administering & scoring tabe 9 10

SABES: Training Leaders in Adult Basic Education Administering & Scoring TABE 9/10: Transitioning from Forms 7/8 to 9/10 July 2010 SABES is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

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SABES: Training Leaders in Adult Basic Education

Administering & Scoring TABE 9/10:

Transitioning from Forms 7/8 to 9/10

July 2010

SABES is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

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SABES: Training Leaders in Adult Basic Education

Course Learning Objectives:

Understand the basics and importance of standardized testing.

Administer, score and interpret the TABE 9/10 Locator and Levels E through A appropriately, accurately, and consistently.

Identify the differences between Forms 7/8 and 9/10.


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SABES: Training Leaders in Adult Basic Education

Level L (Literacy) & New Administrators:


Level L Test Administrators & those new to TABE will need to attend a face-to-face SABES training in order to be trained and certified to administer the TABE Levels L through A.

Please contact the SABES Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator in your region for more information.

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Please have these materials in hand before continuing with this PPT:


TABE 9/10 Norms Book

TABE 9/10 Locator Directions

TABE 9/10 Complete Battery Test Directions Booklet

MA DESE TABE Policy Manual (revised)

Paper and a Writing Instrument

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History/Background of Using TABE in Massachusetts

ABE Programs


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Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)

One of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s required assessments of educational gain for adult learners in ABE/GED classes.

“Norm referenced" The "norms" were developed through testing a group of adults that reflect the characteristics of the national adult population.

“Standardized" TABE is designed to give a common measure of students' performance. The tests were developed under certain standard conditions, such as time limits, and must be administered in these same conditions in order to be valid and comparable.


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In the 1990s Massachusetts begins development of ABE Framework Standards (separate from MA K-12’s). Seven ABE Frameworks developed: Math, ELA, ESOL, History, Health, Science, Common Chapters.

2002: A state group of directors and others select the TABE (until the MAPT can be developed), Best Plus and REEP as standardized assessments to be used statewide. These were chosen because they best aligned with ABE Curriculum Framework Standards.

2005: Math, ELA, ESOL finalized; these 3 also contain Benchmarks to help explain levels of skills.

2006: MAPT rolled out (with a lot of help from practitioners from the beginning). The test items are directly related to Framework Benchmarks from Math and Reading Strand of ELA Frameworks.

Massachusetts' work towards aligning curriculum, instruction and assessment using the ABE Frameworks:


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History of TABE

TABE 1 & 2 1964

TABE 3 & 4 1974-1975

TABE 5 & 6 1983

TABE 7 & 8 1994

TABE 9 & 10 2003-2004


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TABE Changes from 7/8 to 9/10


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except for a few additions and revisions….

Mathematics content area added to Level L (although we are only using Reading)

“Order of Operations” content added to Mathematics Computation

“Statistics and Probability” content added to Applied Mathematics and objectives revised

Basic Structure is the Same


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9/10’s Updated Content

Measuring three types of literacy needed for today’s jobs:

PROSE LITERACY—reading and understanding written text

DOCUMENT LITERACY—understanding content of common documents

QUANTITATIVE LITERACY—merging knowledge of numerical and word content


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Grounded in Basic Skills & Higher Order Thinking Skills

Assessing for everyday basic literacy demands AND cognitive complexity

Literacy Level expanded

Aligned with the 2003 NALS Report to the Nation on Adult Literacy Performance

Higher level content matches the GED


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Grade Level Range ChangesTABE



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Other Differences with 9/10

Administration and Scoring:

TABE PC & TABE Online (with diagnostic reports; Optional)

Accommodations materials (Accommodations Guide, large print edition, audiotapes, Braille)

New Answer Sheets (from 1 page to 2 pages)


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Who Should Use the TABE?


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ABE programs for Incarcerated ABE programs for Incarcerated AdultsAdults

Reading, Math Reading, Math or Writingor Writing

ABE Workplace Education ABE Workplace Education programs programs with no access with no access to computersto computers

TABE 9/10, Complete Battery, TABE 9/10, Complete Battery, Levels E, M, D, ALevels E, M, D, A

Reading, Math Reading, Math or Writingor Writing

ABE Programs with learners ABE Programs with learners that have students with that have students with writing writing as a goal*as a goal*

(*Language Subtest only)(*Language Subtest only) WritingWriting

ABE Programs with learners ABE Programs with learners below GLE 2 below GLE 2

TABE 9/10, Complete Battery, TABE 9/10, Complete Battery, Levels L Levels L (Reading only)(Reading only)


Should my program be using TABE?


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Who should be tested using the TABE 9/10?



Reading Applied Math

Math Computation


All ABE Students at GLE 0-1.9 Level


ABE Students with Writing as a Goal XX

All Students in ABE Programs for Incarcerated Adults & Workplace Education Programs



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Who should NOT be tested with TABE?

ABE Students at GLE 2.0 + being tested in Reading & Math

Students in ESOL classes


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Administering the TABE


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Pre- and Post-Testing


Pre-test within the first 2 - 4 weeks of class

Recommended to post-test after 4 months or 65 hours of instruction, whichever comes first

Do NOT test learners more than three times in a fiscal year

The Sub-test (Reading, Math, Language) for the pre-test MUST remain the same for the post-test

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Pre- and Post-Testing (cont.) Learners pre-testing at a score 596 and above in

Reading, 595 and above in total Math (that’s both Math scores combined), and 586 and above in Language, place into the (NRS) High ASE level

These learners are excluded from the program performance standard pre/post test %

These learners are NOT required to complete a post-test in their primary assessment area

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Which Tests Should I Use?

TABE Locator

TABE Levels

L (Literacy)

E (Easy)

M (Medium)

D (Difficult)

A (Advanced)


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Before Administering the TABE


Must read the TABE Test Directions Booklet pp. 1-5, 10-13, and 15-16 for Guidance on:

Test Materials Needed Planning the Testing Schedule Organizing the Testing Area Preparing Students Using Standard Testing Procedures Accommodations

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Tests must be administered as directed in the TABE Directions booklet.

Test Administrators must read scripts exactly as provided in the Test Directions booklet.

Schedule testing breaks when total testing time will exceed 60 minutes.

The ultimate responsibility for appropriate test use and interpretation rests with you.


Before Administering, cont’d.

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TABE Locator


Start with the Locator…

You must use the Locator score to determine what level of test to give students next.

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Locator Test Times

*Students may NOT be allowed to continue past this time limit, unless accommodations are permitted.


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Locator Test Times & Item Counts TEST FORMS 9/10

(37 minutes, 40 items total)FORMS 7/8

ReadingReading 12 minutes12 minutes12 items12 items

18 minutes18 minutes17 items17 items

MathMath Computation Computation


5 minutes5 minutes8 items8 items

8 minutes8 minutes8 items8 items

16 minutes16 minutes18 items18 items

LanguageLanguage 12 minutes12 minutes12 items12 items

15 minutes15 minutes15 items15 items


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Locator Test AnalysisAfter scoring a student’s Locator test, use the chart from the TABE Complete Battery Test Directions Booklet to assign the proper TABE Level Complete Battery test.


*Note that Locator test results may place the student in different level tests within subject areas.

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On Locator cut points…


The Locator test is built to measure a wide range of

ability with a limited number of questions.

The information from the locator test about a

student’s level is a very rough estimate.

Therefore, the cut points are guidelines & should

be used along with any knowledge of the

examinee's previous test performance to help

determine placement in TABE levels.

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Administer the Appropriate Complete Battery Subtest(s)TABE



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Complete Battery Test Times

*Students may NOT be allowed to continue past the time limits of the individual tests, unless accommodations are permitted.


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Complete Battery Test Times & Item Counts *no changes in 9/10



ReadingReading 50 minutes50 minutes50 items50 items

50 minutes50 minutes50 items50 items

MathMath Computation Computation


24 minutes24 minutes40 items40 items

50 minutes50 minutes50 items50 items

24 minutes24 minutes40 items40 items

50 minutes50 minutes50 items50 items

LanguageLanguage 55 minutes55 minutes55 items55 items

55 minutes55 minutes55 items55 items


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Scoring & Reporting TABE Test Results


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Scoring Specifics(non-Math)

1. Total the numbers of correct (NC) items on the test.

2. In the Norms Book, locate the appropriate Norms Table for the level of the Test you are scoring for Reading, Math Computation, Applied Math and/or Language.

3. Convert the NC score to its corresponding scale score.

4. Record the scale score in SMARTT.


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Math Scoring Specifics (1)


Math Computation and Applied Math have separate NC scores, which must be combined into a single Scale Score and GE.

1. Determine the Number-Correct scores separately for Math Computation and Applied Math tests.

2. Go to the appropriate level and form (9 or 10) in the Norms Book and locate the set of tables used to determine Total Math scale scores

Level E = Table 11 or 78Level M = Table 19 or 86Level D = Table 27 or 94Level A = Table 35 or 102

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Math Scoring Specifics (2)


3. The combined Scale Score and GE are at the intersection of the row and column – e.g., Applied Level A Math NC of 34 and Mathematics Computation NC of 8 yields combined Scale Score of 521 and a GE of 6.6:

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“Meaningful” Educational Gain

Scale score points will be determined in the spring of 2011, after there is test data to analyze

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Using Results from TABE Effectively


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Policy on Competency with TABE 9/10

In order to be eligible to administer, score and report on the TABE 9/10 Levels E, M, D and A in Massachusetts DESE funded programs, practitioners must: View & listen to this presentation in its entirety Pass an “open-book” Final Test at 85% or better that follows this


A certificate of competency will be issued once the final test is completed successfully.

The updated DESE policy on TABE will be available shortly here:

For questions on this presentation or the final test, please contact Nancy Sheridan ([email protected])


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You’ve come to the end of the PowerPoint Activity

Your next step is to take the short test, which is located in the Moodle course.

Please go back to the Moodle course and take the test.

You will have one attempt at the test.