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Adrenal Adaptogen Easy-Guide Your Answer for Stress Kim Banting, CHNP

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Adrenal Adaptogen Easy-Guide

Your Answer for Stress

Kim Banting, CHNP

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Thank you for downloading this Adaptogen Quick Guide.

Stress is an issue we all must deal with. The good news is that there are many plant-based foods and supplements, known as adrenal adaptogens, that may be helpful.

This quick guide describes some of the best adaptogens and how they can be helpful. Pick the one you feel is the best for you and give it a try. The good news is that many of these adaptogens are available as both powders and supplements, giving you options for adding to your daily routine.

A strategy for dealing with stress is not as simple as taking an adaptogen, but if you pick the one that is right for you, it can often help in a noticeable way. I am happy to help you with this choice and with any other stress or hormonal issues you may have.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 647-202-7649 or [email protected]


Kim Banting, CHNP

Medical Disclaimer

All information contained in this document is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent health problems. For all serious health issues, please contact a medical or nutrition practitioner. The information provided in this program is based on the best knowledge of the author at the time of writing, and we do not assume liability for the information within this program, be it direct or indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages. In all circumstances, it is always wise to consult your physician before changing your diet, taking supplements, or starting any exercise or health program.

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What is an Adaptogen?

This is the dictionary definition:

“Any of various natural substances used in herbal medicine to normalize and regulate systems of the body”

Usually the term is used only for foods and supplements that support the adrenals. Essentially, for lack of a better way of saying it, an adaptogen helps balance adrenal function whether the adrenals are overactive or underactive.

Issues Associated with Adrenal Issues

• Lower immunity • Obesity – in general and around the middle • Sleep disturbances • Gastro-intestinal issues – there’s a big gut interconnection • Depression and anxiety, mood issues • Allergies, asthma • Blood sugar instability, metabolic syndrome, diabetes • High and low blood pressure, high cholesterol • Liver issues and nervous system issues • Cognitive – brain issues • Poor stamina, fatigue • Inflammation and free-radical production • Menopausal symptoms • Female and male reproductive issues • Headaches and migraines • Addictions to caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol

There are many that you can choose, but here are some of the best:

Reishi, a mushroom, is a prebiotic, meaning that it can feed good bacteria in the gut. It helps support the liver which works with the adrenals. It’s good for supporting weight loss, stabilizing blood sugar, and preventing metabolic syndrome. It may also prevent ulcers. One study of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome found that reishi significantly raised cortisol levels in the blood in comparison to the placebo. Available as a powder, dried mushroom, or supplement.

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Schizandra is an amazing berry that helps stabilize blood sugar and support the liver, thyroid (specifically T3 – the active form of thyroid hormone), kidneys, and the nervous system. It’s helpful for depression, insomnia, and anxiety and supports low energy due to adrenal fatigue. Hot flashes, which are an adrenal problem, can be helped by schizandra. It also decreases bad bacteria related to obesity and increases bifidus bacteria in the gut. Available as a dried berry, powder, or supplement. The dried berries can be made into a tea, but it’s not as powerful as using the powder or supplements.

Relora is made from the bark of two trees – magnolia and phellodendron. It has been studied to be effective for weight loss around the abdomen. Belly fat has four times more receptors for cortisol. Relora helps lower cortisol and increase DHEA. This can be helpful for sleep, depression, fatigue, anger, confusion, and anxiety. Available as a supplement only.

Licorice Root inhibits the enzymes that break down cortisol. This means your adrenals don’t have to make cortisol as often, thereby taking pressure off the adrenals. It also helps keep progesterone as progesterone, preventing the adrenals from converting it to cortisol. Licorice may help increase energy and endurance, boost the immune system, and protect the thymus from being damaged by cortisol. Don’t use licorice root if you have high blood pressure. Available as a supplement, dried root, or powder. Licorice tea is a good option, but it’s not as powerful as the supplement.

Rhodiola combats anxiety, may balance stress-related mental and physical fatigue, and may be useful as an anti-aging supplement. It suppresses the production of cortisol and increases levels of stress-resistant proteins. It can normalize patterns of eating and sleeping after stress and protect against oxidative stress, heat stress, radiation, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Rhodiola protects the heart and liver, increases use of oxygen, improves memory, and aids weight loss (in combo with citrus aurantium or Bitter Orange). Available as a tea or supplement.

Holy Basil is a different variety than sweet basil or Thai basil, the types used in cooking. Holy Basil helps with fighting fatigue and stress. It may also help with ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, and bloating, and with regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This should be used cautiously by those who have hypoglycemia, who are on anticoagulants, who are trying to conceive, or who are

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pregnant (may cause uterine contractions). Available as a supplement.

Ashwagandha is a berry that is best known for supporting the immune system. High cortisol and stress can have a negative effect on our immune system, making us more prone to colds and flus. Ashwagandha may help ease anxiety and improve memory, muscle mass and recovery from exercise. lt lowers cortisol and has an adaptogenic effect on the thyroid, which means it’s helpful for both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Available as a powder or supplement.

Maca is a root vegetable from Peru and is often used by athletes for energy and performance. It’s also known for its ability to improve sexual function and fertility, which makes sense since stress can play a role in sexual and fertility issues. Maca may be helpful for menopausal women suffering from hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. It may help with male prostate issues and protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation. Available as a powder or supplement.

Goji Berries have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They may help with improving energy, fatigue, and stamina. They also support immune function, help with sleep quality, and can help sugar cravings – all of which have an adrenal connection. The exact mechanisms as to how they help are not known, but since they are found mainly as dried berries, throw them in your salads, soups, and homemade muffins, or eat them as a snack. Available as a dried berry or powder.

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Using an Adaptogen

ü Pick the one that you feel best fits your situation.

ü Don’t be afraid to try another adaptogen when you finish the first one, so you can determine what works best for you.

ü Try an adrenal formula which contains a combination of adaptogens. This may be a good option for you.

ü Throw an adrenal adaptogen that is available as a powder into smoothies or use in recipes. Others can be used as teas.

ü Consume a whole food diet as much as possible to ensure your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs. This will allow the adaptogen to work at its best. You shouldn’t just depend on the adaptogen.

ü Support the gut. The adrenals are dependent on proper gut function. Cortisol is the main hormone used by the body for the brain and gut to communicate. As a simple start, eat fermented foods and foods with fiber.

ü Reduce stress as much as possible – develop deep breathing and other relaxation techniques to help lower cortisol, especially at night.

ü Develop a good sleep routine, even if sleep isn’t an issue. The body likes consistency.

ü Engage in moderate exercise.

ü Have more fun.

If you have trouble finding the adaptogens in your local health food store, check out these websites as possible sources.




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About Kim Banting, CHNP

Kim Banting, CHNP

[email protected]

Hi! My name is Kim Banting and I am a Holistic Nutritionist. I have created an amazing program to help busy, stressed out women who are struggling with a lack of energy, who are overwhelmed and feel like they are running in circles every day. I coach them through the steps to regaining energy and having more control over their lives.

Many years ago, when I was working as a personal chef, I had a client who was trying to figure out his food sensitivities. He had been to several doctors and had dozens of tests done, which all came back showing him to be in perfect health even though he had severe digestive problems, he wasn’t sleeping, his whole body was swollen and puffy, he had no energy and felt just awful! While we worked together, I watched his health transform and I was really intrigued. Before meeting this client, I had always thought of food as something to be enjoyed with friends, at social gatherings, for comfort and pleasure. I had not considered its impact on our health, beyond contributing to diabetes, obesity or heart disease.

Right then, I knew I needed to learn more about Holistic Nutrition. I loved my journey through school. I was my own guinea pig and tried the things I was learning on myself. I had suffered for years from depression and anxiety, acne, constipation, diarrhea, PMS, mood swings, heart palpitations and extreme exhaustion. After my first 30-day detox, all of my symptoms were gone! No kidding! I had so much energy! I woke up every day joyful and excited to start my day. I no longer felt resentment from the little details of life and caring for my family.

Since then, I have had the pleasure of helping many men, women and children of all ages find a better way to eat and live. However, my real passion lies with helping women like me. Women who want a career, a family, time with their friends, a social life, time to volunteer, travel and have a deep, rewarding, fulfilling life! Women who often feel like they are caught in a vicious cycle of work, caring for others and more work with no time for themselves.

I know that many women are experiencing the same symptoms that I was feeling. What I have come to understand very well is that all of these symptoms are the result of hormones out of balance. For me, it was because of long term, unrelenting stress in my life. The stress was really wearing me down and I was just feeling crappy all of the time. All of the symptoms just crept in gradually and I didn’t recognize them for what they were at the time. Not until I began to heal and reclaim my youth and vitality, did I see how everything had come together: feeling stressed, not being in control of my life, not getting enough sleep, using caffeine to stay awake and alcohol to relax, poor food choices because of cravings and just not having the energy to cook better food, feeling so depressed that I stopped trying to make good choices. It just went on and on.

That is why I have developed a program to help stressed out women bring their hormones into balance and reclaim their energy! Our hormones are involved in every body function and when they are in balance, we feel calm, happy, energized and grounded. When they are out of balance we feel miserable and like we may just be going crazy!

I have a lot of tools in my tool box that I use to coach my clients through the steps to reclaim their energy. I help women understand how they came to feel the way they do and what they can do about it. I teach which foods rob your energy, which foods will boost you up and help you feel better, how to manage your stress and the role that your hormones and supporting body systems play in how well you sleep and how you are feeling.

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I went to see Kim to get help with digestive issues that have plagued me since childhood. I had been to so many different types of practitioners over the years and had tried all the natural remedies known to man. The doctors were stumped after some tests and I was told that my problems were my "normal". Since being to Kim, I am beyond thrilled to say that my issues have been resolved! By going through my eating habits and making recommendations for my diet, Kim shared some delicious recipes and explained how minor tweaks here and there to what I was already doing would make a difference. And it worked! Most importantly, I am not dependant on any supplements to keep my digestion going, and I feel great. Kim taught me to help heal myself through the foods I eat. Being a healthcare practitioner myself, I thought I knew the ins and outs of healthy eating, but believe me, Kim is an EXPERT. She is so passionate about what she does and is so kind and understanding... Thank you so much Kim! ~Claudette D. I highly recommend Kim for nutrition consulting. She is an expert. I was really impressed with all her knowledge. She answered all my questions so easily. She is a GREAT cheerleader when challenges come up and working with her has greatly changed my nutrition regime. I am on my way to really supporting my hormones to become more balanced. It feels AWESOME. Thank you, Kim. ~Kate R. Kim has been great in improving my way of eating...and my lifestyle. She really empowered me to change by explaining in detail the reasoning on why my body was reacting in such and such ways...The diet and recipes she gave me were easy to make and tailored to my taste. Thank you, Kim! ~Monica F. It will be a year in February 2018 that I have been a client of Kim Banting. After our first meeting, Kim was able to quickly and effectively pinpoint areas of concern for me to address immediately. With Kim’s guidance about diet and supplement recommendations, I was able to eliminate blood pressure medication in 3 months and had lost over 40 pounds within 5 months. Kim was always available to answer any questions that arose along my journey. Today I feel completely healthy and I have received many compliments from people who say I look amazing. Kim, being able to share her knowledge as a nutritionist, has changed my life! ~Cathy M