aegee identity agora zaragoza


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 AEGEE Identity 


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AEGEE (Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe) is one of Eu-rope’s biggest interdisciplinary student organisations. As a non-governmental,

politically independent, and non-prot organisation AEGEE is open to studentsand young people from all faculties and disciplines. Founded in 1985 in Paris,today AEGEE has grown to a Network of 13000 friends, present in 200 cities in 40countries all over Europe.

AEGEE puts the idea of a unied Europe into practice. Operating without a nation-al level, AEGEE brings 13000 students from 40 dierent countries directly in touchwith each other.

 AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which issocially, economically and politically integrated, and values the partic-ipation of young people in its construction and development.

 AEGEE empowers students and young people in Europe to take an ac-tive role in society. It creates a space for dialogue and learning oppor-

tunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-mak-ers. Moreover, AEGEE strengthens mutual understanding and brings

Europe closer to young people.

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AEGEE creates a space for members of dif-ferent backgrounds to meet and learn aboutcultural dierences, in order to foster mutualunderstanding. AEGEE supports mobility andencourages young people to cross bordersand make new friends, to break stereotypes

and strengthen tolerance, respect and soli-darity.

AEGEE provides learning opportunities for thedevelopment of its members through non-for-mal education and informal learning. By par-ticipating in trainings courses, workshops, andactive involvement in the organisation, ourmembers improve their competences (suchas leadership skills, communication skills andteam management) which will be useful for

their future lives.

Thematic projects, either local or interna-tional, are initiatives developed by membersof AEGEE. They deal with current challengesin the European society, create awareness

among young people and propose solutionsfrom a student point of view. The outcome ofthis work has an impact in- and outside of AE-GEE.

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AEGEE gathers the opinions of Europeanstudents and represents them towardsstakeholders through campaigns, lobby

actions, conferences and membership inbigger advocacy platforms. In addition,AEGEE informs students and young peo-ple about the impact which Europeanpolicies have in their lives and opportuni-ties they oer

AEGEE provides a space for young Euro-peans to discuss and exchange dierentpoints of view with a European perspec-tive,in order to nd a common ground.This exchange of ideas happens in all ouractivities but a special place for them isour Working groups, conferences andGeneral Assemblies (EBM & Agora).

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Statement of Principles

We, the members of AEGEE,

We hereby declare these principles to be funda-mental to us:

 young Europeans coming from all regions of the continent, recog-nise that we are the future and present of our society and that ourcontribution to the construction of Europe is our responsibility. Wecome together under a common vision of a democratic, diverse

and borderless Europe.

We come together in AEGEE to form an open, voluntary networkwhere we transform our ideas into actions, develop ourselves to participate actively in society, and contribute to the European de-bate with our independent student’s perspective.

The diversity of Europe has to be valued, and we refect it in our

organisation. The richness of our continent relies on people fromdierent cultures and backgrounds coming together and beingunited by common values.

Cooperation between people and communities begins with dia-logue and mutual understanding. We bring together students fromall regions of Europe and create friendships that break stereotypesand prejudices.

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Statement of Principles

Freedom and human rights are essential elements of a Europeansociety. Through our work and behaviour, we aim to serve as anexample and spread these values among the youth of our conti-nent.

 A strong Europe is built upon the foundations of respect, tolerance

and solidarity.  Following these values, we stand for an inclusivesociety where citizens enjoy equal opportunities and rights.

Progress in Europe has to be based on knowledge and unlimitedaccess to education. By providing diverse learning opportunitiesand supporting a European dimension in education, we believe it gives young people better opportunities for the future.

By honoring and promoting these principles we shape a betterEurope.

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