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Page 1: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia




Page 2: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

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Page 3: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia



, '

~1 ,Di ~ 001 Diritto di Marciare - U. Marin. . ... , .' ,' ..

'''L:i2tt10 'Ita1yLives"

Lette:z:s toth~ .Editor

Quaranta: GiorniA Bed:ford ,- lial,ter

p'rocoss:Lon & Sagra Photo's

Prize Cros6wo;od " . ,

;News From Ita1y You 'May Have Missed'

Erigiish Sport: Footbali ~'Cr1ckot . .

Ita1ian Sport: T,a Sagrade11a

Athletics Festa della 'Madonna


' ~ ·Fe1lini" s Casanova .Laserium

. Husic Scene Theatre:,.. qiild Oats'

Cant:t, Ita1:l.~ni

Tribute to,E1vis ,

Tribute to Groucho Mar%.

ReCipe o:f the lofonth ,(Ricotta) ,'. -',,-

'Fasli:Lon',,;;; Pietro Cini.

tiotiz':i:e d'e11a Chiosa Italiana di S. Pietro

Futuro Events / Prossi!,!i E-ve~m~.lJ.ti

In~ormation.on the ~rize Crossword.

~- '- .. " -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-, -.. ' ,

Page 4: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE . I '

Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una

~amig1ia ~u costretta a 1asciare i1

duo ~ii1i. Erano cosi 1egati ~ra di

proprio paoso. P!:lp~,mamma e

10ro chemail avrobboro potlito ~ '.,'-

separars:i.; dec:i.sero"porc:i.~"di emigraro tutti ':1nsiemo. ~rel. nuovo pa-"..... ,. , -, " < .. ,...... •

oso i due ~igl.i crebbero e sposarono due brave ragazze' del. posto.

Per 1lIl:,'\lr~~!>~,diS~~O d:i.' Dio,su quosta po;"er;"~' brava gentci s:i.

abbatt~ una grave 'tra~ed:i.a:nel. g:i.~o di pochi 'anni, morirono i tre

uomin:i.,il. padro' e i duo iigl.:i. do. poco sposati. Rimasoro.aggrappate

l. 'una 'ail. "a1tra l.o tre vodovc ,l.a suocoro e l.o duo nuore, pri vo por­

~ino dol.l.a consol.aziono di una crcatura. Un bol. g:i.omo giunsc l.a

notizie. cho noi lontanop'aoso' di' original.a era' cessata. A110-

ra 1a :vecchio. madro disso: "Mo ne r:i.t9rIl,0 a,1 mio paoso,,40vo 11.0 pa­

renti e amici. Quanto.'a voi - disse a1l.0 duo nuoro angosc:i.ate -: voi

sioto d:i. qui, rostato, tomato 'a110 vos'tiro'caso"'. Una :riuora o.ccett~

i1 consig1io, scambi~ uri ~orte ·abbraccio G ~so' ne,' tom~, a 'caoa :Jua.

Invece l.a soconda disso al.1a suo<?,e,r~: ,"!'!:? ,non i~sist~re C?he :i.o t:l

1~sci. Io v~rr~ dovunque tu andrai, mi ~ormer~ ~o~nquot~ dec:i.dorai

di ~ermati, i1 tuo popol.o ~arn i1 mio popc>io".

Le duo donne non "obbero' ,()Uore ,d:l.: separarsi·o insiome ~oce­

ro rit()rno, al. paoso di or:!,.giIl~ .•••. ,~, .Bo,t1cmrne •. Si a Bet+amme,perche . ,

10. suocera, che si chiamava Noami, ~ra orig:lnaria di Bct10mrne;e qui

a Botl.emrno vanne ad abitare ,e a l.avoraroanc!ie"'iii nuora'stran:i.era di '- - ~... ,¥-. • ••. ,<" " ~~ - ~ ,

nome Rut, cbc sar~ 1a b:i.slionna dol. Ro Davide,.~

So v010to conoscero,:i.l. so'gu:ltodo11a st()r:la, l.oggete appun­

to da1 Vecchio Testamonto il. l.ib~o di Rut. Non v.i: occorro mo1to,poi­

che si tratta di uno do:i. 1ibri P:i.U· corti: quattro' ,0 c:i.nque pagino'!:to,.

Vi invito non sol.o porcbe e Una':lma storia di

"omigraziono", ma porcbe l.a l.ottura ~ l.a med:l:taziono ,di ~questo pa­

gino potrobbero suggor:Lrvi giud:i.zi e :l~ziativc 110i. so~r.ont:i. del.l.o

esp10sioni. d:i. razz:i.'smo che minacc:i.ano 1a civ:i.l.c conv:i.venza d:i. questa

1a storia di Rut vo­

g:Lom:l' ',cbo', seguiro-

paese. Por

dw ]. 0 itt!a

strana rna sign:i.ficative. c01noidohza, " ,

durani:o, l.o MessEL :Ccria1i pro'prio' :rioi:,

no g1i scontri di LCld.sham 0 di ~:rm,in&p'a,m, quan?o c':i,oe, noi e;ioma-" ,

'1i e nei croccbi si ~acevano gro.ndi doscussionisocia;!.i 0' p01:lt':i.che

o~ s':i. di'B.a~eva :L1 IIdirrt't'o d:L ma:tv.l.,iiro'i. 0 ~orso, meno :l.i diri ;;1:0 d:i.

essoro l.asciat':I. :l.n paco' da parte, d:l 'o'o10ro, g1:i immigrnt:l., 000 d:i..

marciaro ••• 0 d:l p0110gr:l.naro per i1'm6ndo sonG davvoro stanchi.

" , !

/ /

Padro Umborto


Page 5: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


, "

Sun~ay ,n:l.gJ:;t at 10, ,o'clock and the last lo~ry had,ju,st

10:ft the si to o:f tp.e Sagra., In tho. :rain woro a small group -w:ho had

finished 10ading the 10rry with, a barbecue, f'lag pol,os. bales· of'

straw and ,a marquee., Most of' ,tho group had ,spent all Saturday and

Sunday workingl at tho car park and many 'houF~ of' tho PPOvi?Ull

thro,e months in proparatiol:l of' the Procession and Sagra" y'et thoro

was' .oruy onotopi.c of discussion - how t!'-o S.!lgra could .be orGanised

bettor next yom::"'.

On H~th' Mar9h. Fr. Russo invited all the Italian assooia­

tion~ to a meopi~g at the Casa Pallotti,. to disouss how, tho 91,

y~ar o;td Ita1ian Procession could be imorovod. Only 1.5 people , .' .~-+'~:: . >- - .' <

attcn9~d, but 1~tt1e did anyone roalise that threo months later

about .3, OOOp!"op1~ ~{!>u1~ watch the ProcCilssion nn~ BO to tho Sagra

a:fterwards. ,The mooting agreed that the main r()ason that f'ewer

peop1e had, watched the Procession in rocent y()ars. was that as the,

Ita1ian commul~i t-y sprel).q away f'rom C1()rkenwell to out~r ~ondon, a."ld

even the suburbs, they 10st contact with the, Italian Church. It

lms :fe1 t that the Procession should be the oentre of' a whole day's

ce10bration in honour o:f Our Lady by all tho community. As st. ~ -

Petor's Church was the centre of' the 01d Italian community it was

decided that an c:f':fort should be made to mako "Li ttle Italy"' LIVE

as, i\t dig, years, ag?;

As, the J;.tl:!-1ian cormnWrl. W is now so dispursod suoh a Pro­

ject wou1d requ:ire' .the 'cooperation of' as many Italian, prganisations

as possib1c. At the mooting moro'll!:ld morC) groups of'f'orod

'their servicos. Tho' :fina1 meeting .prior to tho' Procoss10n· was atton­

dod by about :forty peop10 ropresent;f.rig, various groups. All tho!le

inv01vcd in the proparation of' tho Procession and Sagra woro amazed

at t~e coo~orat:l.on of this diverse group, all working through tho

Ita1ian Church :for the Ita1ian community. It would bo wrong, howovor,

:for the organising coinmi i;tee t~ tako all the oredi t f'or the suoooss

of the Proc~ssion & Sagra. Bohind oach person, was,a co~~ittee, Broup

It "'as only be-o:f' :fricnds or ovon businoss, he

cause so many pcop10 workod :f9r


or sho represented.

one causo that tho day was such a

continued •••

Page 6: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


Most of: the work :i.ri .. preparat:l.on, naiiura11y wont :l.n the

Sagra, but:i.t was decided f:rom the outset that the Process:i.on shou1d

be the ma:l.ii, emphas:l.s of: the day. 'Undoubted1y the ,succesEies of: tho

daywero the numbers who' wa1ke'd· in- the., 'Procession, and the· f:act that - ~ - .

the Chur'ch and' the C1'erkciri,(e11 Road were f:u1J.: 1'orMas's' and Beno­

diotion af:ter the Process:i.on.The worry that tho~, Sagra ,mayhavo \ '

overshadowed the re1:Lg:l.o~s aspects' ,of: tho day were ·comp1ete1y'Un-

f:ounded. Even the nat:i.ona':t and 10ca1 press report"od on the re1:1.-• -- <

g:i.cus , of: the f' :l.n pref:erimce ,to the soc:i.a:t co2-eora-,

t:i.cns. the weeks. ,s:l.nca 'tlie·'Feas·t of Our Lady of: MoUnt

Carme1 the main toP:i.c of: ocnvefsat:i.on'among the commun:l.ty.

has been hoy, the ce1ebrriticri of: the Feast can 'be :l.mproved next· year.

A nunlber c,f: peopie have a1ready oxprossed' the:i.r w:l.11':i.ngness to

he1p' next yeall's ':fest:l. v:i. and, hopof:u1:t:y the' Proc'ess:l.on &: Sa~a :i.n 1978'''w:l.11 bo' bigger and botter.,·Let us'hope that this nC)loT-f:ound

sp:i.r:l.t 'of oooperat:l.on cont:l.liues to grow and: thai? the Ita::t:i.ari

commun:i.ty wi1i rovc1ve arcund the Ita1:i.anCliurch and that 'L:i.tt1e

Ita1Y"w:i.;L1 LIVE ag<!-:Ll?- l'

M.T. -0-0-0-19-0-0-19-19-19-'-

, ..


Dear Ed:l.1ior, had the c<>portun:l. ty of'w:i:th the' prep-·

arat:i.ori of: the anriua1 l'roces;:i.on and' the Sagra~ I was' rat.lier· taken by surprtse as to the amount oi' peop1e who :i.ns:l.sted:that ·the Sagra ought to', have been 'opened e:l.:t;hor, the proc,ess':i:on ',or as soon as :l.t had passed the v:l.c:l.n:l.ty of: the Car Park. I hope 'that through "Back H:l.11 " . you can' reach those peop10 c'oncerned and exp1ain tc, ,them'tha t. on, 'tho. t. , ·'day tJ:te 11t.DONNA, comes ,f::l.rst. ,N~vor mind the 10ss of: trade or' bus:l.ness. It was stated and rcaf:f::l.rmed on numerous oc'casions thG~ meetings he:td a't' the Casa S. V~ Pa110tt:l. that:

1. Tho .objo'ct of: tho ~agra shou1d be, to re~:i. t,e: .a1:1, t,hj:) ItaJ..;ans YOl,Ulg and o1d, f:rom the,north, south, east and west.

2. The comm:i. ttee f:cr" the Sagra worked under tho patronage ef: the Church f:or the beI1Of::i;t of: the Ita1:1.anCommun:l. ty.

'3. At the request of' var:l.ous ,as s ,0 c:l.a t:l.ons were f:ree to d:i.spose they·

Rov. R. Russo ( priost)', a11 the andcther groups or cf: tho prcf::l.t made :l.n whatever manner

4. Don Roborto's w:Lsh a11 tho comm:l.ttees dec:l.ded to donate whatever ga:i.n ~as made to tho Church f:unds~

5. It wou1d have boen a b:i.g :l.njust:i.ce to 0.11 tho poop1e who worked f:or weeks n:l.ght af:ter n:i.eht':l.n and thus :l.t bettor than any cther year, and to the f:a:l.thf:u:t hundreds whc wa1ked 'l> the process:l.on and attended the H01y Mass a:f'ter.

,So I say tc 0.11, p1easo, p1ease do not :tot us f:crget the object of: the day f:cr the sake of: pounds sh:l.11:1.ngs & pence.


Page 7: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

., • • - r •• -----------­'" '" .'" "" . '... , .. .. ~ ,~.

DearSir '

,. ;.. ~ -. ~ -.. ' .. " -.~ -

. , . ,

'Re: The'J.etter'.o:C i'~~ your last ,issue wli:Loli says, that. ,I have o1'ten .droamed andyearned,1'or :Littlo,.Italy',to, ..

• "' .& ..... ~ .-' ~#..-' ... " < '. ....... t.", _.'~ ' ...... ,~."., .• ' ".<_ •. f' "~"'._'"'' oome aJ.i vein: oommon with many other ·people. I am one ·of' thoso manyother· 'wno lIave'.shdred· that doiiire.and·oan rioli s'oe" '. a 1'u,ture whioh .. I.kn01~ .many deoire.because, ofi their :roots O ) Arid. th:l.s lias been, made "poss:Lble'by::'yCi'ur magil£ino.:rt'is· a'pHy'it had 'not 'been ,tnouehtc5f' twenty or: thirty'yoars 0llc:fore;' It' would: have by .. now o'ons oJ.:l.da ted.·a:i1nion .of' :mi tional and "Bri tish::born:, • I~aJ.:i.a.z:is. But":toda;· Y<lrY. . foy' It'al.:i.iUis· doildoii~ in'~E~lalld~ '·~d'. niuch depends·, on Brit"i~ih:~'Oorn' Itiil1ans' :t6 "iiupport' 'theCorilirii.Uii ty: oe~:t~~!',,!,¥y' :;~;-P', rit.~ng,~ :v.~ty,g~Ocl.oori~;,ib~~ion in .. ev~~., fi~}ls·e. 01" the word. It wouJ.d be ·a wonder:f'ul aohievement if' an. assooiation o1'Br:rt:lsh.·'born~;J:t'a·1:i.anS .. ooul'd boinstHtitedin' tho' oontra. Mo.'l' 1'0:rm a J.ay ApostoJ.ate, wh!oh.·.was':ono6f',' .the: great :worlci.,o:t::S:t •. · .. V:I.~cent': 'I: -ro,aiis'o trui.ts't;noe is a f'aotor and 'tiU;ii -i:J~y

<. are. ~:l.J.'e s .-apart.;-Bti."t -many J:ivc'.:!.n'; :tlie :I#Cl:' LOndon' nre~i "end : ,. "It~0:l.s e.~ui?s,~d.01"',c?).l.J,!1 ~~~; ,oq,xm~!li;edti~X, '.-t:1!~ "!J!<lgaz~e ,,;nq~.d,n;,»,el!:6i'-

.. . s veryi1.:f.o.o to and wri te":about~' i;lie p.afitto sp.tisfy oW;. 'nosta:rg:l.a.~ :Buii':L-c':i.'sthci presont:and'.fu'fiur.e that ':LIP iinport':1'nt: . However aJ.l:; gi-ea-c works sta.r,te.c! ,in.;'l1:. f!in~.1, w.ay~. :su,!:".~jg1, th)L' " right sP:l.r:I. t and e1'1'ort, WilJ. oertainly advanoe t I ani sure a good .?~~l.; .coH;t~ 'tic, ,~~o<?rnP),.~!l~~';.!>U~:; f'irst.~hingll' ,~!!~ eom~. f':i:rst. . t sport; d:l.nner 'and: danoes are side line.neoessities. llut iriot<th();>1'UJ.£~·J.mEin.t.o:f' (ih'o'::J.aYApostolato W::ith a ':n'ttlO' extra.' :p:z::ayer,: .!3.~cr:l.£:I:!:LO.' .• ~cl; ·~~4y',;~_q,\t.~d! prpi:lii6~mU9P .:t,O' .• be d.e.S:I,r,~d. ,,',


.' ,E .. Crisuol:l.

Dear Sir, , "

~ . ' w. " ~,

I liould J.:l.ko to refer to M.R.R. Servi·n:i."s letter~.iri ' the Jl.\ :isfiuO ,,?~.~~9.f ~~g" in ~l:Uc;:h s~~ ral1P!ld, ,my;. knuokles over the Verdi Requiem roport:-•

• ·'There. :i~as: an Alto voioe in .verdi hoard;.

Avo1oe walJ.-famed'; of" wide, ·oxperienoe •.

A.tUozzo range· full: ·aPt. La Hiohelow-

.. And 'others' of: 'her :llk '-. 'do 'of't compris~

This l'Torl~: in: ,roportoire·."Tiwould· be naivo '.

To question:. fur.ther that"whioh i's. wel:l: known •.

Tliu's" .tongu~ irijoh!l()kiI pon,my Pas<!uinad~.,

·'G<iod~:[].:J.' and' liohe's't; 'jest,' il:i.~that.,disPlayed:" .'

, I rClII.u,:tn ~, veri.iY o.n<;l· :tri:,Ctrutp;

Ada'-Har:i.a St:l.lernnn '(presso Pal:a2;zo' Brnschi)

~,- ~ , >. • -

;; -

. >


-= -=-,

Page 8: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


IfOl#;ori:d trascors:L Ii Be'd:ford :forGe non son() .su,:ff':Lo,~on-. , t:L per,de'ficF:Lvere 10 caratter:Lst:Lche pocu1:L~r:L de11a 'comun:Lt~

:L ta1:Lami. cho, 'v:L voqui. 0 probab:L1mentc 1a m:i.a permanen:za no11a ~ ,'" - ,~ ,~ " -'

; I,:L tt:J.o ,;Ita1y 1',m:L' ha., 'lI!Of;,trtl.:t,q ,,6,010 1,lria,parto ,do11a vita d:L una . ' '

collit:in:L t~i> che 'lUi 'tZ;asport:itcftuttoie m:i.g1:Lor:Ltrad:Lz:ton:i. ;L ta1:ln:'" -'., ,",". -"; ... <-' " •• ,,' -.,~ ',. ~,. _.- - .. - .~: .... ~. '~.'~-j;

ne ,=!-l?, tina ~,:i.'''ita,~l~n~ ,<?~e", ~o ~on :t;ps!3e ,p()~ 1a"strutt~ra' ',doUe

oaso', s:Lpo'treob'o 'do:f:Ln:Lre :L tal:Lanli.Io sono Uno stud'onto' cho ~ ',,-' ',' ~. , - -' - ~ - - ~...... ... ' ~.. ".'~'

Y:!:.E?:r:>:0' ~n.:~~1!:i,~~e:rF~. ,pex::L.z?pa,r~:r;e i I :I,:t;tlS1e~p J, ,e!>1ie~e, .ql.!~st !,annO

ho '£riiparato~i~ ci:i:a1ett'o :L i?al:Lanoche :Lngies'c • Ho'iinparato che .... ", >' - ~ ~ • l' , ;;:. • ~¥ ' ~- _. , _ . ' _ .... • w • • •

. : .~4-Ifu.i#c.~'"~I!~opI>al .( ch~. :tl<:>l! ·'~gen.erl?,~J;' ho, CO'ilopc:i.~.,. to' ,1:1 r:1't'i)' dEi1: .maJ:oc'c'ti:Lo' :e:COnlC s:i. 'gJ:oca 'HpassateHa". ?-fa: S,<

"- _ .- .. _ .. ., _, , • _ ~.r , __

i~I3Ele '~1'to qu;iJ J;l,op. .I>pt:t:~:I: ~.~FtO) ~:L~e. di, go,n9!3,c.ere gi:L :i:t,a;t.o­

,bedf'ord.':i:ari:l •. D± 'l:0ro. ho':sapu-coap:prezz~re ,:Lsacir,(:f:L'c:L c.!1e haiu1o ' " , .. ..-! --

sopporta to '.p~r c,? 'o~~a, AO v:Lf!to ;opniE!, <s:l"ans> cons:i.d~rat:i.

dog1:L eocezz10naH'1a,vora't,or;l!; 'Co.i:les:Lil.lio a.-ctacc,a t:L ',a:n~ :Loro' t~rra , • ~- < ... ", •

c;l i o,;'i~i~~, e'~9ri)~#j s~:pp.~a.n<>- 1;ra.s:form~re."~l.;t19ci,soz.~()~~,, :Lnm?Q::­no ", oan:i:c:L,,~a1egn,.. ", .t.'!,:L ,P:i.t'to'# .Q.:1:draui:Lc·:L'. ' »~~1..r':'" ,> _-~"'~'; ~'.'

Ho,cv:Lsto' aricho ,come:L1. v:Lao d:L:"que'sta' 'gonte' (nonosiiruit,o'

11 an90F g~~o~e ,~~A)'i>:La.·,g~~ ,so.!5~t.~'ci~J:!e 'hig~~··d.e~1_~ .:fatKc.a,~ ;i!1;) sopratU'tt'o, notaiiocoma 1'C;'donne ,r:i.'escano· lc6n:"gra:nde' aJnore.e 'sacr:L­

:f:Lc:Lo,nd essere, opera:Le,casa1:Lngho,madr:L e mo~1:L a110 stesso: tom;:.

po., Hov:L;Jto"UAqam~:l;lo d:L '9 ann:L (or:r~o qe:L padre) che'zappava

1 10rto., . ~,quosto PUnto m:L sto oh:i.edendo se'Un: :t:ta1:Lano oome me,

sarobb,ed:tsposto a :faro tutto o:L<>,r:Ltengo, ohe 1Iem:Lgr~to .~:La. ~

u'?l!!o ~~~!3z~=!-pna1~ •.

Una1tro'osempio 'cbo oonf'erina. quantp sopia; ~ dato c!ti.1 ,- -. .

'rapporto oon 1a terra d l or:Lg:Lne;~ :Lnorod:Lb:i1e come 11:L ta10-bed­

:ford:Lano e 1 10m:Lgrato in .genera ·r:Lesoaa, oont:Lnuarl;), a~ amare una

patr:La ohe non g1:L, ,ha.,of':f.erto nu11a. pr:Lma e,' 11ha ,c,ostr,otto ad em:L­

grare 0 che ancho.ogg;l non g1:L ,' mo1t().,

Non vog1:Lo,oerto'osc,1us:Lvamonte m:Lst:L:f:Lcaro .0

tutto 0:L<> oho ho. :l0isto,,itl voro, che quanto ):19 detto ~ un

dato roa10,itl:'ariche voro,' ohe' g1:i: Ita1:Lan:L ,a Be,dt:ord haImO ragg:Lun­

to una s:Lourezza e,oonom:i.oa non 0, c:L~, p()rmette 10ro

d:l possoqer,o ,caso 0 auto,mob:L1:L ,a .v:C?1:f;0 .tiI1ch()~ d:L grosso· c:L1:Lndratn.

I1 10ro avven:Lro da un punto d:L vista eoonom:Lco ~ tran­qu:L110 0 1e nub:L ohe oscuravnno :L1 0:Le10 nl. 1oro arr:Lvo s:L sono d:Lradato. So,' s:L v010sso :tare 'u.-i b:L1anc:Lo s:L potrehbo' qu:lnd:L af'f'or­mare cho osso ~ pos:Lt:Lvo,senzad:Lment:L,c,ar() ,put to c:L<> che ~ stato t:atto. por poter10 det::Ln:Lre ta1e. ' ,

Anoora'una vo1ta 1 1:Lta1:Lano ha ~nto;se 0:L~, ~ stato pos­s:Lb:L1e itl porch~.oome sempro,ha. combattu'to oon 'coragg:Lo,10a1ta e tarito, tanto' amoro. ' '


Page 9: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

OVEJXLEAF: are more ,photos of' tho Sagra..; From tepte "bettem:;.. The staI.l: run by II. Feger:- .:. I.nrJ .:) PI.ants st,,~l. run by the Ass. Campani; The staI.I. ef' tho AngI.e­ItaI.:Lan FeotbaI.l League; Two. yeuths Back H:L1I.'s 'Cant:L Ital.:Lani I •

The Procossionand Saara Since this ovent is so. important

(or'should"bo) f:or all Italians in LondolJ., this month -:;0' are 'inoluding accounts 01' the day by some 01' thoso involvod in the organization of: it

(soe 'Little Italy Livos' and iLa Sagra dolla'Fosta della Mado~~a').

,Hero aro more photos of: the Procession." , ' Le1't l 'Tho ~i'ay of: tho Cross'; Below: 'The NatiVity'; , Bottom: Padro Russo s'aying'Bono-' dioti~ri outside the Church

Page 10: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia
Page 11: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

' .. "

! , j ,



----- - --------------....,.--------------------


PRIZE (?ROSS'WORD - ~ ..' . ;~ t -, "'-. " - ~ - >


- . ACROSS: _ D6:"1N:

... 1": The :first time :for' "Back Hill~' ....... 1-: 17th July sees' one tho·'Ita1ians ....:;-: Italian Teachers Association. - in'Londori abserye'in part:i.'cular!5,.3) _7--;'Shake~peare,' s :fu::,s about nothing.,..2': The I pJ-a,tes I wou1d ::e!ld 'Bp. .

8 •• To. lag.~ beJ:dnd,. ,,;3~, Join; ,_ ' .1-1.0ne sent out to :f:Lnd iri:fbrmation. 4. Piscatorial sparm or spawn. ~.As _ ~asy ~s ••• . . ~~ ~:fter _ Chrfst. '" .. " '1:4.~1:le'c?J:0!ll', .o:f our bricks. 6. Kind o:f 10ttery.S?undsIta1ian. 16.:rtalian por't. 9.Pre'ceeds Father in prayer; , ;.r:T:i. tled pre:fix to name on 'page 2. 10~ virtuous and moria. . H!.Ady~ce<;l in age. . 12.0:f 'unl!:noWn authorsh~p (ab~rev). ~D:Ld it shed a tear :for Eva? 1.3.I11"'b!'od1~gentl,eiiirullyj)O~son. 2~·.PronoWlciation o:f the 14th o:f 15.To giV!l up o'r give :forth.

11 aCrOSS., 20.As I hope you are with the ~~I:f p,l.aceil po~o"e tho pipos it ansl,ers.

. 'Woul.d ami t a bighl.and ·'tu:.."o. 21.Coll companion. . .foO.Gothi(),:famo?s,Mil.~os,e 1 2.3. Simply divine Italian comody o;2.9,:~soppo·sed to' day.' artist." -30. Two:fol.d. ,24'.Roceptacle whore "Back :-!iil" -:r.1~Ital.:Lan State :rotirist O:ffipo., -should never be :found. 32. l'1hore' thespumante' :fl.ows. 25.Itaiian potroleum oompany • ..;3~ur sports editor., 27. Ulster troublomakero'. ' 34. 2 o:f the .5 in the ABC. ,,2S.Sale e l'epe, •••• e Accto

29.Pre:fix meaning now or rcvivod. ,I


Page 12: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

.. " ~ " .


A weal.thy 'bird ~over with an estate"near Romo has.of'f'ered a homo 'to tho p,ig:eons of' 'Voni",?e iIDd .S:!..onll., uhe:r;'~ thousands nave been k:il.l.ed f'or foul.i~g historic buil.dings. '

Signor B~~aera, mayor of' Maiano,~s ~~~usad of' extorting 14 mil.l.ioD Xire f':r;'~m.a. f'irm w~ich ~ontractedto put up prefabricated houses in his viIl.age af'ter thoFriul.i earthquake' disastor~' ..

"'!' . • , ," .. .... '"''' It '~-I. ' ..

A man who .robbed a taxi driver 1n Rome used a teargas' spray of' a type just put on the market to h~i1.p·peopl.e, to .. def'cnd thi:lmsel.ves again~t r.obbery.


A 1,800 Year ol.d.rnarbl.e statue of' the Greek' god Apol.l.o has been un­covered ;during,Jarohaooi6gical. ·exoava tions :riear Bracciano; north of' Rome.' , . . .."... .. .

Venice! S '1'62 l~ater ta.:;~l. ~~mers went on stT:lke .:i.n prq'l:es:t: at::> to :i.ntr~·ciuce'd:n'e:'-iiaY 'traff'ic ',al.o'ng: tho Grand Canal. .arid most others.

'. ' JI .1. ~ ,

, 'Jl. 'mfl:d' e:arth: tremor snook par-t:~ of", Southern I'tal.Y arc)l:lnCl but no ~amage or reported.

Ground ,:f.l.oor l~indows 'of' the House of' Parl.:i.ament :i.n ~o!Jie arc being f'itted ~w:Lth proo£ gl.ass.

At l.eas'C 500 of' the re sidents who be ev-acua tod 'f'rom around Sev~so . may' 'be abl.e . to' return to' -their>ohomes in' a' few -woelcs'.

,F.r~~oesoo F~l.l.,ett:i., ,who 't'as- 'litpduot,e,d :i.Il. .CI!-i;anz:aro, wfls ;rt, s 1i.8th k:i.dnap v:i.c:t:Lm so, :far this yoai·.,

_ - ~ '.~ ,'"., c' . '. ~ -

Eight pr:i.soners escap'od irom, BergamO jail.. These o~,(oai>es brought '1;};10. numb~r ,o~ os~ap'3.s f'rom I't~l.;Lan· prisonfj t.hl.-~ year," to ' j44. .

Dustmon'dressed :Ln,. heaVy overal.l.s and gas masks began cl.earing 2,000 cil1,ic i:ei,i;. o~ rottii1i?;"'garbagof'rom a home :i.n"SaroGg~a. TheY' ;rem.?ved 300 f'ul.l. dus,tbins ariel. 30' .. :ful.l.. chamber pots. ' . . '. ~ . ~ ~

Mount Etna, Europe's highest vol.cano sh~t out hot· 1aw"andsont gl.~wing,rocks 600 ~e~t into tho air.

Motor cyo~ists wore waxiled' that' some Ital.ian-mado .saf'ety he'l.mets' recent1y Britain did not meet the 'iegaJ. safety raqu:Lrements.

,-- . ~ -. - . " , .' . - . .

A notice spotted in Ita:l.Y:-, "'Royal. Scotoh Shortbread; Originai Ital.iai} ?ro,d!-1~,t" ',' ,. ~. c , .'. "

Page 13: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


"FOOTBALL :-, §{P C0.~? .... The' -',':. ,<. -' '" :' , ". " ,

',., . "C?;!..?s?~ga~<?¥- l1l.~y·,Y9.l:L,!>0~ g~Hing,:!'!t0~1:.51,r .~9- §.lJ.!>rP!lr :,?u!' tho;,~ ~~s b.~()np.~ ,s,Pa.;',c,:!, '!;yo:f ,a,C?i?ion on, ,t~o :f!l();t,Pf1.J,.;Lf~<?!lf;:'du-!'iJ:l~th.~ p.~~:t ~~~ '!'rook.!:!,'" ,

Don liTho 1:..dni:lral."Rovio nas (a'sappoared'in ii:'put-:fC;:f s'and ~' to be' rop1a:oea' 'by:rTostHaniS's"Ron'Greonwood; 'One,''tli.i:ng ':I.'S' certain, 'GreOtllf~O<;I' W:f,1i, bring :iIitegr:J.'W' 'and" digiU. tY;t~, tile ';giimo ~: asse'!~"

" ~h:j.c~,were'" Ba~1y iit':l.ssing £rom: the 'mrumo~~o:f ~oVi~ ,'s ~epar~ro'.' "Meanwlii1e a t;01Cl' 'Tfa:f:foro :'l)ave ,Sextorihils Bilccoodocl' 'ToinjijJDochorty

a:fter tho: ia:iit6rsporsonai 'J:ifEi·mildo £ront','pa~ ;'headliries·.J:t;Ts di:f:ficuit :to\;;:two: mondilOre: ,con£, charaoter, 'bii't:t have '1itt:Le; (ioubt',tli8:t'Uni tEi'Cl':f..:ul:provo :equa1iy' 8uoc&ss:f'il1' undor th·o:lr~·new;::manager.·::s -~ .. ~ .. '" ... '._.' .~ .... '" _-:~ ,'. ~ ,,', ~ ",

• • • ,~" 'If - I • ,,' /I' -' '" • ," • ..; ~'

Aiaii, HUdsori . and Maicolml:iacdona1d woro :>sent"home, ~rom, . Arsona1' s Austra'1ian tour a:fter an a110ged drIiiidiii ,episode and thon :pr6vod'~themse1vos' 'not ·to be"tlie' 'ideiil.'travEiiling';compaIdims

·wheritheY',tirr:Lved 'baok at' 'London I s;'Hea throw:Xirport. 'Perhiips thei:>.' new toam~mat'e';:Pat 'Jihm.:l.ngs"W:i.'1phavG'a 'steadying: iil:f1ilonoo"aridc "'

'toach (them-how' j5ro:foss1cinai':footbaUers'; shou1d .loelulve in ,pub1ic.-, , - • - , "'< ' " .-. -- " ..... '

.' ,0:,- ,tho trans:for front 'Konny D~~g1ish has join~d i:i.verpo01 f'or a reoord :foe and made animprossive,debut. in the Charity Sl1ie1d game at ""~mbley; z.liko Channon hasmovod to Manchostor C:I:,iiY:"~d.'" Jimmy R:l.mmer, Arsena1' s disp1a:cod keepor, to Aston Vi11a •

. ~ .~ -"-. ~'-""~- ... , ~ . - .-: .. _ j'~ .~ - F}:~'; ".- >"'~.~"'.'

" s-Qu:l.te a record o:f. events .bearing' ,in mind that.,footba11",,-ras 'incant. t,o" be,~ta::fng .0:, ;ho1iday,i;'.'But-:no'l-r thtlt :ho1iday,~:is .over ;mid a

_ :so~" se~flo.n,· J::~s':JieglUi,:" :a,o'l;et;:~s. sc;c w~a:t :~f;i!" ·,iik~l,y,<,~.q,:have 'in ~ ~~~e ~:f'or ~f}. ., 1 '" " ~"

. Unqties-tionel:b1Y· the .toam that, ovcfryono,"'wi11 'nave to beat ia going to be Liverpo01., ~r 'havo a: f'Ge1ing~':howovo'r, '1iha't ·things,

, ,l[,!.~1 ~<;>.t ~o ,tn;:P .. i?,h,e:!-r . own .'''<:c:Y·fHi.s ~()fl,:.,.Th,e:r2' :iY~fike,1y to bo. somo ; l~':l-ct~;t~~ .. ~. Fe~c::ti<;>:n,::fp0l!l,; ,th.e" p'?:,(:),ss!1,~s,_~hi~h :were:w.itli. ;:t~el!1 :tllro~ghout

~ ,:;t:~a~;t;;~.~~~Pl},·.~~,t~oy !!!a)'::find i't.,ra, tp.~r ~;l.:f:fic,uJ.. t ,t91!1C?,tix.r-:t.q ,~hom­"' 'f>~?-V!'lSi,,~!,:(lE~~ial,;1y oarJ-y o~, it?- :tre camlla;t.~.: l!!liJ.s~.~Ie.~I>(:)c~~1-ver -

ll,oo.l.:,t<?·,'tl?-~<c~ .!;t',~rol?p,y:"I thi~*, it,~!3' IP,cn:e gI~01y tc?, b~.;L~ C?!le o~ ,:t~~, .:3,.C~p ~q,,0!'lp~~.:I,t;L,o~!3' (~u~ope~,F .• A.; an~L~~i;t!e, 'P,up.f! ,:t:Tp~1d ~<?:t_ b~, s.~~~i.f!,~!l to ~~e'~h!l~:~:t, 1fel!!b1ey;~,1'f~y.:,1;,1y ,!>.~"par-

' .. 'j;,;LR1;1l.:~;r:\,p~h?;ic,?< :t!>"P the,!-~!!-.~o ,?;sJfap~l1.e,st<tr, q;l.~y." T!tey .lH\,d '?; ;ve~ imp:r;~~s~v~< ;:f!>;:-ra,~ J.:I:!lo .+~~t, ,Y~,!3-r .;Ln r.r.q!la:r;-t, ,~C?y1e,and,~~M,qnd .wi th"Channon,,, added, to- their ranks in ,:p1ace. o:f\.Roy10, thoy,',tTi11' ·not pe, .shor.t .i~i~.~t~i4ng·p,iw~r •. i}ie'i, ~vo Miko ,J?oY~~.,a:t;cL!?aVe. ~ll1P.son" at the' ,hoart, ,o:f the'ir ,de:fonco, and .. with' Asa Hartford,.prompting,;from, rriid:t':!.~j~ ~the?(.~9~.m ~?.; p~~ie~~' .~!.1#~!l~·,q~ali'ti~·S :?:~quireA ft;lJ:' ,~i.n:ning

• :~lle c,~mI>.h~:nslU.p'.,Tp();L:x: g:~~att !'fvaJ...s ,f Un;:ted , }I:I;3:1 .be ll!l..d~I!1?~e"~ cha11engers but r f'e01' their bost chanco of honcurs this year may .1:1.0 in the 9up ''I-!inners Cup. .

. r tMnlI: the toam most 1ik01y to troub1e Hanchoster .City (apart:croln, Liverp'ooJ.):' :ts"go:Lng tb, 'he'As ton VH1a:~. /i'lioy . showed, 1ast year, that thoy are a'iliae'o:f ':l.trJjlonso promi'se:'j>ut"they may just 1ack t.he necossary con:fidence and .oxperionco whon it comos "to the k:l11~1 round about noxt. Eas'ter. This has been the great draw­baok o:f Ipswich Town, :who havo. been "thore or thoreabouts" :f'or tho past two or'tbree seasons. I think this yoar wi11 be a "do or dio" one :for them. They must be sick o:f "a1ways boing the ~ridesmaid and nev'or tho ,bride" and it is :for this roason that I tako IpsWich to mako the necessary breakthrough and win a !Ilajor 't~ophy, possib1y the Leagu~ Cup; a1though Loods" Newcast10 and EY~Fton {1ast yoar's boat on ~ina1ists) wi11 a11 bo c1oso on their hee1s. . ., - . ,~"

, continued ••• - . '.-

Page 14: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


, ,AS you w:l.l.l. havo 'noi:l,?~dI have made no mont:Lpn of ~y "'Of'Vthe London: -; 'i;(~p ;R. ":took 'to bei:heoru..y· 'te'am~ (apart f'rom ,·'COOl.sea who::w:l2i nead'a :seasonto"oonsol.':Lda'te1:ne':Lr· !f:Lr's't·Dlv:i.s':Lon status) who have .the ab:l1:lty to 'be any th:Lhg"be t'tor than. n' 'i'nd:dCiio ,of' ,the' .tabl.o" Arsena:l and rlest 'Ham.,aro: ,probabl.y. ,':;~st goo'd

L .,.,_,''''' ,"'" " .... _OF· _; •• _ •• ~ ~" ____ • '- .. _.- >, _~. " '.-.,.... •. '...... ..~

en~ugl;-nl?1: ,t9' P§l.v~, ~Y ;r~;Leg~ t;!,op. .w0er;!;,e!l. It, :i.~ ,st:Lg~ ~~:th~;r ~:i.f'­f'~,,?u,l.t!' 'tiP. ~eal.:l.s~, th!l-t <F?t.,tcJ.2h_l:lIJ}_H?"j:~p'u~::!:I':I,l,l. ,~?:t!?e, p~~y:i.~g .~g~:i.nst ,tJ;om. ,t!J,=!:'f!. Y.~a&'l:>~;t .. ,'!; ~¥.p~s;;L t t,h?- '9P,u;'~! :to jllmp ~ :tr:'l.;ghp, ,,!>a.«!c : .. afong

. ::w+~J:. _~UJ:1.d5::;r::!a:nS:.' ,~~, ,§~u:tll~p,t..9~ .• , Fl,lo w:i.=!-f r~pl.~c.g: 1?h~!1l :l:n,p;L;y:!.s~on ~o, :~ ,*,.;:;:~~~..' ,l.~~t, !.~~r.'.f'! ,gx:e~j:'_:r:'07-~gat!.o~' :t.'~c:~ !9~Y',l"9!l.cR~ :rE!PQ~ted ~:l ~h~C!?:Y~~1iry., ,BF~s,t9±"9; ty, '<l~d, ~!..E.A~, ('!f:l thQ!:lt, ,:!,o~y 'qge§) ,~s the

. ~~!=s,:!~:t'" '!:J.:!H!r?p ~,'!l-l.:thgl,:lg~ B;I,r!ll;ng~!I.! .• ,,~T2;L >:"~s ,'N?tt=!-!lGJ,l.?:!!l g<?;rc;)st and M:i.ddl.esborough 'I-,:ll.l. not f':i.nd l.:lf'e oasy. Aston, V:ll.l.a, ·l.oolt ;to· be the onl.y br:lgh:l; spark.:i.n what coul.d bo a very dark" and disappoInting year 'f'or"the~ mal.rinds."' " - c ,',.' - . .', " ,,',. . ,

.' - . ,~<"_.~: '~~_i~,"._~_. ">.:, " ." .... , _~...-:, ... _ ". ~ _,.,~ "" " ; '-'.. ~.! ,;..~. .~" .... , ',. . _, )~ut, no :I!.!~ti!~;t' :YfW cmf,l.y 'l-T:i;~ :t~o".~r;l;~us t:ro12l}:i.~~ ·or ,s~;t:er

. .t~~ x;>a~g~ "of' .. r~l.~~n: t:i.<?J?, •. ';e..i? ~us. al:!po ,*,o2:'a gl??d ,~po:t::t;:i.n~" ,:tr?u1?~e­f'ree .season 'so ·.tliat .. each,.,one"of' 'us· can f'eol."abl.o ,to .. par.t:i.c:i.pc:to.,.

'"'~.~ .. '~ ....... ~~ ~ .. ~>__ ,_-' ;" ~', "" .... '..... ."'". ... .0; .. " '" .-" ~- ... <,' ,'" -~....' .. ~~.. -~ •••

'I-!l}~!ll0r. ~,!! ;!PO~~~ t:9f 92:' ,p=!'I:!:Y;~2:'i: :In ... ~u:t,' n~t;.o.~~J,. ,g:a'!l~' (w:l;!il"l<?up·,f,e!:lr f'or l.:lf'e orl.~mb.· •.

'> > I: "

.CRIC~:T{ , . ..... .':{ .... \. :;~" ... , ~ ~ ., " '"

'. TMs. year tho ,cricket' 'Season :i.s being exiionded to' :l"nCiude , arecentJ:y ~rr~,;"gEid f':Lxture·:schedul.ed' to l.ast' f'or 2 ;we';;ks be"h.,eon

1.rr;c··K~ 'Pack'~r f.\.l1d '-tho ";'TCCB '!'!CC . and "I<:;C :a t 'tli~ ,ney 'venue "of' ';iiho::' "Royal.~' 'CourtS· 'of', Jus1ifoe'::i.n ··theSt'rand.Th'ero'±s~ :to 'be onl.y'one -um­ •. a C~>tirt Judge. al. though word has :l t tbat'lrls ".dec:fs:ton: ~~l.J,' b~ app~.a!l{~.g:,a~~,~n,~t>:f!o ,cE:tt.e H<?'!-l~e ',of: Lo.rg~''o/~~re:a~' m~y as :f' 'ump:i.res w:LJ.l. be"askod'. to nass' ,a, verd:i.ct. . • , ., ," . . ~~ '~~~V£o~~~"'e'd; t~:~~s: ,i·B~c~"ru.J.{'i has' -supported< tho d:lsnl:i.ssal. of'Tony:Grc:li:'from' 'the ''Capta:tncyancCdin-lounce<:i' ':'Mr ;::Packer t s "~ ,,' -' ,.t • v -~,", '.t \ •. ~~~ ... J'-~~>I"'" ,; ~ ,.t-, .".".." ~ ~..,.~ ~ ~.A" ..... "_"~'."::J •• ~-~'-. a ttem1)ts' ,to' man:i.'P.ul.a to' cr:i.'cke t· 'f'or' tho' needs of" 'h:i.s' ·tel.eV:i.s3.ou, 'com-panY~.!':"Back ·lI:l:l.i'" ;now:f'e'eis::thc noed -£() speak aii'il'aga:Lnst:th0"'CJ:.:LO:'

- . ,~ ,. , .. r~ t •• '.' .... ., ,-. ~",''''''''ft' 'f" ~.- "'_."""'->l-~". "" ..... ~ .. ,..~,_. _ ..... fI ".:t

''Author:i.1::Les. It was 'cl.ear· to Gro·:lg· and'co,. 'when' -thoy;' ~.:I:gned ;:'f'or 'pa:ck~r'fhat:tliey'woul:d ,bEr"·: tlio':i.~ ''liest ~caE~ers' ·~i:f any

coan on .;them::t'i::om"p"J.aY:l.rig f'o::' Engl.ana; ,wh:i.1s't regro'Ctabl.e, :i.s' f'ull.y , ,jtistU:led: ;;.'·!:l:iut.,'t;ha' movo' i:o' :tliom -:from' coGn'liy"Cr:LcK'e't" ·so'o'ms. to be: Cgo~ng too' :£ar. 'For al.iJ. ''bho; ,cr:i. t':i:o£sm ·cit Mr'~ 'Packer: '11;(5: ",' -• "C:i.'r"ous" 'has ,prcimpteCl. va~:Loillj' :par£:Le.s '~t()' "maleo B,orne ·q,.f:Fto',':star"ti;L:ilg of'f'ors of'>inorit!y dur::i.bgthe' pasf mcinth.~ '.I1; "'':Ls '!fragi:¢' -~lia t'

, , -' ~ 40< •• '. ' •• ,'-. • -", ",_, '" ... ,. 't- .... t.~. ~'." ......... , ...... ',~. -!:- -! -." ..-" ~ ,.·r .... ~l1 ....... ' ~.

of'· 'gott:lng a' dec~nt' dea:l :f'or" our' 'cr3.cketers coul.d' 'be 'the' 'terml.nn-~t:i.on ·o:r:, tne 'three 'vel5r' f'ine c;arDors ,(if" rI1Gssrs;~ iGre:lg'; ,Undo'rwo;d.' ' and- 'KIiott. ;"IIMCK':Iiri.:[;'" says:' -I;ct"tliom ',p1ay fortho:i.r;:co{1'n-::i.os.

,I' " , -. -.. ... ,,~- '- .. ~',-.' • -~. -~- ~ ~.

r'iatch i'BACK H:l:LVJ '# >r'. II! _, _ ,._ • • ._ .. ". ~

Spor,t:lngl\Ser:les ,-.. ~ '" ' - .... - ~ ~ ,

SPORT, noxt month f'51r, ',agr.oa:t, 'no~', $e.o 'Y;O\1." i;~e~l .. . ~ ".

.R.E-.,1 ' , ' ...

". ~ . ,


~, '. , .


Page 15: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


Ag1:l Euz;opoic.d:i. Ho1sin.Iey oncoro. ~lp,icco1a delu~ionel.

Con un' pizzi co di ·mal':incoilia non sipu~ £aro,ia,, di costatnre' come' per' 1a:'nostroa1:1etica loggora non ·ci sia duo sonza tr~.· . " '.

," ~ . La.,naziona1e ita1:i.ima, .partite. alla volta ·di iIeiii:Lilky con 1'0.:

dichiara to. ;Ln:t.elJ:Zi()nodi _n.o~ t~rriii"~~F.e ~itim~ino1a~~:L£~c,a,' ~o~e gia. yeri:t:icf?:!<osi ,~e:p.o ,c!\!O llreCGdol}ti osporignze, n.on. '~Fiwj,~ita ne1 stio.intonto. . '.,

. ~. - '\ , .. ~

, Anche'in questa ocoasiona, 'quindi'; non oi rosta ,aJ.:tro .. cho gioiro p'or l.a,sola' soddis£azi:ono' ~di; e~sere' riusoi ti 'ad ottonere. '10. qua1:i.f:i.caziono,per questa £ina10, risu1tato· clie dipoi";sostesso ?. gia. posi ti vo, 0 cho ripaga pionamon te gli s£orZi '£inora cOClpiuti.

ob:i.ottivamanto Clobbiamb riconoscere l cho 10. 'nostra' selezione 'era moJ:to a1 d:t Botto·del1e a1tre, fatta,'eccezione per la~Francia, Fin1anClia e,Poionia, rna che': corto 10. ·s£ortrma non· ha voluto. rin1:ll1c:iar~ ':0. f~rc=!- 'compagn1a, privando6i: nei .momen~i" cruciali doi nost;:i at1(hi'q~ niagg:i.or· spicco. I1 ritiro, £orzatodi Hennea, . 11 ihdispos:i.ziono in gara di Zarcone ,Xa ,I gara-no I :d:i. Fava,' 1lass­~nZa diGr:Lppo. Iii ~uos'lii quattro'iiomi si racchiude', forse, ,11i"n'" SUC!'lSSO dih1,a par1:eoipo.zione di quosta'ediziono •. - - . . .

N el. " suo. ,comp1~,~s 0',' ,:!-a no~ tr?- compa£in;i.ii, ,lUi. m<;>s tra tQ anc~r!'i,.~ volta ,di non; ~ssore ~ squadr?" <:OInpatt~", se n~n;a 1ive~li 1I!~'diocri e che 10 prostazioni, eccozional:i,di'alcuni atloti (questlrumo."enuto appunt,ci"a manca~o) non posson9/'n?l devono alimei1.tare e~c~s~ive ' pretese.,

, Sullo. 'b~so., doi:risultati conaoguiti in quosta stagione dai nostrl. o.t~eti in a1tregare, '?l' vero 'che ,la naziona10 italia.-m o,coupava i1 qu:i.nto posi;o hae tutte ',quei:l.e presonti ad Helsinky. EI, a,l'trettarito"voro' pero'; peroh~. dim'ostratoin passato, di quanta i nostrl'iit1oti mo.~ khidiscono e mai si ladattano: 0.1 clima' delle,~ compet:Lzion:l "uf:ficia1i; .dove troppo spesso- 1 l elemento'£orrna l non ~ i1 so:l,o a 20ntaro, p,er po~er PlOE!v~lero su !,onoorronti proparatissir:d.

A questa punta s:l. potrebboroanche ricercare' 1e causo di ' questa Ipiocol.a l 'de1usiono, quolle tecniche si inteilde,,,o tEmtaro anohe 'una'l c~'90ia: a11e streghelper snidaro· i prestinti rosponsabili. Su questo u1'tirno aspetto, le oui -,note· sono: VeramElnte, dolonti, ,sono gia. stati fatti scorre'l.'o £ium:L <Ii parole '0 ritongo~ sia inuti'lo aggiungorno 0.1 tro. La mia intenzione invoce ?l di par1aro seClpli.,.. cemento sli com~ 1;15> ;v:i,s'lio ~ v:I.~sut?,seguondo 1e garo per te1evisiono, 10 presl'nzioIti. do~ nostri at1~'ti" s~ddivisi per 1>~ttori. , ' '

Iisettoro della volocit~ era.quello cho ci vedeva £avoriti 0.110. vigilia, 'grazio' ai1a prosonZa di ,Pietro l·iennoa. Proprio, lui invoce ha 1':Lni'to col darci unasensaziono I agro-do1ce I ; non 'per propr'io domor:i;l?o, " Ina permiliasorte.; Nella prima, giornata' corro, :i. 100m. e 10 fa ·oome :L~"suo Bolito'., Tutto :1.0 stadio b in·.si1onzio. In pista 'si co'ctencl.ono':i.i> tito10 il nostro Piotro, i1 vocchio Borzov ad i1 nuovo tn1ento della distanza, i1 todesco;dolllEst Ray. Lo soatto di quest t u1t'imo ?l 0.1 £U1m:Lcotono, Bonov 10,sogue, solo MenneD" .come 0.1 soli to~" parte, :LentO. ,Ai' Som. ~ ancora nell gruppo; tag1iato :fuori da11o. zona Clodag1ie.


Page 16: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

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A:i. 70m. emorgo :i.l. !o1:ennea duecentd.sta, metr:!. su., ,ni'~,!:::r;i" e sul. :f:!.l.o d:t l.ana?! secondo, d:i.etro a ,Ray, rna' davant:!. a Borzov. Sodd:i.s:faz:!.on:l qu:!.nd:!.per :til: sua gara nol. cl.ari azzurro.-,Conosoerido a pr:i.or:i. :i., ,l.:i.~:!. t,:!. qel. barJ,otta,n~ ,sli:!. 100m., l.a sua r:i.l.utt~nza a

,·'l.asc:!.az:e:i. bl.~c~J;d c:i:!' pax:tenzl'j.', che ::f:!.~sce .,col. c~mpromet.t~rno l.a v:!. ttor:!.a :f:!.nal.e, un se';::imdo pos~a .. vol.eva d:i.·re un Monnea :Lri,, .s:!.curo del.l.o proprio ,poss:!'b:i.l.:!.t~. In torm:!.n:i. prat:i.c:!. vol.eva S1gri:i.-

'I!~ V.~._ ... __ ~_'.' . _ :f:! che. ,pe'r l.a garii del.l.a. 5 ta:f:fetta vel.'oeo ,0 'per":!. '200m. del. g:!.9~6 succe~l3:i.vci .11ennca "c'ra a:l. ·~uo megl.:i:g ~ 0 l.e·sper~nze per u.n se'condo' :po,sto nel.l.'a '4 x 100 ad :ll. primo ne':!. ~OOm. ~riin:o p~u che!.tt:!.me. La real.tA co~e sapeta, itl stata d:!.:f:feronto, amara' per :L nos tr:!. co:Lor:!. ,. ·avara ·per ,:La nos tra cl.ass:l.:f:!.ca. ,Una d:!.spos:l.z:!.one causata da :froddo ha ,toito - d:L scenaHonnea: ed, :Ll. 'nofltro, .Caravan;!., nuHa,. ha' potuto c~ntro vel.oc:!.st:!. cia:!. "tempinettamente m:Lgi:l.ocl a:l.' :suo:i::", . '., -', .. " ,.. ._. " ..

,Un.brutto presag:l.o g:l.~, s:i. era avuto nel.l.a,stessa Bara del.l.a 4"x'100m." dove per un.,camb:Lo 'errato~ :!.l. nos:tro' guartett() s:,L au11o­.squal.:!.:ficava, nogandos:i:, l.a·poss:l.b:l.l.:I. t~ d:l. :faro punt:l.proz:l.os:l.. ,J;-a d:l.·Mennea ha compromessQ.:l.nol.treUribuon p:l.azzameiito del.l.a s ta:f:fet,ta 4. 'x 400m., v:i.s ~o c::l,lo' :i:i.>ariet~a.n?, ci:l. ·receri~C(lde~i,<?at<>s:l. a, ,questa .d:i.stanza, ,era :!.n gra~o c:i:l. un not~vpl.e~ppo:rt!? . Nel. sottore del. mezzo:fondo e:del. :fondo,. purtroppo, abb:!.arno reg:l.s~rato l.e aJ.:tre ,:Zarqo'ne"no.n :!.n J)!,tone -,cond:!.z,:l.on,:t :f:!.s:l.che, 'era costrotto a rec:!.tare nel.l.a gara de:!. 5.000m.Un ruol.o d:!. secondo p:l.ano;ed :ri' pos'to?!':!.l. sol.o :frutto' Clel.l.asua '

~ t -. > , .. - • '"' "'~ '" ""'. _ •• , ' <

'Franco Fava no:!. 10. OOOm., non' ~ r:!.usc:i. to a ripetere l.o' prestaz:!.oni: .... -'<1':,- '.' ,,-.~ _'., .... < ~ •• , .. ,~~ .. '; r '

deg;t1 ul.t:l.m:l. tE;!mp:i.. IJ: r:i.tmo deJ:l.a gara· bl.ando; edal. qual.e egl.:l stesso 'avQva cercato':'d:Cporre .r:lmed:i.o, correndo :l.n testa al. d:i. aurnontare l." anda tura, ha :f:l.n:I. to col. :favorlre quegl.:l.a do,tat:!. d:!. rush :f:!.nal.:!.;. La r:!.nunc:l.a d:l. Fava negl.:I. ul. t:!.midue g:Lr:l. non vol.eva: s:!.gn:l.:f:!.car,e rosa ,'mt'l,' ,:p;r:'opr:!.o '';mposs:!.b:!.ii tA p~~ 1?:I,a 'nel. :f:!.nal.e con'' ,scatt:l.. Il.liostro atl.eta tuttav:i.a ha dato una d:l.mostraz:Lone. d:L'orgogl.:L~ il. .g:l.()rno, sucoess:l.v~~ correndo :I. 3000 s:!.ep:!. ',:!.n ~ani.ora ifgreg:l.a, giung~nd~ qu:l.n to, rna so~ra tutto d:l.mostrando d:l.avore superato l.e d:!.:f:f:!.col.t~ emerse no:l. 10.000m.

Neiia gara de:!; 1.~OOi::l. aSSEm'te Gr:!.ppo"rios'tro m:!.gl.:!.or:l.nterPrete del.l.a d:!.stanza, l.'osor,d:l.ente, Scar,tqzz~m. s:!. ~ l.,:l.m:!.tato a :f~re osper:!.enza, ,g:l.ungendo ul.t:!.!Do., I:Lf!ottorq de:i sal.t:!. s:!.. pu~d:iro s:l.a .stato :!.l. mono avaro. Bruno !!r:l.n:I., pre:fe;-:J.:f;o, ~ BergamO, ,por ;a magg:l.ore ,\ no:!. r:!.sul.~at:!., ~abe!,- r::i.pagato l.a.:f:!.dup:ia accordatagl.:!., g:l.ungondoquarto n~l.l.~g~~a, del., :!.n al.t~ con 2.20m."

Quosta compet:l.z:l.ono ha v:i.sto emorS-ero Un al.tro tal.ento del.l.a Gorman:l.a'Est; quel. Bo:l.l.schm:ldtche'ha s:f:i.or:!.to l.':!.ncrodib:l.l.e m:l.sura di'2~ 34m.,; rna che paro aver r:!.nv:!.a to· l.' appuntamento con :l.l. record mond:!.al.o sol.o,perch?! g:l.~,pagodei2:3im; ottonuto~Un bravo .se l.o mer:i.t~: ancho D:!.on:l.s:!., cos,trotto a, batters:!. mal.grado non s:!. possa p:!.u al.l.onara, c~ntro atl.e't:!. ec~e?l:i.onal.:I.' 0 cho deye.:I;o S),le p~ostaz:l.on:!. sol.o al.l.a :!.ritel.l.:l.genza od esper:!.enza. Ha ottenuto una m:l.sura degna d:!. r:!.spetto, un, '5,. 20m~che.' gl.:!. ha consont:!. to eli.' l.asc:Lare !l.~~? spal.l.e p:l.u vel.l.o:l.tar:!.. Bonoanche S:l.ega nel. :!.n l.ungo ~ r:l.usc:l. to ad ospr:!.mcrs:l. al.mono, a:i. suo:i. ~ivel.l.:!. ab:l. tual.:!.. lo'.eno' benO" rna era prevont:Lya to, l. i oscord:!.o di' p:!.a.!;an nel. sal. to tr:!.pl.o. .. "', -.' ,-, .. . . . ~

Page 17: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


" satt'oro che ci e rimasto, quollo dci lanci, resta poco do. dire. Stando ai r:Lsultati. :finali il'solo Urlando nol lancio del marte~~o si ~ :fo.tto onore, :finendo quinto con una misura di poco :i.n:fer:i.ore aquolla dol vinci tore.' Nol lancio dol peso Mente~atic:i. :fin:Lva a~ sesto posto con un discroto 19.09, apportando prez:i.osi punti in c~ass:i.:fica in un settore che mai ci ha visto a~~'avo.nguardia.

Ne~ ~ancio de~ gia:vollotto invace brut to. provo. di Marchetti che s:l. ~ tenuto ,abbondantomente 0.1 di sotto addiritura della sua poggioro prestaz:i.ono stagiona10; terminando ultimo 0 sintetizzando 10. sc:i.a~baprova de~~a nazionale ita1i'ana. A quosto ,punto non ci resta a~tro cho gtim:rcinre 0.110. provo. di Helsinky come ad ima piccola sosta no~~a. grande 'rincorsa oho 10. nazionaJ.e ita1iana ·stil. oompiendo perr:i.durre i~ d:i.s tacco 'con 10 0.1 tro naziona1i ouropoe che oi harulo proceduto :i.n cl.assi:fioa. Una sp'ecie di sosta per prendoro :f:i.ato, raccog:L:i:ere ~e' :forze 0 s:forrar poi 1. l attnooo :f:i.na10. Se quanto dioo, oorr:i.spondo 0.1 vero ne avremo 10. co.n:forriia immed~.ata da~~ 1 osi to de~l.o. pnrteoipaziono dell 1 Itn1ia 0.110 Univorsiadi, ohe sono o.ttualinent,e inoorso di svolgimento a 80:fia.

Se 0;0 inveoe non 0 vero, vuo1 dire cho por a1tr:L anni non oi resto. 0.1 tro ohe reci tare un ruolo di soconda piano no110 soenario dell.o. atl.otica europea, a!lguraridoci nol contompo cho altr:L talenti -aome MOrulaa e Dionisi appaiono sullo oriz20nto por :faro do. 'oarri tra:i.nant:i. 1 p~r i giovani ohe si a:f:facciano per le primo vol te a questa magn:i.:f:i.oo sport.

Questi Bono :i. r:i.sultat!,. ottenuti dai nostr:L at1oti:

100m. r.reNNEA 2 10"29

200ni. CARAVANI 6 21" 65 400m. DI GUIDA 6 47"04

800m. FERt<ERO 8 1'48"67

1500m. SCARTEZZINI 8 3 1 48"80

5.0001ll. ZARCONE 7 '13'50"41 10 .. 000m. FAVA 6 28'11 "59

3.000m. Siepi FAVA 5 8 1 37"06


4 x 400 ITALIA 8 3 109"07 FINALE 110 hs BUI'Tl:..~I 6 14"18

1) D.D.R. 123 400 hs BRIGANTE 8 51"96 2) GERl1ANIA Salto in alto BRUNI 4 2,20m. OVEST 110

" " lungo SIEGA 6 7,66m. 3) U.R.S.S 99 " II tr:i.plo PIAPAN 8 15,82m. " con llasto. DIONISI 6 5,25m. 4) U.K. 93

Lanc:i.p del peso NONTELATICI 6 19.09m. 5) POLONL\ 91 II " martello URLAlIDO 5 70,34m. 6) " II giavollotto WJl.CHETTI 8 66i 64m• FINLANDL'.. 82


8) ITALIA 52

Page 18: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

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~!ONIi~Y' ,- FRIDAX, FROH 4 p.m. ONliARnS





Page 19: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

LA"SAGnA DELLA FESTA DELL'\.~ MADONNA -vi!3ta dnl di dontro

"No~ posso rondormi cpnto como mai in tanti anni di Par­rocco dolla Chiesa italiaria diSan Pietro io non ~bpia mai ponsato aJ.l.a Sagrall - Questa af'f'ormaziono do11 l Ex Parrocco dolla nostra ' , Chiesa ital.iana, Don Giuseppo De Filippi, in 'gradita vtsita a Lon­dra, pu~ ossero giud:i.cata, so!:to la luce'd!'ll~a 'm~ssima mazoniana: "Lo nooossi tA:.aguzzan~o ' :i.1;, ,corvollo'! ... tirl'atti ai' "tempi ',diDon Giu­soppo l.a Procoss:i.ona. ,par"avera una',buona :J:'iuscita, n.on· avava oorto b:i.sogno di una Sagra~ AJ.·tB."t'empl, 0' aJ. tri' discclrsi Tn Visto porb l.1 andazzo degli' uJ. ti:;d. iumi, ,mol ti si chiodevano so la Proco~siono avosso ancora un val.oro. se ne valossa la pona il su,? svolgimonto ••• Si ~ vol.uto, f'aro ,una 'vor:i.f'ica"o"DonRoborto, ,attualo ,Parr'lcco, ha

It •• - - • -' , " .~ 'l' - -- ~ '." > - •• " •• ,_,"

oh:i.amatoattorno a 'sa. i suo:!. parraochiani por vorii'icaro <;;iomo ° decidore suJ.'J.a:·c6htinuaziono ':o'~'mimo ldi ';que's'ta,Prooossionti ,ho ?l ,la pi,u 'ant:L!,a di t~'!;:t;a" J,.ond;oa ,«:?,·ch~ quaJ.or~ ·non f'o,ss~ o~g~zzata un soJ.o anno, non .si avrobbo piu il permesso di, riprostinarla. A gran­do 'uiuln:i:m£tA 0 con entusiasmo 'f'uttisi sono d'ottid1accord6cho sa':' rebbe, un insul. to ai' nostri vocchi Padri so'si doyesso. smottore ,di :faro'iii Proccssione. ' , . . ", "', ' '

, ossoi-vai,'~ dunquo, molto semplioemente,' cii~ lluomo ~ ia'tto di anima: ma:imche 'eli: corpo"o 'sontito quantoe' o'osa 'si iaccva ai . voc~h;i: tempi, !JOZ:SQ,l.1 igo,a" dolla ,Sagra, ceroa~do. ,oon q,!-o~,ta,:mcirl.­:festazione di soddis:faro 10 anticho 0 10 nuovo tradiziorii. L1appcllo doJ. Parrocco :venne ~c01to da'tutti':singolopersoriEi, AssociaZioni," CJ.ub, Organ:l~zaiioni 'e Fed~ra2!ioni .pre~c~tj" ?ell~ nost:x:ac:o!Dun,i;t!l, con grando entusiasmo. Durante un paio eli entusiastiche riunioni sars~ro ~ante' ide.~; putti,po,r.ta~ono.iJ" ':L5>.~o ,?ontribui;q a so6ondq , deJ.J.e lore p.ossibi.l.itA ed esperienzo; circoli e assooiazioni i'ed.o­rate cio .. J.~.::r.A.I.E. (FederaZiono' Assoc':l:azioniCI:talianu>;';'England) o con J.tI. F .A--.S.JJ' .11.'., (Faderazionc, AssoyJ~z:i,q~i Scuola.-Famig,l:i.a)', porsona singolo del.le vecchio 0 le nuovo gonoraziono in Una gara'.di goneros:l:tA' e :frai;c:inita~ dawcro' sOrProndlmti-,ai inipognarono af':finch~ J.a IFesta ,dolJ.a Madonna del ,Carmine 1 .risuscitasoe alle ant:Lchagl.orie0 'spJ.ondori. Quanta ?l stato 'boilo' odedi:f:i.cmite vedara' "dal. di dentro" giovaiLi' 0 voochi~ ragazzi e , bini 0 nonni l.avorare tutti assiomo e uniti con impegno, en~'u­siasnio a generosi'tA in una 'gara' di 'i'raterna omulaziono 0 di bontA. Ognuno: ha vol.uto portaro il propria oontr,ibl},to onde, dimos,traro, f'attivamento l.lattaccamento alle nostre trediziorii di oristiani a di' :ita1:i.ani e smantol.l.ando oos:l:laormaivecchiao anti<luata teoria secondo J.a qual.a "gli italiani non si mottono mai d1accor-

• - • - .' II • '<_ ~ • •• •

Questa, por quolli " di dontro ", ~ stato il lato Ei~ posi iii vo 'do1l.a Sa:gra. L'l'osperionza di quosta pi-ima odizionopor';' terA cor,!:amon~e a:fara coso' migli,ori ,il! f'utur().

Iritiulto:i:nvi t'i'anio i "lottori di ,illack Hill " ad inviarci i lorq gi,udi2;:L, critiche" suggerimonti mantre ,!,ut,ti siamo invi-.,., tat:L ?- col.l.apor~ro, :fin d~ ora EO;" la b1,lona riusoi ta della proo~i!D1?­IFESTADELI1I. MADONNA I, dol. 16, lUGlio 1978.


, .... " .. • ,"",10.' , '

Page 20: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

i ,

'. ~~ ".

C.r:l;'e6.7ie: !, . ' ~' ..



For E).Il ~b~o~utQ~Y. f:Lrstrate; j<?11y evoning untram­

m~J:~ed by psyohQ~Qgi<?a~ou!Dph a.nd ,d~Y~OUIL soo=!-al messages ' .• J; strongiy rE?oommend John 'O'Keeffer s Oighteenthcentury oom~dy ll'Til;d'

o.?'i?,s !,.II~:v:i:l].g ;I;>,ae,n:ptaycd, ~u()oesstul.:IY i.t wou~d s,ciiem, tlU-gugho,ut

the :m.noiieonth 'oe'ntury, :L'ts' popu~ar:LtY'nbtsomu~hwanGd as p~uril.:. . - -' '~.- --

meteci out of.c'Sistono(i); no d~ubt in the wake of o~c arid o~evGr

drama •. Thop~oii. is: 'i.ndeod.unashamed faroe :w:L th eriough Iong. Iost, _ "... _ _. ~ _ • ...' ...... ,. • c <. _ .' _ .'

relat'ions, ~onverging for'aspoctaou,lar 'd6nciuement ·to funu:sh the

Cler1!=enwel:1 R~~~. oIlpro~essi6l}, ,S~qaY. This howeye;-. is ,!'l-.,!J10re

veli:i.'o~e forthG .s1iclC~ per't:i'nen-c, .oxtreme1y :fUnriydialogue •. ,

Such is' t~e sk:Ll.l -arid oraftsmans:hipwi th whi'eh' tlie'

wh~i~, company ooHipo.rt'P!le!l1SoJ,~C;3S, su~,h th,€! ooniiro~ despite' the

obul:Lieii'oe of· the p:Lay that full 'marks .must. 'be awarded' ,to. dire 0":'

tor ciltford'Wiiiiams. No.deta:L1 is t~? ,3m~il ::for his attention;, . ., ,,'; .. ,"," -'. ,'~

even the s'oeil~: shifters 'ennila:iie ,the ::figures o'f' aneigliteenth oen-

tury .~opv~rsati9l). pieoe in si.~lW?ctii~. . , .

. Lo'ii:i.1l Fi.a,nder as the aoto;'-l;1e:i::o Rover in1,1st" per£o;-()e,

dominate. an 'otherwise' oqual, oast. Far be i't from me .to oommG,nt:()n

in passing that it is superb. <. -.. ~ " , ••• ~ ,.

, . ... . .' .' ~.' " .-Aocording to 1nd1viduaI tast.e the Eng:L:Lsh 'proVide the

bQst audienoes in the western world - or the worst. vTith the ex­

oepti.o~. of dov:ent ~a.rden, th<:::Lr cheer:i.~g is ot: I¥l' o"!parra~sed ,na.-.

ture, but, oonversely they aro·never .. heard

faotion in'any way. Be this as ~t may, the • ~ > '.

Ie:f.t all' retioenoe' ; ~ tvo:i:o'ed its

to express, dissatis~

aud:i.e,~c~ of 'Hild Oats'

approva:L at frequent , . .

-:Lnterva:Ls. Tli:i.s wou:Ld hil.v<,? d!3Iigl,liied O'lCcief::fe, an actor hill!,se:Lf~

who once. wrote: "I would have a p:Lay o::f mine either applauded to

the r<?ar, or nob:Ly hissed of::f at.onoe - ".

Marianna P. R. Servini.

Page 21: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


FI L M c.:.: :-. ..., CASAll'OVA 'X' - Frederico Fellini:

Havo :r soenono of' Fellini' s greatest masterpieoes or was it jus t an impressive dream tha treriiaina vivid and hAunting in my mind •. Tho only solid piece oJ: evidenco I have. ,to conf'irm .;tho :former 'is 'the, scre'l'Tod' up ticko't';;for 'row~;U' nfunber;16:·iri:·my~pookot.

" " Having:'read ,s'o 'many ~complimoritary' repor,ts:f'roril cr:!. tics aboiit: ·tho:·,:filmi:.x entor'o'd ·the,Pr:!.nc~ ,Charles~ Cinema"p'ropar~d, f'or disappointment," 'as. :ls' 'usually' the' oasQ).wlien 'oxpect'ing"so ,much •. 'Much 'to 'my,surpriSQ, 'and'.lgratif':i.oation \tliof'ilm:lpro;vod .. to •. be :far ,botter'than'.I, had. :expectedd.t·to ,bo,:·and:.provided, me, ,lfith··.thx'oe, hours 'of" v:I. v:i.d im'agerY.. ):>rillian:f;Fell:!.ni~. burlosquoandrabsu:ro ,charactor' sketches. ;andHsuporb :ac'ting" f'rom' .Donald, Sutherland .. iIll"the ti tle :i!ol.e.,.· " .• '. ',,'

As is' a,1wa:ys '~he 'cas~ With Feinni, the ·Boe~~s~e'·ii.~uallY cramed with a host of'ind:!.vidu~l'y .strange and intorcs'tiiig cl1arac­,ters f,.each~ :and :i)veryone, 'intcrost:lng. ienotigh" to "conjure up a lIhole new story"':Lf"the' d:i.roctor W:i.she(J..'The.;scones~are .;t'abloi'ds, ,yet<too dynam:lo'. 'and: :f'ul.l. 'o:f :l:t:fe '1'or,'the' camera ,to: :f.ocus on':ruiy 'one, :i.mage 'or symbol. ];onlf en:ough~:The' .cameras 'ho~Tover roam' over' the scene' piclcing up.theJ shad01-TS 'on:: the' wal:-l'and'tho ·d:!.verso objects 'and' 'c'o 1 ours' whi'chmake up~.'tho backoloth, ,to, 'tho' 1'resco ' .' vlhy.- uso,real stormy 'se~s l-llien,·8. wet ~piasti'Cisheet ;blo-wn, aboulr.,byundercurrohts o:f air c'an' cr:.ate~a much more ':intense.,ani:l;,·inipressivo(:Lmage?. '

.'- .-" ,-r ,-. .' -, _. '_,' • ,loan,- J. ' <\

'To ·oonoentra 1:eon tne oeritral. chara.cP'?r •. f't ,i~I\'iii~~x.:~i!":' ting and at times confused analysis that Fellin:!. makes. Giacomo CasanoVa. ':La: inev:L tabl.y.QXpO'DEid in his: ri>lo as:l.iU'amous'lover of' worJ.Cl-w:LCle :f'ame,' yet:his, ;partners.aro ,used. as· ironio. ,and" sat:Lrical syfub'oii " 'tholove:"'malcing ·oaimot"b'e; de'sertbod" as' 'erot:l.c·: or· sElns'ual but ·more oomic, arid' r:i.dicuious'~ In- iu:s; t'i'avol's 'he' oncountorsc .(if'i t :l,8t11:0' correot'.use) an eighty year~oldlady who·:wishes·to be reborn' i'n --the body of'theson she"wiH 'hopefully: .g:l.vo.birth ·to, a'seven :foo't cirous £rerutc who :takes, )tho·,. biggest' of' .mon on 'at::arm­'..-Tr?s,-«::I4lJ.g (~d!T:tns):,. a,J;~ with):)r;1ght ~d tutde:woar, 'and 1'inally a~,o,l.ockwo;,~ ·P.uPpo1?·, I:t is .into~st,iDg.tq n,otothat ;I:t, i,l1 w:Lt~ .. this aiJ.ant and, .oxpresfd.oD:J.os's puppet tluit casanoVa appoars to denvo

"tlie ,grea tea,t' 'pleasure and sa tisf'action and it ':I.'s 'the . oniy- time in _. '...>' • • .' ., " " •• ~ '''w c ,- •• ••• • "." " • • ,,, • ".' - • t . , if. • ~

~h~'. fgm tl~~; ;the, :yiewe~, (lan,' r~.aHy. ~o~.ievo tliat tho tears :lX}. . Qasa~o~a,~s ,O!!3~ ~Fe, g~pu:l.lJ.,oJ,r sin<?e~~: " "

In :fact, throughout' ,the· 1'ilm FelJ,ini' 'is careful. "to' 'balanoe th~ i!?~§'e,C?;r. the , en2rg~,t,:J.,9 ~~!.:s()u~h,t,"',~H~r !,le;t:oi,o: ;ri~re of' tho supreme J.over '\fi:th ... acounter. J.mage o1'.a pathetio, "beau' .wh5> pro:;­:fers to. pretend tnii-c 'li:!.s )ia1entsaro chief'lY 'litoral:y~ '!-lll:!.lSt . "~~', • ,.,: ..... _ ... -.',,_ oJ.' ,._~ ~ •• ~~ __ ~.-•. _. ',,~ "':"'1-,':t .... ' .',

s.taggering around l-T:l:f;h :the a.:Ld 5>f' a' l-ra:pq,ng s,tioknoa;-, the ,~nd of' -tilic 1':Llin," he" ponders .. ·.on ,the. ques't:Lon. 01' his 'immortal:!. ty and" comes

..... ~. " .. ·c ,.9 •• ~. ">:t' ".-tl· .<\' ',~, .. ~ ';1 .• ~",~,. " • '. \-.~ ""1

to the -comic concl.usion that his wr:Ltirigs Wil-l riinder"him ·im.'nor,;; tal.. , •

It is very di1'1'icult to draw anY dof'inato and clear-cut ooncJ.usions about the theme of' the f'ilm yot i tis oasy to note that the :film io a masterpioce 01' v:i.sual art and boauty which should give the more discerning viowers a groat deal of' aosthotio. pl.easure.

G. C.

., '.

Page 22: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

• .' , J:. ,;::! .. ' ~

.,. "" ..... , ' ... ~ ". . .. ,". ,.... -'.' ~ , '!'ofol.conio' to Laser:lum" the' cosmicl.ase;rconcert", c,ame, the

taped,Amer:L,canis'o'd, voi'co, as 'the:' l.ights 'dimmed and ,a backcl.oth' ·of: stars. appeareCii'on;:the ,dome, 'of' the Pl.anetar:Lum.!'You may ,chose to, just ,si t'back~, re1roi and ,en'joy'tho Visual.'spectao;te '0:;:' pref'er ·to soekilome, ;signif:icanoo:',:Ln,the; il.l.usj:oris"',. I chose, the.,f:ormor and ;:t'ound the' ,m:L~,ty :Lmages,: (spiral.'gal.aX:Les, ,;i;ors <and

. J? tin'g _,rays.' of:' l.ight, ,intr:Lgu:Lng and" spec, ,as' the aocolJl­panying, musio buil.t :l.tsel.f' up :l.nto a croscendo. 'The'

.' s.~ap~E! ,ancl :i:.,!!ages, at t;imes cl.?sel.y resolJll>l.~d a, gig~p:l.o spiro-g;raph pattorn., '

• ,,-- " , < .", ' "

, ,Having' ;herd, and ,road, (so:, nnich', ,about, tho, "ha~t:l.ngl.Y' boau-,t:l.f'ul.c,ol.ou~s ";, ",the, 'y:Ls:ual. f:Emst; , that <ciof':l.o~ ,desorip:t;ion\II',and' tho show ,Ph!,\t, :Ls ;supposodl.y :l.ntondod, "t,o"engage ,tho senses, ,:l.n~ tr:l.g'uo the,' mind: and oncouragei;he·':l.m.aginat:LQn .t,9 f:re,e :I. tsel.£ f:rom the rO\ltine,", I' ·sat' bac;k: ;in· the; ,mhe.:!? ,':1ll.ooJjlf:ortabl.~, ,pofj:l. t:Lon , ,eagerl.y a~d e.~rnestl.y oxpo~,tiIJg ,tp,~,;,:Lmp,o!3.sib::Lo:,a,;t~ in~r,ed:L:R;:'e .t,o napponand'wa~ nat~ral.l.y dissappointed:py ·th~ per~or~ manco ..H01~OVOr" iOn, (recol.l.ection", I !l:I1,ls t ,adlTl:!. t" tha, t" as a ~l;ol.e" the show '~s improssive and enterta:l.ning enough to warrant i~s un-'deil;i.:abl.e P9Pl;iJ:~r~py'~,' ,. ,. . . , . ,; , ,,' .'

, TP~' ~us:l.c· 1;oo,·',is. a cro,9::l. ta?,l.e. assehs~~mipg1yde~:!.Z!le<;l ,par,ti~u:l.arl.y. to' :f',it ,such ,a ,sl;lm~. The,c.horoogr?-phy ,0£ the.,spe~:!:rum ot: :vibrant, col.ours; to :the music, :being".n9t too C OIJ1P:j. ox anci i;!'l1;l~', ef'f'octiYo.:. ,Tl;:a soundtrack, :Lnc,l.udes: 'Joharui ,$'j;rauss', "B::Lu~ Dan\lbe" , Gustilv,,~."Neptuno", ",;!,ank"'j "Hoedown" anci"A1?ad<:toIl,':3 B,o,l.or()," by :EmersoIi "Lake &. Pa1mer,P:l.r.k, F16yd l s ·t'Se:t' tlj.e C,on:tr01s, ~or the ,Heart of: the, Sun" and; "Echoesuand "PoPP'o;, ~ox'! by tho, ,Peppors.

FUrthinf 'appreoiation ot: tho c'oncert is ,derived; f:rom the '." .... , .. ". ' ", .. t ...• "i ~,'" " '-" _ ~... .' .... ,., •. ;-." :.,~ - _~ ", ~""";""" ....... "

lCilow1odgo' that' 'thoshbw nas' not beon' pro'-recordod or programmed" on h';oompu'ter'but 'that' tho creator and operator,- IVanDrYor~ ':i.:s;iri :fact~' actually ;hi.s' incrodibl.e and·seem:i.hgiy oompl.ox'maChine

0-",_ ~"". ~', '? .' ", _ ",. ~ • '..... _~.... _ - >, ":; -. ~ "'

1ike a musical.' :LnstrumontJ1?y.;t~rning .1!ll,obs' pus?:i.;n~. ~:overs, etc. Eaoh perf'ormance :Ls therof'ore Q:l.f:f:erent and· thoref:oro more admi-rab1e' as'aework of',ar;t·and' a' techIl:Lca1, f'~at~ ,

~(n.?l:riz.ig ?1;" Y!3.t w;L ~~essoci,,~t tlfo veZy s:Lmi1ar types' of:' show,. now ,' 'performed,:l.n the' cap:Ltal.; I am

'unab10 to oc:impare and' of:f:of:. advice: as to "which, :Ls thoin'os't: com.,. mondabl.e'of- ~!ie tpEge, YoiJJ:·h~pe i:hatyou w;l.1l. at ie~st~eab1o to judee tho morits of' this shoW' 011' the,bas:l.s of: my summarY6,

"- ~ ~ \" ~_ ... _. • _". .,.." " .. 'A • ,. ~, , r _ • ' c, u ~_,

G. C.

Page 23: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

-0-0-0-0-0-0- ill!2..IC SCENE -0-0-0-0-0-0-

No !llUsic page could he lfl"itton this month without. ,mention, no matter how brie:f, o:f tho' ,tragic. arid' sudden doath of ELVIS PRESLEY. Ev:l.dentl.y his' death has surprisod and grieve'd countless millions o:f devoted ,:fans al.l.: ovor the' world, yot I got the, 'feeling that' death has rek:i.ridl.od. the:fl.amo'in 'tho logendary.· and oniginatic figure. which was Sl.Ol'Il.Y but'~sureiyi dying 'out. 'People who p'robably nover evonpar­tioulariy' '1ike&' the' man or his music in the past now olaim he' was al.way.s 'J;.J;iei:~,F::r':i:\r9Uri to' an~ rush out to by copies 'of his singles and al.bums. For the 'mod:ia and' other parasites Elvis has. become' .big ·bu­si.ness. ~'1:1. th a' niarkot~ roadyanc(willing to buy anything that bears the name I El.vis'l ' ori it, at probably' any price. One thi~g 'is' for sure and that is that El.Vis Presley will. not be forgotten for a long, time and "Baok Hil.l." l,.ould l.:iko .-to' end this ,sliort mention by simply' "Thank you El.v:ts II, :for'ali the: goo'd times' tho' man, the music and the auraliecr'eatod have given ahd' will go' on giving to the '

Baok to the boring insi~e pagos' news we hear that another I g:i.ant I o:f the musio '\olorld, 't~e corpul(;mt D,e~is ~ousllos Hill be a weok at tho London Pall.adiUm opening on November 3rd. Donna Summer whose No.1 hit "I Feel,L"ove'" nas-.sold over hal.f-a-mil­l.ion:i.n this country' is due to headline at,·:t~ast· one LOndon concert :i.n October ·as part o:f a ;rui,l Europ~im T:our.'Octobor sh~uld also see Doctor Hook and the Hoct:i.cine Show at the :LoridonRainbowon the 14th & 15th. Tho tour has boen',ple,nned to coincide' with thoir latest al.bum "Mak:i.n' Love and' Music~u~' , . ", ' .

The newl.y,,;,released singlos"markot' thi's month ,has a host of ol.d and worn (some maybe a 1i ttie too worn) facos trying to foroe their way baok on to our turntables again., BobJ.farley "" the,failers rel.oaso m\other traok :fror.l the:ir highly sucoessful "Exodus" album oall.od "Ha±ting In Va:i.ri": Aith:oughIhave' only hoard :it once, I feel :i. t :i.s 'f.'ar botter than the ti tlo track and should do well :in the oharts. T.Rex (no, they arc not extinct) reXeaso anEP foaturing: "Ride A lihi te Swan"/"Jeepster"/"The Hotivator" &: "Demon Queen". The ti tl.e "'s Best One" unfortunately' reveals the rather em­barrassing :fact that, Hark (Purse-yer-lips) Bolan'is not much o:f a' :force, .today,.,'G.G. :is back too (Ye~h,yeali.iHello,hello; good to be back - 'yawn): Th:i.s time he will hit us .wi th "Baby Please Doni t Goll I· only wish he woul.dn l t put words :l.nto my mouth.' Leo Sayer, the onoe highl.y r.esp'eqted singer and peri'o:nner reloases "Thundor in Hy Hoart" w:i. th anothor ',l:t~avy pondant towards the disoo scono; yet i fee1 :i. t '\olil.l. not 'exactl.y do 'his reputation a power of good.

, .' ~ ., --

'Tho al..bUJP..that '.~eemsto be making the grea-pest impact on the, charts at the "momont, apart from any of the Elvis greatest hits ·compil.a t:i.on ;aibums:Li:l Jcan"I>fiohel Jarrc 1 s "Oxygene". I fail to com­prehend "how tb:le p'rirt":loularco'sinic sound can warrant such inunediate aooeptanoe and 'appe'al 'l-lheri :far superior musioians liko Klaus Schulze and Tangerino' !ire'am hava :beon churning this stuff out for ages • .. ~. .

It ·is a ,pity ·the Sox Pistols were not present at the Lafa­yetto Cl.ut) in 'H~iv:cr~ampton' on ,Friday the 19th August for they

',.,oul.d have 12~en e~c:~r0l!l~l.y v~xcd at the sight of the spots, a bunch o:f identical. l.ook-al.'il<os who sang exactly "tlie ,same songs as tho P:i.stol.s sing and 'inexactly the sarno 'mann9r, without getting banned by tho l.oonl. author:i.ties. Persona11y I fail to understand why Johnny Rotten and his boys don I t adopt iiorrie f"i'endishly clever pseudonym and pl.ay sma1l. around tho country incognito. l1hat a great idea I

G. C.


Page 24: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

, . . . 76. SANTA LUCU. LmiTANA

f "',.

Partono ,10 baotimonto pe~ torre asoajo ;J.unta~c ••• 'CMtano a buordo: 00 ' , CMtano. poltramente ' ., . '1.0 gla ocumpar.e" o la l.una., 'a.,miezo 0' mar~, nu poco' I,e~ n~pul.e'

J.l.e 'd!a ved~ ••• ·

• Santa: Lucia, 'l.tintano I a te 9.~anta'1cunial, $,e' gira 01 mUnno sano. De va a cerc~ fortUna ••• m/i. <iuann~ ,oP?1jtai~'J.Uhti, ·l.untan~ I a. NaPt:!l.e nun' so pOl sta'l

_E .. s~nano'.:.. l-!a I, e' romano. tr~mano.· nC,app' I e c,cordo ••• Quanta ricordo, ah{rnm~, quanta ricord~. E I 0 'core nun I 0 s'ane nernmono cu Ie ccanzone: oontcmno voce' 0 suori~:, se metto Ii chiagnero ca v~ ·turn~ •••

. Santa. L~c:ta, tu-v:Lone' su~o Un poco 10 mare ••• rna. 'ccliiu ~untana:, staje. eoh:lu beJ.J.a pare. E' 10 canto d l le"Ssireno cn t~sse ancora Ie rrezzel Core nun VOl richezze: ,01 ~: nato a NapuJ.o,. ce- y~ m:urll~


UI1a casetta in c~mpagi1. ••• uri or~iceJ.l.o, una vigna~ •• Qui, ch~ vi nasce vi reg:lri.a: •. non c~rca: e 49n sogn~ J.a grande citt~ ••• ;rn doJ.c:e suon, 'di iampogn~ e tanta pace ne~ cuare, •• .;,

F'asci J.ucoriti, d:L gratio •••

,Se vuo:!. ,gode~ J.a vita, vieni. quaggiu :!.ncampagnal, E I ttitta un l al. tra' -'cosa:! vedi il. mondo tiltte 'coJ.or di ,rosa ••• Quest'aria dcl.iziosa non ~ J.-' aria ·del.l.a: ci'tt~~ Svegl.ia iii con' il.· gal.J.o, _sp?'~chiati I10l.ruscel.l.o, bacia:, J.a. tua .compagna '

- 'Z - - - • -'che ·t 'o.ccompagna col. .somo.reJ.J.o •.•• Ogn:L #gl.i~'?l:0·~ ii4 :r.:ior~ . nato oul.l.a col.J.ina: baciam) una dozzina ••• Oh' che :roiic:it~l S'e VU:oi /Soder J.a v:lta,: to rna- al. tUQ paeseJ.J.o ch'~ assa~ p:!.u beJ.J.o dol.J.a: citt~.

S<;lmbra, ogn:!. :ral.cC:,un bal.~no ••• ha un sapore no's:tirana: .. pro;fum'o 'di :riene>, di ,grappoJ.i e 1:ior •• ~ E l.a sorgento, pian piano, mormora un ctinto dt'amoro;~.

~ -

Page 25: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

""l~~l~~1! tfJil:~! :~!~~ ~~ ~<C .. .. ; :r m~=tt~n:I. sun~ta":'ola' o~me3c. L' abbonan:ent~'


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278 - 9402.

Page 27: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


Elvis 'Presley is a 21 year old sex maniac with greasy hair, dirty songs and no, future; •• ?

Yes, thatls what ~heylre saying - all the proachers and teachers and youth club leadors, the bankers' arid brok~rs and respectable :follcers: they Ire 'saying EI:v:is is mean and ovil; a walk:lng disgrace to 'the human race. TheJtlre screaming about all " these shock,ing things, the ~ay he sings, his f';Lashy rings, his sneering lips" his writhinB"'hips. My Godl -,lim telling you Mac

he I s gott§l: pink Cad:Lllacl" '

To the older generation in the 50 1 s that I s the'way'Elvis carne over. IU.ght :from the' start he was larger than li:fe - ho wasnl.t so much jitst:ariother singer, as a threat to the youth of' Ameri ca w • , , '

Elv:i.s had the formula f'or ,rock &, roll within him: he had boen brought up the 131uesand coithtry music ,all 'around him; -in its Ii v:Lng envi:..~oziment. He was born in' the deep seuth -in TupeJ.o,,tppi; on Ja~'tary .8th, 193~, son,O'f': VE)rrio'n and Gladys Presley, l-lho l(oro sharecroppers plagued by poverty, hal:f helped by wel:fard prog'ramllies, ,and cttch cornf'orted by the f'irst Assembly Church o:f G($d. Presley; s 'mother d:l.ed in 1'958 with 'her son at the height o:f h:l.s rock & roll careor; more f'amous and success:ful than an~ tither American of'his g~noration the mos~ potent sex symbol sinc~ Rudo~pli' Valentino; 'and'selling records :faster than: anyone in history. Elvis became the king of' rock & roll, the. greatest o:f them all? the man'l,.ho singlo handed, took rock & raIl :from the basements- and the cellars' to the peaks of' internat:i.onal :fame. As f'or Elvis the milO, he stayed nearly as unreachable and unreadable as evor •. through marriage and divorce, through movies and TV specials and Vegas spectaculars, through teenage cultural , and the court jester of' the Vegas . - ,

OIl Augus t 11 th he died o:f heart :failure, a legend in his Olm l:l.:fe, to all o:f us who were 'in our teens in the mid 50 IS

a part o:f our youth has gone :forever.

Peter Bertoncini Henry Marx, bettor Imown as "Groucho" to the millions o:f ardent adm:i.rers he had allover the, world, d:led on Saturday, 20th August 1977 :i.n Hollywood at the age o:f 81.

In the last :five years, this well-known and well-loved parsonal:l.ty su:uv:i:ved three hoart attacks, a stroke and a bout of' pneumon:i.a. -',

He will always be remembered as a vivid picture in the mind with Cigar in mouth, painted moustaohe arid the f'amous and peculiar :!.ooping ga:l. t. He wal:! a :fun maker and perpetual jo~er right up to h:l.s day when he had the lfOrld f'oe1ed by' claiming he was 86.

On how he would like to be remembered he once said: "Alive :i.:f not that way thon dead". 1'1e11 I am certain he jlil1 be remembered :for a long i;:Lme to come" and sadly rn:Lssod 'whenevor a Harx Brothers :film will be scroened again.

G. C.


Page 28: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

( ~ , c ~

. '

, ,




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Page 29: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia


10z burro 1 o:l.poJ.J.a tri to. ta ~ , 3 ouoohda:l. d:l. farina .' 1 di saJ.e t ouoohdaino d:l. pepe t ouoohdaino di origano pizzioo d:l. "pape oayenne, 1t pints d:l. brodo. 1J.b fungh:L'J.avati~' tagJ.:l:ati 1 fog-J.ia ,d,' a l.1. 0 z 0,' ,

5 fJ.. oz d:l. dopp:l.apanna - • ~. ... --I'; ..

Fate frigero'l:a ci~o:ll.a, rioJ.burro J.ovate J.a pentoJ.a',daJ. fuoco, con uncucchdaio d:l. J.egno mesco'~a t'o£'a.rirui.,saJ.e~ pape, origano, cayenno f:l.ncho' ottonoto una pasta" ",. """ .... ,. agg:i.ungete :i.J. brodo' .Lonttmorito che non ,:r,acc,:i.!l:.. grwn~<?:i.,' .. ' , , . agg:i.ungoto :i. ~Ungh:f, 0 f'9gJ.ia d' a;Llozo rimo'tte~o, J.apruitoJ.'a aui-' :fuoco ' " fate ;boJ.l.ire mescol.ando· continuamonto capri to J.a pent01a. e 'l.asc:Latoouccoro J.entamomto per c:i.rca 40mtnut£ ' agg:i.ungeto J.a dopp:i.a pamia moscolato per 2 0 3 m:i.nuti togJ.:i.ete J.a foglia d' aJ.J.ozo - '~~oX'V". '!;e ;t~ ~1itppa., . '

MINESTRJI': tit VERDURA 40z d:i. mess:!. a 'hagno per circa 12, ,o,re 1 cipoJ.J.a tritata 2 carote 'tritato 4 pozzi di sodano tE:l.~ato 3 patato tagiiato a dad:l.n:i. 6 pom:i.dor:i.- passii:t:L 'ai sedac'cio o 140z s ca;lio,l,~ d:i. pol.a t:i. t cavoJ.o bianco tritato 1 poro 'tri'ta'to: 2, zu6'CiiiIrl a sccilta 4 cuoohdai,'di'.'ol.:i.o,o 20z d:l. burr,o· saJ.o,' pope,' noaa moscata ' ~rozzomoJ.o Ttr:i tato) " tl.b pisoJ.l.i,a.sooJ.ta 40z tagiiatoJ.J.e o'ditaii

,;" '> > ... - ~ - -,

Fa to boJ.J.ire :i. per c3:rca, • 2 oro in 1t pint:! di acquo. non salata Quando sono cott£ ,~gglUngote ancora un p~ di acqua; ,po~,~gg:i.~geto o:i.pol.l.a, ,<?aroto, sodano, pata'!;o, . ' ".' ~ ~ .... " ~ .. ~~,;. ,( --. - -. ~ ~

oavoJ.i, '·pomoaor:i., ·', 'poro,' prozzamoJ.<.?, saJ,o;, 'l?-0<?o '!lIoscat,a,.pepe, ol.:i.o 0 burro, mesco~ata tutti gl.i ingredianti insiomo, fato bollire poi J.a pentoJ.o. e fate cuocoro J.ontamonte per o~rca un'ora l.ovato iJ. ooporohdo 0 agg:i.~~gote pasta a piscl.'J.-:i. fate ouocare'per 15 minuti. Deve'riuscire Una minostra, p:l.~tosto den:sa:~ Sorv:Lta oon parmigi~~o.

HUSHROOM SOUP(By request) ., "a favoutite of Padro Russo

10z,butter l;onionfinely'chopped 3 tablespoons 'of flour 1, teaspoon of sait {'tcaspoon of popp~r (black) tteaspoon' oforigano pinch gf cay~nne,peppo~ 1t pints of stook , ,11b oleimeo. and 'slioed' mUshrooms

• 1 bay' 'leat:, 5 fl. oz of double oream , . .:

Lightly ·frY onions' in butter so that they are soft but not bro~m remove 'pali 'X'rom'hoat' with a woodon spoon stir irr flour, salt, pepper, origano, and cayenne to make a paste gradually stir in the stock being caroful .to avoid 2umps stir in mushrooms add bay leaf: return pan tp ,heat and bring soup

"to the boil stirring'continually ~or about 40 minutes "reduoe hoat cover pan and si~~er' , just bofore serVing stir'in cream remove bay leaf"and s~rve, im.~ediately


40z dried 'burl'o.tti' '·beans soaked for, about 12 hours ' 1 finely chopped onion 2 finely chopped' carrots 4 celerY s~alks chopped 3 large' potatoes ohopped 6 sieved .tomatoes . or 140z tin of tomatoes sieved t small w.litte oabbage chopped 1 leok ohopped 2 zuoohini chopped 4 t~ble~~~~s of oil or 20z butter salt pe~pen, nutmog, ch01)ped liarsley, tlb- frc:sli~' ~as !>ptional 40z tagli elle or ditali . '. Boil the burlotti for about 2 hours in 1tp;Liits of unsal~ted water add mo~~~~ter, add o~onsi oarrots colery, ·,'po.tatoes, tomatoes, loek cabbage, .cpurgottes pars~ey, salt pepper, nu~meg. add oil or butter. Stir all 1ngredients together and bOil, then oover the pan and simmer for about 1 hour. Unooverpan add fresh peas

,and macaroni and'oook for another 10-15, minutes.: This. soup shouid tbo quite thiclc sorve with.'parmosan cheeso.

H. G.

., I

Page 30: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

. "


AUTUMN ...:,.. :A new season means now cl.othos and<,a 'new J:<:,ok~

" ... - -, -,

If"you f'ool. 'l.iko a woman, ~lear a dross .I, ,a skirt, ,1. ,pants. :1. . . ,~ . .' ". ',.,. , ' ...

a bl.a:c:or! tWti.cs sup~r looks in suodings. Col.J:ect':Lons

of' cl.othos thatw:Ll.l.,share your l.if'e as you iive :Lt.

'So hore wo aro with a now soasonand. no,,, tones •. r' ' " " ," , .,

Fashion that makos. a woman ~eol. l.ike a .womnri. Fashions'

that :I:~e a re~,~.istiC .approach to l.:i.f'Elstyl..os" versa,t:~J:Lt;y ari&l.i veabil.£ty ,incontoLI­

porary. ~hapos tha~ ,rnea,sur,o.

. .

up to tho work al2d pl.ay·::ln

i::i.:fe. 1:~rl, o:ff' iri -t:ho, groa, t,


over, jiis't

coa ii;w(farabl.e

about e:v:crything •. , ,r • .• '._ .

Tho ol.azer that is a ~.

must in tho·new Shy. Shades, " . , -' '~. -

those boaut~f'ul. neutral.s

that havo such col.our au~

thor:L ty this f!.oasoIl:~!'l'eu.,.

tral.s w:i. th a. warm, brown, .

cast, suell ~s'Roseweiid .or .. , "_'A?'

Pecan, so c~fect:i.vo ,w~th

White. Try :siushBo:Lgo com-• J .> ~ - •• , , ..,.

bined with Bl.ack or Tobacco •

Bl.ouson jackpts t~ElrnGci'

up with cul.ottos; 'and~ ia.ta~­

tan shirt .for 'that sp<?rtY


S9 ~tart l.oo~irig at .til? now arid: f'abul.ous·Autuinri: 'c01";

l.'llg:~;Lon of"c10thes"you.w:Ll.i

.find'in your 'l.ocal. 'shops',

• . ....





Page 31: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia




La parrochia di San Pietro ha i1 piaoere di annun~iaro i battesimi di:

Russo Gaetano Pascare11a Andrea Pau1 Hereu Massa Car01yn Zucconi Chiriaoo


Si sono uni ti ne1 sacramento di matrimonio i seguenti novel.1i sposi:

Ca:ne1ia A1f'red Mohamad Hussein

Gambazza Gian:f'ranco,' . Coopor Pot'or

lTee1er.Paola 'lluoera 'venero Vcrbini Carolina caroiio Oriana'

, ' ~.o ......... , , • ,

Nirvana'Pasoale Cu.idr~ riv)~o Paganuzzi Vi'i;t~rio

Pepe Franoesco SoUcari A1bino

'Frazzani ',Rina . Costantinios Kiriakoula Vi11az:et Marisa

Oux: :special: ,gqO<l yi:shos a1;so ,go '1(0 Mr. Bruno Padreddii and Haria Ronchetti l-rho have been joined in Ho1y Matrimony J.ast month and to I1r.Luigi Hoola and Nunzia Tamagna who are getting married this month.

Both the have .beem longstanding memgors of' the St. Peter's Youth Cl.ub and have helped making tha t c1ub l-lha tit is today. For this reason the Club has asked u:f ·topayth:Ui 'special tribute to'them and'·tho two young ladies wh9 havo al:so: 'been members' of' tho 'same' olub :and"h/!-ve helped innumerabl.e times with various duties and tasks within tho olub

.' • ." • >' '. • r " . ~ and the' Ital.ian co~~un~ty ib'genera1.

May Goa bl.ess ail:' of',thom.

, . FUNEP.AL:r

Riccordiamo anohe i nostri oari def'unti e, preghiamo che trov~ranno paoo in Dio:

Cavarina i~aria

SO'so'xma 'Pi"l?trC?

Pal.mira Anna R<;>f'f'o.

Page 32: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

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Negroni House., 24. New Wharf Road •

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.tel.: (01) 837 0426/7

telex 22306 " SALNEGRONI LON


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So'ttembre f­ 4 Sabato 10


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Ci~o010 Sooia10 di Finoh1ey, Ba~10 o'Buffet, ~t. Phi1ip l s 9~~ch, Finoh1ey~

C.L.:t~C~ D~sco} Cafo RoYai, 'Regent St. 7.30pm.


. As you..J1uiy se~n~ iri the Edi tori s aoson,ce,

G. C.hris 'been ;wcfrl<:ing' .ospe'oia.l:1Yhard :in, th:is' ,month liS· ed:i:t:iori

of "Back H:i.i:t". He has o~e~ ,c6in~i1ed a; Crossword! ,The Ed:itor ;--4~·7 ~- - -.,.. -.-~-.

th:inks it :is even more d:iff:ic~1~ tpan Ju1y'~ comp'i1ed by Ed. h:i.m-

se1f. It's up to you to provo opr venerab10 Editor wrong by com­

p1eting this month's orossword. Tho pr:ize for so dOing is a £3.00

record token. So p1ease onc10so your namo and address with your

ontry as this wi1~ enab10 us to Pofotyour prize to you (:if you

win, 'of courso).. GOOD LUCK 1

Remembor to pend y'our entr:ios to:­

"Back Hi11" - Prizo· Crossword, 1,36,C:torkenwe11 Rd;, .' '. London, E.C .. 1.

~ .-



Page 33: · AL DI Ul. r nEL DIRI'l'TO DI HARC:rt.RE I ' Un giomo capit~ una grave crisi oconomica per"cui una ~amig1ia

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