alabama update april 2013

ALABAMA UPDATE THE CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY April 2013 He leadeth me beside still waters........Psalm 23:2

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This is the March 2013 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.


Page 1: Alabama Update April 2013



He leadeth me beside still waters........Psalm 23:2

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Alabama State Convention

August 1-4, 2013

Embassy Suites: Hoover, AL

Page 3: Alabama Update April 2013

March 11, 2013

Greetings Bishop:

Bishop Clements and I trust the grace of God is covering you with fresh applications specific for the ministry and leadership challenges you are working through today. We are ‘graced,’ my friend!

We write today to let you know that from the International Offices we will be announcing an invitation for any and all of our local churches that would like to participate, to join the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) in a ‘War on Malaria Sunday.’

War has been declared on this killer and the Pentecostal churches around the nation are responding to unite to help. You may be like us in that we had never heard that the greatest killer in the world is malaria. Over 1500 people die each day of this killer and most of them are below the age of five. This means that the mosquito is the most deadly predator on the planet, carrying this poisonous toxin. Yet unlike cancer and HIV, malaria is 100 percent treatable and these deaths can be avoided. The most economic strategy is to provide a sleeping net to the millions of children that live in malaria zones around the world.

Our participation is relatively simple. April 28, 2013, is the Sunday after ‘World Malaria Day’ (April 25) around the world. Six to ten dollars will buy and deliver a mosquito net to a family in Africa or Asia. On average two children can sleep under that net and be safe. The specific mosquito that carries malaria only bites at night. Every church that wants to participate will be asked to promote the War on Malaria Sunday by promoting this special offering in the weeks of April and then receiving this offering on Sunday, April 28, 2013. I believe thousands of nets will be delivered to save children.

Bishop, there are three reasons we are excited about this opportunity to participate in the War on Malaria Sunday: First, we are called to be the hand of Christ extended to those hurting and dying. Christians have always been the first responders to crisis and human suffering through history. Second, our vision reminds us that we are called to be passionate about ‘Christian Union.’ It excites me to think that COGOP churches all around will be uniting with all kinds of other Pentecostal churches, as well as many other churches and believers, to make a huge impact on malaria today. Third, our younger generation loves to respond to the needs of humanity with compassion and action. This is a powerful opportunity to encourage them, mobilize them, and release them to do what is in their hearts on April 28.

Bishop, if you would like to be more informed, or even more involved, we would point you to the website where you will find further information about the War on Malaria Sunday.

From the International Offices, we will be sending out a letter to our pastors of North America. Our website will announce this War on Malaria Sunday offering. Our Connections email blasts will be inviting churches to participate. We will use our OneCallNow phone system to speak with pastors on the phone about this significant effort. And naturally, Facebook and Twitter will be great venues to send this message out. Through this letter we simply wanted to let you know what will be done in the days ahead to mobilize the Church of God of Prophecy in support of this worthy and significant cause.

Glorifying God Through Prayer and Leadership Development, All for the Harvest!

Randall E. Howard Samuel N. Clements

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Things Are Not Always The Way They SeemT. J. Armstrong, Carbon Hill Church

Several years ago, I was in management with a furniture store in Midfield, Alabama. Anyone that's ever been to Midfield knows

that it isn't exactly a loving neighborhood that will leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside. I had no friends living

in the area, so my lunch break was usually defined as me walking across the parking lot to a McDonald's, and walking back to

work to enjoy my McNuggets in solitude.

One sunny day I wanted to "explore" the area a little bit, so I decided to take a full lunch. After picking up my nuggets at the

drive-thru, I drove through neighboring Fairfield to see many homes and mansions that had little evidence of the life that once

bloomed inside them decades ago. As I went past Rickwood Field, I stopped to read the sign confirming its status as

"America's Oldest Ballpark" before strolling through town. I was amazed at the beauty that was hidden under so much history

in this area. Then I saw him.

He was a rugged man, his hands were dirty to match his face and clothes. His shoes had undoubtedly logged as many miles as

possible, his toes starting to show through the soles. His tired eyes spoke a thousand words as they met my own--I tried to look

away. As I slowly drove underneath the bridge he was using to shield himself from the heat of the sun, he reached for his

backpack and pulled it close to his side as he stood slowly. Suddenly this old man that I had never met before caused me to feel

more guilt than I had ever known.

My mind wondered about this man most of the evening, and the next morning as well. I felt so much compassion for him, and

had to do something. As my lunch hour finally came, I went to McDonald's as usual, except this time doubling my order. If he

was under the bridge today, He was going to have lunch on me.

The light couldn't turn green quickly enough as I saw him in the same place as yesterday, about two blocks ahead. I smiled as I

stepped out and introduced myself, and asked if I could join him for lunch.

Mr. Smith was understandably hesitant as I handed him a bag, and every few bites would stare at me out of the corners of his

eye with inquiry. Perhaps nobody had ever given him something with nothing expected in return. I had a sense of

accomplishment as I went back to work, as warm on the inside as I was on the outside this August day.

The next day was the same. Mr. Smith was still very stubborn on taking my handout, but swallowed his pride when he finally

learned that I was just as stubborn. We talked about baseball, football, Jesus, and barbecue ribs before we parted ways again.

As we sat together on day three, our conversation had turned very personal as he told me about the sorrows of the Civil Rights

years, and how he was discriminated against. He told me about Sheila, who had died just two years after they were married, and

about his brother who was killed in Vietnam. He also shared details with me that he had never shared with anyone, and I felt

good when he told me that he needed to get it off his chest.

Feeling that we were close enough by now, I asked him the question without thinking--I had to know how he got so down on

his luck. I asked about the events that had turned this rugged man into a homeless vet himself. I thought for a split-second by

the look in his eye that I had messed our friendship up in a huge way. He looked at me and asked, "You want to know--you

want to know how I got down on my luck and lost my home?" Fearing the answer, I confirmed my request. To my surprise, he

began to laugh hysterically.

"Son, you've been buying my meal every day because you see me out here under this bridge with my backpack, tired and nasty,

right? Well, I appreciate you but I have to be honest. I'm not homeless. In fact, I'm retiring next year with pretty comfortable

retirement. I work for the City of Fairfield, and we've been working on replacing a water pipe down the street. I just sit out here

to catch my breath!"

We both laughed, and I realized now why he was so timid around me and cautious about my motives. This man that I had been

buying lunch for had a higher income than I did! Part of me felt like a fool, but part of me still felt like I had accomplished

something. I never saw Mr.. Smith again, but you know what? The three hours total that we spent together will remain in each

of our memories forever.

I assumed by the way he looked on the outside that he was homeless. His clothes were tattered, and he was very dirty--yet he

was in a better position than I was. We do that so often in the church, too. We see someone with a little spot on them and

suddenly have pity on them, knowing that they can't be nearly as great as we are. We reach out to them like we're above them,

shoving "spiritual food" and advice down their throats when they didn't ask for it. Maybe our intentions are good, but we don't

take time to get the entire story and perhaps be of greater help.

Of course God wants us to show Love for one another, but sometimes that Love is best shown by listening rather than giving.

After all, Mr. Smith didn't need food, but he did need an ear. We can't always assume that we know what someone needs just by

looking at their outside. Sometimes their need is totally different from what it seems!

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Are You A Warrior Of The Faith? By: Bryan Baysinger, State Evangelist

There is currently a popular song whose lyrics say, “I was made for war, I was made for battle Lord”. As we look at our own lives can we say that we are true warriors of the cross? The Apostle Paul in writing to Timothy ( 2 Timothy 2:1) speaks on this thought. Paul addresses Timothy as his son and encourages and challenges him to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. In order to be a part of something that is bigger than life and greater than we are as individuals, we must be strong in the Lord. This strength will be the vitality we need as we come to the realization that we are in a battle which is a life and death struggle. This battle or war is greater than any conflict that man has ever encountered. The war for our soul and the souls of others still stands today paramount to any other war past, present or future. Who in these last days will rise up and champion the war cry? God Almighty Himself is sounding the alarm for His people to engage the enemy and destroy the works of darkness. “Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”. (2 Timothy 2:3) As we take action and fight for and with other soldiers of the cross we must realize that we must experience hardness to be successful. God never promised us an easy road yet He did make promises to those who endured. Endurance will give us the stamina to stand even when and where it seems that we are faced with insurmountable odds. This fight will temper and strengthen us into the soldiers that God has called us to be. It is said that the military takes a man, breaks him, and then remakes him. Doesn’t this sound familiar to what God did to Moses in the wilderness and to what He should be doing in our lives? Front line battle is not a spectator sport, it is a participants sport. Yet, how many times have we said to ourselves that being on the front line is for someone else and not for me, when all the time our God says I’ve called you to be a soldier of Jesus Christ. We were made for war and for battle. The great Rough Rider, adventurer and President, Teddy Roosevelt said it this way, “ Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat.” Together, let us get in the fight that we may win victory upon victory.

If you would like for me to speak at your church or event, I may be reached at 601-679-1381 or 601-604-0438.

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Experience–Continued--Receiving The Holy GhostThe Last Great Conflict–A. J. Tomlinson

I knew I was converted. God gave me the witness of the fact by, His Spirit, and many evidence in my life proved unmistakable that

I was a child of God.

I knew I was sanctified. The experience was too real to entertain doubts about it. My very nature was changed. My soul craved nothing

but God. The world began to fade from view, and lose its charms, as far as having a desire for its pleasures and possessions was concerned.

My interest in politics vanished so rapidly that I was almost surprised at myself when campaign year came around and found nothing

in me craving the excitements of conventions, rallies and public speakings. I was so taken up with Jesus, and so bent on electing Him, that

one day as I was walking along the road a gentleman met me and shouted out just like I had usually done, “Hurrah for M—!” With hardly

a thought, and no premeditation, and yet with real enthusiasm I shouted back at him, “Hurrah for Jesus!” He was so startled and amazed

that as he rode on and looked back at me he looked as if he wondered if I had just escaped from the lunatic asylum. But he said no more,

and went on.

My friends and neighbors begged me to at least go to the polls and vote, but I said, “No I will only vote for Jesus.” Their kindness, their

friendship, their entreaties and reasoning had no more effect on me than if I had been in another world. I was dead to the world and the

world was dead to me. I never have taken part in politics since, nor gone to the polls and cast a ballot. When I was sanctified my whole

nature was changed, and my whole being was almost constantly going out after God. I was almost incessantly seeking for the full baptism

with the Holy Ghost.

In January 1907, I became more fully awakened on the subject of receiving the Holy Ghost as He was poured out on the day of

Pentecost. That whole year I ceased not to preach that it was our privilege to receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues as they did on

the day of Pentecost. I did not have the experience, so I was almost always among the seekers at the altar. The Lord gave great revivals,

and souls were converted and sanctified, and some really went through and were baptized with the Holy Ghost, evidenced by the speaking

in tongues.

By the close of the year I was so hungry for the Holy Ghost that I scarcely cared for food, friendship or anything else. I wanted one

thing–the baptism with the Holy Ghost. I wrote to G. B Cashwell, who had been to Los Angeles, Calif., and received the baptism there,

and asked him to come to our place for a few days. He arrived January 10, 1908. He preached on Saturday night, and on Sunday morning,

January 12. While he was preaching, a peculiar sensation took hold of me, and almost unconsciously I slipped off my chair in a heap on

the rostrum at Brother Cashwell’s feet. I did not know what such an experience meant. My mind was clear, but a peculiar power so

enveloped and thrilled my whole being that I concluded to yield myself up to God and await results. I was soon lost to my surroundings

as I lay there on the floor, occupied only with God and eternal things. Soon one of my feet began to shake and clatter against the wall.

I could not hold it still. When it got quiet the other one acted the same way. Then my arms and head were operated. My jaws seemed to

be set, my lips were moved and twisted about as if a physician was making a special examination. My tongue and eyes were operated on

in like manner. Several examinations seemed to be taken, and every limb, and my whole body examined.

My body was rolled and tossed about beyond my control, and finally while lying on my back, my feet were raised up several times, and

my tongue would stick out of my mouth in spite of my efforts to keep it inside my mouth.

At one time, while lying flat on my back, I seemed to see a great sheet let down, and as it came to me I felt it as it enveloped me in its

folds, and I really felt myself literally lifted up and off the floor several inches, and carried in that sheet several feet in the direction my feet

pointed, and then let down on the floor again. As I lay there great joy flooded my soul. The happiest moments I had ever known up to that

time. I never knew what real joy was before. My hands clasped together with no effort on my part. Oh, such floods and billows of the

glory ran through my whole being for several minutes! There were times that I suffered the most excruciating pain and agony, but my spirit

always said “yes” to God.

Then came a very interesting part of the experience, “They shall see visions.” In vision I was carried to Central America, and was shown

the awful condition of the people there. A paroxysm of suffering came over me as I seemed to be in soul travail for their salvation. Then

I spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance, and in the vision I seemed to be speaking the very same language of the Indian tribes with

whom I was surrounded.

Then after a little rest I was carried in vision to South America, and of all the black pictures that were ever painted that was surely the

blackest. The vision settled on Brazil, and after another Paroxysm of suffering and soul travail the Spirit spoke again in another tongue;

then after a little relaxation I was carried to Chile, with the same effects and results; then in like manner to Patogonia, away down among

those illiterate Indians. Each place I was shown I gave assent in my spirit to go to them.

From Patagonia to Africa, and on to Jerusalem, and while there I endured the most intense suffering, as if I might have been suffering

similar to that of my Savior on Mount Calvary. I never can describe the awful agony that I felt in my body. After every paroxysm of

suffering came a tongue. From Jerusalem I was carried to Northern Russia, then to France, thence to Japan, and then I seemed to get back

to the United States, but soon I was taken away north among the Espuimeaux. While there the language of the Spirit spoken through me

seemed similar to the bark of a dog. I was carried to a number of other places in a similar manner.

I must not fail to tell of the terrible conflict I had in the vision with the devil. I came in direct contact with him. While in this state came

the most awful struggle of all. While talking in an unknown tongue the Spirit seemed to envelop me, and I was taken through a course of

casting out devils....a real experience in the vision, and the last verse of Mark sixteen came very vividly before my mind.

In the vision I could see multitudes of people awakened and coming this way. Among them were Mrs. Tomlinson and my children.

(They all received the baptism a few months later). I saw us all on a missionary journey. Glory to God! This was really being baptized

with the Holy Ghost as they received Him on the day of Pentecost.

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With all I have written it is not yet told, but judging from the countries I visited in the vision I spoke ten different languages. It seemed

that the Spirit was showing me these countries with a view to sending me there. Each place I saw large numbers of people coming to the

light. I saw multitudes coming to Jesus. I do not know whether God wants me to go to these places or not, but I am certainly willing to

go as He leads.

Since having received this wonderful experience–being baptized with the Holy Ghost as they were baptized on the day of Pentecost,

God has revealed Himself and given many special manifestations of His presence and power in my life. Three times since, the same power

has enveloped me and lifted me up from the floor similar to the way He lifted me up the day He came into abide. Three times during special

manifestations of His presence, truthful witnesses have seen “like as of fire” resting near and around my head.

I have traveled thousands of miles and told the simple story, and related my experience to thousands of people, and have seen hundreds

baptized with the Holy Ghost, and every one who receive Him spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

I have seen whole congregations rise to their feet instantly as God’s power ran with a thrill in all parts of the congregation. At other

times I have seen nearly whole audiences on their faces before God as that same thrill of power ran like lightening in every direction. At

one time as I stepped out to make an altar call, as I lifted my hands, a kind of blue mist was seen by a number of truthful witnesses as it

settled down on the congregation, and not a few fell, and either crawled or were carried into the altar. A few times while the words were

spoken, the Holy Ghost fell on all that heard the Word. Streaks of fire have been seen as they darted just above the heads of the people

in the congregation, like zigzag lightening and yet not so quick but that it was easily seen by scores of people.

On the night of January 3, 1909, while God’s power was being so wonderfully demonstrated on the inside of the house, a large ball of

fire was seen to pass just in front of the door of the church house. A sign of a peculiar character was seen in the heavens about the same

time. The same night, or at another time at the same place, there was seen a ball of fire descend from above, and as it struck the roof of

the house, just above the pulpit and altar where so much of God’s presence was being demonstrated, it broke into fragments and rolled and

sparkled over the roof.

On Tuesday morning just before day, November 23, 1909, a peculiar phenomenon was witnessed by two of our neighbors, just above

our house appeared a light, similar in appearance to a headlight of a locomotive. It was in motion, moving up and down. It would be

hidden from their view a few moments, then make its appearance again. This lasted for several seconds, probably minutes, then vanished

from their sight. That day was one of weeping and agonizing prayer in my room with a few of the brethren. We knew nothing of the light

above the house for several days afterward.

A little note from my journal would probably not be out of order here: “May 27. Yesterday was a wonderful day in the camp. In the

beginning of the service in the morning, one or two messages were given in tongues, and I gave the interpretation. Afterward I was seized

with two or three spells of weeping, and finally fell on my back under the overwhelming power of God. After screaming for a while as

though my heart would break, I became a little more quiet, when a brother spoke a few words in tongues as they said I gave the

interpretation, which was, “Get quiet and hear me speak.” Immediately a sister began to speak in tongues, and the interpretation followed,

the tongues in a few words, and then the few words interpreted alternately, until the sentence was finished. I was told this lasted for half

an hour. When she ceased, someone else spoke a few minutes and the interpretation followed; then another and another and another.

Someone said I was prostrated there for two hours. That was all the preaching that was done. The altar was full of seekers crying out to

God when I arose. The meeting that followed during the day is indescribable. Men, women and children screaming, shouting, praying,

leaping, dancing and falling prostrate under God’s overwhelming power. Wonderful.”

June 24. “Meetings have been going on every day and night; sometimes continuing from six o’clock in the morning till nearly midnight

without a break. Many signs and wonders have been done by myself, and my son Homer and others by the power of the Spirit.

A brother had been seeking long, but had failed to get through. I was led, in the Spirit, to go to him on my knees, stretch his arms out

and nail his hands to the cross, then fall over with him in my arms and go through the death struggle for him. Then after I had been as

though dead for a little while, I arose and appeared to pierce his side and cut off his head; then to put him in the grave and cover him up

with the earth. He lay there a while quiet, and then I made as though I removed the covering of earth, and he was resurrected, and at that

moment the power struck him, and he soon received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

It is wonderful what is taking place here. Yesterday afternoon, after I had been preaching a little while, the power fell, and I fell into

agonizing cries, and when I opened my eyes the altar was crowded with seekers. More than once the altar calls have been made in tongues

by someone, and I gave the interpretations. One night a sister stepped upon the altar rail by my side while I was preaching and gave a

message in tongues and I gave the interpretations, and the people flocked into the altar to seek God. Fear is falling upon many. People

are getting saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost.”

Many similar experiences could be given, but suffice it to say that the experience God gave me on the twelfth day of January, 1908 is

still abiding, and still fresh and sweet this first day of February, 1913.

The experiences, blessings and victories God has given, have not been without severe trials, testings, oppositions and some light

persecutions, but in every instance God has stood by me and given grace, and brought me through more than conqueror. And I feel that

these light afflictions will work out for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

“For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands,

eternal in the heavens.”

I expect my life to count for God and humanity in this last great conflict, as we wage a warfare against sin and satan, false teaching,

infidelity, higher criticism and the evolution theory.

Oh, for a million men (and women) who would fear nothing but God, filled with such holy zeal and Godly courage, that we could all

together burst forth under the power of this mighty baptismal fire and rush to every quarter of the globe like mad men, declaring the gospel

of the Son of God, until every tribe, kindred, tongue and people could hear, and thus end this Last Great Conflict!

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Alex City: The youth ofthe church treated the“Seniors” to a ValentineBanquet. They preparedand served the meal. Sister Becky Beard gavea wonderful devotionand we entertained withgames and prizes. Thed e c o r a t i o n s w e r ebeautiful! Afterwards,the youth headed toAuburn and celebratedby eating out at a nicerestaurant. They reallydeserved it! God blessour youth!Alton: The month of LOVE fit rightinto Alton’s mission: “Loving,Growing, Going”! In December ournew Food Pantry opened for the firsttime and we served a total of 14families in our community andsurrounding communities. In Januarywe served 26 families and in Februarywe served 30 families! Beginning inMarch we will open the doors twice amonth. On Wednesday nights beforeour food distribution, perishables suchas breads, eggs, cakes, and potatoesare passed out through theneighborhood. What a wonderfulsight to see smiling faces receive thesegifts of love. We are so thankful forthe opportunity to serve ourcommunity and meet new friends. TalBurdine, our guest from New Mexicojoined us in our monthly DeeperChurch service on Friday night andbrought both the Sunday morning andSunday night messages. Talparticipated in the Children’sValentine Party too! Speaking ofwhich......Our Children’s Departmentcelebrated Valentine’s Day with lunchand a party following the morningservice. This department is growingand we are thankful to report theaverage attendance of children perweek is 20 (up from 5). Wow! Thisministry is continuing to develop andgrowing stronger, not only in numberbut also in staff and direction. TheSenior’s Alive Department is back inthe swing of their monthly lunch

excursions and the ladies haveorganized a prayer group which meetsevery Thursday morning. We are sovery blessed to have such a wonderfulseniors group. Always busy, alwaysinvolved and always supportive. Wehad the privilege of setting forth BlakeJohns as a lay minister and he blessedus with the message, “Chosen toLead”. Our prayer at the Alton Churchis to step up and lead our community,our neighbors, our friends, and ourfamilies to Christ. We pray for you tooas we work together to bring this life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to ourcommunities.Anniston-Praise & Worship: AtPraise and Worship we had anawesome worship service. The HolySpirit was evident from the opening tothe last amen. Two were baptized andjoined the church. Our attendance isincreasing. Our children’s ministry isfunctioning again with ten children andWednesday evening our youth grouphas 18-25 and almost as many with theadults. Our people are excited aboutwhat God is doing in our church.Bessemer-Hopewell Road: One dayat a time God is helping us as a churchand ministry. Through much prayerwe are seeing souls saved, rededicated,and hungry for more of His Grace. Wehave seen twenty-three baptized withover half being children and youth. Several were new converts and coreleaders. We feel as a church that the“Latter Rain” is coming and He is

preparing us for itsarrival. We areexpec t i ng newmembers to join ourc h u r c h a n dministry; God isanswe r i n g o u rprayers and blessingour labors.B o l d o : O u rchildren’s churchc e l e b r a t e dValentine Day andvoted for KingConnor Lane andQueen KatelynHuntington. The

youth had a Valentine party and weenjoyed a Valentine lunch for thechurch in general. We had seventeenyouth to attend the Area YouthMeeting at Twilleytown church. Theyenjoyed all the dramas. Our youthalso presented two dramas. The guestspeaker was Jeremy Hitt from theAlton church.Browntown: At the beginning of themonth we enjoyed Family Day andlunch following. “Share God’s Love”was the theme for our HappyValentine Day event.Chickasaw: A busy and blessedmonth! Seems like spring is early andin the air there is excitement aboutwhat God is doing. The Lord has sentus more new visitors and they saidthey have found a church with love. Our youth went to an apartmentcomplex, visited and prayed withmany residents. One lady came tochurch and said she was so happy theyknocked on her door and prayed forher. “It was just what I needed and Iam is looking for a church to go to.” Our District Youth Director, WalterDeGeer, held a meeting at Chickasaw. We were all blessed in the worship and also enjoyed fellowship andrefreshments. We are so proud of theyouth in our district and thankful forGod leading them. They have plans toimprove their Sunday School roomand update the church. They arebuzzing like bees with excitement andwe’re thrilled to watch them. They

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have our support and prayers. Elba: Great Spirit in our church. Ourdesire is to win souls for the Lord’sKingdom.Fayette-North Pointe: Praise God forgrowth and blessings. The presenceof the Lord has overflowed in ourservices and we had two souls savedand one filled with the Holy Ghost. Three new members were welcomedinto our local congregation. We alsowelcomed our grandson, BrantleySilas Ives into our family. WinfieldFamily Church with Pastor DwayneSmith joined us for a baptism service. Everyone was blessed as we baptizedseveral and had a time of fellowshipafterwards. We dedicated two babies this month also.Gadsden-Living Waters: We are sothankful for everyone praying for ourchurch people that have been sick. God is blessing and they are all out ofthe hospital and now at church! PraiseGod! Our church building inside hasbeen given a new face look and it isbeautiful. We all came together inprayer, fasting and love, nowexperiencing a revival in our souls.Green Pond: Prayer and fastingpreceded an outstanding revival withMatt Denard and Shane Pate asevangelists. Souls were saved,sanctified and filled with the HolyGhost. Many were healed and otherneeds met. The Spirit of God wasmanifested in each service. Fourteenwere baptized before our revival butwe are expecting several more since. Wendy Hudson from Remlap BaptistChurch was the speaker for LadiesDay. “PURE HEART” was the topicfor this meeting. Wendy also blessedus with her beautiful singing. We liftour voices in praise to God for Hisblessings. Fifty-one children fromWOW attended our revival servicewith Brother Matt. He lead them inprayer of repentance and thirty-oneacknowledged that they had acceptedChrist into their life.Hackleburg: The Mission Team fromIllinois was here. We worked nonstop making sure their team of 45 wascared for. They worked in the city

with local government agencies toassist storm damage families who hadnot recovered completely yet andfinished several projects on ourproperty. Two of our Sundays hadincredible attendance! One SundayGod blessed with 246 and then add onthe Mission Team with 45. The housewas full! It was interesting to “feel”what a full building was like on a“regular” Sunday. We were at 291with the Mission Team! We areexcited to report the AddictionRecovery Ministry is increasing...2were delivered this past week and 1 ofour young men who has been clean for6 months was filled with the HolySpirit! We are having 10-14 inFreedom Group each week. Also, Iwas so blessed by the heart and visionof Sister Ramsey at Harris Chapel. Her team conducted an incredible TeenGirls Conference. My daughter as wellas 10 others from our church wereblessed. Our own Halie Laceyministered on purity and being awoman of God. All reports said; “agreat time of ministry”. Our GrowthGroups (small group ministry) aregoing extremely well as believersgather in homes and meeting places todiscover God’s love. One Wednesdaynight the glory flooded the YouthMinistries church as the Refuge YouthBand led the hungry teens into thepresence of God. During StudentMinistry Month, Pastor Dustin had twoyouth each week ministering abouttheir personal journey to Christ. Theyouth service ended with five studentvolunteers taking the microphone andpraying for their generation.Haleyville-Pathway: From the start ofSunday School the Spirit began tomove as different ones came forth tobe anointed for their healing. TheSpirit was there so strong andcontinued as God moved in individualsfor other needs in their life. One manwas saved, sanctified and deliveredfrom drug addiction, testifying of ahigh that he had never experiencedwhile on drugs. Two young ladieswere delivered from fear and anothersister experienced a great moving of

the Holy Ghost. She described it astongue being loose at both ends. Twowere renewed in their spiritualexperience, 3 were healed of physicalillness. Several said they hadn’texperienced such a move of God in along time and one was assured bytheir testimony that things were goingto get better. To God be all glory forsuch an awesome experience of Hispresence. Also, we had anotherwonderful time as we gathered togather at Hackleburg with the district. It was a great time of fellowship in theSpirit and our people that were presentwere greatly blessed.Harris Chapel: Praising God for agreat month! Brother Saint preacheda powerful message, “In It For TheLong Haul”. He emphasized beingcommitted and staying on course. One young teenager gave her heart tothe Lord. Our Pastor Sister Ramseyspoke at a ladies’ Valentine Banquetat a Cowboy Church in Holly Pond. This was a group of very loving,friendly people and we enjoyedmeeting some more of the family ofGod. Our church participated inserving the Gale Love family after thefuneral. Much love was expressed toand from the family. We sponsored aYoung Girls Conference with anattendance of 49 girls from ages 12-25. This was a first for us but we feelthis was God-ordained from thebeginning. It was great seeing thisgroup of young ladies from differentchurches raising their handsworshiping God. Kim Sutton put a lotof prayer, time and effort inorganizing this event. Speakers wereKim Sutton, Reiny Hopkins (a 16 yearold girl who was in a terrible accidentabout a year ago) and Halie LacyHagood from Hackleburg. They allbrought a timely word to the hearersand several came to the altar to pray. Pastor David Browden gave histestimony at our Men’s FellowshipBreakfast. He told of God’s healingpower when he was seriously injuredin an accident over two years ago. God still heals! One Sundayfollowing the worship service, we

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baptized a sixteen year old. Thatnight after Communion and FeetWashing a five year old wanted to bebaptized which led to three othersgetting baptized. One of those was thegrandmother to the five year old. Weliterally saw the scripture fulfilledbefore our eyes, “...a little child shalllead them...” It was a wonderful dayof tears and laughter. God isAWESOME and faithful to answerour prayers.Jasper: God is beginning to people are beginning tovisit and three ladies have beenattending on a regular basis. We havealso a young Hispanic man, his wifeand baby visiting and the young manseems very serious about a closer walkwith God. Revival is in the air and weare praising God for what He is doing.Moulton: Continuing to forge aheadwith our Intervention ThruPrayer....And once again God hasshowed up in a mighty. Everyday inFebruary was covered with an hour ofprayer at the local church. Wegathered at 5 for an hour of prayerprior to service; prayer spilled overinto our worship; then worship led topowerful praise and a moving of theHoly Ghost; then again to anotherseason of prayer! Amazing 21/2 hourservice in the presence of the Lord. We serve an AWESOME GOD!Russellville-Living Word: Our youthwere blessed to go to the North WestDistrict Youth Meeting. God is doingamazing things in our young people. Short Creek: We celebrated themonth of LOVE with an Agape Feaston Sunday the 10 . Before the mealth

we had a cake auction to offset ourExpense Fund. We raised $500. TheWomen’s Ministry had a WhiteElephant Exchange. Sister Judy Pateprepared a nice table of goodies for allto enjoy. What a fun night of food,fun, and fellowship! We have begunprayer night each Monday night. Jesus is coming soon and we must beready!Sylacauga: We want to congratulateJanean Croyle Marshall for graduationfrom Virginia College in Birmingham. She received her degree in Diagnostic

Medical Sonography. The dayfollowing graduation, she was hired bya doctor in Bessemer.Tarrant: February....a month of love. Words cannot express how I feel inmy heart toward each of you. So frommy heart...I want to say....I love andappreciate each of you and yourfamilies. Sister Cindy surprised thechildren with a Valentine Breakfastand they were so excited. Everyoneenjoyed the Valentine Party on FamilyNight. We had several to attend theCentral Youth Leadership meeting atHopewell COGOP. Brother and SisterWynn’s grandson, Jeremy, gave histestimony this month also.Trinity: An awesome presenceprevailed as we began our service. During worship, God’s presence wentthroughout the audience, blessing andcausing some to cry out in worship toour Lord with the Holy Ghostspeaking, and people praying. Wow! It was like a revival. There was onesaved. Our church has been prayingfor revival and I believe it is on theway. I am so happy to see this in ourchurch. Another Sunday, the housewas almost filled and the presence ofthe Lord was so real. One joined thechurch who has been attending sincehe was in elementary school and isnow in college. He is also teaching aSS class. We had several visitors andthey were looking for a church. Weare looking forward to what God isdoing next.Twilleytown: What an amazing Godwe serve. We had 80 to attend ourValentine Banquet. The theme was the“1950's”. Our youth raised $600 andwe had a wonderful time. We havebeen having Holy Ghost powerfulservices. The Lord has moved duringSunday School and into worship. Ouryouth director obeyed the Lord andcalled the youth and their parents upfront and we saw how God has blessed. Two years ago we had three youth. Now we have thirteen. The HolyGhost is calling His children to comeand seek Him, to move up higher forhealing and deliverance. One memberdeclared that Jesus was standing in thecorner of the church. One couple after

praying said they received peacewhere God wants them to be. Wehave banded together in one mind andone accord and there is nothing thatGod won’t do. We are thankful forthe new people coming to us.

Harvest Parners

BelarusHope you are doing well. I would liketo share with you some good news.Last month was very intensive in ourchurch. On February 14 we hadspecial event for couples. We invitedas many couples as we can. The wholechurch was involved in that project.Our main goal was to reachunbelievers. And that was very goodreason to invite people to the church.We spread invitations, fasted andprayed. Also we encouragedeverybody to participate in it. Ourteam prepared a lot. That evening wasso good. There were a lot of laughs,games, songs, fun and good Word ofGod about differences between manand woman. New couples came to thatevent. Some of them already started tocoming to our church. Several daysago we had another great event. OnMarch 8 our country celebratewomen’s day. So we decided to use itfor reaching out women. We alsofasted and prayed for that event.Almost everybody invited theirfriends, co-workers, sisters and moms.We invited a lot. On that day we metthem with candies, some girls did ahand massage for every woman. Therewere beautiful songs, videos, and classon how to wear accessories, goodWord and prayer for healing. Greattime was spending with women. Thanwe decided to do the same kinds ofreaching out program in other ourchurches. We already did that with ourteam in Berezino church. And we arewaiting for March 23 to do that inMogilev church. It’s a great joy to seehow new people coming to ourchurch!

With Love, Gena

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Prayer Line with Dr. WesslySaturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690Access Code: 650786#

STATE WEB SITESAlabama Update Blog:WWW.alabamaupdate.blogspot.comAlabama Web Site: Youth-Tim Beck Web:

AVAILABLE FOR REVIVALSJames Adkins, P O Box 921,Collinsville, AL 35961-0920,Telephone (256) 524-3130.Joey Dobbs: Member of SterrettChurch of God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-3017.Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone(205) 921-5637.Christine & Curtis Englebert, 111Woodland Road, Dora, AL 35062Telephone (205) 648-2871 or cell #2 0 5 - 2 7 5 - 1 1 9 9 . [email protected]. Fill infor pastors also.Avvis Motes, P O Box 272, Warrior,AL 35180. Telephone (205) 647-4819.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30Cordova, AL 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129. Fill in for pastors also.Kevin Rhodes, member at Red Bay,AL Phone # 256-460-8105 home:2 5 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 9 9 7 ,[email protected] .Larry Webb and Nora Lutz,available for revivals and singings,22060 Eastern Valley Road, McCalla,AL 35111, cell# (205) 413-5829;home # (205) 938-3404.Kenneth Wilkins, is available forweek-end revivals and filling in forpastors and special services. Telephone: (205)-763-7101. Email:[email protected].

S P E A K I N G A N DSPECIAL PROGRAMS:Anita Falkner, 3615 Moody Pkwy,Moody, AL 35004. Telephone (205)640-6207.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30;

Cordova, AL, 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129.

BABIESFayette-North Pointe: The grandsonof Pastors Brent and Anita Smalley wasborn February 14 . Brantley Silas wasth

born to Brianne and Kevin Ives. Gadsden-Living Waters: CarsonWayne was born to Christopher andTiffany Barron. He weighed 7 lbs and9 ins.

BABY DEDICATIONFayette-North Pointe: Benjamin BlakeWillcutt was dedicated. His parents areBlake and Labatha Willcutt.Fayette-North Pointe: Brantley SilasIves was dedicated . His parents areBrianne and Kevin Ives.

DEATHSFayette-North Pointe: Butch Wilsonleft this earthly home on February 24 . th

Fayette-North Pointe: February 12th

was the home-going for Maxine Kemp.Lincoln: Cora Ruth Decker went hometo her final resting place February 16 . th

Living In The Spirit

But if the Spirit of Him who raisedJesus from the dead dwell in you, Hewho raised Christ from the dead willalso give life to your mortal bodies

through His Spirit who dwells in you. The Spirit Himself bears witness withour spirit that we are children of God,

and of children of God, and ifchildren, then heirs–heirs of God andjoint heirs with Christ, if indeed we

suffer with Him, that we may also beglorified together.

Romans 8:11, 16-17

Jesus promised us a Comforter, theHoly Spirit, to be with us always andgive life to our mortal bodies. Withthat promise, we are heirs of God andjoint heirs with Christ. We are inGod’s family, and no one or nothingcan take that away from us. Life maybring certain challenges and times ofsuffering, but the rewards that havebeen promised are greater than we canpossibly imagine. Therefore, we shouldcelebrate the love of God and let HisSpirit be alive in all that we do eachday.


Susan AtchleyAnthony BurnsHoyt HolcombClint KnowlesAvena LewisWilda Pate Ernest PigorschDebra ProphittBrenda SmithDonald Stanton

ANNIVERSARIESW. T. and Betty BranchWilton and Patricia PriceMoody and Patsy PritchettDonald and Johnnie StantonGeorge and Betty Wyrosdick

Awaken Tour PREPARE 2013Making ourselves ready for the

BridegroomApril6 Huntsville-ML 6:30pm7 Sterrett 6:00pm14 Collinsville-HC 6:00pm20 Chickasaw 6:30pm28 Liberty-B/ham 6:30pmMay5 Carbon Hill 6:00pmApril25-28 Gordon Conwell

Camp BootheJune

Summer CampsAugust1-4 State Convention

Embassy Hotel–HooverSeptember11-13 SOPAS

Camp Boothe20-21 Women’s Conference

Camp BootheNovember1-2 Men’s Conference

Camp Boothe6-10 Gordon-Conwell

Camp BootheDecember29-31 Winter Conference

Camp Boothe2014January17-18 Pastor’s/Spouse ConferenceJuly30-Aug 3 International Assembly

Rosen Shingle Creek Resortand Convention Center

Page 12: Alabama Update April 2013

EvangelismFebruary Church Statistics

Taken from Church Reporters and Pastors Reports

1.Saved 2.Sanctified 3.Holy Ghost 4.Baptized 5.Added to Church


Anniston-Praise & Worship Sylvester Smith 3 4Alton Jeremy Hitt 3Bessemer-Hopewell Road Joey Mojica 5 3 2 23Calera-Harvest Chapel James Simpson 6Decatur Dale Dilbeck 2Fayette-North Pointe Brent Smalley 2 1 3 3Grant-Sanctuary on the Mt. Leslie Curtis 2Green Pond William Noe Matt Denard & 5 3 3 14

Shane PateHackleburg Clint Knowles 7 2 9Haleyville-Pathway Luther Rye 3 2 2Harris Chapel James & Paulette Ramsey 1 4Munford-Silver Run Charles Boyd 1 1 3Short Creek Shane Pate 2 2Sterrett Terry Gann Brent SmalleyTrinity A. L. Henderson 1Winfield City Family Dewayne Smith 3 2


Anita Falkner 1 1Elizabeth Knowles 5 1Kenneth Wilkins 1


Number Reports 67Sermons 319Church Homes Visited 720New Homes Visited 837

Page 13: Alabama Update April 2013

February, 2013 Statistics����


Alexander City 43 3129.60Aliceville ---- 1763.14 Alton 57 3961.60Altoona 11 3818.21Anniston Praise & Worship 45 5852.23 Arab NO REPORT Bayou La Batre 13 404.00Bessemer Hopewell ` NO REPORT Woodland Hills 78 16,171.09Boaz 09 1266.70Boldo ----- 2158.26Brown’s Chapel 22 3275.00Browntown 43 3791.15Calera Harvest Chapel NO REPORTCarbon Hill 113 12,354.12Chickasaw ---- 2173.20Citronelle ---- 2389.00Clanton 27 3486.00Collinsville Harvest Center 38 4702.60Cordova 62 6591.70Cottondale NO REPORT Cunningham Bridge 04 606.00Decatur 37 3424.45Dothan 10 4269.57Dry Valley ---- 1322.28East Lake Highlands 41 3453.65Elba ---- 673.10 Elkmont 10 755.00Eoline-Tuscaloosa 14 1733.90Fayette-North Pointe 100 5032.10Fort Payne 10 964.62Gadsden Living Waters 51 3060.29Goodwater Joyful Praise 28 1881.14Gordo NO REPORT 5800.66Grant 20 6950.81Green Pond 75 6055.90Grove Hill 04 559.00Hackleburg 225 24,003.44Haleyville Pathway 36 1687.88Hamilton-New Heights NO REPORT Happy Hill 90 7479.60


Harris Chapel 51 5855.23Hartselle 12 1164.19Hazel Green NO REPORTHuntsville Bell Rd 15 1913.13 Mastin Lake 70 8320.00 Mission NO REPORT Jasper 16 2685.79Leesburg 60 6332.70Lincoln 27 1907.80Mentone 14 1687.20Montgomery 11 1183.00Moulton 18 2159.00Munford-Silver Run NO REPORT Odenville 68 2024.60Pelham 32 3616.70Parrish 19 1261.00Phil Campbell NO REPORTPinson Parkway 25 1914.40Poarch 05 649.36 Red Bay 20 5444.40Robertsdale 20 622.00Rock Cliff NO REPORTRussellville Living Word 33 2563.54 Sheffield-Cliff Haven 132 14,736.94Short Creek 40 4203.13 Sterrett 129 7476.50Summerbrook 44 3913.26Sylacauga-Power of Cross 09 340.00Tannehill Mission NO REPORT ---------Tarrant City 40 2654.50Trinity Worship 64 84103.50 Twilley Town ---- 4041.00 West Blocton ----- 647.50 West Mobile 16 1609.00 Winfield Family Church 38 3153.74






Aliceville - Jan. 06 3048.14 Eastlake Highlands-Jan. 45 2897.90 Huntsville-BR - Jan. 12 2142.05

Page 14: Alabama Update April 2013

Dates Locations Area 3/3- Woodland Hills Church Central 3/10- Hackleburg Community Church Northwest 4/6- Mastin Lake Church North 4/7- Sterrett COGOP Mideast 4/14- Harvest Center Northeast 4/20- Chickasaw COGOP South 4/28- Liberty Church Birmingham 5/5- Carbon Hill COGOP Midwest

PREPARE 2013 Awaken Tour presents…

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ALABAMA UPDATE NON-PROFIT ORG.Church of God of Prophecy U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 707 A PAID Bessemer, Alabama 35021-0707

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Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

Billy PeyregneMarch 23, 2013

Charlotte (Doc) Gillespie’s brother and Vicki(Ernest) Pigorsch’s uncle

Deacon Raymond PonderMarch 9, 2013

Gladys VinesMarch 11, 2013

Deceased Deacon Porter Vines’ wife

Billie Ruth LangfordMarch 24, 2013

A. L. (Carol) Henderson’s sister

The Alabama Update is the official monthly publication of

the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama. Yearly

subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publication

referring to the Church of God have reference to the Church

of God of Prophecy. Articles and news briefs submitted for

publication must be received by the fifth of the month for

publication, and should be sent to: Alabama Update, PO

Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



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