agincourt 1415

Agincourt 1415

Upload: ryanbud

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Agincourt 1415

Across the English ChannelFrance Is across the English channel so in order to get there they needed to use boats. Each boat was sail powered and had the British flag on it. Each boat had been loaded up with supplies such as food, water, weapons ect.. The boats took around a week or two to make it to the coast of France.

The FluxWhen King Henry V arrived at Harfleur a disease struck. The disease was called the flux. The flux is a disease that strikes hard, fast and spreads easily. Its symptoms are fever, intestinal hemorrhages, and diarrhea. There is a very scarce variety of treatments. This disease struck the British army and the residents of Harfleur. A lot of people died although the siege continued.

The BattleAlthough you have already seen the video there is more to explain. The horses didn’t stop because of the arrows they stopped because they noticed the stakes. If you were paying attention you would have noticed that the French were celebrating before the battle because they thought they would win. Why did they think that? Because there army was huge. The only reason why the British won is because the French army was too big to fit on the field and was clumsy because they believed that they would win no matter what.

The End

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