aet515 instructional plan template 2[kimberly2] finaldraft

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Template Kimberly R. Ford

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an instructional plan I created for my Master\'s program.


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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1

AET/515Instructional Plan

Template Kimberly R. Ford

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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2

– Home Economics – (budgeting and finance)101

This course focuses on preparing students how to effectively maintain a household. It introduces students to the, opening of a bank account, reading and understanding bank statements, and managing household costs.

PART ITemplate Instructions

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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3

Needs Assessment

What is: young adults are not properly informed how to budget, manage banking accounts and household costs. This course is needed to prepare young adults with real world experience in personal banking, managing spending, cost, and budgeting.

What should be: young adults should be knowledgeable in the basics of household budgeting, opening a bank account, the purpose of banking, understanding transaction procedures, bank statements, and fees.

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Need Assessment

Gap analysis:• Training not provided• Serves no importance to the general

education coursesGap Solution:• Create after school training/incorporate

course in high school completion course in life skills (household mgmt)

• Provide community based training

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Instructional Goal

•Students will demonstrate the ability to efficiently regulate a household budget.

•Students will illustrate the competence to manage a personal banking account.

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Performance-Based Objectives

Students will be provided materials, and equipment to gain skills and knowledge in life skills.

Instruction and assistance will be provided via classroom setting, personal conference and web accessibility according to the instructor’s directions.

Instruction will include learning labs, and partnering with local banks for account enrollment and banking and general information regarding personal budgeting from a financial planner.

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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7

Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes

Students skills and knowledge in the select course will be assessed through:•Testing (multiple choice, banking comprehension, budgeting comprehension, check writing).•Classroom/group activities•Open discussion •In class presentations (group and individual)•Summative: After completion of the program, how will you measure the effectiveness of the training? Students can open and maintain an account. Students will demonstrate managing a budget and spending cost

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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8

Learner Characteristics

Classroom setting of 15- 25 studentsYoung adults ages 18 -24No prior experience requiredNo gender specificationNo Prerequisites skills/training Educational and reading levels: High school reading, mathematics, and


What are the implications to your instructional plan based on these characteristics?

a classroom setting of 25 students, most being kinesthetic learners.

majority of the students possess average basic mathematics and reading comprehension skills. The instructor will generate more

hands-on activities as it relates to the course and as see needed.

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This section includes the following:

• Classroom based setting with visits from local bankers to provide insight on banking procedures students will learn from bankers the correct procedures of check register balancing your checkbook.

• Classroom will be equipped with learning materials related to course to include checkbooks, check register materials, and statements.

• Classroom instruction, discussion and activities will related to real world situations based upon the means to use content materials as a form resolving.

Learning Context

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Delivery Modality

The most effective method of delivering instruction to students for this course is through demonstration and questioning in an instructor led classroom setting.

Instructor led classroom will also incorporate group learning through games and Problem based learning, cooperative learning, and provides instructor feedback to the learner.

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Delivery Modality (continued)

Instructor will stand before students provide real world examples to course learning. Students will participate in discussion, demonstration, and mock household simulations.

Instructor will allow students to elaborate on their personal skills and experiences as it relates to the learning environment and course concept.

“adults learn best when they collaboratively participate in the development and delivery of education and training, desire and value the learning, and can apply their life experiences to the learning process”. (Wicks & Stieglitz, nd)

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Instructional Strategies

• Link new information and/or skills to prior knowledge • Cooperative Learning• Critical Thinking• Group/Individual Instruction • Demonstrate (in a variety of ways)• Provide examples to help transfer learning• Evaluate/Summarize

These strategies will be practiced on a consistent basis to assist students in mastering the concepts of this course. This course is organized to focus students on two areas of study; budgeting and managing finance.

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Plan for Implementation

Instructional Plan: Start Date 1/27/09 – 3/2/09 • Course start date: 5/4/09 – 7/6/09 • Class session: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10 am –

12 pm• Lab session: Mondays and Fridays, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pmResources:Facilitators: 3/9/09Mentors: 3/9/09Classroom facility: 3/23/09Lab facility: 3/23/09Computer system: 4/30/09Simulation software: 4/30/09 student enrollment: 4/6/09 -4/23/09

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Plan for Implementation (continued)

Marketing strategies such as posting and mailing flyers, radio advertisement, visiting local neighborhood churches will be the source of communicating the plan and building interest in this course around the community. Participants will be voluntary individuals with minimum high school or GED education that are interested in developing skills for self/life improvement.

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Instructional Resources

Classroom materials:• whiteboard (display written story problems, provide detail and lecture


• Internet accessibility (display sample and demonstration in personal banking and budgeting)

Lab materials:• Computers (internet accessibility to provide students with training in

online banking)• Software simulations (problem based scenarios to practice applied


Supplemental materials:• Job aids (providing important facts and tips on maintaining competency

throughout course)• Budget workbooks (provided for work assignments in personal record-

keeping and budgeting)• Mock checkbooks and check registers (provided to ensure practice

and competency in personal banking)

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Instructional Resources (continued)

Manipulative:Mock household project – in the final stage of the

course students will be provided a mock income, household, personal banking account along with a family (income median, family size will vary upon each student). It is the responsibility of each student to manage the household budget, expenses, and etc within his/her income median for a period of 4 weeks. Successful completion of this module (score percentage

of 95% or higher) will lead to a certificate of completion in personal finance).

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Formative Assessment

Five formative assessment strategies that will be incorporated into the implementation of this instructional plan :

• Asking students to summarize the main ideas they've taken away from a lecture, discussion, or assignment.

• Conduct weekly quizzes to assess students proficiency in course concepts.

• Engaging students in instruction and the learning process.

• Implementing a question and answer session

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Evaluation Strategies

• Use qualitative data of student completion to measure areas of improvement.

• Conduct follow-up measures with faculty and administration regarding relevance of course materials

• Submit survey to students inquiring about the effectiveness of applying course materials to everyday life

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Outcome ReviewBeginning






Criteria #1

Students competence and comprehension matches with instructional goal

Description reflecting beginning level of performance

Description reflecting movement toward mastery level of performance

Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance

Description reflecting highest level of performance


Criteria #3 Students will be able to follow procedures when complying feedback information

Description reflecting beginning level of performance

Description reflecting movement toward mastery level of performance

Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance

Description reflecting highest level of performance


Criteria #3

Students are illustrating the ability to perform tasks set forth within the

course materials

Description reflecting beginning level of performance

Description reflecting movement toward mastery level of performance

Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance

Description reflecting highest level of performance


Criteria #4Students are openly participating group/open classroom activities, discussions.

Description reflecting beginning level of performance

Description reflecting movement toward mastery level of performance

Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance

Description reflecting highest level of performance




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The outcome review indicates that students are gaining understanding and comprehension of the learning materials at an average level. The reflection of their academic level still provides a possibility that course materials and training will coincide with instructional goals and performance objective.

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Recommendations (continued)

Recommendations:• Apply more problem based activities• Encourage group discussion/classroom

activities• Increase instructor/student feedback• Increase lab/instructor accessibility

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Brown, A., Green, T., D. (2006) The Essential of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice, 1e Developing Instructional Goals and Objectives Prentice Hall. Retrieved February 1, 2009 from Print.aspx?assetid=318ca773-ce

Common Formative Assessments(n.d). Retrieved February 15, 2009 from

Exploring Formative Assessment –Assessment for Learning (2008). Retrieved February 15, 2009 from

Instructional Strategies (1999). Retrieved February 7, 2009 from

Reference Guide for Instructional Design: Develop Materials Concept Outline. (2009). Retrieved February 1, 2009 from

Scoring guide samples. Retrieved February 25, 2009 from