aiesec uom external newsletter


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Issue 1 of AIESEC UOM External Newsletter 2013/2014


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Editor’s Note A few months ago, I was walking around the different stands at Freshers’ week and a particular stand caught my eye. I did not completely understand what the people at the stand were promoting and the name AIESEC had never rang a bell. One of my friends seemed particularly interested, so she dragged us to the first meeting and I must admit, it was one of the best decisions that I have made since I have started University. The feeling of being part of something which is aiming towards a better world is very inspiring and it motivates me to stand up for what I believe in. Being part of AIESEC means working towards “Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential” and we should encourage this motto towards the whole world.

Stephanie Parisi

1st year B.A. History of Arts & Archeology Incoming Exchange Marketing Team



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“Young people hold the key to brighter future!” Yet, we have come to

realize that we, the current generation, are no longer the future, we are

the now! In AIESEC, our members are stories of young people between

the ages of 18 and 30, each making themselves a better person for a

better world. We work and crave for “world peace and fulfilment of

human kinds potential” (AIESEC founders, 1948).

“In AIESEC we live leadership!” The conclusion of the World Economic Forum in 2013 was that “Significant demographic and societal changes, fundamental technological advances and continuous globalization, as well as complex multi-stakeholder issues and resource scarcity define this emerging context. These changing parameters require new types of LEADERSHIP” and therefore the world requires new models of leadership. Every day we ask ourselves: what can we do to bring ourselves closer to that world? We know that every nation faces so many different challenges, yet we believe there is a fundamental solution for all those problems, we need responsible and entrepreneurial leadership. How do we create leaders? Leadership

own support system, all while leaving a positive impact on the society you are in. But the impact does not end there. Take back all appreciation and learnings back home and leave a positive impact there too. This is why AIESECs main product is exchange, both short term voluntary, and long term corporate. In a nutshell, we develop youth leadership by sending youths on exchange. In AIESEC we live with diversity, integrity, joy and excellence; we live to connect the past and future generations. In AIESEC we live leadership! We continue to see the relevance of what we envision with the world today as new problems require new models of leadership. Therefore we want to enable every young person to live a transformational experience because when we all those leadership pieces together, we will wake up one day are realize that we changed the world. This is who we are, and this is what we do; We are Youth! We are stories of young people becoming better versions of ourselves for our families, our communities, our countries. We create experiences today, and shape how the world will be lead tomorrow!

development for us simply starts with a young person going through an outer journey starting from getting out of one’s comfort zone and living through a challenging environment. In turn this triggers an inner journey that ends with this person reflecting and reinventing him or herself so that this person can change one small piece of the world at a time. With this being said, the more you step out of your comfort zone, the more you will live through a challenging environment and so, the greater the leadership development will be. In AIESEC we believe the best way to step out of your comfort zone is by physically stepping out of your comfort zone, leaving the country, living in a new society, facing new challenges, having to create your


Maysoon Al-Attar

4th year Marketing Student (Honours)

Member Committee President


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“I made a promise that I would Act. Change. Excel.”

During the term 2012-2013 the National team of AIESEC in Malta took a huge decision to which there was a huge risk if it did not succeed, to create a Local Team for the University of Malta. As a consequence to that decision I am now here proudly writing this article in the name of AIESEC UoM as the first Local Committee President of AIESEC UoM. Taking this step has not just been a decision or an addition in the hierarchy of leadership, this step has allowed AIESEC Malta to work in a more efficient manner, and is allowing us to create more and better experiences. This also allows the local committee to support each and every single member ensuring that their experience is the best that they can have! on an operational level. This also allows us support each and every single

member ensuring that their experience is the best that they can have! But what have the 50 members been up to in the past month and half?! I can honestly say that they have not stopped impressing us with their involvement in all the activities, starting from their first conference ACE to trainings, Local Committee Meetings, Global Village, a Bake Sale, Flash Mob, it has been never ending! Maybe for us it has been tiring but with each day that passes seeing how much members have developed, shone and strengthened as individual is the best return we can ask for! It doesn’t stop there, apart from all these events we can’t forget that each and every single one of them has been working towards creating the best exchange experience. Thanks to the hard working and the efforts of the members AIESEC University of Malta has



Current Numbers:

54 Active Members

5 Outgoing Exchange


6 Incoming exchange


Goals by the end of this


80 Active Members

75 Outgoing Exchange


55 Incoming Exchange


managed to create a winter peak for both Outgoing and Incoming Exchange! It hasn’t been easy but against all odds we managed to send 3 Maltese students to help Egypt, received an intern all the way from Russia to work with Delta and we are expected to receive 5 students from 5 different countries 3 of which to work with Dar tal-Providenza and 2 with Nature Trust! I am proud of my entity, my members, my team! Together we are truly taking AIESEC Malta somewhere that it has longed to be and personally I couldn’t choose any other group of people with who I would be doing this!. In the beginning of my term I made a promise that I would Act. Change. Excel. I had not realised that I made that promise not just for myself but for AIESEC University of Malta and with every day that passes I continue believing even more in this promise! Thank you AIESEC!


Elizabeth Pulo

3rd year Bachelor of Commerce

Local Committee President


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19 Leadership Lessons Learned

through a Youth-led Organization AIESEC International published an article of 19 AIESEC members in

leadership position sharing what they have learnt through their

leadership experience with AIESEC.

1. Be adaptable (Peter Gallivan,

Global Vice President of Marketing

of AIESEC International ) 2. Go beyond the job

description (Sam Turner,

President of AIESEC Edmonton,

Canada) 3. Learn to accept both failure

and success (Munessa

Beehuspoteea, President of AIESEC

Ryerson, Canada) 4. Take the first step (Alex Shum,

President of AIESEC York in

Toronto, Canada) 5. Build a strong team around

you (Kristie Luk, President of

AIESEC Windsor at Windsor

University in Windsor, Canada) 6. Stop trying to please

everyone (Kevin Cornwell,

President of AIESEC in Canada) 7. Believe in your abilities

(David Palkovitz, President of

AIESEC McGill in Montreal,

Canada) 8. Learn to accept yourself

before leading others (Franklin Morales, Global Sales

and Marketing Manager of

AIESEC International)

9. Consistently plan and think about your vision (Derek

Vollebregt, Global Business

Development Manager of AIESEC


10. Share your vision with others (Samuel Marion, President of

AIESEC HEC) in Montreal, Canada) 11. Pick and choose the

innovations that will make most use of your time (Carson

Kolberg, President of AIESEC in

Waterloo, Canada) 12. Remind yourself of the

impact of your work (Jason

Yung, National Vice-President of

Business Development at AIESEC in

Cambodia) 13. Be vulnerable and honest

(Seulmi ‘Sue’ Ahn’, National Vice-

President of Talent Management at

AIESEC in Canada) 14. Be open to change (Kai Wong,

President of AIESEC Queens in

Kingston, Canada) 15. Go outside of your comfort

zone (Rustam Kasimov, President of

AIESEC McMaster in Hamilton,

Canada) 16. Be humble (Constance Wong,

President of AIESEC, Canada) 17. Lead by example (Simon

Lemieux, President of AIESEC

Sherbrooke, Canada) 18. You can’t do everything alone

(Vladmir Vallès, President of AIESEC

UQAM in Montreal, Canada) 19. Celebrate small success (Julie

Park, President of AIESEC Calgary,



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“one huge family with a common goal – to lead ourselves and each other towards our fullest potential.”

Act, Change and Excel were the first vague ideas most of us had before enlisting ourselves to the AIESEC ACE conference. Little did we know what impact these 3 simple words would have on our lives. As an AIESEC amateur, I had no clear idea of what I was enrolling myself for. Then, I scrolled through the timetable of the event. I started tattering while my hands shivered as I thought to myself: ‘Did I just sign up for over 7 hours of imperative lectures a day, during the weekend? Are these people crazy?’ As a matter of fact, it turned out that I did, and they are, but both a completely opposite way to what I had expected. The conference was impeccably exceptional! The organisation was superb, and the seminars were informative yet very interactive. Each and every delegate was included and nobody was left out. Some individuals who joined in on the first day blushing and looking at the floor, left the conference full of enthusiasm, charisma, and a loss of self-control in abstaining to smile. Students from 12 different nationalities were present! One has to see to believe the mix of culture, traditions, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity and various social origins taking place, blending into one huge family with a common goal – to lead ourselves and each other towards our fullest potential. If anyone told me another conference is being held tomorrow, I would be 100% willing to go out of my way and be there, and that’s saying something. (Thomas Ritchie)

The Local Committee Vice-Presidents of AIESEC Malta spent 5 days with

Vice-Presidents from other AIESEC entities to help each other create local

strategies and implement global ones in a conference in Greece last October.

I am currently part of the local Executive Board, therefore, to prepare for the term to come, we went to an AIESEC conference in Greece called WeGrow. In AIESEC, you are always told what an international community we have and how much talent does this organization nurture, and it was in this conference that I truly understood what it meant. Meeting other Executive Boards, planning together, aligning each other with global plans, learning and sharing knowledge made me believe in this organization more than ever and had given me the chance to meet some of the most talented youth in the world. I remember something a Vice-President from Norway said, where he expressed that AIESEC is an organization that materializes youth talent and enthusiasm. Sessions were delivered by experienced leaders of the organization who helped us correct our strategies, understand how to implement them and how to pass them on to our members. I truly believe that in that conference I have met some of the most influential leaders of tomorrow! . (Asma Dekna)


Asma Dekna

2nd year Law Student Local Committee Vice-

President Marketing

Thomas Ritchie

Diploma in Design Foundation Studies

Reception and Delivery Team member


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Projects Adam Cacciottolo

Caroline Nabbe

Last Summer, AIESEC in Malta has enabled 15 exchange participants from different countries to come to Malta to work on a voluntary basis on various issues affecting our society in Malta. AIESEC in Malta had teamed up with several NGOs such as Nature Trust, Learn and Play Summer Kids Club, Inspire, Aditus and OFD. Furthermore, 2 Spanish trainees were also working at id-Dar Tal-Providenza to try and bring new experiences to the organization and expose its residents to different cultures and ideas. The interns had to share accommodation with other interns they had never met before, and went on to form a family together with AIESEC members in Malta. One of the most remarkable parts of the projects was not solely the people they have impacted but seeing the development in the interns themselves, having to go through different challenges and working with challenging environments.

After two successful periods of id-Dar tal-Providenza receiving AIESEC trainees in past years, an agreement has once again been made for id-Dar tal-Providenza to accept three volunteers in January 2014. The trainees working with id-Dar tal-Providenza have a very holistic experience as they learn to work in a team and with people with special needs. They help in day to day activities whilst practising the area of their studies. Thus, if the student chosen studies physiotherapy, such tasks will be carried out according to the student’s ability which is a fantastic way to put theory into practice. This time, the vacancy is open to those who study physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing or medicine. The trainees will also be responsible for taking the residents of id-Dar tal-Providenza on outings which is great fun for everyone involved. These internships have always received a lot of positive feedback from all parties involved and we hope to continue delivering such great experiences. In fact, AIESEC in Malta and id-Dar tal-Providenza have already been discussing the option to accept more trainees in the summer of 2014 and even in the December period of 2014, whilst possibly also increasing the number of trainees received at any one time to six persons. This would mean even better team experiences in a culturally diverse environment on an even larger scale. \

Caroline Nabbe

3rd year Bachelors of Commerce

Local Committee Vice-President Incoming Exchange

Adam Cacciottolo

Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering at MCAST

Incoming Exchange Marketing Manager


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Caroline Nabbe

AIESEC in Malta and Nature Trust Malta are once again collaborating with each other to bring foreign trainees over to Malta for a voluntary experience. Due to the success of last year, this year AIESEC in Malta will once again be working with Nature Trust Malta. In January 2014, two foreign AIESEC trainees will be coming to Malta to work at the Majjistral National Park where duties will include tending the trees as well as raising public awareness. We trust that all the parties involved will once again benefit from this experience and AIESEC in Malta hopes to continue its relationship with Nature Trust Malta in the future.

Erietta Gkogkaki was one of the interns that came to Malta for a voluntary internship this Summer. Along with a number of other interns, she worked with Learn and Play, a Summer Kids Club. “I tried to find an internship suitable for me, as part of self-development since I knew it would help me grow professionally. I ended up working at a school full of lovely children who filled me up

with joy every time I saw them … I feel I was blessed to have spent two months in such a beautiful place and to have made all of these new friends. I know that things like this only happen once in a lifetime but I hope to at least have the chance to visit Malta in the future and meet all these wonderful people again!! “

Aleksandr Belugin at an AIESEC event. All in all Andrey is a very nice guy. We were able to hangout together with the team in a few occasions, namely going to the cinema to see movies and play some games together. I learned that he is from Kransnodar, a rather small town; they have a small AIESEC group there in his University. The experience with Andrey so far was very nice.

My name is Aleksandr. I am Legal Representative for AIESEC in Malta. I was very excited to learn that our first intern was from Russia. I thought I would be a perfect buddy for Andrey. At the time I was working with the contract for the guesthouse that Andrey had to sign. I volunteered to come and sign the contract together with Louis and act as an interpreter in cases where Andrey would want a translation. Everything went relatively smooth and second time we met was

the ACE conference, where I’ve gave him

the second copy of the contract.

Aleksandr Belugin

1st Year Law Student Incoming Exchange Support Team


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For the Love of Egypt

“Going on an exchange with AIESEC

was one of the best decisions I made.” “This is the country were my life changing experience started. There are no words to explain my experience in Egypt, because it can only be felt by the heart. Going on an exchange with AIESEC was one of the best decisions I made. For me Egypt has been a very overwhelming experience because this country is so amazing… I never regretted coming to Egypt, although Egypt is going through a lot of instability, the latter makes the experience much more interesting and fruitful.

For me Egypt has been a very overwhelming experience because this country is so amazing. This experience has changed me a lot in a good way. It helped me to adapt to rapid changes in my life, I met so many people from all around the world. MAGIC HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.” Maria Camilleri

This month we have been working on a project called For the Love of Egypt with the aim to send a number of Maltese students to Egypt to work with the Ministry of Tourism. We have sent 3 Maltese Exchange participants at the end of November and are all having an amazing experience there. Last year, we have sent another Maltese exchange participant to Egypt, Maria Camilleri who is working with a school teaching English for a year and a half.

No Hate other organizations that are part of the NO HATE movement. On the 10th quadrangle and each country had the chance to exhibit and showcase their cultures, traditions, entertainment and food to the entire University body. NO HATE THIS CHRISTMAS aimed at promoting anti-discrimination and world diversity, educating youth and elders alike about global cultures traditions. That met the AIESEC value of living diversity. (Rashed AlAjmi)

Earlier this winter, AIESEC University of Malta decided to celebrate Human Rights Day, as part of the international community, by organizing a global village under the title NO HATE THIS CHRISTMAS along with Agenzija Zaghzagh. This event is organized in order to share different cultures, traditions, religions and to show that we are all one, no matter where we come from, by aligning ourselves to various

Rashed AlAjmi

Medical Foundation Student Outgoing Exchange Member


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A longstanding and developing partnership

AIESEC and MISCO have been partners for a good number of years. This partnership has been developed further as time went by. This year’s team has put in lots of energy in achieving growth for AIESEC. Whilst facing the challenges faced by most student organisation, AIESEC is seeking to not let these obstacles come in the way of their aims and targets. Rather, they are seeking creative and innovative ways how they can get around these obstacles and develop their operations. In doing so, they are focusing to align themselves to AIESEC’s international standards whilst also seeking ways how to develop the AIESEC brand name in Malta. Despite its members having good potential, they are always seeking to develop their own skills in order to be in a better position to share knowledge. We assist them in achieving this by offering them the chance to attend our numerous training sessions throughout the year. Each event and activity being organised by AIESEC is aimed at developing the skills of students. This is confirmed by the positive feedback which was received from students attending an AIESEC seminar in which we organised a team building activity.

“they are seeking creative and innovative ways how they can get around these obstacles and develop their operations”

Furthermore, something which is striking is the team’s willingness to make a difference in the country. This is the first step towards something bigger, it is certainly an important step, if not the most important one. The focus on entrepreneurship and innovation is essential in consideration of the current times in which we need to constantly seek new ways to develop new business. Whilst seeking to develop business leaders they are also looking at addressing social issues thus reaching out to a different dimension. This is a partnership we appreciate and we look to the future to develop it further.

Article Written by MISCO.


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On behalf of AIESEC in Malta I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support and kindness. It would have been really difficult to do so much in such a short period of time without any help whatsoever. All your support and contribution throughout this whole term/years were and will always be very much appreciated. We look forward to working with you closely to put AIESEC in Malta forward and improve our relation through collaboration in organizing more successful events. Wishing all the best, a cheerful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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General Email: [email protected] Phone: 2340 2195


National Team: AIESEC Malta External Relations

Annmari Mangion: [email protected]

Facebook: /aiesecmalta

AIESEC University of Malta (UOM): AIESEC UOM President

Elizabeth Pulo: [email protected]

AIESEC UOM Incoming Exchange Caroline Nabbe: [email protected]

AIESEC UOM Outgoing Exchange Niki Debono [email protected]

AIESEC UOM Marketing

Asma Dekna [email protected]

Facebook: /aiesecuniversityofmalta

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