aff orientalism k - michigan7 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013



  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    ***Orientalism Bad***

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Alternative DA Replicates Harms

    De-orientalism silences the OtherLevinson, 1--Professor and Chair, Comparative Literature, Undergraduate Advisor and Co-Director PLC(Philosophy, Literature and the Theory of Criticism) (rett, !"rientalism and #dentity in Latin America$, The University of

    Ari%ona Press, &', The Death of the Criti*ue of +urocentrism pg &)#

    And de-orientalism !no"s this# that the Others have al"a$s %ro!en thro&'hsilence, even if their voices, sighs, and screams (of .oy and pain) have rarely /een heard0De--orientalism is "ell a"are that the metaphor of the (formerl$ silentnative( (Culture and #mperialism &&) is )&st a metaphor and not literall$ tr&e

    1hy, then, must the de-orientalist deploy this metaphor of silence2+hat is de-orientalism tr$in' to snea! onto the postcolonial scene "hen it posits theOthers &nreco'nied speech and noise as nonspeech and nonnoise. /implelo'ic dictates that the de-orientalist metaphor of silence reflects a desire forprecisel$ the Others silence 0n fact onl$ this silence can '&arantee ofspeech is that it "ill disr&pt silence(3irst, of course, the silence has to /esupposed0) herefore "hen de-orientalism spea!s o&t a'ainst this silence,

    4hich it itself imposesthrough metaphor, it a priori emancipates /oth itself and the"ther from s&ppression and oppression, from the enforced silence0 De-orientalismmost definitely opens the 4ay for the "ther5s insurgent speech, /ut it is .ust as true thatthe "ther5s silence open the 4ay for de-orientalism5s claims0 his is "h$ de-orientalism desires the Others silence %efore it desires the Others speech,

    "h$ it 'ro&nds that speech on ima'inar$ or metaphorical silence, on afantas$ or %lantant misreadin' #t 4ants the "ther to spea60 ut first it "ants theOther to %e silent so that de-orientalism itself can spea! more sec&rel$ , sothat its criti2&e is ass&red to %e radical, !no"n to %e Other, '&aranteed to&pset the imposition of silence#n short, the coloni%er and the decoloni%er areuna4are of their common desire for the "ther5s silence (or death)0 7atters are of coursecomplicated0 The coloni%er 4ants the "ther5s death and silence /ut also his la/or, his life0

    8o dou/t the "rientalist5s imposition of /a//le upon the "ther5s speech is geared tocommunicate this dou/le desire9 for an irrational, thus animal-li6e, and e:ploita/le life0ut insofar as the coloni%er truly desires the "ther5s silence /y simulating violencethrough rhetoric, through a poetics0 #t silences the "ther through a turn of phrase0 0t!ills the Others voice in order to %rin' %ac! that voice, to redeem it thro&'h3poetr$4, thro&'h trope

    5e' attempts at de-orientaliin' onl$ res&lt in rene"ed orientalism6ontolo'ies the Other and c&lt&ral differences

    Levinson, 1-- Professor and Chair, Comparative Literature, Undergraduate Advisor and Co-Director PLC(Philosophy, Literature and the Theory of Criticism) (rett, !"rientalism and #dentity in Latin America$, The University ofAri%ona Press, &', The Death of the Criti*ue of +urocentrism pg &)

    "rientalism is a term that +d4ard ;aid e:cavates and retools in /oo6s "rientalism and Culture and #mperialism0

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    reversal of "rientalism), tries to dismantle this Orientalist disco&rse 0t veils themisconceptions and %iases that Orientalisim itself %oth and conceals De-orientalism also attempts to restore the "ron'ed or violated disco&rses 7orit Orientalism a%)ects other "orlds, it onl$ ma!es sense that the criti2&e ofOrientalisrn "o&ld attempt to recover that e8cl&ded domain, to rec&peratea s&%)ectivit$ of difference One cannot %e at all s&re, ho"ever, that this

    critical response to Orientalism act&all$ avoids participatin' in the ver$disco&rse that it contests, especiall$ "hen one considers the pro)ect interms of its overall teleolo'$efore pursuing this last point, a 4ord on this study5s use of the term "theris necessary0 ;aid5s criti*ue of "rientalism does not intend to define the Third 1orld "ther0 >ather ;aid demonstrates

    ho4 vertain cultures and races have /een "thered0 Orientalism is not a%o&t the deval&ation ofthe Other, as man$ seem to %elieve9 it is a%o&t Otherin' as deval&ation #ndeednon-1estern sites are a/.ected the moment they are "thered0 ;aid5s Third 1orld "ther is not an ontological /ut ane:istential category0 #t emerges 4hen, in a particular historical, cultural, or political situation, a 1estern discourseo/.ectifies the foreign or the unfamiliar0 #n this structure, any person, group, class, or site can potentially occupy the placeof the "ther or that of the ;ame0 Therefore much Latin American scholarship that seems faithful to ;aid5s pro.ect actually

    /etrays it (although it must /e noted that ;aid too at times /etrays his o4n underta6ing)0 his scholarshipass&mes Latin America to %e A priori Other, reveals ho" this Otherness has

    %een violated, and then tries to recover that alterit$0 #t presupposes an authentic "ther 4hopree:ists an inauthentic "thering, 4hereas ;aid5s criti*ue succeeds insofar as it does not ma6e such presuppositions0 This

    (perhaps inevita/le) slippage in Latin American and postcolonial studies /et4een the ontological and the cultural, theessential and the e:istential-/et4een a reading that posits Third 1orld inha/itants as "ther (an ontological statement)and one that studies the 4ay that, at a specific historical moment, particular discourses and peoples have fa/ricated this"therness (a cultural statement)-is of course of enormous interest0

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    De-orientalism recreates the same representational tr&ths itcriticies, flips the !Levinson, 1-- Professor and Chair, Comparative Literature, Undergraduate Advisor and Co-Director PLC(Philosophy, Literature and the Theory of Criticism) (rett, !"rientalism and #dentity in Latin America$, The University ofAri%ona Press, &', The Death of the Criti*ue of +urocentrism pg &)

    This all e:plains ho4 the de-orientalist, 4hen faced 4ith the erased documents, the repression or silence of the"ther, can nonetheless put forth theses a/out the "ther?s perspective as truth0 The de-orientalist comprehendsthe Others visions %$ catchin' them in the rearvie" mirror of the

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    the Ara/ countries and China,"hich have, especially the latter,%een overloo!ed %$ /aid?7oreover, d&e to the limitations of other 'eo'raphical and ideolo'ical factors,/aids Orientalism,in the sense of "riental studies, nat&rall$ leads to his limitation incomparative literat&re st&dies# the te8ts he disc&sses are mostl$ from the

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    te:ts, it has very little to offer those also interested their literary or aesthetic dimensions0 +ven those 4ith little interest in

    such non-political themes have /een harmed /y the school of thought Orientalism has fostered# itspolitical ar'&ment, "hich first enriched familiar te8ts, impoverishes "hen itleads to a ne'lect of literar$ and rhetorical techni2&e 0 (8ote9 ;aid does not himself argueagainst ac*uiring such s6ills, /ut those 4ho follo4 him often do0)+ven if all these charges 4ere true (and # /elieve theyare), ;aid?s "rientalism remains a ma.or 4or60 1hy do you thin6 this is the case2

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    @a&ses errorism

    Orientalist criticism f&els terrorism he distorts the tr&th+arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,

    Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 G-H)

    lt ta6es courage for an Ara/ to 4rite self-criticism of this 6ind= indeed0 4ithout the personal pronoun @4e,@ ho4 many 4ould have guessed that an Ara/0 let alone +d4ard;aid0 had 4ritten it2 And yet, ironically0 4hat ma6es self-e:amination forAra/s and7uslims0 and especially criticism of #slam in the 1est0 very difficult is the totallypernicious influence of

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    +est(8onetheless, @+d4ard ;aid?s anal$sis of Orientalism is overdra"n and?misleadin' in man$ "a$s, and p&rel$ as Ja piece of intellect&al histor$,Orientalism is a serio&sl$ fla"ed %oo!(

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    0mpact &rn /mall +ars Kood

    /mall "ars promote political and social chan'e in +estern societiesBar!a"i I (Tara6 ar6a4i, &B&''G, Ph0D0, Political ;cience, University of

    7innesota, 70;c0, #nternational >elations, London ;chool of +conomics 0A0,#nternational Affairs and Philosophy, Feorge 1ashington University, !"rientalism at

    1ar in orea,$http9citation0allacademic0commetapNmlaNapaNresearchNcitation&&B&p&&B&&Ninde:0html)

    This paper is a preliminary Othought piece5 for a ne4 /oo6 pro.ect concerned 4iththe fate of assumptions of 1esternsuperiority in the face of military reverse at the handsof non-+uropean others0 As a matter of historical o/servation,

    small "ars 'one "ron'increasin'l$ have come to pla$ prominent roles inmetropolitan politics and societ$Golitical and c&lt&ral contestation overlimited "ars 'enerated %$ imperial commitmentscomes to a head "henthin's do not 'o as e8pected0 The political fortunes of en.aminDisraeli, 1illiam Fladstone, ules 3erry,3rancesco Crispi and 1illiam 7cinley,among others, revolved in some measure around Osmall 4ars50 1ith the turn of

    thet4entieth century, especially its last half, the severity and conse*uences of defeat /eganto mount0Anti-colonial, nationalist "ars in the hird +orld led to re'ime chan'e in7ranceand Gort&'al, "hile the ietnam +ar remains the sin'le most si'nificantmomentin American politicsand society since H0 1hat this histor$ s&''estsis theenormo&spo"er of "ar a'ainst non-

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Orientalism is 0nevita%le

    Orientalism is inevita%leHM%inette- C orientalist e:pert- has 4ritten many scholarly articles relating

    orientalism and 1estern Dominance (To/ias, !"rientalism Past and Present$, HI',http94440to/iashu/inette0seorientalism0pd)A;ince the end of the HI's, most academic institutions in the 1est have more or less accepted thecriti*ue on classical orientalism and tried to distance themselves from theirpredecessors0#nstead, it is in the form of popular orientalism that the discourse has managed to survive in the 1est as a romanticand colonial nostalgia reproduced in arts, movies and literature0 This 6ind of popular orientalism is for e:ample e:tremely 4ell-represented

    in commercials here in ;4eden0 ;o finally there is a time to as6 ourselves- is there a 4ay out of orientalism , and can4e imagine a 4orld /eyond orientalism2 can 4e imagine a 4orld /eyond orientalism2 1ell, my personal guess isthat orientalism "ill al"a$s e8ist in one or another form as lon' as the +esthas he'emonic po"erOrientalism is stron'l$ intert"ined "ith the +esternself-ima'e to s&ch an e8tant that if orientalism 'oes, then +estern "orldpo"er or even the +est itself m&st also 'o0 And isnQt that 4hat 4e are seeing today, a slo4 /utunstoppa/le po4er shift from the 1est to4ards +ast Asia 4ith China and apan in the forefront, may/e also ;outh Asia 4ith #ndia as a

    leading nation, 4hile the academic 4orld itself is undergoing of a rapid Asiani%ation, giving 4ay to a more or less higher competence ofhigher diaspora Asians in the su/.ects involved0

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    ***Aff 7+***

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Adv 0NLs o" Reps

    Appro8imate ca&se oN"s representational 2&estions "e can !no"ca&se and effectRotter !- Professor of

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    @a&sation o"s Reps heor$

    O&r internal lin!s o&t"ei'h $o&r representation %ased ar'&ments ca&sation is more responsi%le for harmsRotter !- Professor of

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    5o meanin' 5eoli%eralism doesnt mean an$thin'

    he is incoherent 5eoli%eralism means nothin' and is a process,not an end point/prin'er 1- University of Rictoria, Department of Feography and

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Orientalism 0'nores @a&salit$

    Orientalist representations dont ca&se violence dont ass&me acas&al relationshipRotter ! Professor of

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  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    not %ased in histor$

    Be s!eptical of an$ evidence from /aid he 'ets man$ historical events"ron'+arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic

    ;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 &-&)

    3or a 4or6 that purports to /e a serious 4or6 of intellectual history, Orientalism isf&ll of historical ho"lersAccordin' to /aid, at the end of the seventeenthcent&r$, Britain and 7rance dominated the eastern Eediterranean, "hen infact the Levant "as still controlled for the ne8t h&ndred $ears /y the"ttomans0 ritish and 3rench merchants needed the permission of the sultan to land0o/erts points out, !interested in the s&%)&'ation or settlement oflar'e areas0$ #n China, Portugal only had the tiny foothold of 7acao0 The first decades

    of the seventeenth century 4itnessed the collapse of much of the Portuguese empire inthe +ast, to /e replaced /y the Dutch0 #n the early eighteenth century there 4as a Dutchsupremacy in the #ndian "cean and #ndonesia0

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    A&thor 0ndict /aid cheats

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    ***Defense of +est***

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Orientalism do&%le t&rns itself

    Orientalist @riticism oversimplifies the +est in the same "a$ of $o&rcriticism $o& cant red&ce it to imperliasm and dominance

    +arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic

    ;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 &G-')

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    0n order to achieve his 'oal of paintin' the +est in 'eneral, and thediscipline of?Orientalismin particular, in as ne'ative a "a$ as possi%le, /aid hasrecourse toseveral tactics0 "ne of his preferred moves is to depict the Orient as a perpet&al?victimof +estern imperialism, dominance, and a''ression he Orient is never?seen as an actor, an a'ent "ith free "ill or desi'ns or ideas of its o"n 0t is tothis?propensit$ that "e o"e that immat&re and &nattractive 2&alit$ of so

    m&ch con temporar$ Eiddle

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    possessions0 A little later, 7uhammad Ali5s grandson #smail also dreamed of transforming +gypt intoa modern imperialpo4er0 y the mid-GI's, @a vast +gyptian empire had comeinto /eing, e:tending from the 7editerranean in the north toLa6e Rictoria, andfrom the #ndian "cean in the east to the Li/yan desert0@

    Orientalist @riti2&e stereot$pes ever$

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Orientalism Lies

    he @riticism is i'norant of the "or!s of real Orientalists andfa%ricates lies to ref&te those "ho disa'ree "ith him

    +arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic

    ;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 '-)

    odinson?s #slam andCapitalism (HBB)0 his sho"s /aids total i'norance of the "or!s ofAdam 7e%,

    0odinson himself points out else-4here, one of the three scholars 4ho 4as a pioneer in this very field 4as ernardLe4is0@ /aid "rites of 0slamic Orientalism %ein' c&t off from developmentsin other? flields in the h&manities, partic&larl$ the economic and the social (p0 &Bl; B&t? thisagain onl$ reveals /aids i'norance of the "or!s of realOrientalists rather? than those of his ima'ination0 As >odinson 4rites, thesociology of #slam?is an ancient su/.ect, citing the 4or6 of >0 LZvy0 >odinson then pointsout that +mile Dur6heim?s cele/rated .ournal L?AnnZe sociologi*ue listed for every year,

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    starting from the first decades of the t4entieth century, a certain num/er of 4or6s on#slamJ@

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    Orientalism is Bad H&rts the +est

    Orientalism disre'ards the +est "itho&t "arrant+arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,

    Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 -&)Page -&

    #t must have /een particularly galling for ;aid to see the hostile revie4s of his-"rientalism 4ritten /y Ara/, #ranian, andAsian intellectuals, some of 4hom headmired and singled out for praise in many of his 4or6s0 3or e:ample, 8i66ieddie, praised in Covering #slam, tal6ed of the disastrous influence of "rientalism, even though she admired parts of it9 #

    thin6 that there has %een a tendenc$ in the Eiddle

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    0mpact &rn +est solves sta%ilit$Ndemocrac$

    +estern civiliation is mischaracteried it act&all$ '&aranteespeace and democrac$

    +arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic

    ;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 I-G)

    A visit to the "ntario ;cience Center in Toronto on 8e4 Year?s Day &''B4as for me a so/ering e:perience0 &c!ed a"a$ in the section titled (r&th( "ereman$ &ntr&thf&l though undou/tedly politically correct statements deni'ratin'

    +estem civiliation#n an effort to /e fair, one e:hi/it gave 4ay to un/ridledrelativism9 @7odern 1estern science puts the ;un at the centre of the solar system0ut other points of vie4 are not necessarily 4rong or primitive0@ And yet the samesection, 4ithout a hint of irony, 4as proclaimin' ho" (

  • 8/13/2019 Aff Orientalism K - Michigan7 2013


    is red&ctionist

    5ot all orientalists "anted to colonie the Orient man$ opposed+estern interference+arra2 > (#/n 1arra*, founder of the #nstitute for the ;ecularisation of #slamic

    ;ociety, senior research fello4 at the Center for #n*uiry focusing on Kurahic criticism,Defending the 1est9 A Criti*ue of +de4ard ;aid5s "rientalism, p0 'I-'G)

    0t sho&ld %e evident that one cannot red&ce the colorf&l and 'iftedindivid&als !no"n as Orientalists and their "or!s to as $et anothere8pression of colonialism and imperialism0 Ean$of these artists "or!ed in&r!e$ and the Ottoman