nature and Temperament ~ 1 - His mind will be sharp. 2 - The lord of Gemini being Mercury, he will be a scholar and genius and will be inclinedtowards education by nature. He will be very interested in writing and reading. 3 - His mental ability will be prominent and his brain will have both masculine and femininetrends of thought. 4 - He will be a dreamer and will reach distant places in the matter of seconds. 5 - His nature will be self-contradictory. At times he will be somber and patient and at timeslively and garrulous. 6 - Mercury, the Lord of Gemini is the significator of speech. Therefore the person will have astrong voice, a clear pronunciation and correct expression. 7 - He will be skilled and eloquent in speech and will impress people by his eloquence. 8 - He will be interested in many different subjects- therefore he will be curious about all theknowledge and science of the world. 9 - He will be intelligent and his way of thought will be scientific and logical. 10 - He will be very clever and will be skilled in getting his work done through others. 11 - He will be skilled at liaison work, will be involved in mediation, in acting as witness andwill have faith in social traditions. 12 - Due to his inquisitive and analytical nature, he will be desirous of going into the depth ofthings as though it was some research. 13 - He will be interested in singing, in music and will have a special interest in dance andpoetry. 14 - He will be a self-critical and in other words he will destroy his own image. 15 - His main drawbacks will be talkativeness, variation, starting a new work withoutaccomplishing the previous one, lack of concentration, lack of taking quick decisions,impatience and anxiety in getting to experience the results or work undertaken.


Your main SentenceI Think.

Your biggest Talent

Awareness and curiosity.

Your biggest WeaknessLiveliness or Instability.

Your Ambition

To make the human race prosperous through your patience and philosophy.

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Ali Mumtaz ¬According to the Shastras

The person will be good looking with round eyes, have a lively pinkish complexion, weakphysique and black mole or wound on the body, and have fat thighs. Fair pink Colour, sign oflotus on hands, shakti line on palm, endowed with fortune signs, ambitious, efficient at work,possessing leadership qualities and will be a frugal eater, will eat hot food, may be aggressive.He will be fond of travelling, will be lively, a fast walker, benevolent, courageous, fearful ofdisputes and arguments, engrossed in good deeds, respectful to brahmins, devoted to god andwill be engrossed in religious activities and accumulation of wealth. He will be lazy in theinitial stages of starting of work, will be keen to reside abroad, angry, humble, inspite of greatachievements, favored by the state, talented, energetic, alternatively wealthy and impoverished,self-made, famous, fearful of loosing high position, interested in charity and philanthropy,affectionate towards subordinates and servants, dear to women, victorious in the society ofmales and will be beloved husbands and will be respectful to elders. He may be suffering from headache or head ailment due to hereditary reasons, severe fever,internal burning, acidity, stomach ache. Towards the later part of life there may be someaccidental injury, food poisoning or gastric problem.

According to the Modern Viewpoint A person born under Aries rashi will have a mediocre height, will move around energeticallyand the eyes will have a sharp and aggressive look. The knee and its lower part will be weak.The person will not tolerate anybody's subordination and will always take the lead in his workand take independent decisions. He will be strong willed, endowed with qualities of leadership,will be enterprising and ambitious. He will be hurried by nature and will lack patience. He willalways be keen to give advise and will always make efforts to impress anyone who may come incontact with him. He will be lively and energetic and firm in His belief. He will be capable ofmaking plans and running organizations. He will be truthful and will respect sincere people. Hewill enjoy debates and arguments. He will be enthusiastic and aggressive in speech. He will beegoistic and 'I' will always be first for him. He will be self-centered and unsacrificing. He willhave an uncompromising attitude. He will be bold and courageous. His weakness will bewavering thoughts, impatience, unbridled anger, quarrelsome and aggressive nature and blindfaith in religion.

Physical Characteristics1. He will have mediocre height and lean and long limbs.2. He will have beautiful and attractive eyes and a mischievous look in his eyes.3. His face will reflect pleasure and intelligence.4. His jaw will be thin in the front and broad at the back.5. He will be active and progressive.6. He will look energetic and fast but will be lazy in his daily work.

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Page 9: Ali Mumtaz

Ali Mumtaz ¬~ Useful Information ~

Your main Sentence

I Think.

Your biggest TalentAwareness and curiosity.

Your biggest WeaknessLiveliness or Instability.

Your Ambition

To make the human race prosperous through Your patience and philosophy.

óñ Lucky DayWednesday.

Lucky Colour

Green, Light Yellow is lucky. Blue and Red are not lucky.

Lucky Number5 and 3 are very lucky numbers.

Lucky Stone

Diamond, Emerald and Sardonyx.

Lucky UpratnaOnyx, Aquamarine.

óñ Inauspicious Month and Dates

October, 1, 16, 11 and 21 of every Month.

Inauspicious TithiPratipada, Shasthi and Pisces.

Auspicious Rashi

Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Auspicious DayTuesday to begin a new work. Wednesday is not good.

Inauspicious Period

Kartik - Krishna paksha - Navami, Thursday, Krittika Nakshatra and midnight.

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Ali Mumtaz ¬

Nakshatra Interpretations

You have been born in the third pada of Bharani nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi isAries and the lord of the rashi is Mars. According to the Avakahada chakra - Caste - Kshatriya (warrior) Vashaya - Chatushpad (quadruped) Yoni - Gaja (Elephant) Gana - Manushya (Human being) Nadi - Madhya (Middle)Your birth name should start with the letter "Ley".According to the ShastrasInterpretations for persons born under Bharani nakshatra are as follows - 1- According to Brihat Jataka - Ñrfu'p;lR;k#Xn{k% lqf[kr'p"kq A 2- According to Jataka Parijaat - ;kE;{ksZ fodyks·U;nkjfujr% Øwj% Ñr?uks /kuh A 3- According to Maansagri - vjksx% lR;oknh p lr~ç.k'p n`<+ozr% A Hkj.;ka tk;rs yksd% lqlq[kh /kuokufi AA 4- According to Jatakabharan - lnkidhfrZfgZ egkioknSukZukfouksnS'p fouhrdky% A tykfrHkh#'piy% [ky'p ç ç.khrks Hkj.khHktkr% AA A person born in the Bharani nakshatra is truthful, inclined towards high thinking, trueto his word, determined, healthy, clever and happy. According to another viewpoint theperson may be cruel, ungrateful, defamed, infatuated by another person's wife, fearful ofwater, pleasure loving, lively, wicked and criticized by all.According to the Modern Viewpoint A person born under the Bharani nakshatra is brave, encouraging, romantic, strong,accustomed to staying among people of low status, victorious over enemies andopponents, skilled at making sudden attacks, inclined towards religious deeds, interestedin painting and photography, an excessive smoker, fond of food and drinks, successful inattaining his ultimate goal, generally free of ailments & obstacles, clever, pleasant naturedand ambitious for progress.Interpretations for Pada (paya) Birth in the Bharani nakshatra is considered to be in the golden paya which givesmediocre fruits.Health The authority of the Bharani nakshatra is over the head and the circle of the head.When this nakshatra is afflicted by gochar or inauspicious grahas in the horoscope, thenthere is a fear of mental or internal diseases and fear of injury on the head and forehead.Remedy Yamaraj is the Lord of the Bharani nakshatra. To appease him, one should worshipLord Shiva on the day of Bharani nakshatra with incense, sticks, flowers, lamp, butter,gugal, jaggery etc. Sugar, ghee (butter clarified by boiling and straining) and utensils

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Ali Mumtaz ¬

should be donated and uncooked mixture of pulses and rice should be donated in the name ofYamaraj. Mix butter, honey, sesame seeds, rice and august Mool (root of aeschynomena grandi floratree) in the sacrificial mixture and recite the following mantra 108 times - ¬ ;ek;RokfUxjLors fir`ers Lokgk] Lokgk /kekZ; /keZ% fi=s Lokgk ¬ ;ek; ue%AAInterpretations for the Kshatriya Caste foK% lkglrRoK% 'kqfp% 'kkS;ZdFkkfç;%A nkrk foosd'khy'p {kk=o.kZHkoks uj%AA (Jatakotam) A person born under the Kshatriya caste is scholarly, brave, logical, pious, fond of stories ofbravery, benevolent and prudent.Interpretations for the Manushya Gana ekuh /kuh fo'kkyk{kks y{;os/kh /kuq/kZj%A xkSj% ikSjtuxzkgh tk;rs ekuos x.ksAA (Maansagri) A person born under the Manushya gana is egoistic, wealthy, endowed with big eyes, a skilledarcher, a archer, fair and capable of keeping the people under his dominationInterpretations for the Gaja (Elephant) Yoni jktekU;ks oyh Hkksxh HkwiLFkkufoHkw"k.k%A vkReksRlkgh ujks tkrs xt;ksukS u la'k;%AA (Maansagri) A person born under Gaja (Elephant) Yoni is the kings favorite, strong, pleasure loving,enthusiastic and an asset for his country.Marriage, Friendship and Partnership The association of persons born in the following is considered to be the best – Ashwini, Ardra,Punarvasu, Swati, Uttarashadha and Shravana.

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Ali Mumtaz ¬

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Interpretations of Planetary Dispositionsa aThe Sun

In the Seventh Bhava

Auspicious Results : One will not be very tall or very short .One's stomach and body willbe equal. One will be dark complexioned with yellow hair and dark eyes. One will behumorous and good-natured. The person will be endowed with a spouse because Sun inthe seventh maintains domestic bliss. One's spouse will be beautiful, impressive, wellbehaved, will support her husband in adversity and will be hospitable, sympathetic andskilled at getting her work done through servants. One's spouse will be fond of money andmay keep her control over money. The native may consider one's spouse to be everythingand may even merge one's own personality with hers. One will have the pleasure and blissof one's spouse. One might have business gains and success in elections. One may win the local bodyor state legislative elections. Inauspicious Results : One may be unattractive. One may be very short tempered andwicked and will have an unstable temperament. One is unable to sleep peacefully due tothe fear of people. If Sun is in the seventh house, one will be troubled by people related tothe government or due to one's spouse. One may favor wicked persons. One may not getenough happiness from one's son. One will be troubled by mental and physical worries.One may be troubled by venereal diseases. One may be unhappy. One is deprived ofwealth and is poor. In one's 25th year, one may travel abroad. One's business may suffer.Inspite of all of one's efforts, one may be unable to earn wealth. One has to walk becauseone may lack a vehicle. There may be a lack of marital bliss and constant conflictsbetween husband and spouse may be there. One may be enmical towards the opposite sexand may get disrespect and dishonor from them. One's spouse may be tainted, ailing,quarrelsome, egoistic, harsh natured and will consider her own opinion to be the best. Oneis deprived of happiness from spouse. One's marriage may be delayed. One may opposeone's spouse and have conflicts with her. One may have two spouses. Either one remarrieson the expiry of the first or has two spouses simultaneously. Due to enmity with one's ownspouse, one may have illicit relations with the opposite sex. One may have many spouses. One may marry twice or marry once in old age. The marital relationship might be very tense. Constant fluctuations might be there. The spouse may expire at the age of 50-52.Many difficulties are faced but a second marriage is not possible. There may be few children.

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b bThe Moon

In the Eleventh Bhava

Auspicious Results : A person born during the day when the Moon is in the eleventhbhava is wealthy, famous, entertaining and socially active. One of the children, brothersor sisters may cause pain, may be ill charactered and useless and may have to spend one'sentire life in the house due to some deformity. There may not be many children, at themost there will be four to five children. One will be long lived. One will be fortunate,good-looking, valiant, shy and will follow the dutiful path. One will be fearless and cleverat talking. One will always be happy. One will be thoughtful, intelligent, knowledgeable,soft spoken and will work faultlessly. One will be imaginative and lively. One will becharitable, liberal and good looking talented and knowledgeable about mantras. One willhave acquired the knowledge of the shastras by listening to them and will know manyarts. One will favor others. One will rear many people. One may be skilled at state affairsand may be the treasurer of the state. One may have got authority from the state and maybe honored by the state. One may get name, power and beautiful clothes from the state.One will be blessed with a beautiful spouse and plenty of wealth. One will be endowedwith many comforts. One's fame will be well spread and established. One will be popular,luminous and renowned. One may be respected by great people. One will perform piousdeeds and people will praise him for these benevolence acts of public interest. One will bewealthy and will gain in every way. One will profit in the business of various things. Onewill be prosperous and wealthy. One will attain wealth in many ways and will enjoy thepleasures which money brings. One will be contented with one's gains. One will attainprecious metals like silver. One may attain hidden treasure buried in the Earth such asmoney, diamonds pearls and jewelry. One will have very good friends. One will have allsorts of vehicles at one's disposal. One will enjoy the best things of life. One may alsohave good servants. Planets signify more feminine children. One will have masculinechildren. A son may be born in the 50th year, which helps him to be free from the debt ofone's ancestors. One will have many sons. One will acquire knowledge through hearing,thinking and practicing. There are many shastras. All of them cannot be read but one canlearn a lot through listening. Therefore, listening has been given importance. One willown agricultural land. One will attain good worldly happiness. One may be the leader of alocal organization. The above-mentioned auspicious results are felt. Inauspicious Results : Work done by him does not succeed. One's efforts will be in vain.One will have feminine children One will be deprived of happiness. One will be ailing, foolish and dull.

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c cMars

In the Seventh Bhava

Auspicious Results : One will be intelligent. One will have a house and household. One'sspouse will be good but quarrelsome and will keep the husband in her domination. Onewill have many brothers, maternal uncles and aunts. Mars in seventh is good for doctorsand fame is attained through surgery. Lawyers succeed in criminal cases and get fame. Itis also good for mechanics, engineers and turners, fitters and drivers. It is also good forpolice officers and other officials. One is honest in service but this honest employee will always remain an employee andnever become an owner. The spouse is young and ordinary looking. Business related to printing press is beneficial. The person is patient and tolerant. Inauspicious Results : One is unhappy due to one's spouse, ailing from gastric trouble,easily angered, harsh in speech, a fraud, a fool, poor, wounded, destructor of wealth,jealous and wicked minded. The native performs ill deeds and one will be insulted. Onewill be short tempered, serving people of low quality, a fraud and lacking talents and goodhabits. The person may be fond of quarreling, a drunkard and a quarrelsome person. Theperson might be very unfortunate. One is keen to take up every business.However, one isnot successful in any business. There may be some stability in the eighteenth andthirty-sixth year and one will take upon industry suitable according to Mars. One may bedefeated by enemies and always finds himself surrounded by enemies. One may becomeweak due to enemy inflicted wounds and will be fearful of enemies. Competition withenemies may be harmful. One's body will be lean. One will be weak and proud. One mayleave one's business. One may not attain fame in business. Business rivals offer open andstrong competition. Partnership does not bring credit or fame. Many problems occur anduseless anxiety increases. One may always be in trouble and never experience happiness.One may undergo mourning for one's spouse during youth. The person's spouse may belost. One may be deprived of the joy of a spouse or son. One's spouse may be ailing andinfertile. One may not return home early from abroad due to one's marriage being fixed upor profit in business. The husband and spouse might be destroyed. The spouse suffers.One will be infatuated by one's spouse and she may agonize him with innumerableproblems. Or one may suffer due to the loss of spouse and son. One's spouse will bedisrespectful to him. One's spouse may not be young. She may suffer gastric or acidityproblem and may die due to fire or poison. She may suffer from yoni ailments and sufferphysical hardships. She may have a bad character. She may have a harsh nature and maybe quarrelsome. One may not get marital happiness and there may be constant conflicts.One may have to fight court cases for one's spouse. One may have a very limitedrelationship with one's spouse. One may leave one's spouse and have affairs with wickedladies because of theft or prostitution. There may be a few children. One may not enjoythe bliss of wealth, travelling and domestic happiness. There may be a fear of fire. Onemay suffer stomach ailments. Blood may be infected and there may be blood-relatedailments. There may be stomach and hand ailments. The spouse may die. The spouse is young, wicked, ordinary and not very beautiful. The spouse might have physical pain. Inauspicious results are felt due to some planetary positions. Death of spouse, wicked, quarrelsome, ugly spouse, defeat by enemies, defame in

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d dMercury

In the Sixth Bhava

Auspicious Results : The person is prudent, hardworking, self confident and manly. Onewill be prudent, logical and pleasant natured. One will converse about knowledgeablethings with saints and will attain knowledge in the process. One may attain 'BrahmGyan'(knowledge of the supreme) from saints. One will practice 'Pranayam'(the controlover breath). One will spend one's money for good work and will accumulate wealththrough one's own efforts. One may earn wealth in the business of precious jewels andgems. One will spend money for religious and auspicious work. One may be recognizedby the state, well heard and a writer and scholar. One will gain in service. Independentbusiness will not be profitable. One may be knowledgeable about chemistry or a writer ofletter. One may be related to a printing press. One may oppose people. One will stopenemies from progressing. One will prevent enemies from coming in the forefront. Inone's 30th year, one may make good friends with the king. One will win over enemies.Inauspicious Results : One is quarrelsome, jealous, proud, harsh in speech and worriedby laziness. One will be quarrel loving, lazy and arrogant. The person will be easilyaroused and angered in arguments and debates. One may always be unsuccessful andinsulted in debates and conflict. One may oppose one's friends and relatives and may notfavor them. One's mind will always be heated. Due to blockage of wind, one may suffergastric and other problems. One may suffer stomach ailments, gastric problems, leprosyand other related ailments. One may have a wound near the navel. One's chest may beweak and one may suffer from breathing problems or tuberculosis. One may be in paindue to mental unhappiness. One may expire due to mental assaults. There may be a fear ofenemies in the 37th year. Passion and infatuation for others' spouses may be a part ofone's nature. One's spouse may have a harsh nature, be wicked, lacking character and mayeven be separated from one. There may be obstacles in education. One may be inopposition to the kings. One's maternal uncle may have many daughters and few sons.Wicked servants give trouble. Problems from enemies might be created. Inauspicious results are experienced. The native might suffer from black leprosy and other ailments.

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e eJupiter

In the Fourth Bhava

Auspicious Results : One is good looking, strong, intelligent, good hearted and studious.One will be ambitious, will perform pious deeds and be skilled at talking. One will beindustrious, engrossed in business, enterprising, famous and the leader of one's clan. Onewill attain respect in the world and everyone will praise one. One will respect Brahminsand be devoted to one's elders. One will be endowed with servants and vehicles. One willalways enjoy acquiring new and varied vehicles. One will be able to drive many types ofvehicles. One may possess horses and their neighing sound may be heard at one's doorstep. One will have a big and comfortable house. One may also have a state residentialhouse. One may hold scholarly debates on the shastras at home. One will be the object ofone's mother's happiness and affection . One will serve one's parents, be devoted to themand also gain from them. Jupiter gives unlimited happiness. One will be blessed with amother, friends, clothes, spouse and wealth. One will own property. One may attainwealth due to the governments favor. One may be endowed with cattle and other animals.One may enjoy good friends. Some of them might be one's childhood friends. One willget excellent clothes and flowers garlands. One will succeed in the latter part of one'sage. The father is well settled and happy. One will get the wealth of ancestors. Inauspicious Results : One may be unhappy due to the lack of children. One will bementally worried. According to Vaidyanath, one will be wicked. One will attain wealththrough hard work and difficulties. One's paternal wealth may be destroyed or may notexist. The earlier part of one's life may be good but the latter part painful. One may loseone's hard earned wealth or some trustee may usurp it. One may lose one's father soon.One's good fortunes do not occur in one's mother's lifetime. If the parents are alive, theydo not enjoy the wealth accumulated by the son. One may himself not be progressive. Ifone is in a job, one does not get promoted fast. Progress in business is also very slow. Onehas fluctuations in the fortune - 12 good year followed by 12 bad years. One may either have wealth or children. Inauspicious results are signified too. There are no vehicles or houses. One may have to live in another's house. There is noproperty. Mother may die and there may be some enmity with brothers and friends.

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f fVenus

In the Sixth Bhava

Auspicious Results : The native is born in an upper class family. One is well educated,intelligent and a scholar. One will destroy one's enemies and have no enemies at all. Onewill be blessed with a brother, sister and maternal uncle. The native is a very adoringparent and will have a daughter. One will have an excellent son. One is blessed withchildren, son and grandson. The person will have good friends. One will attain happinessand prosperity. One will gain from service and servants. After one's marriage one willhave a regularized diet.

The native will be under the domination of enemies. Inauspicious Results : The native is cowardly, troubled by enemies, unpopular amongthe opposite sex, weak and desirous of wealth. One may suffer insult and mourning onmany occasions. One may always be surrounded by enemies in life and may feeldefeated. One may be in the company of ill-mannered, bad-charactered friends and maybe affected by them. The opposite sex may not look lovingly at the native with desire. Onemay be unpopular among the opposite sex and may have little sexual desire. One may notattain happiness from the opposite sex and may be troubled by venereal diseases. Thenative's genital organs may be weak and one may suffer from ailments like frequenturination and early ejaculation. One may have illicit relations with the opposite sex and istherefore weak and ailing. One's expenditures may be high whether for good or for baddeeds. One's expenditure may exceed income, this will lead to poverty, debts, mentalunrest, and agitation. One will be poor and may spend one's money uselessly. The nativewould not spend the money, where it is necessary. Inspite of trying one may not succeed.To accomplish tasks one may have to make great efforts and yet not succeed. Just beforecompletion, the work may get hindered. One may have to face hardships due to the use ofwrong mantras. Parents or elders may not support the native. One's attitude may beopposing to elders. One may be deprived of the company of the person of the oppositesex, wealth, happiness and prosperity. The person may be attracted towards dancing andsinging. One may not benefit from independent business in one's own name. The native may be attracted towards wicked deeds. The Native's spouse may be delicate, but may think like a man and may have fewchildren. Businesses started with one's own money may not be successful. Business may not be successful. If some business is done without the investing anymoney, then if may be beneficial. The maternal uncles and aunts of the native may not be very well off. The planetary positions indicate inauspicious results. The health of this person may suffer due to extreme enjoyment of worldly pleasuresand also due to venereal diseases. One's urinary organs may be deformed and one may suffer from throat ailments andvenereal diseases. The native will be surrounded with many enemies or people of ones own caste.

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g gSaturn

In the Fourth Bhava

Auspicious Results : The native is friendly liberal, quiet, sober, charitable, patient, notgreedy, judicious, without any bad habits, skilled at hospitality, and may make donation toan organization. Due to one's charitable intentions, in the latter part of one's life, one mayface poverty. Inspite of this, one may not escape property. One will have a talentednature. The native will attain a lot of wealth. One may possess a horse or a palanquin (Avehicle in modern terms). Th native may adopt a son. One will attain progress in a far off country. The person will have two spouses. One will be fortunate in one's sixteenth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth, twenty-seventhand thirty-sixth years. There is a possibility of service, marriage and children during thisperiod. The planets are good for business. If one is in a job, promotion may be delayed. The earlier part of one's life up to the 36th year may be problematic. Thereafter thingsare comfortable up to the 56th year. There will be peace with enemies. One will remain stationary at one job for a long time. Paternal wealth is also notacquired. Inspite of being the only son, one may be deprived of one's inheritance. Even inbusiness it may initially be unstable. Many types of fears may prevail. The western direction is suitable for progress. Inauspicious Results : The native may be weak in physique due to gastric ailments andacidity. One's nails and body pores may be big. One may not be physically healthy. Theperson may have a wicked nature. One may be dirty, lazy, easily angered, quarrelsomewicked, ill charactered and fraudulent. One may be surrounded by and in the company ofwicked people. The native may be a worried and mentally distressed person. One may nothave a mother, a house or any status. One may be troublesome for the mother or opposedto her. The native may be the cause of pain for one's parents and may constantly troublethem. One may have a stepmother. This person may have 2 spouses. The spouse mayexpire in the 48th or 52nd year. The native may have two spouses in the following ways:1. Leaving the first one, arrival of the second, having offspring from the first. 2. Having 2spouses simultaneously in the same house. 3. Poor parents marrying off 2 daughters to oneman. The planets will deprive the father of wealth. One may not inherit the property andwealth of the father. One may be deprived of natural inheritance. One may not inherit thehouse of one's father. In other words, one may be deprived of both moveable andunmovable property of one's father. One may destroy accumulated fixed wealth andunfixed wealth too. After the pre-accumulated wealth is destroyed one's fortunes may befavorable. The native may not have a good position and decent house to live in. One mayhave to move from one's native place. The native may migrate from one's native place toanother place and be unhappy there also. The planetary position will destroy happinessand makes one worried and unhappy. A young son of the native may die. One may beailing and unhappy due to gastric problems and acidity. One may have a unhappychildhood. Th native may suffer from heart ailments. One may suffer from physicalailments in the 8th, 18th, 22nd, 28th, 40th and 52nd year. One may face insult anddepression in one's life. One's relatives and the community may unnecessarily defameone. People may criticize the native and this false gossip may cause intolerable mentalagony for the native. Horses and animals may injure one. The native may fear animals.

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The parents of the native may die early. The mother of the native may expire and there may be a stepmother. The native may be homeless, lack domestic happiness and suffer losses in land, agricultural landand estate. The friends of the native are destroyed and ill health prevails. The father of the native may expire in childhood; there may be troubles due to a stepmother, noaccumulation of wealth, no progress in one's native land and other inauspicious fruits areexperienced.

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h hRahu

In the Second Bhava

Auspicious Results : The planet gives mixed results. The native has a strong physiqueand is fearless. One may have a big nose and a mark on the chin. One will attain respectand fame. One will be well behaved and trust worthy. The native will be wealthy. Onewill attain wealth from the king and be happy. One will attain wealth abroad. One mayaccumulate wealth abroad. The native will destroy the enemies. One will be fond oftravelling far and wide. Whenever one takes up any work, there will be great obstacles inthe way and great efforts will have to be put in order to become successful. One willprofit in rearing cows and buffaloes and in trading in a related business. One will possessmany cows. The native will have few children. Inauspicious Results : The native may have crooked and unsymmetrical teeth. One mayleave one's own work, be selfish. One may be dominated by others, be arrogant, violentand prone to thieving. One may be untruthful, speak unpleasantly, have a harsh voice andmay be talkative. One may speak a lot, speak unpleasantly, give outrageous unpleasantspeeches and speak uselessly too. The native may speak in a confused manner and may beunable to put one's thoughts across clearly. The wealth of the native will be destroyedwhich will make the person poor. The native may lose money due to theft and beextremely unhappy. One may lose paternal wealth. One may be born in prosperity and yetbecome poor and wonder aimlessly. One may be as wealthy as Kuber, the lord of wealth,and still be poor. The native's family may be destroyed and one may witness the death ofone's relatives. One may fear weapons and these may be the cause of one's death. One mayattain punishment due to wicked people. The native may attain wealth through trading infishes. One may sell leather and nails to earn one's living. One may attain wealth throughtheft. One may suffer from dental ailments. One may suffer from ailments of the mouthand eyes. One may be unhappy due to the demise of one's son. One's good fortune maybegin after the death of one's father. One may have two spouses. Money may come butmay be spent. There may be obstacles in acquiring money. One may use the moneybelonging to others and attain a bad name. The native may be unhappy in one's nativeplace. But may become wealthy when one goes abroad. One may stay in the house oflowly people. One may stay under the influence of wicked people. One may not hear theadvice of friends. One may face a lot of opposition.

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Interpretations for Bhavesh

The lord of the first house in the sixth house According to Lomesh Samhita – yXus'ks lgts "k"Bs flagrqY;ijkØehA loZlain~;qrks ekuh f}Hkk;ksZ efreku~ lq[khAA According to Garga Samhita – fjiqHkous yXus'ks fujksxaa HkwfeykHk;qra lcye~A d`i.ka /kfuuefj?ua lqdeZi{kfUora dq:rs AA According to Manasagari – blesa xxZ tSlkgh o.kZu gSA According to Yavana Jataka – fjuqxrLruqi% lfjiqa uja lgtek;qlqra lq[kekrqye~A i'kqd`ra tuuhlq[klaHk`ra d`i.keso /kuSandfofo/kS;qZreAA When the lord of the first house is in the sixth house, one is as brave as a lion,wealthy, arrogant, intelligent, happy and has two spouses. One may have many enemies.One enjoys long life, has a son, maternal uncle and has animals, gets maternal affectionand is wealthy but miserly. One is healthy, acquires land, destroys one's enemies and doesgood deeds. Experience : If the Mercury is the Lagna lord then one will get moderate pleasures.

The lord of the second house in the eleventh house According to Lomesh Samhita – /kus'ks uoesa ykHks /kuoku~ /kkfeZd% iVq%A ckY;s jksxh lq[kh i'pkr~ ;konk;q% lekI;rsAA According to Yavana Jataka – ykHkfJrks nzO;ifr% fJ;%ifreU=h u`iL; O;ogkjn{k%A O;kikj;qDr% iq#"kks ;'kLoh ykHkkfUorrks Hkksxij% lq[khpAA According to Garga Samhita – [;kra izfrikydap yksds lrra dq#rs uja tkre~ A When the lord of the second house is in the eleventh house then one will be wealthy,religious, clever and ailing from diseases during childhood but later on one will lead to ahappy life. One may be wealthy, an adviser to the king, well behaved, in business,renowned and prosperous and will enjoy all comforts. One will be famous and will rearmany people. One acquires lot of wealth and precious things, and will be helpful tofriends.Experience : If the Moon is the second lord then auspicious fruits are experienced.

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The lord of the third house in the seventh house According to Lomesh Samhita – r`rh;s'ks·"Ves |wus jkt}kjs e`frHkZosrA pkSjksa ok ijxkeh ok ckY;s d"Va fnus fnusAA According to Yavana Jataka – ;qofroSjd`nYiijkØeh lgtHkkoirkS enxs uj%A lqHkxlqUj:iorh lrh ;qofr ikixzgs"kq jrks Hkosr~AA According to Garga Samhita – ;gh o.kZu gSanddwzjs nsokx`gs ;kfrandbruk vf/kd cryk;k gSA When the lord of the third house is in the seventh house, one may be a thief, an illcharactered person and may have a difficult childhood. One may die at the doorstep of aking's house. One may be enmical towards one's spouse, may lack valor and spouse maybe good looking. If the lord of the third house is a malefic graha, one may be verysensuous and one's spouse may have an affair with one's brother-in-law. One may bevictorious in arguments and quarrels, may travel elsewhere and may marry by one's ownefforts. One will be a sad soul.

The lord of the fourth house in the sixth house According to Lomesh Samhita – lq[ks'ks 'k=qxsgLFks rnk L;kn~ cgqekr`d%A Øks/kh oSjh O;fHkpkjh nq"VfpRrks euLO;fiAA According to Yavana Jataka – Hkofr ekr`irkS fjiqxsgxs fjiq;qrksfi vuFkZfouk'kd%A [ky[kxksfi dyfdrekrqyks Hkofr lkSE;[kxS/kZulap;hAA According to Garga Jaataka – fgcqdirkS fjiqlaLFks fir`nzO;fouk'kdks firfj oSjhA fir`nks"kdj% dwzjs lkSE;s /kulap;Lru;%AA When fourth lord is in the sixth house, one is short tempered, possesses a badcharacter, is enmical, arrogant and may have a step-mother. One may have many enemiesbut may be able to solve problems. If the lord of the fourth house is with an inauspiciousplanet then one's maternal uncle may be involved in a scandal. If the lord of the fourthhouse is an auspicious planet then one may be wealthy. One will not get along well withfather (quarrel) and will destroy one's father's wealth. If an auspicious planet is there, onemay accumulate wealth. One may destroy one's mother's wealth. One may be desirous to

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acquire land and property but one's desires may not get fulfilled. One may not have one's ownanimals. One may have bitter relations with one's mother and relatives.

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The lord of the fifth house in the sixth house According to Lomesh Samhita – lqrs'ka "k"Bfj%QLFks iq='k=qRoekIuq;kr~A e`R;qrks xzkãiq=ksok /kuiq=ksFkokHkosr~AA According to Yavana Jataka – fjiqxrLru;kf/kifr;Znk fjiqtukfHkjra dq#rs uje~A fLFkrruqa cgqnks"k;qra lnk /kulqrSjfgra [ky[kspjS%AA According to Garga Jataka – iapeifrLrq"Bs 'kL=fiz;ekRetSghZue~A jksx;qra /kujfgra Øwj% [kpj% djksfr Øwjrje~AA When the lord of the fifth house is in the sixth house, the son does not survive, a sonmay be adopted or bought or there may be enmity with the son. One behaves enmically, isfull of faults and has a stable build. When the lord of the fifth house is a malefic planet,one is poor or without a son. One may be poor, ailing and interested in weapons. One hasmany enemies. One's brain is wayward, one's education is incomplete, there are obstaclesin one's progress and enemies may trouble. Experience : If Venus is the fifth lord then the above mentioned inauspcious fruits are notexperienced.

The lord of the sixth house in the seventh House According to Lomesh Samhita – "k"Bs'ks lIresa ykHks yXus ok i'kqeku~ Hkosr~A /kuoku~ xq.oku~ ekuh lkglh iq=oftZr%AA According to Yavana Jataka – vfjirkS enus [kyla;qrs izojdkeHkjk ofurk;qre~A cgqyokndjks fo"klsod% 'kqHk[kxs cgqykHklqrkfUor%AA According to Garga Jataka – vfgrirkS lIrexs dwzjs Hkk;kZ fojksf/kuh p.MkA rkidjh RoFk lkE;s oU/;k ok xHkZiruijkAA When the lord of the sixth house is in the seventh house, one is wealthy, arrogant andbold. One looks after ones pets but is devoid of sons. If the lord of the sixth house is amalefic, then ones is spouse is very sensuous. One may consume poison and may beargumentative. If a benefic graha accomapnies then there are big gains and one is blessedby a son. If the lord of the sixth house is a malefic planet (Sun, Mars and Saturn) then the spouseopposes him/her. One is cruel and gives trouble.

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The lord of the seventh house in the fourth house According to Lomesh Samhita – |wus'ksn'kesrq;sZ rL; tk;k ifrozrkA /kekZRek lR;la;qDr% dsoy okrjksxoku~aaaaAA According to Yavana Jataka – LejifrLruqrs lq[kHkkoxks focfyua fir`oSjdja [kye~A Hkofr oknf;rk ifjikyd% LoifrokD;;qrk efgyk lnkAA According to Garga Jataka – tk;s'ks rq;ZLFks yksy% fir`oSjlk/kd% LusghA vL; firk nqokZD;Lrn~Hkk;kZ iky;sPp firkAA When the lord of the seventh house is in the fourth house, one's spouse is loyal, religious, a lover of truth, but may suffer from gastric problems. One is lean and enmicaltowards ones father, looks after ones spouse and heeds to the advice of ones spouse. Oneis lively, enmical towards ones father, loving and speaks rudely to one's father who looksafter one's spouse. One's wife's is talented, is blessed with comforts and happiness andacquires agricultural land and other wealth.

The lord of the eighth house in the fourth house According to Lomesh Samhita – v"Ves'ks lq[ks desZ fi'kquks cU/kqoftZr%A ekrkfi=ksHkZosUe`r;q% LoYidkysu Hkhfr;qd~AA According to Yavana Jataka – e`frirkS lq[kHkkoxrs ujks tudlafproSHkouk'kd`r~A xn;r'p lwrs tuds·Fkok dyg ,oa feFk'p lnSo fgAA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari – fu/kus'ks rq;Zxrs fir`rks·U;k;kYyHksr rYy{ehe~A fir`iq=;ks'p ;q)a firk p jksxkfUorks HkofrAA When the lord of the eighth house is in the fourth house, then one is a backbiter anddeprived of brothers. One's parents expire soon and one is occasionally scared. Onewastes ones father's accumulated wealth, is always ailing and always quarrels with one'sfather or son. One gets one's father's money fraudulently and quarrels with him though heis ailing. According to Navatheji: One gets buried money or unclaimed property. Being ahigh-class person, one enjoys comforts and earns wealth without any effort.Experience : If Saturn is the eighth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious fruits areexperienced.

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The lord of the ninth house in the fourth house According to Lomesh Samhita - HkkX;s'ks n'kesa rq;sZ eU=h lsukifrHkZosr~A iq.;oku~ i'kqeka'pkfi lkglh Øks/koftr%AA According to Yavana Jataka - fgcqdHkkoxrs lqd`rs'ojs cq/klqâfRir`iwturRij%A Hkofr rhFkZdj% lqjHkfDreku~ fuf[kyfe=ij% lqle`f)eku~AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari - ;outkrd tSlk o.kZu gSA When the ninth lord is in the fourth house then one may become a minister or thecommander of an army. One may be virtuous, possess cattle, be brave and not behot-tempered. One will respect one's father, friends and learned people, will go onpilgrimages, will be devoted to God, will have a friendly behaviour with all and will beprosperous. One will enjoy a luxurious life, construct huge buildings and get profit fromcultivation and gardens. One will be a satisfied person and an orator.Experience : If Saturn is the ninth lord then one will be courageous and may become aminister or the commander of an army.

The lord of the tenth house in the fourth house According to Lomesh Samhita - n'kes'ks lq[ks deZ Kkuoku~ lgfoØehA x`ánsokpZujrks /kekZRek lR;la;qr%AA According to Yavana Jataka - n'keis·Ecqxrs furjka lq[kh firfj ekrfj iks"k.krRij%A ldyyksdn'kkefi rkid`r~ u`ifrlaHkoykHkfoHkwf"kr%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari - ;outkrd dk gh o.kZu gS] flQZ+ vfi rkid`r~ dh txg ve`rk;rs bruk fHké 'kCn fn;k gSA When the lord of the tenth house is in the fourth house, one is a scholar, endowed withvalor, a religious soul, devoted to truthfulness and may secretly worship some God. Onewill be happy. One will support one's parents, tolerate the hardships, be inflicted by othersand benefit from the king/queen. One will be blessed by one's parents, will attain theprosperity of a king/queen, will earn one's living through agriculture and will be loved byone's parents.Experience : If Jupiter is the tenth lord then the above mentioned auspicious fruits areexperienced.

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The lord of the eleventh house in the seventh house According to Lomesh Samhita – ykHks'ks lIres jU/kzs Hkk;kZ rL; Lo:ioku~A mnjks ?kuoku~ dkeh Hkwlqjks Hkofr /kqzoe~AA According to Yavana Jataka – izd`frtksxzruqcZgqlainks cgqytho;qrks cgq'khy;qdA [ky[kxScZgqjksx;qrks uj% 'kqHk[kxScZgqlkS[; lefUor%AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari – lIrexs ykHks'ks rstLoh 'khylain% inohA nh?kkZ;qhkZofrujLrFkSdnf;rkifrfuZ;re~AA When the lord of the eleventh house is in the seventh house, one has a beautifulspouse, is generous, wealthy and sensuous and is like a God on earth. One may beaggressive in looks, wealthy, long lived and cultured. If the lord of the eleventh house is abenefic graha, then one gets a lot of happiness. If a malefic is there then one suffers frommany ailments. One will be enlightened, good charactered, wealthy, long-lived andmarried. One's spouse will help one monetarily and this will be fortunate for him.

The lord of the twelfth house in the sixth house According to Lomesh Samhita – O;;s'ks·fjO;;s ikih ekr`e`R;qfofpUrd%A Øks/kh lUrkunq%[kh p ijtk;klq yEiV%AA According to Yavana Jataka – O;;irkS fjiqxs d`i.k% [ky% [ky[kxs fu;ra u;uke;e~A ijx`gkJf;.kks Hk`xqiq=rks xrlqr% 'kqHkcqf);qrks Hkosr~AA According to Garga Jataka and Manasagari – ;outkrd tSlk o.kZu gSA When the lord of the twelfth house is in the sixth house, one is a sinner, shorttempered, infatuated by the opposite sex, troubled because of one's child and may bedesirous of mother's death. One may be miserly, a tyrant, troubled by eye ailments. Onemay reside in the house of others. When the lord of the twelfth house is Venus then onehas a pure mind but one is not blessed by a son. One may lose one's wealth on account ofenemies, thieves and servants and become poor.Experience : If Venus is the twelfth lord then one's mind is very sharp but one will notblessed with a son.

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~ Interpretations for Bhavesh ~The lord of the first house in the sixth house When the lord of the first house is in the sixth house, one is as brave as a lion,wealthy, arrogant, intelligent, happy and has two spouses. One may have many enemies.One enjoys long life, has a son, maternal uncle and has animals, gets maternal affectionand is wealthy but miserly. One is healthy, acquires land, destroys one's enemies and doesgood deeds. Experience : If Mercury is the Lagna lord then one will get moderate pleasures.

The lord of the second house in the eleventh house When the lord of the second house is in the eleventh house then one will be wealthy,religious, clever and ailing from diseases during childhood but later on one will lead to ahappy life. One may be wealthy, an adviser to the king, well behaved, in business,renowned and prosperous and will enjoy all comforts. One will be famous and will rearmany people. One acquires lot of wealth and precious things, and will be helpful tofriends.Experience : If Moon is the second lord then auspicious results are experienced.

The lord of the third house in the seventh house When the lord of the third house is in the seventh house, one may be a thief, an illcharactered person and may have a difficult childhood. One may die at the doorstep of aking's house. One may be enmical towards one's spouse, may lack valor and spouse maybe good looking. If the lord of the third house is a malefic graha, one may be verysensuous and one's spouse may have an affair with one's brother-in-law. One may bevictorious in arguments and quarrels, may travel elsewhere and may marry by one's ownefforts. One will be a sad soul.

The lord of the fourth house in the sixth house When fourth lord is in the sixth house, one is short tempered, possesses a badcharacter, is enmical, arrogant and may have a step-mother. One may have many enemiesbut may be able to solve problems. If the lord of the fourth house is with an inauspiciousplanet then one's maternal uncle may be involved in a scandal. If the lord of the fourthhouse is an auspicious planet then one may be wealthy. One will not get along well withfather (quarrel) and will destroy one's father's wealth. If an auspicious planet is there, onemay accumulate wealth. One may destroy one's mother's wealth. One may be desirous toacquire land and property but one's desires may not get fulfilled. One may not have one'sown animals. One may have bitter relations with one's mother and relatives.

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The lord of the fifth house in the sixth house When the lord of the fifth house is in the sixth house, the son does not survive, a sonmay be adopted or bought or there may be enmity with the son. One behaves enmically, isfull of faults and has a stable build. When the lord of the fifth house is a malefic planet,one is poor or without a son. One may be poor, ailing and interested in weapons. One hasmany enemies. One's brain is wayward, one's education is incomplete, there are obstaclesin one's progress and enemies may trouble. Experience : If Venus is the fifth lord then the above mentioned inauspcious results arenot experienced.

The lord of the sixth house in the seventh House When the lord of the sixth house is in the seventh house, one is wealthy, arrogant andbold. One looks after ones pets but is devoid of sons. If the lord of the sixth house is amalefic, then ones is spouse is very sensuous. One may consume poison and may beargumentative. If a benefic graha accomapnies then there are big gains and one is blessedby a son. If the lord of the sixth house is a malefic planet (Sun, Mars and Saturn) then the spouseopposes him/her. One is cruel and gives trouble.

The lord of the seventh house in the fourth house When the lord of the seventh house is in the fourth house, one's spouse is loyal, religious, a lover of truth, but may suffer from gastric problems. One is lean and inimicaltowards one's father, looks after ones spouse and heeds to the advice of one's spouse. Oneis lively, inimical towards one's father, loving and speaks rudely to one's father who looksafter one's spouse. One's wife's is talented, is blessed with comforts and happiness andacquires agricultural land and other wealth.

The lord of the eighth house in the fourth house When the lord of the eighth house is in the fourth house, then one is a backbiter anddeprived of brothers. One's parents expire soon and one is occasionally scared. Onewastes ones father's accumulated wealth, is always ailing and always quarrels with one'sfather or son. One gets one's father's money fraudulently and quarrels with him though heis ailing. According to Navatheji: One gets buried money or unclaimed property. Being ahigh-class person, one enjoys comforts and earns wealth without any effort.

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Experience : If Saturn is the eighth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results areexperienced.

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The lord of the ninth house in the fourth house When the ninth lord is in the fourth house then one may become a minister or thecommander of an army. One may be virtuous, possess cattle, be brave and not behot-tempered. One will respect one's father, friends and learned people, will go onpilgrimages, will be devoted to God, will have a friendly behaviour with all and will beprosperous. One will enjoy a luxurious life, construct huge buildings and get profit fromcultivation and gardens. One will be a satisfied person and an orator.Experience : If Saturn is the ninth lord then one will be courageous and may become aminister or the commander of an army.

The lord of the tenth house in the fourth house When the lord of the tenth house is in the fourth house, one is a scholar, endowed withvalor, a religious soul, devoted to truthfulness and may secretly worship some God. Onewill be happy. One will support one's parents, tolerate the hardships, be inflicted by othersand benefit from the king/queen. One will be blessed by one's parents, will attain theprosperity of a king/queen, will earn one's living through agriculture and will be loved byone's parents.Experience : If Jupiter is the tenth lord then the above mentioned auspicious results areexperienced.

The lord of the eleventh house in the seventh house When the lord of the eleventh house is in the seventh house, one has a beautifulspouse, is generous, wealthy and sensuous and is like a God on earth. One may beaggressive in looks, wealthy, long lived and cultured. If the lord of the eleventh house is abenefic graha, then one gets a lot of happiness. If a malefic is there then one suffers frommany ailments. One will be enlightened, good charactered, wealthy, long-lived andmarried. One's spouse will help one monetarily and this will be fortunate for him.

The lord of the twelfth house in the sixth house When the lord of the twelfth house is in the sixth house, one is a sinner, shorttempered, infatuated by the opposite sex, troubled because of one's child and may bedesirous of mother's death. One may be miserly, a tyrant, troubled by eye ailments. Onemay reside in the house of others. When the lord of the twelfth house is Venus then onehas a pure mind but one is not blessed by a son. One may lose one's wealth on account ofenemies, thieves and servants and become poor.Experience : If Venus is the twelfth lord then one's mind is very sharp but one will notblessed with a son.

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Ali Mumtaz Vimshottari MD and AD¬Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas

Dasha balance at birth : Venus 9y 3m 14dDasha at the time of birth : Ve-Ju-Sa-Ve-Ju

From 0 yrs. to 9y3m From 9y3m to


From 15y3m to


From 25y3m to 32y3m From 32y3m to


From 50y3m to


From 66y3m to 85y3m From 85y3m to


From 102y3m to


Venus (20y)

Antar Beginning Ending

VenusSunMoonMarsRahuJupiter 18-12-198031-01-1983Saturn 31-01-198302-04-1986Mercury 02-04-198630-01-1989Ketu 30-01-198902-04-1990

Sun (6y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Sun 02-04-199020-07-1990Moon 20-07-199019-01-1991Mars 19-01-199127-05-1991Rahu 27-05-199119-04-1992Jupiter 19-04-199206-02-1993Saturn 06-02-199318-01-1994Mercury 18-01-199425-11-1994Ketu 25-11-199402-04-1995Venus 02-04-199501-04-1996

Moon (10y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Moon 01-04-199630-01-1997Mars 30-01-199731-08-1997Rahu 31-08-199702-03-1999Jupiter 02-03-199901-07-2000Saturn 01-07-200031-01-2002Mercury 31-01-200202-07-2003Ketu 02-07-200331-01-2004Venus 31-01-200401-10-2005Sun 01-10-200501-04-2006

Mars (7y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Mars 01-04-200629-08-2006Rahu 29-08-200616-09-2007Jupiter 16-09-200722-08-2008Saturn 22-08-200801-10-2009Mercury 01-10-200928-09-2010Ketu 28-09-201024-02-2011Venus 24-02-201125-04-2012Sun 25-04-201231-08-2012Moon 31-08-201201-04-2013

Rahu (18y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Rahu 01-04-201313-12-2015Jupiter 13-12-201508-05-2018Saturn 08-05-201814-03-2021Mercury 14-03-202101-10-2023Ketu 01-10-202319-10-2024Venus 19-10-202419-10-2027Sun 19-10-202712-09-2028Moon 12-09-202814-03-2030Mars 14-03-203001-04-2031

Jupiter (16y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Jupiter 01-04-203120-05-2033Saturn 20-05-203301-12-2035Mercury 01-12-203508-03-2038Ketu 08-03-203812-02-2039Venus 12-02-203913-10-2041Sun 13-10-204101-08-2042Moon 01-08-204201-12-2043Mars 01-12-204306-11-2044Rahu 06-11-204401-04-2047

Saturn (19y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Saturn 01-04-204704-04-2050Mercury 04-04-205012-12-2052Ketu 12-12-205221-01-2054Venus 21-01-205423-03-2057Sun 23-03-205705-03-2058Moon 05-03-205804-10-2059Mars 04-10-205912-11-2060Rahu 12-11-206019-09-2063Jupiter 19-09-206301-04-2066

Mercury (17y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Mercury 01-04-206628-08-2068Ketu 28-08-206825-08-2069Venus 25-08-206925-06-2072Sun 25-06-207201-05-2073Moon 01-05-207301-10-2074Mars 01-10-207428-09-2075Rahu 28-09-207516-04-2078Jupiter 16-04-207822-07-2080Saturn 22-07-208001-04-2083

Ketu (7y)

Antar Beginning Ending

Ketu 01-04-208328-08-2083Venus 28-08-208327-10-2084Sun 27-10-208404-03-2085Moon 04-03-208503-10-2085Mars 03-10-208501-03-2086Rahu 01-03-208620-03-2087Jupiter 20-03-208724-02-2088Saturn 24-02-208804-04-2089Mercury 04-04-208901-04-2090

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Ali Mumtaz Health¬Influence of Grahas on Physiology

Sookshma Scheme

Planet Body PartSunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnRahuKetu

MouthLeft testicleLeft side of LegsRight calfRight sideRight JawRight sideRight ShoulderLeft chest

Sthoola Scheme

Planet Body Part Body PartSunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnRahuKetu

ThighsHeadThighsGenerative organsHipGenerative organsHipHeartKnees

Space below navelAnklesSpace below navelHipHeartHipHeartFaceGenerative organs

Nakshatra SchemePlanet Nakshatra Opinion 1 Opinion 2SunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnRahuKetu


Both feetHeadBoth thighsTongueThe two handsHeartThe two handsNailsThe two ears

Both feetHeadBoth thighsTongueThe two handsHeartThe two handsNailsThe two ears

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Ali Mumtaz ¬Recommendations for Gem Stones

The wearing of gems is an important consideration that can potentially change and alter manyareas of your life. As this is a classical science, we give below the views of the ancient Indianastrologers. ekf.kD;a rj.ks% lqtkR;eeya eqäkQya 'khrxksekZgs;L; p foæqeks fuxfnr% lkSE;L; xk#Rera A nsosT;L; p iq"ijkxelqjkpk:;Zl; otza 'kusuhZya fuEeZyeU;;ksÜp xfnrs xksesnoSnw¸;Zds AA“Ill Planets and how to propitiate them by bestowal of gems: When the Sun is hostile, a pure ruby; whenthe Moon, a good pearl; when Mars, a coral; when Mercury, the emerald; when Jupiter, the topaz; whenVenus, the diamond; when Saturn, the (blue) sapphire; when Rahu, the gomedha; when Ketu, the cat's-eye, should be given.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 79 /kU;a ;'L;ek;q";a Jhen~ O;lulwnua A g"kZ.ka dkE;ekstL;a jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA xzgn`f"Vgja iqf"Vdja nq%[kç.kk'kua A ikinkSHkkZX;'keua jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA“The wearing of gemmed ornaments brings respect, fame, longevity, wealth, happiness, strength andfruition. Over and above this, it wards off evil astral influences, makes the body healthy, removes miseryand fortune and washes away sin.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 121-122.

Life StoneThe gem for the lagna lord is a good stone to wear at all times. It gives health, vitality, generalsuccess and wellbeing. Wearing it supports all other areas of life. Your lagna lord is Mercury,therefore wearing Mercury' s stone will be beneficial. The stones for Mercury are : Emerald,Peridot and Jade. “The emerald is cool, good in poisoning, sweet and purgative, helps digestion, cures biliousness,removes disrelish, is nutritious, and wards off spectral influence.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 70. “Such emeralds cleanse men of all sin.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 375. “According to the authorities the emerald causes increase of wealth, brings about success in war, curescases of poisoning and renders successful the rites performed according to the Atharva-Veda.” – ManiMala, Part I, 376.Wearing instructions: The gem for Mercury is best set in gold. If a ring, it should be worn on the small(pinkie) finger. Begin to wear it on a Wednesday, two hours after sunrise. Mantra to purify and energize Mercury' s gem:

¬ caq cq/kk; ue%A “Aum bum Budhaya namah.”

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Punya (Lucky) StoneThe gem for the fifth lord is particularly lucky, while also being good for creativeenergy, and children. Your fifth lord is Venus, therefore wearing Venus's stone will bebeneficial. The stones for Venus are : Diamond, White Zircon, White Topaz and ClearQuartz.

“The diamond contains all the six tastes, cures every kind of disease, is good inindigestion, is a blessing, and brings robustness” – Mani Mala, Part II, 67.

“The man who carefully keeps about him a sharp pointed, spotless and genuinediamond is blessed with life-long possession of riches, good fortune, sons, corn, kineand other beasts.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 102.

“A man who wears a sterling Rock Crystal (quartz) set on gold acquires success inlife.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 447.

Wearing instructions: The gem for Venus is best set in platinum, white gold, orsilver. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle or small finger. Begin to wear it on aFriday at sunrise. Mantra to purify and energize Venus's gem:

¬ 'kqa 'kqØk; ue%A “Aum shum Shukraya namah.”

Bhagya (Fortune) Stone

The gem for the ninth lord particularly brings fortune. Your ninth lord is Saturn,therefore wearing Saturn's stone will be beneficial. The stones for Saturn are : BlueSapphire, Blue Spinel, Lapiz Lazuli and Amethyst.

“The (Blue) sapphire is bitter, warm and good in cold and biliousness, andalleviates the rage of Sani (Saturn) when worn.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 68.

“The man who wears a (blue) sapphire of spotless chastity, finds favor withNarayana and acquires longevity, family dignity, fame understanding and wealth.” –Mani Mala, Part I, 419.

“The lapis lazuli is tender, deliciously cool, and curative of biliousness and isauspicious.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 69.

Wearing instructions: The gem for Saturn is best set in gold, alternately iron can beused. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle finger. Begin to wear it on a Saturday 2hours and 40 minutes before sunset. Mantra to purify and energize Saturn's gem:

¬ 'ka 'kuS'pjk; ue%A “Aum sham Shanaiscaraya namah.”

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To derive the best effects of a gem, begin to wear it after cleansing it in fresh milk andrinsing it in purified water. Then, holding and concentrating on the gem, perform the mantragiven 108 times.

Gems should generally be worn on the right for men and the left for women. Gems maybe worn either on the appropriate finger as a ring, or on the upper arm as a bangle. Alternatelythe gem can be worn around the neck, but this has the disadvantage of the gem swinging andnot maintaining skin contact. Most important is that the Gem is set so as to touch the skin.

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Varshaphala for 2003-2004 Passed year : 23 • Running year : 24

Results of Jupiter as the Year Lord The planet which is the lord of the year in the annual chart is called Varshesha. Jupiter,the Varshesha of this year's annual chart is extremely powerful. According to the classicTajika Neelakanthi, the results of extremely powerful Jupiter as the lord of the year are asfollows – LoksPpfLFkrs nsoxqjkS cfy"Bs dqVqEclkS[;a /kudhfrZykHk%A iq=izfr"Bkfuf/kykHk ,oa HkosRlnk o"kZirkS inkfIr%AA An extremely powerful Jupiter in the annual chart gives happiness from family, wealth,fame, auspicious celebration at home, gain of treasure and acquisition of a prestigiousposition. - Good thoughts will rise in the mind, consequently it will lead to success in religiousand auspicious works. - Means of livelihood will be acquired or there will be success in implementing newplans. - Those married will get happiness from children. - Favours from government and persons in position of authority will help incompleting tasks. - Any disputes will meet a favourable end. - Life will pass happily with its merriment. - Social status will rise. - Public confidence and political works will yield success. - Enemies will surrender themselves.

Results of Muntha The Muntha is an important point in the annual chart. It is located in the lagna at the timeof birth. Each year, the Munth progresses by one rashi. Thus, when the second year of lifebegins, the Muntha has progressed in the rashi falling in the second house from the birthlagna. At the commencement of the third year of birth, the Muntha is in the sign falling inthe third house from the birth lagna, and so on. The Muntha is placed in the first bhava of the annual chart. Its effects are as follows – According to the classic Tajika Neelakanthi - 'k=q{k;a ekulqrk'oykHka çrkio`f)a u`irs% çlkne~A 'kjhjiqf"Va fofo/kks|ek¡'p nnkfr foÙka eqFkgk ruqLFkkAA Muntha in the lagna bhava results in the destruction of enemies, gain of honour, birth of achild, gain of a vehicle, increase in strength, grace of authority, physical health, start ofnew work and gain of wealth.

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According to Haayan Bhaskar - 'k=quk'ka lqrkfIra p lEekua jkT;rks /kue~A nsglkS[;a fo/kÙks oS eqUFkk yXuxrk lq[ke~AA Muntha in the lagna signifies destruction of enemies, birth of a child, government honour, gain ofwealth and various materialistic comforts. - Muntha being in the lagna of the annual chart gives auspicious effects. - Health will be good. There will be a recovery from old diseases. - There will be a satisfactory progress in work (business or service). - There may be a birth of a child or happiness from children. - Honour and fame will increase. - Contentment of government officials will help in accomplishing tasks. - There will be success in various kinds of ventures. - Love and happiness from dear friends will increase. - Persons opposing you will be defeated. - Efforts will lead to gain of wealth. - There may be a change in the place of residence or workplace. Results of Muntha in the Sign of a Graha Interpretations are given according to the sign in which Muntha is placed. In the annual chart Munthais placed in Taurus, the rashi of Venus – - This year there will be material pleasures and increase in fortune. - If unmarried, marriage may take place. - Interest in sensuous pleasures will increase. - There will be delight in merriment, music, dance, artistic fields and festivities. - There will be easy flow of income. - Expenditures will be incurred on acquiring fancy items, ornaments and worldly pleasures. According to the classic Tajika Neelakanthi - cq/ksu 'kqØs.k ;qrsf{krk ok rn~Hks·fi ok L=hefrykHklkS[;e~A /keZ ;'k'pkI;rqya fo/kÙks d"Va p ikis{k.k;ksxr% L;kr~AA When Muntha is associated with or aspected by Venus, or placed in the rashis of Venus (Taurus andLibra), it gives wisdom, pleasures and a partner. There is widespread fame. Results of Munthesh The lord of the house in which Muntha is placed is called Munthesh. Placement of Munthesh in theninth bhava of the annual chart gives the following results – - Munthesh in the ninth bhava in the annual chart brings a rise in fortune. - There may be gain of wealth or unexpected wealth may be acquired. - Government related jobs will be completed. - There will be an opportunity to meet religious and virtuous men. - Physical health prevails.

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Ali Mumtaz Varshaphala¬Varshapravesha: Saturday, 18 December 2004, 23:22:23 hrs., Karachi, Pakistan

Varshaphala for 2004-2005 Passed year : 24 • Running year : 25

Bhava Chart Moon Chart Navamsha











Ma VeMeR














Ve MeR

















KeMa VeMeR

Su 6







45As VeKe




Ma JuSaR


Planet Sign Degree Nakshatra P Status SB










Harsha BalaSu Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

First BalaSecond BalaThird BalaFourth Bala











Panchavargeeya BalaSu Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

Graha BalaUchcha BalaHudda BalaDrekkana BalaNavamsha Bala










Total 6.17 10.24 17.28 11.10 13.49 7.72 13.25

PanchadhikariLordship PlanetStrengthMuntha LordJanma Lagna LordVarsha Lagna LordTrirashi LordDinaratri Lord




Varshesha and MunthaYear Lord : Mercury

Muntha in sign : Gem 29:29:32

Muntha in house : 11

Muntha Lord : Mercury

Muntha lord in house: 4

Based on True solar return.

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Ali Mumtaz Varshaphala¬Varshapravesha: Saturday, 18 December 2004, 23:22:23 hrs., Karachi, Pakistan

Varshaphala for 2004-2005 Based on True solar return Passed year: 24• Running year: 25


Navamsha Varshphal Strengths












Ma Ve





SaRPlanet R/C Sign Degree Nakshatra Pada Status NL SLLagnaSunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnRahuKetu


















As VeKe




Ma Ju


Mo Bala Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven SatGrahaUchchaHuddaDrek.Nav.










Total 6.17 10.24 17.28 11.10 13.49 7.72 13.25PanchadhikariLordship Planet StrengthMuntha PatiJanma Lagna PatiVarsha Lagna PatiTrirashi PatiDinaratri Pati




Varshesha and MunthaYear LordMuntha in signMuntha in houseMuntha LordMuntha Lord in house


MercuryGem 29:29:3211Mercury4

Mudda Dasha (Balance based on Moon at birth)SaturnSaMeKeVeSu 18-12-2004Mo 21-12-2004Ma 26-12-2004Ra 29-12-2004Ju 07-01-2005

MercuryMe 14-01-2005Ke 22-01-2005Ve 25-01-2005Su 02-02-2005Mo 05-02-2005Ma 09-02-2005Ra 12-02-2005Ju 20-02-2005Sa 27-02-2005

KetuKe 07-03-2005Ve 08-03-2005Su 12-03-2005Mo 13-03-2005Ma 15-03-2005Ra 16-03-2005Ju 19-03-2005Sa 22-03-2005Me 25-03-2005

VenusVe 28-03-2005Su 08-04-2005Mo 11-04-2005Ma 16-04-2005Ra 19-04-2005Ju 28-04-2005Sa 06-05-2005Me 16-05-2005Ke 25-05-2005

SunSu 28-05-2005Mo 29-05-2005Ma 31-05-2005Ra 01-06-2005Ju 03-06-2005Sa 06-06-2005Me 09-06-2005Ke 11-06-2005Ve 12-06-2005

MoonMo 16-06-2005Ma 18-06-2005Ra 20-06-2005Ju 24-06-2005Sa 28-06-2005Me 03-07-2005Ke 08-07-2005Ve 09-07-2005Su 14-07-2005

MarsMa 16-07-2005Ra 17-07-2005Ju 20-07-2005Sa 23-07-2005Me 27-07-2005Ke 30-07-2005Ve 31-07-2005Su 03-08-2005Mo 04-08-2005

RahuRa 06-08-2005Ju 14-08-2005Sa 22-08-2005Me 30-08-2005Ke 07-09-2005Ve 10-09-2005Su 20-09-2005Mo 22-09-2005Ma 27-09-2005

JupiterJu 30-09-2005Sa 07-10-2005Me 14-10-2005Ke 21-10-2005Ve 24-10-2005Su 01-11-2005Mo 04-11-2005Ma 08-11-2005Ra 10-11-2005

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Results of Annual Dasha

The annual dasha predictions according to the position of the Grahas in the annual chartare as follows –

Saturn Dasha: from 18 Dec 2004 to 14 Feb 2005

Results of Saturn in the twelfth house –

– Earing will be lost and an unexpected calamity is likely. – You may suffer from disease in the eyes, feet or chest. – Those in authority will be a source of fear. – Domestic life will be full of strife and travel is likely.

Mercury Dasha: from 14 Feb 2005 to 7 Apr 2005

Results of Mercury in the fourth house –

– There will be harmony with your near and dear ones and you will have domesticharmony. – Superiors may grant you favors. – You may acquire land and vehicles. – Your mother will be comfortable.

Ketu Dasha: from 7 Apr 2005 to 28 Apr 2005

Results of Ketu in the third house –

– Opponets will be destroyed. – Your siblings may suffer frm ill hearht. – Travel and business are gainful. – Favors may come to you from the government or those in authority.

Venus Dasha: from 28 Apr 2005 to 28 Jun 2005

Results of Venus in the fourth house –

– Wealth and vehicles are acquired, and you gain from lands and business. – Generally you will have material comforts. – Your mother will enjoy comforts. – The government, or those in high positions, may favor you. – There is some chance of wasteful expenditure, dissociation of near and dearones, and instablity of temper.

Sun Dasha: from 28 Jun 2005 to 16 Jul 2005

Results of the Sun in the fifth bhava –

– There may be arguments and conflicts with the spouse and near ones. – The mind will be disturbed and distressed due to, lack of money and food. – The expenditure will be excessive and there would be loss of money. – There may be illness to children. – There would be fear from superiors which will cause mental anguish. – There will be benefits from the government

Moon Dasha: from 16 Jul 2005 to 16 Aug 2005

Results of the Moon in the eighth house –

– There may be loss of earnings and wealth.

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– You may be inclined towards unscrupulous deeds. – There may be a grave illness and suffering. – You may have fear of drowning. – Your opponents would dominate you. – You may pass through mental anguish during this period. – Abdominal pain, eye disease, cough and cold may affect you.

Mars Dasha: from 16 Aug 2005 to 6 Sep 2005

Results of Mars in the fourth house –

– You may be seperated from friends and relatives. – Illness may plague your mother – You may have an injury caused by weapons or fire. – Your house may be burnt, and there may be losses from land. – You may have loss of vehicles and wealth. – You will have some lack of mental peace. – Journeys may be a source of trouble.

Rahu Dasha: from 6 Sep 2005 to 31 Oct 2005

Results of Rahu in the ninth house –

– Misfortuens and disappointments may plague you. – Strife with near and dear ones as well as differences with your father are alllikely. – Animals and vehicles may be a source of harm. – Travel opportunities will arise.

Jupiter Dasha: from 31 Oct 2005 to 19 Dec 2005

Results of Jupiter in the second house –

– Business and travel will provide you with earnings. – You will have some elevation in your status, benefit from governmental favors,and your income will be good. – An opportunity to go an a pilgrimage may come your way. – You may acquire a vehicle.

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Classics: Planetary Yogas

General Yogas

SA 35-4. If all planets are in 4 signs Kedara Yoga occurs.

SA 35-34. Kedara Yoga: One born in Kedara Yoga will be useful to many, be anagriculturist, be truthful, happy, fickle minded, and wealthy.

Many other Yogas

Multi Planetary Yogas

SA 15-2. SUN-MARS YOGA: Should the Sun and Mars be in one house the native will besplendorous, valorous, dull witted, strong, be a liar, be sinful, disposed to kill (or torture) and befierce.

SA 15-17. MERCURY-VENUS YOGA: Should Mercury and Venus be together at birth, thenative will be abundantly rich, a politician, an artisan, will study Vedas, be good in speech, willknow to sing, make fun and like scents and flowers.

SA 15-20. JUPITER-SATURN YOGA: A native who has Jupiter and Saturn together at birthwill be heroic, will have plenty of wealth, will be chief of the city (mayor etc.), famous, andwill be the head of an assembly, a village or an association.

The Moon's Yogas

SA 37-8. If a single benefic is there, the wealth will be negligible.

The Sun's Yogas

SA 38-1. Barring the Moon, if a planet among Mars etc. be in the 12th from the Sun, VosiYoga is formed;

SA 38-3. One born with Voshi Yoga will be skilful, charitable, and endowed with fame,learning and strength.

Raja Yogas

SA 39-5. Even if a single planet gives an aspect to the natal ascendant or Hora ascendant orGhatika ascendant, the native will become a king.

SA 39-13. If benefics are in angles a Raja Yoga is formed.

SA 39-14. If the Atma Karaka planet is in a benefic's sign/Navamsha, the native will bePDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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SA 39-27. Should the lord of 4th house, or of 10th house join either the the lord of the 5th houseor lord of the 9th, the native will obtain a kingdom.

Yogas for Royal Association

SA 40-4. If Atma Karaka or Amatya Karaka is placed in an angle or in a trine the native willbeget royal mercy, royal patronage, and happiness thereof.

Combinations for Wealth

SA 41-22. Lords of angles and Konas Related: The angles are known as Vishnu Sthanas (i.e.houses of Lord Vishnu), while the Konas are called Lakshmi Sthanas (i.e. houses of Lakshmi). If thelord of an angle establishes a relationship with the lord of a trine, a Raja Yoga is obtained. (A sixthkind of relationship can also be extended in this context to Navamsha positions though there is nospecific classic sanction for this. For example in the case of a Capricorn native, Mars in theNavamsha of Venus, and Venus in the Navamsha of Mars will confer a superior Raja Yoga. Thisform of relationship will be equally superior like the first 3 relationships mentioned in the earlierparagraph).

Combinations for Penury

SA 42-6. if the ascendant's lord is conjunct with the lord of 6th, 8th, or 12th house, or withSaturn, and if the ascendant's lord is devoid of an aspect from a benefic the native will be penniless.

SA 42-14. The native will be a spend thrift if the 12th from Atma Karaka receives an aspect fromthe dispositor of Atma Karaka or if 12th house receives an aspect from the lord of ascendant.


SA 43-28. If an angle contains a benefic, while ascendant's lord is conjunct with or receives anaspect from a benefic, or Jupiter in particular, the native will live a full span of life.

SA 43-32. If Saturn or ascendant's lord is conjunct with any exalted planet, long life will result.

Pancha-Mahapursuha Yogas


Nabhash Yogas

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Classics: Jaimini System

House Padas

BP 29-22. If the Dara Pada falls in the 6th/ 8th/12th from ascendant Pada, then the nativewill be poor.

BP 29-23. If these be in mutually 6th/8th/12th, doubtlessly mutual enmity will crop up. OBrahmin, similarly, mutual relationship, or gain, or loss through son, etc., be known based onascendant Pada and the relative house Pada.

Upa Pada

BP 30-3. Effect from the 2nd from Upa Pada: If the 2nd from Upa Pada is a benefic sign orreceives an aspect from or is conjunct with a benefic, the same good results (as for wife andsons) will come to pass.

BP 30-10. O Brahmin, if the 2nd from Upa Pada is related to a benefic, the wife will bebeautiful, fortunate, and virtuous.

BP 30-28. If Venus is in the 3rd or the 11th from ascendant Pada, there would have been anabortion to the mother earlier. Same is the effect if Venus is in the 8th from natal ascendant, orfrom ascendant Pada.

BP 30-39. Ketu in the 2nd from the lord of the 7th counted from Upa Pada, will causestammering,

Effects of Karakamsha

BP 33-11. There will be falls from height and conveyances, etc., if it is in SagittariusNavamsha that is occupied by Atma Karaka.

BP 33-15. while that of a malefic will cause no good.

BP 33-18. Otherwise, the contrary will prevail (i.e. the native will not go to others wives).

BP 33-26. Rahu in Karakamsha denotes a thief, a bowman, a machinery maker, and a doctortreating poisonous afflictions.

BP 33-47. while a benefic in the 3rd from Karakamsha will make one timid.

BP 33-59. The Sun in the 5th from Karakamsha denotes one using a knife.

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BP 33-69. Mars in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there denotes a logician.

BP 33-42. The Sun in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there denotes that one is a musician.

BP 33-43. Ketu or Rahu in Karakamsha or in the 5th from there denotes that one is a Jyotishi.

BP 33-45. Effects of the 6th from Karakamsha: If the 6th from Karakamsha is occupied by amalefic, the native will be an agriculturist.

BP 33-46. While he will be indolent if a benefic is in the 6th from Karakamsha. The 3rd fromKarakamsha should also be similarly considered.

BP 33-63. Effects of the 10th from Karakamsha: If the 10th from Karakamsha receives an aspectfrom or is conjoined by a benefic, the native will have firm riches, be sagacious, strong, andintelligent.

BP 33-67. Effects of the 11th from Karakamsha: If the 11th from Karakamsha receives an aspectfrom or is conjunct with a benefic, the native will enjoy happiness from co-born apart from gainingin every undertaking of his.

BP 33-71. If the 12th from Karakamsha is vacant, then also good effects (in respect of expenses)will follow.

BP 33-81. Rahu, the Sun, and Mars respectively in these places denote a machinist, a knife user,and a spear or arrow user.

BP 33-84. Mars in Karakamsha or the 5th therefrom will make one justice,

BP 33-86. The Sun in the 5th from Karakamsha will make one learned in Vedanta and music.

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Applicable Benefic Yogas

Yogas related to Personality and AppearanceYogas related to Nature and Temperament

Voshi Yoga

A planet, other than Moon, occupies the 12th house from Sun. Look out for thevariety with the same name.

Result : The person will exercise no restraint of speech, having eloquence, goodlearning, wide renown, sharp memory, physical strength and charitable nature.Untruthful, walking with the gaze directed downwards and given to excessivephysical effort.

Voshi Yoga (Benefics)

A benefic, other than Moon, occupies the 12th house from Sun.

Result : This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is intelligent, learned,strong, wealthy and engaged in scientific pursuits.

Nishkapata Yoga

The 4th house is occupied by a benefic planet, or planet in own sign, friendly orsign of exaltation, or 4th house being a benefic sign (Sarvartha Chintamani4/143).

Result : The person is pure hearted and stays away from secrecy and hypocrisy.

Buddhmaturya yoga

The 5th house lord, as a benefic, is aspected by a benefic or is placed in a beneficsign (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/32).

Result : The person is a person of great intelligence and character.

Japadhyanasamadhi Yoga

The lord of the Navamsha sign containing the 10th lord is strong, and there is amutual link or Sambandha between the lord of the 9th and the lord of the 10thhouse (Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/41).

Result : The person will be engaged in meditation and spiritual pursuits.

Yogas related to Charity

Daan Yoga

The Lagna or the Lagna lord are aspected by the lord of the 9th which in turn is in aKendra or a Trikona (Satvartha Chintamani 7/2/45).

Result : The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or anotherlinked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya Yoga or a Raja YogaPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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Viparita Vimala Raja Yoga

The 12th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/69).

Result : This makes the person virtuous and contented. The person will be equippedwith good behaviour towards others, will enjoy happiness, will be independent,following a respectable profession or conduct, and will be known for goodqualities.

Budha-Shukra Yoga

Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same house.

Result : The person is eloquent, virtuous, well versed in scriptural learning,extremely wealthy, a fine sculptor, adept in music, well-dressed, owner of lands,ever mirthful.

Yogas related to EducationYogas related to Profession

Karmajiva Yoga

Mercury rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession connected to Mercury, like amechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker.

Karmajiva Yoga

Jupiter is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Result : The profession or social status of the person might be connected witheducated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples, charities, discipleship,pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits. The person might get income through siblings orchildren (Jupiter).

Karmajiva Yoga

Jupiter rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession connected Jupiter, likeinvolvement with educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples, charities,discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits.

Karmajiva Yoga

Jupiter aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (BrihatJataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession connected Jupiter, likePDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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Karmajiva Yoga

The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Venus (Brihat Jataka 10/3).

Result : Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through gems, silver, cows,buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates to beauty. Theperson's income or source of wealth might come from a woman or a spouse(Venus).

Karmajiva Yoga

Venus aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (BrihatJataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession of Venus, connected to gems,silver, cows, buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates tobeauty.

Karmajiva Yoga

Saturn is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Result : The profession or social status of the person might be connected to labor,such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family tradition, service,confinement etc. (Saturn)

Karmajiva Yoga

Saturn rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession connected to Saturn, like laborsuch as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family tradition.

Karmajiva Yoga

Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (BrihatJataka).

Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination couldsupport other combinations indicating a profession connected to Saturn, like labor,such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family tradition.

Guru-Shani Yoga

Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house.

Result : The person is strong, famous, leader of a group or an army, an artist, abarber, a potter, a cook, wealthy, suspicious of spouse, a wanderer, tends cattle.

Yogas related to Marriage and SpousePDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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Result : The spouse (or wife) of the person will be noble and virtuous.

Yogas related to Children

Aurasaputra Yoga

The 5th house contains a benefic or the 5th house is identical to a benefic sign or isaspected by benefics (Saravali 34/25).

Result : The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own (with alegitimate spouse).

Dattaputra Yoga

The 10th house and it's lord are with or aspected by Saturn (Uttara Kalamrita5/37)

Result : A child might be adopted by the person.

Yogas related to Parents and Siblings

Matrudirgayur Yoga

The lord of the Navamsha sign holding the 4th house lord is strong and is located ina Kendra from Lagna or Moon (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/132).

Result : The mother of the person will have a long life.

Matru Sneha Yoga

The Lagna and 4th house have the same ruler, or the lords of the 1st and 4th aretemporal or natural friends or aspected by benefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/148).

Result : There will be very good relationship between the person and his/hermother.

Yogas related to Health and Longevity

Sarira Sukhya Yoga

The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus are placed in a Kendra (Sarvartha Chintamani2/98).

Result : Longevity, wealth from and alignment with political powers are bestowedupon the person.

Purnayu Yoga

Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a Chara sign, or one in aDvisvabhava sign and the other in Sthira sign.

Result : This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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house or the Lagna.

Result : This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.

Special Astrological YogasYogas related to Wealth

Dhana Yoga

There is a relationship between the Lagna lord on the one hand and the 2nd, or 5th,or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand.

Result : The person will be wealthy.

Dhana Yoga

There is a relationship between the 5th house lord on the one hand and the 9th or11th lord on the other hand.

Result : The person will be wealthy.

Yogas related to Status and Achievement

Raja Yoga

A mutual relationship exists between the Lagna lord on the one side and the lord ofthe 4th or 5th or 7th or 9th or 10th on the other.

Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognitionand status.

Raja Yoga

A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 4th house on the one side andthe lord of the 5th or 9th on the other.

Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognitionand status.

Raja Yoga

A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 7th house on the one side andthat of the 9th on the other.

Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognitionand status.

Raja Yoga

A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the ninth house on the one side andthe lord of the 10th house on the other.

Result : This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognitionPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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Lords of the 4th or the 10th are in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the 9th (BrihatParashara Hora Shastra 41/37).

Result : The person will share a kingdom. This leads to kingship or royal status (In modern contextthis means a high governmental status).

Raja Yoga

The lord of the Navamsha sign which the Moon occupies, resides in a Kendra orTrikona from Lagna or Mercury (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.28).

Result : The person is or becomes a commander or equal to a ruler.

Trilochana Yoga

Sun, Moon, Mars are in trines from each other (original source unknown).

Result : Great wealth and high intelligence is bestowed upon the person, along withlong life and terror to his enemies.

Bandhu Pujya Yoga

The 4th house or it's lord are associated with or aspected by Jupiter (SarvarthaChintamani 4/65).

Result : The person has the respect of his family and friends.

Yogas related to Cancellation

Kalpadruma-Bhanga Yoga

While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra fromLagna.

Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga and bestows all comfortson the person.

Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga

While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra fromMoon.

Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.

Arishta-Bhanga Yoga

Jupiter, in strength, is located in the Lagna.

Result : This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatensdeath to the newborn child.

Arishta-Bhanga YogaPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

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