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Page 1: Agriculture





By Kiran Prasad

Page 2: Agriculture


The term “Agriculture” has been derived from a latin word “Agerculturura” (ager = a field; culture= to cultivate), which literally means “Cultivation of land”

Agriculture refers to the art of raising plant life from the soil. It is not merely tilling of land, but implies a conscious and determined effort on the part of man to utilise the soil for his benefit. It includes all such human efforts as are conducive to the quick and better growth of vegetable and animal products for the benefit of man.

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Factors affecting Agriculture • Physical factors • Socio-Economic factors

1. Physical factors : (a) Climate

(b) Soil

(c) Relief There are 3 elements in Relief which affects agriculture 1. Altitude, 2. Aspect & 3. Gradient influence

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2. Socio-Economic factors

(a) Land tenure

(b) Scale of Operations

(c) Marketing

(d) Transport

(e) Labour

(f) Capital

(g) Government Influences

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Cereals (wheat, Rice, Maize, Rye, Oats, Millets and Barley) and pulses are the major food grains cultivated in different parts of the world. They differ from each other in respect of soil and climate requirements, methods of cultivation and type of farming.








Agricultural Crops-Types of Crops

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1. WHEAT Wheat is the most important of all grains since it makes the best

flour and bread that is the best for the growth of man’s body. It is the staple food of all the white people and is consumed widely in the Soviet Union, the United States of America, Canada, India, China, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Turkey.

• Types of Farming:1. Commercial Grain farming2. Commercial Crop & Livestock

farming3. Commercial Crop farming and

Horticulture with subsidiary Livestock

4. Intensive dry (field) farming5. Intensive Irrigation or Wet


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Producing Patten of Wheat in the world

•Asia = 45%

•Europe = 30%

•North America = 16%

•South America = 3%

•Oceania = 4%

•Africa =2%

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Varieties of Rice

• Japonica

• Indica

2. Rice

Rice is by far the most important grain of the tropics. It is the staple food of the people living in tropical countries. In fact rice is a necessity in the densely populated parts of the monsoon lands, as it give more calories of energy per hectare than wheat.

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3. MAIZE Maize is an important food crop in

the countries where people have a low standard of living. It ranks as the 3rd most important food grain, after wheat and rice, it is known as the Corn of America & Europe.In U.S.A, it is used for feeding cattle.

Production pattern: North America = 45%Asia = 28%Europe = 12%South America = 8%Africa = 7%

International TradeBulk of the maize produced is

consumed in the home market and only about 16 per cent of the maize produced is put in the world market for sale. The chief exporting countries are the U.S.A, Thailand, Argentina, S. Africa, Brazil, Belgium, Korea DPR, France, Singapore and Netherlands.

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4. RYE It is an important grain of temperature lands and is used in making bread and liquors. It has been cultivated in Asia and Europe from times immemorial and has been used by people of the low income group. Among the Cereal crops of the world, Rye is not extensively cultivated and is considered only as a second class bread grain, next to wheat, because of its high Gluten content

Producing Areas: Rye is essentially a European agro-product. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Poland & Turkey etc. are the principal producers of Rye in the world. Outside Europe, Rye is cultivated in the USA & Argentina, But Rye cultivation is declined in the USA.

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International Trade of RYE:

The International Trade in Rye is of very little significance as it is essentially grown for domestic consumption. Canada, Sweden, Poland, France, Netherlands & U.S.A are the principal exporters..

While major Importers include Russia, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Italy & Switzerland.

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5.BARLEY Barley was among the earliest

cultivated cereals. Barley ranks high in food value, but it has failed to gain high favour as a bread making material. It is however, widely used as for making soups, porridge, baby foods etc. High quality barley used to make malt. Generally principal use of barley is as a feed for domestic animals.

Condition for GrowthIt grows in a wider range of climates in Hot, Temperate, and Cold regions, on Flat plains, as well as on elavations upto 4,000Mtrs above the sea level. It requires moderate amount of rainfall, between 75 & 100cm per year. It requires rich fertile soils and cannot be grown in sandy, poor or infertile soils

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Producing Areas of Barley: Europe produces about a quarter of the world’s barley. Heavy production occurs in a belt streching from the United Kingdom & France eastward into Russia. Canada, Germany and Russia are the raking world producers, in descending order. Other areas of production outside Europe are: USA, Turkey, China, India & Australia, etc.

International Trade Barley is not an important

commodity for International trade, since a little over 4% of the global output enters into the International market. The USA & Canada contribute about 60% of the world’s Exports. Other notable Exporters are Argentina, Denmark & France. The major Importers include Germany, UK, Japan & Netherlands which claim about 50% of global import trade of barley.

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Oats is also an important food grain of the world and is used both for human consumption and as feed for farm animals. It is also grown as a rotation crop and is rotated with maize and wheat. Oats are now most extensively grown in Asia. The cultivation of Oats is almost entirely confined to the Northern hemisphere.

Producing Areas: The U.S.A. produces

about 17% of the world’s output. Canada, Germany, Poland, France, Sweden & China are the important producers

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International Trade of Oats:

The International Trade of oats is not significant because of the relative poor value of the grain. A very negligible amount of only 2-3% of the total output enters the International market. In 1975, only about 217 million metric tons out of a total production of 49 million metric tons of oats were exported.

The principal exporters are USA, Russia, Australia & poland etc.

The importing countries include United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, Etc.

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Beverages Tea, Coffee, Cacao and tobacco are non-alcoholic beverages; whereas tea, coffee & cacao are popular drinks but tobacco is an intoxicant mainly used in smoking & Chewing in various forms.

1.Tea 2.Coffee

3. Cacao 4. Tobacco

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TeaTea is a popular drink all over the world. Tea is the general name given to the dried leaves of broad-leaved evergreen bushes known as “Thea Sinesis”. The Tea is a native plant of highlands of China and Assam (India). It was cultivated in China in 2700years ago. Initially it was used in China as a medical drink. From the far east, it spread to Europe and other parts of the world.Conditions of GrowthIt requires a warm climate with a temperature of about 27degree Celsius throughout the growing period. However it can be grown in lower temperature of about 16 degree Celsius as well. It requires an average rainfall of about 200 cm coming in a frequent showers. Heavy fog and morning dew favour the growth of young leaves. Long dry spell is harmful for the crop.Production patternNearly ¾ of the world’s tea is produced in eastern and south eastern Asia. Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, Turkey & Iran etc. produce the rest. Among Asian countries India, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam are the major tea producers.

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Coffee Coffee is a mild stimulating popular drink in the modern world. It is a non-alcoholic beverage crops and ranks first in commercial importance, followed by tea and cacao. It was first seen in district of Kaffa, Ethiopia from where it derives its name.

Types of Coffee

1.Coffee Arabica, 2. Coffee Robusta & 3. Coffee Liberica

Conditions of growthIt grows best at altitudes of 300 to 1800 mtrs where the days may be warm, temperatures ranging from between 21d celsius and 27d celsius in summer and not less than 10d celcius in the coldest month. Frost is high;y injurios to coffee plant. It requires much moisture-an annual rainfall to 125 to 100cm, but a relatively dry period during the picking season.. Fertile well drained soils, rich in iron and potash are most suitable for the coffee plantation.

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Cacao (Cocoa)Theobroma Cacao or simply cacao is a native plant (trees) of the western hemisphere, more precisely of tropical South America where it was grown most abundantly in the Central American lowlands and also in thee valleys of the Amazon and the Orinoco.

Conditions of GrowthThe Cacao tree is restricted to tropical lowland areas, for its requires an average temperature of 24d Celsius, with a minimum of 16d Celsius. It also requires high humidity (80-90%) and a rainfall of 125cm or more per year. A long dry season is likely to hit the commercial success of its production. The cacao tree must be protected against the direct sun rays and from the winds.

International tradeImporters of Cocoa are: Europe, North america, Uk, Germany, Netherlands,, France, Belgium, Italy & Switzerland etc.Exporters includes Ghana, Ivory Coast, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaysia & Ecuador, etc.

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TobaccoTobacco is a truly cosmopolitan crop in regard to its consumption as well as production. In some from or other, it is used by all people of the world. Tobacco is widely used for smoking, chewing, to a small extent in medicine, and also a sheep wash for destroying insects which inject the fleece.

Condition of Growth

Tobacco requires fairly high temperature between 21d Celsius and 27d Celsius & a moderate amount of rainfall. It can also be cultivated in regions of cool summers and in warm deserts with the help of irrigation. Frosts are harmful. It grows well in light, deep and well drained soils that are rich in time, potash & humus. Tobacco being an exhausting crop, requires constant use of fertilizers for maintaining fertility of soil.

International trade

Leading exporters are USA, Brazil,Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Korea, Canada & China

Leading Importers includes UK, Germany, Japan, France, Russia & Spain etc.

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