al-wasatiyyah international quran institute for...

New Student’s experiences learning with Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women E-mail: [email protected]

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New Student’s experiences learning with

Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women

E-mail: [email protected]

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From USA…..

“I was very surprised to see how effective it is to learn how to recite the Qur’an online. I was skeptical

because reciting the Qur’an is very sensitive and you have to be able to hear the subtle nuances of the

pronunciation of each letter. But, in this class you can hear the teacher well when she recites and the

teacher can hear the students well. She hears EVERYTHING in class even the smallest mistakes.

Not only does she hear everything in class, she remembers the mistakes that each student makes and

uses this knowledge to further help the student in subsequent lessons. So this is really a good thing.

Each lesson is jam packed with information. Even though it is packed full with information, the teacher

fortifies the knowledge with many examples and stories from real life, and from Qur’an and Hadith.

This makes for a very enjoyable and lively class. She brings in knowledge from many areas that the

students benefit from.

The teacher really understands the problems many foreigners have while trying to learn to recite the

Qur’an. She addresses all of these problems by telling you what they are and exactly how to overcome

them. She even gives you time in class to practice getting it right.

The class is very structured and the teacher is very strict. I have come to see that this is very good and

necessary in order to get the full benefit of the awesome study Qur’an study and memorization.

I have taken other Tajweed classes before, but I have never experienced the depth of information that

this class provides. She taught the history of Tajweed in very great detail. It was awesome to learn

how Tajweed got started. She gave information about the ten ways (Qira'at) the Qur’an can be recited.

We are learning the characteristics and attributes of each letter. I had never heard about that before.

She takes examples from Surahs in the Qur’an and this makes it very real. The teacher gives the Arabic

terms for the concepts that she is teaching. This way when you are ready to teach Tajweed, you can

teach it intelligently because you will know the Arabic terms as well as the English terms.

I am soooo very happy that I decided to take this online class. The teacher, Ummu Salmaan says it will

take about two years to complete the whole Quran with memorisation; I am very committed to spending

this time with her. I feel that only death can interfere with my completing the class. As long as you

have an internet connection, you can be in any part of the world and still continue the class. Another

benefit of an online class is that you do not have to spend time driving to class or paying for a taxi or a

bus. You can take this online class in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

At first I thought my age would be a barrier to memorizing the rules Tajweed and the Qur’an, because

I’m 65 years old. You know they say the “golden” years for memorizing the Qur’an is between 10-20

years old. But, the way Ummu Salmaan teaches by giving full explanations of each Tajweed rule, you

don’t really have to memorize the rules, you will KNOW them. She also gave us a method of

memorization that makes it easier to memorize it. I’m happy that I did not let my age be a barrier to my

taking the online class.

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What comes across very strongly during the classes is the teacher’s passion for learning, her passion and

love for teaching and her desire to please her Lord. What better combination can you have in a teacher?

This class is a winner!!!”

CharlotteCharlotteCharlotteCharlotte Zahara Zahara Zahara Zahara ElElElEl----AminAminAminAmin,



From Sweden…..

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

I firstly would like to praise Allaah the Most-High with His sublime Names and lofty Attributes and thank Allaah the All-

Mighty for blessing me and many Muslim women with these classes and for making us from the students of the Noble


Maa shaa Allaah, the curriculum is truly from the best ones; designed to give information in-depth and formed so as to

give exactly what the student needs. I started in the beginners class and by Allaah, I never thought I would be able

understand so much knowledge in such a short period of time. Due to the help of Allaah then our passionate and striving

teacher Ummu Salmaan, hafithahallaah, who is specialized in this knowledge, the curriculum is, according to my opinion

and experience, is a true winner and something to hold on to in teaching and learning. Our teacher, may Allaah preserve

her, has mentioned many times in class that if a person runs up the ladder, he will fall down faster than he got up, so

learning is in steps. The curriculum is designed so as to make the student climb up the ladder, growing stronger at every

step and reaching the goal with an unbreakable package in the heart and strength in knowledge. I recommend this program

for anyone who wishes to learn to recite the Quran like it was revealed to the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

Subhaanallaah, I got an eemaan boost already the first minutes of the first class that we had. I have never encountered the

knowledge of the history of the Quran and its various qiraat in any of the English Islamic books. It was explained to us

patiently and in an excellent manner and wallaahi I felt the love for the Quran growing much stronger in my heart during

the first minutes of the first class. I cannot express how I feel about it now, subhaanallaah. Allaahu Akbar.

The one who is skeptical about the way of teaching should not worry at all. The fact that it is online has its benefits and

the software that we use is designed as a classroom. Students of the Quran from all over the world meet in an online

classroom and it works maa sha Allaah with good manners and self discipline. Our teacher, may Allaah reward her with

the best, explains in a very pedagogical manner. There is no worry about the quality of the teacher, maa sha Allaah, she is

blessed with teaching skills as well; rather the focus is on the student and her ability to learn and being alert in class. Our

teacher, hafithahallaah, uses a whiteboard in class and she prepares notes for us and simplifies much for her students, maa

sha Allaah. I am more than pleased.

We keep contact and updates regularly through the forum and subhaanallaah, I feel like it is more organized than many

other places of learning and I benefit in all aspects. By the will of Allaah, the sisterhood is established through chatting on

the forum and meetings in class. It feels like I am sitting beside them in a classroom like a normal day feeling comfortable

although, until now, I still have not seen anyone of my fellow students that live in other countries.

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Truly, I benefit in all aspects; sometimes our teacher, hafithahallaah, explains a matter in more detail and benefits us in

other areas of Islaam walhamdulillaah. It is almost like I can hear my fellow students sitting and listening wide-eared

giving all their attention when our teacher, hafithahallah, does that. I want to mention that I do not smile during any time

of the day as much as I do during the Quran tadjweed classes. I enjoy them so much that I keep smiling out of love for the

Quran and my fellow students (may Allaah grant us success) and our teacher, hafithahallaah. I sincerely love them all for

the sake of Allaah.

و صلى هللا على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين, اھذ

Aida Hussein عائدةبنت جمال ابن حسين

Stockholm, Sweden

2010-12-14 / 1431, 8th Muharram


From Egypt, Cairo…..

“As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatallahi wa Barakhatu,

I want to share my experience with other sisters, in the hopes that they will take advantage of the wonderful opportunity presented by Ummu Salmaan and Al-Wasatiyyah Quran Institute, with the aid of our Lord.

I had been searching for a way to continue to study, as I have 4 children, two of which are under three years of age. When I heard about the online class, I originally had some reservations, but I am grateful to Allah that I applied to the course. I have benefited greatly in the short time I have been enrolled.

MashaAllah, I am overwhelmed with the depth of information I have received in such a short time. Our teacher Umm Salmaan, may Allah preserve her, is extremely detail oriented and has gone to great lengths to ensure we have a firm grounding in Tajweed and Quran. She spent a few classes just informing us on the history of the compilation of the Quran and the origin of the Tajweed rules, as well as biographies of the Imaams of the 10 Qira’aat. It was beautiful to learn the history of the Quran in such detail and it has enriched my appreciation of the scholars of that time, next to whom we pale in comparison.

We are now learning in detail the various attributes of the Arabic letters and their classifications. I had no idea that there was so much involved in each letter. Learning this is not only helping me with Quran, but it helping me to improve my Arabic reading and speaking as well. We have learned so much, and haven’t even progressed to memorizing the Quran yet. I am in no doubt that this is the best class I have attended on-line, or in person, MashaAllah.

Before beginning the class, I was originally a little worried about the format and whether each student would receive the necessary attention required to aid her in improving her recitation. However, Ummu Salmaan is excellent in that she can identify and pick up on the various nuances of our speech and point out the errors as if she was right in front of us. Also, in addition to explaining the principles and providing examples from Quran and hadith, she makes sure to ask many questions to ensure that we have understood and we also take turns pronouncing letters and words to her so that she can correct us based on what we have learned thus far. MashaAllah, all of the sisters have shown improvement based on her feedback.

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This class has been very beneficial in that I can attend even though I have small children. I do not have to leave the house, find a babysitter, or anything like that. I am in a comfortable environment, where I can concentrate fully on the lesson. Also, I use the information learned to help my children with their Quran recitation as well, so my entire family is benefiting, walhamdulillah. I hope to complete the Quran with Ummu Salmaan and progress to teaching others someday, InshaAllah, Bi’ithnillah.”

Khadija Hawks Egypt/Cairo



Assalaamu ‘aliakum wa rahmatullaah,

Firstly, I need to thank Allaah and then Al-Wasatiyyah for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of this program. I

consider myself to be honored and I hold it as a great amaanah to learn what I am taught, strive to understand and

implement it, and finally pass it on to others. May Allaah grant me success in accomplishing these goals.

This is only the second time that I am formally studying Tajweed, the first being earlier this year for a few months with

an excellent Qur’aan teacher from Saudia; may Allaah reward her immensely. In those classes I learnt a lot

maashaallaah. The classes were in Arabic which was great because I was introduced to the terms in Arabic before

learning them in English. However, a few times I encountered some difficulty where I could not fully comprehend the

fine details of the material being covered and that made me somewhat saddened.

I have found that with my classes at Al-Wasatiyyah I do not have this problem. The classes are in English, yet maintain

great reliance on the Arabic terms, names of scholars and aspects of poetry and this is something I greatly appreciate. I

am able to understand the material being covered as the explanation is extremely clear, precise and done at a moderate

pace and with many examples to help with better comprehension of the matter being discussed and the opportunity to

ask questions to clarify any doubts.

As for the content that we have covered so far – it has been a tremendous learning experience. In the first 3 classes

alone we covered an introduction to studying the Qur’aan which included a look at the history of the Qur’aan, the

writing of the Tajweed rules, the different recitation and some of biographies of some of the Reciters. Maashaallaah

most of this material was very new to me and it opened up a whole new world that I am very excited to explore.

Thereafter, we continued with some further explanation about the various recitations and routes and took some more

biographies. Then it was on to Tajweed.

Maashaallaah, the methodology and sequence in which the Tajweed is being taught is very systematic and easy to

follow. It seems like the natural path for studying this knowledge – learning the proper makhaarij and sifaat before

embarking on the various rules. This is something I am eagerly looking forward to completing as I know that my main

problem area lies more in the correct pronunciation of the letters rather than applying the tajweed rules. Each day I

anxiously look forward to class and to learning something new. The only inhibition I have is when I feel that I have not

properly reviewed the past material as well as I would like to, as memorizing names and dates etc. is not something easy

for me but I pray that Allaah facilitates ease for me in this affair.

I have found that the lessons have also impacted positively on my life as a whole as I strive to be more serious and

particular about how I spend my time, and it has also improved my relationship with the Qur’aan walhamdulillaah. This

is due in part to the encouragement and advice of our dear teacher Umm Salmaan as well as her mannerisms displayed

in class. She is very serious toward seeking and imparting knowledge of this Deen and has a great love for the Qur’aan

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and teaching it as evidenced by her demeanor in class. She is exhibits great patience with us and takes the time to

explain things several times if need be. She also has a quality not too often seen in the West in these times, and that is

her eagerness to teach us what she knows regarding the matters we are studying so that we may in turn teach it to

others i.e. she is generous with her knowledge – baarak Allaahu feehaa.

This is what I have to comment on thus far. I ask Allaah by His Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes to allow me and my

classmates to benefit from this course and make us firm upon the knowledge and allow us to memorize His Kitaab so

that we may be able to better worship Him, and that we may be able to teach what we have learnt to our family and

others in our community. I also ask Him to grant our teacher good health, and to put much barakah in her time and to

allow her to have a good internet connection during her travels so we can continue our studies with her and to grant her

place in Jannatuf-Firduas for her striving in seeking knowledge of this Deen and teaching what she has learnt. Aameen.

Al-Wasatiyyah Student



From London, UK……

As salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, When I first received the email concerning learning Qur'an and mastering it. I was indeed very happy but by the time I read the email, I was disappointed when I found out that this was going to be online as I had a lot of misconceptions attached to learning online. I decided to give it a go and subhanallah, it turned out to be a blessing as I couldn't attend any of the lessons due to other commitments. Our noble teacher (may Allah preserve her) then made a class for early in the morning which I would not have been able to attend where it not for the fact that it was online. I am indeed grateful to Allah. I must mention that I have studied tajweed with a number of teachers in a class room setting and so I thought that since this was online, it would be less in terms of quality to being in a class room. I had promised myself that this year, I wanted to excel in the Qur'an Insha Allah and since I had made du'a for Allah to allow me to attend classes for my Qur'an without compromising on my busy commitments, I felt as if this was a blessing from Allah. So I thought to apply although in the back of my mind, I felt that I would just have to be patient with the short comings that I felt the class online would have. SUBHANALLAH, I can gladly to say that ALHAMDULILLAH I was truly wrong. This class has been a blessing from Allah in ways I cannot imagine. It has aided me in reconnecting with the Qur'an especially when our noble teacher (may Allah preserve her) gives us examples from the Juzz 'Amma. These blessed ayaat which I have read time and time again but never contemplating on them fully. I felt like I had just been given the Qur'an and subhanallah, I have fallen in love with it all over again. There is no loss of quality at all (which was something I had greatly feared) and subhanallah due to the high quality of the programme being used, our teacher is able to pick up our smallest and most sensitive mistakes as if we are in class sitting in front of her (may Allah increase her in khair). You cannot begin to imagine the happiness I feel when I am listening to my fellow students (may Allah bless them all and make them benefit from this noble knowledge) and I hear their mistakes and I am able to pick them up even before our noble teacher comments on them. Subhanallah it is so beautiful to see yourself improving in this noble knowledge especially when it is not in your first language. Sometimes, we correct ourselves while reciting before the teacher does and subhanallah, this is from the Mercy Allah has bestowed upon our teacher to make her words so clear to us for learning. I cannot recommend this enough and Allah is a Watcher over our words.

Hauwa bint Usman/UK


From Sweden…..

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“Bismillâhir-Rahmânir-Rahîm Wa 'alaykumus salâm wa Rahmatullâhi wa Barakâtuh

All praise is due to Allâh. I am very grateful for being blessed with the opportunity of learning the tadjwîd from the foundation and gradually going forward parallel to applying the learnt knowledge with Qur’ân-recitation. Learning the basic historical background of Tadjwîd felt very interesting and valuable, giving a valuable insight with regards to the upcoming of this knowledge. The classes have been very informative and disciplined which has felt very beneficial and fruitful, Alhamdulillâh.

I really appreciate Umm Salmaan’s manner of teaching, since it feels serious and systematic, thus making the lessons effective, alhamdulillâh. Furthermore, the lessons feel pedagogical as the knowledge is repeated and we are continuously asked whether we understand. I wish my surrounding could also partake in this beneficial knowledge and receive the same stimulation.

It is an inspiration to partake in the class and it increases one’s hopes and goals. May Allâh grant us success so that one day we can be of those who have preserved the Qur’ân and teaches it to others in the authentic manner transmitted by the Prophet (salla Allâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), amîn.

May Allâh reward Umm Salmaan for patiently teaching us the knowledge of Tadjwîd/Quran and continuously sharing with us ‘Aqidah-benefits and Akhlâq-benefits, amîn.” Farihah Ahmad

Stockholm, Sweden


From Birmingham in UK…..

“Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem,

I have had an extremely positive experience so far with learning online at Al-Wasatiyyah Qur’an

Institute. Since enrolling in October 2010 we have covered much material relating from the

Foundations and Study of Tajweed to the Attributes of the Arabic letters. This course has been

structured for students who have little or no background in Tajweed and require more repetition.

Also for those at an intermediate level who have some Tajweed background but require more in-

depth understanding of the key concepts through practice. Hence the course material covered

online is extensive for students enrolling at any level, MashaAllaah.

At first I was a little apprehensive as to how online learning would be for me as I had never tried it

before. However, I have found that it fits my schedule well, walhamdulillah and it has proven to be

very beneficial indeed.

Through the use of a virtual room, which facilitates a ‘white board’ and a ‘public message’ box

students can write questions pertaining to the course and also use the’ quick click handy tool’ icons

to save class time. This online virtual world has everything a student needs and depicts an actual

classroom setting without having to leave the comfort of your own home! We also have the benefit

of an online Forum where we are updated with course information and downloads. The online

studies meet my needs of being able to study at a time which not only suits me but also it is at a

time when there is great barakah i.e. after Salatul Fajr.

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Our teacher, Umm Salmaan is a gifted and talented teacher with much experience and dedication.

She also possesses zeal, passion, commitment and discipline, Allaah humma Baarik alayhaa. The

classes truly reflect her love for this subject and enthusiasm to teach it correctly to her students.

In order that this knowledge could one day be disseminated accurately further to all corners of the

World, inshaAllaah. Furthermore, Umm Salmaan delivers a broader understanding of the subject

area by relating it back to Allaah Ta’ala and the Sunnah of the Messenger (Sal allaahu alayhi

Wassallam). May Allaah Ta’ala reward her immensely and make this institute a means of success for

her in this life and the hereafter, Ameen.

I would not only recommend it to others but I also look forward to continuing my personal studies

with Al-Wasatiyyah Quran Institute now and in the future. InshaAllaah.

Umm ‘Abdillaah Sulma / Birmingham, UK


“Alhamdoulillah, I have thoroughly enjoyed this course, the teacher is great mashaAllah, confident, well prepared and very understanding. Every lesson is enjoyable, with the right amount of respect between the teacher and the student but also a certain friendliness that makes the student look forward to the next lesson.

To be honest, I was a bit apprehensive as this was an online course, I thought I would not be able to stay focus and learn as well as if I had a teacher in front of me and I had a location to go to. But mashaAllah all my doubts have now disappeared, I have benefited so much from this course (and it is just the beginning!) and I have already started to improve on my Quran recitation. Studying online has so many advantages, for example, there is no more time wasting in the travel to and from the location if I was to do it face to face.

May Allah reward our teacher Ummu Salmaan with the highest rank in Jannah, all her hard work and excellent teaching skills have made this course a pleasure to attend.

Sawsan Therese / U.K .................................................................................................................................................................

All praise is to Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said:

“Allah! Benefit me by what You have taught me, teach me what will be of benefit to me, and

increase me in knowledge”

(Tirmidhi #3393 and Ibn Majjaah #3833)

“As my first month of passionate studying of the Noble Quran at Al-Wasatiyyah institute has

finally been by the will of Our Lord successfully accomplished, I am deeply touched and I feel

that I have already significantly benefited in many, many aspects of learning this Miraculous

Book mashaAllah!.

The short period of time I have eagerly studied has made me aware of how exceptional and

how beyond compare the Book of Allah is, to any worldly thing. And how important it is, for us

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as Muslims to learn to read and memorise the Quran accurately, from the way it was revealed

to the Messenger of Allah, May peace and blessings be upon him and his family.

I have found the Quran Curriculum which is being implemented and taught to the students, at

the institute very exceptional. What I found most astonishing was the fact that our blessed

teacher Ummu Salmaan commenced our learning by educating us on the strong foundations

of Tajweed, and the phenomenal History of the Quran. And now we have proceeded, and are

taking Attributes of each and every individual letter in the Arabic language. I feel by learning

these attributes that I have progressed forward in my reading and understanding of the letters

and their unique qualities. I personally recommend that ANYONE who wants to study the book

of Allah, the way it was revealed to the Messenger peace be upon him and his family is to start

by educating themselves using this technique, with an experienced teacher.

I KNOW that my teacher, Ummu Salmaan, has put in hours of hard work in trying to make us

all fully understand the lessons and because of her great patience, and strength of teaching

with her countless repetitions throughout the lessons has already enabled me to have a

greater understanding of this vast and tremendous knowledge, which I desperately want to

continue to seek more of inshaAllah!

I have never studied Quran online before, and felt a little nervous at first, but I was amazed to

hear the voice of my dear teacher and fellow students to be CRYSTAL CLEAR~ mashaAllah!!!

There are numerous things I find to be highly beneficial to me in the virtual classroom:

� T he white board where our teacher can demonstrate highlighted and colorful diagrams,

which enables us to understand the key points of the lesson more clearly.

� All students have the opportunity to raise their hands and ask questions regarding the

work that is being taught.

� Also, every student has the opportunity to recite to the teacher with a good quality of

time, one to one. There are many interactions with the teacher as well, throughout the

lesson, where the student will be expected to answer questions, using the provided


Al-Wasatiyyah institute has by the command of Allah, provided us (all the students) with a

forum, where the students can create an account and add their teacher as a friend, once this is

done, the teacher is able to update you out of class time with any class downloads,

attachments and also general comments. This is an EXCELLENT way of keeping informed with

the institute. And furthermore, you can develop a friendship with sisters that are studying

alongside you at the institute.

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One of the advantages that I’ve found, whilst studying this course is that I can study in the

comfort of my own home. As I’m a mother of four, I’ve found this to be a very convenient way

of learning. And I conclude, by recommending this advice to anyone who is unable to leave the

home and attend a Tajweed class”.

“May Allah the All Wise keep us firm and steadfast whilst seeking the excellence of knowledge

and May He grant our teacher the highest levels of Jannah inshaAllah, Ameen”.

Deba Khaliq.



“Bismillah hirahman ni raheem

Assalamu alaikum.

Re: My experience learning with our teacher Ummu Salmaan at Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women.

May Allah Preserve my teacher Ummu Salmaan.

To be honest I did not know what to expect, I knew my journey would be hard and need to be patient (and continue to

learn to be patient) but very rewarding in the long run because this dunya is a trial. Al hamdulilah I am truly enjoying my

experience at Al-Wasatiyyah Institute, Allah is my witness I never thought I would learn so much in a short space of time,

truly its a mercy from Allah that I understand and Allah has given us a teacher that specialty is in Tajweed & Quran

recitation; The teaching methods are amazing, ma’shallah I know it’s a beginners group but al hamdulilah it caters for all

our needs. Subhanallah the teacher is patient with us and ma’shallah Allah has showered His Mercy upon her because

she has the ability to teach which one thing is, but she also has the ability to explain in a method that is understandable.

Ma’shallah the techniques which is used to teach are great e.g. white board, Quran etc. The teacher mixes the methods

and this keeps me alert and focus on what she is teaching. Also I think the best method used is implementing and

practicing in the Qur’an has had an affect, subhanallah. Alhamdulillah I am gaining knowledge but also I am practicing it

in everyday situation e.g. In my prayers. This was the intention of our teacher in teaching the Quran and Allah has


When I found out I was going to learn online, I didn’t know what to think; because my mind was fixated on “how is this

going to work?” Truly The Beneficent, Allah is my witness (this is what I did) I my put my trust in Allah and with sincere

intention (that’s not worldly benefits) to learn then all the sceptical thoughts from my soul and the whispers of the devil

goes, al-hamdulilah.

I think having goals which you want to achieve will help you. My goal inshallah is firstly to correct my errors because the

Qur’an is the speech of Allah and I want to glorify and do just in reciting Allah’s speech. It would be hypercritical for me

to correct others if I do not correct myself. Also inshallah I have the intention teacher to help others and benefit them

with the knowledge of the Quran that Allah has been so merciful to show me. I have the intention inshallah to teach in a

manner that I’ve been taught, ma’shallah she makes the students feel the love and attention Allah is truly deserving of.

Even if I was to help one person and help them like she has helped me, inshallah they benefit from the knowledge and

love of Allah.

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It’s an amazing thought knowing that we our located in different countries across the world and it makes no different

because its feels like in one classroom, subhanallah. We just can’t see the teachers face but still gaining Allah’s

knowledge, al hamdulilah. Also it’s great that there is the forum which has benefitted us in learning, bonding and asking

fellow students for help, all praise due to Allah. I am learning Tajweed but –all Glory be to Allah Allah- I have realised

attending this classes I’ve pick on good traits that will help me improve my own manner, May Allah reward my teacher

and preserve her and continue in showering His Mercy upon her.

I can’t do justly in thanking her but I pray and supplicate to Allah to forgive us for our short coming and grant us

beneficially knowledge, understanding and action upon the Holy Qur’an.


Hodan Daud



“The Al-Wasatiyyah course provides a strong foundation for any muslimah who is committed to learning and teaching

the Qur’an.

The topics are covered at an appropriate pace, making it suitable for all abilities.

The excellent teaching style allows the student to learn effectively; through repetition and frequent implementation and

practice of tajweed rules. This enables the student to build a very strong foundation in tajweed, which is essential

before progressing further to memorise Qur’an.

The depth of knowledge taught, and the focus on building a strong base is I feel, one of the best aspects of this course,

allowing the student to gain confidence in their recitation, which increases their love for the Qur’an as they actually

begin to enjoy reciting - as the Qur’an, when recited correctly, is beautiful to hear.

The online environment in these lessons is certainly comparable to having a teacher, as the quality of the sound in

lessons is excellent, and the teacher is able to hear and correct all mistakes perfectly.

The quality of learning is, in addition to the dedication placed into the subject by the student, directly related to the

quality of teaching, and I have really enjoyed every lesson in this course so far.”

Basharat Malik.

U.K, London


From Leeds, UK…..

للّه رسول على والسالم والصالة احلمد للّه

As-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh

When I first began this course, I imagined that I had I fair idea of what to expect when

enrolling as I had already studied basic Tajweed Rulings before, but it just took a week into the

course that I really began to realise just how vast this knowledge really is, and just how little I

know! - And I’ve only just started, SubhaanAllaah!

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I am also new to E-Learning so I really didn’t know what to expect, or how effective learning

online would be, but I have to say that my experience so far has been really positive Maa Shaa’

Allaah! ... Indeed, it is Allaah who teaches you that which you know not, and by the Permission of

Allaah, I have learnt a lot in such a short space of time wa lillaahil-Hamd.

Our Teacher, Ummu Salmaan (HafidhahAllaah) truly teaches her students with

dedication, love and commitment. Her explanations are clear Maa Shaa’ Allaah and she shows

much concern for us, as well as our learning as she guides us along with many reminders, advice,

and support throughout our learning experience,, may Allaah reward her with much Khayr in this

Dunyaa and Aakhirah for all her efforts... It is apparent that she only wants what is good for us,

Allaah Yubaarik feehaa, aameen.

I have always strived to recite the Qur’aan in the Arabic Tongue, as this was the Language it

was revealed in; but since enrolling on this course I now feel even more determined to learn and

recite the Qur’aan the way it was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (Sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa

Sallam) as I now truly understand the depth of the matter and just how important it is.

I truly feel blessed to even be enrolled on this course, as I have been wanting to progress in

my Qur’anic Studies for a very long time, but the opportunity did not come my way...So learning

online has really opened up opportunities for many sisters (especially) to gain knowledge, wal-

Hemdulillaah! And indeed having the ease of learning from your own home via the internet is a

great blessing which one shouldn’t underestimate, or fail to appreciate either...

Allaah ‘Azza wa Jalla Says: {And if you were to count the Favours of Allaah never could you be able to

count them. Truely Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful} (Soorah An-Nahl. V: 18).

I pray Allaah forgives us for our shortcomings, accepts our efforts, and grants us all Tawfeeq

in our learning at the ‘al-Wasatiyyah Qur’aan Institute’, Allaahumma aameen!

Was-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh

Student: Farzana Shakoor

Leeds, United Kingdom.


“In the name of Allah, May Allah aid the sisters at Al -wasatitiyah , on this path of teaching the quran and protect and

preserve you all. Subhanalllah for a long time I have been starting and stopping qaidah courses, this is due to having to

arrange child care for my children as when they are at school I am at work, due to these reasons my quran is very weak.

Now ahamdulilah I wake my children up for prayer leave them food out and go to my lesson in the front room. The

lesson is well organised with the use of white boards, microphones,flash quran and worksheets to print off. At first I was

a little confused as to how it would work but alhamdullilah I am so Grateful to Allah for blessing me with this course. May

Allah Protect our teacher, even though the teacher can not see us, she can tell us what we are doing wrong when saying

the letters, and will give lots of examples on the white board or she will keep repeating until we correct our mistakes.

Subhanallah our teachers love for the quran and the deen truly comes out in her lessons. My love for learning is

increasing already in such a short time, Truly the reward is with Allah I can feel the difference in my home with my family

we are all striving that much more this is due to them seeing my love for the quran growing and Allah knows best. May

Allah aid us all on the path of seeking knowledge and make it be a means to jannah Ameen. These courses are really

needed as sisters are always asking for Tajweed classes but find it difficult to find a good teacher.”



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From USA, Chicago�.. “As Salaamu Alaikaam It has been a very beneficial journey learning the Quran online. I have always wanted to learn Tajweed, but I was unable to in the area that I live in. I am in the west, and the classes that are being offered are gender mixed or they do not provide babysitting. When I read the teacher’s short biography, I knew I wanted to be her student. She is very firm about her teaching, and I enjoy her style of teaching. She has a very trained ear for being able to pick up mistakes made in Quran recitation. Having a trained ear is the key to teaching Tajweed online, you have to know how to hear the student’s mistake and be able to correct it. Many students in the west do not live in a community that cultivates women learning in a center, so online learning is our only option.” Umm Ahmed, Felecia

USA, Chicago


“As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

When first thinking about doing tajweed online course with Al-Wasatiyyah, I did not have a negative opinion because of

it being online and the teacher not being able to see my mouth, but more of an excitement. Just one the reasons were

due to the title of the teacher and finding a teacher who has studied that long and knows the whole Qur’an and also

knows the language of the Qur’an. When reading a brief note about her background education, it incited me more to

join. SubhanAllah. The first few lessons alone learning about how the Qur’an was transmitted, taught and compiled in to

one unique book, along with scholars who discovered ways of describing where and how the letters of the Arabic

alphabet when reciting Qur’an is emitted and from what areas and many other small but beneficial points were

extremely interesting and informative for me. Gaining more knowledge every lesson has helped me to appreciate the

unimaginable efforts that the scholars went through, by the will of Allah, in order for us to be able to achieve what they

have in understanding the characters of every letter in the alphabet and implementing them in our recitation of the

Qur’an. Additionally and firstly this has made me more thankful to Allah for guiding me to Islam and giving me this

opportunity to gain closeness to him in understanding His deen. Already I have noticed that when i am reciting Qur’an I

now am accustomed to correcting myself, when implementing the characteristic that our class have been taught so far

and I love it for the sake of Allah.

I do not think that the teaching via internet is any different to what it has been in a classroom. One of the benefits and

conveniences for me is that I have two children of a young age and taking them to lessons with me are difficult

sometimes and asking family is not always the easiest option as they have work and other responsibilities. Also at least if

my children begin to get a little loud it does not disrupt other sisters learning. Overall, I would say that online learning

should be sampled before crossing it off the list of ways to learn tajweed and Qur’an

May Allah make His deen the light of our hearts. Ameen

Walaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraktu

