agile tour 2011 radu davidescu

Why an Agile implementation might fail few things that you should be aware when you decide to implement Agile a presentation facilitated by Radu Davidescu

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Why an Agile implementation might fail few things that you should be aware when you decide to implement Agile a presentation facilitated by Radu Davidescu

Page 2: Agile tour 2011   radu davidescu

Can Agile implementations fail? Unless facilitated by Chuck Norris, YES, Agile implementations can fail!

Page 3: Agile tour 2011   radu davidescu

Agile implementations might fail because …

!   change <> transformation

!   transformation is perceived differently by different team members

!   formal leaders lose consistency

!   informal leaders are laggards

!   you are still attached and not committed to a result

!   you pursue total consensus

!   doing Agile <> being Agile

!   you try to implement Agile

!   implementations might fail

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change <> transformation Change

!   change is creating a better past in the future (like cheaper, faster, easier and so on)


!   transformation is creating a new future

Change is not merely necessary to life — it is life. Alvin Toffler, in Future Shock‎ (1970), p. 304

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•  Idealists are analytical

•  Sentimentalists are emotional

•  Mercenaries are financialy driven

Transformation is perceived differently by

different team


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Formal leaders lose consistency

!   in Agile adoption formal leaders switch from “command and control” and hierarchy to collaboration and flat hierarchy

!   defining certain rules where “command and control” and traditional hierarchy will still apply and maintaining consistency is critical for a successful Agile implementation

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Informal leaders are laggards Laggards are the guardians of the “status quo”. When the informal leaders of the group are laggards, Agile adoption might be in great danger!

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You are still attached and not committed to a result Attached

!   A strong bonding towards or with.

!   A dependence, especially a strong one.

Wiktionary definitions


!   Being bound emotionally/intellectually to a course of action or to another person/other persons.

!   The trait of sincerity and focused purpose.

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You pursue total consensus

Recommended consensus points:

!   The process was explicit, rational and fair

!   I was treated well and my inputs were heard

!   I can live with and I commit to the outcomes

Agile is about diversity, yet the trap of total consensus it’s there.

Everyone voice need to be heard.

Establish point of consensus.

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doing Agile <> being Agile “You are now ScrumMasters! Prepare to be frustrated!” Robin Dymond – my CST

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You try to implement Agile

!   Your goal should feed your motivation

!   Agile is a methodology, some even consider it a philosophy

!   Scrum is a process framework

!   Backlog is a tool

To make it work you need a better, brighter purpose. It should be clearly defined and embraced by the team.

Agile should be an agreed way of reaching goals, not a goal!

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Implementations might fail Sometimes, no matter how good you are, how great circumstances look, how positive conditions are, things might fail!

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A final tip! If you are going hire an Agile consultant that will present you only success stories, think about it! He might not be aware about the list discussed above.

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I know you have questions, so don’t be shy! Thank you very much for your time! Radu Davidescu @rdavidescu / / [email protected]