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HAM Plan Programming Website: Email: [email protected] Instagram: hamplan Affiliate Resource Back TO Business It’s time for action. To help you on this journey, we at the HAM Plan have put together this guide as a resource to help you and your affiliate not only return to operations but to start in a better place than before. If these times have taught us anything, it’s the power of community. Let’s build it back together.

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Affiliate Resource

Back TO BusinessIt’s time for action.

To help you on this journey, we at the HAM Plan have put together this guide as a resource to

help you and your affiliate not only return to operations but to start in a better place than


If these times have taught us anything, it’s the power of community. Let’s build it back together.

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IntroLike you, we are affiliate owners, coaches, and members all at the same time. We have had the fortune of being in this

industry for 35+ years combined. Our hope is to share our lessons learned as well as best practices that we believe will

help you push toward a new normal. The experience and effort behind the HAM Plan is more than just tested, tried,

and true programming. We believe that the best thing we can do through the HAM Plan is provide you educational,

instrumental, and informational support to fine tune the fitness experience you offer to your athletes.

Despite the changing coaching medium or the frustrations and tragedies caused by the current health crisis, our

goal remains the same: We aim to provide you with the tools for creating an inclusive, productive, and safe fitness

experience for each and every athlete that walks into your gym or logs into a virtual class.

This guide is meant to provide you with a toolkit of tested methods to help you and your affiliate navigate the obstacles

created by the current healthcare crisis. Along the way we will be here, right beside you, working tirelessly to create

opportunities for our coaches, fitness communities, and members. As situations change, our focus remains consistent: to

provide all of our members the chance to work hard and have fun.

- Team HAM

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How We can HelpOur goal is to share our knowledge and lessons learned with the affiliate, coaching, and athlete communities because we are affiliate owners, coaches, and athletes too. We think we can be most effective at helping you and your business navigate these difficult and uncharted times in two ways:

Sharing our knowledge and experience in a guide like the one you’re reading.We put a lot of our cumulative knowledge and experiences into this with the hope that it provides you with a valuable tool to protect

what we both know is so important to us: our communities.

Saving you time on tasks that don’t require your immediate focus. Your focus should be your business.How are we going to do this? Here’s what we have to offer.

Our Offer to YouTo allow you to spend time doing what you do best — running your business and building your community —

we are offering you the following:



Affiliate Program

• Daily WOD

• Full, detailed Class Plans

• Daily Accessory

• Weekly “Extra Work”

• Let us get to know you

• Ask us any questions

• We’ll virtually coach your members through any skill you want

• 30-minute session

• Coaching coaches is our passion and liveli-hood. We want to share that with your team.

• 30-minute session

• Daily WOD with 2 options:

• Low Equipment (DB + Jump Rope)

• Bodyweight

• Daily Video Overview + Demos

2 Workout Programs3 Individual, Virtual Meetings

HAM at Home Program

Initial Discussion/Consultation 25+ years on CrossFit

Seminar Staff

20+ years at the CrossFit


35+ years coaching &

running affiliates

Skill Session

Coaching Development Program

1 Experienced Team

To support all of you during this time, we are

discounting our Affiliate & At-Home Programs. Learn MOre

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Table of Contents5 Phase 0: Assessing your Business

6 An Honest Gut-Check

8 Why It Matters

9 Phase 1: Virtual Classes Only

10 Class Procedure

12 Best Practices

13 Detailed Class Example

16 Helpful Zoom Tips

19 Phase 1 FAQ

21 Phase 2: Limited On-site + Virtual Classes

22 Overview

23 Preparing Your Gym

25 On-Going Sanitation Plan

28 Running 45-minute Classes

29 Other Potential Offerings

31 Phase 2 FAQ

33 Phase 3: Post-social Distancing Requirements

34 Finding the New Normal

36 Closing Remarks

37 Appendix: Resources

38 Sample Affiliate Protocol

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Assessing Your Business1. An Honest Gut-Check

Review your finances

2. Why it Matters

How to use your findings

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An Honest Gut-CheckThe current health crisis and prolonged closure of our gyms has created a daunting financial situation. What factors and data can

we review in order to ensure our long term financial success?

It’s important to remain as cash conervative as possible in this time. What expenses can we reduce? What expenses are essential?

For most affiliates, rent and payroll constitute the majority of expenses. We want to look at the effect prolonged closure has on our

ability to meet these expenses now as well as in the future. We can’t simply assume that opening back up, though a bright spot on

the horizon, will answer all of our current issues caused by the closures.

We started by looking at three major areas:

How long can the business keep running? This is called Runway. First, we need to calculate how much our

expenses outweigh our income each month, which is called the monthly net burn (Monthly Net Burn = Monthly

Expenses - Monthly Revenue). If our income is zero, our monthly net burn equals our monthly expenses.

To know how long we can keep the business running, we calculate our runway by dividing our cash reserves by

our monthly net burn (Runway = Cash Reserves / Monthly Net Burn). The resulting number is the number of

months we have until we run out of cash.

Doing this helps us take a very hard look at our current expenses and prioritize them. You can’t cut all of your

expenses, but it is worth your time to consult your accountants, lawyers, financial advisors, and landlords to

look at what can be done to reduce or alleviate expenses in the short and long term. By reducing expenses, you

will be able to reduce your monthly net burn and extend your runway, putting your business in a better position

to survive these tough times.

1. Current Cash Reserves

Monthly Burn & RUNWAY

Why it’s Important

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What is your break-even point? Assuming that all of your revenue comes from your monthly memberships, how

many members does your business need for revenue to equal costs (fixed and variable)? How close are you to

this number?

Calculate a 3 month projection based on your current revenue. If your affiliate opened back up tomorrow, could

it sustain itself for 3 months? What can you change to improve the likelihood of success? What things are out

of your control? Who can you reach out to or negotiate with to improve those factors that you cannot control?

Is your landlord willing to negotiate, etc.? We don’t want to assume that everything will go back to normal just

because our gym is open again.

We have seen affiliates all over the world handle this information differently. Many have employed unique

strategies to generate more revenue. This exercise provides us with more detailed information that we can use

to make educated decisions when considering our financial options, such as applying for loans, negotiating

costs, prioritizing expenses, and restructuring payroll.

This can help us understand how many classes we can run, how many coaches we might need, and how to price

out things like virtual class memberships, gear rental programs, or one-on-one sessions. It will also give you

insight into how much extra slack you might need to pick up.

2. Find your Break-Even Point

3. Make a Projection

REvenue Needed to Break even = Fixed Costs + Variable Costs

Plan 3 Months Out

Why it’s Important

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We recommend consulting your accountant, financial, or business advisor before making any decisions that

directly impact the function of your business. Consistently analyzing your revenue and available cash against

your monthly operating costs will assist in measuring the viability of your business during and post-quarantine.

These three factors constitute a short list of the factors that we considered in our own businesses and continue

to review. At the same time, we also realize that the nature of obstacles created by the current health crisis

cannot be accessed in a few short paragraphs.

In the following sections we discuss different operational and class coaching strategies to navigate reopening

your affiliate. Greater financial insight can help you understand which of the options outlined in the remainder

of this document are best suited for you and your business.

For example, what if you are close to your break-even point after some social distancing guidelines are lifted?

Depending on where you are located, you might be required to only allow 1:1 coaching and no group classes.

Understanding your financial needs and limitations will help you staff, price, and schedule these options more


Why It Matters

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Virtual Classes ONLY1. Class Procedure

Overview of the class and logistics

2. Best Practice Tips

Advice and tips for virtual classes

3. Detailed Class Example

In-depth class breakdown

4. Helpful Zoom Tips

5. Phase I FAQ

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Required Equipment2x Dumbbells

Jump Rope

Optional: Backpack


Class Structure

Duration: 45-50 minutes

Prep: Be online 10-15 minutes before the scheduled class time

Virtual Whiteboard: Post the low equipment and bodyweight accessory work.

After greeting the class, share either your screen or the “Zoom Whiteboard” depicting the following:

• Bodyweight Version

• Low Equipment Version

• Accessory & Stretching


General Warm-up: Make sure to warm up your athletes for the bodyweight version first. Utilize this

time to provide practice for the movements in this option.

The following section is built around our HAM at Home Program, which is designed to be

implemented with limited-to-no equipment.

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Specific Warm-up: Review and demo each DB movement that appears in the workout. Additionally, use

this time to address scaling options.

Give athletes some time to practice these movements during the pre-workout bathroom break.

Pre-workout Break: Allow 1:30-2:00 for a break to ask questions, use the bathroom, and make any

last-minute adjustments. As mentioned earlier, don’t be afraid of letting athletes use this time to

continue to practice movements under your watch if they so choose.

Workout: Share a screen timer or provide a timer in the foreground of your video. Make sure to place

an appropriate time cap on the workout to ensure most athletes finish around the same time.

Cooldown: If you’re hosting multiple virtual classes across the course of a day, it’s important to keep

the accessory work the same across classes.

We suggest this because at-home workouts can easily lead to movement redunancy, unneccessary

repetitiveness, and even potential movement “overuse.”

Finally, make sure to include a few minutes of stretching before ending class.

NOTE: Coach, cue, correct, acknowledge, and interact with your class participants as much as

(reasonably) possible during both warm-up periods.

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NOTE: Just because you’re virtual doesn’t mean we can’t cue and correct. Ensure to mix praise in with

your corrections, as a virtual environment has a different “feel” when coaching from afar.

Post-class Chat & Community Building: We know this is arguably the hardest part of these types of

classes. However, this is where we as coaches add long-term value to our members. Use this time, feel

out the vibe of the group, and try to chat it up a little.

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2. Best Practices TipsLog on 10:00 minutes prior to the class start time. Everyone else will come in muted, and you can unmute to have conversations when the crowd is smaller.

Ensure you ‘mute all’ once they start moving. It can be quite distracting when people are coughing or breathing into their phones for all to hear.

If your members are comfortable with it, ask them to turn on their video. We have found this help develop community as well as a little “buy in” to keep people accountable, just like in the gym.

Ask them to change their name in your video conferencing software. This should make it easier for you to coach, cue, and correct.

Smile and check-in. You are obviously not expecting a reply, but a smile is nice.It could change from a traditional question to “give me a thumbs up if you are feeling good today.” Think visual response, not verbal.

Try to set a music theme for the class. For example, the “All-out 00’s” playlist on Spotify is typically pretty awesome.

Have a clock in the background when and where possible. Though not mandatory, it can be draining for your athletes if they are always working for unknown amounts of time (from their


Demo the movement when appropriate. Having a coach (or yourself) demonstrate the movements and work out in the background can allow you to stay more calm while

talking and (when using a second coach as a demo) provide opportunity for cueing and correcting in real time for athletes.

Use some sort of headset with a microphone if possible.Audio is a major part of the experience for your athletes. The better you sound, the less they’ll listen to how you’re saying things and

more to what you’re saying. Airpods are a simple option.

Scaling is key. You have to provide limits and hard options. E.g. “If you cannot complete 5 burpees in :30, you will jump every second minute” (Death by Burpees workout). You may also have to

‘increase’ for some athletes so that they don’t finish significantly early within the limitations of the class.











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3. Detailed Class ExampleThe goal duration is typically 45 minutes.

However, if the workout itself exceeds 20 minutes, the class will likely end closer to the 1 hour mark.

Pre-Class Set-up <0:00

Introduction 0:00 - 5:00

In the comments section, write the following:

• Both versions of workouts (equipment and bodyweight)

• Accessory work

• Some of the more common scaling options

Ensure your computer is set up so you can see your athletes and they can see you. Check your lighting (if

possible) to make sure you’re visible.

Have a plan for class, including any scaling options, prepared ahead of time.

Make sure your headset/earbuds/microphone are set up and working.

If possible, position a clock so your members can see it.

Familiarize yourself with the platform you will be using (i.e. Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.)

In general, this should include a brief check-in and an open mic session for smaller classes.

Cover and include all aspects that you would normally cover when briefing a class at the whiteboard:

• Workout - both versions (equipment and bodyweight)

• Intended stimulus

• Scaling options - both for ability and injury

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General Warm-up 5:00 - 12:00

Specific Warm-up 12:00 - 18:00

Break, Questions, and Scaling 18:00 - 20:00

We need to fill these ~45 minutes with movement and solid instruction. Use this portion to get your athletes

warm and sweaty.

In general, this should progress from slower to faster and should not involve a lot of downtime.

Utilize this period to include some of the scaling options and/or “bodyweight” option here (if possible). This

will save you time later on in the class.

Mix time-bounded movements with a set number of reps in order to keep it varied. Time-bounded movements

(e.g. “perform jumping jacks for :20”) allow you to get as much movement out of your athletes as possible

without needing to “see” the group.

This will be shorter than normal (due to the nature of the movements).

• If the class is small and/or there are a limited number of “screens” to cue and correct, the time spent here will be short.

Use this time at the end of class to chat and cool down.

• If the class is large and/or there are a lot of screens, you can cue and correct a little more. However, be cognizant of how

many reps your athletes are performing.

Try to give broad points of instruction rather than focusing on small nuances that are harder to help with in a

virtual environment. Ask yourself, “What is the goal of the movement function and how do I relay that to my


Calling reps for most movements can be difficult in a virtual environment. Try to give athletes a specific number

of sets and reps so that you have the opportunity to do your best to see and correct.

• Specifically ask that they move at an “easy” pace to give you a longer window to see their movement.

Keep this short. Where possible, ask athletes to break earlier on so that you can keep the group moving.

Allow people to talk on their mics so that everyone can hear your answers. This will often answer future

questions and prevent redundant questions from being asked.

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Workout 20:00 - 35:00

After Bash 35:00 - 40:00

Stretching (and Mobility) 40:00 - 45:00

If the workout is task-priority (i.e. rounds for time, etc.), then it needs a reasonable time cap.

It is awkward and slow if people are moving significantly longer than the rest of the group. If you are coaching

later in the day, chat with the morning coach to get feedback on the time it took their athletes to complete it. If

you are the morning coach, take some time to “do the math.”

Use your athletes’ names! Try to give encouragement using people’s names rather than just “good job” and

“awesome.” This will not only better mimic an in-person class, but will improve your ability to resist giving

“empty cues.”

It’s okay to be a cheerleader. Your athletes can only hear two things: you or silence. Let them hear you.

Relay and update them on the time. You have the clock; they don’t.

Use the programmed after bash/accessory for the day. It’s important for all coaches to use the same after

bash in order to ensure we don’t accidentally “overdose” a class with movement redundancy across the course

of the week.

This is important for people both physically and mentally in the current environment.

If it is a small group, turn on the chat. Community is our cornerstone.

Do something that feels right to YOU. We have felt quite sore from such a high volume of reps. If you are doing

the workouts, you will likely feel similarly too!

Try where possible to collect scores and consider posting them to the comments. Chat about what was hard,

what was fun, and what is on for the rest of the day.

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Remeber: the coaching style for virual classes is naturally more motivating and empathetic than technical and

rigorous. Accordingly, try your best to relate to them, how they are feeling, and what they can do if they are tired

(or are feeling good!). Your job is to navigate them through the workout.

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4. HelpFUL ZOOM TIPSFor most of our virtual classes, we have used the platform Zoom (

However, use any platform you feel comfortable with. You will likely still be able to utilize the following principles.

Sharing Notes

Option 1: from your Computer

Select the “window” you want to share. After clicking “Share,” this is how it appears to your athletes.

1. Select “Share Screen” from the bottom of the screen.

2. Select the window you want to share. This should be the document that contains the text you want to share with

your athletes.

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Sharing Notes

Option 2: from The ZOOM WHITEBOARD

Select the “Whiteboard.” After clicking “Share,” you can copy and paste in text or a

picture of what you want to share.

1. Select “Share Screen” from the bottom of the screen.

2. Select “Whiteboard.”

3. You can now add text or images to the whiteboard that you want to share with your athletes.

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Multiple Cameras

Using Two Cameras


Paying for Zoom “PRO”

We recommend having two cameras live during your zoom class. Camera 1 is you, the host. We typically use our

computer for this device. We can see athletes, control mute/unmute functions, screen share as needed, and execute

other crucial host functions.

We also log in from a second device, Camera 2. We use our phone or other device to allow us to have a back-up and see

how we are framed up in Camera 1.

We recommend paying for Zoom “Pro” at $14.99 USD per month. This increases the max meeting length as well as

meeting sizes.

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5. Phase 1 FAQPlatform

Youtube Live vs. Zoom?


How Many Virtual Classes per day?

The Pros:

We have found YouTube Live to be easier to use, share, and store recorded classes. This is a good option if you want to

have classes that your members can access and follow along with at any time. This is an option where you, the coach,

would talk them through the warm-up and workout while simultaneously participating as a coach, demo, and athlete

who actually performs the workout.

E.g. Check out Denise Thomas from Reebok CrossFit ONE — she provides a great example here.

The Cons:

YouTube Live lacks the ability to create individual coaching interactions between you and your athletes. We prefer

Zoom for our regular classes because of the potential interaction between you and all of your athletes. It’s easier to

coach, answer questions, and cheer on your athletes on the Zoom platform.

Our Current Approach (as of April 2020)

We are running 3-4 Virtual Classes on Zoom each day:

(1) AM Class between 6:30 and 8:30AM, (1) Noon Class at 12:00PM, (1) PM Class between 4:30 and 7:30PM

However, we believe there is opportunity for growth here, especially regarding offering other specialty classes. So

far, we have seen success running a 30-minute Mobility Class as well as a “Cardio and Core” class. These are shorter

classes that include less technical instruction and more following along from the participants. We recommend waiting

to add these classes until your standard virtual class offerings are running smoothly.

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Offering a Specific Virtual Class Membership?


Pricing a Virtual Class Membership?

In many cases, we don’t recommend a virtual class membership at this time if the majority of your members are still

paying their regular membership fee.

If you consider a virtual membership, we recommend making sure that you distinguish that membership from your

regular class membership. The benefits and value of each should be clear to you and your members.

Looking at other virtual fitness products reveals prices starting at $40/mo or more per member. The risk of

transitioning over to that price point is it will make covering your recurring expenses for your physical location very

difficult unless you have suplementary income.

Instead, we believe that you can enhance your virtual membership offering by including gear rentals and virtual

memberships into the same rate.

For example, if you price your virtual membership similar to your regular membership, you could include access

to your virtual classes as well as gear rentals to participate in those classes (e.g. 2 dumbells, a jump rope, and a


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Product Offering

Virtual 1-on-1 Sessions?If you have the resources to offer these, then we believe it’s worth trying. We would encourage you to price these

similarly to your in-person 1-on-1 sessions. This can be a great way to provide your coaches with some extra income or

simply increase revenue coming back in to your business.

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Limited On-Site + Virtual Classes

1. Preparing your Gym

Set up for success

2. On-Going Sanitation Plan

Protect your staff and members

3. Running 45-Minute Classes

Adapt your class to new procedures

4. Other Potential Offerings

Includes 1-on-1’s & outdoor classes

5. Phase 2 FAQ

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Our recommendations do not supersede your local laws and government guidelines concerning

business operations during and after this health crisis. Regularly consult your local state/

country government mandates for business occupancy and business operation guidelines.

OverviewOur recommendations assume that upon re-opening, non-essential businesses (like most gyms) will be subject to

strict occupancy guidelines. You will need to calculate your facility’s occupancy requirements from your government’s

guidelines and the total space available in your gym.

You cannot make guarantees to your members about the safety of your space. However, we can strive to follow social

distancing guidelines and plan how to best implement them in our gyms.

Our goal is to plan for as much as we can in order to create a welcoming and productive training space for all athletes

willing to come back to on-site classes.

Finally, at the back of this guide in the “Resources” section, we attached an example

“Sample Affiliate Protocol” of what this could look like in an affiliate.

Continue to visit and consult resources relevant to your local government and public health agencies.

A few resources include:

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1. Preparing your GymBelow we cover the key areas that will require the most focus in order restart your gym’s


Class Set-up and COnsiderations

Logistics and Organization

Consider switching your class duration to be 45 minutes long.This is to help ensure adherance to social distancing guidelines and allows for smoother transitions between classes.

Place hand sanitizer stations at the entrance of your gym.Require members coming into your gym to santize their hands upon entering the facility.

Mark “work spaces” on your gym’s floor. For example, you can place tape on the floor to create individual workout spaces.

Limit or restrict usage of locker rooms and showers. Members have regular access to toilets and sinks; however, other restroom amenities like shared showers and hygiene

amenities are restricted.

Adjust programming to avoid partner workouts and reduce the amount of shared equipment.The more we can reduce “cross-contamination,” the better. (We’ll discuss this more later)

Take into account any equipment that you rented out to your members.If you rented out equipment to your membership, consider how that will affect your transition back to on-site classes.

Limit or restrict access to common/shared spaces and areas.Common seating areas, shared cubby space, and locker space remains limited until further notice. If you have the facility space

to allow everyone to have their own locker or cubby space, then you can consider that option.

Remove other heavily trafficked and common “touch points.”These are items such as a sign-in kiosk, water fountains, shared white boards, bands, and markers. We want to try to reduce

access to gear that is hard to wipe down.

No shared chalk in the gym.We also do not recommend athletes bringing in their own chalk, as we cannot monitor who starts sharing that chalk with











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Schedule And Operations

Member-Specific Procedures

Start with a “skeleton” schedule and then add classes as necessary.Start by offering class times that you know you can fill (i.e. your busiest times). Then, as needed or requested by your membership,

start to add in other class time that fit the social distancing protocols outlined previously.

Clearly communicate your new rules with your membership.Be as clear and direct as possible. We want to make sure that we set the standard of expectation so members have a clear

understanding of what you offer and what they receive.

Set up a system for your members to pre-register for class. Registration is capped in accordance with relevant social distancing guidelines (e.g. capped at 9 athletes plus 1 coach). Many

guidelines are indicating that they will limit occupancy based upon square footage. We recommend expecting 200 square feet of

working space for each individual.

Educate your coaches and members on procedures for handling commonly used gear.PVC pipes, pull-up bars, barbells, dumbbells, and other handheld gear will require consistent sanitation. Create a list of those items

that need to be wiped down both before and after use.

Expect and plan for issues with pre-registration.For example, athletes might try to sign up for multiple classes in a day (thus reducing availability for others) or sign up for multiple

classes in a week (similarly limiting the ability of other members wanting to sign up). You will also need to plan how to handle and

implement a “Waitlist” if desired as well as a “No Show” policy. We cannot predict all issues here, but use your best judgement based

upon your membership.

Consider adding an Open Gym class time.We expect that members will feel hard pressed by the more stringent rules in place. Most regular classes will not have time for

accessory work, after bashes, or individual work. Providing an Open Gym class time might allow athletes time to do more as long as

doing so doesn’t violate your policies and procedures.

Continue to encourage safe practices outside the gym.Recommend that athletes wear masks while both inside your walls and outside in their daily lives if possible. We know some of this

can seem draconian, but the livelihood of your business depends on your ability to keep your members safe. There is no way around

this simple fact.








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2. On-Going Sanitation PlanNo sanitation plan is foolproof. Consult your appropriate governmental agencies’ websites for

the most relevant and up-to-date sanitation protocols.

Useful information can be found at the CDC website for Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility here.

We can’t provide specific recommendations for your facility. However, we have included our own sanitation policies as

an example.

We have broken it down into three different areas:


Coach Duties

Implement 45-minute class durations and start classes on the hour. This will allow for 15 minutes of transition time in between classes to let people clean equipment and clear out.

Wear appropriate PPE (gloves) while cleaning.

Provide consistent reminders during the “Whiteboard Brief” about sanitation protocols.

Must wipe down all remaining equipement that used but not cleaned in between classes.

Clean, mop floors, and wipe down any shared surfaces each day.

Lay out necessary equipment for class ahead of time when appropriate.

Provide disenfectants for your members and coaches.Our facility will use and provide List N Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 or those disinfectants suggested by our local

government and public health agencies.

Modify workouts to adapt to spatial requirements and limitations.Workouts will be modified whenever necessary to limit close contact due to equipment spacing limitations.









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Member Duties

Sample Cleaning Tasks

Sample Cleaning Schedule

Must wash or sanitize hands before starting the class.

Must wipe down all equipment before and after use.

Educate your members on the basics of sanitation.Teach your members about what they can do to help prevent the spread of novel flu viruses like COVID-19. This might be best

communicated as a weekly announcement or in a membership email, as well as presented in informational material at your gym.

The CDC clearly outlines simple steps we can all take to support in reducing the transmission of COVID-19.

AM, Before Class: • Check to make sure cleaning supplies and PPE (gloves) are sufficiently stocked and available.

• Wipe down highly trafficked touch points like door knobs, railings, bathroom fixtures, or other objects in shared spaces.

In Between Classes:• Encourage and remind athletes to wipe down gear after use, especially heavily-used gear like PVCs, bars, rings, and other handheld


• Wipe down used but uncleaned equipment between classes and breaks throughout the day.

• Scan for any pools of sweat or bodily fluid and clean them as soon as possible.

At the End of Each Class:• Request members to clean up gear used during the cool down at the end of class.

PM, After Classes:• Mop daily if possible.

• Wipe down handled equipment or structures for that day.

• Report any hygiene or sanitation issues as soon as possible.

Keep in mind weekly cleaning schedules will depend on numerous factors specific to your affiliate, including

but not limited to:

• Staff resources

• Cleaning supply resources

• Facility size

• Membership size

• Relevant publich health and governmental mandates




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General Cleaning List + Frequency

Mop Floor - 1x per day (if not feasible, mop on days where athletes’ bodies are on the floor (i.e. burpees))

Pull-up Rig - 2-3x per week

Pull-up Bars & Rings - 1x per day of use

Barbells - 1x per day of use

Handheld Gear (KB, DB, Medball, Jump Rope, etc.) - Every use

Box Tops - 1x per day of use

Benches - 1x per day of use

Bathrooms - Fully clean 3x per week

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3. Running 45-Minute CLassesUntil social distancing guidelines are modified or lifted, we believe that running classes on a

45-minute timeline will make adhering to social distance guidelines and sanitation procedures

easier to implement.

The daily HAM Plan Affiliate Program class plans will provide guidelines and insight into how to effectively run a 45:00

class. What does not change is our goal of helping you keep athletes safe, help them improve, and help them have fun.




Communicate updated class times and schedules to your members.Equally as important is to have an answer as to why you are doing this.

Utilize short AMRAPs for the warm-ups.These AMRAP warm-ups will allow athletes of different levels to move at their own pace, and it will allow you to control the class

timeline more effectively.

Be more direct with scaling guidelines.You will have less time to teach movements during a 45-minute class. Use bright-line rules like, “If you can’t do 10 pull-ups in a row

then today you will scale to ring rows.” This is not an exact science, but the more you do it, the better you will become at addressing

athletes’ needs.

Plan time caps for all workouts.Always keep in mind a reasonable time cap for all workouts just in case it is needed to stick to the 45-minute class plan.

Include some of the simpler movements from the workout in the general warm-up.This will help you to warm athletes up, teach movements for the workout, and start to identify scaling options early on.

Pick only one movement to dive into and teach per class.For example, if the workout includes thrusters, KB swings, and pull-ups, pick only one of those to dive into. Work the other two into

your general warm-up or use scaling options to make them more accessible to all athletes.

Plan to REMOVE all accessory work and extended cooldowns.The focus of your 45 minutes should be on efficiency, effectiveness, and punctuality.








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4. Other Potential OfferingsSocial distancing guidelines will vary. Some social distance guidelines might be quite restrictive. We suggest having

tentative plans for multiple on-site coaching options throughout the periods that social distancing guidelines are lifted.

Currently some states are permitting gyms to open without group classes. Those gyms are only allowed to host 1-on-1

personal training sessions.

1-on-1 sessions might be a welcome step back in the right direction, but the long term feasibility of a 1-on-1 coaching

option is low. It is cost prohibitive and resource intensive. We recommend continually assessing the cost benefit of a

1-on-1 coaching option against other options.

Keep in mind some of the following considerations:

Allow for multiple 1-on-1 sessions to simultaneously occur.

Some locations are allowing gyms to host multiple 1-on-1 training sessions as long as those gyms still adhere to

social distancing rules as well as occupancy guidelines. For example, some locations might allow no more than 10

people in a gym, which means you could potentially run five 1-on-1 sessions simultaneously.

Revenue option for coaches.

1-on-1 options might create an opportunity for your coaches to generate revenue while you continue group

virtual classes.

Appealing in an owner-operator affiliate model.

If you are running an owner/operator model at your gym, the 1-on-1 coaching options might be more financially

feasible because you can control how money flows back to the business.

Consider the viability of group classes if you rented out equipment.

If you previously rented out equipment to your membership, consider how that will affect your transition back to

on-site classes.

1-on-1 Sessions

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Allows for a re-building of community and in-person coaching.

Though outdoor offerings will still restrict equipment usage, they allow for another step closer to the community

and coaching quality we offer in our regular classes.

Check your local guidelines to see if outdoor classes are more feasible than regular group classes.

Regularly check your local public health guidelines for outdoor social distancing protocols. When possible, run

classes outside if they allow for less restrictive gatherings than inside the gym.

Membership includes a combo of virtual classes and 1-on-1 sessions.

You could consider an option where the membership fee includes access to virtual classes as well as X number

of 1-on-1 training sessions per week. The obstacle here is discovering how to pass enough revenue on to your

business to offset the costs of paying the coach or yourself for the 1-on-1.

OutDoor Group Classes

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5. PHase 2 FAQNew Members & Drop-Ins

Handling Drop-Ins, new Members, and Others?

Product Sales

Selling “Product” Like Protein, Snacks, Etc?

Class Timing

I can Run a 60-Minute Class...Why Should I Reduce to 45?

You will need to consider whether admitting new members and drop-ins during this time presents more of a

health/logistical risk or financial benefit to your affiliate. If you choose to allow new members and drop-ins, then

we recommend making sure that any athletes who fall into the categories mentioned above abide by the same

preregistration protocols that your members will follow. Include sanitation and social distancing materials/expectations

for drops-ins and first-time members. This won’t eliminate all potential issues but will help reduce confusion or hassle

for your head coach.

Review your government’s public health policies and procedures regarding common areas. Some social distancing

guidelines might not allow sale of these items for some time. Similarly, managing the sale of these items rather than

leaving them for purchase at a common or shared kiosk might adhere to sanitation protocols more effectively.

Ultimately, this is a choice best left up to you based upon your individual resources. Our suggestion of a 45-minute

class timeline is intended to avoid expected issues that may arise from social distancing guidelines.

The 45-minute timeline should help you re-open classes to your members, prioritize the safety of your members, and

follow the most up-to-date social distancing guidelines. However, we realize it is not the only option; this is just based

on our experience.

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Class Timing

Members don’t feel like 45:00 is enough?

Class Timing

DO Shorter Classes mean Cheaper Memberships?

Class Timing

I Already Struggle with a 60-minute Timeline?

Continue communicating to your members what you are doing and why you are doing it. This won’t likely be a snap

back to normal; instead, we are working toward a new normal. Depending on your local social distancing guidelines and

available resources, you could consider having a morning and evening “Open Gym” time where members could follow

their own programming. We will recommend adhering to the 45-minute timelines.

Though class time is shorter, we believe that your class is your core product offering. Class prices should reflect the

value they provide. We don’t believe that cutting your class by 15:00 materially alters the value that you can provide

your athletes on an ongoing basis, especially since those extra 15:00 are spent enhancing the quality of your facility in

the wake of the current healthcare crisis.

Don’t mistake us: this is not something you (or we) should take lightly. It’s important to weigh this against the financial

constraints of your business. You could compare running a “Welcome Back” discount versus a membership price

reduction. Ask yourself this: “Does it make sense to reduce prices if doing so won’t allow you to meet your recurring


We recommend providing clear expectations for the workout and using short AMRAPs for the general and specific

warm-up. Keep a workout “time-cap” up your sleeve. Lastly, remember that this is going to be a challenge. However, to

improve as coaches, we need to approach new skills with the same tenacity we ask our members to demonstrate when

learning new movements. The more you practice running shorter classes, the more effective you will become.

Remember, you might not need to run 45:00 timelines. Class timelines will vary based on local social distancing

guidelines and your best judgement.

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Post-Social Distancing Requirements

Finding the new normal

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REgularly Review your Costs and Revenue


Don’t Stop Cleaning


Be Cognizant of Different Populations

The timeline for complete removal of social distancing requirements is completely unknown. In order to best

prepare for protracted social distancing, we recommend proceeding with a regularly scheduled financial review of

your business.

Your goal here is twofold. First, you want to continually evaluate the long term financial health of your business.

Second, if the current healthcare crisis has taught us anything, it’s that we could benefit from having a plan for future

events, including a strategy to create a reasonable cash reserve.

Continue to implement rigorous sanitation protocols that align with those of the relevant governmental/public health

agencies most relevant to your affiliate. Show support and appreciation for your members as they prioritize their

personal hygiene when coming in to and while at the gym. Similarly, encourage your coaches to take pride in the

cleanliness of your space. Finally, continually account for the financial impact of these sanitation procedures and which

procedures are the most impactful.

Consider your most vulnerable populations as well as shifting social norms. Members might be less inclined to

participate in partner workouts or share equipment. You will need to continually assess whether new policies are

reasonable, necessary, and feasible for the long term success of your affiliate. You might see an increase in need for

private training or masters only classes going forward. We can only discover what works best if we continually learn

from these current obstacles.

Finding the new Normal

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Product OFferings

Assess the Future of VIrtual Offerings

Product Offerings

Consider your New oFferings

Reconsider the use and purpose of your virtual classes. Virtual classes are not just a bandaid. They very well may

be an ongoing and realistic option for large portions of your membership. However, have no doubt that your entire

membership will want to have access to your coaches, community, and equipment.

Keep this in mind: not all members will have the means or ability to make it to your gym every day. Continue to

evaluate the cost of these classes compared to incoming revenue and their value to your membership.

Don’t forget about the services you built up during social distancing protocols. Many gyms are finding great benefit

from increased promotion and implementation of virtual and in-person personal training, nutrition coaching, and

individual program writing. While these are not the core functions of most affiliates, they might be valuable assets in

the growth and maintenance of your gym. Review which services are effective and provide supplemental revenue to

your overall business. Don’t stop doing what is already working well for your business, for you, and for your members

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CLosing RemarksThank you for taking the time to read through this material. We hope you found it to be helpful as well as a source of inspiration to get back out there, keep up the good work, and make a profound impact on the lives of others.

One aspect that will always make this space special and unique among a growing myriad of fitness offerings is our communities’ ability to work together and learn from one another. We are continually humbled and grateful to be apart of it.

Finally, should you have any questions for us, consider joining our team with the offer below. We’d love to help you and welcome you into our family at the HAM Plan.

Respectfully,Austin, Spencer, James, and Travis (Team HAM)

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Affiliate Program

• Daily WOD

• Full, detailed Class Plans

• Daily Accessory

• Weekly “Extra Work”

• Let us get to know you

• Ask us any questions

• We’ll virtually coach your members through any skill you want

• 30-minute session

• Coaching coaches is our passion and liveli-hood. We want to share that with your team.

• 30-minute session

• Daily WOD with 2 options:

• Low Equipment (DB + Jump Rope)

• Bodyweight

• Daily Video Overview + Demos

2 Workout Programs3 Individual, Virtual Meetings

HAM at Home Program

Initial Discussion/Consultation 25+ years on CrossFit

Seminar Staff

20+ years at the CrossFit


35+ years coaching &

running affiliates

Skill Session

Coaching Development Program

1 Experienced Team

To support all of you during this time, we are

discounting our Affiliate & At-Home Programs. Learn MOre

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ResourcesHAM Plan - Affiliate Program & Class Plansfor Social Distancing and Beyond

HAM Plan - HAM at Home Workouts for Low Equipment and Bodyweight Options

CDC COVID-19 Guidance Documents

Face Coversuse Code HAM10 for 10% off

World Health Organization Guidance for COVID-19

Overview of US News covering Social Distancing and Re-opening plans

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Here is a sample protocol outline created for an affiliate. Understand that your specific protocols will change due to your governmental and public health service guidelines. You will need to continually assess the financial implications of staffing classes, scheduling classes, and providing cleaning supplies. We expect that even the most well-thought-out protocols will require flexibility and undergo continuous change.

Phase 2: Limited On-Site + Virtual ClassesNon-essential businesses reopened at reduced capacity and function. Social distancing guidelines still in place.

Date: TBA

Details: TBA

Expectation: No more than 10 people in the gym at a time, no shared commonspace, social distancing while in gym.

Affiliate Space Overview: Total Space: 5,000 sq. ft.

Exercise/Workout Space: 3,000 sq. ft.

Capacity: 12 athletes (with 10’ x 10’ spacing)

Facility Modifications & Use Restrictions:Member Storage: No access to cubbies and lounge shelves. Athletes will store personal gear in a backpack or bag.

Common Areas: Removal of chairs, tables, and common-use items in the lounge.

Bathrooms: No access to the showers.

Water Fountain: Delayed use until further notice.

Check-in: Removal of check-in kiosk from main room (all check-ins/waivers online).

Workout Movements: No partner work, no rope climbs, no GHD.

Workout Floor: Mark off 10’ x 10’ with tape for individual athlete “zones.”

Chalk: No shared chalk or powdered chalk of any kind. Considering allowing personal liquid chalk.

Sample Affiliate Protocol

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Procedural Modifications:Class Size: 8 athletes.

Class Time: 45:00, with a strict cut-off time of 50:00.

Class Offerings: 6 on-site classes per day, 3 open gym classes per week (subject to coaching/financial resources).

Continuing 2-3 virtual classes per day.

1-on-1 Sessions: Offered between class times only.

Spot Reservation: Reserve class ahead of time. Online check-ins only. 1x on-site class per day.

Arrival: Athletes should arrive 5:00-10:00 before class and wait in cars in the parking lot. Athletes do not start

coming in until the start of their class.

Post-class: No extra or accessory work outside of class time. Coaches will provide at-home accessory work on a

daily basis.

For STaff:PPE: Review the possibility of providing face coverings and PPE (gloves) for all staff.

For Class:Pre-Class: Athletes must wash hands/sanitize hands after walking in the door and before starting class.

PPE: Provide members with links to purchase face coverings if appropriate.

Pre & Post Usage: Athletes are directed to wipe down equipment before use and after use.

PVC Pipes: Don’t forget to clean PVC pipes regularly. Have athletes wipe them down after each use.

Extra Gear: It is the coach’s job to ensure that they wipe down any neglected equipment when possible.

Post-Class: Clorox wet mop any significant sweat marks or bodily fluid pools created during class.

General Facility:Hand Care: Coaches wear gloves when cleaning and then wash hands afterwards.

Member Help: Encourage members to wipe down surfaces and objects as they feel comfortable.

Hot Spots: Wipe down common touch points like railings and door handles two times per day.

Cleaning & Sanitation Plan:

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Floors: Will be mopped down daily and vacuumed 4x per week.

Large/Fixed Equipment: Shared equipment and structures wiped down at the end of day (i.e. rowers, boxes, pull-

up bars, and rings).

Bathrooms:Occupancy: May need to be single-occupancy in order to maintain social distancing. Consider creating signs for

doors to indicate “in-use” as well as communicate other relevant policies.

Sinks: Wipe down sink and faucets in between classes.

Schedule: Create a regular cleaning schedule for entire bathroom facilities.

Coaches’ Office:Workspace: Coaches wipe down their own workspaces after use.

Storage: Personal gear stored inside of your own bag, not stored in common spaces.

Class Plan: Timing: 45:00, with a hard stop at 50:00.

Setup: When possible, coaches will set out gear like rowers and boxes assigned to an individual athlete “space.”

Assignments: Coaches will assign rings, pull-up bars, and wall space to athletes when appropriate. This will remain

the athlete’s “space” for the remainder of that class.

Warm-ups: Utilize AMRAPs for general warm-ups to control timeline.

Start Time: Goal is to start every workout by 20:00 into class.

End Time: Goal is to end every workout at 40:00.

Scaling: Be more direct and restrictive in scaling options.

Teaching: Teach one thing exceptionally instead of trying to teach many things.

Time Caps: Always keep an appropriate time cap in mind and let your group know about these time caps.

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Class Timeline0-5: Handwashing/Sanitize

5-10: General Warm-up AMRAP

10-20: Specific Warm-up & Loading

20-40: Workout

40-45: Cooldown, Clean-up

45-50: Athletes transition out

Initial Daily Class Schedule:

On-Site Offerings:

Virtual Offerings:















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