adv402 application text

Name MSU NetID Major Minor/Specialization (if any) Cumulative GPA APID Class Standing (at the time of the trip) When do you expect to graduate? Preferred Trip(s) [ ] Chicago [ ] New York [ ] Los Angeles Statement of Purpose In 200 words or fewer, briefly describe professional goals and how this trip will assist you in attaining them. Also describe what you have done thus far to gain professional experience (e.g. internships, class projects and/or extra-curricular activities) that will help you reach your goal.

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Adv402 application text

Name MSU NetID

Major Minor/Specialization (if any)

Cumulative GPA APID

Class Standing (at the time of the trip) When do you expect to graduate?

Preferred Trip(s) [ ] Chicago[ ] New York[ ] Los Angeles

Statement of PurposeIn 200 words or fewer, briefly describe professional goals and how this trip will assist you in attaining them. Also describe what you have done thus far to gain professional experience (e.g. internships, class projects and/or extra-curricular activities) that will help you reach your goal.

Page 2: Adv402 application text

Please confirm your understanding of the following:

1. Participating students are required to participate in THREE pre-visit classes for each trip. Attendance and participation in ALL THREE SESSIONS is mandatory and required. Missing class for any reason will result in a penalty, up to or including dismissal from the class.

[ ] I understand that I must attend all three on-campus class sessions for each trip.

2. Participating students are required to attend all scheduled visits, events and receptions scheduled for the trip(s) of their choice.

[ ] I understand that I must attend and participate in all required activities and visits.

3. This is a graded for-credit class. Students must complete assignments both in preparation for the trip, during the trip and at the trip’s completion.

[ ] I understand that I must complete a variety of assignments associated with the class.

4. As a 1-credit course, registration and tuition payment are required. You must be registered for the class and enrolled, with tuition and fees paid –– i.e., no administrative hold on your account –– by the end of the first week of classes in the semester the trip is scheduled for.

[ ] I understand that I must be enrolled in the class, with all fees paid, by the end of the first week of classes.

5. Students must travel with the class and are responsible for paying the full cost of travel, accommodations, food, ground transportation and incidentals. These costs are above and beyond the cost of tuition.

[ ] I understand that this class involves expenses above and beyond the cost of tuition.

[ ] I understand that those expenses are my responsibility, and I will have to pay for them myself.

6. Everything I have written in this application is true.

[ ] I have not lied.

Signature Date

___________________________________________ ____________________________


Submit to Andy Corner (330 Communication Arts and Sciences) or Karin Hanson (181 Communication Arts and Sciences).

Attach your resume to the application, or forward to Andy Corner ([email protected]) as an email attachment.