advanced swfitpage training 25 hacks & shortcuts

Advanced Swiftpage Training 25 Hacks & Shortcuts

Upload: thedatabasediva

Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Swiftpage has been "a little busy" since buying ACT from Sage Software. If you've struggled with getting support or easy answers to simple email design and execution issues, here are 25 of our favorite hacks and shortcuts. (If you're tired of fighting with your software, go here:


  • 1. 25 Hacks & Shortcuts

2. Todd Viau Lori Feldman 3. 1. Template Design 2. Database Segmentation 3. Deliverability / Engagement 4. Database Clean Up 5. E-Marketing ROI 6. Special Offer Hack (Def.): A clever solution to a tricky problem --Urban Dictionary 4. IE or Chrome Edit Swiftpage Templates in NOT in 1. Browser Incompatibility 5. 2. Naming Convention 6. 2. Naming Convention 1-Off Email Blasts Drip Marketing Campaigns 7. 3. Create a Plain Text Master 8. 4. Copy/Paste into Notepad first 9. 5. Design for Mobile 10. 6. Use [First Name] not [Salutation] Not all data sources have a salutation Most have a first name (especially new contacts coming in from the web.) 11. 7. Remove Hyperlinks Underlines Looks prettier, more professional. First create your hyperlink as you normally do. Then, go to the template SOURCE and copy this code: Before: After: 12. 8. Share Templates 13. 9. Add 10 Hard Line Breaks 14. 10. Personalize Segmentation 15. 11. Segregate free from business email addresses Free accounts have higher opt-out rates, higher spam filtering Are often checked infrequently. They will lower your overall deliverability, open and click-thru rate. Mail these separately and compare metrics. Strive to replace these addresses with the recipients primary email address. 16. 12. Create an SPF Record 17. 13. Test your SPF Record 18. 14. Make FROM/DISPLAY Addresses Reader Friendly 19. 15. Spam Check Before Sending 20. 16. Email a live proof to people on different browsers 21. 17. Send a Follow-Up Email to Unopens via Swiftpage Drip Marketing 22. 18. Send a Final Outlook Email to Opt-Outs 23. /actaddons/actaddon. aspx?id=134 19. Easy List Clean Up Email Address Lookup - Free 24. 19. Easy List Clean Up Email Address Lookup - Free Instructions: 1. Send yourself the Swiftpage Unsent email file from the Email Summary Report 2. Open report in Excel 3. Sort on reason 4. Copy email addresses from each reason group into the Email Address Lookup box (left) 5. Create Lookup button 6. In ACT!: Edit > Replace Field 7. Repeat with next reason 25. 20. Use Swiftpage surveys so contacts update your database for you 26. 20. Swiftpage List Clean Up Survey: * 300+ Responses (1.76%) * Tons of content ideas for blogging & social updates * 3 speaking engagements * 7 Quotes 27. 21. Use Hidden Fields 28. 22. Test Personalized Subject Lines Example Subject Line: I thought of you while writing this, [First Name] Note: Not recommended for newsletters and HTML templates (too spammy) Wont work in the drip marketing module. 29. 23. Increase Click-Thrus with More Links 30. 24. Split Test Subject Lines 31. 25. Bounces Are Sales Leads 32. Special Offer: $50 OFF Private 2-hour Swiftpage Training Create and launch a template together Set up a drip campaign you have ready to go Create a customer survey Add a landing page and web form to your website Expires April 30, 2014 314-485-4350 x 102 or 33. Q&A 314-485-4350 (US) Skype: thedatabasediva [email protected]