aggregate (ag ruh git) partial amount sum total, whole amount ag- do, act, drive (root) root,...

Aggregate (AG ruh git) Vocab Lesson 21 Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately, Aggregation, aggregated, aggregating difficult to mine, the aggregate of mineral resources in Alaska are

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Page 1: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Aggregate (AG ruh git)

Vocab Lesson 21

Partial amount

Sum total, whole amount

Ag- do, act, drive (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Aggregative, aggregately,Aggregation, aggregated,aggregating

Although difficult to mine, the aggregate of mineral resources in Alaska are immense.

Page 2: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Archipelago (are kuh PEL uh go)

Vocab Lesson 21

A group of islands

Arch-ruler or chief (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The sailors were excited when they reached the archipelago.


Page 3: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Boon (BOON)

Vocab Lesson 21

Favorable; a blessing, a benefit

Bon-good, well (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Hiring that young man was a boon for our company.


Boons, boonless

Page 4: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Buffoon (buh FOON)

Vocab Lesson 21

A clown, a silly or stupid person

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Only a buffoon would stand on the table during Christmas dinner.

Buffoonery, buffoonish

Page 5: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Chicanery (sheh KAY nuh ree)

Vocab Lesson 21

Honesty, truthfulness

Unethical methods, trickery

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The lawyer used chicanery to get the witness off guard in his testimony.

Chicaner, chicane, Chicaned, chicaning,chicaneries

-y characterized by (suffix)

Page 6: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Contaminant (kun TAM uh nunt)

Vocab Lesson 21

Something that causes impurity; something that defiles or pollutes

Con-together (prefix) ant-one who (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The polluted water contained many dangerous contaminants.


Contaminate, contaminatedContaminating contaminator,contamination

Page 7: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Corrugated (KOR uh gay ted)

Vocab Lesson 21

Bent into folds

Cor-heart (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


A corrugated box absorbs shock and helps to protect its contents.


Corrugate, corrugating

Page 8: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Deleterious (del eh TEER ee us)

Vocab Lesson 21

Harmful; dangerous; injurious

ous-having; full of;characterized by (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Some chemicals have deleterious effects on those who must handle them.

baneful, detrimental,noxious, pernicious

harmless; benigndeletery, deleteriously,deleteriousness

Page 9: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Disputatious (dis pyoo TAY shus)

Vocab Lesson 21

Inclined to fight, to argue, or to debate

Dis-opposite, not, away from (prefix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


People avoided serious discussions with him because of his disputatious manner.


Dispute, disputability, Disputation, disputatiously,Disputatiousness, disputative,Disputatively, disputativeness

Page 10: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Emend (eh MEND)

Vocab Lesson 21

To correct (usually by a critic)

E-out, away (prefix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The newspaper had to emend the incorrect statement printed in the paper.

Emendable, emendate, emendation, emendator, emendatory, emends, emendingemended

Page 11: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Fetter (FET ur)

Vocab Lesson 21

To restrict by shackling or chaining

Er-one who (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The convict was fettered to prevent his escape.

Fettered, fettering

To liberate

Page 12: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Giddy (GID ee)

Vocab Lesson 21


Y-characterized by (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


I became giddy after drinking the champagne at the reception.

Giddify, giddily, giddiness


Page 13: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Heterogeneity (het uh ro je NEE eh tee)

Vocab Lesson 21

State of being dissimilar, composition from unlike elements

Hetero-different, other (root)Gen-race, family, kind(root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Coming from many countries and cultures, students in my class are an example of heterogeneity.

Heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogeneously, heterogeneousness



Page 14: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Indomitable (in Dom eh tuh bul)

Vocab Lesson 21

Incapable of being conquered

Domin-master (root)In-not, go into(prefix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


He was from a tribe that was thought to be indomitable but finally was forced to live on the reservation.

Indomitability, indomitableness, indomitably


Page 15: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Irresolute (eh REZ uh loot)

Vocab Lesson 21

Indecisive, unsure of how to proceed

Ir-not (prefix)Sol-alone (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction.

Irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution

Sure; decisive; certain

Page 16: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Metaphorically (met uh FOR ik lee)

Vocab Lesson 21

Compared nonliterally

Meta-change, after, Beyond, between (root)Morph-form (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Metaphorically speaking, he is drowning in oil.

Metaphor, metaphorical, metaphoricalness, metaphorist, metaphorize


Page 17: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Panacea (pan uh SEE uh)

Vocab Lesson 21

Cure-all, remedy for all ills

Pan-all (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Love, not money, is the panacea for your problems.

Panacean, panace

Page 18: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Peruse (puh ROOZ)

Vocab Lesson 21

To skim

To read or to examine

Per-through, throughout (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


My lawyer says he has not had time to peruse the contract.

Perusal, perusable,Perused, perusing

Page 19: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Prodigy (PROD eh jee)

Vocab Lesson 21

Ordinary occurance

One with exceptional talents or powers; an extraordinary accomplishment

Y-characterized by (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Mozart was considered a child prodigy since he had great musical talents at a very early age.


Page 20: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Rebuff (reh BUFF)

Vocab Lesson 21

To accept

To snub or to refuse bluntly

Re-again (prefix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The woman was not afraid to rebuff the man’s inappropriate advances toward her.

Rebuffed, rebuffing, rebuffs

Page 21: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Resilient (reh ZIL yunt)

Vocab Lesson 21


Ability to return to a former state

Ent-doing; having; Showing (prefix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


There is a need for more resilient bumpers on cars that can withstand minor accidents.

Resiliency resiliently

Page 22: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Scapegoat (SKAPE gote)

Vocab Lesson 21

One who takes the blame for others

Compound word

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Since no one wanted to point a finger at the real culprit, the innocent man was made a scapegoat for the crime.

Page 23: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Spurious (SPYOOR ee us)

Vocab Lesson 21


False or deceitful

Ous- having; full ofCharacterized by (suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Cashing forged checks is a spurious activity.

Spuriously, spuriousness

Page 24: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Tractable (TRAK tuh bul)

Vocab Lesson 21

Amenable, docile

Willful; unruly

Capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled; obedient

tract- pull or drag (root)Able-capable of(suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


It is odd that the students in first period are so unruly, while those in second period are very tractable.

Tractability, tractableness, tractably

Page 25: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,

Vivacious (vi VAY shus)

Vocab Lesson 21


Full of life; very animated

viv- life, lively (root)Ous-having full of(suffix)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Game shows are looking for vivacious contestants who are fun to watch and who will liven up the show.

Vivaciously, vivaciousness, vivacity

Page 26: Aggregate (AG ruh git) Partial amount Sum total, whole amount Ag- do, act, drive (root) Root, Prefix, SuffixSynonym/Antonym Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately,