adtelopes play a odum gets 99 · dents lu...

......... ,,n. nu• .... .... Hale County ·- Abtrnathy, Texas PEP RALLY SET HER.E FR I DAY A downtown pep rally Is scheduled for Friday at 3:30 p.m., following the corona- tionof the Homecoming Queen. "All townspeople please attend," a spokesman for the .Cheerleaders pleaded. ADtelopes Play ••• Daught•r of Mr. and Mrs. 'DonalJ HuffakH The 1974 State Dress Re- vue wu beld In Dallas at the Baker Hotel, Octob<'r 3-5. Hale County's Melinda Huf- faker, of Abernathy, was IIIIJIIed among the twelve flnalisa, ltated Karen Mil- ler, Ass't. County Extension Agent. The three day event be- ganwlthaserlesof television fUming and modeling t\ps. The judging toOk place Fri- day morning, with the 52 contestants judging each other on such counts as ap- pearance of gannent, poise of conllestant, attractiveness of garment on individual, etc. Four 4. -H members re- preRnlled each of the 13 districts. · Allllouucement of the winners was Friday follow- Ing a noon llincheon given by J. C. Penay for the con- lleltallts, parents, and E.xten- tlon dignitaries. The first place winner was Ramona Sk!llner of Childress County. Ramona wUI receive a $200 scholarship from -the Celan• ese Fiber Marketing Com- pauy and an all expense paid trip to National 4- H Congress from the Simplicity Pattern Colilpaay. The second place w!llller, Ivy Davis of Victoria wW receive a $100 RUSSELL COTION RITES ARE HELD LEVELLAND (Speclal)-- Services for Ruae)l W. Cot- ton, 57, were held Oct. 12, In \'lhitharral Baptist Church with the Rev. Fred Blake of Levelland and tl)e Rev, Way- ne Williams of lubbock of- ficiating. Burial wu In Whitharral Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home. Cotton, a native of lub- bock, and a fonner Abel')lllthy res Ide n t, was found dead Thunday at hls home five miles welt of Whitharral. Time atid cause of death are r'ndlng results of an autopsy Ordered by Justice of the Peace Earl Ford. Cotton wu a Baptist and had lived In Hockley County 33 yean. He wu a stock farmer. Survivors Include his wife, Charlotte; his mother, Mrs. Lucy Cotton of Abernathy; two brothers, Ernett of Spade and Leroy. of Eagle Mountain, Calif. ; three sisters, Mrs. lmagene Amerson of Aber- nathy, Mrs. JaJ!,f'tte Hays of Levelland and Mrs. Josephine McBride of Odella; and a stepiOD, Harley Franklin of Lubbock. The Friona Chiefs wUI come to Abernathy Friday, Oct. 18, to meet the AHS Antelopes In a grid game on Antelope Field. Came time Is set for 7:30 p. m. This Is Abernathy High School's Homecoming Foot- ball Came. The Homecom- Ing Queen and her CourtwUI be presented at the Ante- lope-Friona game. GRAND OPENING WEEK UNDERWAY AT WHITE'S HERE This Is Grand Opening Week for a new business In Abernathy, White's Auto Store at 315 Main Street, owned and operated by Mer- wyn Simpson. The firm oc- cupies the former location of StruVe Implement Co. Ru- dolph StruVe mpved his In- ternational Harvester Imple- ment business three miles a orth of Abernathy at the . of U. S. Highway 87 and 54. All persons 16 yean of age and older are Invited 10 go by White's Auto Store this week and regllter foneveral valuable primes to be given awily at a draw lng to start at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19. Everyone Is welcome to at- llend the drawings, but you do not have to be present to win the prize for which your name Is drawn. Neither do you have to make a purchase of aay kind to be eligible to sign up far the· prizes to be given during the draw lngs. The free prizes to be g iv- ,en away SatUI'day, Oct. 19, during the draw lngs include: a bicycle, a White's Magic SO battery (48-month war- ranty), an electrOnic calcu- lator, · a case of motor otl (choice of popular brands) and a ladles hair dryer. Free Pep1!-Cola wllJ be served all day Thursday, Fri- day and SatUI'day, Oct. 17, 18 and 19. Free . doughnuts wlll be served during the morning houn on those three days. Pepli-Colawlll be on sale at White's Auto Store here Thunday, Friday and Satur- day, Oct. 17, 18 and 19, for the special price of $1.49 . for six (6) 32-ounce bottles, or the slngl_e 32 -ounce bottle of Pep1i wtll be sold for 25¢ each, plus deposit. No lim it special for Thun- day, Friday and SatUI'day oaly. See White's Auto Store advertllemeat In this paper. They advertise In-store f!ll- anclng for majQr purchases. And, home appliance lll!palr service In their shop or at yolll'home. See Whlte 1 1 Auto Store'• Abernathy 4-Her Wins In Dallas Recognition Is Accorded Denese Rhodes Denese Rhodes, a 4-H member 'from Abernathy, was recognized Friday evening, October 4, in the Ballroom of the Sheraton-Dallas hotel, by dignitaries of the State Fair, for being a member of the Te xu 4- H CouncU. Den- ese Is a member of the Texas Council because she Is Vice- Chairman of the District 2 4-H CouncU. Randy Tuggles, of Terry County, also repre- senlled District 2. Dignitaries from the Dal- las Chamber of Commerce ud the State Fair of Texas recognized 29 4-H boys and girls, 10 state officers far Future Homemakers of America, and eleven State officers of Futlll'e Farmers of America. Each boy and gJrl · received a tie tack or charm bracelet, In the shape .Jil Texas, engraved with their name, year, and organlza- doa. Accompanying Denese on her trip to Dallas were her mother, Mrs. Dennis Rhod- es, and Karen MUJer, Ass't. County Agent. In conjunction with the . State Fair Honor Awards Din- ner, the 4-H CouncU met In 3 days of meet!llgs to plan next summer's Texas 4-H Congress, and otherupcom- ing 4-H activities. SatUI'day evening, 4-H members and some leaders were entertaln- edwlthdluneratthe Spaghet- ti WarehoUie and a trip to the Fair grounds to see Debbie . Reynoldl In the musical, "Irene". The Council also attended First Baptist ChiU'ch Sunday morning at the first day of National 4-H Week. While IIi Dallas, Denese eullered the Top of · Texas Teen Sewing conllest at the_ ,, Sta. lle Fair. Deuese won first In her class of "Pan a Suits, " and was entitled to a $15 prize. Dene•e won the class with a put suit of gray double knit. MOTHER DIES The mother of Steve Stapleton, Mrs. Ollie Stapleton, 85, longtime re- sident of the Petersburg are. a, died Saturday in Hi-PlaiDS Hospital,, Hille Center. Last rilles were Sunday In te - burg First Baptist Chiircll. Blll'lal was lu Ralls Ceme- tery. Steve resides In A REV. BUFORD BATTIN. ••• In Revival Here The Rev. Buford Battin of Lubbock Is the evangelist ill a revival that started Sun- day, Oct. 20, at Abernathy First Church of the Nazarene. In charge of music ln the revival are The Revelations, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. AI Mixon, all of Lub- bock. The Satlll'day night service will be a complete of gospel songs featurillg the Revelations. Services during week start at 7:30 p. m. Worship services Sunday are 10:45 a. m. and 6:45 p. m. The ChiU'ch and Pastor Billy Duncan Invite everyone to attend the remaining ser- vices In the revivaL VISmNC SPEAKERS AT CHURCH OF CHRIST Abernathy Church of Christ will have two guest speakers Sunday, Oct. 20. Speaking at the morning service wUI be Bob Dick, m isslonary from Colorado. Noted author Robert Shank wUJ apeak at the evenlQ§ service. COMMUNITY CHOIR REHEARSAl SET The Community CholrwUI . begin rehearsals at 4 p. m, Sunday, Oct. 27, at Aber- nathy First United Methodist Church. They wUI work on musical programs to be pre- sented at Thanksglvlng and Christmas times. Boble Mil- ler wUI conduct the Thanks- giving program · and George Riddell will conduct for the Christmas program. Thursday,\ oct 17; · AFTER-GAME PIE SUPPER The Abernathy Booster Club wUJ have a pie supper Friday nltght immediately after the homecoming game ill the school cafeteria. Ple will be a slice wrtli coft'ee to go along with it. Ptoc:eeds wUJ go to raise money for the Booster Club. Odum Gets 99 Years F_ or Pope Murder A jury in 4,'tn iJ1strict Court returni!lll the verdict of RUilty. Ally. Tom Curtis labeled Fales' Thursday sentenced convir.ted was found stabbed to testimony as "false." murderer Frankie Odum. 'll. to death on the roads1de at E. 3rd Under state parole laws 99 years m·prison for h1s part in and Whataker Odum will be eligible for the 15. 1973. sla\'mg of in 2.0 years. With extra credit Clem Eugene Pope. a Canyon Odum's uncle. Frank Fales, givenforgoodbehaviorwhilein cattle buyer was conv1r.ted of robbery m prison . he could conceivably be connectaon w1th the murder. fn'f" in about 16 years The 7-man. 5-wom2n jury and ts a life sentence as found Odum guilty of murder an habitual criminal. with malice on Wednesdav Fales testified Wednesda\' (This clipping &om the AMARn.LO NEWS, dated Oct. 11, concerns. the death of former Abernathlan Clem Eugene Pope. He was a son of Mrs. Gena Carlen and a brother of Otll Pope, both of Abernathy. Hil father was the late C. C. Pope. ) The jury deliberated an-hour that he. and not his nephew. and 40 minutes Thursday before actually k1lled Pope, but the assesstnt1 the punishment. JUry did not believe The panel deliberated only 40 the testimony. minutes Wednesday before In closing arguments. Dist. Revival Set At Assembley of God Church Here Revival services · began Oct. 16th and will continue through the 27th, with Rev. and Mrs. Scott Mitchell of Lubbock, Texas. Rev. Mit- chell has beell ln,the minis- try for ID&IlY years in this area. He pastored North Side assembly tn Lubbock for 28 Their music and Bible preaching will be an IDSpira- tion to We Invite all faiths to us In this meet- Ing. Service begins each even- lug at p.m. There will be special music In each service. Joe Stone, Pastor N D. LIONS DOWN RALLS The New Deal LlDns de- the Ralls Jackrabbits 34 to 19 In a football game at Ralls Friday night. The Lions have an open date Oct. 18. The Hale Center Owls wUJ play the Lions at New Deal Oct. 25. Bilin.gual G-roup Meeting Held ParentS of chUdren ln BI- lingual Education, teachers and other Interested persons met October 8, 1974 in the Audltorlqm of the Academic Center. Mrs. Carolyn Wade told the 83 persons present that the Title VII, Bilingual Pro- ject II now serving 415 stu- dents lu grades K -8. She then IntrOduced the ·Bill u g u a 1 Administrators and members of the Community Advisory Commltllee. Mr. Gid Adkisson, Elementary PrluclpaJ, was speaker for the occasion. After the general meeting was adjOIU'Ded, the CorilmUII• lty Advisory Commltllee had a abort busluell. meeting and elected the following officers the current AHS VO AG NEWS What's Happening In the Ag. Dept.? This Is the first In a series of reports on what Is happen- ing In the Abernathy High School Vocational Agricul- ture De partrnent. What Is available? The Ag. Department offers a var- Iety of courses to fit the needs of the various grades. Vo-Ag. I is designed to introduce the student to the field of agri- culture on a preliminary bas- Is. Some areas covered In- clude: The Futlll'e Farmer . (cattle, swine, sheep, horse•, poultry, dairy cattle, etc. ) andthelrselection; Introduc- tory shop (toolidentlflcatlou, woodworking and wt:ldlng); range and pasture studies; soUs; crop production and re- cord keeping. Students are requbed to have a project pogram con- sisting of a productive enter- prise (crops or livestock). These projects may be 111ed for stock shows, commercial production, or both. Recorda of expenses and Income are carefully kept on the projects. These records wUJ be 111ed tu winners of the many FF A Foundation Awards to be presente!l at the Annual Puent and Son Banquet and advanced.degrees on the uea and state level. Freshman atudentl are re- ferred to as "greellhudl" un- til they are Initiated Into the FFA organization, at which time they become "Chapter Farmers". The Initiation -, ceremony couslsts of tbe greellhands being accepted Into the organization by the chapter officers. This year's ceremoay will be conducted Tue1. 1 Oct.l5. The 1974-75 "greellhand" clasa Is the largelt 1!11ce the beglDD!ng of the ag. pro- gram. Members tuclude: Torte NORTHSIDE BAPTIST NEWS Rickey Burton, a mlnls- tJeriaJ student at Wayland Baptlst College, Plaluvlew, was In the pulpit at worship services · Sunday at Aber- nathy's Northside Baptlst Churcho The high school and jun- Ior high through lleeuagers Sunday school clasae1 enjoy- ed a skatlug party Saturday night In Lubbock. There were 39 !ftleDt. GJRL;SCQL'T FUND DRivE SCHEDULED The Abernathy Girl Scouts are part of the area caprock council orgaulzatiou which among other things .1uppart1 the Crosbyton Girl SOout Camp. Every area tow·ll has their equal share of the cap- rock girl scout couucn ex- penses. The Lubbock UQ!ted Fund pays over 5096 of the total expease1 each year. OUr community has always been relpODilve to the local Girl Scouts ueedl. Please helpl 'Happy Toler when he aalll · yOIU' suppcxt. You can be as• IIU'ed that this. CJDoDey : Is w. ell OUr lOcal. 4dve ... an .. clUne. YOI# IUpJ!Ort '''j:ObperatJQil wUl be .•

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Page 1: ADtelopes Play A Odum Gets 99 · dents lu grades K -8. She then IntrOduced the ·Bill u g u a 1 S~ff, Administrators and members

......... ,,n . nu• ........ Hale County ·- Abtrnathy, Texas


A downtown pep rally Is scheduled for Friday at 3:30 p.m., following the corona­tionof the Homecoming Queen. "All townspeople please attend," a spokesman for the .Cheerleaders pleaded.

ADtelopes Play

••• Daught•r of Mr. and Mrs. 'DonalJ HuffakH

The 1974 State Dress Re­vue wu beld In Dallas at the Baker Hotel, Octob<'r 3-5. Hale County's Melinda Huf­faker, of Abernathy, was IIIIJIIed among the twelve flnalisa, ltated Karen Mil­ler, Ass't. County Extension Agent.

The three day event be­ganwlthaserlesof television fUming and modeling t\ps. The judging toOk place Fri­day morning, with the 52 contestants judging each other on such counts as ap­pearance of gannent, poise of conllestant, attractiveness of garment on individual, etc. Four 4.-H members re­preRnlled each of the 13 districts. ·

Allllouucement of the winners was Friday follow­Ing a noon llincheon given ~ by J. C. Penay for the con­lleltallts, parents, and E.xten­tlon dignitaries. The first place winner was Ramona Sk!llner of Childress County. Ramona wUI receive a $200 scholarship from -the Celan• ese Fiber Marketing Com­pauy and an all expense paid trip to National 4-H Congress from the Simplicity Pattern Colilpaay. The second place w!llller, Ivy Davis of Victoria

wW receive a $100


LEVELLAND (Speclal)-­Services for Ruae)l W. Cot­ton, 57, were held Oct. 12, In \'lhitharral Baptist Church with the Rev. Fred Blake of Levelland and tl)e Rev, Way­ne Williams of lubbock of­ficiating.

Burial wu In Whitharral Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home.

Cotton, a native of lub­bock, and a fonner Abel')lllthy res Ide n t, was found dead Thunday at hls home five miles welt of Whitharral. Time atid cause of death are r'ndlng results of an autopsy Ordered by Justice of the Peace Earl Ford. Cotton wu a Baptist and had lived In Hockley County 33 yean. He wu a stock farmer.

Survivors Include his wife, Charlotte; his mother, Mrs. Lucy Cotton of Abernathy; two brothers, Ernett of Spade and Leroy. of Eagle Mountain, Calif. ; three sisters, Mrs. lmagene Amerson of Aber­nathy, Mrs. JaJ!,f'tte Hays of Levelland and Mrs. Josephine McBride of Odella; and a stepiOD, Harley Franklin of Lubbock.

The Friona Chiefs wUI come to Abernathy Friday, Oct. 18, to meet the AHS Antelopes In a grid game on Antelope Field. Came time Is set for 7:30 p. m.

This Is Abernathy High School's Homecoming Foot­ball Came. The Homecom­Ing Queen and her CourtwUI be presented at the Ante­lope-Friona game.


This Is Grand Opening Week for a new business In Abernathy, White's Auto Store at 315 Main Street, owned and operated by Mer­wyn Simpson. The firm oc­cupies the former location of StruVe Implement Co. Ru­dolph StruVe mpved his In­ternational Harvester Imple­ment business three miles

aorth of Abernathy at the . of U. S. Highway

87 and 54. All persons 16 yean of age

and older are Invited 10 go by White's Auto Store this week and regllter foneveral valuable primes to be given awily at a draw lng to start at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19. Everyone Is welcome to at­llend the drawings, but you do not have to be present to win the prize for which your name Is drawn. Neither do you have to make a purchase of aay kind to be eligible to sign up far the· prizes to be given during the draw lngs.

The free prizes to be g iv­,en away SatUI'day, Oct. 19, during the draw lngs include: a bicycle, a White's Magic SO battery (48-month war­ranty), an electrOnic calcu­lator, · a case of motor otl (choice of popular brands) and a ladles hair dryer.

Free Pep1!-Cola wllJ be served all day Thursday, Fri­day and SatUI'day, Oct. 17, 18 and 19. Free . doughnuts wlll be served during the morning houn on those three days.

Pepli-Colawlll be on sale at White's Auto Store here Thunday, Friday and Satur­day, Oct. 17, 18 and 19, for the special price of $1.49 .. for six (6) 32-ounce bottles, or the slngl_e 32 -ounce bottle of Pep1i wtll be sold for 25¢ each, plus deposit.

No lim it special for Thun­day, Friday and SatUI'day oaly.

See White's Auto Store advertllemeat In this paper. They advertise In-store f!ll­anclng for majQr purchases. And, home appliance lll!palr service In their shop or at yolll'home.

See Whlte11 Auto Store'•

Abernathy 4-Her Wins In Dallas Recognition Is Accorded Denese Rhodes

Denese Rhodes, a 4-H member 'from Abernathy, was recognized Friday evening, October 4, in the Ballroom of the Sheraton- Dallas hotel, by dignitaries of the State Fair, for being a member of the Te xu 4- H CouncU. Den­ese Is a member of the Texas Council because she Is Vice­Chairman of the District 2 4-H CouncU. Randy Tuggles, of Terry County, also repre­senlled District 2.

Dignitaries from the Dal­las Chamber of Commerce ud the State Fair of Texas recognized 29 4-H boys and girls, 10 state officers far Future Homemakers of America, and eleven State officers of Futlll'e Farmers of America. Each boy and gJrl

· received a tie tack or charm bracelet, In the shape .Jil Texas, engraved with their name, year, and organlza­doa.

Accompanying Denese on her trip to Dallas were her mother, Mrs. Dennis Rhod­es, and Karen MUJer, Ass't. County Ext~ension Agent.

In conjunction with the . State Fair Honor Awards Din­ner, the 4-H CouncU met In 3 days of meet!llgs to plan next summer's Texas 4-H Congress, and otherupcom­ing 4-H activities. SatUI'day evening, 4-H members and some leaders were entertaln­edwlthdluneratthe Spaghet­ti W arehoUie and a trip to the Fair grounds to see Debbie

. Reynoldl In the musical, "Irene". The Council also attended First Baptist ChiU'ch Sunday morning at the first day of National 4-H Week.

While IIi Dallas, Denese eullered the Top of ·Texas Teen Sewing conllest at the _,, Sta.lle Fair. Deuese won first In her class of "Pan a Suits, " and was entitled to a $15 prize. Dene•e won the class with a put suit of gray double knit.

MOTHER DIES The mother of Steve

Stapleton, Mrs. Ollie Stapleton, 85, longtime re­sident of the Petersburg are.a, died Saturday in Hi-PlaiDS Hospital,, Hille Center. Last rilles were Sunday In te -burg First Baptist Chiircll. Blll'lal was lu Ralls Ceme­tery.

Steve Stapl~ton resides In lswell~n


REV. BUFORD BATTIN. ••• In Revival Here

The Rev. Buford Battin of Lubbock Is the evangelist ill a revival that started Sun­day, Oct. 20, at Abernathy First Church of the Nazarene.

In charge of music ln the revival are The Revelations, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. AI Mixon, all of Lub­bock.

The Satlll'day night service will be a complete ~m of gospel songs featurillg the Revelations.

Services during th~ week start at 7:30 p. m. Worship services Sunday are 10:45 a. m. and 6:45 p. m.

The ChiU'ch and Pastor Billy Duncan Invite everyone to attend the remaining ser­vices In the revivaL


Abernathy Church of Christ will have two guest speakers Sunday, Oct. 20. Speaking at the morning service wUI be Bob Dick, m isslonary from Colorado. Noted author Robert Shank wUJ apeak at the evenlQ§ service.


The Community CholrwUI . begin rehearsals at 4 p. m,

Sunday, Oct. 27, at Aber­nathy First United Methodist Church. They wUI work on musical programs to be pre­sented at Thanksglvlng and Christmas times. Boble Mil­ler wUI conduct the Thanks­giving program · and George Riddell will conduct for the Christmas program.

Thursday,\ oct 17; 1W4~ ·


The Abernathy Booster Club wUJ have a pie supper Friday nltght immediately after the homecoming game ill the school cafeteria. Ple will be s~ a slice wrtli coft'ee to go along with it. Ptoc:eeds wUJ go to raise money for the Booster Club.

Odum Gets 99 Years F_or Pope Murder

A jury in 4,'tn iJ1strict Court returni!lll the verdict of RUilty. Ally. Tom Curtis labeled Fales' Thursday sentenced convir.ted P~pe was found stabbed to testimony as "false." murderer Frankie Odum . 'll. to death on the roads1de at E. 3rd Under state parole laws 99 years m·prison for h1s part in and Whataker Odum will be eligible for parol~ the ~ov . 15. 1973. sla\'mg of in 2.0 years. With extra credit Clem Eugene Pope. a Canyon Odum 's uncle . Frank Fales, givenforgoodbehaviorwhilein cattle buyer was conv1r.ted of robbery m prison. he could conceivably be

connectaon w1th the murder. fn'f" in about 16 years The 7-man. 5-wom2n jury and ts servin~ a life sentence as

found Odum guilty of murder an habitual criminal. with malice on Wednesdav Fales testified Wednesda\'

(This clipping &om the AMARn.LO NEWS, dated Oct. 11, concerns. the death of former Abernathlan Clem Eugene Pope. He was a son of Mrs. Gena Carlen and a brother of Otll Pope, both of Abernathy. Hil father was the late C. C. Pope. )

The jury deliberated an-hour that he. and not his nephew. and 40 minutes Thursday before actually k1lled Pope, but the assesstnt1 the punishment. JUry appar~ntly did not believe

The panel deliberated only 40 the testimony. minutes Wednesday before In closing arguments. Dist.

Revival Set At Assembley of God Church Here

Revival services · began Oct. 16th and will continue through the 27th, with Rev. and Mrs. Scott Mitchell of Lubbock, Texas. Rev. Mit­chell has beell ln,the minis­try for ID&IlY years in this area. He pastored North Side assembly tn Lubbock for 28 yea~.

Their music and Bible preaching will be an IDSpira­tion to ~u. We Invite all faiths to .~in us In this meet-Ing. ~

Service begins each even-lug at 7:~0 p.m. There will be special music In each service.

Joe Stone, Pastor


The New Deal LlDns de­feat~ed the Ralls Jackrabbits 34 to 19 In a football game at Ralls Friday night.

The Lions have an open date Oct. 18.

The Hale Center Owls wUJ play the Lions at New Deal Oct. 25.

Bilin.gual G-roup Meeting Held

ParentS of chUdren ln BI­lingual Education, teachers and other Interested persons met October 8, 1974 in the Audltorlqm of the Academic Center.

Mrs. Carolyn Wade told the 83 persons present that the Title VII, Bilingual Pro­ject II now serving 415 stu­dents lu grades K -8. She then IntrOduced the ·Bill u g u a 1 S~ff, Administrators and members of the Community Advisory Commltllee. Mr. Gid Adkisson, Elementary PrluclpaJ, was speaker for the occasion.

After the general meeting was adjOIU'Ded, the CorilmUII• lty Advisory Commltllee had a abort busluell. meeting and elected the following officers

the current

AHS VO AG NEWS What's Happening In the

Ag. Dept.? This Is the first In a series

of reports on what Is happen­ing In the Abernathy High School Vocational Agricul­ture De partrnent.

What Is available? The A g. Department offers a var­Iety of courses to fit the needs of the various grades. Vo-Ag. I is designed to introduce the student to the field of agri­culture on a preliminary bas­Is.

Some areas covered In­clude: The Futlll'e Farmer . ~n=o:e=~~i== (cattle, swine, sheep, horse•, poultry, dairy cattle, etc. ) andthelrselection; Introduc­tory shop (toolidentlflcatlou, woodworking and wt:ldlng); range and pasture studies; soUs; crop production and re­cord keeping.

Students are requbed to have a project pogram con­sisting of a productive enter­prise (crops or livestock). These projects may be 111ed for stock shows, commercial production, or both. Recorda of expenses and Income are carefully kept on the projects. These records wUJ be 111ed tu de~rmlniug winners of the many FF A Foundation Awards to be presente!l at the Annual Puent and Son Banquet and advanced.degrees on the uea and state level.

Freshman atudentl are re­ferred to as "greellhudl" un-til they are Initiated Into the FFA organization, at which time they become "Chapter Farmers". The Initiation - , ceremony couslsts of tbe greellhands being accepted Into the organization by the chapter officers. This year's ceremoay will be conducted Tue1. 1 Oct.l5. •

The 1974-75 "greellhand" clasa Is the largelt 1!11ce the beglDD!ng of the ag. pro­gram. Members tuclude:



Rickey Burton, a mlnls­tJeriaJ student at Wayland Baptlst College, Plaluvlew, was In the pulpit at worship services · Sunday at Aber­nathy's Northside Baptlst Churcho

The high school and jun­Ior high through lleeuagers Sunday school clasae1 enjoy­ed a skatlug party Saturday night In Lubbock. There were 39 !ftleDt. •


The Abernathy Girl Scouts are part of the area caprock council orgaulzatiou which among other things . 1uppart1 the Crosbyton Girl SOout Camp. Every area tow·ll has their equal share of the cap­rock girl scout couucn ex­penses. The Lubbock UQ!ted Fund pays over 5096 of the total expease1 each year. OUr community has always been relpODilve to the local Girl Scouts ueedl. Please helpl 'Happy Toler when he aalll · yOIU' suppcxt. You can be as• IIU'ed that this. CJDoDey :Is w.ell ~pent. OUr lOcal. 4dve ~ ... an Oc~~ 25~ ~_ .. clUne. YOI# IUpJ!Ort -.~;~ '''j:ObperatJQil wUl be . • PJ!l'!'-~1\e~

Page 2: ADtelopes Play A Odum Gets 99 · dents lu grades K -8. She then IntrOduced the ·Bill u g u a 1 S~ff, Administrators and members

ATTEND: Downt<M'n Pep Rally 3:30 p. m. Friday. And The Booster Club After-Game Pie Stupper.


Antelopes Vs.

"OLD A.H.S." (School Song)

&•!ji.IJ I J D I l l I J Friona -Chiefs Oid A. R. S., to JW w 111 be true; Ma7 our

;Jill ]J.ll j u a 'ri.Otol'J & ThrCJIIIb all the Jll&rl v1 th 0111' Jllilea and cheers,

F'~•!~¥ti JJ,I lj I UJ IQ.lf l ll F ' _ !heft - -nea. V. will cberlah these. o rou we sing 1

fit ll I_ l l \ J M \ J Jl j f) I J Jljji Lat. our }ll'alaea J'1nB& Me)' ncb noble thaught. be a aemce vrolight. So

li Jell 3 u I f t \ A J11 A r t1 J J. Sl JJ]\11 hve'• t.o ;roa and our colora too, And w•ll alva)'ll be fighting for ;rou.


Game Time

7:30 ••• And Here Are Tbe Boostenl


Y MART of ABERNATHY STRUVE IMPlfMENT CO. Vlllt Ill It us 17 .... 54 ca-..





Co-op Grain Company of Abernathy & Heckvllle n. .,._.... OMMd'r Th• w. 1erw -


c:-lli.,- .......... .... . '


Phone 298-4161


AUNT DIES Douglu Chapmaa, Mn..

Bufood DaveDpOrt 011<1 Mn.. Richard Havem were ill Rio Vl.rta WedDet4ay to attnd tbe

In the Green Bu i I di-n 9 Nor t h of fuaeral of the It aUDt, Mil. T S A. T. (Jody) 011 .. of l'laoo,

exac o Station on West ervi c e who died lila bolp!tal the.., Street in A bern a thy • latr lut week. Surv!YOtl In·

ch.a~ •r hwbaad; a sOD, Dr. Ed a n d s a r a h G r a h a m ). T. Yorl< of Seattle, llDd a -================ um:nber of 1Upbews a.od

j D.teceL





£vel'{ home aDd bualDell bu a COD­

- ~Wed lor light bulbo.. We have a rpecla1 offer for poup. tueh u yourw to make up to ss" prOftt on sales. Get your group together and &etluoa thls ll"'•t fund ralllDc Idea today ••.•• •• .•

CALL 747-3256 Or Write


SUPI'I.Y 520-34111 LUBBOCK,



OCtober 21-25, 1974 MODday - Soup - vegetable; Slappy Joe, frenc:h frte•, car­rot Jdclcs, &uit good.le, 1/ 2 pt. mUk. Tuesday- Soap - vegetable­beef! BeaDI with ham, cole alaw,conabread,butter, bah apple, 1/2 pt. mUk. We<IDosday • Soup • wge· table; Barbe que weiDellt greeD beaal, whipped pota­toes, Freoeh bread, butter, frult jello, 1/2 pt. milk. Tbunday ·Soup· vecetable· beef; Chlckeo aalad, lima beam, t'CIIedlaladwltbdres• stag, hot rolls, bUU2r1 glocer bread with whipped topplllg, 1/2 pt. mJlk. Friday • (Holiday for stu• dna~

Mr. aod Mn.. Jerry Fuller of San Aacelo ud Mr. aDd M.._ Doyle Fulln aod •­Shane llDd Coby of Am..Wo spent the ""eekeDCJ.hf're wltb tbelt modwr, Mn.. Lots Ful· ler, and paadmotber Mn.. Malllla Laaa<lon. Mr. aod Mn.. K,_tb )oaa al 8-n­S.ld alao w.ere bore. They are Mn.. Doylo Fuller' • par­nil.

We ca~n Offer 1 nstant Cred_i t on Appliance

Purchases UP TO $500.00

We c:an financ:!l inojor purc: haus to SSOOO.OO . We_ have money avai lable now ,

We also feature monthlY revolving charge accounts. We invite your application.

we ·have a good assortment of Food Freezers Available for Immediate Delivery.

We feature both chest t ype and up r ight fre-~ers.

·welcome TO OUR





- Al l LONG DRESSES 25% Of f



MOTOROIL =:· *102,4,302,4.308,9 324,5,311,17


!UlUUSE A llrillltil STAR FflUM TtlE ~ALAX\' UF _ ELE!llfli!J tiEAT!

etectn c heat •S clean. comfortable

100% etfK:teot at the p01nt o t use.

Th•e 1re HWrlll d 1ffert"nt WIVI VOU

can heat your homeele~trteally. n ••

btst wey to f tnd out 11 to ctll u• thiS

Shop Here For Carpet For Your Home. Carpet .Instal · '"!!:·(,: ,ava•uau.•IIJ.

R~. $2·U8

We Offer Complet-e Expert Hoine Appliance Service.·

We servi~e what we. sell as well as all maJor brands o f home appltarrc:es, . '

SHOI' S~Rv'icE or WI will make SERVICE CA LLS. .,.&f

.. ,., • EConamy In co--t * RllfllllMIG!Imtnt * ExpondiiiWIItrR­* IIIUiriiYinG..-

- ---*01'111ty!'4~~~TIIinq

A Leader wllo willistll tt ,. ... aid M lleanl i1 Alllil ·

The Bffgtn Star'" the Gala.lly o t El-.::­tric Hat il tht HEAT PUMP!

Page 3: ADtelopes Play A Odum Gets 99 · dents lu grades K -8. She then IntrOduced the ·Bill u g u a 1 S~ff, Administrators and members

• XL-100, 100% solid state lellablllty

• AccuLine precision In-line black matrix picture tube system lor brilliant, sharply detailed pictures ailcl natura!, warmer, more pleasing flesh tones.

ur yud.

o ·ntas ud . were Ill full . .... and wry pretty. Ivy, ·

nollll atld mall llhrubl out-, lllled the n-elbeds com­

pletlllg a beautiful yard. , Members present weze Mmes:

A. R. Knight, R. V. HUl, M. M. Bell, Mel Boggus, T. 0, BJOWn,J, C. Veach, Har­land DowDS, J, . o. ~pe, w. A. Scott, Floyd Shipman, N. M. Rogenand Vera Hawkins.

Reporter, Mrs. Mel Boggus

zecrutttallltllg. Clus..-tnclwie illltractloll -

Ill clote order c1r011 Marine Corps blltery1 first aid, lllll­form zegulatiOUI and mUttary customs and courtesies.

Abernathy Voluuteer Ftze­men were called to a barn fire on the Otis Pope farm northwest of Couuty Line early Satlll'<iay morning.

Dallas Attorney Jimmy Irish has returned from a week's stay Ill London, Eng­land, where be repzesented a Dallas firm in busluea nego­tiations. A former Aberuath­ian, be Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irish.

Dan Ward, Commander, Invites all war veteralll to a breakfast startlllg at 6 a.m. at Abernatby's.Amerlcan Legion Hall Monday, Oct. 28.

THANK YOU NOTE ~o my many friends and

neighbors wbo have expreaed tbetrconcernfor my recovery durlug my stay in the hospi­tal and at home, for vlilts1 .

food, n-ers andcalls--I am very gr:lte ful.

Mrs. L. Q. Oswalt

-~c:c:=c=~~.o:-:::,~9'- : -BODY REPAlR

••• from a dent to a complete wreck.

AUTO GLASS ... Windshield- door glass

AUTO PAINTING ••• Let Us Re-Paint Your

Car, pickup or truck. ABERNATHY


South Edge of Town I 298-2084 I I

Nights 298-411'9 llJ Waymon Jones ~ -.:C=~ ~.c-:- .=:'~-~Jjl

Paying Highest Interest Rates

lowed By ~


Daily Compounding of Dividends

Savings Deposited By the I Oth Earn from the I st

~~·~::.\ Post. Office Box 340 - (806) 298-2516

PLAINVIEW: Slul(p Bulkllll&· 1tb & Broadway Post Office Drawer 130 - (806) 293-4461


'-- A, C. NYSTEL and J, P. NYSTEL


& FARMS WITH US Phone 298-2326 - Abernathy

OOfor!a Maned Out · Texas, ss. so.


Buford F.· Davenport, Editor ~ 0. Drawer 'D

ABERNATHY LoQge No. 1142 A. F. & A. M. holds Stated Meetings on the second Thursdays of !!ach mouth, starting at 7s30 p.m. A. L Stone, Jr., Worshipful Mas­ter; Cecil McCurdy, Secre­tary. All Masons Invited to

Abernathy, Texu 793ll Phone_ Azea Code 806 - 298-2033

IF YOU need some rooms panelled, or any remodeling done, please call 298-2086.


rrr,:~~"~~21E:g~g?iil =.~~~~X.O:}<ri~ N A - C H U R S 00. Abernathy 298-2858.

FERTILIZER . Available to ; Immediate

Delivery Insecticide Spraying

Fertilizer Spraylllll

See or Call: WESLEY WEBB


BUY Goodyear tirea from Royce Henson at Abe111adty Oil Co.


FOR SALE---Electric range, beater, rug, table and other Items. See at 311 Ave. E, Abernathy, 298-2340.

FOR SALE---Cotton trailers and a 50 Series Massey-Har­ris tractor. Also, have for rent a 6-room house In 1100 Block of Ave. C In Abernathy. J. L. Irish, 298-2082.

GARAGE SALE--at 104 East 6th St., Abernathy, Wednes­day tbru Saturday, Oct. 16 thru Oct. 19. Cabinet, Christ­mas decorations, clothes all sizes and new Items. (ltp)

WANTED---Trained auto mechanic. Must be No. I In experience. Apply In person at White's Auto Store on Main Street In Abernathy.

: ACE : * WELDING * AUTO Repair Service. Call * * Dan at 298-2832. (tsrnc)

* * * Services and Products * * Offered By * * ACE WELDING * * 1204 Ave. 0- Abernathy* * 298-2219 * * GENERAL REPAIRS * * 5, 7 or 9 Row Markers, * * Hinge Foldup. * * All Kinds of * * Hardsurfaclng. * * Conon Rickers i * · Ask About The * : WIRE-ROLLERS ** * HEADACHE RACKS *

* Sharpening Plow *

: Points. Two Complete * * ~rtable Welding Rigs, ~ * Will Go Anywhere. If * *You Are Broke-Down and* .*Need to Get Going, We'll* oM Get You Back In Business* oM •• , fast as we can, * oM CALl US DAYS at * oM 298-2219, or NIGHTS at* ~ 298-2124 or298-4142. *' il ACE WELDING * + Bobby Cuevas * + A. C. HaiTis, Jr. * *************-

FOR SALE---160 acl'<'l near perfect, fair Improvements, 6-lnch water, 2996 down. 3-becboom, & 2-bath, brlcl< In choice location. Has base­meat. 3- be drootn, I 1/ 2 baths, large barn. On pave­meat with acreage. I need your listings. J. P. Barton, Phone 298-2765. W. H. Nel­son Real Estate • .

NOTICE--Abernathy lodge No. 809 IOOF meets each Th\ll'lday at 8:00 p.m. 'Local members urged to attend. Visiting Odd Fellow mem­bers are w~lcom~. C. R. Smelser, Noble Grandi J~e Chambers, Secretary.

SECOND PRINTING, County line Club Cookbook, "Our Favorite ls Here." So many have asked for our cookbook 'f.fter we ran out of the fint printing. Please call 757-2481, or 757-2051, or pick up your copy at Audry Mc­Guier's or Pam Connell's.

(ur nc) ·

GARAGE SALE---3 Mllel: north of Abernathy at Farmers Tuco Gin office, Friday & Saturday, Oct. 18 & 19, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

If carpeis took dull an~. · -l'eii\OVe spots as they_.~-::-: wltb Blue Lustre, ~nt I!Jee­utc shampooer tJ. StrUve Hardware & Dry Goods,

FINANCING available lneilr ' store on purchases of ma)ar home appliances, RCA ' Zenith Color (or b/w) tele­vision sets, home music cen­te~. 11>is ln-stol'<' financing extended to those with good credit history. We Service what we sell. •• another good :-eason ro- trade at Newton ::l.adio & TV, 310 Main St., Abernathy, 298-2338.


~ Cal~'i;~;;ood § E AMERICAN PEST 5 ~ CONTROL 5



Externlination Of Insect> In Homes, Law ns , Trees And Orname nta ls.

USDSFY WEBB P.>une 2 ~) b -2 8 5 7

205 Ave. G