advertisment poster eval


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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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advertisement poster


Page 1: Advertisment poster eval
Page 2: Advertisment poster eval

For the research of our poster we indendently used the internet to research the codes and conventions involved.The the main elements to be involved in a poster is for the poster to be ‘branded’ with a name and using the logo of the channel with the brand name. For our documentary our logo we used was the channel 4 logo to advertise that it will be playing on channel 4.

As you can see our logo is in a correct positioning on the right hand side, it is no defaced or been developed or reproduced in any way.

Page 3: Advertisment poster eval

Because we had decided our documentary was being played on channel 4 we had to research the style of other channel 4 posters and take notes on certain compostions,logos and ways we had to set out our poster so it would fit in the channel 4 guidelines, for our poster to be successful. Off the internet I downloaded the channel 4 guidelines booklet, and read through each area which we had to make sure we did correctly or else we wont get a successful poster, following the certain guidelines .

Page 4: Advertisment poster eval

We have chosen the correct logo and positioned it in the correct place to successfully follow channel 4 guidelines of how they present there poster advertisements.

Page 5: Advertisment poster eval

The main image/central image always has to be relevant to the topic f your documentary, and it has to clearly represent what your documentary is about. When deciding how to plan an image, we did a brainstorm of several ideas for images, i.e.. Fortune cookies, tarot cards,money,crystal balls. We then wanted audience feedback on what they think would be the best way to represent the supernatural through out images. Therefore we did a small questionnaire asking our audience to decided from the images in our brainstorm what would be the best image to represent the supernatural. When looking at the results our audience said Tarot cards, therefore we began to take images of tarot cards in different ways until we got a successful image.

Here is a screen grab from our documentary, showing we have used tarot cards in our documentary several times, especially most importantly in the opening titles, therefore considering our target audience research into which type of image to use, this was another reason in why to use a tarot card.

Page 6: Advertisment poster eval

Here is another screen grab from our documentary. Again showing our use of tarot card, which was again a reason why to include the image of a tarot card in our advertisement poster.

Page 7: Advertisment poster eval

In a advertisement poster it has to be simple and clear, therefore the wording has to be simple and easy to read/understand. Within the wording there must be a slogan, which makes the poster advertisement seem more catchy and interesting and intriguing to watch to draw your audience in. On our poster out slogan we have used is ‘’The unfortunate truth about fortune telling’ ’We felt this slogan fitted our theme and the point we were suggesting throughout the documentary clearly and catchy.

Here is our poster advertisement and the short slogan at the end to sum up the documentary very catchy. To compare this with a channel 4 advertise it have found one with a catchy slogan also briefly summing up what the documentary is about.

Page 8: Advertisment poster eval

I feel that our poster has successfully and strongly represents our documentary well and invites our audience to want to watch our documentary. The poster is very eye-catching from the bold simple colours involved, and the main basic image is very representing of our documentary. We used the image of a tarot cards because from our audience feedback which said tarot cards can strongly represent fortune telling. I feel our poster stands out well and uses very little text however still looks catchy and represented of our documentary. Our poster image also links to our documentary, because in the opening sequence of the documentary we introduce the titles by using tarot cards being layer out on the table, edited to speed it up it looks exciting and lively. Therefore it links well and is a logic reason in why we would use tarot cards in the poster.-