album posters - connotations

Conventions of album posters: Star ratings Reviews on the album The release date Iconography and typography consistent with the album artwork Name of the artist and album name main focal point (enlarged font in comparison to the rest of the text) Name of the record label, media links such as amazon, a web address and social networking sites, and the publishing house commonly tend to be positioned along the bottom of the poster. Tour dates and the location Usually only one main image on the poster that is a close up or mid shot of the artist, (unless the image is of a band in which case a long

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Album Posters - Connotations

Conventions of album posters:

Star ratings Reviews on the album The release date Iconography and typography consistent with the album artwork Name of the artist and album name main focal point (enlarged font in comparison to the rest of the text) Name of the record label, media links such as amazon, a web address and social networking sites, and

the publishing house commonly tend to be positioned along the bottom of the poster. Tour dates and the location Usually only one main image on the poster that is a close up or mid shot of the artist, (unless the image is

of a band in which case a long shot is often used). Otherwise the imagery on the poster tends to be abstract.