africa map and regions


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Post on 08-Feb-2016




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Africa Map and Regions. What is the name of this river. The Nile river. What country is this?. Libya. What country is this?. Egypt. What country is this?. tunisia. The circle covers what?. The Sahara desert. The arrow points to what area?. The Congo basin. What is this lake?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Africa Map and Regions

Africa Map and RegionsWhat is the name of this river

The Nile river

What country is this?


What country is this?


What country is this?


The circle covers what?

The Sahara desert

The arrow points to what area?

The Congo basin

What is this lake?

Lake Victoria

What is the name of this mountain?

Mount Kilimanjaro

Name the landform

Great rift valley

What is the name of this island?


What country is this?


What body of water is this?

Cape of good hope

What body of water is this?

Mozambique Channel

What country is this?

South africa

What city is this?

Johannesburg, South Africa

What is this country


What region of Africa is this?Cultural Hearth Parts of this African culture have spread throughout Africa through the Bantu Migrations, and through the world due to slavery.Three empires in the region, Ghana, Mali, and Songhai supported by gold and salt exports. Extremely diverse population thousands of languages and ethnic groups.

West AfricaCultural Hearth Parts of this African culture have spread throughout Africa through the Bantu Migrations, and through the world due to slavery.Three empires in the region, Ghana, Mali, and Songhai supported by gold and salt exports. Extremely diverse population thousands of languages and ethnic groups.

What region of Africa is this?Region faces huge problem with AIDS/HIV, 25% infection rate and higher. Vast amounts of natural resources: gold, diamonds, metals, uranium, and others.This region has a country once under Apartheid whites ruled, blacks as 2nd class citizens. Ended in 1994, due in part to Nelson Mandela

Southern AfricaRegion faces huge problem with AIDS/HIV, 25% infection rate and higher. Vast amounts of natural resources: gold, diamonds, metals, uranium, and others.This region has a country once under Apartheid whites ruled, blacks as 2nd class citizens. Ended in 1994, due in part to Nelson Mandela

What region of Africa is this?Region colonized by France and Belgium. King Leopold II of Belgium ran the Congo as his private property, destroying much of it. After independence, the region fell into civil war. Originally home to the Bantu people, who migrated across Africa and spread their culture. They lived in stateless societies before colonization.Region centered on the Congo River Basin.

Central AfricaRegion colonized by France and Belgium. King Leopold II of Belgium ran the Congo as his private property, destroying much of it. After independence, the region fell into civil war. Originally home to the Bantu people, who migrated across Africa and spread their culture. They lived in stateless societies before colonization.Region centered on the Congo River Basin.

What region of Africa is this?Persistent problems with piracy, warfare and famine in Horn of AfricaCash Crops such as coffee, tea, sugarCrossroads for many trade routes with Middle East, India, and Asia. Mainly rural and agricultural... Sahel nations are a mess, Kenya and Tanzania are doing okay. Region depends heavily on tourism (in Serengeti and Kilimanjaro).

Eastern AfricaPersistent problems with piracy, warfare and famine in Horn of AfricaCash Crops such as coffee, tea, sugarCrossroads for many trade routes with Middle East, India, and Asia. Mainly rural and agricultural... Sahel nations are a mess, Kenya and Tanzania are doing okay. Region depends heavily on tourism (in Serengeti and Kilimanjaro).