aerospace course curriculum

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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    Curriculum for the B.Tech., Dual Degree,Honors & Minor Programs in Aerospace

    Engineering, IIT Bomba

    !. Cre"it re#uirements

    The prescribed B.Tech program in Aerospace Engineering consists of252 credits. The option of the B.Tech. Honors program is also availableby taking an additional 30 credits. t!dents from other departmentscan take the "inor program #hich consists of a fi$ed set of fiveco!rses %30 credits&. The '!al 'egree program re(!ires st!dents totake the prescribed program as #ell as the Honors program and inaddition )* credits of the "aster+s re(!irement. The semester,#isebreakdo#n of the credits for the BTech program - the '!al 'egreeprogram is given belo# in Tables / - // respectively along #ith the

    Honors re(!irements. Table / also gives the co!rses #hich form the"inor program. The first three years of the B.Tech. and the '!al'egree programs are common.

    2. Departmental $ptions %in Prescribe" Program

    Department Electi'est!dents are re(!ired to take fo!r elective co!rses from the list of!ndergrad!ate elective co!rses offered by the Aerospace 'epartmentas listed in Table ///. t!dents satisfying the general eligibility criteria%s!ch as 1/ re(!irements& laid do#n by the enate and otheradditional criteria related to prere(!isites or backgro!nd re(!irementsimposed by the ' if any may take postgrad!ate co!rses offeredby the Aerospace 'epartment listed in Table /4 to f!lfill part or #holeof this re(!irement. Both lists of electives #ill be !pdated by thedepartment from time to time #ith enate approval. or any givenst!dent any co!rse that is co!nted to#ards this re(!irement #ill notbe co!nted in part or f!ll to#ards any other re(!irement of this or anyother program in the /nstit!te. t!dents sho!ld cons!lt fac!ltyadvisors6co!rse instr!ctors of 1 co!rses listed in Table /4 beforeregistering for these co!rses.

    (uper'ise" )earningt!dents can optionally s!bstit!te !p to a ma$im!m of t#odepartment electives by taking !p to t#o !nits of !pervised 7earning%AE28) - AE98)&

    Each !nit has to be registered for and performed !nder thes!pervision of a g!ide over the d!ration of a semester. /n cases #here

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    a st!dent takes t#o !nits of s!pervised learning they m!st be indifferent semesters and may or may not be !nder the sames!pervisor. Even #hen performed !nder the same s!pervisor theymay or may not be in contin!ation. /n other #ords the t#o !nits areto be vie#ed as operationally independent.

    Each !nit may involve a literat!re s!rvey %seminar&design6development6fabrication6 testing of e(!ipment6prototypedesign pro:ect research pro:ect design6development ofalgorithms6soft#are collection6analysis of e$perimental data !singsophisticated e(!ipment6methods or design of an e$periment and ise$pected to re(!ire *,; ho!rs of effort per #eek.

    A st!dent may obtain !pto 8; credits bychoosing BT1 tage / of * credits %BT1 /& and BT1 tage // of 82 credits%BT1 //& in t#o different and consec!tive semesters of the ///rd and /4thyears of the BTech program !nder the s!pervision of fac!ltymember%s& from the department s!b:ect to availability oftopics6s!pervisors. ac!lty members from other departments may be

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    copted as co,g!ides #ith the consent of the department g!ide. tages /and // are e$pected to involve *,; and 83,85 ho!rs of effortrespectively per #eek and sho!ld together represent a !nified bodyof #ork performed !nder the s!pervision of the same g!ide%s&. tage //of the BT1 #ill be available only !pon s!ccessf!l completion of tage /

    and only if contin!ation is permitted by the g!ide%s& depending !ponthe (!ality of #ork in the /st stage. /n case contin!ation is notpermitted d!e to inade(!ate (!ality as per re(!irements set by theg!ide%s& b!t the tage / e$amination panel finds the #ork of passablegrade the st!dent #ill earn the credit for BT1 / b!t #ill have to takee$it from BT1.

    b Departmental - Electi'es> A st!dent may f!lfill #hole or part ofthe 30 credit honors re(!irement by choosing co!rses from the list ofdepartmental co!rses given in Table ///.

    c Departmental P- Electi'es> A st!dent satisfying the enateapproved general eligibility criteria and other additional criteria relatedto prere(!isites or backgro!nd re(er!irements imposed by the 'if any may also f!lfill #hole or part of the 30 credit honorsre(!irement by choosing co!rses from the list of departmental 1co!rses listed in Table /4. t!dents sho!ld cons!lt fac!ltyadvisors6co!rse instr!ctors of 1 co!rses listed in Table /4 beforeregistering for these co!rses.

    c (uper'ise" )earning> A st!dent may take !pto t#o !nits ofs!pervised learning %ma$im!m 82 credits& to f!lfill in part the

    re(!irements of the Honors program s!b:ect to allprovisions6conditions o!tlined !nder 'epartment ?ptions %1rescribed1rogram& given in ection 8. A st!dent is allo#ed to take a ma$im!mof t#o !nits of s!pervised learning in the entire B.Tech programincl!ding the prescribed and the honors re(!irements together. Th!s ifa st!dent takes one or t#o !nits of s!pervised learning !nder theprescribed program then he6she can take respectively one or =ero!nits !nder the honors program and vice,versa.

    . Minor in Aerospace Engineering

    A st!dent of the B.Tech or '' program offered by departments otherthan the Aerospace Engineering 'epartment may obtain a minor inAerospace Engineering by earning 30 credits thro!gh a fi$ed set of fiveco!rses as given in Table / !nder the sections @o!rses for "inore(!irement.

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    these co!rses have prere(!isite re(!irements and they need to betaken in the prescribed order.

    /. Dual Degree Program

    To obtain a d!al degree in aerospace engineering a st!dent has tocomplete a total of 3C; credits as per break!p given belo#

    i. 252 credits to#ards the basic B.Tech degree as prescribed in Table// incl!ding the departmental options as described in ec. 8.

    ii. 30 credits as part of the comp!lsory honors re(!irement asprescribed in Table // by e$ercising options as described in ec. 2.

    iii. 29 credits of postgrad!ate co!rses as specified belo#a& at least three co!rses from the list of postgrad!ate co!rses

    offered by the Aerospace 'epartment given in Table /4 and

    b& not more than one co!rse from the non departmental 1co!rses listed in Table 4 #hich may be !pdated #ith enateapproval from time to time.

    iv. C* credits of ".Tech dissertation #ork s!pervised by a fac!ltymember of the Aerospace 'epartment. ac!lty members fromother departments may be co,opted as co,s!pervisors #ith theconsent of the department s!pervisor.

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    Table I 0 (emester01ise (che"ule of Courses 0 B.Tech. %Aerospace Engineering Program

    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table I Course Curriculum for the 3e1 Programme %B.Tech& 1.e.f. *445 Batch

    (emester I (emester 6 II

    Course co"e

    Course 3ame Cre"it (tructure CourseCo"e

    Course 3ame Cre"it (tructure

    ) T P C ) T P C

    808 omp!ter 1rogramming * 4 * 7 "A 80*And

    "A 80;

    7inear Algebra and?rdinary 'ifferentialE(!ations / ! 4 8

    H 808 Economics 4 4 7 H 803 hemistry * ! 4 7

    "A 805 alc!l!s ! 4 8 AE 852 /ntrod!ction to AerospaceEngg

    4 * 8

    1H 803 Electricity and "agnetism * ! 4 7 / 802 'ata Analysis and/nterpretations

    * ! 4 7

    "E 88) Engineering raphics and'ra#ing

    ! 4 9 H 88C hemistry 7ab. 4 4

    1H 88C 1hysics 7ab 4 4 "E 883 Dorkshop 1ractice 4 ! /

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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table I Course Curriculum for the 3e1 Programme %B.Tech& 1.e.f. *445 Batch

    "a$ credit to#ardsHono!rs

    7 "a$ credits to#ardsHono!rs


    ?E ? "/

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table I 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table I 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table I 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum ! 4 8

    EE 808 /ntrod!ction to Electricaland Electronics irc!its

    ! 4 8 AE 289 Thermodynamics * ! 4 7

    AE 20C /ntrod!ction toEngineering 'esign

    * 4 * 7 AE 28* l!id "echanics ! 4 8

    AE 20) olid "echanics ! 4 8 AE 220 Aerospace tr!ct!ral"echanics

    ! 4 8

    / 288 E$perimentation and"eas!rement 7aboratory

    4 4.9 / AE 230 "odeling and im!lation7aboratory

    !.9 4 * 9

    AE 285 Aerospace "eas!rements7aboratory

    ! 4 * /

    Total !* .9 5 / Total !*.9

    / * 9

    ?E ? H?

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum

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    AE2$(PACE E3-I3EE2I3-Table II 0 Course Curriculum

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    Table III Departmental - Electi'es


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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    Table I; Departmental P- electi'es


    lo# im!lation*

    AE *58 Aerodynamic 'esign ofompressors and T!rbines


    AE *5; 'esign of po#er plants foraircraft


    AE C8) Advanced ' *

    AE C22 rid generation *AE C29 E$p. "eth. in l!id


    AE CC8 "atri$ comp!tations *AE CC9 pecial topics in


    AE C;0 omp!tational heat transfer *AE C;2 lo# ontrol *AE *09 Advanced Topics in

    Aerospace tr!ct!res*

    AE *C3 iber einforced omposites *

    AE *C* Elastic Analysis of 1lates and7aminates *

    AE *C; Aeroelasticity *AE C85 tr!ct!ral 'ynamics *AE C28 4ariation "ethods in


    AE C30 E$perimental "ethods intr!ct!ral 'ynamics


    AE C32 omposite tr!ct!resAnalysis and 'esign


    AE C3* Advanced Aero elasticity *AE *8)

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    m!ltidisciplinary systems

    Table ; 3on0Departmental P- Electi'es


    1artial 'ifferential E(!ations*

    "A 593 inite Element "ethods andApplications


    "A 5;3 /ntrod!ction to ontin!!m"echanics


    EE *23

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    Course Contents %3e1 Courses:2e'ise"Courses

    8. Title of the


    AE !9* Intro"uction to Aerospace Engineering

    %e$iting co!rse contents revised&2. redit


    3. 1rere(!isite

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE !9 Intro"uction to Aerospace Engineering% only for the "inor 1rogramI contentssame as AE852&

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite

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    co!rse isrelevant

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE *45 Intro"uction to Engineering Design% teps involvedin the design process comm!nication d!ring thedesign process team behavior and tools 'elta designe$ercise./dentification and !nderstanding of c!stomer needs>e(!irements capt!re development of prod!ct designspecifications (!ality f!nction deployment %F'&techni(!e case st!dies in F'.oncept generation> eneratingengineering

    specifications f!nctional analysis and design conceptgeneration methods creativity and problem solvingcreativity method creative idea eval!ation T/La$iomatic design.oncept eval!ation> /nformation representationconcept eval!ation overvie# eval!ation techni(!esbased on 8& feasibility :!dgment 2& ?,

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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE *4> (oli" Mechanics% components of stress- strain fields stress6strain transformation principalstresses plane stress6strain "ohr+s circle e(!ilibri!me(!ations strain displacement relations compatibilityconditions nat!ral - kinematic bo!ndary conditionsstress,strain relations generali=ed Hooke+s 7a# ,isotropy orthotropy anisotropy. 'isplacement andforce methods of analysis. oncepts of linear and

    nonlinear problems. /ll!stration of linear elasticitysol!tions , problems in 2,' %rectang!lar and polar co,ordinates& stress f!nction approach. t. 4enant+sprinciple.

    "aterial behavio!r> introd!ction to metallic and non,metallic materials of aerospace interesta#areness6overvie# of str!ct!re of materials. '!ctilebrittle elasto,plastic and viscoelastic materialbehavio!r , Elastic and strength properties. ompositematerials. "aterials selection. ail!re of engineeringmaterials fail!re theories concepts of fatig!e fract!re

    and creep.

    8,' str!ct!ral analysis> slender str!ct!ral elementsass!mptions simplifying the general %3,d& stress strainand deformation fields for !nco!pled a$ial deformation!nco!pled bending and !nco!pled t#isting of slender8,' elements and development of correspondingelementary theories %Elementary Beam TheoryElementary Torsion theory& ideali=ation of generalloads into a$ial forces bending moments shear forcesand tor(!e distrib!tions deflection and stress analysisof rods beams and circ!lar shafts. /ntrod!ction to

    energy methods strain energy virt!al #ork minim!mpotential energy and its application.

    "eas!rement of strain and displacement. "eas!rementof elastic and strength properties. AT" standards.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. ere J. ". MM"echanics of "aterialsNN Thomson*th ed. 200C.2. randall .H. 'ahl

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    "cra#,Hill /nternational Edition 8)C;.3. Timoshenko .1. and oodier J.

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE *!/ Thermo"namics% Leroth la# and temperat!re firstla# and internal energy first la# applied to flo#processes second la# entropy and absol!tetemperat!re third la# and absol!te entropythermodynamics of simple compressible systemsenergy and e$ergy.

    Applications> losed and open systems polytrophicprocesses cyclic processes arnot cycleI ycleanalysis> ?tto cycle 'iesel cycle Jo!le,Brayton cycleIideal and real cycles design point analysis.

    pecial topics> Elements of heat transfer andcomb!stion isentropic flo# flo# #ith friction and heattransfer.

    /ntrod!ction to aerospace po#er plants> 1iston propt!rboprop

    t!rbo:et t!rbofan t!rbo shaft ram:et rockets.5. Te$ts6eferen

    ces8. ogers . . . and "ayhe# O. . Engineering

    Thermodynamics> #ork and heat transfer 9th ed.7ongman 8))2.2.

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE *!7 niform vs. non,!niform flo#s steady vs.!nsteady flo#s compressible and incompressible flo#sideal vs. real flo#s.

    1otential flo# theoryI 4elocity potential and streamf!nction form!lationsI /deal flo# past circ!lar cylinder.

    E!ler e(!ation in 8'I 4isco!s flo# on a flat plateIBo!ndary layer displacement moment!m and energythicknessesI lo# bet#een t#o plates flo# in a pipeI7aminar flo# vs. t!rb!lent flo#.

    'imensional analysis and B!ckingham pi theoremeynolds n!mberI t!rb!lence and t!rb!lent flo#sIrictional losses losses in a pipeI lo# past cylindercritical eynolds n!mbersI /ncompressible visco!s flo#past an airfoil #akes types of drags.

    "ach n!mber and its importance in compressible flo#sIE(!ation of motion for compressible flo# in 8'I

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum



    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. Dhite . ". l!id "echanics 5th Ed. "cra# Hill2003.2. K!nd! 1. K. and ohen /. ". l!id "echanics 2ndEd. Academic 1ress 2002.3. hames /. H. "echanics of l!ids 9th Ed "cra#Hill 2002.

    *. importance of#arpingI t. 4enant or 1randtl+s form!lationI "embraneanalogy and its application to narro# rectang!lar cross,section.

    eneral form!lation of Thin,Dalled Beam %TDB&Theory> artesian and midline systems ' - thin,#all ass!mptions general e$pressions for dominantdisplacement strain and stress fields e(!ilibri!me(!ations in midline system stress res!ltants andgeneral bo!ndary conditions.

    Torsion and Bending of TDBs> Torsion of single andm!lti cell closed sections , Bredt,Batho theory shearflo# torsion constant free #arping calc!lation conceptof center of t#ist torsional e(!ilibri!m e(!ation andbo!ndary conditions. Torsion of open TDBs #itho!t#arp restraint primary - secondary #arping t.4enant torsion constant. nco!pled bending of openclosed single cell m!lti,cell TDBs , a$ial stress shear

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    flo# shear centre displacement analysis. Torsion ofopen section TDBs #ith primary #arp restraint ,concept and theory of torsion bending torsion bendingconstant secondary #arping restraint. nsymmetricbending and co!pled bending torsion analysis.

    B!ckling of TDBs> oncept of str!ct!ral instability

    fle$!ral b!ckling analysis bending of beams !ndercombined a$ial and lateral loads short col!mn andinelastic b!ckling. 1!re torsional b!ckling and co!pledfle$!ral,torsional b!ckling of open TDBs. /ntrod!ctionto the concept of b!ckling of plates local b!ckling of

    TDBs. /ntrod!ction to b!ckling and post,b!ckling ofstiffened skin panels !ltimate load carrying capacity ofa typical semimonoco(!e TD bo$,section. /ntrod!ctionto tension,field beams.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. "egson T. H. . Aircraft tr!ct!res for Engineeringt!dents B!tter#orth,Heinemann 9th Ed. 200C.

    2. 1eery '. J. Aircraft tr!ct!res "cra#,HillEd!cation 8st Ed. 8)50.3. 'onaldson B. K. Analysis of Aircraft tr!ct!res%ambridge Aerospace eries& 2nd Ed. ambridgeniversity 1ress 200;.9. !n . T. "echanics of Aircraft tr!ct!res Diley,/nterscience 8));.5. Br!hn E. . Analysis and 'esign of light 4ehicletr!ct!res Jacobs 1!b. 8)C3.*.

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    moments reversible control stick force and trim tab.tick free static stability stick,free ne!tral point.

    7ateral,directional stability and control> 'irectionale(!ilibri!m stability and r!dder as control. 7ateralstability dihedral angle aileron control.

    'ynamical e(!ations> E!ler angles. Body ang!larvelocity and E!ler angle rates. Body,fi$ed a$is #inda$is stability a$es. E(!ations of motion of rigid aircraftin body fi$ed a$es. tability derivatives. teady flightand pert!rbed flight leading to linearised e(!ations ofmotion.

    Aircraft motion modes> 'eco!pling of longit!dinaldynamics and lateral,directional dynamics. hortperiod and ph!goid modes of longit!dinal dynamics.'!tch roll spiral and roll s!bsidence modes of lateral,directional dynamics. Effect of #inds. light sim!lation.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. tengel . . light 'ynamics 1rinceton niversity1ress 2009.2. oskam J. Airplane light 'ynamics and A!tomaticlight ontrols 'A orporation 8))5.3.

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE 48 Control Theor%e$isting co!rse contents !pdated&

    2. redit tr!ct!re 2,8,0,*

    3. 1rere(!isite AE 230

    9. o!rse ontent/ntrod!ction> ontrol ob:ectives and tasks open, andclosed,loop control str!ct!res negative and positivefeedback.ystem response> /mp!lse response convol!tionintegralresponse of higher order systems to arbitrary andstandard inp!ts in 7aplace and time domains(!alitative dependence on poles and =eros dominantpoles.tability> Asymptotic and bo!nded,inp!t,bo!nded,o!tp!t stability characteristic e(!ation and itsroots role of characteristic roots in stability o!thNscriterion relative and absol!te stability impact ofpositive feedback on stability.oot loc!s analysis> losed,loop stability analysis!sing root loc!s impact of open,loop poles and =eroson the root loc!s root loc!s for positive feedbacksystems effect of gain in the feedback path root locifor m!ltiple!ency response> "agnit!de and phase fre(!encyresponse of higher order systems Bode polar and losed,loop performancespecifications gain and phase margins as designspecifications !se of root loc!s Bode plots in designdesign r!les for lag and lead compensators.pecial Topics>

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum



  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE Aero"namics%

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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE *> Propulsion% ?ff,design pointsengine performance maps po#er plant performance#ithvarying speed and altit!de comparison of real cyclet!rboprops t!rbofans t!rbo:ets and ram:ets.

    Jet engine components> /ntake fan compressorscomb!stors t!rbines afterb!rner and no==leIcomponent performance cascade theory matching ofpropeller6fan6compressor #ith t!rbine in t!rbopropt!rbofan and t!rbo:et engines single and m!lti,spoolengines t!rbine blade cooling mechanisms thr!st

    a!gmentation variable geometry intakes and no==lesthr!st vector control.

    am:ets and scram:ets> /deal and real cycles 8,'analysis of intake isolator no==le and reactive flo#s incomb!stor.

    lassification of rockets> /ntrod!ction to chemicalelectric ion andn!clear po#ered rockets.

    hemical rockets> olid and li(!id propellant rockets

    types ofsolid and li(!id rocket motor propellants rocketperformanceparameters flo# thro!gh no==le real no==lese(!ilibri!m andfro=en flo#.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. Hill 1. . and 1eterson . "echanics andThermodynamics of 1rop!lsion 2nd Ed. 1rentice Hall8))8.2. ohen H. ogers . . . and aravanam!ttooH. /. H. as T!rbine Theory 5th Ed. 1earsonEd!cation Asia 2008.

    3. !tton . 1. and Biblar= ?. ocket 1rop!lsionElements Cth Ed. Diley /nter cience 2000.9. ?ates . . Aerothermodynamics of as T!rbineand ocket 1rop!lsion A/AA Ed!cation eries 8))C.


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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE /!9 (paceflight Mechanics%e$isting co!rse contents !pdated &

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite pace environment types of spacecraftpresent,day satellites and la!nch vehicles.

    ?rbital mechanics> T#o,body 1roblem KeplerNs la#sgeometry of orbits KeplerNs e(!ation classical orbitalelements orbit determination from initial conditionsposition and velocity prediction from orbital elements.

    atellite operations> eostationary orbit Hohmanntransfer inclination change mane!vers la!nch#indo#s for rende=vo!s missions pert!rbation effectsd!e to earth oblateness s!n synchrono!s orbits.

    "echanics> Kinematics relative to moving framesrotations and ang!lar velocity ang!lar moment!m of asystem of particles rotational dynamics for a system ofparticles.

    Attit!de dynamics and control> otation matrices E!lerangles attit!de kinematics E!lerNs e(!ations forrotational dynamics tor(!e,free motion of asymmetricand a$isymmetric rigid bodies effect of energydissipation on stability of rotational motion attit!decontrol of spinning and nonspinning satellites overvie#

    of act!ation mechanisms for attit!de control.

    ocket motion and performance> ocket e(!ationm!ltistaging parallel staging optimal stagingsensitivity ratios vertical ascent tra:ectories gravityt!rn tra:ectories.

    pecial topics> estricted 3,body probleminterplanetary tra:ectories l!nar transfer gravitygradient stabili=ation d!al spin spacecraft re,entry

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    vehicles and missions.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. Diesel D. E. paceflight 'ynamics 2nd Ed."cra# Hill 8))C.2. Kaplan ". H. "odern pacecraft 'ynamics andontrol John Diley and ons 7ondon 8)C*.3. Thompson D. T. /ntrod!ction to pace 'ynamics'over 1!blications !personic

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    aircraft design very large aircraft morphing aircraft.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. aymer '. 1. Aircraft 'esign , A oncept!alApproach A/AAEd!cational eries 9th Ed. 200*.

    2.Brandt . A. tiles . J. Bertin J. J. Dhitford .

    /ntrod!ction to Aerona!tics> A 'esign 1erspective A/AAEd!cational eries 2nded. 2009.

    3. Jenkinson 7. . impkin 1. and hodes '. ivil JetAircraft 'esign Arnold 1!blishers 7ondon 8))).

    9. ielding J. /ntrod!ction to Aircraft 'esignambridge Aerospaceeries ambridge niversity 1ress 8))).


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  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    systems. Transfer f!nction and block diagramrepresentation.

    Time response> irst and second order systems. ystemrepresentation and sim!lation !sing "AT7AB /"7/

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    3. 1rere(!isite / 802

    9. o!rseontent

    haracteristics of meas!ring systems> alibrationsensitivity and error analysis.Air data meas!rements> 1ress!re altit!de airspeedlo# meas!rements> Hot#ire anemometermanometer angle of attack sensor

    Temperat!re "eas!rements> Thermoco!ples hot gas

    and cryogenic meas!rements thermopilestrain meas!rements> train gage types strain gagesensitivity.1ress!re meas!rements> 'ependence of meas!rementdynamics on sensor constr!ction./nertial and 1 based sensors> Accelerometers andgyroscopesI position velocity and time meas!rements.Attit!de and heading reference systems> Errors ininertial sensors andcharacteri=ation.ensor interfacing> amplifiers filters and other signalconditioning

    circ!its analog and digital conditioning A'6'Asynchrono!s and asynchrono!s serial comm!nication.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. 'oeblin E. "eas!rement ystems> Application and'esign 9th Ed. "cra#,Hill

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    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE /!! Control (stems )aborator%e$isting co!rse contents !pdated &

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite AE 230

    9. o!rseontenteinforcement of basic control concepts> 1roportionalintegral andvelocity feedback applied to simple control systemss!ch as servo control temperat!re control gyroscopefle$ible shafts.

    eal system effects> Effect of friction backlashresistance loading and transport lag on the controlsystem behavior.

    re(!ency response> E$perimental generationapplication to

    closed loop system stability analysis.

    7ab pro:ect> 'esign of a control system involvingsim!lation st!dies hard#are implementation anddemonstration.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. ?gata K. "odern ontrol Engineering 9th Ed.1rentice Hall /ndia 200*.2. ser "an!als of the vario!s e$perimental set!ps


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE !7 Aircraft Propulsion )aborator%e$isting co!rse contents !pdated &

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite AE 32)

    9. o!rseontentt!dy of aircraft engine models basic meas!rementtechni(!es inthermal mechanical and fl!id systems.

    E$perimentation related to aerodynamics andperformance oft!rbomachinery %in a$ial flo# fan set,!p and in t#o,dimensionalcompressor6t!rbine cascades& f!el systemscomb!stion and heattransfer %convective heat transfer to geometries typicalof aerospace

    prop!lsion applications& in aerospace prop!lsionsystems.

    E$periments on performance characteristics of gast!rbine6:etprop!lsion systems.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. Hill 1. . and 1eterson . "echanics andThermodynamics of1rop!lsion 2nd Ed. 1rentice Hall 8))8.2. 7aboratory "an!al 1rop!lsion 7aboratory'epartment ofAerospace Engineering //T Bombay 200C.


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE !* Aero"namics )aborator%e$isting co!rse contents !pdated &

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite AE 285 AE 333

    9. o!rseontent Types of #ind t!nnels and their characteristics #indt!nnel corrections

    lo# past bl!ff and a streamlined bodies andmeas!rement of press!re drag.

    Dall shear flo#s free shear flo#s development ofbo!ndary layer on flat plate #ith and #itho!t press!regradient free shear layer in a :et estimation of drag by#ake s!rvey method.

    lo# in a variable area d!ct and e$perimental

    determination of mass flo# coefficient.

    lo# vis!alisation methods s!rface flo# methods andcolo!r die in:ection method.

    "eas!rement of !nsteady flo# !sing hot,#ire and laser'oppler velocimeter.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. oldstein . J. l!id "echanics "eas!rementsTaylor and rancis 8))*.


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    8. Title of the


    AE !/ Aircraft (tructures )aborator

    %e$isting co!rse contents !pdated &

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite AE 20) AE 220

    9. o!rseontent

    The aerospace str!ct!res laboratory incl!dese$periments related to material aspects as #ell asstr!ct!ral mechanics. These e$periments are largelybased !pon the syllab!s covered in the co!rses on solidmechanics and aerospace str!ct!res. A co!ple ofe$periments on vibrations and str!ct!ral dynamics arealso incl!ded for e$pos!re. The e$periments in this

    laboratory co!rse cover the follo#ing.

    abrication of fibre reinforced composite laminateItension compression interlaminar shear impact andhardness testing for determination of elastic mod!liand strength of materialI coefficient of thermale$pansionI strain meas!rementI inverse methods formaterial property determination %1oissonNs ratio and

    Oo!ngs "od!l!s& !sing meas!red static and dynamicstr!ct!ral response in con:!nction #ith simplestr!ct!ral modelsI shear centre of open section thin,#alled beam displacement and strain distrib!tion in

    bending and torsion of t#in,#alled open and closedsection beamsI B!ckling of beams6platesImeas!rement of nat!ral fre(!ency nat!ral modes andmodal damping of beams.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    7aboratory "an!al Aircraft tr!ct!res 7ab. 'ept. ofAerospace Engineering //T Bombay 200C.


  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    to #hom theco!rse isrelevant

    8. Title of theco!rse

    AE /!5 Aircraft Design )aborator%e$isting co!rse revised contents&

    2. redittr!ct!re


    3. 1rere(!isite AE 332

    9. o!rseontent

    As part of the Aircraft 'esign 7aboratory the st!dentsare re(!ired to complete a gro!p pro:ect involving

    concept!al design st!dies of an aircraft meeting somestated re(!irements.

    The gro!p pro:ect is aimed to achieve the follo#inglearning goals for thest!dents>8. To provide hands,on e$perience related to Aircraft'esign2. To be able to plan and e$ec!te a m!lti,disciplinarydesign task3. To be able to s!ccessf!lly present the res!lts of thedesign task verbally and in the form of a report and

    dra#ings9.To learn to #ork efficiently in a gro!p and as amember of the gro!p.

    5. Te$ts6eferences

    8. aymer '. . ser "an!al for ',1rofessionaloft#are for Aircraft 'esign Analysis - ?ptimi=ation4ersion 5.2 oncept!al esearch orporationalifornia A 200C.

    2. oskam J. ser "an!al for Advanced AircraftAnalysis %AAA& oft#are 4ersion 3.8 'esign Analysis

  • 8/13/2019 Aerospace course curriculum


    and esearch orporation Kansas A A!g!st 200*.
