andrei otcheretianski tomer rothschild. february 2nd, 2006ado.net2 contents introduction...

ADO.NET Andrei Otcheretianski Tomer Rothschild

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Andrei Otcheretianski

Tomer Rothschild

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 2



What is ADO.NET?

Data Access

Motivation - Why Moving to ADO.NET?

ADO.NET Objects Content components Managed-provider components

ADO.NET & Transactions


.NET Framework Data Providers

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features

Summary - Pros & Cons

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 3

What is ADO.NET?

ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects) is the primary relational data access model for Microsoft .NET-based applications.

The data access objects role is to serve as an interface between the client application and the data provider – the DBMS. This modularity results in two big advantages:

Allowing the writing of applications that use standard types and features, resulting in DBMS independent code.

Unified API for the database driver implementers.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 4

Things Weren’t Always So Simple…

Let’s have a Brief Look at the evolution that lead to ADO.NET At first, programmatic access to databases was performed by

native libraries, such as DBLib for SQL Server, and the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) for Oracle.

This allowed for fast database access because no extra layer was involved.

However, it also meant that modularity was absent. i.e. loosing the two advantages discussed on the previous slide.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 5

Data Access Evolution (1)


As a solution, Microsoft and other companies developed the Open Database Connectivity, or ODBC.

This provided a common data access layer, which could be used to access almost any relational database management system.

In practice, there were some differences in the SQL dialect supported hence, violating the main principle of modularity.

Nonetheless, perhaps the most important feature of ODBC is the fact that it was an open standard, widely adopted even by the Open Source community.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 6

Data Access Evolution (2)

DAO: As the importance of Visual Basic grew, there was a need for a

data access technology that could be used more naturally from VB.

DAO (Direct Access Objects) provided a simple object model for talking to Microsoft's Access desktop database. As DAO was optimized for Access, it was very fast.

RDO: Due to its optimization for Access, DAO was very slow when

used with ODBC data sources. To get round this, Microsoft introduced Remote Data Objects (RDO).

RDO was designed specifically for access to ODBC data sources. RDO is essentially a thin wrapper over the ODBC API.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 7

Data Access Evolution (3)

OLE DB: As part of the OLE (Object linking and Embedding) distributed

object system, the OLE DB is used for accessing different types of data stores in a uniform manner.

ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is the technology that gave its name to

ADO.NET (although in reality the differences are far greater than the similarities).

ADO is merely an OLE DB consumer – a thin layer allowing users of high -level languages to access OLE DB through a simple object model.

In a way, ADO is to OLE DB more or less what RDO was to ODBC

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 8

Why Moving to ADO.NET?

Why not simply continue to use ADO in the .NET framework? It's perfectly possible to carry on using ADO in .NET

applications through COM interoperability. However, there are some very good reasons why ADO wasn't

really suited to the new programming environment:

Using Managed Classes Cleaner Architecture Cross-Language Support XML Support Optimized Object Model

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 9

Why Moving – Managed classes & Cleaner Architecture

Using Managed Classes The alternative - using .NET then COM interoperability - adds

overhead to the application. Takes advantage of the benefits of the CLR such as JIT

compilation and the managed execution environment.

Cleaner Architecture As we noted above, ADO is no more than a thin layer over

OLE DB. ADO.NET can be much faster than ADO, as the providers

communicate directly with the data source.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 10

Why Moving – Cross-Language Support & XML Support

Cross Language Support ADO was aimed primarily at VB programmers. This lead to

using optional method parameters, which are not supported by C-based languages such as C#.

This means that if you use ADO from C#, you will need to specify all parameters in method calls. This makes ADO programming under .NET considerably more time-consuming

XML Support XML is absolutely integral to ADO.NET, and not just an add-

on. As we shall see later on in the demo, XML is the format used

to serialize and transport DataSets.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 11

Why Moving – Optimized Object Model

Optimized Object Model The .NET Framework is aimed squarely at developing

distributed applications, and particularly Internet-enabled applications.

In this context, for example, we don't want to hold a connection open for a long time, as this could create a bottleneck and destroy scalability.

ADO didn't encourage disconnected recordsets, whereas ADO.NET has different classes for connected and disconnected access, and doesn't permit updateable connected recordsets.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 12

ADO .NET - Objects

.Net Data Provider.Net Data Provider DataSetDataSet






Data AdapterData Adapter






Data TableData Table





February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 13

ADO .NET – Objects(2)

In ADO .NET there are two class groups.

Content components

Managed-provider components

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 14

ADO .NET – Objects(3)

Content components The content components hold actual data and include

DataSet DataTable DataView

DataColumn DataRow


Managed-provider components These components actually talk to the database to assist in data

retrievals and updates. Such objects include the Connection, Command, Data Reader and Data Adapter.

The managed-provider components are split into several groups designed for each provider as we will see later.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 15



Provides a connection to the database . There are typical Open() and Close(), plus BeginTransaction() returning an object to control a database transaction.

To open a connection to a data source you need to provide a connection string.

Example: "Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Data Source=,1433;Initial

Catalog=myDatabaseName;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword"

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 16


Managing Database Connections

DB connection represent a critical expensive and limited resource.

Connection Pooling

Open connections late and close them early

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 17

Connection Pooling

Connection Pooling Database connection pooling enables an application to reuse an

existing connection from a pool, instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database.

ADO .NET data providers provide transparent connection pooling, the exact mechanics of which vary for each provider.

For example, using SQL Server .Net data provider you can configure connection pooling by adding a name-value pairs to the connection string: “[…];Max Pool Size=75; Min Pool Size=5”

Connections are pooled through an exact match algorithm on the connection string!!! The pooling mechanism is even sensitive to spaces between name-value pairs.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 18


Command This is the pipeline to the backend data.

The command object provides direct execution of the SQL command to the database.

You can use the command to either ExecuteNonQuery(), which will action an SQL statement (such as a DELETE command) upon the data.

ExecuteReader() links straight in to the Data Reader object.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 19

Commands and Parameters

Commands and Parameters

When a SQL statement is executed, the database has to generate an execution plan for it.

Use Prepare() method to generate and store an execution plan in advance. The plan will be saved in the database cache so subsequent statements will be executed much faster.

This method should be used only if the SQL statement will be executed multiple times.

Use Parameter object, instead of hardcoding parameter values in a SQL statement.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 20

Parameters - Example

string sConnString = "Server=(local);Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=True;";

string sSQL = "UPDATE Customers SET City=@sCity WHERE CustomerID=@sCustomerID";

SqlConnection oCn = new SqlConnection(sConnString))

SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, oCn))

oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

oCmd.Parameters.Add("@sCustomerID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5);

oCmd.Parameters.Add("@sCity", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15);


oCmd.Prepare(); // Prepare the execution plan

oCmd.Parameters["@sCustomerID"].Value = "ALFKI";

oCmd.Parameters["@sCity"].Value = “Jerusalem";


oCmd.Parameters["@sCustomerID"].Value = "CHOPS";

oCmd.Parameters["@sCity"].Value = “Tel-Aviv";



February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 21

Data Reader

Data Reader

This object essentially takes a stream of data from the Command object and allows you to read it.

It's like a forward-only Recordset from the ADO and is very efficient because it stores only one record in the memory at a time.

However this uses a server-side cursor, so you should avoid it too much as it naturally requires an open connection.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 22

Data Adapter

Data Adapter

It essentially serves as a middle man, going through your connection to retrieve data, then passing that into a DataSet.

You can then pass the DataSet back to the Data Adapter, which will go and update the database.

The SQL statements for each command are specified in the

InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, SelectCommand and DeleteCommand properties.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 23





XML SchemaXML Schema





February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 24



The “king” of the ADO .NET

This object is actually a memory resident representation of data that provides a consistent relational programming model regardless of the data source.

The data stored in the DataSet object is disconnected from the database!

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 25


The DataSet object model is made up of three collections, Tables, Relations and ExtendedProperties. These collections make up the relational data structure of the DataSet

Tables Collection

Relations Collection

ExtendedProperties Collection

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 26

DataSet(4) Tables Collection

DataSet.Tables Each DataTable represents a table of data from the data source. DataTable is made up of a Columns collection and a Rows collection.

Relations Collection DataSet.Relations The DataRelation objects define a parent-child relationship between

two tables based on foreign key values.

ExtendedProperties Collection DataSet.ExtendedProperties The ExtendedProperties is a user-defined properties collection. Can be used to store custom data related to the DataSet, such as the

time when the DataSet was constructed.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 27


















February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 28


Connecting a DataSet to a data source

In order to connect a DataSet to a data source, we need to use the DataAdapter as an intermediary between the DataSet and the .NET data provider.

Let’s see some code…

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 29

DataSet – Example

Filling the DataSet:

// Connection StringString conStr = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=C:\

NWind.mdb";//SQL CommandString sqlStr = "SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName FROM

Employees";// Create a new DataAdapter objectOleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStr, conStr);// Create a new DataSetDataSet ds = new DataSet();// Fill the DataSetda.Fill(ds, "Employees");

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 30


Why do we need transactions? Consider a Web-based retail application that processes purchase

orders. Each order requires three distinct operations that involve three database updates:

The inventory level must be reduced by the quantity ordered. The customer’s credit level must debited by the purchase amount. A new order must be added to the orders database.

It is essential that these three distinct operations be performed as a unit and in atomic fashion.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 31


Performing Manual Transactions with ADO .NET ADO .NET supports a transaction object that you can use to begin a

new transaction and then explicitly control whether it should be committed or rolled back.

The transaction object is associated with a single database connection and obtained by the BeginTransaction() method of the connection object.

You must explicitly associate each command objects with the transaction by setting the Transaction property.

Note that since a transaction object associated with a single connection you can perform transactions only with a single database.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 32

Transactions – Example

Transaction Example SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(conStr); SqlTransaction transaction;

db.Open(); transaction = db.BeginTransaction(); try { new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TransactionDemo(Text) VALUES ('Row1')", db,

transaction).ExecuteNonQuery(); new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TransactionDemo(Text) VALUES ('Row2');",db,

transaction).ExecuteNonQuery(); new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO CrashMeNow VALUES ('Die', 'Die', 'Die');", db,

transaction).ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sqlError) { transaction.Rollback(); } db.Close();

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 33


XML and Traditional Data Access

We have talked about data access as it relates to traditional data access and relational data.

A wide variety of data can be represented in a non relational way.

ADO .NET makes it extremely easy to create and read XML documents.

The data in ADO.NET is transported in XML format.

You can parse XML in .NET programmatically using the System.Xml.XmlDataDocument object.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 34

ADO .NET and XML (2)

Saving DataSet as XML

Fill the DataSet with data. Use DataSet.WriteXml(fileName) to write an XML file.

Loading XML files

Loading the XML file is not more complex than writing it. Use DataSet.ReadXml(fileName) to load the data. Wrap ReadXml call with try and catch because we can’t guarantee

that the file contains valid XML.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 35

ADO .NET and XML (3)


Schemas provide a mechanism for defining rules that XML documents must adhere to, and which help everyone understand what the data held in an XML document actually is.

Generating a Schema

Fill the dataset DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(SchemaFileName);

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 36

ADO .NET and XML (4)

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 37

ADO .NET and XML (5)

Typed DataSets

Typed DataSets can provide a more intuitive mechanism for the manipulation of data.

A typed DataSet is early bound to an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file.

Schemas provide very rigorous definitions for the types of particular objects. In conjunction with the typed DataSet, they can allow access to the tables and columns of a DataSet using meaningful names.

This not only improves the readability of the code Enables Visual Studio .NET's IntelliSense feature to make context-

sensitive suggestions as you type in code.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 38

Data Providers Diagram

COM InterOp

OLE DB .Net Data ProviderOLE DB .Net Data Provider


OleDbCommandOleDbCommand OleDbDataReaderOleDbDataReader


SQL Server 6.5 and earlierSQL Server 6.5 and earlier

Data TableData Table


SQL Server/Oracle SQL Server/Oracle .Net Data Provider.Net Data Provider


CommandCommand DataReaderDataReader


SQL Server 7.0 and later / OracleSQL Server 7.0 and later / Oracle


..NET Managed AppNET Managed App

UnmanagedUnmanaged AppApp



Misc DBMisc DB

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 39

Data Providers in the .NET (1) Framework

SqlClient Provider Should be used to access SQL Server 7.0 or later, and MSDE

databases. Can't be used with SQL Server 6.5 or earlier.

OleDb Provider Good for almost anything other than SQL Server 7.0 or later,

or Oracle. Using the ODBC data access through the OleDb is

discouraged – think of the architecture involved: ADO.NET – COM interop – (optional) OLE DB services –

OLE DB provider – ODBC driver – data source!

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 40

Data Providers in the .NET (2) Framework

The Odbc Provider Should be used whenever you need to access a data source

with no direct or OLE DB provider (PostgreSQL, Paradox, dBase…),

OracleClient Provider Supports Oracle data types, as well as ref cursors Avoids the cost of COM interop, and also employs Oracle-

specific optimizations

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 41

Generic Interfaces

ADO.NET was designed from the beginning to allow the provider writer the space to support database-specific features.

Programmers who wish to build applications that interact with databases of more than one brand may resort to the generic interfaces:

IDbConnection IDbCommand IDataReader IDbTransaction IDbDataParameter IDataParameterCollection IDbDataAdapter

There are problems involved with a common interface instead of a common base class. This issue will be covered in more depth in the slides about


February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 42

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features

ADO.NET 2.0 comes with a plethora of new features. We shall cover the main features in short:

Based-Class-Based Provider Model Provider Factories Asynchronous Commands SqlDependency MARS (Multiple Active Resultsets)

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 43

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (1)

Based-Class-Based Provider Model In ADO.NET 1.X provider writers implemented a series of

provider-specific classes. Generic coding was based on the generic interface each of the classes implemented.

The new provider model in ADO.NET 2.0 is based on a series of base classes.

Each of the base classes implements the still-required generic interface for backward compatibility.

Provider Factories The base ProviderFactory class (DbProviderFactory) and the

ProviderFactories class (System.Data.Common.ProviderFactories) simplify things a bit…

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 44

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (2)

Conditional code that used to be written like this:

enum provider {sqlserver, oracle, oledb, odbc};// determine provider from configuration provider prov = GetProviderFromConfigFile();IDbConnection conn = null;

switch (prov) { case provider.sqlserver:

conn = new SqlConnection(); break; case

conn = new OracleConnection(); break; case provider.oledb:

conn = new OleDbConnection(); break; case provider.odbc:

conn = new OdbcConnection(); break; // add new providers as the application supports them …


February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 45

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (3)

...Can now be written like this:

// get ProviderInvariantString from configuration string provstring = GetProviderInvariantString(); DbProviderFactory fact = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(provstring); IDbConnection = fact.CreateConnection();

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 46

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (4)

Asynchronous Commands database command execution can take a long time. ADO.NET 2.0 SqlClient now provides built-in SqlCommand

methods that provide asynchronous execution.

SqlDependency Caching is good. But we should make sure it’s consistent with

the database. Until now, this task was accomplished through triggers

that updated a file upon update of the database, or by refreshing the cache every so often.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 47

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (5)

SqlDependency contacts you when the underlying rows change.

When notified, the entire set of rows is fetched again. This functionality is good for a single cache or a limited set of

users. However, when using it with large numbers of users listening at

the same time - the SELECT statements used for refresh could be a significant hit on the database.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 48

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (6)

MARS (Multiple Active Resultsets)

SQL Server doesn't automatically produce a cursor. Instead, it uses an optimized method to pull the data in packet-size chunks.

In the versions prior to SQL Server 2005, there could only be one cursorless resultset active on a connection at a time.

ADO.NET 1.X throw an error if you attempt to open a second cursorless resultset.

ADO "classic" actually opened a new database connection behind the scenes.

This convenience feature was inadvertently abused by some programmers and resulted in more database connections than they bargained for.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 49

ADO.NET 2.0 Added Features (7)

MARS (contd)

In SQL Server 2005, the database has been enhanced to permit MARS.

Each SqlCommand can accommodate a SqlDataReader, and multiple SqlDataReaders can be used in tandem.

It’s not just about reducing errors. It can be extremely useful in conjunction with asynchronous operations described above.

Example: Filling 20 drop-down list boxes on a form at the same time, using a single connection.

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 50

Summary: Pros & Cons

Pros Performance Managed Classes XML Support (and Reliance) Disconnected Operation Model Rich Object Model

Cons Managed-Only Access Only four Managed Data Providers (so far) Learning Curve


February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 52


Installing .Net Framework 1.1 is free

Getting Visual Studio 2003 is not free

There is VS Academic “only” for $99

Installing SQL Server 2000


It’s DEMO Time

Remote DB Access Through DataSet - Demo

February 2nd, 2006 ADO .NET 55


Web ServiceWeb PageWeb Page




SQL ServerSQL Server

Data Provider