album cover comparison

Drum and Bass

Upload: wdallo

Post on 06-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Album cover comparison

Drum and Bass

Page 2: Album cover comparison

Theses artists produce music similar to my genre yet their albums all have different aspects. However the text on all of them follow a general trend of being generic fonts and written in block capitals. Albums 1 and 2 have realistic images as their

backgrounds, where as albums 3 and 4 follow a more sci-fi and futuristic theme for their backgrounds. This could suggest that their music is more technical with less vocals as if to say that their music is more advanced in relation to the sound of it.


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Page 3: Album cover comparison

This digipak combines both reality (with the pictures of David) and the futuristic elements (shiny and pearlescent background). These are both conventions with artists of this genre or ones similar. He

also uses his star image as one of the most recognised DJ’s across the globe to sell his products. The interesting thing about this design is the random array of letters which seem to be cascading down

the cover, in a matrix esque fashion, emphasising the sci-fi feel of the digipak. The cover also suggests that he is ‘the beat’ as there is nothing else on the cover – referring to the title. The

technique of using the same colour as the original edition of the album (Red) tells fans that the album is just a little bit different, represented by flipping colour schemes. Also the use of benday

dots and geometric shapes throughout the digipak add to the random, modern theme that doesn’t follow a pattern.