advanced user training for the concur travel system

Published by Articulate® Storyline Advanced User Training for the Concur Travel System Script (as of 4.21.2021) 1. Introduction 1.1 Title Script: Welcome to the Advance User Training for the Concur Travel System. The purpose of the training is to inform learners of how to review details of Concur System transactions in ConnectCarolina and other advance topics such as Cash Advances, reimbursements, and payroll deductions. This training is for review purposes only. Permanent employees seeking credit for this training should log into Carolina Talent to complete this training. Also, this training contains audio. Please be sure the audio on your computer or device is working and the volume is turned up. Click the Next button to continue.

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Advanced User Training for the Concur Travel System Script (as of


1. Introduction

1.1 Title


Welcome to the Advance User Training for the Concur Travel System. The purpose of the

training is to inform learners of how to review details of Concur System transactions in

ConnectCarolina and other advance topics such as Cash Advances, reimbursements, and payroll


This training is for review purposes only. Permanent employees seeking credit for this training

should log into Carolina Talent to complete this training. Also, this training contains audio.

Please be sure the audio on your computer or device is working and the volume is turned up.

Click the Next button to continue.

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1.2 Introduction


Hi, it’s me, John! I am glad to see you back for the Advance User Training. I will guide you

through this training. Click the snow globe to begin our training adventure!

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2. ConnectCarolina & Chartfield Strings

2.1 Understanding Approval Workflows


Once an expense report is submitted and approved, an accounting extract will process overnight

through a custom interface. If a balance is due to the employee, Accounts Payable will issue a

payment to the traveler; if the traveler owes money, the amount will be deducted from their


Also, when Expense Reports are exported from Concur and passed through CBM they will go

through a budget check. If there are any errors or insufficient funds, the Chartfield String may

be replaced with the designated default. Once complete, CBM will also create the necessary

Journal Entries to charge the department.

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2.2 Viewing Concur Transactions in ConnectCarolina


In Concur, only Personal Delegates, Travelers, and Approvers can view details of Travel in the

Concur System. However, if you are not one of these individuals you can view some details of

Concur System transactions in ConnectCarolina. This table displays details of Concur

Transactions that are viewable as Journal Entries in ConnectCarolina.

Click the Next button to view other information that is available in Bill Presentation

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2.3 Viewing Concur Transactions in ConnectCarolina


Additional information is available in Bill Presentation. Use the scroll bar on the screen to view

all elements of the table. Then click the Next button to continue.

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2.4 How Account Codes are Assigned to Transactions


For most transactions, the Concur system will look at the trip type on the report header (in-state,

out-of-state, or international), then at the expense type, and will automatically assign the

account code based on that information. Expense Types/Account Codes are hard coded in the

Concur system and users do not have the ability to change them. When an Expense Type is

selected, it automatically pulls the assigned account code. For example, if you choose a trip type

of “International” on the Report Header, and then enter an expense line for Airfare (whether

out-of-pocket, T&E Card, or direct-billed), the system automatically assigns the account code of

526310 for the International Airfare to the expense. Also, when allocating expenses, it’s

important to know that account codes are not visible when allocating and cannot be changed.

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2.5 Setting Up & Adjusting Default Fund & Source of Chartfield Strings


The Business Unit and Department ID of the employee's home department are automatically

loaded into Concur and updated nightly based on information from Human Resources. However,

you can change the designated default Fund and Source for a Travel Request or Expense Report.

To add a default Fund or Source to Travel Request or Expense Reports, click the Request

Information or Expense Information link, (within the profile section) enter the designated Fund

and/or Source, and then click the Save button.

The default chartfield string will then populate on any new Travel Requests or Expense Reports

created and all fields may be adjusted before submitting for approval.

Likewise, when allocating an expense, you can create a favorite chartfield string to use again


In addition, to the default and favorite, the chartfield string can be changed on the header or

expense level of the Expense Report.

Also, when Expense Reports are exported from Concur and passed through CBM they will go

through a budget check.

However, if there are any errors or insufficient funds, the chartfield string may be replaced with

the designated default chartfield string from CBM.

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Note: Only the Business Units and Department ID are required for Travel Request or Expense

Report submission.

Also, Business Office Approvers must review all chartfield string information and update if

necessary, prior to approving.

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2.6 Travel Path


Welcome to the main menu travel path!

This training is divided in to five sections. Viewing the menu to the left will provide more

information on what each lesson will cover.

You have already completed lesson one and two. Please, click the Next button to continue to

lesson three.

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3. Adding & Managing Cash Advances

3.1 Overview


Employees who do not have a T&E Card or who are traveling internationally may be eligible to

receive a Cash Advance. This feature will not automatically be enabled. If you believe you need

access to Travel Cash Advances, contact the UNC Travel Office.

Click the Next button to continue.

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3.2 Requesting a Cash Advance


To add a travel cash advance to a Travel Request, begin by creating a new Travel Request or

opening a Travel Request you have already created.

Click the Next button to learn how to Request a Cash Advance by adding a Travel Cash Advance

to a Travel Request.

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3.3 Click


Create or open the Travel Request you want to request the Cash Advance for.

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3.4 Click


Click the Request Details link.

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3.5 Click


Select Add Cash Advance.

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3.6 Click the group


Then enter the total amount of the Cash Advance you are requesting.

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3.7 Type 500.00

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3.8 Click the New Cash Advance dialog


Then click the Add Cash Advance button.

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3.9 Click the App Center menu item


The Cash Advance has been added to the request. However, before submitting a Travel Request,

you must document a justification for the Cash Advance. To add the justification, click the drop-

down arrow on the Alerts banner.

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3.10 Click the label


Click the View link in the Cash Advances section.

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3.11 Click the group


Then enter a justification for the Cash Advance in the Cash Advance Justification field.

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3.12 Type Enter Justification Here

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3.13 Click the group


You can click on the question mark icon to view potential reasons for justifying a Cash Advance.

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3.14 Click the Approvals menu item


Once you are done, click the Save button.

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3.15 Click the group


Now you are ready to submit the Travel Request or add additional anticipated expenses. Also,

you can make changes to the Cash Advance prior to submitting the Travel Request.

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3.16 Click the group


If you need to edit or cancel a Cash Advance prior to submitting the Travel Request, click on the

Cash Advance.

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3.17 Click the group


Then make any necessary edits and click the Save button; or click the trash can icon to delete

the Cash Advance.

Click the Next button to continue the training.

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3.18 Reconciling Cash Advances


If a cash advance was received for a trip, it must be reconciled in full on the Expense Report for

that trip. If the traveler does not have enough out-of-pocket expenses to offset the cash

advance, any unused portion must be remitted back to the Travel Service Office prior to

submitting the Expense Report.

Reconciling Cash Advances begins by Adding the Cash Advance to the appropriate Expense


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3.19 Adding Cash Advance Expenses to an Expense Report


To begin the reconciling process for a Cash Advance you must add the Cash Advance to an

Expense Report. If you do not add the cash advance to an Expense Report, you will receive an

alert that there are cash advances available to add to the report.

Click the Next button to see this process in action.

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3.20 Click


Begin by creating a new Expense Report or open the Expense Report you want to Add the Cash

Advance Expenses to.

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3.21 Click


Click on the view link on the information banner for Cash Advances.

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3.22 Click


Then click the Add button.

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3.23 Click


In the Available Cash Advances window mark the checkbox of the Cash Advance you want to


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3.24 Click


Then click the Add to Report button.

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3.25 Click


Then click the Close button.

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3.26 Click


The Cash Advance has been added to the Expense Report and you can now add expenses as you

normally would; including out-of-pocket expenses that may be deducted from the Cash Advance.

Click the Next button to continue the training.

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3.27 Adding Out-of-Pocket Expenses


Now that I have added the Cash Advance to the Expense Report, I am ready to add expenses,

including expenses that the traveler has paid out-of-pocket. Here I have added several out-of-

pocket expenses and those expenses are deducted from the Cash Advance that was issued. If

the amount of out-of-pocket expenses is equal to or greater than the amount of the Cash

Advance the remaining balance will show $0.00. If the traveler exceeds the amount of the Cash

Advance for reimbursable expenses the traveler will be reimbursed. However, if unused funds

remain, those funds must be returned.

Click the Next button to learn how to return unused funds from a Cash Advance.

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3.28 Returning Unused Funds


An Expense Report cannot be submitted if it has a remaining balance for the Cash Advance. If

you did not remit the unused portion of the Cash Advance back to the Travel Services Office, you

must add a Cash Advance Return to your Expense Report. This expense will create a Payroll

deduction for the remaining amount.

When submitting an Expense Report with a Remaining Cash Advance, you will receive an alert

that Cash Advances must be entirely utilized or returned.

Click the Next button to view how to add a Cash Advance Return Expense.

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3.29 Click the group


Here I am using the same Expense Report from the previous example. It shows that a remaining

balance of $43.47 remains.

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3.30 Click the group


To return these unused funds, click the Add Expense button.

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3.31 Scroll the mouse wheel


Select Cash Advance Return from the Listing of Expense Types.

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3.32 Click the Add Expense dialog

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3.33 Click the group


Enter the last date of travel.

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3.34 Click the group

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3.35 Click the group

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3.36 Type 43.47


Then enter the remaining balance of the unused Cash Advance funds in the Amount field.

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3.37 Click the group


Then click the Save Expense button.

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3.38 Click the group


The Cash Advance now has a remaining balance of $0.00. Now you can add any additional

expenses or click the Submit Report button to submit the report.

Click the Next button to continue the training.

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3.39 Travel Path


You are well on your way! Click the Next button to continue to lesson four.

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4. Reimbursements & Payroll Deductions

4.1 Overview


Reimbursements and payroll deductions may occur depending on the traveler’s experience.

When a traveler owes the University, it will appear on the traveler’s pay stub. However, if the

University owes the traveler the amount will be directly deposited into the traveler’s bank

account on file with payroll. Click the Next button to learn more about travel reimbursements

and payroll deductions.

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4.2 Reimbursements


There are various reasons why a traveler may be reimbursed for travel expenses. Here are a few

of the most common:

Meal per diems, this includes Federal and State of North Carolina meal per diems.

Mileage incurred for travel using a personal car.

And other various out-of-pocket expenses incurred that are required to do business on behalf of

the University.

And again, reimbursements will not appear on the traveler’s pay stub; but be directly deposited

into the traveler’s bank account.

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4.3 Payroll Deductions


There are various reasons why a traveler my experience a payroll deduction.

If you did not remit the unused portion of the Cash Advance back to the Travel Services Office,

you must add a Cash Advance Return Expense to your report. This Expense will create a Payroll

deduction for the remaining amount.

If a portion or all of a T&E Card charge is personal, the amount will be deducted from any out-of-

pocket reimbursement first. Then if the expense exceeds the total out-of-pocket expenses, it

will automatically create a payroll deduction.

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4.4 Payroll Deductions


When submitting an Expense Report, travelers will know in advance if they will be receiving a

reimbursement or if they will owe the University. The Report Totals pop-up window will appear

prior to submitting the report and will display a summary of any amounts owed to the University

or the traveler. Reimbursement amounts will be listed under Company Pays and payroll

deduction amounts will be listed under Employee pays. In this example, the traveler owes

$43.47, and this amount will be deducted from the traveler’s pay stub. Click the Next button to


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4.5 Travel Path


You are almost at your final destination! Click the Next button to continue.

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5. Concur Intelligence

5.1 Overview


The Concur Travel System also offers Concur Intelligence. This is a reporting tool in Concur that

Finance Leads, or their designees, will have access to run reports for all departments within their

units. To access Concur Intelligence click the Reporting Tab and then select the Intelligence


You can also receive further Concur Intelligence training by clicking on the Resources link to view

Recorded Training Sessions for Cognos Connections and the Standard Reports Catalog.

Click the Next button to continue.

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5.2 Using Cognos Connection


Most users with access to Concur Intelligence will be given the permission of, Cognos Consumer

User, and have access to the Cognos Connection web interface. Within Concur Intelligence the

Cognos Connection allows you to:

• run reports,

• schedule reports,

• organize date by creating folders,

• store reports,

• create shortcuts,

• and add web links in a folder.

Users also have the ability to personalize Cognos Connections in the way that data appears by

clicking on the Profile icon.

Click the Next button to continue to view your personalizing options.

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5.3 Personalizing Cognos Connection


Once you are on the Set Preferences screen you have the ability to customize General, Personal,

and elements in the Portal Tabs. Any changes made take effect immediately and the

preferences are stored and used for future sessions.

Concur offers additional training is available for Concur Intelligence Users. At any time you can

click on the Resources link to gain access to the Cognos Connection Recorded training video.

Click the Next button to continue.

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5.4 Travel Path


You have reached your final destination! Are you ready for the quiz? Click the Next button to

complete the training.

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6. Conclusion

6.1 Training Complete


If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the University Travel Office.

Thank you for completing the Advanced User Training for the Concur Travel System!