advanced fitness part 2 - middle

Instant Activity 1 Find a partner and perform 5 plank claps. After, find a cone (A, B, C, D, or E) and sit down together. This is where you get into a plank position and hold it, then alternate slapping hands.

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Post on 23-Dec-2014




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PPT on fitness activities and regimens for upper elementary & middle school aged students. Part 2.


  • 1. Instant Activity 1 Find a partner and perform 5 plank claps. After, find a cone (A, B, C, D, or E) and sit down together. This is where you get into a plank position and hold it, then alternate slapping hands.

2. Advanced Fitness 2 Lets get FITT again! 3. Unit Target Assess your current physical fitness and develop reasons for improving. Apply fitness principles to your current fitness habits in order to improve. 4. Day 1 Target Fitness 1 Review: Being physically fit for a lifetime starts with knowing your current and individual physical fitness. Fitness 2: Maintaining physical fitness is achieved through continual monitoring and adjustments. 5. Questions for thought? What is a baseline? Where you are currently in terms of your own personal physical fitness. Because, if you know where you are it is easier to get where you want to bewhich is physically fit. Why is it important to improve our fitness? Disease Prevention, Stronger Heart, Improved Mood and Sleep, More Energy, Better Test Scores the reasons are LIMITLESS. 6. Stations 1. You will have about 2 minutes at each station to take your pre-levels of each exercise. 2. Write down your scores at that station. 3. Stay on-task! You have a limited time to be IMPROVE your own physical fitness. 4. EXTRA: Students who are on-task will have a 5-minute break time at the end of class while everyone else continues their work-out. 7. What youre looking at Name: _______________________________ Date: _______________ Partner Name: _________________________ Fitness Baseline Fitness End % Improved (Week 1) (Week 6) (Week 6) A - Station 1. Long Jump (In.): B - Station 2. Squat (Sec.): C - Station 3. Sit and Reach (In.): D - Station 4. Plank Position (Sec.): E - Station 5. Trunk Lift (In.): Reflection: Think back to your fitness in our previous fitness unit. Have you improved your physical fitness since then or has your fitness worsened? Why do you think that is? 8. Assessment/Reflection Write on back of paper Think back to your fitness in our previous fitness unit. Have you improved your physical fitness since then or has your fitness worsened? Why do you think that is? Next Week - Frequency 9. Instant Activity 2 Hold the squat position for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds. Do this 2 more times for a total of 3 times for a total of 30 seconds of squats. Then sit down 10. Day 2 Target: Frequency Barriers to performing muscular exercises 3X per week and cardiorespiratory exercises 3-5X per week. 11. Frequency 3 is the MAGIC # Muscular Exercises should be performed 3X per week. Why? Cardiorespiratory Exercises should be performed 3X per week. Why? Keeps muscular system at peak form. Avoids atrophy the decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue. Continually pulls and strengthens bones. Keeps heart and lungs at peak form and condition. Avoids Cardiac atrophy decrease in size and power of heart muscle. Builds immune system which helps fight illness 12. Circuit Training 2 Full Body Workout Circuit 1 minute of: 1. Imaginary Jump Rope 1. 30 second rest 2. Bicep Curls 1. 30 second rest 3. Line Jumps 1. 30 second rest 4. Curl-Downs 1. 30 second rest 5. Stability Balls 1. 30 second rest How many circuits can we perform? 13. Assessment Performance of Understanding As a group, or individual, come up with 3 things that would stop us from reaching our fitness goal of 3X a week cardiovascular and 3X muscular. Be ready to share with group 14. Instant Activity 3 Pick one of the following exercises as an individual and do it 1. 10 Jump Squats 2. 10 Plank Hellos 3. 20 Bicycle Kicks Why did you pick the one that you did? 15. Day 3 Target: Individuality (Intensity) Ways to overcome barriers, such as body type, that stop us from reaching physical fitness. 16. Individuality Your fitness routine should be adapted to your needs and goals, and especially YOUR physical body so should your ways of overcoming your barriers. Previous unit learned how we need to be specific about our exercises. We also need to be specific about how we find ways around those barriers we discussed last week. 17. Body Type Review Endomorph Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Ectomorph: Should concentrate on gaining weight in the form of good lean muscle tissue. Aerobic activities, like running and biking. Mesomorph: Strength training can be done more, but must still be careful not to overdo it. Need variety of brief and different muscularly challenging exercises. 18. Circuit Training 3 Cardio Workout Round 1 Ectomorph 30 Imaginary Jump Ropes 15 second rest 30 Butterfly Kicks 15 second rest Boot Camp Round 2 Mesomorph 20 Curl Downs 10 Diamond Push- Ups (or 15 Sec Plank hold) 15 Grasshoppers Bands and Stability and Med Balls Round 3 Endomorph 30 secs of each of the following: RB - Curls/Lifts SB - Lifts/Planks MB Partner Pass Pick One 19. Performance HurdlesChoose the best way to get past the barrier. S1: Your friends ask you to hang out but you had planned on exercising: Left - Ask them to exercise with you. Over - Forget exercising until tomorrow. Right - Tell them to wait an hour while you finish exercising. S2: You get home and you've been wanting to play video games all day. Over - Pick a more active game like wii sports or dance revolutions. Left - Do a few push-ups and then start the game. Right - Wait to do the exercises until the next morning. S3: Your parents can't take you to the gym like they were supposed to. Right: You to go outside and play at the park. Over - Find some friends and get your favorite game going at the park. Left - You go watch a movie and hope you can go another day. 20. Instant Activity 4 Pick one of the following activities based on whether you think you could do them every day and then do it now. 1. 20 Jumping Jacks 2. 20 second plank hold 3. 30 second sprint in place 21. Day 4 Target: Regularity (Time) Creating a weekly fitness routine that is individualized but challenging will increase and maintain my physical fitness. 22. Regularity To achieve good results from your training, you must exercise often. You should exercise each of the first four fitness components at least three times a week. PHYSICAL FITNESS F MS ME CRE 23. The Run Through MS Long Jump 1 set of 5 reps ME Butterfly Kick 1 set of 10 reps CRE Twist Hop 1 set of 15 reps F Sit and Reach 1 set of 10 seconds (each leg) MS Quick Jump 1 set of 5 reps ME Lateral Steps 1 set of 10 reps CRE Side Slide 1 set of 15 reps F Crossover Lay 1 set of 10 seconds (each leg) MS Star Hops 1 set of 5 reps ME Reverse Curl 1 set of 10 reps CRE Backwards Bounce 1 set of 15 reps (each leg) F Side Stretch 1 set of 10 seconds (each side) 24. Regularity Assessment Mon: MS + ME Tues: CRE + F Wed: MS + ME Thur: CRE + F Fri: MS + ME Sat: CRE + F And on SUNDAY??? Rest. 25. Assessment Performance of Understanding Create a weekly fitness routine that is individualized but challenging that will increase and maintain your physical fitness. Next Week Specificity Homework: Come ready to discuss what part of your body is the strongest, what is the weakest? 26. Instant Activity 4 In pairs, pick one of the following activities as a group based on whether you think you could do them every day and then do it. 1. 20 Second Balance Beam Hold 2. 20 Second Plank Hold 3. Swim 3 laps in the Pool 27. Day 4 Target: Regularity (Time) Physical activity must be performed on a regular basis to be effective. 28. Regularity To achieve good results from your training, you must exercise often. You should exercise each of the first four fitness components at least three times a week. Infrequent exercise can do more harm than good. Regularity is also important in resting, sleeping, and following a healthy diet. PHYSICAL FITNESS 29. Circuit Training 4 S1 Jump Rope S2 Resistance Bands: Deltoid Lift WARM-UP S3 Quad Stretch (Switch after 30 secs) S4 Squats (Remember: 90 degree knee angles) S5 Elbow Plank Position 30. Assessment Performance of Understanding On a post-it, give 3 exercises you could do on a regular basis. How many times a week would you do these 3 exercises? Next Week Specificity Homework: Come ready to discuss what part of your body is the strongest, what is the weakest? 31. Instant Activity 5 Jog around general space (four cones) for as long as you can before you have to stop. Once you stop, walk the rest but remember that number. Be honest, do NOT start running again once you have stopped, it will mess up your own numbers/data. Once everyone has stopped we will use those numbers and figure out where we are at physically. 32. Day 5 Target: Specificity (Type) Targeting a specific area is necessary to improve physical fitness in that area. 33. Specificity Exercising certain body parts primarily develops that body part. The Principle of Specificity implies that, to become better at a particular exercise or skill, you must perform that exercise or skill. A runner should train by running, a swimmer by swimming, and a cyclist by cycling, Free throws, back flips, and gran plis (ballet) work too. While it's helpful to have a good fitness, if you want to be better at your sport, you need to train specifically for that sport. 34. So what system are we focusing on today? Cardiorespiratory System Lungs and Heart working in unison to supply oxygen and nutrients through the blood to the other systems of the body. 35. Circuit Training 5 Jump Rope for YOUR Heart and Lungs! 36. Assessment Performance of Understanding Next week we will start class how we started class today and you will know if you increased your cardiorespiratory endurance based on your numbers next week. 37. Instant Activity 6 Get in a group of two and sit down together. 38. Day 6 Target: Demo Day Students will record their fitness numbers at the end of the unit, compare them to their baseline numbers, and then calculate the difference. . 39. How have you improved your fitness in the last 6 weeks? Lets go all the way back 40. Lets calculate! Fitness Baseline Fitness End % Improved (Week 1) (Week 6) (Week 6) A - Station 1. Long Jump (In.): B - Station 2. Squat (Sec.): C - Station 3. Sit and Reach (In.): D - Station 4. Plank Position (Sec.): E - Station 5. Trunk Lift (In.): Total Added % (S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5 + S6) = _______/ 6 = ________ ONCE FINISHED CALCULATIONS, EXCHANGE FOR A SELF-REFLECTION SHEET. Beware! Only 2 minutes at each station. 41. Lets review the last 5 weeks FROM THE TOP!!! 42. Day 1 Target Being physically fit for a lifetime starts with knowing your current and individual physical fitness. 43. Day 2 Target: Frequency Muscular exercises should be performed 3X per week while cardiorespiratory exercises should be performed 3-5X per week. 44. Day 3 Target: Individuality (Intensity) Each individual has different body composition, or genes, and a different potential for change. 45. Day 4 Target: Regularity (Time) Physical activity must be performed on a regular basis to be effective. 46. Day 5 Target: Specificity (Type) Targeting specific areas are necessary improve physical fitness in that area.