aktuelle ggi international directory

GGI International Directory Country Company Afghanistan BLS Behl, Lad & Al Sayegh Chartered Accountants Algeria Ben Abderrahmane & Partners Argentina Brindisi, Esnaola & Asociados Argentina Geneva Consulting Group Argentina S.A. Argentina Traversoni & Bengolea Abogados Australia Behan Legal Australia Behan Legal Austria Dr. Reis inge r & MMag. Korn pra t Wirtscha ftspr üfun gs und Ste uer beratun Austria Hasberger, Seitz & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH Austria Heller Consult Tax and Business Solutions Ltd. Vienna Austria Kelemen & Partner Austria Kelemen & Partner Austria Tramposch & Partner Austria Tramposch & Partner Austria Tramposch & Partner Belgium European Integration Solutions LLC Belgium Gérard & Partners Bolivia Consultoria Málaga Cabrera & Asociados SRL Contadores Públicos Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil De Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados Associados Brazil Grupo Work Auditoria Independe nte (CVM/SUSEP/BACEN) Brazil Walser & Partner AG Fortaleza British Virgin Islands Quijano & Associates (B.V.I.) Limited Bulgaria  ACTIV Ltd. Bulgaria  ACTIV Ltd. Bulgaria  ACTIV Ltd. Bulgaria Transacta OOD Canada Black Sutherland LLP Canada Kanish & Partners, Chartered Accountants Cape Verde  Alexandra Pereira Law Office Channel Islands Volaw Trust & Corporate Services Limited Chile Red Price Ltda. China Horizon Group China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu China Lehman, Lee & Xu

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Aktuelle GGI International Directory


30.04.09_Stammdaten-Mitglieder-GGI International DirectoryCountryCompanyStreet AdressP.O. BoxZIP CodeStreet Adress 2ZIP Code 2ZIP Code P.O. BoxCityPhone 1Phone 2Phone 3Fax 1Fax 2eMail 1eMail 2eMail 3Website 1Website 2GenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailGenderTitleFirst NameNameeMailFinancial Audit & Accountancy ServicesTax ConsultingLaw FirmManagement ConsultingCorporate FinanceTrust & Wealth Management Servicesother ServicesIndustrial SectorsKey ClientsParticular expertise inLanguage 1Language 2Language 3Language 4Language 5Language 6Language 7Language 8Language 9Language 10Language 11Language 12Language 13AfghanistanBLS Behl, Lad & Al Sayegh Chartered AccountantsHouse 44/45, Street 2, Thaimany ProjectKabul+93 79 106 [email protected]://www.bls-dubai.comMr.RustomMehtarustommehta@hotmail.comPPPPArabicEnglishHindiUrduAlgeriaBen Abderrahmane & Partners16 chemin ParmentierHydra Alger+213 21 694 453+33 1 428 918 [email protected]://www.benlawyers.comMr.Dr.DahmaneBen Abderrahmaneba@benlawyers.comPArabicEnglishFrenchGermanArgentinaBrindisi, Esnaola & AsociadosPer 367 - 8th FloorC 1067 AAGBuenos Aires+54 11 434 247 42+54 11 434 270 [email protected]@ggi.comhttp://www.beya.com.arMr.Dr.FrancoBrindisifbrindisi@beya.com.arMr.Dr.MiguelMantellimmantelli@ggi.comPPPSpanishEnglishItalianArgentinaGeneva Consulting Group Argentina S.A.Per 367 - 8th FloorC 1067 AAGBuenos Aires+54 11 434 247 42+54 11 434 270 [email protected]://www.geneva-group.com.arMr.Dr.MiguelMantellimmantelli@ggi.comPPSustainable development, alternative energies consultantsAgribusiness, pharmaceuticalSpanishEnglishItalianPortugueseArgentinaTraversoni & Bengolea AbogadosAvda. Callao 569, 4th FloorCiudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires+54 11 5031 00 77+54 11 5031 00 [email protected]://www.tybabogados.com.arMr.Dr.GustavoTraversonigtraversoni@tybabogados.com.arPSpanishEnglishAustraliaBehan LegalLevel 8, 65 York St.NSW 2000Sydney+61 39 646 03 44+61 39 646 37 [email protected]://www.behanlegal.comMr.FrancisRuggieroruggiero@behanlegal.comPEnglishPolishMalaysianItalianGreekChineseRussianMacedonianAustraliaBehan LegalLevel 1, 270 Bay Street, Port MelbourneP.O.Box 7453207Victoria+61 39 646 03 44+61 39 646 37 [email protected]://www.behanlegal.comMr.FrancisRuggieroruggiero@behanlegal.comPadministrative law, arbitration, asset protection, banking & financing, bankruptcy, business law, commercial law, competition law, contracts, corporation law, employment law, intellectual property, joint venture, leasing, licensing, litigation, media entertainmentEnglishPolishMalaysianItalianGreekChineseRussianMacedonianAustriaDr. Reisinger & MMag. Kornprat Wirtschaftsprfungs und Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co Steuerberatungs KGDiefenbachgasse 35-411150Vienna+43 1 894 18 10+43 1 894 18 10 [email protected]://www.reisinger-kornprat.atMrs.Dr.KarinReisingerkarin.reisinger@reisinger-kornprat.atMr.ChristianKornpratchristian.kornprat@reisinger-kornprat.atPPPPfurniture industry, banking, real estate, food industry, engeneering, paper industry, commerceGermanItalianEnglishSlovakianAustriaHasberger, Seitz & Partner Rechtsanwlte GmbHGonzagasse 41010Vienna+43 1 533 0 533+43 1 533 0 533 [email protected]://www.hsp-law.atMr.Dr.JrgWinklerwinkler@[email protected] [email protected] Consult Tax and Business Solutions Ltd. ViennaPestalozzigasse 31010Vienna+43 1 310 60 10+43 1 310 60 [email protected]://www.hellerconsult.comMrs.ElisabethHellere.heller@hellerconsult.comPPPAccountancy Services, compliance services, bookkeeping, Advice on strategic planning, corporate restructuring, outsourcing, business valuations, feasibility studies, development and implementation of management information systems, coordination and implementation of crossborder M&A assignments, search and selection of business for takeovers and mergers, IPO, consulting, management buyouts and buy-ins, pre-IPO finance, private equity investments and venture capital, management and administration of companies, discretionary trusts and other financial vehicles. Asset protection, succession planning, international fiduciary services, estate planning, family office services, international banking and financeGermanEnglishAustriaKelemen & PartnerRaxer Strasse 138380Jennersdorf+43 332 946 252+43 332 946 252 [email protected]://www.wt-kelemen.atMr.PhilippKelemenp.kelemen@wt-kelemen.atPPGermanEnglishAustriaKelemen & PartnerKaiserallee 8a7000Eisenstadt+43 268 264 631+43 268 264 631 [email protected]://www.wt-kelemen.atMr.PhilippKelemenp.kelemen@wt-kelemen.atPPGermanEnglishAustriaTramposch & PartnerThomas A. Edison Strasse 17000Eisenstadt+43 268 262 163+43 268 262 163 22 [email protected]://www.tramposch-partner.comMr.ChristianSeidlseidl@tramposch-partner.comPbuilding law, inheritance law, family law, debt collection, company law, fair trading law, ski law, traffic law, business law, commercial law, real estate law, real estate mediation, litigation, arbitration, intellectual property rights, insurance law, civil lawGermanEnglishAustriaTramposch & PartnerFranz Fischerstrasse 17 A6020Innsbruck+43 512 571 757+43 512 587 [email protected]://www.tramposch-partner.comMr.Dr.HubertTramposchhubert@tramposch-partner.comMs.AureliaTramposchaurelia@tramposch-partner.comPbuilding law, inheritance law, family law, debt collection, company law, fair trading law, ski law, traffic law, business law, commercial law, real estate law, real estate mediation, litigation, arbitration, intellectual property rights, insurance law, civil lawGermanEnglishFrenchItalianAustriaTramposch & PartnerUntere Viadukt Gasse 47-49/131030Vienna+43 1 718 88 88+43 1 718 88 [email protected]://www.tramposch-partner.comMr.ChristianSeidlseidl@tramposch-partner.comPbuilding law, inheritance law, family law, debt collection, company law, fair trading law, ski law, traffic law, business law, commercial law, real estate law, real estate mediation, litigation, arbitration, intellectual property rights, insurance law, civil lawGermanEnglishBelgiumEuropean Integration Solutions LLCAvenue Louise 75, Suite 71050Brussels+353 868 259 [email protected]://[email protected]@pci-eu.comPEnglishFrenchRussianPolishBelgiumGrard & Partners523, avenue Louise1050Brussels+32 2 646 06 52+32 2 646 40 [email protected]://www.gerard.beMr.PhilippeGrgoirephgregoire@gerard.bePFrenchEnglishGermanDutchBoliviaConsultoria Mlaga Cabrera & Asociados SRL Contadores PblicosEd. Handal Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz Esq. Socabaya ST. #240 9th Floor (5051)La Paz+591 2 240 80 04+591 2 240 80 [email protected]@hotmail.comMs.PatriciaMlaga [email protected] [email protected] Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosSCS Quadra 01, Bloco 01 - Central Building, 3rd floor, suites 302/30770304-900Brasilia+55 61 3224 95 95+55 61 3224 95 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.Ricardo L.Barros [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosR. Maria Monteiro, 786, 7th floor, suite 7313025-151Campinas+55 19 3295 03 05+55 19 3252 07 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMrs.LedaSimes da Cunha [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishItalianSpanishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosR. Comendador Arajo, 143, 3rd floor - cj 34/3580420-900Curitiba+55 41 3222 76 77+55 41 3222 76 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.FlvioPigatto [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosR. Dr. Jos Loureno, 870 - 7th floor, suites 707/708/70960115-280Fortaleza+55 85 3224 42 43+55 85 3224 12 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.Celso Luizde [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosRua Padre Chagas, 185, 11 andar - salas 1106/1107/1108, Bairro Moinhos de Vento90570-080Porto Alegre / RS+55 51 3346 85 96+55 51 3222 99 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMs.Sonia Maria [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosRua Capito Jos da Luz, 190, 7th floor - suite 70250070-540Recife - Ilha do Leite+55 81 3081 74 50+55 81 3081 74 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.Celso Luizde [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosAv. Rio Branco, 181, 2nd floor - Suites 204/205, Centro20040-007Rio de Janeiro+55 21 2219 45 17+55 21 2550 70 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMs.DanielaLobodaniela.lobao@drslaw.com.brPPPcommercial law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishFrenchBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosRua Frederico Simes, 85, 6th floor41820-020Salvador+55 71 3341 00 51+55 71 3341 01 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.Celso Luizde [email protected] law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishBrazilDe Rosa, Siqueira, Almeida, Barros Barreto e Advogados AssociadosRua Libero Badar, 425, 4th floor01009-000So Paulo+55 11 3291 51 31+55 11 3291 51 [email protected]://www.drslaw.com.brMr.MarceloRibeiro de Almeidamarcelo.almeida@drslaw.com.brMr.WaldirSiqueirawaldir.siqueira@drslaw.com.brPPPcommercial law, administrative law, environmental law, tax law, general contracts, outsourcing of legal services, labour law, intellectual property & copyrights, litigation, request for debt rehabilitation, real estate, Internet & E-Commerce, privatization and concessions, banking & financial lawPortugueseEnglishSpanishBrazilGrupo Work Auditoria Independente (CVM/SUSEP/BACEN)Praca Agnelo Fleury 60 St. SulCEP 74.085-540Goiania - GO+55 11 4062 15 [email protected]://www.grupowork.com.brMr.SeresBaumseres@grupowork.comPPPIndependent auditing, taxation, overseas investments, outsourcing (accountancy) and business training coursesEnglishPortugueseSpanishBrazilWalser & Partner AG FortalezaAv. Desembargador Moreira, 1701, Trreo AldeotaCEP 60.170-001Fortaleza, CE+ 55 85 3433 22 22+ 55 85 3433 22 [email protected]://[email protected] Management, Wealth ManagementIT, financial Services, other Services, international trading, technologyGermanItalianEnglishFrenchSpanishAramaicPortugueseCroatianBritish Virgin IslandsQuijano & Associates (B.V.I.) LimitedR.G. Hodge Plaza, 2nd floor, Upper Main Street, Wickhams Cay 1P.O. Box 3159Road Town, Tortola+1 284 494 36 38+1 284 494 72 [email protected]://www.quijano.comMs.Johanna [email protected] and offshore matters, corporate, finance and estate planningunderwriters, shipowners engaged in all matters concerning corporate, financal and shipping affairs in Panama and in all aspects of Panamanian legislations on corporations, formation of British Virgin Islands companies and trusts for all kind of purposesSpanishEnglishBulgariaACTIV Ltd.1, Bulgaria Street, floor 3, office 3059300Dobrich+359 58 600 630+359 58 600 [email protected]://[email protected] Law, FinanceBulgarianEnglishGermanRussianFrenchSpanishBulgariaACTIV Ltd.Hotel Madara, office 2099700Shumen+359 54 802 850+359 54 802 [email protected]://[email protected] Law, FinanceBulgarianEnglishGermanRussianFrenchSpanishBulgariaACTIV Ltd.5 Dunav Str.9000Varna+359 52 660 700+359 52 660 722+359 52 660 730+359 52 660 [email protected]@mnet.bghttp://[email protected] Law, FinanceBulgarianEnglishGermanRussianFrenchSpanishBulgariaTransacta OOD8-10, Korab planina str., fl. 31407Sofia+359 2 930 69 70+359 2 980 70 [email protected]://www.transacta.bgMr.NikolayNikolovn.nikolov@transacta.bgMs.MartinaKaragiozovam.karagiozova@transacta.bgMs.LiliaAndonoval.andonova@transacta.bgPPBookkeepingBulgarianEnglishGermanRussianSpanishCanadaBlack Sutherland LLP130 Adelaide Street West, Suite 3425P.O. Box 34M5H 3P5Toronto+1 416 361 15 00+1 416 361 16 [email protected]://www.blacksutherland.comMr.John [email protected] [email protected] & Partners, Chartered Accountants1200 Bay Street, Suite 1203M5R 2A5Toronto+1 416 975 92 92+1 416 975 92 [email protected]://www.kanish-partners.comMr.KanishThevarasakanish@kanish-partners.comMr.Julian [email protected]@kanish-partners.comMr.TimothyArulappatimothy@kanish-partners.comPPPPPBookkeeping, IT SolutionsEnglishFrenchHindiSinghaleseTamilMandarinItalianUrduPunjabiFarsiCape VerdeAlexandra Pereira Law OfficeRua 1 Junho, Frente Praa, Edifcio BCN, 1 andarP.O. Box 107Santa Maria, Sal Island+351 289 399 963+351 289 399 [email protected]://www.alexandrapereira.comMs.Dr.AlexandraPereiramaplaw@mail.telepac.ptPPortugueseEnglishChannel IslandsVolaw Trust & Corporate Services LimitedTemplar House, Don RoadJE1 2TRSt. Helier+44 1534 500 400+44 1534 500 [email protected]://[email protected] FinanceEnglishFrenchPortuguesePolishChileRed Price Ltda.Ismael Valdes Vergara 670. oficina 901Santiago de Chile+56 2 638 44 15+56 2 638 44 [email protected]://www.redprice.clMr.EduardoRojo [email protected] Group4 F, CIRC Building, No. 15, Financial street, Xicheng District100140Beijing+86 10 6655 33 77+86 10 6655 55 [email protected]://[email protected] management, International auditing, Assets appraisal, Investment bank serviceChineseEnglishChinaLehman, Lee & XuLiangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, No. 10-2 Dongfang East, Chaoyang District100600Beijing+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.EdwardLehmanelehman@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu3F, Jiliang Futures Building, No. 1307, Jianshe Street130000Changchun Jilin+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected], Lee & Xu21-11-3, No. 88, Jinsha Road610041Chengdu Sichuan+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu4F, Nongji Building, Xinhua Dong Road, Qianjinag District409000Chongqing+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & XuNo 129, Wuyizhong Road, Gulou District350001Fuzhou Fujian+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu418-2 Goldlion Digital Network Center, 138 Tiyu Road East, Tianhe510620Guangzhou+86 755 2399 61 88+86 755 2399 61 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.AndrewLillisandrew@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu10 F, Jinfenghuang Building, No. 98 Zhonghua Road550001Guiyang Guizhou+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu4F, Yanhai Building, No. 21 Haifuyiheng Road570203Haikou Hainan+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & XuNo. 57, Xuanhe Street, Nangang District150090Harbin Heilongjiang+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected], Lee & Xu4F, Kechuang Center, Lianhua Road, Economic-Technological Development Zone230601Hefei Anhui+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu16 F, No. 5746, Shandong Hangkong Building, 2nd Round Zhong Road250014Jinan Shandong+86 10 8532 19 19+8610 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & XuAB Wing, 7 F, Social Science Academy of Yunnan Province, No 577 Huanchengxi Road650034Kunming Yunnan+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu5F, A Wing, No. 53 Xinglong Building, Qingyang Road730000Lanzhou Gansu+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu2 F, Xiongbala Hotal, No. 28, Jiangsu Road850000Lhasa Xizang+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & XuRua de Pequim, N 126, Edificio Comercial I Tak, 14 Andar AMacau+853 2875 03 53+853 2875 03 [email protected]://macau.lehmanlaw.comMr.AldoSettimio Boni de [email protected], Lee & Xu4 F, Olympic Building, No. 28, Fuzhou Road330006Nanchang Jiangxi+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu8 F, No. 145, Shanghai Road210024Nanjing Jiangsu+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu4 F, Haihong Square, No. 191, Mingxiudong Road530001Nanning Guangxi+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & XuNo. 316, A Wing, Century Square, No. 14, Hualou StreetNingbo+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & Xu13 F, Mirae Asset Tower, No. 166 Lujiazui Ring Road200120Pudong Shanghai+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.ScottGarnersgarner@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaShanghai Gateway Consulting Co., Ltd.802B, Block A, Golden Eagle Mansion, 1518 Min Sheng Road, Pudong200135Pudong, Shanghai+86 21 6104 27 88+86 21 6104 27 [email protected]://www.gatewayconsulting.com.cnMr.StephenWongstephen@gatewayconsulting.com.cnPChineseEnglishChinaLehman, Lee & XuNo. 2712, Xinhua Technology Building, No. 262 Shifu Street, Shenghe District110013Shenyang Liaoning+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected], Lee & XuSuite 810 Excellence Times Square, 4068 Yitian Road, Futian District518048Shenzhen+86 755 2399 61 88+86 755 2399 61 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.AndrewLillisandrew@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu6 F, A Wing, Yuyuan Square, No. 9 Yuhuaxi Road50081Shijiazhuang+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected], Lee & Xu12 F, H Wing, No 168 Shengwei Building, South Neihuan Street30012Taiyuan Shanxi+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & XuC Wing, 14 F, Jiuyun Building, Jianghanbei Road430022Wuhan Hubei+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu26 F, National Development Bank Building, No. 2, Xigaoxingaoxinyi Road710075Xian shaanxi+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseChinaLehman, Lee & Xu26 F, COSCO Building, 268 Lujiang Road361000Xiamen+86 21 5877 92 96+86 21 5877 91 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Scott [email protected], Lee & XuNo. 64, Shanghaidong Street, Xingqing District750001Yinchuan Ningxia+86 10 8532 19 19+86 10 8532 19 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.MatthewMcKeemmckee@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseColombiaTower Consulting Worldwide Ltda.Calle 72 No. 9-55 of. 603Bogot D.C.+57 1 210 02 88+57 1 212 53 47+57 1 310 79 [email protected]://www.tower-consulting.comMr.CamiloTorres [email protected], Money Exchange, Cars ShowroomsSony Music, AGA Fano S.A., Clorox, Wella, Schering PloughTax Planning & Financial AuditEnglishSpanishCosta RicaAsesores & Consultores Empresariales S.A. ACESAMerecedes de Montes de Oca, Carretera a Sabanilla, 100 E. Glaxo SmithKlineSan Jos+506 22 53 74 83+506 22 24 98 [email protected]://www.acesa.co.crMr.Jorge F.Mora [email protected] RicaCLA AbogadosBarrio Dent, Ofiplaza del Este, Edificio CSan Jos+506 22 80 17 18+506 22 53 66 [email protected]://www.claabogados.comMr.LuisMontes [email protected] & AssociatesGramaca 2L10000Zagreb+385 1 376 05 11+385 1 376 05 [email protected]@vukmir.netPCroatianEnglishItalianHungarianSpanishGermanFrenchCubaDr. Frhbeck Consultants S.A.La Habana+34 93 254 10 70+34 93 418 93 [email protected]://www.fruhbeck.comMs.Dra.Mara ElenaPubillonesfruhbeckhab@[email protected] law, competiton law, banking law, civil law, property law, media & entertainment law, employment lawSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchCyprusELIADES & PARTNERS Advocates, Tax & Business ConsultantsFrosia House, 4th Floor, Corner Evagorou & Menandrou str. 1P.O. Box 255701310Nicosia+357 22 667 730+357 22 667 [email protected]://[email protected] Advisory ServicesGreekEnglishSpanishRomanianCyprusPNI & Co. Ltd.8 United Nation Street, Despina-Sophia Court, Office 102P.O. Box 421636531Larnaca+357 22 377 399+357 22 377 [email protected]://www.genevagroup.com.cyMr.IoannisPapapetroupapapetrou@pni.com.cyPPPPfish farming, construction & developing, international trading, media (radio station)GreekEnglishSpanishCyprusPNI & Co. Ltd.38 Andrea Araouzou Street, Office 401P.O. Box 206791662Nicosia+357 22 377 399+357 22 377 [email protected]://www.genevagroup.com.cyMr.IoannisPapapetroupapapetrou@[email protected] farming, construction & developing, international trading, media (radio station)GreekEnglishSpanishCzech RepublicDr. Peter Kopa & PartnersGorazdova 20120 00Prague 2+420 224 923 510+420 224 923 013+420 224 917 [email protected]://[email protected], Real Estate Investmentconstruction (apartments and offices), industry, import & exportResidential and non residential real estateEnglishSpanishGermanCzechItalianCzech RepublicKonecn & afr, v.o.s.irok 36/5110 00Prague 1 - Josefov+420 221 990 455+420 221 990 [email protected]://www.konecna-safar.comMs.Dr.RadkaKonecnkonecna@[email protected] and acquisation, real estate and litigation, translationCzechEnglishGermanSlovakianRussianFrenchRomanianBulgarianDenmarkHansen Sonderby & Co.Vester Farimagsgade 6, IV1606Copenhagen V+45 70 300 500+45 70 300 [email protected]://www.hsco-law.dkMr.PerHansenph@hsco-law.dkPDanishEnglishGermanSwedishDenmarkHansen Sonderby & Co.Middelgade 18900Randers+45 70 300 500+45 70 300 [email protected]://www.hsco-law.dkMr.PerHansenph@hsco-law.dkPDanishEnglishGermanSwedishDominican RepublicMontero & Asociados, Auditores y Consultores EmpresarialesLope de Vega #13, Torre Progreso Business Center, Suite 406, 4to. Piso, Ensanche NacoSanto Domingo+1 809 566 32 86+1 809 567 08 29+1 809 381 11 [email protected]://www.monteroyasoc.com.doMr.MerquiadesMonteromonteroyasoc@monteroyasoc.com.doPPPSpanishEnglishEcuadorAliro Morales & Asociados CIA. LTDA.Tomas Chariove N49-04 y Manuel Valdivieso, Urbanizacion ExteriorQuito+593 2 292 33 35+593 2 246 79 46+593 2 292 02 [email protected]@moralesyasociados.com.ecgerencialegal@moralesyasociados.com.echttp://www.moralesyasociados.com.ecMr.Dr.AliroMorales Bernal [email protected] [email protected] Bernalgerencialegal@moralesyasociados.com.ecPPPSpanishEnglishGermanEgyptATC Ashraf Abdel Ghani Accountants & Tax Consultants17 Ibrahim Sherief Street at Moustafa Kamel Pasha, Sidi GaberAlexandria+203 5 434 904+203 5 434 905+203 5 434 906+203 5 434 [email protected]://www.atc.com.egMr.AshrafAbdel [email protected] Foundation, Investment and Feasibility Studies, legalized translationExperienced in all taxation areas, Due diligence assignmentsArabicEnglishFrenchEgyptATC Ashraf Abdel Ghani Accountants & Tax Consultants21, 23 Giza Street, Nile Tower 13th floorGiza+202 35 7070 33+202 35 7070 [email protected]://www.atc.com.egMr.AshrafAbdel [email protected]@atc.com.egPPPCompanies Foundation, Investment and Feasibility Studies, legalized translationExperienced in all taxation areas, Due diligence assignmentsArabicEnglishFrenchEgyptATC Ashraf Abdel Ghani Accountants & Tax Consultants20, 21 Roushdi Street, Safir SquareHeliopolis+202 2 690 32 01+202 2 690 32 02+202 2 690 32 03+202 690 31 [email protected]://www.atc.com.egMr.AshrafAbdel [email protected] Foundation, Investment and Feasibility Studies, legalized translationExperienced in all taxation areas, Due diligence assignmentsArabicEnglishFrenchEl SalvadorAmaya Pineda y Asociados57 Av. Nte. Condominio Miramonte, Local 2-BSan Salvador+503 2 260 96 74+503 2 260 86 34+503 2 260 96 75+503 2 260 12 [email protected] AlexAmaya [email protected] AlbertoRamirez [email protected] EnriqueValter [email protected] Law OfficesTemppelikatu 4a100Helsinki+358 9 428 170 00+358 9 428 170 12+358 9 494 [email protected]://www.advolex.fiMr.TapioKalliovaaratapio@kalliovaara.comPPPFinnishEnglishFrenchGermanFinlandADVOLEX Law OfficesBrandensteininkatu 11P.O. Box 707901Loviisa+358 19 501 128+358 19 531 [email protected]://www.advolaw.fiMr.StefanAnderssonstefan.andersson@advolaw.fiPFinnishEnglishFinlandADVOLEX Law OfficesLukiokatu 7B6100Porvoo+358 19 501 128+358 19 531 [email protected]://www.advolaw.fiMr.StefanAnderssonstefan.andersson@advolaw.fiPFinnishEnglishFranceConseils Reunis9, rue Anatole de la Forge75017Paris+33 1 476 601 65+33 1 476 645 [email protected]://www.conseilsreunis.comMr.LaurentFilluzeaul.filluzeau@conseilsreunis.comMr.Jean-MarieFasqueljm.fasquel@conseilsreunis.comPPFrenchEnglishFranceFIDAG45, rue La Fayette75009Paris+33 1 42 80 20 81+33 1 42 80 20 [email protected]://www.fidag.comMr.AlainGirardalain.girard@[email protected] and Consulting on labour lawEnglishFrenchGermanItalianPortugueseSpanishFranceSCP Souli & Coste-Floret20 Boulevard Massna75013Paris+33 1 44 23 53 00+33 1 44 23 17 17+33 1 44 23 17 [email protected]@coste-floret.comhttp://www.coste-floret.comMs.EmmanuleLutfallae.lutfalla@coste-floret.comMr.Jean-MarieCoste-Floretjm.coste-floret@coste-floret.comMs.AmliaBraulta.brault@coste-floret.comMr.MohamedZohairm.zohair@coste-floret.comPcommercial law, product liability, labour lawFrenchEnglishArabicItalianPortugueseDutchFranceTroy & Associs42 avenue de Wagram75008Paris+33 1 58 05 44 45+33 1 40 68 96 [email protected]://www.troy-avocats.comMr.GeorgesTroygeorges.troy@wanadoo.frPPFrenchEnglishGermanyBenefitax GmbH, Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, WirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaftDarmstdter Landstrasse 12560598Frankfurt am Main+49 69 256 227 60+49 69 256 227 [email protected]://www.benefitax.deMr.OliverBiernato.biernat@benefitax.deMs.AstridRechel-Gtza.rechel-goetz@benefitax.dePPPPPBusiness valuations, Due diligence, Business succession, Peer reviews, Financial Administration for German entities of foreign companies, International tax law, auditsGermanFrenchEnglishDutchSpanishGermanyCONNEX Consulting & Treuhand GmbHAugustastrasse 6-86108Halle+49 345 217 83 70+49 345 217 83 [email protected]://www.connex-consulting.deMr.DetlefBischoffdetlef.bischoff@connex-stb.dePPPFund ManagementGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyCONNEX MKP.Audit GmbH - WirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaftAugustastrasse 6-86108Halle+49 345 217 84 71+49 345 217 84 [email protected]://www.connex-audit.deMr.Dr.LotharKuglerdr.l.kugler@munkert-kugler.deMr.MichaelFritzschm.fritzsch@munkert-kugler.dePGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyCONNEX Steuer- unCONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH, SteuerberatungsgesellschaftDiezmannstrasse 674207Leipzig+49 341 415 040+49 341 415 04 [email protected]://www.connex-stb.deMr.KaiJaikkai.jaik@connex-stb.dePPPPGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyCONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH - Steuerberatungsgesellschaft -Nicolaistrasse 37545Gera+49 365 290 790+49 365 290 [email protected]://www.connex-stb.deMr.MichaelKurzmichael.kurz@connex-stb.dePPPPGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyCONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH - Steuerberatungsgesellschaft -Augustastrasse 6-86108Halle+49 345 217 830+49 345 217 83 [email protected]://www.connex-stb.deMr.DetlefBischoffdetlef.bischoff@connex-stb.deMr.OliverKrmeroliver.kraemer@connex-stb.dePPPPGermanFrenchEnglishDutchSpanishGermanyCONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH - Steuerberatungsgesellschaft -Bautzener Strasse 342906Niesky+49 358 825 150+49 358 825 154 [email protected]://www.connex-stb.deMs.InaOlbrichina.olbrich@connex-stb.dePPPGermanEnglishGermanyCONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH, Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Connex-City-CenterThomaskirchhof 204106Leipzig+49 341 350 58 60+49 341 350 58 [email protected]://www.connex-stb.deMrs.IsabelleBischoffisabelle.bischoff@connex-stb.dePPPPGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyCONNEX.RTA CONNEX Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH - Steuerberatungsgesellschaft -Augsburger Strasse 31309Dresden+49 351 444 41 11+49 351 444 42 [email protected]://www.connex-rta.deMr.Dr.LotharKuglerdr.l.kugler@munkert-kugler.deMr.MichaelKurzmichael.kurz@connex-stb.dePPPPGermanFrenchEnglishDutchSpanishGermanyDr. Vaih & Partner Wirtschaftsprfung Stuttgart GmbH, WirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaftJgerstrasse 40P.O. Box 10 49 627017470043Stuttgart+49 711 227 990+49 711 227 99 [email protected]://www.vaih.deMr.WolfgangEngelmannengelmann@[email protected] sized companies in different sectorsconsulting engineers, books and related services, truck parts trading (wholesale), construction of buildings, services, transport and assembliesGermanEnglishFrenchCroatianGermanyFPS Fritze Wicke SeeligKurfrstendamm 22010719Berlin+49 30 885 94 60+49 30 885 94 [email protected]://[email protected] law, banking & finance law, e-Commerce, corporate law, Industrial property protection, real estate & building construction law, insolvency law, antitrust, commercial law, m & a, media law, succession & estate, public economic law including energy & procurement law, arbitration, tax lawGermanEnglishFrenchPolishGermanyFPS Fritze Wicke SeeligKnigsallee 6240212Dusseldorf+49 211 302 01 50+49 211 302 01 [email protected]://www.fps-law.deMr.Dr.ReinhardNackenacke@fps-law.deMrs.IngridBurghardt-Richterburghardt-richter@fps-law.deMr.Dr.Peter [email protected] [email protected] law, banking & finance law, e-Commerce, corporate law, Industrial property protection, real estate & building construction law, insolvency law, antitrust, commercial law, m & a, media law, succession & estate, public economic law including energy & procurement law, arbitration, tax lawGermanEnglishFrenchPolishItalianSpanishGermanyFPS Fritze Wicke SeeligEschersheimer Landstrasse 25-2760322Frankfurt am Main+49 69 959 570+49 69 959 574 [email protected]://[email protected] [email protected] law, banking & finance law, e-Commerce, corporate law, Industrial property protection, real estate & building construction law, insolvency law, antitrust, commercial law, m & a, media law, succession & estate, public economic law including energy & procurement law, arbitration, tax lawGermanEnglishGermanyFPS Habersetzer Kessler und Kollegen GmbHWuermtalstrasse 8581375Munich+49 89 54 80 80+49 89 54 80 81 [email protected]://www.fps-habersetzer-kessler.deMr.MichaelHabersetzermichael.habersetzer@fps-habersetzer-kessler.deMr.StefanSinzinger-Breiherrstefan.sinzinger@fps-habersetzer-kessler.dePPPPPGermanEnglishSpanishArabicGermanyFPS Lahann + Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbHColonnaden 7220354Hamburg+49 40 35 60 030+49 40 35 60 03 [email protected]://www.fps-lahannpartner.deMs.CorinnaZachertzachert@fps-lahannpartner.deMr.MichaelHabersetzermichael.habersetzer@fps-habersetzer-kessler.dePPPPPGermanEnglishGermanyFrnkische Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Treuhandgesellschaft mbHussere Sulzbacher Strasse 2990491Nuremberg+49 911 598 71 02+49 911 598 71 [email protected]://www.fst-nbg.deMr.FrankJordanjordan@fst-nbg.dePPPPPGermanEnglishGermanyJakoby Dr. Baumhof - Wirtschaftsprfer Steuerberater RechtsanwlteAltstadtpassage 285560Ebersberg+49 8092 852 590+49 8092 852 59 [email protected]://www.jakoby-baumhof.deMrs.Dr.AngelikaBaumhofangelika.baumhof@jakoby-baumhof.deMrs.KatrinKhnleinkatrin.koehnlein@jakoby-baumhof.dePPPPPGermanEnglishGermanyJakoby Dr. Baumhof - Wirtschaftsprfer Steuerberater RechtsanwlteBahnhofstrasse 1591541Rothenburg o.d. Tauber+49 9861 940 50+49 9861 940 [email protected]://www.jakoby-baumhof.deMr.EugenJakobyeugen.jakoby@jakoby-baumhof.deMrs.BrigitteJakobybrigitte.jakoby@jakoby-baumhof.deMrs.Dr.AngelikaBaumhofangelika.baumhof@jakoby-baumhof.deMr.OttoSchllerotto.schoeller@jakoby-baumhof.dePPPPPGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyMKC Consultants GmbHussere Sulzbacher Strasse 2990491Nuremberg+49 911 598 702+49 911 598 72 [email protected]://www.munkert-kugler.deMr.Dr.Michael J.Munkert [email protected] AUDIT GmbHussere Sulzbacher Strasse 2990491Nuremberg+49 911 598 701+49 911 598 74 [email protected]://www.mkp-audit.deMr.Dr.Michael J.Munkert [email protected]@munkert-kugler.deMrs.ElfriedeDorne.dorn@munkert-kugler.deMr.MichaelFritzschm.fritzsch@munkert-kugler.deMr.KlausKspertk.kuespert@munkert-kugler.deMr.Dr.ThomasGeigert.geiger@munkert-kugler.dePPPPPGermanEnglishSpanishGermanyMunkert Kugler + Partner GbRussere Sulzbacher Strasse 2990491Nuremberg+49 911 598 701+49 911 598 74 [email protected]://www.munkert-kugler.dehttp://www.munkert-kugler.comMr.Dr.Michael J.Munkert [email protected]@munkert-kugler.deMrs.ElfriedeDorne.dorn@munkert-kugler.deMr.MichaelFritzschm.fritzsch@munkert-kugler.deMr.KlausKspertk.kuespert@munkert-kugler.deMrs.SusanneMunkert-Riedrichs.munkert@munkert-kugler.deMr.Dr.ThomasGeigert.geiger@munkert-kugler.dePPPPPPGermanEnglishSpanishGermanyS & R WP Partner GmbHKarl-Zahn-Strasse 1144141Dortmund+49 231 952 03 80+49 231 952 03 [email protected]://www.srpartner.deMr.Hans-DieterSonntaghd.sonntag@srpartner.deMr.DirkReineked.reineke@srpartner.dePPPPGermanEnglishGermanyTrewitax GmbH WirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaftEnsisheimer Strasse 179346Endingen+49 764 290 300+49 764 290 [email protected]://www.trewitax.deMr.FrankAdamfrank.adam@trewitax.deMr.HartmutDickehartmut.dicke@trewitax.dePPPPPGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHungarianGermanyTrewitax GmbH WirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaftUhlandstrasse 19678224Singen+49 7731 189 666+49 7731 143 10+49 7731 189 [email protected]://www.trewitax.deMr.MartinKlumppmartin.klumpp@trewitax.deMr.FrankRiedelfrank.riedel@trewitax.deMr.SchuhmacherErnstSchuhmacherernst.schuhmacher@trewitax.dePPPPPGermanEnglishItalianFrenchSpanishGermanyWendler Tremml RechtsanwlteReinhardstrasse 2510117Berlin+49 30 280 463 60+49 30 280 463 [email protected]://www.law-wt.deMr.Raimund [email protected] law, private building construction, administrative law, public liability & indemnification law, labour law, european law, corporate law, industrial property protection & copyrights, commercial law, environmental & planning lawGermanEnglishFrenchRussianGermanyWendler Tremml RechtsanwlteMrsenbroicher Weg 20040470Dusseldorf+49 211 669 66 70+49 211 669 66 [email protected]://[email protected] law, private building construction, administrative law, public liability & indemnification law, labour law, european law, corporate law, industrial property protection & copyrights, commercial law, environmental & planning lawGermanEnglishFrenchGermanyWendler Tremml RechtsanwlteMartiusstrasse 580802Munich+49 89 388 990+49 89 388 991 [email protected]://www.law-wt.deMr.Dr.BerndTremmlbtremml@[email protected] law, private building construction, administrative law, public liability & indemnification law, labour law, european law, corporate law, industrial property protection & copyrights, commercial law, environmental & planning lawGermanEnglishFrenchPolishGreeceT.G. Kommatas & Associates Law Offices10 Vassilissis Sophias Avenue10674Athens+30 210 723 88 11+30 210 725 11 [email protected]://www.kommataslaw.comMr.TakisKommatasinfo@kommataslaw.comMr.GerasimosKommatasgkommatas@yahoo.comPEnglishGreekGermanFrenchGuatemalaLG Firm, S.C.7 ave 12-23 zona 9, edificio etisa, 7th floor, office 7-1, tower southGuatemala City+502 2 334 03 46+502 2 332 40 [email protected]://www.lgfirm.comMr.Ral F.Lemus [email protected] y AsociadosCol. Cerro Grande Z 4, Bloque 41, Edificio Alfaro, Primer NivelTegucigalpa+504 22 437 26+504 99 617 [email protected]. [email protected] KongLehman, Lee & XuSuite 2311, Shell Tower, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway BayHong Kong+852 3588 21 88+852 3588 20 [email protected]://hongkong.lehmanlaw.comMs.BettyChoybchoy@lehmanlaw.comPEnglishChineseHong KongRays Chan & Co.Units E & F, 12/F, Seabright Plaza, 9 - 23 Shell Street, North PointHong Kong+852 2806 32 82+852 2806 84 [email protected]://www.rcco.com.hkMr.RaysChaninfo@[email protected] Recovery/Insolvency, Company SecretarialEnglishCantoneseMandarinHungaryKovcs Rti Szeghe Attorneys-at-LawBimb t 1431024Budapest+361 275 27 85+361 275 27 [email protected]://www.krs.huMrs.Dr.AnitaKovacsn [email protected]@krs.huPPHungarianEnglishItalianGermanFrenchSpanishHungaryOPEN Consulting Rt.Szalay utca 2.1055Budapest+36 1 311 12 66+36 1 331 06 [email protected]@aranyreszveny.comMr.TamsBelekitamas.beleki@aranyreszveny.comPPHungarianEnglishGermanHungaryPertia Audit Co. Rt.Szalay utca 2.1055Budapest+36 1 311 12 66+36 1 311 06 [email protected]://www.pertia.huMr.TamsBelekitamas.beleki@aranyreszveny.comPPPPHungarianEnglishFrenchGermanRussianHungarySignator Audit Auditor Ltd.Radnti tr 28200Veszprm+36 88 579 600+36 88 579 [email protected]://www.signator.huMrs.vaGbern [email protected]@signator.huPPPPIndustrial Production, Cmmerce, Agriculture, Hotels, Local Covernments, Publicity Financed Institutions, TransportationHerendi Porcelnmanufaktra, Pepperli + Fuchs GmbH, LB-Knauff, Xella Hungary Ltd., Balluff GmbH, Beurer GmbHEnglishHungarianGermanIndiaFox Mandal Consulting Private LimitedFM House, 6/12 Primrose Road560 025Bangalore+91 80 2559 59 11+91 80 2559 58 [email protected]://www.foxmandallittle.comMr.AjayGuptaajay.gupta@foxmandal.comPEnglishHindiIndiaFox Mandal Consulting Private Limited1104, Dalamal Towers, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point400 021Mumbai+91 22 6633 36 36+91 22 6633 37 [email protected]://www.foxmandallittle.comMr.ParagShahparag.shah@foxmandalconsulting.comPEnglishHindiIndiaFox Mandal Consulting Private LimitedFM House, A-9, Sector - 9201 301Noida, U.P. (New Delhi)+91 120 391 95 55+91 120 254 22 [email protected]://www.foxmandallittle.comMr.AjayGuptaajay.gupta@foxmandallittle.comPEnglishHindiIndiaR.N. MARWAH & Company, Chartered Accountants813 Oxford Towers, 139 Airport Road560 008Bangalore+91 98 440 627 [email protected]://www.rnm.inMr.NarendraSanklechabangalore@rnm.inPPPPEnglishHindiKannadaIndiaR.N. MARWAH & Company, Chartered Accountants4/80 Janpath110 001New Delhi+91 11 431 92 000+91 11 233 20 601+91 11 431 92 [email protected]://[email protected]@rnm.inPPPPEnglishHindiPunjabiIndonesiaKosasih & NurdiyamanMenara Kadin Indonesia, Level 17 Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 2 & 312950Jakarta+62 21 2553 56 99+62 21 2553 56 [email protected]@[email protected]://www.knn.co.idMr.RuchjatKosasihruchjat.kosasih@knn.co.idMr.NunuNurdiyamannunu.nurdiyaman@[email protected] F.Hendrarnoyosef.hendrarno@[email protected] ServicesSatellite, Cosmetic Manufacturing, TelecommunicationPT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, PT TelkomselAuditing & Financial ConsultantIndonesianEnglishIndonesiaPT Prima Mitra Edukarya (CT Prima Consulting)CTPrima Building, Mitra Matraman Offices Centre, Block B-20, Jl. Matraman Raya 14813150Jakarta+62 21 859 08 035+62 21 322 39 855+62 21 859 18 [email protected]://www.ctprima.comMr.Yohanes M.Vianney [email protected]. GNV Consulting IndonesiaMenara BDN 12Ath FI, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 510340Jakarta+62 21 3983 79 20+62 21 3893 79 [email protected]://www.pt.gnv.comMr.Wahyudinmwahyudin@yahoo.comPIndonesianEnglishIndonesiaThamrin & Rachman Law FirmIntiland Tower 12th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3210220Jakarta+62 21 573 92 92+62 21 570 50 [email protected]://www.trlaw.co.idMr.M. HusniThamrin, S.H., [email protected] Markets, General Corporate, Banking and Finance, Merger and Acquisition, Mining and Energy and Oil and Gas, and Foreign Direct InvestmentsIndonesianEnglishIrelandByrne & McCall Accountants & Tax AdvisorsCore B, Block 71, The Plaza, Park WestDublin 12+353 1 612 05 80+353 1 620 56 [email protected]://www.byrnemccall.ieMr.JoeMcCalljmc@byrnemccall.ieMr.GrahamGillgraham@byrnemccall.iePPPPEnglishRussianIrelandOFlynn-Exhams58 South MallCork+353 214 27 77 88+353 214 27 21 [email protected]://www.oflynnexhams.ieMr.Denis [email protected] M.OFlynnfrankm.oflynn@oflynnexhams.iePEnglishIrelandOFlynn-Exhams17 Upper Pembroke StreetDublin 2+353 1 661 16 57+353 1 678 95 [email protected]://www.oflynnexhams.ieMr.BrianCunneenb.cunneen@oflynnexhams.comPEnglishIsle of ManBW Administrators Ltd.20 Finch RoadP.O. Box 343IM99 2QDDouglas+44 1624 677 100+44 1624 627 [email protected]://www.bwgroupltd.comMr.David [email protected], Lottem & Co. - Law Offices3, HaYezira Street (S.A.P. Building - 8th floor)52521Ramat-Gan+972 3 613 84 84+972 3 613 85 [email protected]://[email protected]@hlnlaw.co.ilPHebrewEnglishItalyBalassone Casini Girardi (BCG) AssociatiLgt dei mellini 7193Rome+39 063 230 727+39 063 220 [email protected]://www.bcgstudio.itMr.FabrizioBalassonefabrizio.balassone@bcgstudio.itPItalianEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalyBianchi Finulli & PartnersVia Morozzo Della Rocca 320123Milan+39 02 481 92 58+39 02 481 92 [email protected]://www.bianchifinulli.itMr.Dr.SergioFinullisergio.finulli@bianchifinulli.itMr.Dr.GiovanniBianchigiovanni.bianchi@bianchifinulli.itMr.Dr.AndreaAngheledduandrea.angheleddu@bianchifinulli.itMs.Dr.MariagiuliaSignorimariagiulia.signori@bianchifinulli.itMrs.Dr.ElisabettaViganelisabetta.vigano@bianchifinulli.itPPPPPItalianEnglishSpanishItalyDalla Libera & PartnersPiazza G. Salvemini35131Padova+39 049 875 44 24+39 049 663 [email protected]://www.dalla-libera.comMr.Dr.AlbertoDalla [email protected] [email protected] and financial companies, shoes, bags & fashion industries, air transport, welfare works, production & commerce of computer & software, chemistry industry, sale of ground and houseItalianEnglishItalyRefidata srl.Lgt dei mellini 7193Rome+39 063 230 727+39 063 229 [email protected]@yahoo.itPPItalianEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchJapanIDEA International Accounting Office6F Tomoegawa Bldg., 1-5-15 Kyobashi104-8335Chuo-ku, Tokyo+81 3 5205 27 63+81 3 5205 27 [email protected]://www.ideahp.comMr.HarukiYoshidahyoshida@ideahp.comPPJapaneseEnglishJapanKoga & Partners2nd Floor, Kamiyacho MT Building, 3-20, Toranomon 4-chome105-0001Minato-ku, Tokyo+81 3 3578 86 81+81 3 3578 86 [email protected]@kogapartnerslaw.comPJapaneseEnglishLibyaBen Abderrahmane & Partners20 Granata StreetP.O. Box 4192Tripoli+33 1 428 922 47+33 1 428 918 [email protected]://www.benlawyers.comMr.Dr.DahmaneBen Abderrahmaneba@benlawyers.comPArabicEnglishFrenchGermanLiechtensteinAdvocatur Seeger, Frick & Partner AGSeeger-Haus, Kirchstrasse 6P.O. Box 7619494Schaan+423 265 22 22+423 265 22 [email protected]://www.sfplex.liMr.WolfgangSeegerwolfgang.seeger@sfplex.liPLitigation, Arbitration, Contracts, Legal OpinionsGermanEnglishFrenchLiechtensteinSeeger & Seeger TreuunternehmenSeeger-Haus, Kirchstrasse 69494Schaan+423 265 22 00+423 265 22 [email protected]://www.seeger-seeger.liMr.WolfgangSeegerwolfgang.seeger@seeger-seeger.liPPPEstate planning, Family Office, Management of Companies, Foundation and Trusts, Fiduciary Services, Establishment of Legal entities and trustsGermanEnglishFrenchLuxembourgGT Fiduciaires SA19, rue de Bitbourg1273Luxembourg+352 24 5211+352 24 521 [email protected]://www.gtf.luMr.ThierryHellersthierry.hellers@[email protected] of companies, payroll servicesLuxembourgishEnglishFrenchGermanDutchItalianPortugueseLuxembourgThewes & Reuter, Avocats la Cour13, Rue Large (Breedewee)P.O. Box 552010Luxembourg+352 22 66 221+352 22 55 [email protected]://www.thewes-reuter.luMr.MarcThewesmarc.thewes@thewes-reuter.luMr.PierreReuterpierre.reuter@thewes-reuter.luPLuxembourgishEnglishFrenchMaltaAdvocates CREDAL6/3 Sir William Reid StreetGZR 1038Gzira+356 2 131 25 55+356 2 132 32 [email protected]://www.advocredal.comMr.Dr.RobertDAlessandrord@advocredal.comMr.Dr.Stefan PatrickGaucispg@advocredal.comPPPPPE-CommerceMalteseEnglishItalianFrenchMaltakmconsultants6, Thornton StreetSLM 3150Sliema+356 2 131 21 31+356 2 131 21 [email protected]://www.kmconsultants.com.mtMr.KevinMifsudkm@kmconsultants.com.mtMs.GeraldineMifsudgm@kmconsultants.com.mtPPPPPE-CommerceEnglishItalianMalteseMauritiusLancasters Chartered Accountants14 Lancaster Court, Lavoquer StreetPort Louis+230 213 45 10+230 213 02 [email protected]://www.lancastersca.comMr.PannaJhugroopjhugroo.lancasters@intnet.muMr.SatishBissessursbissessur.lancasters@intnet.muMr.VijayBhuguthvbhuguth.lancasters@intnet.muMs.ZabeenJhumkazjhumka.lancasters@intnet.muPPPPPSecretarial ServicesHotel Industry, Funding Agencies, Banking Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Insurance and Re-insurance, Global companies (offshore)European Union Delegation, CIM Finance Ltd., Atlantic Pictures Ltd.EnglishFrenchHindiArabicSpanishMexicoBarajas, Lujn & Asociados, S.C.P. Contadores PublicosCalle 23 - A N 77 Int. L x 60 Norte y 14, Col. Chumburna de HidalgoCP 97200Mrida, Yucatan+52 999 981 24 60+52 999 981 24 [email protected]://www.barajaslujan.comMr.Jorge CarlosBarajas [email protected], Motta y Arango, S.C.Viaducto Miguel Alemn Nmero 259, Esquina Insurgentes, Despacho 402, Roma SurD.F. 06760Mexico+52 55 744 933+52 55 846 272+52 55 745 091+52 55 744 933 108+52 55 745 091 [email protected]://www.bmya.netMr.Juan FernandoBasaldua [email protected], Tax, Legal & AuditCarretera Villa de lvarez-Minatitln Km. 2.3, Villa de lvarezColima+52 31 313 13 15+52 31 313 22 [email protected]://www.integroup.com.mxMr.GuillermoCntora [email protected] J.de la Torre [email protected] [email protected] Rosassguerrero@integroup.com.mxPPPPSpanishEnglishPortugueseFrenchMexicoINTEGROUP, Tax, Legal & AuditTorre Chapultepec, Avda. Chapultepec 15-19 Floor # 1, Col. Ladrn de Guevara44600Guadalajara, Jalisco+52 33 36 15 78 15+52 33 36 15 78 [email protected]://www.integroup.com.mxMr.GuillermoCntora [email protected] J.de la Torre [email protected] [email protected] Rosassguerrero@integroup.com.mxPPPPSpanishEnglishPortugueseFrenchMexicoSaldivar y Ca. SCPadre Mier 740 PTE Centro64000Monterrey Nuevo Len+52 81 8345 38 39+52 81 8345 54 [email protected]://www.saldivarycia.com.mxMr.Dr.EugenioSaldivar [email protected] [email protected] CollectionSpanishEnglishMongoliaLehman, Lee & XuMarco Polo Place, Sukhbaatar District, Building 5/3, Rooms 3-1 to 3-6, Jamiyan Guni Street210651Ulan Bator+976 11 327 810+9976 11 327 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected] Abderrahmane & Partners13, angle rue Mohamed Bahi et rue El Moutarda, Quartier Palmiers20100Casablanca+33 1 428 922 47+33 1 428 918 [email protected]://www.benlawyers.comMr.TaebBen AbderrahmanePArabicEnglishFrenchGermanMoroccoFirec & Associes201 Boulevard Zerktouni, 5ime tage20100Casablanca+212 22 94 04 26+212 22 94 04 28+212 22 94 04 [email protected]://www.firec.maMr.AbdelaliBaghdadicontact@[email protected] Advisory and Risk ManagementArabicEnglishFrenchSpanishNetherlandsDe Keijzer Nipius & Co Accountants B.V.Paasheuvelweg 16P.O. Box 228661105 BHAmsterdam+31 20 564 60 00+31 20 564 60 [email protected]://www.dknco.nlMr.Petervan [email protected] der [email protected]@sterelcs.nlMr.Alex [email protected] der [email protected] processing, secondment of financial peopleIT & computers, secondment, advertising & design, business consultancy, stockbrokerage firms, training & educationDutchEnglishGermanFrenchNetherlandsTeekensKarstens advocaten notarissenPrins Bernhardlaan 4P.O. Box 4022509 VZ2400 AKAlphen aan de Rijn+31 17 241 98 44+31 17 243 42 [email protected]@[email protected]://www.teekenskarstens.nlMr.Johan [email protected] [email protected] Serviceslabour law, insolvency law, corporate & commercial law, civil & family law, tax lawDutchEnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianSwedishNetherlandsTeekensKarstens advocaten notarissenVondellaan 51P.O. Box 11442332 AA2302 BCLeiden+31 71 535 80 00+31 71 535 81 09+31 71 535 80 [email protected]@[email protected]://www.teekenskarstens.nlMr.Johan [email protected] [email protected] Serviceslabour law, insolvency law, corporate & commercial law, civil & family law, tax lawDutchEnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianSwedishNetherlandsTeekensKarstens advocaten notarissenHeereweg 1392161 BALisse+31 25 241 91 21+31 25 241 56 [email protected]@[email protected]://www.teekenskarstens.nlMr.Johan [email protected] [email protected] Serviceslabour law, insolvency law, corporate & commercial law, civil & family law, tax lawDutchEnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianSwedishNetherlandsUnited Trust Corporation (Netherlands) B.V.Hornweg 50P.O.Box 81151721 CV1802 KC AlkmaarBroek op Langedijk+31 22 634 53 78+31 22 634 54 [email protected]://www.united-trust.nlMr.C.G.Roeleveldc.roeleveld@united-trust.nlPPFinancial re-engeneeringDutchEnglishGermanFrenchSerbo-CroatianNetherlands AntillesCuran Incorporation Services N.V.Pietermaai 123P.O. Box 897Curacao+59 99 461 25 44+59 99 461 26 [email protected]@tmf-group.comMr.Reginaldde [email protected] up and Management of International Corporations (Trust) and Private FoundationsSpanishEnglishDutchNicaraguaHuembes, Solorzano y Asociados FIACYC.Bosques de Altamira No. 63P.O. Box C-347Managua+505 278 60 13+505 277 57 [email protected]://www.hsasociados.comMr.Francisco [email protected] Reyes Valdes y AsociadosDireccin Edificio PH Central, Local 9 M, Calle Samuel Lewis, Corregimiento de Bella VistaPanama City+507 22 344 86+507 22 316 [email protected]://www.acostareyesvaldes.comMr.Juan CarlosAcostajacosta@acostareyesvaldes.comPPPSpanishEnglishPanamaQuijano & AssociatesSalduba Building, 3rd Floor, 53rd East Street, Urbanizacin Obarrio, P.O. Box 0816-02884Panama City+507 269 26 41+507 269 26 52+507 263 80 [email protected]://www.quijano.comMr.Julio A.Quijano [email protected]@[email protected] and offshore matters, corporate, finance and estate planningUnderwriters, Shipowners engaged in all matters concerning corporate, financal and shipping affairs in Panama and in all aspects of Panamanian legislations on corporations, formation of British Virgin Islands companies and trusts for all kind of purposesSpanishEnglishParaguayConaudit Contadores PblicosCerro Cor N 247, between Yegros and Iturbe, Edificio Alfar I, 7th and 8th Floor, Offices 704-705-706Asuncin+595 21 49 55 76+595 21 44 11 [email protected]://www.conaudit.com.pyMr.Carlos EvaristoLeguizamn [email protected] Alencastre Asoc S.C. Auditores y ConsultoresAv. Dos de Mayo No 1566, Of. 208, San IsidroLima+51 1 221 53 78+51 1 221 41 [email protected]://www.vargas-alencastre.com.peMr.Dr.CarlosVargas [email protected] Group Sp. z o.o.13 Kasprzaka Street91-078Lodz+48 42 612 23 06+48 42 612 23 [email protected]://www.efsgroup.euMr.TomaszStaruchtomasz.staruch@efsgroup.euPPolishEnglishGermanPolandEFS Group Sp. z o.o.Warsaw Financial Centre, Regus Business Centre, 53 Emilii Plater Street00-113Warsaw+48 22 528 68 87+48 22 528 67 [email protected]://www.efsgroup.euMr.ArturPlutowskiartur.plutowski@efsgroup.euPPolishEnglishGermanPolandExtor Sp. z o.o.Jordana 2540-952Katowice+48 32 726 14 14+48 22 730 87 [email protected]://www.extor.plMr.MaciejZlobinskimzlobinski@extor.plPPolishEnglishFrenchPolandExtor Sp. z o.o.Browarna 1087-100Torun+48 56 622 61 30+48 56 652 12 [email protected]://www.extor.plMs.JolantaGlinieckajgliniecka@extor.plPPolishPolandExtor Sp. z o.o.Wyrzyska 9a02-455Warsaw+48 22 578 03 10+48 22 863 00 86+48 22 730 87 [email protected]://www.extor.plMrs.PatrycjaStrzeleckapstrzelecka@extor.plPPolishEnglishFrenchSpanishPolandExtor Sp. z o.o.ul. Walicw 1300-865Warsaw+48 22 578 03 10+48 22 730 87 [email protected]://www.extor.plMs.PatrycjaStrzeleckapstrzelecka@extor.plPPolishEnglishFrenchSpanishPortugalAlexandra Pereira Law OfficeAvenida 5 de Outubro, N3, Edificio Avenida, 1E, Apartado 37668135-100Almancil, Algarve+351 289 399 963+351 289 399 [email protected]://www.alexandrapereira.comMs.Dr.AlexandraPereiramaplaw@mail.telepac.ptPPortugueseEnglishPortugalAlexandra Pereira Law OfficeRua Martens Ferro, 34, Fraco F", Loja 2, R/C, So Sebastio da Pedreira"1050-160Lisbon+351 289 399 963+351 289 399 [email protected]://www.alexandrapereira.comMs.Dr.AlexandraPereiramaplaw@mail.telepac.ptPPortugueseEnglishPortugalPontes, Baptista & Associados, Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, LdaNova Leiria, R. Porto de Ms, Lt 20, 22415-784Leiria+351 244 813 290+351 244 813 [email protected]://www.pb-sroc.comMr.SrgioPontesspontes@pb-sroc.comMr.LusBaptistalbaptista@pb-sroc.comMrs.DanielaMonteirodmonteiro@pb-sroc.comMr.SrgioRebochosrebocho@pb-sroc.comPPPPPPortugueseEnglishPortugalPontes, Baptista & Associados, Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, LdaChiado, R. Alecrim, 26 Piso 1, Escritrio I1200-027Lisbon+351 244 813 290+351 244 813 [email protected]://www.pb-sroc.comMr.SrgioPontesspontes@pb-sroc.comMr.LusBaptistalbaptista@pb-sroc.comMrs.DanielaMonteirodmonteiro@pb-sroc.comMr.SrgioRebochosrebocho@pb-sroc.comPPPPPPortugueseEnglishRomaniaDragomir & AssociatesConstantin Noica nr. 159, sector 660052Bucharest+40 21 316 71 17+40 21 316 71 18+40 21 316 71 19+40 21 318 71 [email protected]://www.dragomirlaw.roMr.StanDragomirstan.dragomir@dragomirlaw.roMrs.AlinaLefteralina.lefter@dragomirlaw.roMr.CiprianPortnoiciprian.portnoi@dragomirlaw.roPFiduciary activities, Temporary domicilation (registered office) for companiesRomanianEnglishFrenchRomaniaMirus Advisers S.R.L.16 Dr. Petre Herescu Str. 2nd Floor, Sector 550587Bucharest+40 31 405 10 17+40 31 405 10 [email protected]://www.mirus-group.euMr.Ionut [email protected] Programs implementation services, Professional in-hous trainingsReal Estate/Manufacturing/Financial ServicesJohnson & Johnson, UCO Raymonds, Egis, TechTeam, Bunge, Hercesa, Immofinanz, HP, Cora, Allied Pickfords RomaniaInternational Tax/Transfer pricing/VAT/Expatriate immigration and tax planningRomanianEnglishFrenchItalianRussiaAdvocate Malkov Law OfficesGangutskaya street, 12191187St. Petersburg+7 812 325 95 05+7 812 325 95 [email protected]://www.malkovlaw.comMr.VasilyMalkovvasily.malkov@malkovlaw.comPRussianEnglishRussiaLLC McKinven Consulting Group12/1, Petra Alexeeva str.121471Moscow+7 495 545 92 92+7 495 545 92 [email protected]://[email protected] valuation, preparing companies for IPORussianEnglishRussiaYakovlev & Partners Law Office12, Uritskogo str.610020Kirov+7 833 267 01 10+7 833 267 02 [email protected]://[email protected] law, banking law, corporate and commercial law, currency regulation of foreign economic activity, foreign Investment legislation, protection of intellectual property rights and copyrightsRussianEnglishRussiaYakovlev & Partners Law Office2, Bolshoi Kazenny pereulokP.O. Box 82105062Moscow+7 495 956 29 92+7 495 621 14 51+7 495 621 14 25+7 495 956 29 [email protected]://www.matec.ruMr.Dr.Pavel [email protected]@[email protected] law, banking law, corporate and commercial law, currency regulation of foreign economic activity, foreign Investment legislation, protection of intellectual property rights and copyrightsRussianEnglishGermanFrenchDanishSpanishRussiaYakovlev & Partners Law Office3, Kostina Str., Apt. # 411603000Nizhny Novgorod+7 831 278 02 90+7 831 278 02 91+7 831 278 02 [email protected]://www.matec-nn.ruMr.OlegTimofeevoleg@[email protected] law, banking law, corporate and commercial law, currency regulation of foreign economic activity, foreign Investment legislation, protection of intellectual property rights and copyrightsRussianEnglishRussiaYakovlev & Partners Law Office201, Chapaevskaya str., apt # 206443010Samara+7 846 333 53 43+7 846 333 62 [email protected]://www.matec.ruMrs.Tatiana [email protected] law, banking law, corporate and commercial law, currency regulation of foreign economic activity, foreign Investment legislation, protection of intellectual property rights and copyrightsRussianEnglishRussiaYakovlev & Partners Law Office2, Novotorzhskaya str., apt. # 5170000Tver+7 4822 32 01 02+7 4822 32 01 [email protected]://www.matec.ruMs.Veronika [email protected] law, banking law, corporate and commercial law, currency regulation of foreign economic activity, foreign Investment legislation, protection of intellectual property rights and copyrightsRussianEnglishSaudi ArabiaBen Abderrahmane & PartnersP.O. Box 367421481Jeddah+33 1 428 922 47+33 1 428 918 [email protected]://www.benlawyers.comMr.Dr.DahmaneBen Abderrahmaneba@benlawyers.comPArabicEnglishFrenchGermanSlovakiaKonecn & afr, s.r.o.Ventrsk 12811 01Bratislava - Star Mesto+421 2 544 184 70+421 2 544 184 [email protected]://www.konecna-safar.comMrs.DagmarYoderyoder@konecna-safar.comPSlovakianEnglishGermanItalianFrenchSloveniaSIMIC & PARTNERJI, davcno svetovanje, d.o.o.Parmova 531000Ljubljana+386 1 300 06 00+386 1 436 36 [email protected]://www.simic-partnerji.siMr.IvanSimicivan.simic@simic-partnerji.siPPPPSlovenianEnglishGermanCroatianSerbianSpainDr. Frhbeck Abogados, S.L.P.Balmes, 368 pr, 2a8006Barcelona+34 93 254 10 70+34 93 418 93 [email protected]://www.fruhbeck.comMs.Dr.AstridDorfmeisterbarcelona@fruhbeck.comPcorporate law, civil law, property law, Real estateSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainDr. Frhbeck Abogados, S.L.P.C/ Gell, 58 (Edificio CINC)17001Gerona+34 972 940 953+34 972 940 [email protected]://www.fruhbeck.comMs.Dr.AstridDorfmeisterbarcelona@fruhbeck.comMr.Dr.JoaquimSarrate i PouPPPPcorporate law, competiton law, banking law, civil law, property law, media & entertainment law, employment lawSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainDr. Frhbeck Abogados, S.L.P.C/ Rafael Cabrera, 10, esc. izda. 1 L35002Las Palmas de Gran Canaria+34 92 843 26 76+34 92 843 26 [email protected]://[email protected] law, competiton law, banking law, civil law, property law, media & entertainment law, employment lawSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainDr. Frhbeck Abogados, S.L.P.Marqus del Riscal, 11,528010Madrid+34 91 700 43 50+34 91 310 28 [email protected]://www.fruhbeck.comMr.FedericoFrhbeckmadrid@[email protected] law, competiton law, banking law, civil law, property law, media & entertainment law, employment lawSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainDr. Frhbeck Abogados, S.L.P.Convent des Caputxins, 4-Edif.B-3C7002Palma de Mallorca+34 97 171 92 28+34 97 172 44 [email protected]://[email protected] law, competiton law, banking law, civil law, property law, media & entertainment law, employment lawSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainFicesa Treuhand, S.A. Auditores y Asesores Fiscalesc/Balmes, 363, 31a8006Barcelona+34 93 253 02 18+34 93 417 91 [email protected]://www.ficesa.esMr.CarlosFrhbeck [email protected] ElviraBenitobarcelona@ficesa.esPPPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainFicesa Treuhand, S.A. Auditores y Asesores FiscalesC/ Rafael Cabrera, 10, esc. izda. 1 L35002Las Palmas de Gran Canaria+34 92 843 26 76+34 92 843 26 [email protected]://www.ficesa.esMr.CarlosFrhbeck [email protected]@fruhbeck.comPPPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainFicesa Treuhand, S.A. Auditores y Asesores FiscalesMarqus del Riscal, 11,528010Madrid+34 91 700 43 50+34 91 310 28 [email protected]://www.ficesa.esMr.CarlosFrhbeck [email protected]@ficesa.esPPPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainFicesa Treuhand, S.A. Auditores y Asesores FiscalesRamn Gmez de la Serna, 2229602Marbella+34 95 276 52 25+34 95 282 46 [email protected]://www.ficesa.esMr.CarlosFrhbeck [email protected] Alonsode Medinamarbella@ficesa.esPPPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainFicesa Treuhand, S.A. Auditores y Asesores FiscalesConvent des Caputxins, 4-Edif.B-3C7002Palma de Mallorca+34 97 171 92 28+34 97 172 44 [email protected]://www.ficesa.esMr.CarlosFrhbeck [email protected]@ficesa.esPPPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchSpainJavier Carretero y Asociados - AbogadosC/ Jacinto Benavente 11, 3-2 Edificio Marbeland29601Marbella, Mlaga+34 95 292 46 56+34 95 286 41 [email protected]@jca-abogados.comhttp://www.jca-abogados.comMr.JavierCarretero [email protected]@jca-abogados.comMrs.Mara JosRubiomj.rubio@jca-abogados.comPPSpanishGermanEnglishFrenchDutchSwitzerlandAdapt Solutions Schweiz GmbHOber Altstadt 136300Zug+41 41 710 00 20+41 41 720 00 [email protected]://www.adapt-solutions.comMr.Dr.ThomasEisenringthomas.eisenring@adapt-solutions.comPPGermanEnglishSpanishSwitzerlandBonnefous & Cie S.A.Rue du Cendrier 241201Geneva+41 22 906 11 77+41 22 906 11 [email protected]://www.bonnefous.chMr.PhilippeBonnefousphilippe.bonnefous@bonnefous.chMs.CorinneDumonthaycorinne.dumonthay@bonnefous.chPPPPPFrenchEnglishGermanSwitzerlandBratschi Wiederkehr & BuobBollwerk 15P.O. Box 55763001Bern+41 58 258 16 00+41 58 258 16 [email protected]://www.bratschi-law.chMr.Dr.Anton [email protected] law, residence & work permits, banking & finances, stock exchange & capital markets, inheritance & estate planning, corporate law, information technology, real estate, arbitration, debt collection & bankruptcy law, sports, tax law, liability law, contractual law, litigation & international legal assistanceGermanEnglishFrenchItalianSwitzerlandBratschi Wiederkehr & BuobVadianstrasse 44P.O. Box 2629001St. Gallen+41 58 258 14 00+41 58 258 14 [email protected]://www.bratschi-law.chMr.Dr.Anton [email protected] law, residence & work permits, banking & finances, stock exchange & capital markets, inheritance & estate planning, corporate law, information technology, real estate, arbitration, debt collection & bankruptcy law, sports, tax law, liability law, contractual law, litigation & international legal assistanceGermanEnglishFrenchItalianSwitzerlandBratschi Wiederkehr & BuobBahnhofstrasse 106P.O. Box 11308021Zurich+41 58 258 11 00+41 58 258 11 [email protected]://www.bratschi-law.chMr.Dr.Anton [email protected] law, residence & work permits, banking & finances, stock exchange & capital markets, inheritance & estate planning, corporate law, information technology, real estate, arbitration, debt collection & bankruptcy law, sports, tax law, liability law, contractual law, litigation & international legal assistanceGermanEnglishFrenchItalianSwitzerlandEurotrust Partners AGForsterstrasse 70P.O. Box 8328044Zurich+41 44 266 99 99+41 44 266 99 [email protected]://www.eurotrust.netMr.MichaelReiss von Filskireiss@eurotrust.netPPPPPGermanEnglishFrenchSpanishItalianHungarianSwitzerlandFelder, Riva, Soldati, Marcellini, GeneraliVia Pretorio 7P.O.Box 63476900Lugano+41 91 911 62 62+41 91 911 62 [email protected]://www.legal-notary.chMr.FrancoFelderf.felder@legal-notary.chMr.PierfrancoRivap.riva@legal-notary.chMr.FabioSoldatif.soldati@legal-notary.chMr.LucaMarcellinil.marcellini@legal-notary.chPItalianGermanFrenchEnglishSpanishSwitzerlandFiduciaire Fidag SAImmeuble Continental3963Crans-Montana+41 27 485 99 66+41 27 485 99 [email protected]://www.fidag-sa.chMr.LaurentTschopplaurent.tschopp@fidag-sa.chMr.DanielEmerydaniel.emery@fidag-sa.chPPPPFrenchEnglishGermanItalianSwitzerlandFiduciaire Fidag SAPlace de Rome1920Martigny 1+41 27 721 71 21+41 27 721 71 [email protected]://www.fidag-sa.chMr.ChristophePitteloudchristophe.pitteloud@fidag-sa.chPPPPFrenchEnglishGermanItalianSwitzerlandFiduciaire Fidag SACh. Vieux-Canal 151951Sion+41 27 327 22 27+41 27 327 22 [email protected]://www.fidag-sa.chMr.Marc-AndrBallestrazmarc-andre.ballestraz@fidag-sa.chMr.RaphyMorardraphy.morard@fidag-sa.chMr.JacquesVoeffrayjacques.voeffray@fidag-sa.chPPPPFrenchEnglishGermanSwitzerlandFischer & PartnerSchulhausstrasse 96052Hergiswil NW+41 41 632 42 72+41 41 632 42 [email protected]://www.fischerpartner.comMr.NielsFischernfi@f-p.chPPPPPGermanEnglishSwedishFrenchSwitzerlandMATRIX Strategic Solutions AGSt. Antonsgasse 4P.O. Box 143563006301Zug+41 41 710 92 70+41 41 710 92 [email protected]://www.matrixstrat.comMr.Dr.ChristianMadelungcm@[email protected] Financing, M&A, Sustainability ProjectsAutomotive Aerospace AsiaGermanEnglishFrenchItalianSpanishSwedishDanishNorwegianDutchMandarinSwitzerlandQuijano & AssociatesEtude dAdvocats, 23 Rue de RiveP.O.Box 11351260Nyon+41 22 361 55 61+41 22 361 55 [email protected]://[email protected] and offshore matters, corporate, finance and estate planningunderwriters, shipowners engaged in all matters concerning corporate, financal and shipping affairs in Panama and in all aspects of Panamanian legislations on corporations, formation of British Virgin Islands companies and trusts for all kind of purposesSpanishEnglishFrenchSwitzerlandSchelbertlaw Attorney at Law and Notary PublicEichsttte, Baarerstrasse 53/55P.O. Box 45596304Zug+41 41 729 20 80+41 41 729 20 [email protected]://www.schelbertlaw.chMr.BrunoSchelbertschelbert@schelbertlaw.chPGermanEnglishFrenchSwitzerlandStudio Fiduciario Dr.rer.pol. Gianandrea F. RimoldiVia F. Somaini 36900Lugano+41 91 922 56 55+41 91 922 56 [email protected] F.Rimoldirimoldigianandrea@yahoo.comPPPPItalianEnglishFrenchSpanishSwitzerlandTrecon Treuhand AGLandoltstrasse 18006Zurich+41 44 364 14 00+41 44 363 83 [email protected]://www.trecontreuhand.chMr.PeterSchafferp.schaffer@trecontreuhand.chPPPPPGermanEnglishDutchFrenchItalianSwitzerlandTrewitax Kreuzlingen AGHauptstrasse 148280Kreuzlingen+41 71 677 97 37+41 71 677 97 [email protected]://www.trewitax.chMr.StefanZrcherzuercher@trewitax.chMr.MaxGerbergerber@trewitax.chPPPPPGermanEnglishFrenchSwitzerlandTrewitax St. Gallen AGTeufenerstrasse 259000St. Gallen+41 71 282 37 37+41 71 282 37 [email protected]://www.trewitax.chMr.FranzBrogerfranz.broger@trewitax.chMr.HermannRothauerhermann.rothauer@trewitax.chPPPPPGermanEnglishItalianFrenchSpanishSwitzerlandTrewitax Zrich AGKonradstrasse 128005Zurich+41 44 225 60 00+41 44 225 60 [email protected]://www.trewitax.chMr.BrunoFaorofaoro@trewitax.chPPPGermanEnglishItalianSwitzerlandUnited Trust Consulting AGChamerstrasse 172P.O. Box 12546300Zug+41 41 725 40 70+41 41 725 40 [email protected]@unitedtrust.chPPPPPGermanEnglishHungarianSwitzerlandWalser & Partner AG FreienbachLeutschenstrasse 18807Freienbach+41 848 688 888+41 55 417 50 60+41 55 417 50 [email protected]://www.walserpartner.chMr.Marco [email protected] Management, Wealth ManagementIT, financial Services, other Services, international trading, technologyGermanItalianEnglishFrenchSpanishAramaicPortugueseCroatianTurkeyKutlan & PartnersCumhuriyet Cad. No. 103 / 334360Elmadag - Istanbul+90 212 291 57 10+90 212 291 57 14+90 212 291 57 15+90 212 241 46 [email protected]://www.kutlanpartners.comMr.Prof. [email protected], production, tourism, serviceTurkishEnglishGermanUkraineBondarchuk & Partners L.L.C.101 Saksaganskogo Street, Suite 31032Kiev+380 44 531 19 24+380 44 289 52 [email protected]@bp.net.uahttp://www.bp.net.uaMr.OlegBondarchukoleg-bondarchuk@bp.net.uaPPPCommercial Law, Corporate Law, LitigationUkrainianEnglishRussianGermanUnited Arab EmiratesAl Suwaidi & CompanyBlue Tower Building / Suite 704 B, Khalifa StreetP.O. Box 591Abu Dhabi+971 2 626 66 96+971 2 626 05 [email protected]://www.alsuwaidi.aeMr.MohammedAl [email protected], banking & insurance, civil & commercial Litigation, construction & corporate Finance, industrial & intellectual property, information technology & computer, international taxation, international trade & commerce, maritime law, oil & gasCorporate consultation, Arbitration and LitigationArabicEnglishFrenchUnited Arab EmiratesAl Suwaidi & CompanyAjman Chamber of Commerce & Industry Tower / Suite 62P.O. Box 227Ajman+971 6 742 13 33+971 6 742 00 [email protected]://www.alsuwaidi.aeMr.MohammedAl [email protected], banking & insurance, civil & commercial Litigation, construction & corporate Finance, industrial & intellectual property, information technology & computer, international taxation, international trade & commerce, maritime law, oil & gasCompany set up, Corporate Consultation, Arbitration and LitigationArabicEnglishUnited Arab EmiratesAl Suwaidi & CompanyEmarat Atrium Building / Suite 237, Sheikh Zayed RoadP.O. Box 7273Dubai+971 43 21 10 00+971 43 21 10 [email protected]://www.alsuwaidi.aeMr.MohammedAl [email protected], banking & insurance, civil & commercial Litigation, construction & corporate Finance, industrial & intellectual property, information technology & computer, international taxation, international trade & commerce, maritime law, oil & gasCompany set up, Corporate Consultation, Arbitration and LitigationArabicEnglishHindiUnited Arab EmiratesAl Zarooni Tureva, Auditors, Accountants, AdvisorsG7, 3rd Floor, Hamarain CenterP.O. Box 95426Dubai+971 4 268 99 01+971 4 268 99 [email protected]://www.azt.aeMr.Samir N.Jarallahsjarallah@azt.aePPPArabicEnglishFrenchAmharicTagalogUnited Arab EmiratesBeaufort Associates FZ-LLCP.O. Box 500329Dubai+971 4 391 03 20+971 4 391 03 [email protected]://[email protected] and staff secondment servicesEnglishUnited Arab EmiratesBLS Behl, Lad & Al Sayegh Chartered AccountantsP.O. Box 38645Abu Dhabi+971 2 641 01 00+971 2 641 06 [email protected]://www.bls-dubai.comMr.RamjiChaturvediramji@bls-dubai.comPPPPArabicEnglishHindiUrduUnited Arab EmiratesBLS Behl, Lad & Al Sayegh Chartered Accountants206, SARCO BuildingP.O. Box 25709Dubai+971 4 295 28 88+971 4 295 06 [email protected]://www.bls-dubai.comMr.SurinderBehlblslad@emirates.net.aeMr.VasantLadvasant@bls-dubai.comPPPPArabicEnglishHindiUrduUnited Arab EmiratesBLS Behl, Lad & Al Sayegh Chartered AccountantsFlat #6, Fujairah BuildingP.O. Box 5201Fujairah+971 9 224 26 13+971 9 498 01 [email protected]://www.bls-dubai.comMr.SurinderBehlblslad@emirates.net.aePPPPArabicEnglishHindiUrduUnited KingdomCitroen Wells Chartered AccountantsDevonshire House, 1 Devonshire StreetW1W 5DRLondon+44 20 7304 20 00+44 20 7304 20 [email protected]://www.citroenwells.co.ukMr.HenryCharleshenry.charles@citroenwells.co.ukMr.JonathanPrevezerjonathan.prevezer@citroenwells.co.ukMr.StephenSimoustephen.simou@citroenwells.co.ukPPPPEnglishFrenchGermanUnited KingdomDenison TillStamford House, PiccadillyYO1 9PPYork+44 19 0461 14 11+44 19 0456 14 [email protected]@[email protected]://www.denisontill.comMr.AlistairDuncanammd@[email protected] law, commercial law, intellectual property law, landlord & tenant law, employment law, corporate law, ecclesiastical law, commercial property & planning law, dispute resolution, education law, wills, trusts estate & tax planning, pension law, international law, notaryEnglishItalianGermanFrenchUnited KingdomLawrence Grant, Chartered Accountants2nd Floor, Hygeia House, 66 College Road, Harrow, MiddlesexHA1 1BELondon+44 20 8861 75 75+44 20 8863 91 [email protected]://www.lawrencegrant.co.ukMr.GrahamBuschgraham@lawrencegrant.co.ukMr.PaulLevypaul@lawrencegrant.co.ukMr.AlanRajahalan@lawrencegrant.co.ukPPPBusiness & work permit applicationsOwner-managed businesses, medical sector, barristers & manufacturingPrivate hospitals & surgeries, manufacturing, retail & professionalInternational tax planning for foreign Companies operating in the UK, UK Companies operating abroad, non-residents with interests in or planning on coming to the UKEnglishFrenchAfrikaansMalayHindiGujaratiKiswahiliMandarinCantoneseHebrewUrduPunjabiSwahiliUnited KingdomQuijano & Associates41 South Audley Street, Flat 4, MayfairW1K 2PSLondon+44 20 7499 46 54+44 20 7495 14 [email protected]://www.quijano.comMr.Randall [email protected] and offshore matters, corporate, finance and estate planningunderwriters, shipowners engaged in all matters concerning corporate, financal and shipping affairs in Panama and in all aspects of Panamanian legislations on corporations, formation of British Virgin Islands companies and trusts for all kind of purposesEnglishSpanishUnited KingdomRoiter ZuckerCentral Court, 25 Southampton BuildingsWC2A 1ALLondon+44 20 3178 89 00+44 20 3178 32 [email protected]://www.roiterzucker.co.ukMr.JohnZuckerjzucker@roiterzucker.co.ukPintellectual property, business law, employment, property, disputes, wills, trusts & probateEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishMalayUnited StatesAdapt Solutions LLC2615 Holmes StreetMO 64108Kansas City+1 816 531 74 02+1 816 531 74 [email protected]://www.adapt-solutions.comMr.GeorgHeidelmanngeorg.heidelmann@adapt-solutions.comPPEnglishGermanUnited StatesGibbons P.C.One Pennsylvania Plaza, 37th FloorNY 10119-3701New York+1 212 613 20 00+1 212 333 59 [email protected]://www.gibbonslaw.comMr.Dr.David E.De [email protected] dispute resolution, antitrust & trade regulation, appellate practice, bankruptcy, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, business & commercial litigation, complex insurance, coverage litigation, computer industry practice, construction, corporate & finance, creditor representation, development, e-commerce, employment & labour law, environmental, environmental litigation, executive compensation, financial services, franchise practice, gibbons fellowship, government affairs, health care, immigration, insolvency counselling & business reorganization, intellectual property, international trade, municipal & government, patent, trademark & copyright, pharmaceutical, medical device & lab defense, products liability, public finance, real estate, real property taxation, securities litigation, tax, trust & estate, trust & estate litigation, white collar criminal law & corporate complianceEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalianChinesePortugueseUnited StatesGibbons P.C.One Gateway CenterNJ 07102-5310Newark+1 973 596 45 00+1 973 596 05 [email protected]://www.gibbonslaw.comMr.Dr.David E.De [email protected] dispute resolution, antitrust & trade regulation, appellate practice, bankruptcy, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, business & commercial litigation, complex insurance, coverage litigation, computer industry practice, construction, corporate & finance, creditor representation, development, e-commerce, employment & labour law, environmental, environmental litigation, executive compensation, financial services, franchise practice, gibbons fellowship, government affairs, health care, immigration, insolvency counselling & business reorganization, intellectual property, international trade, municipal & government, patent, trademark & copyright, pharmaceutical, medical device & lab defense, products liability, public finance, real estate, real property taxation, securities litigation, tax, trust & estate, trust & estate litigation, white collar criminal law & corporate complianceEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalianChinesePortugueseUnited StatesGibbons P.C.1700 Two Logan Square, 18th Arch StreetsPA 19103-2769Philadelphia+1 215 665 04 00+1 215 636 03 [email protected]://www.gibbonslaw.comMr.Dr.DavidMarstondmarston@gibbonslaw.comPalternative dispute resolution, antitrust & trade regulation, appellate practice, bankruptcy, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, business & commercial litigation, complex insurance, coverage litigation, computer industry practice, construction, corporate & finance, creditor representation, development, e-commerce, employment & labour law, environmental, environmental litigation, executive compensation, financial services, franchise practice, gibbons fellowship, government affairs, health care, immigration, insolvency counselling & business reorganization, intellectual property, international trade, municipal & government, patent, trademark & copyright, pharmaceutical, medical device & lab defense, products liability, public finance, real estate, real property taxation, securities litigation, tax, trust & estate, trust & estate litigation, white collar criminal law & corporate complianceEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalianChinesePortugueseUnited StatesGibbons P.C.The Lutine House, 224 West State StreetNJ 08608-1002Trenton, New Jersey+1 609 394 53 00+1 609 394 53 [email protected]://www.gibbonslaw.comMr.Dr.David [email protected] dispute resolution, antitrust & trade regulation, appellate practice, bankruptcy, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, business & commercial litigation, complex insurance, coverage litigation, computer industry practice, construction, corporate & finance, creditor representation, development, e-commerce, employment & labour law, environmental, environmental litigation, executive compensation, financial services, franchise practice, gibbons fellowship, government affairs, health care, immigration, insolvency counselling & business reorganization, intellectual property, international trade, municipal & government, patent, trademark & copyright, pharmaceutical, medical device & lab defense, products liability, public finance, real estate, real property taxation, securities litigation, tax, trust & estate, trust & estate litigation, white collar criminal law & corporate complianceEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalianChinesePortugueseUnited StatesGibbons P.C.1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200DE 19801Wilmington+1 302 295 48 75+1 302 295 48 [email protected]://www.gibbonslaw.comMr.Dr.David E.De [email protected] dispute resolution, antitrust & trade regulation, appellate practice, bankruptcy, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, business & commercial litigation, complex insurance, coverage litigation, computer industry practice, construction, corporate & finance, creditor representation, development, e-commerce, employment & labour law, environmental, environmental litigation, executive compensation, financial services, franchise practice, gibbons fellowship, government affairs, health care, immigration, insolvency counselling & business reorganization, intellectual property, international trade, municipal & government, patent, trademark & copyright, pharmaceutical, medical device & lab defense, products liability, public finance, real estate, real property taxation, securities litigation, tax, trust & estate, trust & estate litigation, white collar criminal law & corporate complianceEnglishSpanishGermanFrenchItalianChinesePortugueseUnited StatesLehman, Lee & Xu60 W. Randolph Street, # 200IL 60601Chicago+1 312 762 93 52+1 312 762 92 [email protected]://www.lehmanlaw.comMr.Edward [email protected] & Andrioli Auditores y ConsultoresBv. Artigas 1443 of. 608/60911200Montevideo+598 2 402 10 25+598 2 401 99 [email protected]://www.carle-andrioli.comMr.DarioAndriolidarioandrioli@carle-andrioli.comMs.SilvinaPanizzasilvinapanizza@carle-andrioli.com.uyPPPSpanishEnglishPortugueseUruguayMVD Group Fiduciary Services - MVDFS S.A.Circunvalacion Durango 383 - Office 101Montevideo+598 2 915 31 10+598 2 915 58 [email protected]://www.mvdgroup.comMs.MaiaOlivamoliva@mvdgroup.comMr.FranciscoReyesfreyes@mvdgroup.comMr.OtavioSilvaosilva@mvdgroup.comPPSpanishEnglishPortugueseFrenchVenezuelaEscritorio Villalba, Morales, Rueda y Asociados, A.C.Av. Bolvar Norte, Torre Stratos, Pisos 1 y 2,2002Valencia, Estado Carabobo+58 241 823 45 43+58 241 823 67 [email protected]@escritoriovillalba.comhttp://www.escritoriovillalba.comMr.Dr.VladimirVillalba [email protected]@escritoriovillalba.comPSpanishEnglishVenezuelaJimenez Olarte & AsociadosCentro Comercial Concresa, Urb. Prados del Este, Nivel de Oficinas P-2, Oficina 421Caracas+58 0212 975 06 88+58 0212 975 27 [email protected]://www.jimenezolarte.comMr.Orlando A.Jimnez [email protected]@jimenezolarte.comPSpanishEnglishVenezuelaViso, Rodrguez, Cottin, Medina, Ramrez & AsociadosAvenida Argimiro Bracamonte, entre Venezuela y Libertador, Edif. Laguna Real, Torre B, No. 42-B30001Barquisimeto, Estado Lara+58 251 254 34 69+58 251 254 34 [email protected]://www.vrcabogados.com.veMs.Ana SofiaGallardoasgallardolaw@cantv.netPSpanishEnglishFrenchItalianVenezuelaViso, Rodrguez, Cottin, Medina, Ramrez & AsociadosTORRE EUROPA, Super Pent-House, Av. Francisco de Miranda, El RosalCaracas+58 212 951 79 77+58 212 953 49 31+58 212 952 20 52+58 212 952 70 [email protected]://www.vrcabogados.com.veMr.Angel GabrielVisoangelg.viso@vrcabogado