alan kneisz - using green power for telecom power

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  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power



    Telecom Towers as Anchor

    LoadsUsing Green Power forTelecom Power

    Date: June 5th ,2012

    EVENT: Asian Development Bank,Clean Energy Forum

  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power


    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 2

    Communication Systems inRemote Areas

    Telecom Systems are often in off-grid or

    poor-grid areas with high outages butcover over 75% of the worlds population

    Telecom sites are a key to development ofremote communities empowering them

    They are centrally located in small villages

    or towns to ensure best coverage


    Recent Developments

    Telecom system power is being dramatically reducedwith 3G technology - 35% for WCDMA

    This allows for more power for other applications New Telecom equipment is more heat tolerant = no

    requirement for cooling Green technologies have become comparable in CAPEXand lower in OPEX toward Diesel Generators

    Diesel Generators are mostly used for these remotelocations today

    Increase in mobile commerce and payments Growth in outsourcing of Power by Telcos

    BTS PowerConsumption (W)

    1995 to 2012

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    Telecom Market

    Wireless Telecom Market

    $2+ billion/yr spent on DC telecom backup power or remote power,or which roughly 40% is for power and fuel in developing countries

    Base stations have excess power and there are 640,000 off-gridBTSs globally by 2012 (end).

    Stagnation of revenue growth of many Telecom operators

    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 3

    2010 Cellular Base Stations Additions


    8%6% 3% 3%


    ME & Africa


    C./S. America


    E. Europe

    Most are in India, China,SE Asia, and Africa, where

    backup to grid needed most.

    Sources: In-Stat, 2008; ABI, 2009; personal communication

  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power


    Green Power Topology vs Genset

    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 4




    AC DC



    Fuel CellPower


    Fuel Cell willeliminate a

    generator andreduce size ofbattery bank






    Wind andSolar Power

  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power


    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 5

    Barriers to using Clean Energy inTelecom Towers

    Diesel Generators are cheap and ubiquitous.

    Access to Diesel is generally easy

    Communication and Knowledge of GreenTechnology is limited even at higher levelsof Telecom companies

    Green technology CAPEX is higher and

    financing needs to be developed further.


    Problems with Generators

    They require extensive maintenance = every 3 months Often break down and are unreliable = last only 5-10

    years and have many moving parts Need long start up = large battery banks Have extensive theft of Diesel and Batteries: 5-10% with

    up to 20% in India and parts of Africa

    Are very polluting, noisy and an environmental hazard More prone to Natural Disasters

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    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 6

    Business Case and OtherChallenges

    There are many technologies which

    now can compete with DieselGenerators

    It Fuel Cell is the fastest payback whilethere is also Solar, Wind, etc

    Operational Costs are Dramaticallyreduced by up to or more that ofGenerators

    Hybrid Green solutions can also beimplemented ex. Solar and Fuel Cell,Wind and Solar

    Various Business Models

    Third Party Operators or Energy ServiceCompany buys the power and re-sells tothe community

    Telecom operator can sell to theCommunity via contractors = additionalrevenue stream

    Micro-finance schemes support by Govtbut owned by Communities



    Changing mindsets of Telecom companies Understanding of the new technologies Upfront Financing of the Green

    technologies as they require a higher

    CAPEX (though lower OPEX) Initial deployment of Green solutionsrequires understanding the technology

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    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 7

    Governments Role

    It is in the best interest of governments to

    promote Green solutions : Reduces subsidy on Diesel lowers debt servicing

    Expand electrical generation spur economy of ruralareas and GNP

    Reduces Green House Gases and creates abetter and more reliable environment

    Allows for Rural power needs cost effectively

    Can create better health care with Cold Chain= immunization, etc


    Suggested Role

    Incentives such as tax breaks to Telecom companies whouse green technology

    Financing schemes or low interest micro-loans to smallcompanies who may want to build a small business

    Promote and educate the population on the advantagesof green technology in expansion of the grid

    Engage private financial partners to assist with microschemes to use this model

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    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 8

    Incentives Available

    Little has been done to support using Telecomsites as Anchor Loads, some pilots

    Considering there is a positive business case,more can be done to promote this concept

    Regulation is limited as it is often an off-gridor poor grid area outside existing

    regulations in most cases (under 10kw) India has made some initiatives


    What Can be done ?

    Government can give incentives for Green credits Lowering of taxes, low interest loans, etc

    Increase cooperation between the local Power Utilitiesand Telecom companies Develop Micro-finance schemes via private or public


    Work with NGOs and support expansion of this market Further educate stakeholders on advantages of Green

    technology in this sector

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    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 9

    Why Green Power in Telecomsas Anchor Loads

    Green Technology on Telecoms Sites = Increased Reliability andReduced Servicing of remote Telecom sites

    Greater expansion of power to remote and developing communities= greater productivity (Community Power for Mobile CPM)

    Extensive reduction in Operating expenses for Telecom companiesby using Green power and new business model for addl revenue

    Telecom sites deployed with additional power and available for thisnew business model (note penetration rates below)


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    Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future 10

    Thank you

    Alan KneiszRegional Director

    Asia Pacific & Oceania

    Mobile: + 6016 217 0877Email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power


    Telecom as Anchor Power GlobalReferences

    References: Rockefeller SPEED project in India with various companies

    Chi Em, a microfinance org serving Huoi Pung and other ethnicminority villages in Northern Vietnam.SunPower Afrique is bringing sustainable energy to microfinanceorganizations in Togo.

    Grameen Shakti is a solar power pioneer in Bangladesh, affiliatedwith Grameen Bank.Viom Networks in India with Tata Teleservices


    : Off Grid Electric :

    : OMC Power:

    : Flexenclosure:

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  • 7/31/2019 Alan Kneisz - Using Green Power for Telecom Power


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