admission enrolment and academic progress rules council approved 100826

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  • 7/30/2019 Admission Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules Council Approved 100826


  • 7/30/2019 Admission Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules Council Approved 100826


    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    23. UNSATISFACTORYPERFORMANCE .................................................................................................... 1824. DEFERRAL OF EXAMINATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS............................................................................. 1825. ACADEMIC PROGRESSION STATUSBOARD OF EXAMINERSDISCRETION ........................................ 1926. ACADEMIC PROGRESSION STATUSHIGHER EDUCATION COURSE WORK DEGREES........................ 2027. ACADEMIC PROGRESSION STATUSHIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH MASTER AND DOCTORALDEGREES................................................................................................................................................... 2128. ACADEMIC PROGRESSION STATUS -VETSTUDENTS ........................................................................ 2129. REPEATING FAILED UNITS................................................................................................................. 22

    PARTVI-COURSESREQUIRINGSUBMISSIONOFTHESES ...................................... 22DIVISION 1 - GENERAL 22

    30. INTERPRETATION............................................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.31. APPLICATION..................................................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.DIVISION 2 - ADMISSION TO CANDIDATURE AND APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISORS 23

    32. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION........................................................................................................... 2333. ADMISSION....................................................................................................................................... 2334. CONFIRMATION OF CANDIDATURE ..................................................................................................... 2435. APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISORS ...................................................................................................... 24

    DIVISION 3 THESIS STUDIES 2536. DURATION OF PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................ 2537. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISORS AND OF CANDIDATES................................................................ 2538. METHOD OF SUPERVISION................................................................................................................ 2539. COMPLAINTS ABOUT SUPERVISION AND REQUESTS FOR A CHANGE OF SUPERVISOR........................... 2640. ATTENDANCE AT UNIVERSITY............................................................................................................ 2641. EXCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 26

    DIVISION 4 ASSESSMENT OF THESES 2642. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SUBMIT A THESIS ...................................................................................... 2643. SUBMISSION OF THESIS .................................................................................................................... 2744.

    APPOINTMENT OF EXAMINERS .......................................................................................................... 27

    45. REQUIREMENTS OF A THESIS............................................................................................................ 2746. REPORTS BY EXAMINERS.................................................................................................................. 2747. ORAL DEFENCES BY DOCTORAL CANDIDATES................................................................................... 2848. RE-EXAMINATION.............................................................................................................................. 2949. CERTAIN WORKS NOT TO BE SUBMITTED .......................................................................................... 29

    DIVISION 5 ADMISSION TO THE DEGREE 2950. RECOMMENDATION FOR ADMISSION.................................................................................................. 2951. APPEALS TO THE STUDENT APPEALS COMMITTEE ............................................................................. 30

    DIVISION 6 THESIS REQUIREMENTS 3052. FORMAL REQUIREMENTS OF THESES................................................................................................ 30

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    53. SUBMISSION OF THESES TO THE COMMITTEE .................................................................................... 3054. RETENTION OF THESES .................................................................................................................... 30

    DIVISION 7 - MISCELLANEOUS 3155. TIMELIMITS...................................................................................................................................... 31

    PARTVII-REVIEWSANDAPPEALS ............................................................................... 3156. APPEALS -RESULTS......................................................................................................................... 3157. ACADEMIC PROGRESSION STATUS REVIEW ..................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.58. APPEALS TO THE STUDENT APPEALS COMMITTEE ........................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.59. ENROLMENT PENDING APPEAL ......................................................................................................... 36

    PARTVIII-MISCELLANEOUS ......................................................................................... 3660. SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 36

    PARTIXAWARDREQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 37DIVISION 1 GENERAL 37

    61. REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLETE AN AWARD ....................................................................................... 3762. ACADEMIC YEAR............................................................................................................................... 37

    DIVISION 2 - VET AWARDS 3763. INTERPRETATION.............................................................................................................................. 3764. REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLETE A VETAWARD .................................................................................. 37

    DIVISION 3 UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS 3765. INTERPRETATION.............................................................................................................................. 3766. CREDIT POINTS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE AWARD -UNDERGRADUATE....................................... 3867. MAJOR ............................................................................................................................................. 3868. SUPPORTING MAJOR ........................................................................................................................ 3869. MINOR.............................................................................................................................................. 3870. DOUBLE DEGREES............................................................................................................................ 3871. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ON TESTAMUR AND STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC RECORD.................................. 39


    DIVISION 5 VARIATIONS TO REQUIREMENTS FOR AWARDS 3973. GENERAL CREDIT............................................................................................................................. 3974. EXEMPTIONS FROM RULES ............................................................................................................... 39

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    APPENDIX1 ...................................................................................................................... 40

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules



    Approved by Council on 7 December 2006 under Amending Rule No 5 of 2006. Effective from 16 March 2007, theday Amending Statute No 5 of 2006 (Statute No. 30 Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress) was publishedin the Government Gazette.Amendments:Rule Amendment No 1 of 2008 (13 March 2008)Rule Amendment No 2 of 2008 (26 June 2008)Rule Amendment No 3 of 2008 (26 June 2008)Rule Amendment No 4 of 2008 (26 June 2008)Rule Amendment No 5 of 2008 (23 October 2008)Rule Amendment No 6 of 2008 (23 October 2008)Rule Amendment No 1 of 2009 (27 August 2009)Rule Amendment No 2 of 2009 (27 August 2009)

    Rule Amendment No 3 of 2009 (27 August 2009)Rule Amendment No 4 of 2009 (27 August 2009)Rule Amendment No 5 of 2009 (27 August 2009)Rule Amendment No 6 of 2009 (27 August 2009)Rule Amendment No 1 of 2010 (25 February 2010)Rule Amendment No 2 of 2010 (25 February 2010)Rule Amendment No 4 of 2010 (24 June 2010)Rule Amendment No 5 of 2010 (26 August 2010)

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules



    1. PRELIMINARYThese rules are made under Statute No 30 Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress.


    In these rules, unless the contrary intention appears -

    Academic Board means the Board established by section 18 of the ECU Act,

    academic penalty date means the final day a student can withdraw from a unit without an academicpenalty (e.g. Withdrawn Fail) being officially recorded for that unit;

    academic progression status means the status applied to a students academic progress by theBoard of Examiners at the end of a teaching period;

    academic staff means those members of the staff of the University who have been appointed to thefull-time academic staff and shall include the Vice-Chancellor;

    "advanced standing" means the granting of credit towards the completion of a course based onstudies or experience gained elsewhere (previously termed exemption);

    assessment means an assessment made in accordance with these rules to evaluate a student'sprogress or achievement in a unit;

    Associate Dean means an associate dean of a Faculty, or the successor to that position or aperson acting in that position or his or her nominee;

    Australian Qualifications Framework means the unified system of national qualifications used inschools, the VET sector and the higher education sector;

    Board of Examiners means a board established in accordance with rule 4;

    business day means a day on which the University is open to the public for normal businessoperations;

    cancel means the withdrawal of a student by the University from a unit or units in which thestudent is enrolled;

    chairperson and deputy chairperson mean respectively the chairperson and deputy chairpersonof the Student Appeals Committee.

    co-requisite unit means a unit that must be completed in conjunction with another unit;"Council" means the Council of the University as established by section 8 of the ECU Act;

    "course" means a program of study necessary to qualify for a University higher education award, or aVET or other award of the University;

    course status is the status applied to reflect a student's administrative standing within a course;

    "course structure" means the unit requirements for completion of a course;

    credit means the number of credit points or units of competency gained or granted towardscompletion of a course;

    credit point is a measure that is used to identify the academic credit achieved through the successful

    completion of a unit;Dean means the Executive Dean of a Faculty or the Dean of the Faculty of Regional ProfessionalStudies or a person acting in such a position;

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    "Designated Unit" means a unit or unit of competency which a Faculty Board has designated as afundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once, unless otherwise decided by therelevant Board of Examiners;

    "Director, Graduate School" means the Director of the Graduate School or the successor to that

    position or a person acting in that position or his or her nominee;

    "Director, SSC" means the Director, Student Services Centre, or the successor to that position or aperson acting in that position or his or her nominee;

    "Director, WAAPA" means the Director, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, or thesuccessor to that position or a person acting in that position or his or her nominee;

    discontinue means a course status applied to a student who has withdrawn from a course;

    "double major" means the units required to complete two majors, taking into account any advancedstanding granted under these rules;

    "ECU Act" means the Edith Cowan University Act 1984;

    "elective unit means a unit of study that, subject to the requirements of the course, a student maychoose to undertake for credit;

    enrolment includes re-enrolment;

    enrolment period means the period specified by the Director, SSC, within which students must enrolin units to continue their course of study;

    "exit award" means a course, the units of which comprise a portion of another course;

    "exclusion" is an academic progression status which precludes a student from admission or enrolmentin a course or courses as specified by the Board of Examiners;

    "expulsion" is an academic progression status which precludes a student from admission or enrolment

    at the University;Faculty means an academic organisational unit within the University;

    Faculty Board means a board established in accordance with rule 3;

    financial penalty date means the final day a student can withdraw from a unit without incurring afinancial liability for that unit;

    "full-time student" means a student who is enrolled in units of at least 75% of a full time load for highereducation courses or 420 or more nominal hours per year for VET courses;

    "good standing" is an academic progression status applied to students who are making satisfactoryacademic progress;

    Head of School means a person appointed to or acting in a position of Head of School, and includesthe Director, WAAPA and the Dean, Faculty of Regional Professional Studies;

    higher education describes a sector of tertiary education which provides higher education awards asspecified by the Australian Qualifications Framework;

    intermit is the course status applied to a student who has applied for and received approval to defera course of study for a specified period;

    international student means a student defined as such by the relevant Acts of the Commonwealth ofAustralia;

    lapsed is the course status applied to a student who has failed to enrol in any units of study in theteaching periods required for the particular course structure within the published timeframes without

    receiving approval to intermit (defer) or having given notice to discontinue (withdraw from) a course;

    "major" means a set of related units with a total value of not less than 120 credit points;

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    "minor" means a set of related units with a total credit point value of not less than 60 and not morethan 119 credit points;

    "non-award student" means a student admitted to the university to undertake studies not leading to aUniversity award or an award provided by the University in accordance with rule 8;

    "non-award studies" means the study of units which do not constitute part of a course nor counttowards completion of the requirements of a higher education, VET or other University award in whichthe student is enrolled;

    "part-time student" means a student who is enrolled in units of less than 75% of a full time load forhigher education courses or less than 420 nominal hours per year for VET courses;

    "postgraduate student" means a student enrolled in a postgraduate award described as such in theUniversity Qualifications Framework approved by Academic Board;

    "prerequisite" means an eligibility requirement which must be satisfied prior to enrolling in a specificcourse or unit;

    prescribed means prescribed by the Act, a Statute, these rules, or a resolution of the Council, asthe case may be;

    "probation" is the academic progression status applied to students deemed to have made marginalacademic progress but permitted to continue their studies;

    "progress contract" is a written agreement entered into by a research candidate and his or herprincipal supervisor identifying agreed milestones and achievement dates;

    "quota" means the maximum number of students who may enrol in a course, a unit, a campus orthe University as a whole or who may be enrolled within a particular category of students;

    "required unit" means a unit which a student must complete in order to fulfil the requirements of acourse;

    School means an academic organisational unit within a Faculty;

    senior member of academic staff includes the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors, thePro Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, Deans, Heads of School, Associate Deans, Professors,Program Directors and Course Coordinators;

    Specialisation is a unit set that forms part of a postgraduate award;

    statement of academic record means an official transcript that contains the essential academic datapertaining to a particular student;

    "Student Appeals Committee" means a committee established in accordance with rule 5;

    student visa is a visa issued by the Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous

    Affairs for the purpose of study in Australia;

    "supporting major" has the meaning given to this term by Division 3 of Part IX;

    "suspension" is an academic progression status which precludes a student from enrolling in unitstowards a course for a period specified by the Board of Examiners;

    "teaching period" means the period of time within which a unit is undertaken and formally assessedand for which assessment results are confirmed by Board of Examiners;

    "testamur" means a formal parchment issued for a designated award of the University under theprovisions of Statute 26;

    "unit" means a unit of study or unit of competency;

    unit of competency means the specification of knowledge and skill and the application of thatknowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace (also known as unit ofcompetence);

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    unit set means a group of units which a student must complete in order to fulfil part of therequirements of a course;

    VET refers to the vocational education and training sector of tertiary education as specified by theAustralian Qualifications Framework;

    Vice-Chancellor means the person for the time being appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of theUniversity or a person acting in that position;

    "Weighted Average Mark" is a measure of a higher education student's performance in a teachingperiod or a course calculated in accordance with Appendix 1; and

    other words and expressions used in these rules shall, unless the contrary intention appears, havethe respective meanings defined in the Act or in a University Statute.

    [Rule 2 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2009]



    (1) For each Faculty there shall be a Faculty Board which shall be responsible for the implementation ofpolicy relating to the academic requirements of the Faculty.

    (2) The composition and functions of Faculty Boards shall be determined by the Council from time totime.


    (1) For each Faculty there shall be a Board of Examiners which shall be a standing committee of theFaculty Board and which shall be responsible for determining the academic progress of students

    within the Faculty.(2) A Board of Examiners shall consist of a minimum of 3 persons, being -

    (a) the Dean or nominee, who shall be chairperson;

    (b) the relevant Head of School or, where this is not applicable, the academic coordinatorrepresenting the area of study or a nominee who must be a senior member of the academicstaff;

    (c) at least one other Head of School or, where this is not applicable, an academic coordinatorrepresenting another area of study from the Faculty or a nominee who must be a seniormember of the academic staff; and

    (d) such other persons as the Board of Examiners may co-opt who must be members of theAcademic Staff.

    (3) The Director, SSC, shall be the executive officer of each Board of Examiners.


    (1) There shall be a committee of Academic Board which shall be known as the Student AppealsCommittee.

    (2)(a) The following persons are eligible to sit as members of the Student Appeals Committee undersub-rule (3)(b):

    (i) An Associate Professor or Professor nominated by the Academic Board who shall be thechairperson;

    (ii) One member of the academic staff from each Faculty nominated by the Academic Board, ofwhom one, who must be from a Faculty different from that of the chairperson, shall be elected by

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    the chairperson and the other academic staff members of the Student Appeals Committee asthe deputy chairperson.

    (iii) The Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) of each Faculty;

    (iv) One enrolled student of the University nominated by the Student Guild;

    (v) One enrolled student of the University nominated by the Postgraduate and Honours StudentAssociation.

    (b) A member nominated pursuant to sub-rules (2)(a)(i) or (2)(a)(ii) is eligible for a period of nomore than 3 years from the date of nomination and may be re-nominated.

    (c) A member nominated pursuant to sub-rules (2)(a)(iv) or (2)(a)(v) is eligible for a period of nomore than one year from the date of nomination and may be re-nominated.

    (d) A casual vacancy for a member nominated pursuant to sub-rule 2(a)(ii) shall be filled byappointment by the Chair of the Academic Board on the nomination of the relevant Dean for the

    remainder of the term of the member vacating that position.

    (3)(a) For any given matter, the chairperson or the deputy chairperson shall convene a committee tohear each matter in accordance with this Rule 5.

    (b) Subject to sub rules (3)(c) and (3)(d), for any given matter, the Student Appeals Committeeshall consist of :

    (i) The chairperson nominated pursuant to sub-rule (2)(a)(i) or the deputy chairperson nominatedpursuant to sub-rule (2)(a)(ii);

    (ii) Two members of the academic staff from among those eligible to be members pursuant tosub-rules (2)(a)(ii) and (2)(a)(iii) collectively; and

    (iii) One enrolled student nominated pursuant to either sub-rules (2)(a)(iv) or (2)(a)(v) according tothe level of study of the appellant.

    (c) For any given matter, the chairperson or, if the chairperson is absent, the deputy chairperson andthe members who are eligible under sub-rules 2(a)(ii) and 2(a)(iii) must each be from differentSchools and not more than two members shall be staff of the same Faculty.

    (d) For any given matter, a member of the Student Appeals Committee shall not:

    (i) be directly associated with the decision that is the subject of the appeal; or

    (ii) be a staff member of the School with which the appeal is concerned; or(iii) have a conflict of interest.

    (4) The Student Guild and the Postgraduate and Honours Student Association may each appoint adeputy member to act in the place of a member nominated pursuant to sub-rules (2)(a)(iv) or(2)(a)(v) respectively if the member is unavailable or precluded for reasons set out in sub-rules 3(d).

    (5) A deputy member has all the functions and entitlements of a member.

    (6) No act or omission of a deputy member acting in place of another member under this rule nor adecision of the Student Appeals Committee may be questioned on the ground that the occasion forthe deputy member so acting had not arisen or had ceased.

    (7)(a) The quorum for a hearing of the Student Appeals Committee is three members referred to insub-rule (3)(b), one of whom is the chairperson or deputy chairperson.

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    (b) A minimum of 3 business days notice must be given of a Student Appeals Committee hearing.

    (8) The Director, SSC, shall appoint a person to act as Executive Officer of the Student AppealsCommittee but that person shall not be entitled to vote on any matter before the Committee.

    [Rule 5 amended by Rule Amendment 2 of 2008][Rule 5 amended by Rule Amendment 2 of 2009]



    This Part applies to the admission of students to courses at the University.


    (1) For the purposes of this Part, the Council may from time to time determine academic standards andconditions of entry in relation to admission of applicants to the University and the recognition ofcourses and units completed, and examinations or other forms of assessment passed.

    (2) The provisions of this Part are subject to determinations made by the Council under this rule.


    (1) The Academic Board may admit a student to a course or a course of study:

    (a) if the student meets all applicable prerequisites and criteria; and

    (b) on applicable conditions.

    (2) Applicable prerequisites and criteria means those prerequisites and criteria determined by the

    Academic Board to be applicable to:

    (a) admission generally;

    (b) admission to a particular course or course of study; or

    (c) the admission of a particular class of student.

    (3) Applicable conditions means any conditions:

    (a) specified by the relevant Commonwealth authorities; or

    (b) set by the Academic Board for:

    (i) admission generally;

    (ii) admission to a particular course; or

    (iii) admission of particular classes of students, including students admitted to the university toundetake studies not leading to a University award.


    (1) An applicant for admission to a course must apply to the Director, SSC by the date and in the mannerspecified by the Director, SSC.

    (2) An applicant for admission must produce such written and other evidence of his or her qualifications oridentity as the Director, SSC may require.

    (3) Where an applicant for admission is required under sub-rule (2) to produce written evidence ofqualifications or identity, admission of the applicant is conditional upon that requirement beingsatisfied.

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    (4) Subject to the directions of the Academic Board, the Director, SSC may prescribe from time to timethe closing date or dates for admission and the forms and other procedures for admission.

    (5) Subject to the provisions of this Part, admissions may be approved by the Director, SSC.

    (6) A person becomes a student of Edith Cowan University on the date of admission that is recorded onthe Universitys student management system, subsequent to the acceptance of an authorised offer ofadmission by that person.



    Subject to the directions of the Academic Board, the Director, SSC may specify the procedures, forms andopening and closing dates for each enrolment period.


    (1) Subject to sub-rules 14(1) and 14(2), a student is deemed to be enrolled in a unit if the Director,SSC is satisfied:

    (a) the student has applied to enrol in the time and manner specified by the Director, SSC;

    (b) the unit constitutes part of the requirements of the course currently being undertaken by thestudent, unless the student has written approval to enrol in non-award studies from theDirector, SSC;

    (c) any specified pre-requisite or co-requisite requirements have been met, unless the studenthas written approval to waive the requirements from the Dean of the relevant Faculty ornominee;

    (e) all prescribed costs and charges have been paid by the due date(s);

    (f) the students course or academic progression status does not preclude that student fromenrolling in that unit;

    (g) if the student is an international student who holds a student visa, the student is enrolled inline with the ECU Enrolment Loads for International Students Policy;

    (h) if the unit is designated as a postgraduate unit, the student is enrolled in a postgraduatecourse; and

    (i) if the unit is designated as an undergraduate unit, and if the student is enrolled in apostgraduate course

    (i) the unit forms part of the course; or

    (ii) written permission has been given by the relevant course coordinator.

    (2) Any student wishing to enrol in more than 80 credit points in a single semester must obtain thewritten permission of the relevant Course Coordinator.

    (3) Any student wishing to enrol in more than 40 credit points in a summer school teaching period or awinter teaching period must obtain the written permission of the relevant Course Coordinator.

    [Rule 11 amended by Rule Amendment 4 of 2008][Rule 11 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2010]

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules



    Notwithstanding the provisions of any other rule, the Council may permit a person holding the office ofPresident or Vice-President of the Student Guild to be enrolled as a student on such terms andconditions as the Council may determine.


    Subject to any appeal rights, a student shall cease to be an enrolled student of the University:

    (a) on the date of course completion as determined by the Board of Examiners;

    (b) on the date the student, with the requisite approval, discontinues (withdraws) from a course;

    (c) on the date the student is suspended or excluded from a course or expelled from the University;

    (d) on the date all of the students unit enrolments are cancelled by the Director, SSC;

    (e) on the date the student allows an enrolment in a course to lapse without obtaining approvalunder rule 20 to intermit (defer) or without providing notice under sub-rule 19(1) to discontinue(withdraw) a course; or

    (f) on the date that the students intermission period ends and the student allows an enrolment in acourse to lapse.


    (1) The Dean, Associate Dean or Director SSC may refuse an application for admission or enrolment orcancel an existing enrolment where:

    (a) the applicant has failed to fulfil the formal requirements for admission or enrolment, or theenrolment does not comply with the conditions set out in sub-rule 11(1) or has otherwise notcomplied with a provision of the ECU Act, a Statute, rule or by-law of the University;

    (b) an applicable quota would be exceeded;

    (c) the course or unit in which the applicant seeks to enrol will not be offered in the teaching periodapplied for;

    (d) the cancellation is required to correct a patent error;

    (e) the applicant has failed to return on request any University property on loan, or any charges orother money payable by the applicant under the ECU Act, a Statute, rule or by-law of theUniversity in any previous or current teaching periods have not been paid by the due date; or

    (f) the enrolment is in breach of state or federal legislation.

    (2) The Director, SSC, may also refuse an application for admission or enrolment or cancel an existingenrolment where he or she is satisfied that:

    (a) by reason of the conviction of the applicant of a criminal offence, or(b) the conduct or incapacity of the applicant, or

    (c) for other good reason,

    the admission or enrolment of the applicant is likely to be prejudicial to the interests of, or bringdisrepute upon, the University.

    (3) A student whose application for admission or enrolment has been refused or current enrolmentcancelled under this rule shall be notified in writing by the Director, SSC, with reasons for the refusal orcancellation.

    (4) A person whose application for admission or enrolment has been refused or whose enrolment hasbeen cancelled under sub-rule (2) may appeal against the refusal or cancellation to the StudentAppeals Committee under rule 58.

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    (5) Except with the written approval of the Dean of the relevant Faculty, a student shall not be enrolled inmore than one higher education course at the same time.


    (1) Where a students enrolment has been cancelled for non-payment of a charge or any other money,the student's enrolment may be reinstated, effective for the current teaching period or the subsequentteaching period at the discretion of the Director, SSC:

    (a) upon payment of all outstanding charges and other money; or

    (b) pursuant to the payment of outstanding charges and/or other money by specified periodicalpayments or over an agreed period.

    (2) If a student's enrolment is reinstated under sub-rule (1)(b) and the student defaults in payment inaccordance with the relevant agreement, the students enrolment may be cancelled.

    (3) Where a students enrolment has been cancelled under sub-rule 14(1)(e), the student's enrolment

    may be reinstated by the Director, SSC, effective for the current teaching period or subsequentteaching period, on return in good order of the University's property on loan to the student.


    (1) A student who wishes to withdraw from a unit must notify the University in the manner specified by theDirector, SSC.

    (2) The effect of withdrawal from a unit on a student's financial liability is as prescribed in the UniversitysFees Rules.

    (3) The effect of withdrawal from a unit on a student's academic progression status is:

    (a) if the notification is received on or before the academic penalty date then academic progression willnot be affected;

    (b) subject to sub-rule (5), if the notification is received after the academic penalty date then the unit willbe deemed not to have been completed and that outcome will be taken into account in theassessment of academic progress.

    (4) The effect of a unit withdrawal on a student's official Statement of Academic Record is:

    (a) withdrawal from a unit on or prior to the financial penalty date will not be recorded as a withdrawaland the original unit enrolment bearing the administrative code of WE will not appear on theStatement;

    (b) withdrawal from a unit after the financial penalty date but on or before the specified academic

    penalty date shall be recorded as W(c) withdrawal from a unit after the academic penalty date shall be recorded as WF, except in the case

    of a VET, honours, research master or doctoral thesis unit, in which case W shall be recorded.

    (5) If a student enrolled in a unit is, for good reason, unable to complete its requirements , the Director, SSCmay approve withdrawal without financial and/or academic penalty and record a grade of W or WL forthe unit.


    Notwithstanding any other rule, a student shall not be credited for work done towards the completion ofa course during any period for which the student was not enrolled.

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    (1) The Dean of the relevant Faculty may approve an application by a student to take longer than theprescribed time to complete a course.

    (2) A students enrolment in a course may not exceed, from the time of original enrolment, three years orthree times the standard full-time duration of the course, whichever is the greater, without the writtenapproval of the Dean.

    (3) Where a student has not completed a course within the prescribed time, the Board of Examinersmay decline to recognise as credit towards that course any units completed after the expiration ofthat time.


    (1) A student who wishes to discontinue (withdraw from) his or her course must notify the Director, SSC,in writing.

    (2) Discontinuing (withdrawing from) a course will not affect the student's academic progression statusprovided the application is made before the academic penalty date.

    (3) A student who has discontinued (withdrawn from) his or her course and who subsequently wishes toresume the course, must apply in writing to the Director, SSC and meet current entry requirements.

    (4) A student who resumes a course in accordance with sub-rule (3) may be required to complete thecourse under a modified course structure where the course has been updated.


    (1) Upon written application, the Dean of the relevant Faculty or nominee may allow a student who hassuccessfully completed at least one unit of study to intermit (defer) the course, subject to the termsand conditions specified in any relevant Commonwealth legislation, if there is good reason to do so.

    (2) Except in special circumstances, the Dean or his or her nominee shall not grant intermission (deferral)for more than twelve months.


    (1) The Dean or the Deans nominee may grant a student advanced standing in any course. Advancedstanding may result from previous studies (credit) and/or recognised prior learning (RPL).

    (2) A student seeking advanced standing in relation to a unit must satisfy the Dean or the Deansnominee that the student has achieved a level of achievement equivalent to that required for thecompletion of that unit at the University.

    (3) Except for related ECU subsidiary courses, a student shall not receive credit for any units or body ofstudy for which credit has already been received.

    (4)(a) A student who commences a course for the award of a Higher Education Qualification and isgranted advanced standing credit as specified in the Universitys Advanced Standing Policy for thataward shall be required to:

    (i) successfully complete at the University at least the equivalent number of credit points equalto the difference between the advanced standing credit granted and the number of credit

    points required for that award; and

    (ii) meet any other requirement as specified in the Universitys Advanced Standing Policy forthat award.

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    (b) A student who commences a course for the award of a VET qualification and is granted advancedstanding shall be required to successfully complete such further studies as are determined by theDean or the Deans nominee in conformity with the appropriate VET policies and guidelines,published by the relevant Commonwealth and State authorities from time to time.

    (5) A student who has been awarded any other qualification by this or any other university, that is notdescribed in the Universitys Advanced Standing Policy, and who wishes to complete a furtherqualification, must complete units at the University as determined by the Dean or the Deansnominee.

    [Rule 21 amended by Rule Amendment 3 of 2008]


    (1) A student shall be assessed in such manner, shall attend at such times, and shall comply with suchother requirements as shall be specified in the approved unit outline in accordance with the generalpolicy of the University.

    (2) A students achievement in each unit shall, in accordance with this rule, be assigned a grade ofassessment under one of the following Grading Schema:

    Grading Schema 1 (Used for standard course work units)


    Grade DescriptionLowerMark


    HD High Distinction 80 100

    D Distinction 70 79

    CR Credit 60 69

    C Pass 50 59

    C* Pass (Conceded) 45 100

    N Fail 0 49H Result not availableDE Deferred assessment approvedEX ExemptFX Exchange studies failedPS Pass (Supplementary) 50 100FS Fail (Supplementary) 0 49S upplementary assessment offered but not yet takenT Tuition only (for tuition-only students where no formal assessment conducted)W Withdrawn (after the financial penalty/census date)WE Withdrawn early

    WF Withdrawn Fail

    WL Withdrawn late (without penalty)

    I Fail (Incomplete) 50 100XS Exchange studies completedAR Result not available #

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    Grading Schema 2 (Used for performance and/or practical based units)

    Grade DescriptionPH High Distinction

    PD Distinction

    PC Credit

    PP PassF Undifferentiated FailH Result not availableEX ExemptFX Exchange studies failedW Withdrawn (after the financial penalty/census date)WE Withdrawn early

    WF Withdrawn Fail

    WL Withdrawn late (without penalty)

    XS Exchange studies completedAR Result not available #

    Grading Schema 3 (Used for Higher Degree by Research Thesis units only: i.e. Master by Researchand PhD Thesis units)

    Grade Description

    P Undifferentiated Pass

    F Undifferentiated Fail

    H Result not available

    DE Deferred assessment approved

    EX Exempt

    SP Satisfactory Progress

    MP Marginal Progress

    TS Thesis Submitted

    W Withdrawn (after the financial penalty/census date)

    WE Withdrawn early

    WF Withdrawn Fail

    WL Withdrawn late (without penalty)

    AR Result not available #

    [Grading Schema 3 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2008]

    Grading Schema 4 (Used for Undifferentiated Pass/Fail units)

    Grade Description

    P Undifferentiated Pass

    F Undifferentiated Fail

    H Result not available

    EX Exempt

    FX Exchange studies failed

    W Withdrawn (after the financial penalty/census date)

    WE Withdrawn early

    WF Withdrawn Fail

    WL Withdrawn late (without penalty)

    XS Exchange studies completed

    AR Result not available #

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    Grading Schema 5 (Used for VET Units of Competency)

    Grade Description

    CO Competent (not graded)

    CS Competent after second attempt (i.e. via supplementary assessment)

    H Hold/Result not availablePX Incomplete

    NC Not yet competent

    EX Exempt

    DE Deferred assessment approved

    W Withdrawn (after the financial penalty/census date)

    WE Withdrawn early

    WF Withdrawn Fail

    WL Withdrawn late (without penalty)

    AR Result not available #

    NS Not Started

    Grading Schema Notes:

    a) # - Result not available due to student being a member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) on transferb) Grades in bold type are considered successful completion of the unit.

    (3) A student shall not repeat a unit that he or she has successfully completed except in the case ofresearch units that are graded on the basis of satisfactory progress.

    (4) A student shall be permitted to sight his or her examination script upon making a request to therelevant Unit Co-ordinator or nominee if the student asks to do so within 15 business days of thedate of publication of the results of the relevant unit.

    (5) A student who fails to complete the requirements of a unit shall be deemed not to have completedthat unit and shall receive:

    (a) a grade of I, where the cumulative assessment is 50 or more;

    (b) a grade of N, where the cumulative assessment is less than 50; or

    (c) a grade of NC (Not yet competent) for VET units.

    (6) Subject to sub-rules 26(3), (4) and (5) and 29(1), if a student has been awarded a grade of I or PX inrespect of a unit other than a Designated Unit, the student must repeat the unit if the unit is a courserequirement.


    (1) Where, in the opinion of the Head of School or his or her nominee, a student's performance in a unithas been unsatisfactory, the Head of School or his or her nominee may disallow the student fromcontinuing that unit, and shall thereupon notify the Dean of the Faculty of such disallowance.

    (2) Where action is taken against a student under sub-rule (1), the student shall receive a grade basedon the assessment to the time of discontinuance in accordance with rule 22.


    (1) A student who wishes to defer an examination in a course or unit must apply in writing to the Director,SSC, setting out the grounds on which deferral is sought and provide sufficient written evidence tosupport the application. Students are not eligible to apply for a deferred examination in the unit if theirperformance in other unit requirements would preclude a successful completion of that unit.

    (2) Where the student is aware before the examination of the grounds on which deferral of theexamination is to be sought, the student must apply for deferral before the examination.

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    (3) Where sub-rule (2) does not apply and the student fails to sit for an examination, the student mustapply for deferral as soon as practicable.

    (4) A student who has been granted permission to defer a final examination in a unit shall be awardedthe interim grade DE.

    (5) A student who is unable to attend a deferred examination at the designated time may, with the consentof the coordinator of the relevant unit or course (or Head of the relevant School), defer thatexamination to a later time, which shall not be later than the end of the teaching period following that inwhich the unit would ordinarily have been completed.

    (6) Procedures and timeframes for the deferred or late submission of assignments are governed by theUniversitys Assessment Policy.


    (1) Subject to sub-rule (2), at the end of each teaching period the Board of Examiners of the relevant Facultyshall determine the academic progression status of each student in accordance with the criteria set out in

    rules 26, 27 and 28.(2) In determining a students academic progression status in accordance with sub-rule (1), the Board

    of Examiners may exercise such discretion as the Board considers reasonable in thecircumstances.

    (3) Where a higher education course work student has failed only one unit in a semester, the Board ofExaminers may: -

    (a) grant the student a conceded pass or supplementary assessment in that unit if the student hasreceived a mark of 45 or more, with a grade of N or I; or

    (b) grant the student a supplementary assessment in that unit if the student has received a mark of40 or more with a grade of N or I and by successful completion of the supplementary

    assessment the student would immediately complete the course; or

    (c) affirm the awarded grade in that unit.

    (4) A conceded pass shall retain the numerical grade originally awarded but shall be given a literalgrade of C*.

    (5) Where a higher education student

    (a) attains a pass in a supplementary assessment, the grade PS will be substituted for the originalgrade; and,

    (i) where the original grade was N the pass shall be assigned a percentage of 50; and

    (ii) where the original grade was I, the pass will carry the original numerical assessment;

    (b) fails a supplementary assessment the grade of FS will be recorded on the students record forthat unit;

    (c) fails a unit at a supplementary assessment, the student shall be required to repeat that unit orsuch alternative unit as may be directed by the Board of Examiners.

    (6) Where a VET student is assessed and given an award other than CO, and where the Director,WAAPA, determines it is practical to do so, the student may be re-assessed once in the sameteaching period without being required to re-enrol. If the student is deemed competent on thatreassessment, the student will be given a grade of CS. Otherwise, subject to sub-rules 26(6) and29(2), the student will be required to re-enrol and complete the relevant unit in the following teachingperiod in which the unit is offered.

    (7) Following the determination of each student's academic progression status, the Board of Examiners:

    (a) may exclude a student from enrolling in any unit;

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    (b) may place a student on a restricted program of study; or

    (c) may, in accordance with sub-rule 29(2), permit a student to repeat a failed unit more thantwice.

    [Rule 25 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2008]


    (1) At the commencement of a students first period of study in a course, the academic progressionstatus shall be good standing.

    (2) Where, at the end of a teaching period, a student has attained at least 50 per cent of the creditpoints ascribed to the units in which the student was enrolled for that teaching period, the student'sacademic progression status shall be 'good standing' unless:-

    (a) the student has a current academic progression status of at risk, in which case the students

    academic progression status will be probation; or

    (b) the student is in the first period of study in a course following exclusion, in which case thestudents academic progression status will be at risk; or

    (c) the Dean has determined that the academic progression status should not be good standing.

    (3) Where, at the end of a teaching period, a student fails to attain at least 50 per cent of the creditpoints ascribed to the units in which the student was enrolled for that teaching period:-

    (a) if the student has a current academic progression status of good standing, the student'sacademic progression status will be 'probation';

    (b) if the student has a current academic progression status of probation the students academicprogression status will be at risk, and the student will be required to comply with anintervention strategy in the following teaching period; or

    (c) if the student has a current academic progression status of at risk, the students academicprogression status will be excluded.

    (4) Where a student has failed the same unit three times:(a) the student will, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be

    (i) excluded from the course and/or related courses, in which case the student's academicprogression status will be 'excluded'; or(ii) excluded from a unit set and/or a unit, in which case the student's academic progressionstatus will be 'probation'; and

    (b) if the student repeats the unit under sub-rule 29(2), the student's academic progression statuswill be 'at risk'.

    (5) A student whose academic progression status is at risk will be restricted to an enrolment of no morethan 45 credit points.

    (6) Where a student has failed a Designated Unit, the student shall be excluded from the course unlessotherwise determined by the Board of Examiners, and the student's academic progression statuswill be excluded.

    [Rule 26 amended by Rule Amendment 2 of 2010]

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    [Rule 26 amended by Rule Amendment 4 of 2010]



    (1) Where a student enrolled in a research degree:

    (a) fails a unit that is not a thesis unit, the student may be excluded from the course, and thestudent's academic progression status will be 'excluded';

    (b) fails a thesis unit, the Board of Examiners may provide the student with an option, whereavailable, to transfer his or her enrolment to a course work degree and, if this option is acceptedby the student, the student's academic progression status will be 'probation'.

    (2) Where a candidate is awarded a grade of Marginal Progress (MP), the student must enter into aProgress Contract with his or her principal supervisor:

    (a) on the form and in the manner specified by the Dean, Graduate Research School; and

    (b) prior to his or her enrolment in the next teaching period.

    (3) If a student fails to satisfy the goals outlined in a progress contract in the teaching period to which itapplies:

    (a) the student will be awarded a grade of Undifferentiated Fail (F); and

    (b) the students academic progression status will be excluded unless otherwise determined by theBoard of Examiners.

    [Rule 27 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2008]


    (1) The academic progress of students enrolled in VET courses will be determined annually by therelevant Board of Examiners.

    (2) Where a student achieves competency in 50 per cent or more of the total number of units ofcompetency attempted during a specific teaching period, the students academic progression statusshall be good standing.

    (3) Where a student is assessed as 'not yet competent' in a Designated Unit, that student may, at thediscretion of the Board of Examiners, be assigned an academic progression status of excluded.

    (4) Where a student achieves competency in greater than or equal to 25 per cent but less than 50 percent of the total number of units of competency attempted during a specific teaching period, the

    student's academic progression status shall be 'probation'.

    (5) Where a student achieves competency in less than 25 per cent of the total number of units ofcompetency attempted during a specific teaching period:

    (a) and the student has previously been suspended under this sub-rule, the students academicprogression status will be excluded; and

    (b) in all other cases, the student's academic progression status will be 'suspended'.

    (6) Where a student has failed the same unit three times, the student shall be, at the discretion of theBoard of Examiners:

    (a) excluded from the course and/or related courses, in which case the student's academic progression

    status shall be 'excluded'; or(b) excluded from a unit set and/or a unit, in which case the student's academic progression status shall

    be 'probation'.

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    (7) Where a student has failed a Designated Unit, the student shall be excluded from the course unlessotherwise determined by the Board of Examiners.

    [Rule 28 amended by Rule Amendment 2 of 2010]


    (1) Subject to rules 26, 27 and 28, a student must repeat a unit that he or she has failed except where theunit is an elective unit and/or the student is permitted by the relevant course coordinator to undertakean alternative unit in substitution for the failed unit.

    (2) Except where the Board of Examiners gives permission, a student shall not attempt a unit morethan three times.




    In this Part, unless the contrary appears:

    Candidate means a candidate for an award to which this Part applies;

    Committee means:

    (a) in relation to an honours or master by course work degree:

    (i) the Faculty Board of the Faculty to which the candidate is or may be attached; or

    (ii) where the Faculty Board has established a committee with specific responsibilities for honoursand master candidates - that committee; and

    (b) in relation to a master by research or doctoral degree, the Committee designated by the AcademicBoard to carry out this role;

    course work means the part of a program of study comprising course units;

    examiners means the examiners appointed under rule 44;

    "Student Appeals Committee" means a committee established in accordance with rule 8; and

    thesis means material to be submitted by a candidate for assessment in respect of the research part ofa course. This includes both the text component of a fully written thesis, or anexegesis/essay/dissertation plus evidence of a creative or technical exploration of a non-traditional, alternative doctoral research project.

    [Rule 30 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    This Part applies to the research programs and submission of theses within courses leading to:

    (a) an undergraduate course with honours where the honours program requires an additional year ofstudy beyond a three year full-time undergraduate course, or the fourth year of a four year full-timeundergraduate course;

    (b) a master award which is either fully research-based or which combines research and course work invarying proportions with the research work assessed on an individual basis; and

    (c) a doctoral award.

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    (1) A person seeking to be admitted as a candidate must apply in writing setting out relevantinformation, including:

    (a) a brief outline of the research proposed to be undertaken; and

    (b) the existing qualifications of the applicant.

    (2) Before admitting a person to a program, the Committee shall be satisfied that appropriatesupervision and resources will be available for the candidate, for the duration of the program.

    (3) A person who has been admitted to candidature must be enrolled in accordance with Part IV.

    [Rule 32 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) The Committee may admit to an honours program a person who:(a) the Committee believes has shown an aptitude for, and an ability to undertake, research; and

    (b) has an undergraduate course Weighted Average Mark of at least 70%, or such lesser mark asthe Committee may approve in respect of that applicant.

    2) The Committee may admit to Stage 1 (Preliminary) of a Master by Research a person:

    (a) who has a Bachelor degree in a related discipline; or

    (b) who has

    (i) completed equivalent coursework in the relevant field; and

    (ii) shown an aptitude for, and an ability to undertake, research.(3) The Committee may admit to Stage 2 (Thesis Stage) of a Master by Research a personwho has:

    (a) completed an undergraduate award at an honours level, or

    (b) completed an approved research-based Graduate Diploma; or

    (c) completed an approved equivalent qualification; or

    (d) appropriate research preparation.

    (4) (a) The Committee may admit to a PhD program a person who has a master by research award orbachelor award with honours (first class or upper second class), or equivalent, or where theapplicant can demonstrate the capacity to undertake original PhD-level research.

    (b) The Committee may admit to a Professional Doctorate program a person who has a master byresearch award, master by coursework award (with a research component), bachelor award withhonours, or equivalent, or where the applicant can demonstrate extensive professional experienceand the capacity to undertake original doctoral-level research in a professional setting.

    (5) The Committee may require an applicant to have had a minimum period of relevant professionalexperience prior to admission.

    (6) When a student has been admitted to candidature, the Dean, Graduate Research School or his orher nominee shall inform the student of his or her admission and shall give the student a copy ofthese rules and a copy of any guidelines relating to research programs that may be issued fromtime to time.

    [Rule 33 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2008][Rule 33 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]

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    (1) Subject to any direction of the Committee and as soon as practicable after the completion of anyrequisite course work, an honours, research master or doctoral candidate must submit to theCommittee a written research proposal to enable the Committee to determine, subject to Divisions 3

    and 4:(a) the title of the thesis, together with an outline of the research and/or scholarly and creative

    activity to be conducted;

    (b) if there are any special resources required to complete the proposed research;

    (c) the nature of any special examination conditions;

    (d) the language of the thesis if other than English; and

    (e) the supervisor or supervisors of the research.

    (2) A research master candidate must submit a research proposal for approval within 4 months of thedate of commencement of full-time study following the completion of any requisite course work. Adoctoral candidate must submit a research proposal for approval within 6 months of full-time study

    following the completion of any requisite course work.

    (3) (a) It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure compliance with all ethics requirements.Candidates whose research involves the use of human participants, previously collectedconfidential data, or the use of animals for scientific purposes must submit an ethics applicationand obtain ethics approval for the proposed research. Other candidates must complete anethics declaration.

    (b) It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure compliance with the risk assessmentprocesses of their Faculty. All research students are required to submit a written riskassessment and risk management plan for their proposed research, prior to confirmation ofcandidature. Candidates shall ensure the research is conducted in a manner consistent withtheir risk assessment and management plan.

    (4) Candidates may not commence the recruitment or data collection phase of the research until theresearch proposal and risk assessment plan have been approved and ethics requirements havebeen met.

    (5) Upon approval of the research proposal, the Committee shall confirm candidature; and theCommittee may from time to time vary the confirmation following consultation with the relevantstudent and his or her supervisor(s).

    (6) The Committee must not confirm candidature where it would lead to a thesis which could not bemade available for the purposes of private study or research unless there are specialcircumstances. Where a student wishes to restrict access the restriction should be made clear atthe time of submission of the thesis proposal.

    (7) Where a candidate undertakes research which either requires the signing of a confidentialityagreement imposing restrictions on the publication of any resultant thesis, or which for any otherreason seems likely to require such restriction, the candidate must obtain prior approval from theCommittee before proceeding with the research.

    [Rule 34 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) (a) Principal supervisors must be appointed:

    (i) in a degree comprising only research, on an initial enrolment, and

    (ii) in all other cases, at the latest, when all required course work has been completed.

    (b) Associate supervisors must be appointed no later than at the end of the first semester ofresearch.

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    (2) The number of supervisors to be appointed by the Committee shall be as follows:

    (a) for an honours candidate - one supervisor;

    (b) for a master candidate - at least one supervisor; and where more than one supervisor isappointed, one supervisor shall be nominated as principal supervisor; and

    (c) for a doctoral candidate - a principal supervisor assisted by at least one associate supervisor.

    (3) Except in exceptional circumstances, at least the Principal Supervisor for each candidate shall be amember of the full-time or part-time academic staff of the University employed under an ongoing orfixed-term contract.

    (4) Where a supervisor is absent or is otherwise unable to perform the duties of supervision for a periodof 4 or more consecutive weeks of the teaching period during which the candidate is conducting hisor her research, the supervisor shall give the Committee prior notice of the proposed arrangementsfor supervision during the period of absence.

    [Rule 35 amended by Rule Amendment 1 of 2008]



    (1) Except where the Committee otherwise directs, the duration of research programs will be as follows:

    (a) for an honours year of an undergraduate program, not more than:

    (i) two teaching periods full-time, or

    (ii) four teaching periods part-time;

    (b) for studies leading to a master award:

    (i) at least one and no more than two academic years full-time, or(ii) at least two and no more than four academic years part-time;

    (c) for studies leading to a doctoral award:

    (i) at least two and no more than four academic years full-time, or

    (ii) at least four and no more than eight academic years part-time.

    (2) Except where the Committee otherwise directs, research programs must be completed in consecutiveteaching periods or years.

    (3) The candidate must pursue his or her studies to the satisfaction of the Committee.

    37. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISORS AND OF CANDIDATES(1) The Committee may prescribe the responsibilities of supervisors and candidates and, subject

    thereto, the supervisors shall assist the candidate in his or her research and in the observance ofthe provisions of this Part.

    (2) Where a supervisor considers that the candidate has failed to pursue his or her researchsatisfactorily or has failed to observe any of the provisions of this Part, the supervisor willimmediately report the failure to the Committee.


    (1) The Committee may prescribe the mode and the frequency of:

    (a) discussions between the candidate and the candidates supervisors on the progress of theresearch program; and

    (b) reports to be submitted to the Committee by supervisors.

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    (2) Not less than once each teaching period, the supervisors shall report to the Board of Examiners on theprogress of the candidate.


    (1) A candidate experiencing difficulties with supervision should, in the first instance, attempt to resolvethe problem through discussion with their supervisor(s). In the event of an unsatisfactory outcome,the candidate should then discuss the matter with the Head of School.

    (2) If the problem cannot be resolved, the candidate may lodge a written complaint in relation to his or hersupervisor(s) with the Dean of the Faculty at any time prior to submitting his or her thesis for examination.

    (3) The Dean will investigate the matter and advise the candidate of his or her decision in writing as soon aspossible. If the candidate is dissatisfied with the decision, he or she may appeal against that ruling tothe Student Appeals Committee in accordance with rule 58.

    (4) Following submission of the thesis for examination, the candidate may appeal against aspects ofthe examination process or outcome of the examination in accordance with rules 56 and 58, but not

    against aspects of supervision.(5) If a candidate has no complaint about a supervisor or supervisors, but wishes to change his or her

    supervisor(s), the candidate may request a change in writing to the Committee, outlining the reasons forthe change. This request may be made at any stage prior to the submission of the thesis for examination.


    (1) Subject to sub-rule (2), a candidate shall pursue his or her course at the University.

    (2) With the written consent of the Committee, a candidate may pursue part of the course at anotherinstitution approved by the Committee or undertake field work relating to the candidates researchunder the auspices of another institution; but the total periods covered by the studies or work

    referred to in this sub-rule shall not be used to satisfy more than one-half of the requirements of thecourse.


    (1) The Committee may recommend to the Board of Examiners that a candidate be excluded from thecourse on the ground that the candidate has failed to:

    (a) maintain good standing as defined in rule 26, or

    (b) pursue the course to the satisfaction of the Committee, or

    (c) otherwise comply with these rules.

    (2) Where the Committee has formed the preliminary view that a candidate should be excluded from

    further enrolment under the provisions of sub-rule 41(1)(b) or (c), the Committee may invite thecandidate to show cause why the Committees preliminary view should not be confirmed.

    (3) Upon receipt of the Committees recommendation, the Board of Examiners may exclude thecandidate and shall thereupon notify the candidate of the exclusion.

    (4) A candidate excluded by the Board of Examiners under this rule may appeal to the Student AppealsCommittee under the provisions of rule 58.


    42. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SUBMIT A THESISA candidate intending to submit a thesis for examination must give not less than 6 weeks written noticeof his or her intention to do so and in such form as the Committee prescribes.

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    (1) A student may only submit a thesis for examination if the student is enrolled in the appropriate thesisunit.

    (2) (a) A student who wishes to submit a thesis for examination without supervisor approval may submita written request to the appropriate Faculty Committee or Faculty Associate Dean, Research &Higher Degrees.

    (b) The Faculty Committee (or Faculty Associate Dean, Research & Higher Degrees) will arrange foran internal review of the thesis to determine whether the thesis is considered ready forexamination. The candidate will be provided with a written assessment of the thesis.

    (i) If the review deems the thesis can be submitted, the thesis may be submitted with amemorandum of endorsement signed by the candidate and Faculty Associate Dean,Research & Higher Degrees.

    (ii) If the review deems that the thesis is not ready for examination, the candidate will berequired to address the errors and deficiencies outlined in the written assessment. Thecandidate may then resubmit a request to the appropriate Faculty Committee or FacultyAssociate Dean, Research & Higher Degrees.

    [Rule 43 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) The Committee shall appoint persons to examine a thesis as follows:

    (a) for an honours candidate - at least two examiners, unless otherwise specified by theCommittee;

    (b) for a master candidate - not fewer than two examiners at least one of whom shall be a personwho is not a member of the academic staff of the University; and

    (c) for a doctoral candidate unless the Academic Board otherwise determines, not fewer than 3examiners all of whom shall be persons who are not members of the staff of the University.

    (2) Unless the Academic Board otherwise determines, the Committee shall not appoint as an examinera person who is a supervisor of the candidate to be examined or who the Committee otherwisebelieves has a conflict of interest.

    (3) The Committee may, at the request of a candidate or at the request of an examiner of a candidate,discharge the examiner and appoint another person in his or her place.


    (1) Unless the Committee otherwise determines, the text component of a thesis must be written inEnglish. The assessment of a thesis must be conducted in the English language.

    (2) A thesis must incorporate an account of research conducted during the course and the outcomes ofthe research.

    (3) The Committee may approve an amendment of the title of a thesis.


    (1) Subject to sub-rule (7), the examiners shall report to the Committee their assessment of each thesiswithin 6 weeks after submission of a doctoral thesis or a master thesis and 4 weeks aftersubmission of an honours thesis.

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    (2) In the case of only two examiners reports for a doctoral thesis being received after 8 weeks, theCommittee may determine an outcome based on those two reports.

    (3) If an examiner believes that the thesis may contain defamatory material, the examiner shall notifythe Committee.

    (4) Upon notification under sub-rule (3), the Committee must seek legal advice as to whether or not thethesis contains defamatory material.

    (5) If the legal advice is that the thesis contains material which is, or may be, defamatory, the Committeemay notify the candidate that such material must be removed from the thesis before the thesis can befurther assessed.

    (6) Upon notification under sub-rule (5), the candidate must amend the thesis to remove the defamatorymaterial and re-submit the thesis for assessment.

    (7) (a) For a Higher Degree by Research thesis, examiners reports shall include a recommendation tothe Committee that the thesis be:

    (i) accepted unchanged; or

    (ii) accepted subject to minor amendments being made to the satisfaction of the supervisor;or

    (iii) accepted subject to amendment of passages in the thesis being made to the satisfactionof the Head of School or nominee; or

    (iv) revised and re-submitted; or(v) rejected.

    (b) For an Honours thesis, examiners reports shall include a recommendation on a grade inaccordance with the relevant grading schema and that the thesis be:

    (i) accepted unchanged; or(ii) accepted subject to minor amendments being made to the satisfaction of the supervisor;


    (iii) rejected.

    (8) (a) For a Higher Degree by Research thesis, after consideration of the examiners reports, theCommittee shall determine that the thesis be:(i) accepted unchanged; or(ii) accepted subject to minor amendments being made to the satisfaction of the supervisor;

    or(iii) accepted subject to amendment of passages in the thesis being made to the satisfaction

    of the Head of School or nominee; or(iv) revised and re-submitted; or(v) rejected.

    (b) For an Honours thesis, after consideration of the examiners reports, the Committee willdetermine the outcome in accordance with the Management of Honours Candidature, Gradingof Honours Performance and Student Support Policy (AC068).

    (9) For a Higher Degree by Research thesis, where re-submission or amendment is required, theCommittee shall determine the last day for re-submission of the candidates thesis, not being laterthan twelve months after the day on which the Committee meets to consider the examiners reports.

    [Rule 46 amended by Rule Amendment 6 of 2008]


    (1) This rule applies to doctoral candidates only.

    (2) On the recommendation of the examiners, the Committee may require the candidate to beexamined orally on the substance of the thesis and on the background of its subject (an oraldefence).

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    Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules


    (3) Where the thesis is based on the joint research of the candidate and of another person, thecandidate shall undertake an oral defence of the thesis unless the Committee decides there areexceptional circumstances.

    (4) The Committee shall determine when and where the oral defence shall be held.

    (5) Where an oral defence is to be conducted by fewer than the total number of examiners for the candidate,the examiners who are to conduct the oral defence must:

    (a) ascertain from the examiners who will be absent (the absent examiners) what questions they wantto be put to the candidate; and

    (b) at the examination, put the substance of those questions to the candidate together with any otherquestions that they consider relevant; and

    (c) report to the absent examiners on the performance of the candidate, including the candidatesresponses to questions proposed by the absent examiners.

    (6) Where, in the opinion of the Committee, it is not practicable to hold an oral defence, the candidate

    shall be examined by a written examination set by the examiners of the thesis covering the field thatthe oral defence would have covered.

    (7) Where the examiners of the thesis are not satisfied with the candidates performance at an oraldefence or at a written examination held under sub-rule (6), they may recommend that thecandidate be examined or further examined by written examination set by them and the Committeemay direct the holding of the examination or further examination, as the case may be.

    (8) The candidates answers to a written examination held under this rule must be sent by the committee tothe examiners of the thesis and must be taken into consideration by the examiners in preparing theirreports under sub-rule 46(1).


    (1) A candidate may only be re-examined once under sub-rule 47(8).

    (2) Except in special circumstances, the original examiners shall re-examine the candidate.


    Except with the approval of the Committee, a candidate must not submit for examination any workpreviously submitted for a degree of the University or of any other institution of higher learning.



    (1) In the case of a Higher Degree by Research candidate, at the conclusion ofthe examination processthe Committee shall recommend to the Board of Examiners that the candidate be:

    (a) admitted to the degree; or(b) not admitted to the degree.

    (2) In the case of an Honours candidate, at the conclusion of the examination process the Committeeshall recommend to the Board of Examiners one of the following:

    (a) first class honours;(b) upper second class honours;

    (c) lower second class honours;(d) third class honours; or(e) honours not be awarded.

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    (3) Upon receiving the Committees recommendation, the Board of Examiners must make adetermination in relation to the status of the candidate and may accept, reject or vary theCommittees recommendation or refer it back to the Committee for further consideration.

    [Rule 50 amended by Rule Amendment 6 of 2008]


    A candidate who is aggrieved by a determination under sub-rule 50(3) may appeal against the decisionto the Student Appeals Committee in accordance with rule 58.


    [Heading amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) A thesis must be compliant with relevant University policies.(2) The prescribed number of copies of the text component of a Candidates thesis must be submitted

    for examination in unbound form to the Committee and, when the thesis is submitted, sufficientcopies must be lodged to enable one to be retained by the Committee and one provided to eachexaminer.

    (3) Wherever possible, tables must be inserted in the appropriate place in the text, but lengthy or bulkytables must appear as appendices.

    (4) Where a candidate has been granted access to confidential information by a government agency ora company or person for the purpose of writing a thesis, the thesis must incorporate a statementsigned by the candidate setting out the terms or conditions on which access was granted and anystipulations regarding subsequent disclosure of the information provided.

    (5) A thesis may be submitted in the form of a series of published papers in accordance with relevantUniversity policies.

    [Rule 52 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) After acceptance of the thesis, a digital copy of the entire thesis (text component of the thesis and, ifapplicable, any supporting material in digital form) in an approved electronic format must besubmitted to the Committee.

    (2) Variations to the requirements set out in Rules 52 and 53 are subject to Committee approval.

    Candidates may request the Committee to approve variations on these requirements at the time ofconfirmation of candidature.

    [Rule 53 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]


    (1) A copy of the thesis will be retained by the University Library in accordance with relevant Universitypolicies.

    (2) Subject to sub-rule 3, the Library shall arrange for the bound, digital and microform copies of thethesis to be made available for use in the Library and it shall deposit the microform master forpermanent retention in the University Archives

    (3) In making the thesis publicly available, the Committee must give due regard to the protection of thecandidates or third parties interests under laws relating to copyright, patents or industrial designs

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    or considerations of confidentiality including those arising from the lodgement of a statement by thecandidate under rule 52(4) and

    (a) where the Committee is satisfied that an appendix to a candidates thesis marked confidentialcontains material obtained or produced by the candidate on condition that the material be kept

    confidential, the Committee may authorise the candidate to prohibit access to the appendix forsuch period and on such conditions as the Committee determines; and

    (b) where the Committee is satisfied that the disclosure of the thesis, or some specified part of it, toany person including the University Library or Archives should be prohibited for a specifiedperiod, the Committee may authorise the candidate to prohibit disclosure for that period.

    [Rule 54 amended by Rule Amendment 5 of 2010]



    The Committee may, upon such terms as it thinks fit, extend or abridge any period of time fixed by aprovision of this Part or by any determination or resolution of the Committee, the Board of Examiners,the examiners or a supervisor; and it may do so after the expiration of any such period.


    [Heading amended by Rule Amendment 3 of 2009]


    (1) A student may appeal:

    (a) the final result awarded for a unit;

    (b) the result awarded for an individual item of assessment; or

    (c) the result awarded for an examination;

    no later than 20 business days after the release of the final result for that unit, or a longer period asmay be approved by the Vice-Chancellor, on one or more of the grounds specified in sub-rule (3)provided the student has:

    (i) discussed informally the matter with the academic staff member concerned;

    (ii) for reasons of practical or personal difficulty, discussed informally the matter with anotheracademic staff member who is involved in the delivery of that unit (for example, lecturer, unit

    co-ordinator, course co-ordinator, or the relevant Head of School or nominee); or(iii) in the event that the informal discussion cannot be conducted by a meeting between the

    relevant academic staff member and the student, this may occur by ECU email or telephone.

    56(1)(A) release of a final result for a unit, for the purposes of sub-rule 56(1), means the day that a finalresult for a unit becomes available to a student on the student information system.

    (2) For the purposes of sub-rule (1):

    (a) prior to or during the informal discussion conducted under sub-rule (1), the student may viewthe relevant marking guide and / or examination paper and any other relevant materials usedas the basis for assessment;

    (b) the student may bring another person, other than a legal practitioner, to an informaldiscussion;

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    (c) during the informal discussion, the student must state the reasons why they believereconsideration of the result in question is warranted;

    (d) the academic staff member concerned must determine if any change should be made to theresult in question, or if appropriate action should be taken for the reconsideration of that

    result; and

    (e) not later than 5 business days after the informal discussion, the academic staff memberconcerned must send to the students ECU email address a written summary of thediscussion, the decision reached and the reasons for that decision.

    (3) The grounds on which a result may be appealed under sub-rule (1) are:

    (a) the result was not determined by the assessment method specified in the relevant unit outline;

    (b) disadvantage through lack of feedback;

    (c) perceived bias affecting the assessment;

    (d) incorrect advice from staff teac