advanced placement psychology lecture note taking

Advanced Placement Psychology Lecture Note Taking This guide is meant as a method of keeping students on track during a class lecture. My suggestions are to add important details to the guide and to put the information gathered in your own words. Class lecture is meant to enhance, explain and elaborate on the reading of your textbook. PLEASE REVIEW documents for Note Taking and Skills for Success!

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Page 1: Advanced Placement Psychology Lecture Note Taking

Advanced Placement PsychologyLecture Note Taking

This guide is meant as a method of keeping students on track during a class lecture. My suggestions are to add important details to the guide and to put the information gathered in your own words. Class lecture is meant to enhance, explain and elaborate on the reading of your textbook.PLEASE REVIEW documents for Note Taking and Skills for Success!

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What is psychology?Definition

From the Greek terms psyche meaning mind or souland logos meaning study ofThus, the study of the mind

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Prior to the 1920sThe study of the mind

Structuralism (Titchener)Functionalism(William James)

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From the 1920s to 1960s

The scientific study of observable behavior

Behaviorism(John B. Watson)

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Current definitionThe systematic, scientific study of behavioral and mental processes of human and other animals(This is Dr. Zimbardo, Stanford University)

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Goals of modern psychology

1) Describe

2) Explain

3) Predict

4) Control behavior

5) Improve the quality of life

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Basic vs. Applied Psychologist

Basic Psychologist study phenomenon for the accumulation of accurate knowledge

Where might a basic psychologist work?

Applied psychologist find solutions to practical problems

Where might an applied psychologist work?Review Appendix C for a brief discussion on IO Psychology

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Roots of PsychologyPre-scientific Psychology

To include a few notable names:

Rene DescartesJohn LockeGeorge BerkeleyJames and John Stuart Mill

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Rene DescartesA bit of his background

Viewed the mind and the body as two separate entities

Ruled out organs other than the brain as location of mental functioning

Human minds consist of two kinds of ideas (innate and derived)

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John LockeA bit of background

The mind is a blank slate (Aristotle’s idea of tabula rasa)

Opposed the notion of innate ideas, life’s experience makes the man

Empiricist approach- knowledge acquired by careful observation

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George BerkeleyHis story

Two early works that exert an influence on psychology

An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision (1709)

A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710)

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James MillA good Scot

Applied the doctrine of mechanism to the human mind, the mind is a machine

No Free Will (Skinner)

The mind has no creative function; association is an automatic, passive process

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John Stuart MillJames Mill’s son

Early life. . .

Argued against his father saying the mind plays an active role in the association of ideas

Suggested that there could be a “science of psychology” The mind could be studied scientifically

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Founders of Scientific Psychology

In Germany. . . Why?

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Zeitgeist!!!!!Intellectual spirit of the times

Not EnglandNot FranceBut, Germany

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Wilhelm WundtFirst research laboratory in psychology at University of Leipzig (1879)

Research methods included: introspection, psychophysical measurements and reaction time

Methods of scientific study lasted

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Hermann EbbinghausPublished classic studies on memory (1885)

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Max WertheimerGestalt Psychology

Argued that the mind’s elements could not completely explain consciousness

The whole is different than the sum of its parts

Important work with perception, learning, thinking

Antecedent to cognitive psychology

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Early Milestones Over the Pond (in the US)

Clark University on Freud’s only trip to the US (G. Stanley Hall in center)

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G. Stanley HallEstablished the first research psychology lab in the US at Johns Hopkins University (1883)

First President of APA

First American psychology journal(1887)

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William JamesWrote the influential Principles of Psychology (1890)

Associated with functionalism, a perspective emphasizing the functions (purpose) of behavior rather than the structures

Said first psychology lecture he attend was the first on he gave (Harvard man)

Established “first” experimental laboratory

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Edward B. TitchenerStudent of Wundt who spent career at Cornell University

Founded structuralism, based partially on Wundtian concepts

Sought to explain consciousness by analyzing structural elements

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Mary Whiton CalkinsFirst woman president of APA (1905)Harvard would not allow her graduate studies under William JamesJames informally administered her exams Harvard would not give her a Ph. D. Radcliffe College offered her a degree, she declined

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What does this tell you?

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Christine Ladd FranklinFirst woman psychologist

Vassar (1869)

Never accepted in the field

No formal academic post in psychology

Studies in vision

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Margaret Floy WashburnFirst woman to receive a Ph. D in psychology (1894) at Cornell

Wanted to go to Columbia, but they would not admit women into the programs

Was Titchener’s student

Had a successful career in psychology

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Leta Stetter Hollingworth

Pioneered work on adolescent development, mental retardation and giftedness

Examined scientific beliefs regarding women’s “nature” and social roles

In 1921 she was cited in American Men of Science for her research on the psychology of women

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Back to Austria and the study of consciousnessSigmund FreudPublished Interpretation of Dreams (1900), his major theoretical work on psychoanalysisPsychoanalytic theory as the first theory of personality

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Psychologists and Perspectives

Historical PerspectivesEarly Schools of Thought

Reference: psychology/history/history_nonflash.html

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Five Early Schools of Thought Structuralism – E. B. Titchener

(Wundt’s student)Functionalism – William James (in US)Psychoanalytic – Sigmund Freud (outside university setting)Behaviorism – John B. Watson (trained as a functionalist but revolted)Gestalt – Max Wertheimer (revolt against Wundt)

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StructuralismLeading proponent was Edward B. Titchener (a student of Wundt)1896Views suggest that all mental experience can be understood as a combination of simple elements or events

Approach focuses on the contents of the mind Method of study: introspection

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FunctionalismAn early school of psychology that focuses on the acts and functions of the mind rather than its internal contents

1896Most prominent advocates were William James and John Dewey

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Psychoanalytic Perspective

Founder is Sigmund Freud1900Introduces the term, psychoanalytic, in scholarly papersAsserts that people are motivated by powerful, unconscious drives and conflicts

Develops an influential therapy based on this assertion, using free association and dream analysis

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BehaviorismJohn B. Watson publishes “Psychology as Behavior” launching behaviorismWatson trained as a functionalist1913In contrast to psychoanalysis, focuses on observable behavior and measurable behavior

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Gestalt PerspectiveGestalt (German for “whole” or “essence”) A reaction to structuralismAsserts that psychological phenomena must be viewed not as individual elements but as a coherent whole

1935“The whole is different than the sum of its parts.”Kurt Koffka and Max Wertheimer

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Modern PerspectivesRefer to textbook (Weiten,p. 11)


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Listen to and follow instructions for the fabulous foldable! It is a review tool that you will appreciate later.

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FOLDABLELISTEN to the folding and cutting directionsName your booklet “Perspectives in Psychology”. Write your name on the coverIn the middle, label top square as “Historical Perspectives”

In each square, list perspective, name of theorist and definition of perspective. You may use notes or textbook as a reference.

Pull the back pages out to reveal another area for labels. Label this as “Modern Perspective.”List perspective, names associated with this perspective, define it AND draw an icon to aid in your recall of this perspective.

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The timeline of the study of psychology

Select a slip of paper.Investigate the person listedComplete a timeline card to include the follow information:

NameDateContribution to psychologyPerspective/school of thought/area of study (if appropriate)

Clip your card into the provided “time line.”

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Power Point of Who’s Who?