agile and plan based development processes

Agile and plan-based software processes Software Engineering 10

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Agile and plan-based software


Software Engineering 10

Software process

A structured set of activities for

software development

Specification – defining what the software should do

Design– defining the organization and structure of the system

Implementation and testing –programming the system and checking that it does what the customer wants;

Evolution – changing the system in response to changing customer needs.

Implementation and testing–programming the system and checking that it does what the customer wants;

Plan-driven and agile processes

Plan-driven processes are processes

where all of the process activities are

planned in advance and progress is

measured against this plan.

In agile processes, planning is

incremental and it is easier to

change the plan and the software to

reflect changing customer


In practice, most practical processes

include elements of both plan-driven

and agile approaches.

Different types of system need

different software processes

The waterfall model of software


The waterfall model

Chapter 2 Software Processes


The waterfall model is used in

systems engineering projects where

a system is developed at several


The plan-driven nature of the

waterfall model helps coordinate the


Inflexible partitioning of the project

into distinct stages makes it difficult

to respond to changing customer


Inflexible partitioning of the project

into distinct stages makes it difficult

to respond to changing customer


Waterfall processes are only

appropriate when the requirements

are well-understood and changes

limited during the design process.

Few business systems have stable


Agile software processes.

Based on incremental development

where process activities are


Short iterations (2-4 weeks)


Minimal documentation

Aim is to be responsive to change

and reduce the time required to

deliver useful functionality to users


Incremental development

Chapter 2 Software Processes


The cost of implementing changes to

customer requirements is reduced.

The amount of analysis and

documentation that has to be redone

is less than is required with the

waterfall model.


It is easier to get customer feedback

on the development work.

Customers can comment on

demonstrations of the software and

see how much has been



Rapid delivery and deployment of

useful software to the customer is


Customers are able to use and gain

value from the software earlier than

is possible with a waterfall process.


Problems with incremental


The process is not visible.

Documents help managers assess

progress but in agile processes

systems it is not cost-effective to

document every version of the



System structure tends to degrade

as new increments are added.

Unless time and money is spent on

refactoring to improve the software,

regular change usually corrupts its



Integration and reuse

Systems are integrated from existing

components or application systems.

Reused elements may be configured

to adapt their behaviour and

functionality to user requirements


Systems are integrated from existing

components or application systems.

Reused elements may be configured

to adapt their behaviour and

functionality to user requirements


Types of reusable software


Stand-alone application systems that

are configured for use in a particular



Reusable components that are

integrated with other reusable and

specially written components


Web services that are developed

according to service standards and

which are available for remote



Reuse-oriented software engineering

Chapter 2 Software Processes


Reuse based development is a mix of

plan-based and agile development

Requirements are planned in

advance but an iterative and agile

approach can be taken to design and


Requirements specification

Software discovery and evaluation

Requirements refinement



Long lifetime, critical and

embedded systems



Software products and apps



Business systems


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