advanced jira and confluence leandro fernández & iñigo alonso ics november 7, 2014

Advanced JIRA and Confluence Leandro Fernández & Iñigo Alonso ICS November 7, 2014

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Page 1: Advanced JIRA and Confluence Leandro Fernández & Iñigo Alonso ICS  November 7, 2014

Advanced JIRA and Confluence

Leandro Fernández & Iñigo AlonsoICS

www.europeanspallationsource.seNovember 7, 2014

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• JIRA– Advanced search

• JQL• Filters

– Project administration• Roles• Versions• Components• Team Shortcuts• Issue Collectors

• Confluence– Advanced editing

• Macros• JIRA reports

– Space administration• Create a space• Sidebar configuration• Permissions• Templates

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Advanced search

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• JQL = JIRA Query Language– Syntax similar to SQL, however, JQL is not a database query

language– Complete reference:


• But if you are not familiar with SQL queries, this is the right presentation for you!

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• Fields hold different types of information in the system. In JIRA fields can include: priority, fixVersion, issue type, etc.

• Operators are the heart of the query. They relate the field to the value. Common operators include equals (=), not equals (!=), less than (<), etc.

• Values reflect the actual data in the query. They are usually the item for which we are looking.

• Keywords are specific words in the language that have special meaning. Examples: AND, OR, NOT, EMPTY, NULL, ORDER BY.

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• Examples1. What issues has Test User filed in the project Test

Project?reporter = testuser AND project = 'Test Project'

2. What issues are blocking or critical in Projects A, B, and C?priority IN (Blocker, Critical) AND project IN (ProjA, ProjB, ProjC)

3. What issues are unassigned and have not been updated in the last day?assignee IS EMPTY AND updated < -1d

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• Functions– Examples:1. What issues are assigned to a member of the ICS Division

group?assignee IN membersof('ICS Division')

2. What issues of the OpenXAL project for the next version are already resolved or closed?project = OXAL AND status IN (resolved, closed) AND fixversion = earliestUnreleasedVersion()

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• CHANGED operator– optional predicates:

• AFTER "date"• BEFORE "date"• BY "username"• DURING ("date1","date2")• ON "date"• FROM "oldvalue"• TO "newvalue"

– Examples1. What issues were

status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Resolved" BY currentUser()

2. What issues did I resolve during this year?resolution CHANGED TO "Fixed" BY currentUser() DURING (startOfYear(), endOfYear())

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• Sorting– Examples1. Open issues sorted by priority and assignee:

status = open ORDER BY priority, assignee

2. Issues with blocker or critical priority created in the last 2 weeks, ordered from newest to oldest:priority IN (blocker, critical) AND created > -2w ORDER BY created DESC

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JIRA – Advanced Search – JQL

• One more thing!– To search all text fields (summary, description, comments,

etc) in JIRA at once:

text ~ "Search Text”

• One more one more thing: JQL can by used with the RESTful interface to do awesome stuff…

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JIRA – Advanced Search – Filters

• Filters– Saved queries– Sharing control: Permissions– Email reports: Subscriptions

• Run a query on a scheduled basis and email the result to you or a group of people.

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Project admin.

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JIRA – Project Administration

• What a project Administrator can manage:– Roles– Versions– Components– Team shortcuts– Issue Collectors

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JIRA – Project AdministrationRoles

• Project administrators assign members to project roles specifically for their project.

• There are 3 defined Project Roles:– Administrator: People who administer the project– Developer: People who work on issues in the project– User: People who log issues in the project

• Check the permissions assigned to each role in the Permissions section.

• Project roles are somewhat similar to groups, the main difference being that group membership is global whereas project role membership is project-specific.

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JIRA – Project AdministrationVersions

• Versions are points-in-time for a project.• They help you schedule and organize your releases.• Versions can be:

– Added: create a new version against which issues can be aligned.– Released: mark a version as released. This changes the Road

Map report, Change Log report and some issue fields' drop-downs.

– Rescheduled: re-arrange the order of versions.– Archived: hide an old version from the Road Map and Change

Log reports, and in the JIRA User Interface.– Merged: combine multiple versions into one.

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JIRA – Project AdministrationComponents

• Components are sub-sections of a project.• They are used to group issues within a project into

smaller parts.• Note that you can set a Default Assignee for a

component. This will override the project's default assignee, for issues in that component.

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JIRA – Project AdministrationTeam shortcuts

• These appear in a pop-up window that opens when you click the project avatar in JIRA or Confluence.

• Since these links are project-specific, you can set them up to provide shortcuts for pages a project team uses frequently.

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JIRA – Project AdministrationIssue Collectors

• The issue collector allows you to easily embed a JIRA feedback form into your own web site. This form is typically accessed by clicking a 'trigger' tab exposed along the edge of pages in your web site.

• When people visiting your web site click this trigger tab and submit the resulting JIRA feedback form, an issue is conveniently created in JIRA.

• Visitors to your web site do not require a user account in JIRA to use the JIRA feedback form.

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JIRA – Project Administration

• Let’s take a look at some project characteristics that can only be altered by JIRA global administrators:– Issue types– Workflows– Screens– Fields– Permissions– Issue Security– Notifications

• Contact a JIRA administrator if you need any customization, specially when requesting a new JIRA Project

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Advanced editing

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Confluence – Advanced EditingMacros

• Using macros helps you to expand the capabilities of your Confluence pages, allowing you to add extra functionality or include dynamic content.

• Examples:– Attachments macro to list files attached to a page– Children Display macro to show child pages– Code Block macro to display snippets of code with syntax highlighting– File macro to embed/preview an Office or PDF document– Gallery macro to display a collection of thumbnail images– Include Page macro to display the contents of another page– JIRA Issues macro to display one or more issues from JIRA– Roadmap Planner macro to create simple, visual timelines– Widget Connector macro to include things like a YouTube video or Twitter feed

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Confluence – Advanced EditingJIRA Reports

• Change Log Report– generates a list of JIRA issues

• Status Report– includes charts to visually communicate progress

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Space mgmt.

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Confluence – Space Administration

• Create a Space• Sidebar configuration• Permissions• Templates

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Confluence – Space AdministrationCreate a Space

• Two main types of spaces:– site spaces– personal spaces

• Confluence can contain as many site spaces as we need, and each user can have one personal space.

• All logged-in users have the permission to create both types of spaces.

• Choosing a space key:– The space key is the unique identifier for your space and is used in URLs and

macros. Your space key must be unique, can contain any alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), and be up to 255 characters long.

– Personal spaces use your username as the space key.– You cannot change the space key after your space has been created, so

choose your space key carefully.

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Confluence – Space AdministrationSidebar configuration

• Change the space name and/or space logo

• Configure the Pages and Blog links– Choose the icons to hide or show the

'Pages' or 'Blog' links

• Add or remove the shortcut links– This can be a link to an important

page for your team, or to an external site, for example.

• Change the navigation display options– Child pages: current page and its

children– Page tree: the page tree for the

entire space, expanded to the current page.

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Confluence – Space AdministrationPermissions

• Every space has its own independent set of permissions.

• Space permissions can only be granted by a space administrator.

• Permissions can be assigned to individual users, groups or anonymous users.

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Confluence – Space AdministrationPermissions• These are the permissions that can be assigned at the space level:

– View: user can view this space's content, including the space's details, and its pages and news items (blog posts)

– Pages:• Add – user may create and edit pages in this space.• Restrict – user may apply page-level restrictions.• Delete – user may delete pages in this space.

– Blog:• Add – user may add and edit blog posts in this space.• Delete – user may delete blog posts in this space.

– Comments:• Add – user may make comments in this space.• Delete – user may delete comments from this space.

– Attachments:• Add – user may add attachments in this space.• Delete – user may delete attachments from this space.

– Mail:• Delete – user may delete individual mail items.

– Space:• Export – user may export content from this space via the space-level export screens. Note that this permission does not

affect the exporting of a single page's content. Anyone who has permission to view the page also has permission to export its content.

• Admin – user has administrative permissions over this space.

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Confluence – Space AdministrationTemplates

• A template is a predefined page that can be used as a prototype when creating new pages.

• Two categories of page templates:– Space templates: available in a specific space only. If you have

space administrator permission, you can define templates via the space administration screen.

– Global templates: available in every space on the site.

• Space administrators can choose to promote specific templates and blueprints in the Create dialog.– Promoting items can help ensure consistency in a space by

encouraging users to create particular types of content over blank pages.

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Confluence – Space AdministrationTemplates

• Add a space template– Go to the space and choose Space tools > Content Tools

from the bottom of the sidebar.– Choose Templates > Create new template.

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Thank you for your time and attention

Any questions?

Iñigo [email protected]