advent for many of the christmas characters begins with an · number of days. my jaw was wired shut...


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Page 1: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was
Page 2: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was
Page 3: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an unexpected visitor whose first words are, “Be not afraid.” Zechariah gets a visit from an angel and the angel says, “Be not afraid.” The same with Joseph. The same with Mary. The same with the shepherds in our story today. The arrival of God usually starts with a bit of fear. We can count on it. God counts on it. He counts on it because inevitably God arrives through the unexpected visitor or the visit of the unfamiliar – strangers, unusual characters, surprise events, angels, you name it. And God knows that if there is anything his children don’t like it’s the unexpected visitor or the visit of the unfamiliar. God knows us so well that he has his first line ready: “Don’t be afraid!”

Once we get to Christmas it’s tempting to wish for life to be happy and joyful and peaceful and to hope for all good things to come. There’s nothing wrong with that, except that’s not how God usually shows up. He shows up when life gets us scared – the uncertainty of the future, the appearance of a stranger, a disappointing setback, a frightful diagnosis. Counterintuitively, it’s when we’re most afraid that God is likely right around the corner – and something new is about to be born.

So in this Christmas season and New Year to come, dare I wish you fearful visitations?


The Scripture readings in this devotional are from the Revised Common Lectionary Daily Reading.

P.S. Another way God shows up in Advent is through the opportunity to give a gift that really matters. Accompanying this devotional is a Giving Catalogue provided by the Presbyterian Church through which you can purchase gifts that will truly make a difference in lives of folks who have little: a water system for a village, an emergency life pack for a family, education for a child, the list goes on. Give joy to your family and friends by telling them that you remembered them through a life-changing gift. If you didn’t get a catalogue just go to

Page 4: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Righteous BranchAt the time the prophet Jeremiah wrote these words he was a prisoner of King Zedekiah. Jeremiah had merely prophesied that Jerusalem would soon be destroyed by the kingdom of Babylon because of the sins of the people. Yet in the midst of approaching catastrophe, Jeremiah speaks words of promise and hope to the divided northern Kingdom of Israel and southern Kingdom of Judah. He tells them that God will restore the line of David, “a righteous Branch will sprout from the line of David.”

The message of Advent reminds us of God’s promises to us - the promise of the Christ child, the promise of a Savior, the promise of hope, forgiveness of our sins, resurrection, and life everlasting. A branch is about to sprout fulfilling God’s promises. The branch is coming. Christ is coming. It’s time to prepare our hearts and minds for this blessed event. Rejoice and believe.

December 2Jeremiah 33:14-16

by Charlie & Carol Haeussner

Drawing by Thomas Emmrich

Page 5: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Promise of the Lord’s ComingThe word Advent is a version of the Latin word meaning “coming”. We as Christians celebrate Advent as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus as well as the return of Jesus at the second coming. In our New Testament scripture for today the apostle Peter encourages us “to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God”. In so doing, we look forward to “a new heaven and a new earth” in keeping with God’s promise.

December 3 2 Peter 3:1-18

by Don & Julie Schalekamp

Drawing by Libby Moser

Page 6: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God’s Faithful LoveThis psalm is a prayer of Moses that reveals attributes of God. These attributes are His eternalness, timelessness, anger over sin and His faithful love. The psalmist also searches for an understanding of the meaning of life. In the end, he concludes that the only hope and joy to be found is in the revealing of God’s faithful love.

This advent season is truly seen through Christ’s coming to take on the burdens of our sins. God’s everlasting love is revealed as an answer to the psalmist’s prayer for he proclaims, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us, establish for us the work of our hands.”

December 4Psalm 90

by Frances Patterson

Drawing by Teddy Moser

Page 7: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Sign of JonahIn this passage, the crowds were asking for a sign. We wonder what they meant by a “sign”. But Jesus reminded them of Jonah, a man of God, who brought a “sign” to his generation in Nineveh by simply proclaiming the need to repent of sins and the consequences if they don’t. The story of Jonah is about God’s compassion to all through a message (sign) of words. When you hear or read this Advent’s sign, ask what is holding you from following it: anger, doubt, denial, pride. Whatever the reason, think and pray about it and ask God for understanding and direction. You will feel the love and guidance if you ask for it.

December 5Luke 11:29-32

by Vince Olsen

Drawing by Charles Moser

Page 8: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Spread the Good NewsSometimes when we experience hardship, we lose perspective on the bigger picture of what our life in Christ is all about. I know that has been true for me, with the death or illness of a loved one, with the loss of a job, with all varieties of struggle. Yet I am reminded in Roman’s 8:28, and here in Philippians that every day, every circumstance and every environment offers an opportunity to spread the Good News. What’s more, my courage and my passion to speak of God’s love for me in times when I am suffering or struggling is a tremendous testimony to the awe-inspiring limitlessness of God’s love. When I am brave enough to talk about how deeply I love Jesus, perhaps I empower others to do the same. Just speak it. Wherever I am. Whether or not I know exactly what to say. There are no corners of the world…not even a prison cell…where the Good News cannot transform lives.

December 6Philippians 1:12-18a

by Sarah Soboleski

Drawing by Sydney Soboleski

Page 9: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Treasured PossessionsThe message of the Old Testament prophets went something like this. “Shape up or it will go badly for you.” My guess is prophets didn’t get invited to a lot of dinner parties. The problem, of course, is that prophets speak for God. Ignore the prophet and you’re ignoring God.

We read today that the prophet Malachi told the people they were “acting arrogantly” towards God. Many ignored Malachi but some heard what God was saying loud and clear. So they shaped up, declaring that they were God’s people and “the Lord listened and heard” and promised that they were to be counted among God’s “treasured possessions.”

A “treasured possession” of God. That’s you. Smile.

December 7Malachi 3:13-18

by Mike & Anita Murphy

Drawing by Abby Tuttle

Page 10: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God’s GraceJesus gave amazing power and authority to the disciples to preach and heal. Yet, we live in even more amazing times. Grace still happens! When we ask God’s grace to pray someone well, relieve someone’s mind, or restore a lonely soul, we are joined by host of professionals, medicines and techniques. We ask for grace to speak God’s saving word, and have tools of communication and healing never imagined before.

It is still God’s grace, God’s authority, God’s power moving through us...or around us...or despite us...and God’s gospel giving hope.

In Jesus’ birth we celebrate the birth of grace, power and authority. Thanks be to God!

December 8Luke 9:1-6

by Dr. Hmingi Browne

Drawing by Nathanael Hearon

Page 11: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Prophet’s DayIt sounds scary - Judgment Day when everything will be destroyed, the wicked trampled underfoot and reduced to dust. These words of Malachi can be frightening.

Thanks be to God that he doesn’t stop his prophecy there. He declares that those who revere his name will be safe on the that Day, through the “sun of righteousness,” S-O-N of God. He will bring pardon to sinners, make us right with God, and enable us to stand before Him and be pronounced “Not Guilty” on that Day. The Judgment Day will then be a joy.

This is amplified in the song of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-69, praising the fidelity of God to the promises of the Old Testament and fulfilled in Jesus). A perfect message for Advent.

December 9Malachi 3:1-4 • Luke 1:68-79

by Dr. Alan Rodda

Drawing by Collier Moser

Page 12: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God’s Comfort for His PeopleIn these beautiful verses, God says “Comfort, comfort my people.” We are like grass and flowers of the field, which will wither and fall, but the word of God stands forever. We must prepare the way for our God and His glory will be revealed. We must proclaim that our God is coming! He is powerful, yet caring and gentle, a Great Shepherd. He will carry us in His arms, close to His heart. He will gently lead us and those that have young.

God bless us all and bring us closer to Him this Advent Season.

December 10Isaiah 40:1-11

by Sandy Snyder

Drawing by Ava Llewellyn

Page 13: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Christian’s CallPlease imagine with me that the very human, old fisherman is writing to you. “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,” he begins. He wants all to know the “precious promises” you have, so “you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires”. He shares a list of qualities you need to add to your faith: goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.

Developing these qualities is a truly challenging goal. With help from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we can reach for them.

December 11 2 Peter 1:2-15

by Marsha Quattlebaum

Drawing by Ava Ashton

Page 14: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God Is Always With UsDue to a severe auto accident, I was in the intensive care unit for a number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was broken in many places. The doctors told me I was fortunate to be alive. I was suffering from excruciating pain, both physically and mentally. During the most disheartening moments, it’s not always easy to trust or praise the Lord.

It is important to remember that God is always with us, even in our most painful moments. Psalm 126 reminds us that He has been there for us before, “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed,” (v. 1). We are reminded that prayer is the way to ask for His support, “Restore our fortunes, O Lord,” (v. 4). Finally, our tears, faith and hard work will turn our pain and sorrow into joy, “He who goes out weeping, carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy,” (v.6). Times of trouble do not last. God will turn our sorrow to joy and our tears to laughter. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

December 12Psalm 126

by Jason Morton

Drawing by Anna Buchmeier

Page 15: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God’s SalvationLike the people of Isaiah’s time we wait for “that day.” “That day” for them was a day promised when God’s salvation would come. We have the certainty of “that day” when Jesus was born in the city of David.

The Advent Season allows us to prepare to celebrate “that day” through study, prayer, worship and praise through song. Isaiah reads “Sing to the Lord for he has done glorious things, let this be know to all the world.” We are blessed with a great body of Christmas music that praises the Lord and adds greatly to our Advent experience. Sing for joy!

December 13Isaiah 12:2-6

by Barbara & Tom Fulton

Drawing by Anais Hearon

Page 16: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Giving FreelyThe basic lesson of this chapter is that the attitude of unselfish giving and caring to others will result in righteousness and grace from God.

Paul preaches to the Corinthians that he has boasted of their kindness and benevolence to the visiting Macedonians but also admonishes that they should be aptly prepared to extend the bounty of their generosity. The gifts should be given freely, non grudgingly and not of necessity because God loves a cheerful giver. The freely given liberal distribution to the poor and others of one’s bounty is a ministration of thanksgiving to the glory of God.

December 142 Corinthians 9:1-15

by Don Stewart

Drawing by Harper Unkle

Page 17: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Breaking Out of the Expectations of OthersNo one expected that a child would be born to an old couple like Zechariah and Elizabeth. Not even Zechariah could believe the angel’s announcement (v.13). So, when the child was born, everyone expected that the child would be named after his old father as a celebration of this miracle. But Elizabeth said “No; he is to be called John,” and Zechariah agreed. Just think! They were willing to let this child have his own new name and be his own new self. You were born because God thought the world needed someone just like you. Advent is your chance to be that special “you” that God needs in the world. So, be that real “you,” and let others be the special “you” they’re meant to be.

December 15Amos 9:8-15 • Luke 1:57-66

by Dr. F. Morgan Roberts

Drawing by Riley Thomas

Page 18: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Rejoice in the LordAs we wait for the arrival of the Prince of Peace, the Apostle Paul gives us simple directions on how to prepare our hearts and minds. With gratitude, we are to pray to God. Prayer, of course is the special human-God language of relationship, which might not even include words. With thankful hearts, we speak and listen, giving over our worries and trusting in a God whose very being is love. In communion with God, we are filled with a peace that passes understanding and that produces the fruit of gentleness, in all of our interactions…especially during this sometimes hectic and frantic season!

December 16Philippians 4:4-7

by Rev. Laurie Haas

Drawing by Claire Emmrich

Page 19: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Be a Servant of GodYears after leaving my High School youth group, I had the opportunity to reconnect with my youth pastor, a man who had made such an impact on my life, as well as my walk with Christ. Through this reconnect, I was reminded of the incredible steadfast love God has for all his children, as well as how important it is for us to go out and love our brothers and sisters. It is so important for us to follow in our leaders teachings, so that we may go out and serve those, just as we serve our God.

December 17Hebrews 13:7-17

by Ethan Howell

Drawing by Danielle Radtke

Page 20: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God’s Reassurance to UsThe season of Advent provides an opportunity to look at our lives , our hopes, dreams and disappointments. This passage from Isaiah reminds us that God loves us so much that we are not discarded and, no matter the situation, we are able to renew our lives, hopes or dreams knowing the promise that God has a plan for us. We are not alone in our journey and it might start with a branch after a dark time or disappointing moment, or if a branch is not available it could be a flimsy reed. We just have to be willing to allow God to work in our lives and stay hopeful. God promises us all a life full of love, the opportunity to serve and eternal life.

December 18Isaiah 11:1-9by Matthew Straeb

Drawing by Sophie Buchmeier

Page 21: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Doing GoodJesus proclaimed the greatness of John the Baptist, yet not all would consent to being baptized by him. Jesus said “What is wrong with you people”. He was showing them the way but they would not accept it.

John was a modest man who gave his all for God, yet some chose to condemn him and find fault. Because he was a friend to all and judged nobody, he was chastised for doing good, even for sinners and tax collectors. No matter how much good a person does, there will always be somebody who will look down upon them.

December 19Luke 7:31-35by John Kennedy

Drawing by Zoe Batton

Page 22: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


HeadingIn this passage, the Prophet Jeremiah fulfills his prophetic role, speaking God’s words of hope for a transformed future for a forgiven people. He marks that these are God’s words repeatedly saying, “says the Lord.”

Surprisingly, Jeremiah uses the failure of the first covenant to give the promise of the new covenant. In the new covenant, God will write the knowledge of God on each person’s heart. No one is to be excluded, no one to be less informed than another, no one to be less connected with God than anyone else.

And in that promise, given despite and through the people’s failure to keep the covenant, God declares that God will still be their God and they shall be forgiven and still be God’s people.

Jesus who is to be born, is the gifts us into the new covenant. Thanks be to God.

December 20Jeremiah 31:31-34

by Dr. Will Browne

Drawing by Fiona Able

Page 23: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


A Summons to PraiseIsaiah summons the Israelites to praise the Lord through song, even while they’re suffering and imprisoned in Babylon. His message is that God’s truth transcends circumstance and that they are to exuberantly sing His praises through bold proclamation. Because, in the end, God will reign and defeat Israel’s enemies.

Whether in our sanctuary singing centuries - old hymns - the words of which reflect God’s truths - or in the campus center giving praise reflecting that same truth expressed through a ‘new’ melody, song is an outpouring of our human emotion. It’s an emotion so Grace-filled and God-given that we are stirred to express ourselves. It’s in our song of praise that we give honor to Him for His goodness and greatness. As it was for the Israelites, in many ways it’s our proclamation that we’ve surrendered and turned to the one true God, and that we are truly happy in Him alone. Just as Isaiah summoned the Israelites to praise through song, let us do the same. For God will win over our enemies and demons as well!

December 21Isaiah: 42:10-17

by Eric Homeister

Drawing by Justine Hearon

Page 24: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


God Will Satisfy UsSo often I am waiting for the Lord to step in and answer specific prayers of mine... “I know you can do it, Lord!” Psalm 80 states “Awaken your might!” I feel helpless, sometimes along with my loved ones. It continues, “Make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.” I need your intervention, Lord. I’m getting nowhere on my own.

The Isaiah passage reassures us with vivid imagery that God is our loving provider, and that He cares for us very much. He will satisfy us, without delay, and with “overflowing abundance,” just as a baby suckles with delight at its mother’s breast.

In Luke, chapter 13 Jesus provides God’s people with more intimate imagery. With this outpouring of love, we may want to think twice before we accuse God of not caring, or of ignoring us.

December 22Psalm 80:1-7 • Isaiah 66:7-11 • Luke 13:31-35

by Katherine Andersen

Drawing by Zoe Batton

Page 25: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


The Song of MaryIsn’t it just perfect that Mary’s reaction to the Angel’s message (“You will be mother to the Savior of the world!”) is to burst out in song? I wonder if her prayer of thanksgiving and adoration was something she set to a familiar tune, or maybe she shouted it out! Maybe she murmured it under her breath, sharing it only with God.

Either way, we still have the lyrics! And we get to witness Mary’s complete humility and surprise. She was aware of just how ordinary she was, and how God had decided to do something extraordinary through her.

It is so easy to think of ourselves as “nothing special,” which is exactly what Mary was. But God specializes in using broken vessels, and we need to accept that there might still be time for something special to happen to us and through us. Maybe we should even start writing our own Song of Praise!

December 23Luke 1:46b-55

by Dr. Jonathan Spivey

Drawing by Isabella Sanguinetti

Page 26: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Jesus Christ is the Light in the DarknessI asked several people the question, “What visual do you get in your mind when I say - from darkness into light? A light in the darkness?”

One answer brought back memories of my childhood and how desperate I was for the light. We lived in a farmhouse with an unfinished basement. It had stone walls and a dirt floor. It was damp and cold and....dark! It was also the place we went when we misbehaved as kids and received a time-out from our parents.

As a child, that time in the darkness was frightening. The glimpse of hope was the light under the door. Imagine the relief that I felt when the door opened and I saw the brightness of light. Great! Jesus Christ is that light of hope for all of us, sinners great and small.

December 24Isaiah 9:2-7by Larry Weaver

Drawing by Ella Emmrich

Page 27: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was


Christmas DayO Little Town of Bethlehem is a carol we might catch ourselves humming or singing today and it might bring to mind that little cluster of homes just outside Jerusalem that made up the little village where Jesus was born. To call it a village might be overstating the case. More like “blink and you’ll miss it.” Bethlehem was not the place people went, it’s the place that people went through. A point of destination for no one other than those forced there by Caesar’s crazy census, including a scared young couple trying to have a baby. That is as much as you’re going to get in Bethlehem.

At the site of Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace near Hodgenville, Kentucky I am told there is plaque that imagines this little scrap of conversation the day Lincoln was born: “Any news down t’ the village, Ezry?” “Well,” says Ezry, “Squire McClain’s gone t’ Washington to see Madison swore in, and ol’ Spellman tells me this Bonaparte fella has captured most of Spain. What’s the news out here neighbor?” “Nuthin’, nuthin’ a’tall, ‘cept for a new baby born to Tom Lincoln’s. Nothin’ ever happens out here.”

It’s the amazing thing about Jesus’ birth; it was a non-event. That’s how the redemption of the world began; without anyone noticing. No one except some nameless shepherds. It helps us to understand what Jesus was saying when he said that the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds. So small it can slip into a crack without anyone noticing and grow to be the biggest bush in your yard.

Maybe that’s happening for you right now. Maybe today someone is being born in you, some seed planted. Maybe your world is starting to be redeemed and you don’t yet know it. It’s possible. All things are possible with God.

December 25Luke 2:8-20

by Dr. Steve McConnell

Drawing by Abigail Lewis

Page 28: Advent for many of the Christmas characters begins with an · number of days. My jaw was wired shut because my face had been shattered, my ribs were damaged and my left wrist was