alannah fitzgerald shaoqun wu ian h. wiaen xiaofeng yu · 2017. 4. 24. · xiaofeng yu the ebook of...

The Open-Source FLAX Language System Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu

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Page 1: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you



Page 2: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


“FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you can use for language learning. The Web contains innumerable language activities, quizzes, and games, but they are fixed: the activities are cast in stone and the material is chosen by others. Our vision is to put the control back where it belongs, in the hands of teachers and learners.”

Page 3: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 4: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you



Page 5: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you





Page 6: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you




Page 7: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 8: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you

FLAX Digital Library


Collocations database


Open Educational Resources

Page 9: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you



Page 10: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 11: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 12: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 13: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 14: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you

FLAXAcrossPla`orms•  FLAXWebsiteflax.nzdl.orgforhosSngopenonlinelanguagecollecSons•  BuildingdirectlyontotheWebwithOER

•  FLAXmulSlingualopen-sourcesobwarefordownload•  SetupyourownFLAXserveronlineor;•  BuildcollecSonsofflineforuseonyourPC

•  FLAXAndroidappfordownload•  Interactwithgame-basedFLAXcollecSonswhileonthego

•  FLAXforMOODLEplug-infordownload•  FLAXforMOOCPla`orms?•  FLAXinconjuncSonwithtranslaSontechnologies?

Page 15: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 16: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you
Page 17: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 18: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 19: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 20: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


WefocusonlexicalcollocaSonswithnoun-basedstructuresbecausetheyarethemostsalientandimportantpaAernsindomain-specifictext.CollocaSonsfromtheEnglishCommonLawMOOC:•  verb+noun e.g.abolishjudicialreview•  noun+noun e.g.precedentcase•  adjecSve+noun e.g.commonlaw•  noun+of+noun e.g.courtofappeal

Page 21: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you

LexicalBundles“Lexical bundles” are mulS-word sequences with disSncSvesyntacScpaAernsanddiscoursefuncSonsthatarecommonlyused in academic prose (Biber& Barbieri, 2007; Biber et al,2003,2004).BundlesfromBriSshLawReportCorpus(BLaRC):•  nounphrase+of e.g.Inthecourseofhis•  preposiSonalphrase+ofe.g.onthepartofthe•  it+verb/adjecSvephrasee.g.itiscommongroundthat•  be+noun/adjecSvephrasee.g.betakenintoaccountin•  verbphrase+thate.g.Thereisnodoubtthat

Page 22: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 23: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 24: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 25: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 26: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you

References•  Biber,D.,Conrad,S.,&Cortes,V.(2003).Lexicalbundlesin


•  Biber,D.,Conrad,S.,&Cortes,V.(2004).Ifyoulookat...:lexicalbundlesinuniversityteachingandtextbooks.AppliedLinguis<cs,25,371–405.Biber,D.(2006).UniversityLanguage,Acorpus-basedstudyofspokenandwriEenregisters.JohnBenjamins,Amsterdam.

•  Biber,D.,BarbieriF.(2007).LexicalbundlesinuniversityspokenandwriAenregisters.EnglishforSpecificPurpose,26,263–286.

•  Milne,D.&WiAen,I.H.(2013).Anopen-sourcetoolkitforminingWikipedia.Ar<ficialIntelligence,194,222-239.

Page 27: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you


Page 28: Alannah Fitzgerald Shaoqun Wu Ian H. WiAen Xiaofeng Yu · 2017. 4. 24. · Xiaofeng Yu The eBook of FLAX “FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition) is both a vision and a tool that you





AlannahFitzgerald:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

Xiaofeng(Alex)Yu:[email protected]

