afp dfw philanthropy conference 2013 ~ appleton handout


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This bibliography includes a number of helpful resources, many of which were used in the formulation of my presentation during the AFP DFW Philanthropy Conference at the Irving Convention Center, June 7, 2013. To view the slide presentation on SlideShare, follow this link: Thank you!


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AFP DFW Philanthropy Conference 2013

Irving Convention Center

“Social Media: Major Gift & Planned Giving Applications”

Carolyn M. Appleton, CFRE

This presentation provides students with real-life examples about how major gift donors,

professional advisors, and other key nonprofit influencers use social media, by someone who has

worked with them. Nonprofit executives, including seasoned major gift and planned giving

professionals, should not shy away from social media but rather adopt and make use of it to

supplement more traditional fundraising activities. An ample question-and-answer period will be set

aside at the conclusion of the presentation.

Printed and Online Resources

Carolyn’s Nonprofit Blog ~ Fundraising Advice and Observations:

Carolyn M. Appleton, “Baby Boomers and Seniors are Embracing Social Media,” Carolyn’s Nonprofit Blog on WordPress (

Ollie Bigler, “Six Reasons Your Website Will Fail,” Marketing Profs, April 12, 2013 (

Boston College, “Giving Data Show Boomers Poised for Record Giving Capacity,” February 7, 2012, AFP Reports and Research (

Business News Daily, “The 7 Most Important Things On Your Website,” February 16, 2012 (

Campbell Rinker, as reported in Huffington Post Impact, “Online Giving Important to Donors 60+” (

Constant Contact blogs and webinars for help in the trenches (

Sarah Durham, Brandraising (2010: Josey Bass).

Fred Fickes, “Nonprofits Collect Data But Do They Use It?” Mobilisation Lab, November 14, 2012:

Seth Godin, “The Reason They Call It a Browser,” May 14, 2013 (

Lori Halley, “Big Data for Small Organizations,” NTEN: Nonprofit Technology Network, October 4, 2012:

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Erich Hamm, “Building Relationships with Professional Advisors,” Philanthropy Journal, April 15, 2011.

Aidan Hijleh, “How to Appeal to Facebook’s Fastest Growing Demographic: Seniors,” also includes Boomers,, October 4, 2011.

JustGiving (UK), “Older Donors and Online Giving,” August 6, 2012 (

Cynthia Wilson Krause, “Checklist for Planned Giving Officers,” The NonProfit Times (

Lindsay LaVine for Entrepreneur, “3 Must-know Basics to Managing Your Company’s Social Media,” February 5, 2013 (

Kristina Leroux, Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog, “Breaking Down Your Data: How to Set Your Own Benchmarks,” April 22, 2013 (

Kristina Leroux (Miller), The Nonprofit Marketing Guide (John Wiley & Sons, 2010).

Jill Warren Lucas for Philanthropy Journal, “Tips for Starting, Fine-tuning Your Cross-platform Commuications,” April 29, 2013 (

Ian Lurie, “The Data-Driven Disadvantage,” IBM Smarter Commerce, September 7, 2012 (

MarketSmart Blog, “What’s wrong with the Words on Planned Giving Websites?” April 16, 2012 (State Farm:

Amy Jo Martin, Renegades Write the Rules (2012: John Wiley & Sons).

NTEN: Nonprofit Technology Network, search results for blogging:

Eric Nagourney for The New York Times, “Why Am I a Challenge for Charities?” January 12, 2013:

Nielsen, “Trust in Online, Social and Mobile Advertising Grows,” April 4, 2012 (

Dan Pallotta, “Data Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be,” Dan Pallotta (Tumblr), August 22, 2012 (

Milton Pedraza, CEO, Luxury Institute, YouTube video (8:02), “Big Data”: .

Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Demographics of Internet Users,” 2013:

Roxanne Reyes, “Quick Guide to Starting a Nonprofit Blog,” Nonprofit Bridge, January 12, 2013:

Salesforce Marketing Cloud, “How to Develop a Social Media Strategy,” SlideShare, July, 2012 (

Brian Solis, “4 Signs Your Stock Won’t be a Digital Age Winner: Companies That Ignore Innovation Will be its Victims,” (I believe this is true for nonprofit organizations, too) MarketWatch, The Wall Street Journal, April 16, 2013 (

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Katherine E. Swank. J.D. and Lawrence C. Henze, J.D., “Data Bytes or Data Bites? Using Data Efficiently for Planned-Giving Programs,” Advancing Philanthropy, July/August 2012.

Marla Tabaka, “Toss Out Your Social Media Metrics,” an interview with Peter Shankman,, May 7, 2012.

Hollis Thomases,, “11 Reasons a 23-Year-Old Shouldn’t Run Your Social Media,” August 10, 2012.

Baratunde Thurston, “The Social Media Road Map (Sorta),” Fast Company, September, 2012 , “Our surefire, can’t lose, 100% accurate guarantee: In this evolving marketplace, nothing is predictable.”

Mal Warwick, “Just the Facts on Legacy Giving,” The SOFII Foundation, UK (

Mal Warwick, “What an Effective Planned Giving Program Can Mean for Your Organization,” ( ~ Learning Resources).

Updated: May 23, 2013