alcohol addiction – you don’t have to deal with it alone


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Page 1: Alcohol addiction – you don’t have to deal with it alone

Alcohol Addiction – You don’t have to deal with it alone

Addiction is the highest level of obsession. It becomes all-encompassing and all pervasive.

The alcoholic cannot function without the drink, nor can he or she function with it.

Everyone has some obsession or the other at some point in their lives. A young child may

get addicted to a particular food item; a teenager gives the favourite sport top priority, a

professional will only work ignoring everything else around him and putting the family on

the back burner. These obsessions may fade away with time and do not disrupt or endanger

our lives. However, alcoholism or drug abuse is a different matter.

Who is an addict? : A drug addict or an alcoholic is someone who continues to use the

chemicals despite adverse consequences. Addiction is generally recognised by certain


• Slowly friends and family are of no importance as the addiction takes precedence.

• There is now no interest in performing activities which one loved and enjoyed the most.

• Eyes are a window of the body. Dazed, bloodshot, dilated or anything other than normal

are a clear sign of something abnormal.

• Borrowing or stealing money from family and friends to buy the drugs/alcohol/other


• Keeping away from home and lying about locations and situations.

The first step on the road to recovery is ‘honesty’. You have to be honest with yourself and

accept that you do have an addiction and you want to beat it. This is the most difficult thing

to do. Most often addicts do not accept even the suggestion of an addiction. They feel it is a

normal, routine life. Accepting the fact and addiction recovery is a big long drawn battle.

Professionals at a rehab can help you in intervention for breaking the denial of being the


Page 2: Alcohol addiction – you don’t have to deal with it alone

Once you have accepted your drug addiction or alcohol addiction or any other substance

addiction, the next step is to confide in someone preferably a parent or sibling or someone

you trust completely. You must have the courage to speak up.

Ask for help in choosing the appropriate de-addiction programme in a rehabilitation centre.

Asking for help does not make you a lesser mortal or an inferior person. It does not make

you a burden on the family or anyone else. In fact, it indicates courage – the courage to


You must not fear or get anxious about the social stigma attached to drug addiction.

Addiction is a disease like any other and can be treated with therapy, medication and

counselling. There is no shame or embarrassment in accepting your problem. In fact it

makes you stronger and a more determined person.

Parents are a big support in these matters. Reach out to them. Talking is also a kind of

therapy. Talk to the family or friends. It will be good if you tell them how your addiction

started initially. This will help them understand the circumstances and an insight on dealing

with the atmosphere at home and provide help and support in the right course.

Take advice on which rehabilitation centre would be helpful in your condition. There are

drug rehab and recovery centres, alcohol addiction treatment centres and also clinics which

treat every kind of addiction.

Depending on the degree of your addiction, family atmosphere and the social environment

you will be advised for residential or out-patient treatment.

The real test of your determination for de-addiction starts when therapy starts. It will be

very tough in the beginning but take strength from your peers, counsellors and family.

Remember addiction is a disease and recovery depends a lot on the sort of professional help

you seek and family support. You are not alone in the battle for de-addiction. Take help

from family and friends to kick the malaise.

Page 3: Alcohol addiction – you don’t have to deal with it alone

Soon you’ll be on the road to recovery!

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