aguasan community of practice 1 aguasan workshop 29 (2013) preliminary outcomes aguasan workshop 29...

AGUASAN Community of Practice 1 AGUASAN WORKSHOP 29 (2013) Preliminary Outcomes AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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Page 1: AGUASAN Community of Practice 1 AGUASAN WORKSHOP 29 (2013) Preliminary Outcomes AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013 )

AGUASAN Community of Practice



Preliminary Outcomes

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

Page 2: AGUASAN Community of Practice 1 AGUASAN WORKSHOP 29 (2013) Preliminary Outcomes AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013 )

AGUASAN Community of Practice


AGUASAN…… an interdisciplinary Swiss CoP bringing together a wide range of specialists to promote wider and deeper understanding of key issues in WASH in developing and transition countries.

… provides since 1984 a functioning multi-stakeholder platform and think-tank serving the sector and constitutes an essential link in SDC’s thematic knowledge management strategy.

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

Page 3: AGUASAN Community of Practice 1 AGUASAN WORKSHOP 29 (2013) Preliminary Outcomes AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013 )

AGUASAN Community of Practice


Workshop topic

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

Meeting the Challenge of WASH in Health FacilitiesFostering synergies between the health sector and community care

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Workshop audience

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

A workshop for water and health sector specialists

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AGUASAN Community of Practice



Many health facilities in developing and transition countries do not have adequate amenities for water supply, sanitation and hygiene

Health facilities and staff have also the potential to play an important role in improving WASH in the entire community

WASH in health facilities not much on the radar screen of the development community / governments

WASH in Health facilities nevertheless a relevant issue for many water and health programs of Swiss DC/HA actors

Outcomes e-discussion SDC RésEAU/Health Network members: High significance of WASH in Health Facilities to protect the well-

being of staff, patients and visitors, to prevent epidemics and to act as a role model for the community

Need for further conceptual and practical guidance directed towards designers, planners, implementers and managers of WASH in Health Facilities

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key questions and issues

a) What are the specific WASH needs (technical/operational) of different types of HFs in routine and emergency situations – and how can these needs effectively be addressed (organizationally/institutionally)?

b) What are the potentials of HFs in improving the WASH situation in the surrounding communities and vice-versa – and how (approach, roles/responsibilities) can this interaction be effectively operationalized?

c) What guidance exists / is further needed for successfully designing, planning, implementing, managing and sustaining WASH in HFs – and what are the cogent collective benefits driving such interventions?

d) What kind of improvements in the countries’ water and health policy provisions are need to enable a conducive framework for sustainable WASH in HFs – and how can such an advancement be triggered?

e) What can each of us do in the aftermath of the workshop in strengthening WASH interventions in HFs and their interaction with the surrounding communities – and what kind of support is needed for this?

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice



1) Learning and sharing experiences about successful and failing WASH interventions in HF and their interactions with the surrounding communities

+2) Developing a concept and practical guidance for

strengthening and sustaining WASH in HF and its link with the surrounding communities

+3) Planning workshop outreach in respect to effective

application of the learning and outcomes to each ones professional situation and institutional interventions

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice

8 AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

▼ 41 participants bringing in their personal experiences and expertise

▼ Thematic key inputs in plenary brought in by resource persons

▼ Group work on topic cases brought in by case presenters

▼ Collation of lessons learned and best practices in plenary

▼ Thematic excursion (health waste management in the regional hospital of Thun)

▼ Agenda setting and planning of future action in working groups

▼ Closing session (IYWC2013 performance, evaluation)

Main features

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key inputs from resource persons

WASH and Health, with an emphasis on neglected tropical diseases (Jürg Utzinger, Ecosystem Health Sciences, Swiss TPH)

Minimum WASH Requirements in Health Facilities (Antoine Delepière, WASH Advisor, Terre des hommes)

WASH in Health Facilities – a Ministry of Health Perspective (Louis Nana, Sanitary District of Nongr-Massom, Burkina Faso) AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Topic cases from case presenters Bruno Pascual (Tdh): WASH in health centres in Mali –

minimum standards

Apollinaire Hadonou (Helvetas): From basic WASH conditions to hygiene promotion spaces – case study of health centres in Benin and Burkina Faso

Feruza Madaliyeva (ISW): WASH in a regional tuberculosis sanatorium in Ferghana region- Uzbekistan

Wellars Ndutiye (SDC): Amélioration de l’accès à l’eau potable, à l’assainissement et des pratiques d’hygiène dans les structures de santé de la province de Ngozi, Burundi

Waseem Ul Haq (SDC): Community based emergency water treatment in Pakistan

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key findings – full package

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key findings – areas of practical action

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key findings – practical actions at…

…local (HF) level …regional/national level

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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AGUASAN Community of Practice


Key findings - various

Paucity of information of WASH at health facilities

Minimum standards on WASH in HF available but with gaps on software issues and not known enough

HFs have to pay for WASH services (often a major client) a need a budget for this

HF is a key place for WASH education and has to be where good example is shown

HF is not a place for WASH experiments - use main-stream technologies to guarantee O&M and viability

Include communication budget/strategy to influence public health policy

AGUASAN Workshop 29 (2013)

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Participants AGUASAN Workshop 29SolbadHotel Sigriswil, June 17th – 21st, 2013