adrian estoup beat the-test

BEAT THE TEST By Adrián Estoup

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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By Adrián Estoup

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Why this presentation? Methods Tests Tips After the test

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Training problems

Why this presentation?

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Boring vs funny

Study methods

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Common methods

Comprensive Rules Boring No examples Unfocused studying

IPG Not for L1s


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Play the game It’s fun By playing you will resolve problems Common rulings Know the metagame

Judge the game Experience Apply your knowledge Solve new problems

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Play Magic Online

Clear Trigger representation Stack Turn structure

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Play uncommon formats Commander 2HG Cube

Why this and not regular formats? More complicated interactions Force you to understand the resolution

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Tutor Custom training

Study Group Judge clases

Partner Share experiences

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Judge Center Practice tests Add new questions Translate new questions

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Internet Judge list Cranial Insertion ( Forums Facebook groups Twitter

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Different level tests

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RA Test

Qualification No Qualification

Only rules 25 Questions (84%)

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L1 Test

Qualifications Has acted as a judge at a sanctioned event

twice in the last six months. Brief interview with, and written

recommendation from, a level 2 or higher judge.

Knowledge of tournament structures with experience as a player in DCI-sanctioned tournaments.

25 Questions (70%)

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L1 Test

Common problems Turn structure Static, trigger or activated abilities Cast a spell State Based Actions

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L2 Test

Pretest Requirements Must have written at least one review Must have judged at least one Competitive

REL event with a second judge (can be at their primary location and other judge can be a L0)

Must have acted as Head Judge at least in one event with a second judge (these last two can be the same event)

50 Questions (80%)

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L2 Test

Common Problems Be familiar with how triggered abilities work Keyword abilities and specially the actions

involving a sacrifice Multiple replacement and/or prevention

effects would modify how an event effect a permanent

Turn structure specially end vs cleanup step

Unsporting Conduct Major

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L3 test

Requirements Strength in several areas Checklist Self review Pre test Reccomendations

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L3 test

Different study methods Rules examples

Corner cases Understand the philosophy

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Test Tips

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Question structure Scenario (if needed) Active player permanents Non active players permanents Cards interaction Question

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Relax Drink water Take notes Use cards to represent scenarios If you are not sure, go to the other question If you are not sure, eliminate unlikely

answers Don’t use your intuition Double check the answers

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After test

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I took my test. What now?

The test has two possible results: Pass Fail

Is not the end of the world Hear the feedback Learn about the mistakes

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