advanced front-end automation with npm scripts

Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts @k88hudson Mozilla

Upload: k88hudson

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts

@k88hudson Mozilla

<3 @brycebaril @dark_rost_ruth

Who writes code for browsers?

I love browsers

I hate build tools

“Systems tend to grow, and as they grow, they encroach”

“Systems tend to expand to fill the known universe.”

—John Gall, The Systems Bible

The more complex and self-sufficient the automated system, the more difficult it

will be understand and operate.

The Paradoxes and Ironies of Automation, David Wentzel.

1. Takes advantage of the natural interface presented by its component parts;

2. Breaks down complex things into simple, composable things;

3. Makes compromises intentionally, not circumstantially

Your system can win, if it:

Why npm scripts?

npm scripts = shell + node + npm =


npm scripts can:

transpile es2015, transpile jsx, minify/optimize code, optimize svgs, copy, rename and move files, compile css via a pre-processor, add autoprefixing, source maps for js/css development, build Android and Firefox OS apps from source with cordova, run unit tests, run code linting, run style checking,

run test coverage reporting, deploy releases, run watch for developer environment and live reload dev server, etc. etc. etc.

in twenty lines or less, with zero plugins.

Let’s dive in!

Why is the npm script environment better at dealing with our problems?

You already use node, npm

npm run

package.json usage

npm run

package.json usage

npm run environment

node executables via npmshell $PATH

{npm lifecycle

bash/cmd.exe -> good at:

File i/o Chaining tasks

Running tasks in series/parallel


rutabaga input.js | uglifyjs > output.js tomato && cucumber && cauliflower

bash / node cat / catw

mkdir / mkdirp rm / rimraf

& / npm-run-all —parallel

npm run: $PATH


A good automated system takes advantage of the natural interface presented by its component parts

Plugins add an extra layer

Most tools already have a cli

browserify webpack mocha lessc joshing

eslint sass

uglifyjs svgo karma


“browserify -d -t reactify ./entry.js -o ./output.js”

module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ browserify: { options: { debug: true, transform: ['reactify'] }, files: { './output.js': './entry.js' } }, });

grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-browserify'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['browserify']);};


npm run environment

node executables via npmshell $PATH

{npm lifecycle

Lifecycle scripts

npm install npm publish npm version

npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for lolz"

> commit 522d0 “Upgrade to v0.0.1 for lolz” > new tag v0.0.1

"scripts": { "preversion": "npm run test && npm run build”, "postversion": "npm publish && git push --tags" }

pre- and post-

npm run potato

> prepotato SO HUNGRY > potato mashing... done. > postpotato YUM YUM

A good automated system breaks down complex things into simple, composable things

“Simple Made Easy”

Components of an automated system are simple when they have a single, well-defined objective.

Good complex tasks are composed

of well-defined simple ones.



Sub-tasks with npm-run-all

Name-spaced sub-tasks

Complete example

What are the trade offs?

Simpler mental models instead of performance.

Less code, but less extensible

Shell scripting is still hard, especially maintaining cross-compatibility with Windows.

We need to build more tools, aset of common “recipes”… and more?

What can you do?

- Try it out, talk about what’s hard

- Work on cross-platform bugs

- Share your recipes

- File bugs or help improve npm docs

Go forth and script!

Show me what you build @k88hudson